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  • 【5634页2023大学教学课件】 苏黎世联邦理工学院:数字设计和计算机体系结构(上).zip

    • Lecture 10:Microarchitecture Fundamentals & Design.pdf
    • Lecture 11:Multi-Cycle Microarchitecture Design.pdf
    • Lecture 12:Pipelining.pdf
    • Lecture 13:Pipelined Processor Design.pdf
    • Lecture 14:Precise Exceptions.pdf
    • Lecture 15a:Out-of-Order Execution.pdf
    • Lecture 15b:Handling Out-of-Order Execution of Loads and Stores.pdf
    • Lecture 16a:Dataflow & Superscalar Execution.pdf
    • Lecture 1:Introduction and Basics.pdf
    • Lecture 2a:Tradeoffs, Metrics, Mindset.pdf
    • Lecture 2b:Combinational Logic I.pdf
    • Lecture 3:Combinational Logic II.pdf
    • Lecture 4:Sequential Logic Design I.pdf
    • Lecture 5a:Sequential Logic Design II Finite State Machines.pdf
    • Lecture 5b:Hardware Description Languages and Verilog.pdf
    • Lecture 6a:Hardware Description Languages and Verilog II.pdf
    • Lecture 6b:Timing and Verification.pdf
    • Lecture 6c:Verification & Testing.pdf
    • Lecture 7:Von Neumann Model & Instruction Set Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 8:Instruction Set Architectures II.pdf
    • Lecture 9a:ISA & Microarchitecture.pdf
    • Lecture 9b:Assembly Programming.pdf
  • 84.67 MB
  • 2024-3-10
  • Linetsky Papers.zip

    • Pricing Options on Scalar Diffusions_ An Eigenfunction Expansion Approach.pdf
    • Intensity-based Valuation of Residential Mortgages_ An Analytically Tractable Model.pdf
    • Lookback Options and Diffusion Hitting Times_ A Spectral Expansion Approach.pdf
    • On the Transition Densities for Reflected Diffusions.pdf
    • Pricing Equity Derivatives subject to Bankruptcy,.pdf
    • Pricing Options in Jump-Diffusion Models_ An Extrapolation Approach.pdf
    • Spectral Expansions for Asian (Average Price) Options.pdf
    • Step Options.pdf
    • Steps to the Barrier.pdf
    • Structuring, Pricing and Hedging Double Barrier Step Options.pdf
    • The Path Integral Approach to Financial Modeling and Options Pricing.pdf
    • The Spectral Decomposition of the Option Value.pdf
    • The Spectral Representation of Bessel Processes with Drift_ Applications in Queueing and Finance.pdf
    • The Valuation and Hedging of Barrier and Lookback Options under the CEV Process.pdf
    • The Valuation of Executive Stock Options in an Intensity-Based Framework.pdf
    • A Jump to Default Extended CEV Model_ An Application of Bessel Processes.pdf
    • Black's Model of Interest Rates as Options, Eigenfunction Expansions and Japanese Interest Rates.pdf
    • Exotic Spectra.pdf
  • 6.16 MB
  • 2014-9-13
  • Mechine Learning(Part3-1).rar

    • 3 - 2 - Addition and Scalar Multiplication (7 min).mp4
    • 3 - 2 - Addition and Scalar Multiplication (7 min).srt
    • 3 - 3 - Matrix Vector Multiplication (14 min).srt
    • 3 - 1 - Matrices and Vectors (9 min).mp4
    • 3 - 1 - Matrices and Vectors (9 min).srt
    • 3 - 3 - Matrix Vector Multiplication (14 min).mp4
  • 30.32 MB
  • 2013-4-25
  • scalar and vector.rar

    • 02数学中的标量和向量.flv
  • 12.95 MB
  • 2012-11-30
  • Matlab - Sect 37 - Adding and Subtracting Matrices and Multiplying by a Scalar.rar

    • Matlab - Sect 37 - Adding and Subtracting Matrices and Multiplying by a Scalar.mp4
  • 7.07 MB
  • 2012-8-21
  • Matlab - Sect 24 - Adding and Subtracting Vectors and Multiplying Vectors by a Scalar.rar

    • Matlab - Sect 24 - Adding and Subtracting Vectors and Multiplying Vectors by a Scalar.mp4
  • 3.43 MB
  • 2012-8-20
  • 148480.pdf
       Inference of Vector Autoregressive Models With Cointegration and Scalar

  • 332.22 KB
  • 2007-8-24
  • 46213.rar

    • FUN_E1.M
    • FUN_E2.M
    • FUNC1.M
    • func2.m
    • FUNC3.M
    • func4.m
    • func5.m
    • func5.p
    • func6.m
    • go.m
    • GREP.M
    • guide1.m
    • guide2.m
    • guide2_fig.m
    • integrnd.m
    • lorenz1.m
    • objective.m
    • pairdist.c
    • pairdist.dll
    • putarray.c
    • putarray.dll
    • recipsum.m
    • recipsum1.m
    • recipsum2.m
    • scalarx2.c
    • SCALARX2.M
    • scalarx2.dll
    • SCRIPT1.M
    • setpie.m
    • setupnb.m
    • simulinkteam.jpg
    • spmat.dat
    • sqrt.dat
    • TBIG5.TXT
    • test.bin
    • test.m
    • test.mat
    • TEST.TXT
    • TEST2.TXT
    • testfile.dat
    • TFILL3.M
    • TFMINS.M
    • tguide1.m
    • tguide1.mat
    • tguide2.m
    • tguide2.mat
    • tmouse.m
    • TPOPU.M
    • TTT.M
    • TUI.M
    • ui1.m
    • ui2.m
    • vdp1.m
    • vdp2.m
    • vdp3.m
    • vdp4.m
    • WS_FTP.LOG
    • yprime.c
    • yprime.dll
    • arrayx2.c
    • arrayx2.dll
    • CB1.M
    • CB2.M
    • CB3.M
    • fact1.m
    • fact2.m
  • 189.74 KB
  • 2006-3-30