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  • Springer Series in Statistics(2005-2006).rar

    • 2005.Functional Data Analysis(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Inference in Hidden Markov Models(2005).djvu
    • 2005.Inference in Hidden Markov Models(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Models for Discrete Longitudinal Data(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Modern Multidimensional Scaling_ Theory and Applications, Second Edition(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Permutation, Parametric, and Bootstrap Tests of Hypotheses(2005).pdf
    • 2005.Statistical Demography and Forecasting-Springer (2005).pdf
    • 2006.A Modern Theory of Factorial Design (2006).pdf
    • 2006.An introduction to copulas(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Finite Mixture and Markov Switching Models(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Non-negative Matrices and Markov Chains(2006).djvu
    • 2006.Non-negative Matrices and Markov Chains(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Nonparametric Functional Data Analysis_ Theory and Practice(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Sampling Algorithms, 1st Ed (2006).pdf
    • 2006.Selected Papers of Frederick Mosteller(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Semiparametric Theory and Missing Data(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Statistical Analysis of Environmental Space-Time Processes(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Time Series_ Theory and Methods(2006).pdf
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       Semiparametric Theory and Missing Data

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  • 2007-4-12