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  • Partial Least Squares_Regression and Structural Equation Models.zip

    • Partial Least Squares_Regression and Structural Equation Models.pdf
  • 8.14 MB
  • 2016-12-23
  • front matter.pdf
       Longitudinal data analysis using structural equation models 目录

  • 113.14 KB
  • 2015-2-27
  • BJMSP_2004_1.pdf
       Bayesian analysis of two-level nonlinear structural equation models

  • 330.01 KB
  • 2012-7-19
  • Structural equation models of latent interactionsevaluation of alternative estim.rar

    • Structural equation models of latent interactionsevaluation of alternative estimation strategies and indicatorconstruction.pdf
  • 136.57 KB
  • 2012-4-9
  • compsem.pdf
       analysis of structural equation models

  • 101.41 KB
  • 2010-8-11
  • 新建 WinRAR ZIP 压缩文件.zip

    • Using an EM Covariance Matrix to Estimate Structural Equation Models With Missing Data Choosing an Adjusted Sample Size to Improve the Accuracy of Inferences .pdf
    • Divorce and Child Behavior Pro.pdf
    • 2329239.pdf
    • A Cautionary Note on the Use of Information Fit Indexes in Covariance Structure Modeling With Means.pdf
    • A SAS Macro for Estimating and Visualizing Individual Growth Curves Volume 11, Issue 1 January 2004 , pages 132 – 149.pdf
    • A SAS Macro for Estimating and Visualizing Individual Growth Curves.pdf
    • Including Time-Invariant Covariates in the Latent Growth Curve Model.pdf
    • Point and Interval Estimation of Reliability for Multiple-Component Measuring Instruments via Linear Constraint Covariance Structure Modeling.pdf
  • 10.2 MB
  • 2009-12-25
  • 33561.zip
       LINCS model --linear structural equation models

  • 125.96 KB
  • 2005-11-27