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  • multiple-spell.zip

    • multiple-spell Regression Models for Duration Data.pdf
    • multiple-spell.pdf
  • 2.29 MB
  • 2019-8-17
  • Statistics for Biology and Health(2006-2008).rar

    • 2006.Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data(2005).pdf
    • 2006.Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Dose finding in drug development-Springer (2006).pdf
    • 2006.Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials_ A Unified Approach(2006).pdf
    • 2006.Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials_ A Unified Approach.pdf
    • 2006.The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data(2006).pdf
    • 2007.Analysing Ecological Data(2007).djvu
    • 2007.Fundamentals of Clinical Research_ Bridging Medicine, Statistics and Operations(2007).pdf
    • 2007.Statistical Genetics of Quantitative Traits_ Linkage, Maps and QTL(2007).pdf
    • 2007.The Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Events(2007).pdf
    • 2007.The Statistics of Gene Mapping(2007).pdf
    • 2008.The statistical analysis of functional MRI data(2008).pdf
    • 2008.Proportional Hazards Regression(2008) (1).pdf
    • 2008.Proportional hazards regression(2008).pdf
    • 2008.Survival and Event History Analysis_ A Process Point of View(2008) (1).pdf
  • 55.07 MB
  • 2017-9-14
  • 44 Regression models for fractional data.mp4.zip

    • 44 Regression models for fractional data.mp4
  • 7.07 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • logistic regression.rar

    • (张三峰,王非)基于Logit模型的农民土地调整意愿分析——来自2006年中国综合社会调查的证据.pdf
    • 回归模型介绍.pdf
    • (Hassan Al Nageim,Ravindra Nagar)Comparison of neural network and binary logistic regression methods in conceptual design of tall steel buildings.pdf
    • (Laura Eboli,Gabriella Mazzulla)An ordinal logistic regression model for analysing airport passenger satisfaction.pdf
    • (P.J. Sloane and I. Theodossiou)The Economics of Low Pay in Britain-A Logistic Regression Approach.pdf
    • (Paul Mathews)Binary Logistic Regression.pdf
    • (Ralf Bender,Ulrich Grouven)Using Binary Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Data with Non-proportional Odds.pdf
    • (Serkan Akinci,Erdener Kaynak)Where does the logistic.pdf
    • (刘梅,杜丽丽,张晓)基于logit模型的农户有机肥施用意愿及影响因素分析——以山东为例.pdf
    • (徐强)大学生参加居民医疗保险意愿探析.pdf
    • (姚丽亚,孙立山,关宏志)基于分层Logit模型的交通方式选择行为研究.pdf
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  • 2011-7-23
  • Connell).rar
       2006, Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Response Variables(O'Connell)

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  • 2011-2-15
  • 2nd Edition Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables using Stata.rar

    • regression models_349-372.pdf
    • regression models_394-405.pdf
    • regression models_Contents.pdf
    • Review.pdf
    • regression models_129-161.pdf
    • regression models_162-181.pdf
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  • 2010-4-4
  • 332442.pdf
       [下载]Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data——该书实例分析程序用R语言编写

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  • 2009-6-2
  • 299870.pdf
       [下载] Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data

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  • 2009-3-4
  • 298160.rar
       一篇英文文献Regression Models for Nonstationary Economic and Financial Data

    • cai-li-talk.pdf
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  • 2009-2-27
  • 245874.pdf
       Linear Regression Models for Panel Data Using SAS,STATA, LIMDEP, and SPSS

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  • 2008-9-11
  • 172955.pdf
       [分享] regression models for limited range dependent variables

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  • 2007-11-12
  • 123386.pdf
       Linear Regression Models for panel data using SAS,Stata,Limdep and spss

  • 343.46 KB
  • 2007-6-5
  • 100981.pdf
       Regression Models for Categorical Dependent Variables

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  • 2007-3-21
  • 50964.rar
       [下载]面板分析书籍下载包括(baltagi,Cheng Hsiao,Wooldridge,J. SCOTT LONG)

    • Regression Models For Categorical Dependent Variables USING STATA.pdf
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  • 2006-5-2
  • 37328.rar

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  • 2006-1-12
  • 12042.rar
       [下载]Ebook.Stata Press.Regression Models For Categorical Dependent Variables

    • Ebook.Stata Press.Regression Models For Categorical Dependent Variables.pdf
  • 2.63 MB
  • 2005-4-12