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  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Nov2023) (1).zip

    • 00-Hypothesis Tests for Structured Rank Correlation Matrices.pdf
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  • 2023-11-12
  • 北大国发院-黄益平-货币银行学课件(含货币银行学讲义).zip

    • Structured Products 101 (1).ppt
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    • 曹远征老师讲义_2011.5.16.pdf
    • 现代金融监管制度及中国的选择.ppt
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    • 第14讲.pdf
    • 第15讲.pdf
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    • CHAPTER-17-Essentials-of-Structured-Product-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-4-Engineering-Simple-Interest-Rate-Derivatives_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
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    • CHAPTER-5-Introduction-to-Swap-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • References_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • Index_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-3-Cash-Flow-Engineering-and-Forward-Contracts_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
    • CHAPTER-6-Repo-Market-Strategies-in-Financial-Engineering_2008_Principles-of-Financial-Engineering-Second-Edition-.pdf
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  • Household Service Robotics .zip

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    • Chapter-6-4-Toward-a-Human-Robot-Symbiotic-System1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Index_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Preface_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
    • Copyright_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
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    • Retail & Economics: Retail Sales Lead Indicator: Video & Note-Forecasting Steady Growth into Jan '15.pdf
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    • TPG Telecom Ltd: 1st Take: FY14 Result … Another Positive Surprise & EBITDA Guidance upgrades.pdf
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    • US Industrials & Autos Conference Prime:15 - 16 September 2014.pdf
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    • FX Options and Structured Products.pdf
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    • Topic10-Dividend Policy.ppt
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    • How to Invest in Structured Products A Guide for Investors and Asset Managers .pdf
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  • Structured Product Handbook_.rar

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  • code.zip
        Structured Finance Modeling, Monitoring and Valuation 代码及相关资料

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  • The effects of information load and information diversity on decision quality in.rar

    • The effects of information load and information diversity on decision quality in a structured decision task .pdf
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  • ALL.rar

    • 15FixStructured _ALL.pdf
    • 13Alternative_ALL.pdf
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    • 16Deriv-Forw&Future_ALL.pdf
    • 17DerivOptionSwap&other_ALL.pdf
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  • 2012-8-14
  • Project Finance in Construction A Structured Guide to Assessment.rar
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  • 2011-5-2
  • Structured_Finance_The_Object_Oriented_Approach.rar

    • Structured Finance The Object Oriented Approach.PDF
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  • 2010-10-11
  • Structured Products - Knop.rar

    • knop-structured_product_-_a_complete_toolkit_to_face_changing_financial_markets_5.pdf
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  • 2010-8-30
  • Wiley.Structured.Finance.Modeling.with.Object.Oriented.VBA.May.2007.zip

    • Wiley.Structured.Finance.Modeling.with.Object.Oriented.VBA.May.2007.chm
  • 5.52 MB
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  • 2009 SchweserPro Question Bank (Level 2)$324.rar
       2009 SchweserPro Question Bank l2

    • 15Fixed Income-Structured Securities.pdf
    • 1Ethical and Professional Standards.pdf
    • 2Ethical and Professional Standards.pdf
    • 3Quantitative Methods for Valuation.pdf
    • 4Economics for Valuation.pdf
    • 5Financial Reporting and Analysis-Intercorporate Investments.pdf
    • 6Financial Reporting and Analysis-Post-Retirement and Share-Based Compensation and Multinational .pdf
    • 7Financial Reporting and Analysis-Earnings Quality Issues and Financial Ratio Analysis.pdf
    • 8Corporate Finance.pdf
    • 9Corporate Finance-Financing and Control Issues.pdf
    • 10Equity Investments-Valuation Concepts.pdf
    • 11Equity Investments-Industry and Company Analysis in a Global Context.pdf
    • 12Equity Investments-Valuation Models.pdf
    • 13Alternative Asset Valuation.pdf
    • 14Fixed Income-Valuation Concepts.pdf
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    • 18Portfolio Management-Capital Market Theory and the Portfolio Management Process.pdf
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  • (Fabozzi)The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products.2004.rar

    • Wiley Finance,.Fabozzi Series,.The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products.[2004.ISBN0471484156].pdf
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  • 2008-8-4
  • 233565.rar

    • 0470026383_Wiley_-_Structured.Finance.The.Object.Oriented.Approach.Jun.2007.PDF
    • eBooks-Share.info.url
    • Mobiles Burns.url
    • WallPaPerTube - Pimp Your Desktop.url
  • 3.01 MB
  • 2008-8-4
  • 233559.rar
       [下载]structured finance technique product and market

    • 3540253114_Springer_-_Structured.Finance.Jun.2005.pdf
    • WallpeperTube.net.url
    • www.eBooks-share.info.url
    • MobilesBurn.org.url
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2008-8-4
  • 230173.pdf
       [下载]FX Options and Structured Products

  • 5.52 MB
  • 2008-7-24
  • 225378.pdf
       [分享]Structured Reinsurance_CHN

  • 1.55 MB
  • 2008-7-7
  • 214637.pdf
       [下载]法国巴黎银行 Guide to Structured Product

  • 812.14 KB
  • 2008-5-24
  • 206031.rar
       [求助]100论坛币求Wiley Finance ebook-Structured Finance Modeling with Object-Oriented VBA

    • Wiley.Structured.Finance.Modeling.with.Object.Oriented.VBA.May.2007.chm
  • 5.53 MB
  • 2008-4-16
  • 202991.pdf
       Fitch:2008 Global Structured Finance Outlook - Economic and Sector-by-Sector Analysis

  • 1.19 MB
  • 2008-4-3
  • 202194.rar
       Wiley Finance(2006) FX options and structured products

    • Wiley Finance- FX options and structured products (2006) P.pdf
  • 4.85 MB
  • 2008-3-31
  • 202037.pdf
       2008 Global Structured Finance Outlook - Economic and Sector-by-Sector Analysis

  • 1.19 MB
  • 2008-3-30
  • 201874.pdf
       Default Rates on Structured Finance Securities

  • 2.82 MB
  • 2008-3-29
  • 194687.rar
       structured finance

  • 828.47 KB
  • 2008-2-28
  • 193032.rar
       [原创]2008年即将发表的风险管理(Risk Management)英文原版文献(首期25篇,有人响应再后续150篇

    • A dynamic stochastic programming model for international portfolio management.pdf
    • Small transaction cost asymptotics and dynamic hedging.pdf
    • Feature Cluster Operational Research for Risk Management.pdf
    • An inverse problem of determining the implied volatility in option pricing.pdf
    • Asset and liability modelling for participating policies with guarantees.pdf
    • Informing risk-mitigation priorities using uncertainty measures derived from heterogeneous expert panels A demonstration using foodborne pathogens.pdf
    • The risk of second-tier supplier failures in serial supply chains Implications for order policies and distributor autonomy.pdf
    • How should the cost of joint risk capital be allocated for performance measurement.pdf
    • A minimal repair replacement model with two types of failure and a safety constraint.pdf
    • Corporate international diversification and the cost of equity European evidence.pdf
    • Project risk management practice The case of a South African utility company.pdf
    • Risk perception and Bayesian analysis of international construction contract risks The case of payment delays in a developing economy.pdf
    • Evaluation of insurance products with guarantee in incomplete markets.pdf
    • On the distribution tail of an integrated risk model A numerical approach.pdf
    • The quality of food risk management in Europe Perspectives and priorities.pdf
    • Dynamics of supply chain networks with corporate social responsibility through integrated environmental decision-making.pdf
    • Endocrine disrupting pesticides Implications for risk assessment.pdf
    • Day-ahead price forecasting in restructured power systems using artificial neural networks.pdf
    • An intelligent data collection tool for chemical safety risk assessment.pdf
    • Application of the Beck model to stock markets Value-at-Risk and portfolio risk assessment.pdf
    • A statistical study on temporary work and occupational accidents Specific risk factors and risk management strategies.pdf
    • A reliability model for assessing the risk of termite attack on housing in Australia.pdf
    • Active portfolio management with benchmarking Adding a value-at-risk constraint.pdf
    • A web-based integrated system for international project risk management.pdf
  • 10.26 MB
  • 2008-2-17
  • 191158.rar

    • Wiley.Modeling.Structured.Finance.Cash.Flows.with.Microsoft.Excel.Mar.2007.pdf
    • bbl.nfo
  • 5.35 MB
  • 2008-1-29
  • 183865.pdf
       The Handbook of Structured Finance

  • 7.38 MB
  • 2007-12-24
  • 181172.pdf
       Synthetic and Structured Assets

  • 1.63 MB
  • 2007-12-12
  • 178382.rar
       [下载]The Handbook of European Structured Financial Products - Fabozzi

    • Wiley,.The.Handbook.of.European.Structured.Financial.Products.(2004).[0471484156].pdf
  • 6.72 MB
  • 2007-11-29
  • 174283.pdf
       Wiley 07新书 - Structured Finance The Object Oriented Approach

  • 4.66 MB
  • 2007-11-16
  • 149222.zip
       向大家推荐两本好书-Asset pricing,Modeling Structured financial cash flows

    • 0470042907.pdf
    • FlazX.url
  • 5.42 MB
  • 2007-8-28
  • 149221.zip
       向大家推荐两本好书-Asset pricing,Modeling Structured financial cash flows

    • 0470042907.pdf
    • FlazX.url
  • 5.42 MB
  • 2007-8-28
  • 149220.rar
       向大家推荐两本好书-Asset pricing,Modeling Structured financial cash flows

  • 3.17 MB
  • 2007-8-28
  • 143538.pdf
       Structured Products Handbook(涉及数量,不喜勿入)

  • 2.1 MB
  • 2007-8-3
  • 140319.zip
       Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel

    • 0470042907.pdf
    • FlazX.url
  • 5.42 MB
  • 2007-7-23
  • 135614.pdf
       Structured Products and Structured Products and Alternative Investments(英文演讲稿,31页

  • 466.78 KB
  • 2007-7-11
  • 132911.pdf
       Nanostructured Materials: Selected Synthesis Methods, Properties and Applications

  • 8.46 MB
  • 2007-7-4
  • 132130.zip
       Structured Credit Portfolio Analysis, Baskets

    • C6471_CH04.pdf
    • C6471_CH05.pdf
    • C6471_CH06.pdf
    • c6471_fm.pdf
    • C6471_References.pdf
    • C6471_CH01.pdf
    • C6471_CH02.pdf
    • C6471_CH03.pdf
  • 7.87 MB
  • 2007-7-2
  • 123417.rar
       Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel

  • 5.38 MB
  • 2007-6-5
  • 87344.rar
       Financial Instruments-Structured Products Handbook 166页

    • Financial Instruments-Structured Products Handbook 166页.pdf
  • 2.02 MB
  • 2007-1-26
  • 63588.pdf
       惠誉国际(Fitch Rating)的1991–2005 U.S. Structured Finance Transition Study

  • 369.6 KB
  • 2006-9-11
  • 61614.pdf
       [下载]Making Money in a Difficult Market - Structured Credit

  • 394.38 KB
  • 2006-8-22
  • 61587.pdf
       [下载]Implications of Basel II and Economic Capital on the Structured Credit Markets

  • 96.87 KB
  • 2006-8-22
  • 61502.pdf
       [下载]Structured Products and Alternative Investments

  • 419.44 KB
  • 2006-8-21
  • 61500.pdf
       [下载]New frontiers in Structured Credit

  • 420.46 KB
  • 2006-8-21
  • 61233.pdf

  • 284.49 KB
  • 2006-8-17
  • 48419.rar
       [Janet Tavakoli] Collateralized Debt Obligations and Structured Finance

  • 934.16 KB
  • 2006-4-14
  • 48418.rar
       [Janet Tavakoli] Collateralized Debt Obligations and Structured Finance

  • 5.56 MB
  • 2006-4-14
  • 48008.pdf
       权威的Frank Fabozz关于 Structured finance market的介绍

  • 1.31 MB
  • 2006-4-11
  • 36876.rar
       下载《Structured Products》,英文原版扫描

    • StructuredProduct.PDF
  • 3.25 MB
  • 2006-1-6
  • 14371.rar
       (免费)标准普尔 Structured Finance Ratings Criteria for Rating Synthetic CDO

  • 1.97 MB
  • 2005-5-9
  • 13983.rar
       [下载]标准普尔 Structured Finance Ratings Criteria for Rating Synthetic

    • criteriaforratingsyntheticcdotransactionsR.pdf
  • 1.97 MB
  • 2005-5-6