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  • 04_国际投行报告-54份.zip

    • HS-中国-宏观策略-中国宏观策略:都是为了工作-2020.4.28-24页.pdf
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    • HS-全球-投资策略-重新审视2025年债券:下调美国国债收益率预期-2020.4.29-32页.pdf
    • HS-美股-能源设备与服务业-全球石油服务:2022年之前不太可能复苏-2020.4.30-29页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-亚太地区-能源行业-澳大利亚能源业:下调价格预期-2020.4.24-40页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-全球-农业行业-农业商品季报:上半年需要下滑,下半年有反弹机会-2020.5.1-21页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-全球-媒体行业-聚焦2020年展望的广告行业入门-2020.5.3-122页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-全球-宏观策略-全球宏观数据观察-2020.5.1-102页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-新兴市场-投资策略-新兴市场的企业:坠落的风险-2020.4.30-27页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-美股-医疗科技行业-美国制药业:关于COVID-19对企业影响的思考-2020.4.28-31页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-美股-医疗行业-2019冠状病毒病的影响和医疗资本支出前景-2020.5-24页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-美股-投资策略-美国利率衍生品策略分析-2020.4.24-23页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-美股-电力设备行业-自动化产业系统集成商调查-2020.4.27-60页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-美股-软件行业-穿过深渊,还是呼啸着穿过墓地?-2020.4.23-33页.pdf
    • J.P. 摩根-美股-银行业-美国大型银行业Q1:信贷未知,取决于复苏或新”常态“-2020.4.30-48页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股-商业与专业服务业-峰会洞见:ESG将继续存在-2020.4.24-27页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股-投资策略-COVID-19会如何改变美国的消费者-2020.4.22-48页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股-汽车与汽车零部件行业-美国汽车与汽车零部件:重启汽车之路-2020.4.27-26页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股-生物科技行业-美国中小型生物科技企业个股策略-2020.5.4-120页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股-银行业-美国大型银行业2020年Q1预览:尽管缓慢但仍有增长-2020.4.30-43页.pdf
    • 德银-全球-宏观策略-2020:违约似乎是最难的词汇-2020.4.27-47页.pdf
    • 德银-新兴市场-宏观策略-新兴市场宏观与策略聚焦-2020.4.24-43页.pdf
    • 德银-新兴市场-宏观策略-新兴市场宏观与策略聚焦-2020.5.1-66页.pdf
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    • 摩根士丹利-美股-机械行业-美国机械行业投资策略分析-2020.4.27-57页.pdf
    • 瑞信-亚太地区-投资策略-马来西亚市场策略:该面对现实了-2020.4.27-44页.pdf
    • 瑞信-亚太地区-量化策略-亚太地区量化与系统策略:中国资本市场自由化-2020.4.28-49页.pdf
    • 瑞信-亚太地区-银行业-越南银行业:回归安全状态-2020.4.30-33页.pdf
    • 瑞信-全球-股票策略-全球股市策略:近期谨慎;买入弱势股-2020.4.22-41页.pdf
    • 瑞信-全球-航空业-全球航空价值链争论-2020.4.27-38页.pdf
    • 瑞信-美股-医疗行业-美国医疗分配:有足够多的未知因素阻碍我们前进-2020.4.22-66页.pdf
    • 瑞信-美股-生命科学行业-美国生命科学:COVID-19死亡率和情景分析-2020.4.20-29页.pdf
    • 瑞信-美股-石油与天然气行业-美国石油与天然气季度预览:Q1结果指南与2020-21年展望-2020.4.22-54页.pdf
    • 瑞信-美股-美国管理式医疗与医疗设施:COVID-19对医院的影响和政府的反应-2020.4.20-22页.pdf
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    • 瑞银-亚太地区-投资策略-新加坡4月市场总结:全国限制-2020.4.27-36页.pdf
    • 瑞银-亚太地区-电信通讯行业-亚洲电信业:COVID-19是否推动了股息政策的重新审视?-2020.4.28-34页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球-投资策略-基本面分析:模型冲击与复苏-2020.5.1-22页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球-能源行业-与厄尼·巴尔萨米安进行的关于液体储存和安置的专家电话会议-2020.5.1-34页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球-能源行业-全球能源转载系列:美国住宅太阳能趋势-2020.4.27-55页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球-能源行业-北美能源E&P:与John Howard的谈话纪要-2020.4.21-33页.pdf
    • 瑞银-全球-量化策略-全球量化策略:商品挤兑的整体观点-2020.4.29-43页.pdf
    • 瑞银-新兴市场-银行业-新兴市场银行业:正在走向新的不良贷款危机?-2020.4.22-36页.pdf
    • 瑞银-港股-银行业-香港银行业:超越COVID-19的股息可持续性-2020.4.27-31页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股-交通运输业-卡车运输:ACT研究的专家会议纪要-2020.5.3-26页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股-化工行业-北美化工业年度IHS会议:行业入门-2020.4.27-119页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股-医疗行业-美国生命科学与诊断工具:COVID-19下的模型重置与PTs调整-2020.4.28-46页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股-能源行业-北美能源E&P:与Corpus Christi港的专家通话记录-2020.4.21-25页.pdf
    • 瑞银-美股-零售业-美国百货零售:Covid-19如何能永久地改变这个行业?-2020.4.29-60页.pdf
    • 瑞银-零售业-美国软线零售商:受COVID-19影响,下调PTs与EPS预期-2020.4.30-76页.pdf
  • 92.53 MB
  • 2020-5-18
  • Sentiment Analysis Tutorial-RPubs.zip

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    • RPubs - Syuzhet Package - Sentiment Analysis in R Part 2.pdf
    • Sentiment Analysis_Airline Code 3_Davion.txt
    • Sentiment Analysis_HDBS Code 2_Davion.txt
    • Introduction to the Syuzhet Package.pdf
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  • 2019-12-24
  • How to Write About Economics and Public Policy.zip

    • Chapter-5---Reading-and-Analyzing-L_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Pu.pdf
    • Appendix-D---Journals-in-Economics-and_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Research-Proposa_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Po.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Identifying-Literature-_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Pu.pdf
    • Chapter-13---Data-and-Methodol_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-.pdf
    • Chapter-1---What-Is-Academic-Wri_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Publi.pdf
    • Chapter-15---Data--Methodology--Results--and_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economi.pdf
    • Chapter-11---Situating-a-Study--The-Li_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and.pdf
    • Index_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • References_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Preface_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Acknowledgments_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Appendix-C---Data-Sources_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Polic.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Justifying-a-Study--The-_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-P.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Research-Questions--Hypotheses_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-8---Structure-of-a-Resear_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Publ.pdf
    • Chapter-14---Results--Discussion--an_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-P.pdf
    • Chapter-12---Literature-Review--Model_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-.pdf
    • Dedication_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Research-Topics-and-Pap_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Pu.pdf
    • Chapter-16---Writing-Skill_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Poli.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Theory-and-Theoretical_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Pu.pdf
    • Chapter-2---Research-in-Public-Policy_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Copyright_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Appendix-A---Citation-Guide_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Pol.pdf
    • Corpus-Details_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Policy.pdf
    • Appendix-B---Model-Papers_2018_How-to-Write-About-Economics-and-Public-Polic.pdf
  • 44.18 MB
  • 2018-10-11
  • 9月-4.rar

    • Taiwan Telecoms Monthly Results:Aug-14: No Sign of ARPU Uplift Two Months after 4G Launch.pdf
    • US Interest Rate Strategy: Daily Data Update.pdf
    • US Quant Research:Equities Enjoy Some Quality Time.pdf
    • Vitamin Shoppe Inc: Is Risk Being Mispriced In Vitamin Retail?.pdf
    • Vodafone Group: Enterprise leading the way, OW.pdf
    • Walgreens:Stabilizing the Business in FY15 with Anticipation to Resume Growth in FY16.pdf
    • Webcast:US Economics- Inequality and Consumption.pdf
    • What's Moving Semi Stocks: Risks at MXIM; concerns in Autos weigh on the group.pdf
    • Palo Alto Networks Inc Executing Well Across Multiple Fronts.pdf
    • Palo Alto Networks Inc: Tracking the Perfect Storm — Multiple Growth Drivers Converge.pdf
    • Payments and Processing:Initial Thoughts on Apple Pay.pdf
    • Payments: Stock Implications of Apple's Potential Payment System.pdf
    • Phibro Animal Health Corp: Bumping estimates and raising PT.pdf
    • Property: Asia Property Storey: Positive on HK, more bearish on China, mixed on ASEAN.pdf
    • Property:Monthly Chartbook.pdf
    • Realizing the power of talented women.pdf
    • Retail & Economics: Retail Sales Lead Indicator: Video & Note-Forecasting Steady Growth into Jan '15.pdf
    • Retail: Videos & Note -Category Sales Outlook: Discretionary Segments Maintain Momentum.pdf
    • Retailing - Food: Kantar data: Pressure further intensifies for the ‘Listed 3’.pdf
    • Rio Tinto Ltd:Upgrade to OW as RIO returns to the “old” ways.pdf
    • Sanan Optoelectronics: 1st Take:50 New MOCVD Tool Additions from 4Q14 In Line with Our Estimates.pdf
    • SanDisk Corporation (SNDK.O):A closer look at iPhone 6 NAND content.pdf
    • Seadrill: Russia Concerns Add to Dividend Uncertainty.pdf
    • Sempra Energy: It Continues to Get Better; Raising PT and Staying OW.pdf
    • Siemens: Building up Oil & Gas – for the Long-Term.pdf
    • Sihuan Pharmaceutica:Raising PT and Estimates on Stronger Outlook.pdf
    • Sinotrans Limited:Positive Meeting Notes from Sinoair; Maintain OW on Sinotrans.pdf
    • Smiths Group:3 Reasons to Stay Positive.pdf
    • SPX Corp:Welcome to the Next Margin Self-Help Story.pdf
    • Structured_Trade_and_Commodity_Finance_in_Emerging_Markets.pdf
    • Synchrony Financial: Private Label Card Pure-Play Backed by an Improving Consumer; Initiate at OW.pdf
    • Taiwan Macro and Strategy Chartbook: Better Growth Outlook with Stronger Consumption and Improving Exports.pdf
    • Taiwan Telecoms: Sign of Industry Consolidation?.pdf
    • TC_M_201438.pdf
    • Te Connectivity Ltd: Deep Dive 1 of 2:Sensors to provide a meaningful growth kicker.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights: Strong Dollar a Revenue Headwind in 2H14.pdf
    • Telecom Services:Correction:What Could Be the Implications of a Potential Verizon Tower Sale?.pdf
    • Telstra Corporation: We Benchmark TLS “Productivity” vs. Global Peers … Suggests Cost-out Is Mostly Over.pdf
    • Terex Corp.: Crane Wreck.pdf
    • Tesla Motors Inc.:Tesla:Stock Up For The Wrong Reasons?.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:The Misunderstood Narrative on Crude Oil Demand.pdf
    • The glittering power of cities for luxury growth.pdf
    • Times Electric:1st Take: Enters into IGBT Lease Agreement with the Parent.pdf
    • Tobacco:What Could Happen When the Quota Buyout Runs Out?.pdf
    • Tom_Peters_on_leading_the_21st_century_organization.pdf
    • TPG Telecom Ltd: 1st Take: FY14 Result … Another Positive Surprise & EBITDA Guidance upgrades.pdf
    • U.S. Pharmaceuticals:Money matters: exec comp and stock ownership in-depth.pdf
    • UK Property: JLL roundtable: sustained asset demand, abundant debt.pdf
    • United Technologies: Key Takes from Laguna Conf.pdf
    • United Technologies: Risks More Than Priced In.pdf
    • US Auto Product Guidebook, 8th Edition.pdf
    • US Economics: Fed Focus: The End of Gradualism.pdf
    • US Economics: Inequality and Consumption.pdf
    • US Economics: Peter Pan on Policy.pdf
    • US Economics:Fomc Preview:considering considerable.pdf
    • US Economics:US Economic Outlook:Somewhere in Between.pdf
    • US Equity Strategy: All About that Base (No Trouble).pdf
    • US Equity Strategy: Industrial Strength?.pdf
    • US Industrials & Autos Conference Prime: 15 - 16 September 2014.pdf
    • US Industrials & Autos Conference Prime:15 - 16 September 2014.pdf
    • US Interest Rate Strategy: Daily Data Update(1).pdf
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  • 2014-10-7
  • 3G研究-ARPU和用户.rar

    • 2009年3G研究--ARPU.pdf
    • 2009年3G研究---用户篇.pdf
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  • 2010-8-2
  • 323272.pdf
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    • 2004报告:移动运营商提高ARPU值方法.pdf
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  • 2007-5-24
  • 9113.zip

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  • 2005-2-22