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  • The Perfect Steak Cookbook_ Essential Recipes and Techniques.rar

    • WSJ_10072023.pdf
  • 16.43 MB
  • 2023-7-10
  • Deep Learning with R Cookbook-2020.rar
       Deep Learning with R Cookbook-2020

    • Deep Learning with R Cookbook Over 45 unique recipes to delve into neural network techniques using R 3.5.x by Swarna Gupta.pdf
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  • 2021-6-20
  • 零售报告-麦肯锡.rar

    • 麦肯锡:The-new-battleground-for-marketing-led-growth.pdf
    • 麦肯锡:Driving-business-growth-by-zeroing-in-on-the-consumer-decision-journey.pdf
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    • 麦肯锡:The-Age-of-Analytics-Full-report.pdf
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    • 麦肯锡:What-Chinese-consumers-want-from-fresh-food-retailers-vf.pdf
    • 麦肯锡:what_chinas_grocers_need_A_recipe_for_reinvention.pdf
    • 麦肯锡:In-fresh-food-retailing-quality-matters-more-than-price-web-final.pdf
    • 麦肯锡:Perspectives-on-Retail-and-Consumer-Goods_Issue-7.pdf
    • 麦肯锡:2019 创新前行_中国零售市场的成功指南.pdf
    • 麦肯锡:重新定义新时代的客户体验.pdf
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  • 2019-8-3
  • PySpark SQL Recipes - Raju Kumar Mishra.azw3.zip

    • PySpark SQL Recipes - Raju Kumar Mishra.azw3
  • 4.33 MB
  • 2019-3-27
  • Natural Language Processing Recipes.rar

    • Natural Language Processing Recipes.pdf
  • 2.83 MB
  • 2019-2-1
  • Swift 4 Recipes.pdf
       Swift 4 Recipes: Hundreds of Useful Hand-picked Code Snippets

  • 3.36 MB
  • 2018-12-22
  • Pandas Cookbook - Recipes for Scientific Computing, Time Series Analysis and Dat.rar

    • Pandas Cookbook - Recipes for Scientific Computing, Time Series Analysis and Data Visualization using Python.azw3
  • 13.47 MB
  • 2017-10-26
  • Modern R Programming Cookbook - Recipes to simplify your statistical applications.rar

    • Modern R Programming Cookbook - Recipes to simplify your statistical applications.azw3
  • 2.38 MB
  • 2017-10-12
  • Automate it.pdf
       Automate it! - Recipes to Upskill Your Business

  • 28.95 MB
  • 2017-8-5
  • JavaScript Recipes.rar

    • JavaScript Recipes.pdf
  • 4.45 MB
  • 2017-1-27
  • Tableau Cookbook – Recipes for Data Visualization.zip

    • Tableau Cookbook – Recipes for Data Visualization.azw3
  • 31.97 MB
  • 2016-12-28
  • JavaScript Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.zip

    • JavaScript Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.pdf
  • 4.71 MB
  • 2016-12-23
  • Ruby Recipes.rar

    • Ruby Recipes.pdf
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2016-12-22
  • R_Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning.zip

    • R_Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning.azw3
  • 23.8 MB
  • 2016-12-10
  • R.zip

    • R_Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning.epub
    • R_Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning.mobi
    • R_Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning.pdf
    • R_Recipes for Analysis, Visualization and Machine Learning.azw3
  • 89.99 MB
  • 2016-12-10
  • Ruby Recipes (pdf).zip

    • Ruby Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.pdf
  • 1.18 MB
  • 2016-12-9
  • Ruby Recipes (epub).zip

    • Ruby Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.epub
  • 341.97 KB
  • 2016-12-9
  • Ruby Recipes (pdf epub).zip

    • Ruby Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.pdf
    • Ruby Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.epub
  • 1.51 MB
  • 2016-12-9
  • Go Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.zip

    • Go Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.pdf
    • Go Recipes_A Problem-Solution Approach.epub
  • 6.15 MB
  • 2016-11-20
  • Computer Imaging Recipes in C (Pearson, 1993) by Harley R. Myler and Arthur R. W.zip

    • Computer Imaging Recipes in C (Pearson, 1993) by Harley R. Myler and Arthur R. Weeks.djvu
    • READ.ME
    • RUN.BAT
    • BOOZ.EXE
  • 8.62 MB
  • 2016-7-27
  • Computer Imaging Recipes in C.rar

    • Computer Imaging Recipes in C.djvu
  • 7.34 MB
  • 2016-7-27
  • Data Algorithms.pdf
       Data Algorithms: Recipes for Scaling Up with Hadoop and Spark

  • 7.49 MB
  • 2016-5-31
  • 58f736&.rar

    • R Graphics Cookbook Practical Recipes for Visualizing Data By W. Chang.pdf
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  • 2016-5-8
  • Swift Recipes.rar

    • Swift Recipes.epub
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  • 2015-12-4
  • Shell Scripting Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2ND.rar

    • Shell Scripting Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2ND.epub
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  • 2015-11-29
  • Shell Scripting Recipes.rar

    • Shell Scripting Recipes.pdf
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  • Objective-C Recipes_ A Problem-Solution Approach.rar

    • Objective-C Recipes_ A Problem-Solution Approach.pdf
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  • Hibernate Recipes, 2nd Edition.rar

    • Hibernate Recipes, 2nd Edition.pdf
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  • Oracle PL-SQL Recipes.rar

    • Oracle PL-SQL Recipes.pdf
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  • Oracle SQL Recipes.rar

    • Oracle SQL Recipes.pdf
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  • Numerical Recipes in C.rar

    • Numerical Recipes in C.pdf
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  • 2015-6-28
  • C++ Recipes.rar

    • C++ Recipes.pdf
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  • Java EE 7 Recipes.rar

    • Java EE 7 Recipes.pdf
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  • 2015-5-20
  • 25 Recipes for Getting Started with R.rar

    • 25 Recipes for Getting Started with R.pdf
  • 1014.51 KB
  • 2015-4-21
  • With R Serial.rar

    • Paul Teetor-25 Recipes for Getting Started with R-O'Reilly Media (2011).pdf
    • (Chapman & Hall_CRC Biostatistics Series) Mark Chang-Adaptive Design Theory and Implementation Using SAS and R, Second Edition-Chapman and Hall_CRC (2014).pdf
    • (Use R!) M. Henry Stevens-A Primer of Ecology with R-Springer (2009).pdf
    • (Springer texts in statistics) Simon Sheather-A Modern Approach to Regression with R-Springer (2009).pdf
    • W. John Braun, Duncan J. Murdoch-A first course in statistical programming with R-Cambridge University Press (2008).pdf
    • Karl W. Broman, Saunak Sen-A Guide to QTL Mapping with R qtl (Statistics for Biology and Health) (2009).pdf
  • 27.32 MB
  • 2015-2-26
  • Financial Numerical Recipes in C - Degaard.rar

    • Financial Numerical Recipes in C++ - Degaard.pdf
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2013-10-11
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

    • RegisterDataMinerRecipe.dll
    • CodeGenerator.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
    • CommonDataMinerInputErrorMessages.svx
    • Config.lic
    • CrashRpt.dll
    • CxImage.dll
    • dbghelp.dll
    • Dictionary.dll
    • emlayout.xml
    • GigaBase.dll
    • HubKey.Net.FrontPageRPC.dll
    • iconv.dll
    • layout.xml
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libifcorert.dll
    • libifportmd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • SmallParser.dll
    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
    • sta_dbqy.exe
    • sta_ddn.dll
    • sta_dis.dll
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    • STA_FLM.dll
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    • sta_Log.dll
    • sta_man.dll
    • sta_mar.dll
    • sta_mnl.dll
    • sta_mqcs.dll
    • sta_mqu.dll
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    • sta_qua.dll
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    • sta_rel.dll
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    • sta_sem.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_sra.dll
    • sta_sur.dll
    • sta_tim.dll
    • sta_tre.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_var.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • StaElevate.dll
    • stalib32.dll
    • StaMultipartPoster.dll
    • StaOLEDB.dll
    • StaShpt.dll
    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
    • STAT.lic
    • statist.exe
    • STATISTICA.Analysis.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.Core.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.DataMiner.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.WebSTATISTICAClient.Interop.dll
    • statrn32.dll
    • StatSoftSolution.dll
    • stl_alda.dll
    • stl_areg.dll
    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
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    • stl_html.dll
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    • stl_obr.dll
    • stl_ofil.dll
    • stl_pres.dll
    • stl_qhlp.dll
    • stl_rgxp.dll
    • stl_scpt.dll
    • stl_stbe.dll
    • stl_tab.dll
    • stl_tbas.dll
    • stl_tdis.dll
    • stl_tgra.dll
    • stl_thrd.dll
    • stl_tvcs.dll
    • stl_txtw.dll
    • stl_util.dll
    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
    • tbbmalloc.dll
    • WSClient.dll
    • WWB9@DEU.DLL
    • WWB9@ESP.DLL
    • WWB9@FRA.DLL
    • WWB9@ITA.DLL
    • WWB9@JPN.DLL
    • WWB9@NOR.DLL
    • WWB9@PTB.DLL
    • WWB9@RUS.DLL
    • WWB9@SVE.DLL
    • WWB9_32A.DLL
    • WWB9_32W.DLL
    • wwb9_utl.dll
    • borrow.xml
  • 44.64 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • x32CHSinclDM.rar

    • RegisterDataMinerRecipe.dll
    • Config.lic
    • CrashRpt.dll
    • CxImage.dll
    • dbghelp.dll
    • Dictionary.dll
    • emlayout.xml
    • GigaBase.dll
    • HubKey.Net.FrontPageRPC.dll
    • iconv.dll
    • layout.xml
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libifcorert.dll
    • libifportmd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • LoginDialog.dll
    • MenuNew.bmp
    • MenuOld.bmp
    • SmallParser.dll
    • SpreadsheetImporter.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_bas.dll
    • sta_bct.dll
    • sta_bga.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_can.dll
    • sta_clu.dll
    • sta_cor.dll
    • sta_cox.dll
    • sta_dbqy.exe
    • sta_ddn.dll
    • sta_dis.dll
    • sta_dmr.dll
    • sta_exp.dll
    • sta_fac.dll
    • STA_FLM.dll
    • sta_fsl.dll
    • sta_gam.dll
    • sta_gcl.dll
    • sta_gda.dll
    • sta_glm.dll
    • sta_glz.dll
    • sta_gof.dll
    • sta_gop.dll
    • sta_gsr.dll
    • sta_itr.dll
    • sta_Log.dll
    • sta_man.dll
    • sta_mar.dll
    • sta_mnl.dll
    • sta_mqcs.dll
    • sta_mqu.dll
    • sta_mspc.dll
    • sta_mul.dll
    • sta_nln.dll
    • sta_non.dll
    • sta_PLS.dll
    • sta_pow.dll
    • sta_pro.dll
    • sta_qccs.dll
    • sta_qcm.dll
    • sta_qhlp.dll
    • sta_qua.dll
    • sta_reg.dll
    • sta_rel.dll
    • sta_rft.dll
    • sta_rpd.dll
    • sta_sann.dll
    • sta_sem.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_sra.dll
    • sta_sur.dll
    • sta_tim.dll
    • sta_tre.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_var.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • StaElevate.dll
    • stalib32.dll
    • StaMultipartPoster.dll
    • StaOLEDB.dll
    • StaShpt.dll
    • StaSpreadsheet.dll
    • STAT.lic
    • statist.exe
    • statrn32.dll
    • StatSoftSolution.dll
    • stl_alda.dll
    • stl_areg.dll
    • Stl_artw.dll
    • stl_artw32.dll
    • stl_asup.dll
    • stl_axp.dll
    • stl_blog.dll
    • stl_bru.dll
    • stl_cbar.dll
    • stl_crtb.dll
    • stl_ctrl.dll
    • stl_datl.dll
    • stl_dbt.dll
    • stl_dbut.dll
    • stl_dmn.dll
    • stl_draw.dll
    • stl_dvt.dll
    • stl_exdt.dll
    • stl_func.dll
    • stl_g3d.dll
    • stl_gbas.dll
    • stl_guts.dll
    • stl_html.dll
    • stl_imag.dll
    • stl_mgra.dll
    • stl_obr.dll
    • stl_ofil.dll
    • stl_pres.dll
    • stl_qhlp.dll
    • stl_rgxp.dll
    • stl_scpt.dll
    • stl_stbe.dll
    • stl_tab.dll
    • stl_tbas.dll
    • stl_tdis.dll
    • stl_tgra.dll
    • stl_thrd.dll
    • stl_tvcs.dll
    • stl_txtw.dll
    • stl_util.dll
    • stl_wrkb.dll
    • stl_xml.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • stx_ssim.dll
    • TableHelpers.dll
    • tbb.dll
    • tbbmalloc.dll
    • WSClient.dll
    • WWB9@DEU.DLL
    • WWB9@ESP.DLL
    • WWB9@FRA.DLL
    • WWB9@ITA.DLL
    • WWB9@JPN.DLL
    • WWB9@NOR.DLL
    • WWB9@PTB.DLL
    • WWB9@RUS.DLL
    • WWB9@SVE.DLL
    • WWB9_32A.DLL
    • WWB9_32W.DLL
    • wwb9_utl.dll
    • borrow.xml
    • CodeGenerator.dll
    • Collection.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90.dll
    • CommandBars1310vc90U.dll
  • 43.6 MB
  • 2013-4-4
  • V10CHS_DM.rar

    • sta_gof.dll
    • sta_gop.dll
    • sta_itr.dll
    • sta_mar.dll
    • sta_mnl.dll
    • sta_qcm.dll
    • sta_rft.dll
    • sta_rpd.dll
    • sta_sann.dll
    • sta_seq.dll
    • sta_txt.dll
    • sta_vch.dll
    • sta_vtr.dll
    • STATISTICA.Analysis.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.Core.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.DataMiner.Interop.dll
    • STATISTICA.WebSTATISTICAClient.Interop.dll
    • statsoftsolution.dll
    • stl_dmn.dll
    • stx_koh.dll
    • logindialog.dll
    • registerdataminerrecipe.dll
    • sta_asc.dll
    • sta_btr.dll
    • sta_ddn.dll
    • sta_dmr.dll
    • sta_fsl.dll
    • sta_gam.dll
    • sta_gcl.dll
  • 5.81 MB
  • 2013-4-1
  • 《数值分析》(NumericalRecipes)3rdEdition含源代码_程序设计.rar

    • Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.Sep.2007.pdf
    • 电子书阅读方法.htm
    • tbe.rar
    • e书联盟.txt
    • pdf、pdg格式文件如何打开说明.txt
  • 9.67 MB
  • 2012-9-8
  • data mining2.rar

    • Data Mining Recipes - Session 35.mp4
    • Data Mining with STATISTICA - Session 1.mp4
    • Data Mining, Automation and Macros - Session 33.mp4
  • 24.6 MB
  • 2011-3-9
  • excel_2007_pivottables_recipes_-_a_problem-solution_approach__2007_.rar

    • Excel 2007 PivotTables Recipes - A Problem-Solution Approach (2007).pdf
  • 10.43 MB
  • 2010-1-5
  • number.recipe.3rdedition.rar

    • Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.Sep.2007.pdf
    • CodePub.Com说明.txt
    • tbe.rar
  • 9.65 MB
  • 2009-11-8
  • [数值分析方法库].Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.rar

    • [数值分析方法库].Cambridge.Press.Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition.pdf
  • 7.57 MB
  • 2009-10-27
  • 321725.rar
       [分享][下载]Financial Numerical Recipes in C++

    • Financial Numerical Recipes in C++.pdf
  • 777.95 KB
  • 2009-5-4
  • 320986.pdf
       [下载]Financial Numerical Recipes in C++

  • 1.23 MB
  • 2009-5-2
  • 308942.zip
       [分享]Numerical.Recipes.3rd.Edition [with code]

  • 10.29 MB
  • 2009-3-28
  • 279317.pdf
       [下载]Princeton University Press2007年书-One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Ins

  • 2.17 MB
  • 2008-12-22
  • 247279.pdf
       Numerical recipes in C++ for finance

  • 716.01 KB
  • 2008-9-16
  • 187930.rar

    • C++数值分析在金融中的应用“FinancialNumericalRecipesinC”.pdf
  • 768.14 KB
  • 2008-1-12
  • 187487.rar
       Numerical recipes in C++ 免费

    • Financial Numerical Recipes in C++.pdf
  • 674.28 KB
  • 2008-1-9
  • 187255.pdf
       Numerical recipes in C++ (3rd edition, Sep 2007)

  • 259.12 KB
  • 2008-1-8
  • 187254.pdf
       Numerical recipes in C++ (3rd edition, Sep 2007)

  • 20.41 MB
  • 2008-1-8
  • 103391.pdf
       Financial Numerical Recipes_对金融产品定价的C算法.pdf

  • 428.24 KB
  • 2007-3-27
  • 61981.rar

    • financial c++ recipes.pdf
  • 768.35 KB
  • 2006-8-26
  • 60637.pdf
       Financial Recipes in C++ to be a quant!

  • 1009.75 KB
  • 2006-8-11
  • 54527.pdf

  • 1009.76 KB
  • 2006-6-3
  • 53921.pdf
       Numerical Recipes in C

  • 7.38 MB
  • 2006-5-27
  • 22659.zip
       [下载]C++金融程序 -- 金融交易员和计量学者的高级工具

    • makefile
    • readme
    • anal_price_am_call_div.cc
    • approx_am_call.cc
    • approx_am_put.cc
    • bermudan_call_option.cc
    • bermudan_put_option.cc
    • bin_am_call.cc
    • bin_am_call_payout.cc
    • bin_am_delta_call.cc
    • bin_am_delta_put.cc
    • bin_am_div_call.cc
    • bin_am_div_put.cc
    • bin_am_partials_call.cc
    • bin_am_partials_put.cc
    • bin_am_prop_div_call.cc
    • bin_am_prop_div_put.cc
    • bin_am_put.cc
    • bin_am_put_payout.cc
    • bin_eur_call.cc
    • bin_eur_call_ud.cc
    • bin_eur_call_ud_one.cc
    • bin_eur_put.cc
    • binomial_tree_ud.cc
    • black_scholes_call.cc
    • black_scholes_call_div.cc
    • black_scholes_delta_call.cc
    • black_scholes_delta_put.cc
    • black_scholes_imp_vol_bisect.cc
    • black_scholes_imp_vol_newt.cc
    • black_scholes_partials_call.cc
    • black_scholes_partials_put.cc
    • black_scholes_price_payout_call.cc
    • black_scholes_price_payout_put.cc
    • black_scholes_put.cc
    • black_scholes_put_div.cc
    • bondopt_call_binom_am.cc
    • bondopt_call_bs.cc
    • bondopt_call_coupon_bs.cc
    • bondopt_call_coupon_rend_bart.cc
    • bondopt_call_rend_bart.cc
    • bondopt_call_vasicek.cc
    • bondopt_put_binom_am.cc
    • bondopt_put_bs.cc
    • bondopt_put_coupon_bs.cc
    • bondopt_put_vasicek.cc
    • bonds_convexity.cc
    • bonds_duration.cc
    • bonds_duration_macaulay.cc
    • bonds_duration_modified.cc
    • bonds_duration_modified_termstru.cc
    • bonds_duration_termstru.cc
    • bonds_price_both.cc
    • bonds_price.cc
    • bonds_price_discrete.cc
    • bonds_price_termstru.cc
    • bonds_yield.cc
    • cflow_irr.cc
    • cflow_irr_test_unique.cc
    • cflow_pv.cc
    • cflow_pv_discrete.cc
    • cum_normal_bivariate.cc
    • cum_normal.cc
    • currency_opt_bin_call.cc
    • currency_opt_bin_put.cc
    • currency_opt_euro_call.cc
    • currency_opt_euro_put.cc
    • exotics_asian_price_call.cc
    • exotics_lookback_call.cc
    • exotics_lookback_put.cc
    • findiff_exp_am_call.cc
    • findiff_exp_am_put.cc
    • findiff_exp_eur_call.cc
    • findiff_exp_eur_put.cc
    • findiff_imp_am_call.cc
    • findiff_imp_am_put.cc
    • findiff_imp_eur_call.cc
    • findiff_imp_eur_put.cc
    • futures_opt_call_bin.cc
    • futures_opt_call_black.cc
    • futures_opt_put_bin.cc
    • futures_opt_put_black.cc
    • futures_price.cc
    • merton_jump_diff_call.cc
    • mv_calc.cc
    • mv_calc_port_unconstrained.cc
    • normdist_bivariate.cc
    • normdist.cc
    • option_price_american_perpetual_call.cc
    • option_price_american_perpetual_put.cc
    • payoff_average.cc
    • payoff_binary_options.cc
    • payoff_black_scholes_case.cc
    • payoff_lookback.cc
    • random_normal.cc
    • random_uniform.cc
    • rendleman_bartter_build_interest_rate_tree.cc
    • run_simulation_bs_case_using_generic_routine.cc
    • run_simulation_bs_case_using_generic_routine_improving_efficiency.cc
    • simulated_call_euro.cc
    • simulated_delta_call.cc
    • simulated_delta_put.cc
    • simulated_put_euro.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_antithetic_variate.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_control_variate.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_price_sequence.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_price_sequence_control_variate.cc
    • simulate_lognormally_distributed_sequence.cc
    • simulate_lognormal_variable.cc
    • term_structure_class.cc
    • term_structure_class_cir.cc
    • term_structure_class_cubic_spline.cc
    • term_structure_class_flat.cc
    • term_structure_class_interpolated.cc
    • term_structure_class_nelson_siegel.cc
    • term_structure_class_vasicek.cc
    • termstru_discfact_cir.cc
    • termstru_discfact_cubic_spline.cc
    • termstru_discfact_vasicek.cc
    • termstru_transforms.cc
    • termstru_yield_interpolated.cc
    • termstru_yield_nels_sie.cc
    • tst_binomial_term_structure_models.cc
    • tst_bond_options.cc
    • tst_normal.cc
    • tst_power.cc
    • tst_present_value.cc
    • tst_simulate_european_options.cc
    • tst_term_structure.cc
    • warrant_price_black_scholes.cc
    • warrant_price_black_scholes_dividends.cc
    • date.h
    • fin_recipes.h
    • normdist.h
    • term_structure_class_cir.h
    • term_structure_class_cubic_spline.h
    • term_structure_class_flat.h
    • term_structure_class.h
    • term_structure_class_interpolated.h
    • term_structure_class_nelson_siegel.h
    • term_structure_class_vasicek.h
    • term_structure_models.h
  • 80.09 KB
  • 2005-8-11