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  • 2022-12-09 CommonWealth Special issue.rar

    • 2022-12-09 CommonWealth Special issue.pdf
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  • 2022-12-21
  • Special Issue_National contributions to Regional Science.zip

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  • 2.8 MB
  • 2020-10-3
  • Harvard Business Review 2019英文版汇总.rar

    • Harvard Business Review (Fall 2019 Special Issue)-Harvard Business Review (2019).pdf
    • (May–June 2019)-Harvard Business Review (2019).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - HBR guide to thinking strategically-Harvard Business Review Press (2019).pdf
    • (HBR’s 10 Must Reads) Harvard Business Review - On AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age-Harvard Business Review Press (2019).pdf
    • (January–February 2019)-Harvard Business Review (2019).pdf
    • (July–August 2019)-Harvard Business Review (2019).pdf
    • (March–April 2019)-Harvard Business Review (2019).pdf
  • 74.59 MB
  • 2019-10-14
  • XXX (pdf).zip

    • Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXX_Special Issue on Cloud Computing.pdf
  • 6.92 MB
  • 2016-12-11
  • XXX (epub).zip

    • Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXX_Special Issue on Cloud Computing.epub
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  • 2016-12-11
  • XXX (pdf epub).zip

    • Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXX_Special Issue on Cloud Computing.pdf
    • Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXX_Special Issue on Cloud Computing.epub
  • 9.5 MB
  • 2016-12-11
  • Special issue Agent-Based Computational Economics.zip

    • S0269888912000069a.pdf
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  • 2012-12-19
  • Vol 42(6).rar

    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Firms' locations under demand heterogeneity.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Hotelling meets Weber.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Introduction to the special issue in honor of Jacques Thisse.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Market access in global and regional trade.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Measuring welfare gains from relaxation of land-use restrictions_The case of India's building-height limits.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Nesting horizontal and vertical differentiation.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Oligopoly and Luce's Choice Axiom.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Optimal intellectual property rights protection during an international health emergency.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Sorting and local wage and skill distributions in France.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-The effect of Canadian imports on prescription drug prices in the U.S..pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Thünen and the New Economic Geography.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Trade costs and international strategy of firms_The role of endogenous product differentiation.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Trade, firm selection, and industrial agglomeration.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Affinity and tension between religious denominations_Evidence from private school enrolment.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Agglomeration, trade and selection.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Ethnic networks and employment outcomes.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-FAR regulations and unpriced transport congestion.pdf
  • 5.3 MB
  • 2012-11-26
  • 2008, Organizational Research Methods 2008 Meta-Analysis Special Issue(8篇).rar

    • 2008, ORM, 35-53, An Illustration of the Consequences of Meta-Analysis Model Choice.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 54-78, Bayesian Variance Estimation for Meta-Analysis Quantifying Our Uncertainty.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 79-95, Methodology for Dealing With Duplicate Study Effects in a Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 96-113, Meta-Analysis A Constantly Evolving Research Integration Tool.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 114-126, Psychometric Accuracy and (the Continuing Need for) Quality Thinking in Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 127-147, Meta-Analyses Some Very Good Steps Toward a Bit Longer Journey.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 148-159, The Value of Common Perspectives in Self-Reported Appraisals You Get What You Ask For.pdf
    • 2008, Organizational Research Methods 2008 Meta-Analysis 特刊.mht
    • 2008, ORM, 9-34, Comparison of Three Meta-Analytic Procedures for Estimating Moderating Effects of Categorical Variables.pdf
  • 1.2 MB
  • 2011-2-16
  • 169761.rar
       [原创][下载]Journal of Econometrics-Volume 141, Issue 2, Pages 323-1420 (December 2007)

    • 19.A consistent characteristic function-based test for conditional independence.pdf
    • 20.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH(∞) models.pdf
    • 21.Modelling security market events in continuous time- Intensity based, multivariate point process models.pdf
    • 22.Asymptotics for duration-driven long range dependent processes.pdf
    • 23.An adaptive empirical likelihood test for parametric time series regression models.pdf
    • 24.A goodness-of-fit test for ARCH models.pdf
    • 25.Discrete time duration models with group-level heterogeneity.pdf
    • 26.Income distribution and inequality measurement- The problem of extreme values.pdf
    • 27.A zero-inflated ordered probit model, with an application to modelling tobacco consumption.pdf
    • 28.Estimating a generalized correlation coefficient for a generalized bivariate probit model.pdf
    • 29.Nonstationary discrete choice- A corrigendum and addendum.pdf
    • 30.Endogeneity in quantile regression models- A control function approach.pdf
    • 31.Time and causality- A Monte Carlo assessment of the timing-of-events approach.pdf
    • 32.Confidence sets for the date of a single break in linear time series regressions.pdf
    • 33.Finite sample multivariate structural change tests with application to energy demand models.pdf
    • 34.Closed-form likelihood approximation and estimation of jump-diffusions with an application to the realignment risk of the Chinese Yuan.pdf
    • 35.Inverse probability weighted estimation for general missing data problems.pdf
    • 36.A simple, robust and powerful test of the trend hypothesis.pdf
    • 38.Nonstationarity-extended local Whittle estimation.pdf
    • 37.A theory of robust long-run variance estimation.pdf
    • 39.Efficient high-dimensional importance sampling.pdf
    • 40.Corrigendum to The pseudo-true score encompassing test for non-nested hypotheses.pdf
    • 41.The large sample behaviour of the generalized method of moments estimator in misspecified models.pdf
    • 42.Erratum to “Generalizing the standard product rule of probability theory and Bayes's Theorem.pdf
    • 43.Error in contents listing of Special issue.pdf
    • 1.Editorial Board.pdf
    • 2.Realized range-based estimation of integrated variance.pdf
    • 3.Instrumental variable estimation based on conditional median restriction.pdf
    • 4.Generalized R-estimators under conditional heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • 5.Incidental trends and the power of panel unit root tests.pdf
    • 6.Non-parametric estimation of sequential english auctions.pdf
    • 7.On the uniqueness of optimal prices set by monopolistic sellers.pdf
    • 8.On the second-order properties of empirical likelihood with moment restrictions.pdf
    • 9.Contemporaneous threshold autoregressive models- Estimation, testing and forecasting.pdf
    • 10.Efficient tests of the seasonal unit root hypothesis.pdf
    • 11.Determining the cointegrating rank in nonstationary fractional systems by the exact local Whittle approach.pdf
    • 12.Asymptotic properties of a robust variance matrix estimator for panel data when T is large.pdf
    • 13.Online forecast combinations of distributions- Worst case bounds.pdf
    • 14.Nonparametric tests for conditional symmetry in dynamic models.pdf
    • 15.Masking identification of discrete choice models under simulation methods.pdf
    • 16.A smoothed least squares estimator for threshold regression models.pdf
    • 17.Can the random walk model be beaten in out-of-sample density forecasts- Evidence from intraday foreign exchange rates.pdf
    • 18.Endogenous selection or treatment model estimation.pdf
  • 13.96 MB
  • 2007-11-3
  • 37392.rar
       顶级计量杂志Journal of Applied Econometrics 2002年的Special Issue: Modelling and Forecas

  • 1.76 MB
  • 2006-1-12