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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 148) Empirical Bayes and Likelihood Inference-Springer-Verlag New York (2001).pdf
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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 23) Diane Griffin Saphire (auth.)-Estimation of Victimization Prevalence Using Data from the National Crime Survey-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
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  • 7.12 MB
  • 2012-5-13
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  • Chapter 3.rar
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  • 2012-1-10
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  • 2008-3-23
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  • 2007-11-1
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  • 2007-10-17
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  • 2006-10-1
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  • 2006-7-23
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  • 2005-9-24
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  • 2005-5-1
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  • 2005-4-30
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  • 2005-3-4
  • 7398.rar
       Financial Time Series Analysis-lecture note

    • lecture.pdf
  • 378.67 KB
  • 2005-1-8