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       stat 133 r语言入门

    • 01-intro1-welcome.pdf
    • 01-intro1-welcome.pdf
    • 01-intro2-data-analysis-cycle.pdf
    • 01-intro2-data-analysis-cycle.pdf
    • 01-intro3-sample-filestructure.pdf
    • 01-intro3-sample-filestructure.pdf
    • 01-intro4-research-question.pdf
    • 01-intro4-research-question.pdf
    • 01-intro5-data-perspectives.pdf
    • 01-intro5-data-perspectives.pdf
    • 02-Rstart2-intro-dplyr.pdf
    • 02-Rstart2-intro-dplyr.pdf
    • 02-Rstart3-intro-ggplot.pdf
    • 02-Rstart3-intro-ggplot.pdf
    • 03-objs1-vectors.pdf
    • 03-objs1-vectors.pdf
    • 03-objs3-lists.pdf
    • 03-objs3-lists.pdf
    • 04-tables1-intro.pdf
    • 04-tables1-intro.pdf
    • 04-tables2-spreadsheets.pdf
    • 04-tables2-spreadsheets.pdf
    • 04-tables3-data-frames.pdf
    • 04-tables3-data-frames.pdf
    • 05-unix1-file-paths.pdf
    • 05-unix1-file-paths.pdf
    • 05-unix2-shell-basics.pdf
    • 05-unix2-shell-basics.pdf
    • 05-unix3-working-with-files.pdf
    • 05-unix3-working-with-files.pdf
    • 06-datavis1-intro.pdf
    • 06-datavis1-intro.pdf
    • 06-datavis2-encoding-data.pdf
    • 06-datavis2-encoding-data.pdf
    • 06-datavis3-visual-system-part1.pdf
    • 06-datavis3-visual-system-part1.pdf
    • 07-prog3-for-loop.pdf
    • 07-prog3-for-loop.pdf
    • 07-prog4-while-loop.pdf
    • 07-prog4-while-loop.pdf
    • 07-prog5-repeat-loop.pdf
    • 07-prog5-repeat-loop.pdf
    • base-r-cheatsheet.pdf
    • base-r-cheatsheet.pdf
    • command-line-cheatsheet.pdf
    • command-line-cheatsheet.pdf
  • 13.6 MB
  • 2022-1-20
  • Investment Banking, Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers & Acquisitions, 2nd.rar

    • Spreadsheets.zip
    • Investment Banking Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts,and Mergers & Acquisitions, 2nd.pdf
  • 20.76 MB
  • 2021-10-26
  • Business AnalyticsThe Art of Modeling With Spreadsheets,5th edition.zip

    • Business AnalyticsThe Art of Modeling With Spreadsheets,5th edition.pdf
  • 13.14 MB
  • 2021-6-7
  • 数量金融 Quantitative Finance,Paul Wilmott:Excel Spreadsheets and VBA.rar

    • 3. Random Behavior of Assets.XLS
    • 4. Stochastic Calculus.XLS
    • 7. Black-Scholes Formulae.XLS
    • 9. Early Exercise and American Options.xls
    • 10. Probability Density Functions and First Exit Times.XLS
    • 11. Multi-asset options.XLS
    • 12. How to Delta Hedge.XLS
    • 13. Fixed Income Products and Analysis.XLS
    • 15. Binomial Model.XLS
    • 17. Investment Lessons from Blackjack and Gambling.xls
    • 18. Portfolio Management.XLS
    • 19. Value at Risk.XLS
    • 20. Predicting the Markets.XLS
    • 23. Barrier Options.xls
    • 29. Equity and FX Term Sheets.xls
    • 30. One-factor Interest Rate Modeling.XLS
    • 33. Convertible Bonds.xls
    • 37. Heath, Jarrow and Morton.XLS
    • 38. Fixed Income Term Sheets.xls
    • 40. Credit Risk.xls
    • 43. CrashMetrics.XLS
    • 47. Discrete Hedging.XLS
    • 51. Stochastic Volatility.XLS
    • 52. Uncertain Parameters.xls
    • 56. Volatility Case Study The Cliquet Option.xls
    • 77. Finite-difference Methods for One-factor Models.xls
    • 80. Monte Carlo Simulation.XLS
    • 81. Numerical Integration.XLS
    • 82. Finite-difference Programs.XLS
    • 83. Monte Carlo Programs.xls
  • 5.05 MB
  • 2021-5-9
  • Corporate Finance 3rd Edition by Berk 答案- SM.zip

    • Berk.3e.Final.Spreadsheets-189804.zip
    • Berk3e_SM_Word-189805.zip
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  • 2020-9-16
  • Corporate Finance by Berk 3rd Edition 3E Solution Manual.zip

    • Berk.3e.Final.Spreadsheets-189804.zip
    • Berk3e_SM_Word-189805.zip
    • cover.jpg
  • 10.17 MB
  • 2020-3-14
  • 样本含量-斯坦福.rar

    • classdata09.sas7bdat
    • classdata09.xls
    • classdata09.xlsx
    • classdata2010.xlsx
    • classdata2011.xlsx
    • correlateddata.pdf
    • Dice%20spreadsheet.xls
    • Dice.doc
    • ExtraProbability.doc
    • ExtraProbabilityAns.doc
    • h1.doc
    • h2.doc
    • h3.doc
    • h4.doc
    • h5.doc
    • h6.doc
    • h7.doc
    • h8.doc
    • h9.doc
    • h10.doc
    • h11.doc
    • h12.doc
    • h13.doc
    • h13.pdf
    • h14.doc
    • h15.doc
    • HandyRef1.doc
    • HandyRef2.doc
    • homework8_2010.doc
    • lab1_EG.doc
    • lab2_EG.doc
    • lab3_EG.doc
    • lab4.doc
    • lab4_EG.doc
    • lab4_EG_2.doc
    • lab5.doc
    • lab5_EG.doc
    • lecture1.doc
    • lecture1.pdf
    • lecture1.ppt
    • lecture2.ppt
    • lecture3.ppt
    • lecture4.ppt
    • lecture5.ppt
    • lecture6.ppt
    • lecture7.ppt
    • lecture8.ppt
    • lecture9.ppt
    • lecture10.ppt
    • lecture11.ppt
    • lecture12.ppt
    • lecture13.ppt
    • Monty%20Hall%20Problem.doc
    • OptionalPractice2.doc
    • OptionalPractice2Ans.doc
    • runners.sas7bdat
    • stats%20roadmap.doc
    • syllabus2010.doc
    • syllabus2011.doc
    • classdata.sas7bdat
  • 10.65 MB
  • 2019-7-15
  • 并购财务模型底稿.rar

    • M10-06-4-StageSpreadsheet.xls
    • M16-04-LBOSpreadsheetValuation.xls
    • M09-02-SpreadsheetValuations.xls
    • M09-03-SpreadsheetCalculations.xls
    • M10-02-GeneralDCFSpreadsheetValuation.xls
    • M10-04-MergerValuationApplication.xls
    • M10-05-General4-StageModel.xls
    • M10-07-GrowthRateCalculation.xls
    • M10-08-ValuationwithValueDriverPatterns.xls
    • M13-01-LeveragedRecaps.xls
    • M13-02-LeveragedRecapsManagementControl.xls
    • M16-01-LBOModel.xls
    • M16-02-CapitalCashFlowModel.xls
    • M16-03-CapitalCashFlowModel.xls
    • M18-01-IntrinsicValueEffectofRepurchases.xls
    • M18-02-AccountingforStockBuybacks.xls
    • M18-03-GMShareRepurchase.xls
    • M20-01-Black-Scholes.xls
    • M22-01-PerformanceMonitoringSystem.xls
    • M01-01-BasicArbitrageModel.xls
    • M03-01-PoolingvsPurchase.xls
    • M03-02-PoolingvsPurchaseLeverage.xls
    • M09-01-ComparableCompaniesValuation.xls
    • M09-04-ValuationModelBasedon_r_and_b.xls
    • M10-01-MergerPerformance.xls
    • M10-03-BasicRevenueGrowthFormula.xls
  • 203.72 KB
  • 2018-9-11
  • Debt Market.zip

    • Debt_Syllabus_FALL_2014.pdf
    • Demand-supply-session-1.pptx
    • Bond_Mathematics-2014.pptx
    • Bond_Mathematics-1-spreadsheet-2014.xlsx
    • Bio of Professor Sundaresan.pdf
    • risk-return-2014.pptx
    • Basel-III-Analysis.pptx
    • credit_channels-2014.pptx
    • SEC Approves Tighter Money Fund Rules - WSJ.pdf
    • PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR QUIZ 1 - Fall 2014.docx
    • Market Transparency_2014.pptx
    • Dark-pools.pdf
    • Rich-Levin-Cravath-Binder.pdf
    • CB_Tools-2014.pptx
    • CB_Handout_2014.pptx
    • Spread_trade_2014.pptx
    • PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR QUIZ 2 - Fall 2014.docx
    • Allan_Levin.docx
    • Deepak-bio.docx
    • Spread_trade_2014-1.pptx
    • Debt-auctions-2014.pptx
    • Bond-Math-Duration-2014.pptx
    • Fixed Income Investment Strategies-2014.pptx
    • Bond_Mathematics-1-spreadsheet-2014-1.xlsx
    • repo_spread_trade_solution_2014.xlsx
    • Fixed Income Investment Strategies-2014-1.pptx
    • pension_overview_2014a.pptx
    • MBS_2014.pptx
    • Hbg Report Extract.pdf
    • Ch 11-Ch 9 Comparison.pdf
    • PRACTICE QUESTIONS FOR QUIZ 3-Fall-2014.docx
    • Detroit Emerges From Bankruptcy, Yet Pension Risks Linger - NYTimes.pdf
    • TIPS Columbia 1 Dec 2014 - Final.ppt
    • Metacapital CBS Presentation Nov 19 2014.pptx
    • Interest_rate_swaps_2014.pptx
    • Review_B8308_2014.doc
  • 35.47 MB
  • 2018-1-22
  • 141-150.rar

    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 149) Linear Programming and Generalizations_ A Problem-based Introduction with Spreadsheets-Springer US (2011).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 150) Stochastic Programming_ The State of the Art In Honor of George B. Dantzig-Spring.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 141) Practical Goal Programming-Springer US (2010).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 142) Trends in multiple criteria decisio.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 143) Postponement Strategies in Supply Chain Management-Springer-V.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 144) Traffic Data Collection and its Standardization-Sprin.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 145) Fundamentals of Traffic Simulation-Springer-Verlag New York (2010).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 146) Handbook of Metaheuristics -Springer.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 147) Profiles in Operations Research_ Pioneers and.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 148) A Long View of Research and Practic.pdf
  • 42.48 MB
  • 2017-11-6
  • 121-130.rar

    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 126) Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking_ Data Envelopment Analysis with Spreadsheets-Spri.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 121) Handbook of Marketing Decision Models-Springer US (2008).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 122) Retail Supply Chain Management_ Quantitativ.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 123) Level crossing methods in stochastic models-Springer US (2008).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 124) Supply Chain Risk_ A Handbook of Assessment, Mana.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 125) Manufacturing and Service Enterprise with Risks_ A Stochastic Management Approach-Springer US (2009).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 127) Proportional Optimization and Fairness-Springer US (2009).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 128) Game Theoretic Risk Analysis of Security Threats-Springe.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 129) Risk Analysis of Complex and Uncertain Systems-Springer US (2009).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 130) Logic and Integer Programming -Springer US (2009).pdf
  • 42.26 MB
  • 2017-11-6
  • 211-220.rar

    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 213) Quantitative Models for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking_ Data Envelopment Analysis with Spreadsheets-Spri.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 220) Handbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics_ Making Global Supply Chains Effective-Springer.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 211) Future Perspectives in Risk Models and Finance-Springer Internation.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 212) Case Studies in Operations Research_ Applications of Optimal Decision Making-Springer-Verlag New York (2015.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 214) Nonparametric Estimation of Educational Production and Costs using Data En.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 215) Managing Service Productivity_ Using Frontier Efficiency Methodologies and Multicriteria D.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 216) Handbook of Simulation Optimization-Springer-Verlag New York (2015).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 217) Hydropower Economics-Springer US (2015).pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 218) Extension of Data Envelopment Analysis with Preference Information_ Value Efficiency-Spring.pdf
    • (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 219) Socially Responsible Investment_ A Multi-Criteria Decision M.pdf
  • 58.02 MB
  • 2017-11-5
  • Use R!(2009A-2012G).rar

    • 2009.R Through Excel_ A Spreadsheet Interface for Statistics, Data Analysis, and Graphics(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Applied Statistical Genetics with R_ For Population-based Association Studies(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Bayesian Computation with R(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Dynamic Linear Models with R(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Functional data analysis with R and MATLAB(2009).pdf
    • 2009.ggplot2_ Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Introductory Time Series with R(2009).pdf
    • 2010.Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Introduction to probability simulation and Gibbs sampling with R(2010).pdf
    • 2011.An Introduction to Applied Multivariate Analysis with R(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Business Analytics for Managers(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Chemometrics with R_ Multivariate Data Analysis in the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Data Mining with Rattle and R_ The Art of Excavating Data for Knowledge Discovery(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Forest Analytics with R_ An Introduction(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Numerical Ecology with R(2011).pdf
    • 2012.Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Behavioral Research Data Analysis with R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Biostatistics with R_ An Introduction to Statistics Through Biological Data(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Competing Risks and Multistate Models with R(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Graphical Models with R-Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
  • 91.17 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Minicase Solutions - Principles of Corporate Finance 12th.zip
       Minicase Solutions

    • 12e_Ch10_Waldo_County_Spreadsheet.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch11_Ecsy_Cola_in_Inglistan_Spreadsheet.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch04_Reeby_Sports.docx
    • 12e_Ch04_Reeby_Sports.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch05_CFO_Calls_Again.doc
    • 12e_Ch06_New_Economy_A.xls
    • 12e_Ch06_New_Economy_B.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch06_New_Economy_Transport_B.doc
    • 12e_Ch08_John_and_Marsha_on_Portfolio_Selection.doc
    • 12e_Ch09_Jones_Family_Inc.docx
    • 12e_Ch10_Waldo_County.docx
    • 12e_Ch11_Ecsy_Cola_in_Inglistan.doc
    • 12e_Ch21_Bruce_Honiballs_Invention.doc
    • 12e_Ch24_Shocking_Demise_of_Mr_Thorndike.doc
    • 12e_Ch26_Rensselaer_Advisors.docx
    • 12e_Ch26_Rensselaer_Advisors.xlsx
    • 12e_Ch27_Exacta_SA.doc
  • 225.12 KB
  • 2017-8-18
  • Structured Spreadsheet Modelling and Implementation - A Methodology for Creating.rar

    • Structured Spreadsheet Modelling and Implementation - A Methodology for Creating Effective Spreadsheets.azw3
  • 3.84 MB
  • 2017-6-15
  • Solution-Manual-for-Managerial-Decision-Modeling-With-Spreadsheets-3rd-Edition-b.zip

    • 239925036-Solution-Manual-for-Managerial-Decision-Modeling-With-Spreadsheets-3rd-Edition-by-Balakrishnan.pdf
    • 94343-Entire-Solutions-Manual.pdf
  • 60.67 MB
  • 2017-4-24
  • Microeconomics with Spreadsheets.zip

    • Microeconomics with Spreadsheets.pdf
  • 2.42 MB
  • 2017-1-22
  • Spreadsheets.rar
       CD of the book

    • BDTB02.xls
    • BDTB02exercise.xls
    • BDTCVB02.xls
    • DSB02.xls
    • DurB02.xls
    • EvolutionB02.xls
    • HEDB02.XLS
    • HEDB02exercise.XLS
    • HLb02.xls
    • JTB02.xls
    • NaturalB02.xls
    • NSB02.XLS
    • ycdataB02.xls
  • 247.94 KB
  • 2016-2-25
  • Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA.rar

    • Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.azw3
    • Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.epub
    • Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.mobi
    • Excel 2016 Power Programming with VBA (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.pdf
  • 79.51 MB
  • 2016-2-18
  • Excel 2016 Formulas.rar

    • Excel 2016 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.pdf
    • Excel 2016 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.azw3
    • Excel 2016 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf) - Michael Alexander.epub
  • 68.4 MB
  • 2016-1-27
  • Spreadsheets.zip
       Excel templates & user guides

    • Comparable_Companies_Completed.xls
    • Comparable_Companies_Template.xls
    • Comparable_Companies_User_Guide.ppt
    • DCF_Analysis_Completed.xls
    • DCF_Analysis_Template.xls
    • DCF_Analysis_User_Guide.ppt
    • LBO_Analysis_Completed.xls
    • LBO_Analysis_Template.xls
    • LBO_Analysis_User_Guide.ppt
    • MandA_Model_Completed.xls
    • MandA_Model_Template.xls
    • MandA_Model_User_Guide.ppt
    • Precedent_Transactions_Completed.xls
    • Precedent_Transactions_Template.xls
    • Precedent_Transactions_User_Guide.ppt
  • 16.02 MB
  • 2015-7-6
  • JB test.xls
       'JB test' example in spreadsheet

  • 121 KB
  • 2015-5-10
  • Excel 2013 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf).rar

    • Excel 2013 Formulas (Mr. Spreadsheet's Bookshelf).epub
  • 15.99 MB
  • 2014-7-7
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
    • CodeGenerator.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
    • CommonDataMinerInputErrorMessages.svx
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    • CxImage.dll
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    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
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    • STATISTICA.Core.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.DataMiner.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.WebSTATISTICAClient.Interop.dll
    • statrn32.dll
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    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
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    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
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    • WSClient.dll
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  • 44.64 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

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    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
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    • CrashRpt.dll
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    • libifportmd.dll
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    • libxml2.dll
    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • RegisterDataMinerRecipe.dll
    • SmallParser.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
    • sta_dbqy.exe
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    • sta_pow.dll
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    • sta_reg.dll
    • sta_rel.dll
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    • sta_rpd.dll
    • sta_sann.dll
    • sta_sem.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_sra.dll
    • sta_sur.dll
    • sta_tim.dll
    • sta_tre.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_var.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • StaElevate.dll
    • stalib32.dll
    • StaMultipartPoster.dll
    • StaOLEDB.dll
    • StaShpt.dll
    • STAT.lic
    • statist.exe
    • statrn32.dll
    • StatSoftSolution.dll
    • stl_alda.dll
    • stl_areg.dll
    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
    • stl_cbar.dll
    • stl_crtb.dll
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    • stl_datl.dll
    • stl_dbt.dll
    • stl_dbut.dll
    • stl_dmn.dll
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    • stl_imag.dll
    • stl_mgra.dll
    • stl_obr.dll
    • stl_ofil.dll
    • stl_pres.dll
    • stl_qhlp.dll
    • stl_rgxp.dll
    • stl_scpt.dll
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    • stl_tdis.dll
    • stl_tgra.dll
    • stl_thrd.dll
    • stl_tvcs.dll
    • stl_txtw.dll
    • stl_util.dll
    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
    • tbbmalloc.dll
    • WSClient.dll
    • WWB9@DEU.DLL
    • WWB9@ESP.DLL
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    • WWB9@ITA.DLL
    • WWB9@JPN.DLL
    • WWB9@NOR.DLL
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    • WWB9@SVE.DLL
    • WWB9_32A.DLL
    • WWB9_32W.DLL
    • wwb9_utl.dll
    • borrow.xml
    • CodeGenerator.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
  • 43.6 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • V10汉化包.rar

    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
    • Config.lic
    • CrashRpt.dll
    • CxImage.dll
    • dbghelp.dll
    • Dictionary.dll
    • emlayout.xml
    • GigaBase.dll
    • HubKey.Net.FrontPageRPC.dll
    • iconv.dll
    • layout.xml
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libifcorert.dll
    • libifportmd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • SmallParser.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
    • sta_dbqy.exe
    • sta_dis.dll
    • sta_exp.dll
    • sta_fac.dll
    • STA_FLM.dll
    • sta_gda.dll
    • sta_glm.dll
    • sta_glz.dll
    • sta_gsr.dll
    • sta_Log.dll
    • sta_man.dll
    • sta_mqcs.dll
    • sta_mqu.dll
    • sta_mspc.dll
    • sta_mul.dll
    • sta_nln.dll
    • sta_non.dll
    • sta_PLS.dll
    • sta_pow.dll
    • sta_pro.dll
    • sta_qccs.dll
    • sta_qhlp.dll
    • sta_qua.dll
    • sta_reg.dll
    • sta_rel.dll
    • sta_sem.dll
    • sta_sra.dll
    • sta_sur.dll
    • sta_tim.dll
    • sta_tre.dll
    • sta_var.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • StaElevate.dll
    • stalib32.dll
    • StaMultipartPoster.dll
    • StaOLEDB.dll
    • StaShpt.dll
    • STAT.lic
    • statinstinfo.xml
    • statist.exe
    • statrn32.dll
    • stl_alda.dll
    • stl_areg.dll
    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
    • stl_cbar.dll
    • stl_crtb.dll
    • stl_ctrl.dll
    • stl_datl.dll
    • stl_dbt.dll
    • stl_dbut.dll
    • stl_draw.dll
    • stl_dvt.dll
    • stl_exdt.dll
    • stl_func.dll
    • stl_g3d.dll
    • stl_gbas.dll
    • stl_guts.dll
    • stl_html.dll
    • stl_imag.dll
    • stl_mgra.dll
    • stl_obr.dll
    • stl_ofil.dll
    • stl_pres.dll
    • stl_qhlp.dll
    • stl_rgxp.dll
    • stl_scpt.dll
    • stl_stbe.dll
    • stl_tab.dll
    • stl_tbas.dll
    • stl_tdis.dll
    • stl_tgra.dll
    • stl_thrd.dll
    • stl_tvcs.dll
    • stl_txtw.dll
    • stl_util.dll
    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
    • tbbmalloc.dll
    • WSClient.dll
    • WWB9@DEU.DLL
    • WWB9@ESP.DLL
    • WWB9@FRA.DLL
    • WWB9@ITA.DLL
    • WWB9@JPN.DLL
    • WWB9@NOR.DLL
    • WWB9@PTB.DLL
    • WWB9@RUS.DLL
    • WWB9@SVE.DLL
    • WWB9_32A.DLL
    • WWB9_32W.DLL
    • wwb9_utl.dll
    • borrow.xml
    • CodeGenerator.dll
  • 37.74 MB
  • 2013-3-30
  • reading Excel spreadsheets.rar

    • R project tutorial_ reading Excel spreadsheets.flv
  • 4.66 MB
  • 2012-11-30
  • HBS Ameritrade Case with spreadsheet.zip

    • Cost of Capital at Ameritrade.pdf
    • Ameritrade CASE EXHIBITS.xls
  • 719.36 KB
  • 2012-10-9
  • Derivatives.zip
       Derivatives Markets (第二版)原书附带的spreadsheets

    • data.xls
    • Derivatives Markets Excercise.xlsx
    • excel_functions.pdf
    • optall2.xla
    • optall2.xls
    • optbasic2.xla
    • optbasic2.xls
    • vba_examples2.xls
  • 1.12 MB
  • 2012-6-22
  • 前十三章Quantitative_Models_for_Performance_Evaluation_and_Benchmarking._Data_En.rar

    • Zhu_Joe___Quantitative_Models_for_Performance_Evaluation_and_Benchmarking._Data_Envelopment_Analysis_with_Spreadsheets___2008.pdf
  • 13.22 MB
  • 2011-11-8
  • R project tutorial_ reading Excel spreadsheets.zip

    • R project tutorial_ reading Excel spreadsheets.webm
  • 3.02 MB
  • 2011-10-22
  • Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 9th edition_Case_solution.rar
       chapters 1-13

    • Case_Solutions_Spreadsheets.xls
    • Case_Solutions_Document.doc
  • 251.6 KB
  • 2011-7-8
  • CSP.rar

    • GAAP Textbook Spreadsheets Chapter 09.zip
    • GAAP Textbook Spreadsheets Chapter 11.zip
    • GAAP Textbook Spreadsheets Chapter 01.zip
    • GAAP Textbook Spreadsheets Chapter 07.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt03.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt04.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt05.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt06.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt8.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt10.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt12.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt13.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt14.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt15.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt16.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt17.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt18.zip
    • gaap-txtbook-chpt19.zip
  • 2.83 MB
  • 2010-12-7
  • R project tutorial_ reading Excel spreadsheets.rar

    • R project tutorial_ reading Excel spreadsheets.flv
  • 4.66 MB
  • 2010-12-2
  • Chapter 9 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 9 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 27.64 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 8 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 8 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 22.51 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 7 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 7 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 20.18 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 6 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 6 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 24.87 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 5 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 5 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 38.89 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 4 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 4 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 101.65 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 3 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 3 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 11.58 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • Chapter 2 Spreadsheet.rar

    • Chapter 2 Spreadsheet.xls
  • 12.25 KB
  • 2010-11-20
  • principle_of_accounting.rar

    • definitions spreadsheet by chapter_16.mht
    • Illustrative entries list.mht
    • Principles of Accounting.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 1.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 2.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 3.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 4.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 5.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 6.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 7.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 8.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 9.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 10.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 11.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 12.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 13.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 14.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 15.mht
    • Principles of Accounting Chapter 16.mht
    • definitions spreadsheet by alphabet_16.mht
  • 3.19 MB
  • 2010-8-13
  • 采用 Excel VBA 编程编写DEA的Spreadsheet.rar

    • 采用 Excel VBA 编程编写DEA的Spreadsheet.txt
    • DEA_IT Implementation.xls
  • 21.97 KB
  • 2010-4-24
  • HBR.zip

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    • best practices get you only so far.pdf
    • bold retreat.pdf
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    • how bmw is defusing the demographic time bomb.pdf
    • imitation is more valuable than innovation.pdf
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    • leadership lessons from india.pdf
    • making it overseas.pdf
    • the acceleration trap.pdf
    • the flight of the boomerang employee.pdf
    • Why good spreadsheets make bad streategies.pdf
  • 17.75 MB
  • 2010-4-7
  • 投资学.zip

    • Spreadsheet_5_1.xls
    • Spreadsheet_5_2.xls
    • Spreadsheet_8_1.xls
    • Ch_7_Optimal_Portfolios.xls
    • Ch_7_Two_Security_Model.xls
    • Tables_7A1_3__B1_5.xls
    • zsjz.doc
    • 投资学第10章APT与风险收益多因素模型.ppt
    • 投资学第11章有效市场假定.ppt
    • 投资学第1章投资概论.ppt
    • 投资学第2章金融工具.ppt
    • 投资学第3章证券交易.ppt
    • 投资学第4章共同基金.ppt
    • 投资学第5章利率史与风险溢价.ppt
    • 投资学第6章风险与风险厌恶.ppt
    • 投资学第7章最优风险资产组合.ppt
    • 投资学第8章指数模型.ppt
    • 投资学第9章资本资产定价模型.ppt
    • 第8章EXCEL运算表示例.xls
    • 金融经济学与一般经济学的距离(1).doc
    • 金融经济学与一般经济学的距离.doc
  • 9.04 MB
  • 2010-1-8
  • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏).rar
       Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏).rar

    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)03-Using Spreadsheet Form Controls(使用电子表格窗体控件)spreadsheetcontrols.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)01-All About Recording Macros(所有关于录制宏)recordmacros.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)08-Force Users to Enable Macros(强制用户启用宏)forcemacros.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)02-Cleaning up your Macro generated VBA(清理你生成的VBA宏)cleaningmacrocode.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)04-Using Macros to create a user interface(使用宏来创建用户界面)exceluserform1.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)05-Send Emails with SENDEMAIL method(发送电子邮件SENDEMAIL方法)excelsendemail.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)06-Create your First User Form (Create a Splash Screen)(创建您的第一个用户表(创建一个启动屏幕))tieamacrostogether.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)07-Calling up Excel Dialog Boxes(Excel中的呼唤对话框)exceldialogboxes.swf
  • 18.58 MB
  • 2009-12-11
  • 331847.rar
       [下载]很好的Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis

  • 1.72 MB
  • 2009-5-31
  • 328504.zip
       [下载][原创]Moodys LGD Model EXCEL Spreadsheet - Loss Given Default

    • LGD Model 2K.xls
    • Instructions for Operating LGD Model.pdf
    • LGD Model 2K2-XP.xls
    • LGD Model 2K3.xls
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2009-5-23
  • 292037.rar
       Credit risk modeling using excel and VBA- Excel Spreadsheets

    • 11Basel2.xls
    • functionlist.pdf
    • lp.xla
    • 01logit.xls
    • 02merton.xls
    • 02merton-corrected.xls
    • 03transition.xls
    • 04prediction.xls
    • 05correlation.xls
    • 06creditportfolio.xls
    • 07rating_Validation.xls
    • 08validation_portfolio.xls
    • 09cds.xls
    • 10cdos.xls
  • 3.14 MB
  • 2009-2-10
  • 287227.pdf

  • 1.48 MB
  • 2009-1-18
  • 284779.pdf

  • 1.48 MB
  • 2009-1-10
  • 265399.xls
       simple form valuation spreadsheet

  • 36 KB
  • 2008-11-10
  • 234817.rar

    • Spreadsheet Modeling in Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 1.34 MB
  • 2008-8-7
  • 190929.rar

    • McGraw.Hill - Brealey & Myers - Finance - Spreadsheet Modeling in Corporate Finance.pdf
  • 1.34 MB
  • 2008-1-28
  • 179398.pdf
       Excel Spreadsheets Fiance Management Accounting Analysis

  • 4.73 MB
  • 2007-12-5
  • 178733.pdf

  • 1.49 MB
  • 2007-11-30
  • 178731.pdf

  • 1.48 MB
  • 2007-11-30
  • 168012.rar

    • Portfolio Optimization - Dynamic Chart.xls
  • 7.97 KB
  • 2007-10-26
  • 167580.pdf

  • 1.48 MB
  • 2007-10-25
  • 157906.rar

  • 1.34 MB
  • 2007-9-26
  • 104904.pdf
       Numerical Analysis using Matlab and Spreadsheet

  • 9.24 MB
  • 2007-4-3
  • 99713.rar
       采用 Excel VBA 编程编写的一个数据包络分析法(DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS)的一个 Spreadsheet

    • DEA_IT Implementation.xls
  • 21.19 KB
  • 2007-3-16
  • 84912.rar
       [下载]PSID-动态panel income研究的极好数据

    • cds_linking_spreadsheet_V2.xls
  • 562.72 KB
  • 2007-1-16
  • 84911.rar
       [下载]PSID-动态panel income研究的极好数据

    • cross_section_files_spreadsheet.xls
  • 626.02 KB
  • 2007-1-16
  • 84910.rar
       [下载]PSID-动态panel income研究的极好数据

    • foodstamp_spreadsheet.xls
  • 396.92 KB
  • 2007-1-16
  • 68531.zip

    • Spreadsheets.zip
    • D1S4_Interest rate risk case2-Chinese.doc
    • D1S5_Currency Considerations-Chinese.ppt
    • D1S6_Cur2-Chinese.doc
    • D1S7_Borrowing in Foreign Currency Hist Exp v3-chinese.ppt
    • D1S8_Intro to Derivatives-Chinese.ppt
    • D2S1_FSL and VSL-chinese.ppt
    • D2S2_IBRD Hedging Products-Chinese.ppt
    • D2S3_Local Currency-Chinese.ppt
    • D2S4_ Swap Calculator Exercise-Chinese.doc
    • D2S5_Cap Collar Calculator Exercise-Chinese.doc
    • D2S6_Pan Pan Airport Case2-chinese.doc
    • D2S8_IBRD Repayment Terms-Chinese.ppt
    • D3S01 PAG introductory case-Chinese.doc
    • D1S1_Intro to Banking Products-Chinese.ppt
    • D1S2_Intro to Risk Mgmt Issues-Chinese.ppt
    • D1S3_Interest Rate Considerationsv3-Chinese.ppt
    • China Workshop Agenda-Chinese v3.doc
  • 7.37 MB
  • 2006-10-23
  • 58639.pdf
       McGraw.Hill - Brealey & Myers - Finance - Spreadsheet Modeling in Corporate Finance

  • 1.48 MB
  • 2006-7-23
  • 50965.rar
       fixed income

    • Bond Durations Corporates vs. Treasuries.pdf
    • Fixed Income Analysis Fixed Income Analysis.pdf
    • Investor Protection and Corporate Valuation.pdf
    • New facts in finance.pdf
    • Financial asset pricing theory.pdf
    • Mathematical Economics and Finance01.pdf
    • Dynamic Asset Allocation with Stochastic.pdf
  • 7.19 MB
  • 2006-5-2
  • 43076.pdf
       Spreadsheet modeling of corporate finance

  • 1.48 MB
  • 2006-3-11
  • 8038.rar
       [原创]Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis:A Practical Introduction to Managemen

  • 968.34 KB
  • 2005-1-15