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  • 集中度CR4、CR5、CR8和CR10(2000-2023年).zip

    • Wind原始数据.xlsx
    • 品种权保护制度对我国种业集中度影响的实证研究_李寅秋.caj
    • 基础数据.xlsx
    • 年末是否ST或PT.dta
    • 计算代码[经管之家momingqimiao7].do
    • 计算结果_大类_剔除ST或PT.dta
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    • 计算结果_细类_未剔除ST或PT.xlsx
  • 27.8 MB
  • 2024-6-27
  • 合集优惠版2023(包含HHI指数和勒纳指数两个版本、集中度CR4、CR5、CR8和CR10) .zip

    • 集中度CR4、CR5、CR8和CR10(2000-2023年).zip
    • 赫芬达尔—赫希曼HHI指数和勒纳指数(2000-2023年) 行业内前五名.zip
    • 赫芬达尔—赫希曼HHI指数和勒纳指数(2000-2023年) 行业内所有公司.zip
  • 84.61 MB
  • 2024-6-27
       CFA ESG 2022 1-5章

    • 2022-Chapter1.pdf
    • 2022-Chapter2.pdf
    • 2022-Chapter3.pdf
    • 2022-Chapter4.pdf
    • 2022-Chapter5.pdf
  • 57.24 MB
  • 2024-3-19
  • 上市公司事件研究法CAR超额累计收益率异常收益率AR累积异常收益率CAAR.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr1.csv
    • TRD_Dalyr2.csv
    • TRD_Dalyr3.csv
    • TRD_Dalyr4.csv
    • 【事件分析法】.pdf
    • 事件日期.xlsx
    • 事件研究.do
    • 综合日市场回报率.xlsx
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  • 2024-2-8
  • Python数据分析与挖掘实战--源代码.rar

    • chapter4.zip
    • chapter6.zip
    • chapter11.zip
    • chapter9.rar
    • chapter3.zip
    • chapter12.rar
    • chapter7.zip
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    • chapter10.zip
    • chapter14.zip
    • chapter5.zip
    • chapter8.zip
    • chapter13.zip
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  • 2023-11-25
  • 52437-00-王曙燕-数据结构.rar
        数 据 结 构

    • chapter8 查找.ppt
    • chapter9 排序.ppt
    • chapter1 引论.ppt
    • chapter2 线性表.ppt
    • chapter3 栈和队列.ppt
    • chapter4 串.ppt
    • chapter5 多维数组和广义表.ppt
    • chapter6 树和二叉树.ppt
    • chapter7 图.ppt
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  • 2023-7-2
  • 集中度CR4、CR5、CR8和CR10(2000-2022年).zip

    • 品种权保护制度对我国种业集中度影响的实证研究_李寅秋.caj
    • 基础数据.xlsx
    • 年末是否ST或PT.dta
    • 计算代码[经管之家momingqimiao7].do
    • 计算结果_大类_剔除ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果_大类_剔除ST或PT.xlsx
    • 计算结果_大类_未剔除ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果_大类_未剔除ST或PT.xlsx
    • 计算结果_细类_剔除ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果_细类_剔除ST或PT.xlsx
    • 计算结果_细类_未剔除ST或PT.dta
    • 计算结果_细类_未剔除ST或PT.xlsx
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  • 2023-6-24
  • styles.zip
       Endnote output style 2023

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    • Chem Heterocycle Cpds.ens
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    • Chemical Communications.ens
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    • Chemical Physics Letters X.ens
    • Chemical Physics Letters.ens
    • Chemical Physics.ens
    • Chemical Record.ens
    • Chemical Res Toxicology.ens
    • Chemical Reviews.ens
    • Chemical Science.ens
    • Chemical Senses.ens
    • Chemical Society Reviews.ens
    • Chemico-Biological Int.ens
    • Chemie Ingenieur Technik.ens
    • Chemie der Erde.ens
    • Chemistry Biodiversity.ens
    • Chemistry Biology.ens
    • Chemistry Ecology.ens
    • Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP).ens
    • Chemistry Letters.ens
    • Chemistry Physics of Lipids.ens
    • Chemistry of Life.ens
    • Chemistry of Materials.ens
    • Chemistry.ens
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    • Chemometrics Intelligent Lab Sys.ens
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    • Chemother Res Pract.ens
    • Chemotherapy.ens
    • Chest.ens
    • Chicago 16th Author-Date Norsk.ens
    • Chicago 16th Author-Date.ens
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    • Chicago 17th Author-Date.ens
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    • Chicago 17th Footnote.ens
    • Chicago Review.ens
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    • Child Adolescent Social Work.ens
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    • Child Dev Perspectives.ens
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    • Clin Exp Ophthalmology.ens
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    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Clin Experi Metastasis.ens
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    • Clin Microbiol Infection.ens
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    • Clin Oral Implants Res.ens
    • Clin Oral Investigations.ens
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    • Clin Pharmacokinetics.ens
    • Clin Physiol Funct Imaging.ens
    • Clin Psych Sci Pract.ens
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    • Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol.ens
    • Clin Therapeutics.ens
    • Clin Theriogenol.ens
    • Clin Transplantation.ens
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    • Clinica Chimica Acta.ens
    • Clinical Anatomy.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
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    • Clinical Cancer Research.ens
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    • Clinical J Pain.ens
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    • Clinical Radiology.ens
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    • Clinical Trials Reg Sci Cardio.ens
    • Clinical Trials.ens
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    • Clinics N America.ens
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    • Clnics in Dermatology.ens
    • Clothing Textiles Res J.ens
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    • Cognition.ens
    • Cognitive Behavioral Pract.ens
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    • Cognitive Linguistics.ens
    • Cognitive Neuropsychiatry.ens
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    • Cognitive Neuroscience.ens
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    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
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    • Colloids and Surfaces B.ens
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    • Combustion and Flame.ens
    • Comm Dent Oral Epidemiol.ens
    • Comm Disorders Quarterly.ens
    • Comm Nonlin Sci Num Simul.ens
    • Comm On Pure App Math.ens
    • Comm Soil Sci Plant Analysis.ens
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    • Communications ACM.ens
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    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part A.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part B.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part C.ens
    • Comp Biochem Phys-Part D.ens
    • Comp Biol Chem.ens
    • Comp Communications.ens
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    • Comp Health Practice Rev.ens
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    • Comp Materials Sci.ens
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    • Comp Method Appl Mech Engneer.ens
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    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
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    • Comp Stud in Soc and Hist.ens
    • Comp Theor Chem.ens
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    • Comp Thera Medicine.ens
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    • Comparative Lit Studies.ens
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    • Complex Variables Eliptic Equat.ens
    • Complexity.ens
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    • Composites-Part B.ens
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    • Comprehensive Psych.ens
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    • Comptes Rendus Chimie.ens
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    • Comptes Rendus Math.ens
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    • Computers and Operations Res.ens
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    • Congestive Heart Failure.ens
    • Connection Science.ens
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    • Conservation Biology.ens
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    • Conservation Letters.ens
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    • Conservation.ens
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    • Contact.ens
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    • Contemp Italian Politics.ens
    • Contemp Justice Review.ens
    • Contemp Social Science.ens
    • Contemp South Asia.ens
    • Contemp Womens Writing.ens
    • Contemporary Clinical Trials.ens
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    • Continental Shelf Research.ens
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    • Control Engineering Practice.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
    • Coordination Chemistry Rev.ens
    • Copernicus Publications.ens
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    • Counsel Psychotherapy Research.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Counseling Psychology Q.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
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    • Cretaceous Research.ens
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    • Criminal Justice Policy Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Criminal Justice Studies.ens
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    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
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    • Crit Rev Therapeutic Drug Carrier Sys.ens
    • Crit Rev Toxicol.ens
    • Crit Studies Media Communication.ens
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    • Critical Care.ens
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    • Critical Studies Security.ens
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    • Cryobiology.ens
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    • Crystallography Reviews.ens
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    • Cureus.ens
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    • Curr Issues Lang Plan.ens
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    • Curr Opinion Endocr Metab Res.ens
    • Curr Opinion Physiol.ens
    • Curr Opinion Solid State Mater Sci.ens
    • Curr Problems Cancer.ens
    • Curr Problems Cardiology.ens
    • Curr Problems Diag Radiol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Curr Protein Peptide Sci.ens
    • Curr Res Bacteriology.ens
    • Curr Res Cardio Pharmacol.ens
    • Curr Res Chemistry.ens
    • Curr Res Dairy Science.ens
    • Curr Res Physics.ens
    • Curr Res Poultry Science.ens
    • Curr Res Tuberculosis.ens
    • Curr Therapeutic Res.ens
    • Current Alzheimers Research.ens
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    • Current Atherosclero Reps.ens
    • Current Biology.ens
    • Current Clinical Pract EEG.ens
    • Current Controlled Trials.ens
    • Current Genetic Medicine Reports.ens
    • Current Genetics.ens
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    • Current Med Res and Op.ens
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    • Current Neurovascular Res.ens
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    • Current Opinion Biotech.ens
    • Current Opinion Cell Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Chem Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Environ Sustain.ens
    • Current Opinion Gen Dev.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • Current Opinion Lipid.ens
    • Current Opinion Microbio.ens
    • Current Opinion Neurobio.ens
    • Current Opinion Otolaryn.ens
    • Current Opinion Pharmacol.ens
    • Current Opinion Plant Bio.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Current Pharma Design.ens
    • Current Science.ens
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    • Curriculum J.ens
    • Curtis Botanical Mag.ens
    • CyberPsychology Behavior.ens
    • Cyberpsych Behav Soc Network.ens
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    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Cytokine.ens
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    • DAI German Archaeological Institute.ens
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    • DEUQUA Special Publ.ens
    • DGPs.ens
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    • DIW.ens
    • DMW-English.ens
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    • DNA Repair.ens
    • DNA Research.ens
    • DNA and Cell Biology.ens
    • DO - Deutsche Zeits fur Osteopathie.ens
    • DZZ-Deutsche Zahnarztliche Zeits.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Dalton Transactions.ens
    • Dams Reservoirs.ens
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    • Data in Brief.ens
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    • DataCite.ens
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    • Decis Analysis.ens
    • Decision Sciences J Innov Ed.ens
    • Decision Sciences J.ens
    • Decision Support Systems.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part I.ens
    • Deep-Sea Res Part II.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord Extra.ens
    • Dementia Ger Cog Disord.ens
    • Democratization.ens
    • Demography.ens
    • Dendrochronologia.ens
    • Dental Abstracts.ens
    • Dental Materials J.ens
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    • Dermatologic Therapy.ens
    • Dermatology.ens
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    • Deutsche Heilpraktiker-Zeitschrift.ens
    • Deutsche Zeits fur Onkologie.ens
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    • Dev Comparative Immunol.ens
    • Dev Disabil Res Rev.ens
    • Dev Growth Differ.ens
    • Dev Medicine Child Neuro.ens
    • Dev Neurosci.ens
    • Dev World Bioethics.ens
    • Devel Policy Rev.ens
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    • Development (SID).ens
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    • Developmental Dynamics.ens
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    • Developmental Review.ens
    • Developmental Science.ens
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    • Diabetes Aktuell.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • Diabetes Educator.ens
    • Diabetes Metab Res Rev.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol Syndrome.ens
    • Diabetes Metabol.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
    • Diabetes Res Clin Pract.ens
    • Diabetes Tech Therap.ens
    • Diabetes.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Diabetol Int.ens
    • Diabetologia.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel-English.ens
    • Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel.ens
    • Diacritics.ens
    • Diag Interv Imaging J.ens
    • Diag Microbio Infect Disease.ens
    • Diagnostic Cytopathology.ens
    • Diagnostic Interven Radiol.ens
    • Dialectica.ens
    • Dialog.ens
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    • Diamond Related Materials.ens
    • Die Wirbelsaule.ens
    • Differ Geometry Applications.ens
    • Differences.ens
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    • Digestion.ens
    • Digestive Diseases Sciences.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Digestive Endoscopy.ens
    • Digestive Liver Disease.ens
    • Digestive Surgery.ens
    • Digi Apps Arch Cultural Heritage.ens
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    • Diplomatic History.ens
    • Disability & Society.ens
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    • Disaster Health.ens
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    • Diseases Aquatic Org.ens
    • Diseases Colon Rectum.ens
    • Diseases Esophagus.ens
    • Displays.ens
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    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • Drink Water Eng Sci.ens
    • Droit et Societe.ens
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    • EMBO Reports.ens
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    • Earth Interactions.ens
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    • East Euro Jewish Affairs.ens
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    • East European Politics.ens
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    • Ecological Monographs.ens
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    • Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci.ens
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    • chapter3.PPT
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    • Field Analytic Chem Tech.ens
    • Field Crops Research.ens
    • Field Methods.ens
    • Field Mycology.ens
    • Fin Markets Institut Instruments.ens
    • Finance Res Letters.ens
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    • Financial History Review.ens
    • Financial Review.ens
    • Finite Elements Analysis Design.ens
    • Finite Fields and Their Apps.ens
    • Fire Mater.ens
    • Fire Safety J.ens
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    • First Break.ens
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    • First World War Studies.ens
    • Fiscal Studies.ens
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    • Fish Mgmt Ecology.ens
    • Fish Shellfish Immunol.ens
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    • Fisheries Research.ens
    • Fisheries Science.ens
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    • Folia Primatologica.ens
    • Food Additives Contaminants A.ens
    • Food Additives Contaminants B.ens
    • Food Biophysics.ens
    • Food Bioprocess Tech.ens
    • Food Bioproducts Process.ens
    • Food Chemical Toxicology.ens
    • Food Chemistry.ens
    • Food Control.ens
    • Food Hydrocolloids.ens
    • Food Microbiology.ens
    • Food Nutrition Bull.ens
    • Food Policy.ens
    • Food Quality Pref.ens
    • Food Research Intl.ens
    • Food Sci Nutr.ens
    • Food Sci Technology.ens
    • Food Webs.ens
    • Food and Function.ens
    • Foodborne Pathogens Disease.ens
    • Foot Ankle Int.ens
    • Foreign Policy Analysis.ens
    • Forensic Science Intl.ens
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    • Forest Pathol.ens
    • Forest Policy Economics.ens
    • Forest Science Technology.ens
    • Forest Science.ens
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    • Fungal Biology.ens
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    • Genetics Research.ens
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    • Genetics.ens
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    • Genome Biology Evolution.ens
    • Genome Biology.ens
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  • 2020-10-7
  • 国际贸易实务双语教程第4版 课件 易露霞 清华大学出版社.zip
       国际贸易实务双语教程第4版 课件 易露霞 清华大学出版社

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    • 反馈表 .xls
    • 国际贸易实务双语教程第4版PPT7-13章和习题答案,已加密处理,请按照索取密码说明操作。.zip
    • 清华出版社教教目欣赏.png
    • 清华大学出版社教师服务登记表(样书申请).xls
    • 索取密码说明.txt
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  • 2020-9-14
  • 中国区域创新能力评级报告2003-2019.rar

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  • 2020-8-16
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  • 2020-7-14
  • Practical R4(高清原版epub).rar

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  • sfbook_demo_do(27Oct2019).zip

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  • 2020-1-29
  • frontier4.1软件操作视频及PPT.rar

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    • 教学视频.exe
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  • 2019-12-23
  • sfbook_demo_do(08July2019).zip

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  • 2019-9-5
  • Applied_Stochastic_Analysis_ 108P.rar

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  • 2019-6-16
  • Recursive Macroeconomic Theory 4th 不完整700+页.rar

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    • L1_V1_R4_1_Samples_删除optional.docx
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    • L1_V1_R4_5_Glossary_已纠偏.docx
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    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (D)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard II (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard II (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (D)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (E)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VII (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VII (B)_已纠偏.docx
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    • L1_V1_R9_2_Continuous Random Variables_已纠偏.docx
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    • L1_V1_R10_1_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_2_Distribution of the Sample Mean_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_3_Point and Interval Estimates of the Population Mean_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_4_Bias_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_1_Hypothesis Testing_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_2_样本间是否同均数_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_3_样本间是否同方差_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_4_Nonparametric Inference_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_Appendix_已完成.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R11_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_1_技术分析的基本逻辑_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_2_线图类型及基本指标_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_3_Chart Patterns_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_4_技术信号_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_5_周期理论_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
  • 7.8 MB
  • 2018-4-8
  • alr4 data.zip

    • ais.csv
    • allshoots.csv
    • baeskel.csv
    • BGSall.csv
    • BGSboys.csv
    • BGSgirls.csv
    • BigMac2003.csv
    • BlowBF.csv
    • Blowdown.csv
    • brains.csv
    • cakes.csv
    • cathedral.csv
    • caution.csv
    • Challeng.csv
    • cloud.csv
    • domedata1.csv
    • domedata.csv
    • Donner.csv
    • Downer.csv
    • drugcost.csv
    • dwaste.csv
    • florida.csv
    • Forbes.csv
    • ftcollinssnow.csv
    • ftcollinstemp.csv
    • fuel2001.csv
    • galapagos.csv
    • galtonpeas.csv
    • Heights.csv
    • Highway.csv
    • Hooker.csv
    • Htwt.csv
    • jevons.csv
    • lakemary.csv
    • lakes.csv
    • landrent.csv
    • lathe1.csv
    • longshoots.csv
    • mantel.csv
    • mile.csv
    • MinnLand.csv
    • MinnWater.csv
    • Mitchell.csv
    • MWwords.csv
    • npdata.csv
    • oldfaith.csv
    • physics1.csv
    • physics.csv
    • pipeline.csv
    • prodscore.csv
    • rat.csv
    • Rateprof.csv
    • README
    • README.tex.bak
    • Rpdata.csv
    • salary.csv
    • salarygov.csv
    • segreg.csv
    • shocks.csv
    • shortshoots.csv
    • sleep1.csv
    • snake.csv
    • sniffer.csv
    • Stevens.csv
    • stopping.csv
    • swan96.csv
    • turk0.csv
    • turkey.csv
    • twins.csv
    • UBSprices.csv
    • ufc.csv
    • ufcdf.csv
    • ufcgf.csv
    • ufcwc.csv
    • UN11.csv
    • UN1.csv
    • walleye.csv
    • water.csv
    • wblake.csv
    • Whitestar.csv
    • wm1.csv
    • wm2.csv
    • anscombe.csv
  • 401.94 KB
  • 2017-12-14
  • gwr.rar

    • GWR4manual_409.pdf
    • GWR408_setup_win32.exe
    • Re_.zip
  • 4.88 MB
  • 2017-11-30
  • R1.zip

    • R45分钟搞定R语言之数据库交互及统计绘图.pdf
    • Data_Mining_Algorithms_Explained_Using_R.pdf
    • MCMC及R实现.doc
    • Nicholas_J._Horton,_Ken_Kleinman-Using_R_and_RStudio_for_Data_Management,_Statistical_Analysis_and_Graphics,_Second_Edition-Chapman_and_Hall_CRC_(2015).pdf
    • R for Beginners中文版.pdf
    • R in a nutshell.pdf
    • R_for_MATLAB_users.pdf
    • R153分钟学会R.pdf
    • R-modeling.pdf
    • RStudio学习手册.pdf
    • R常用函数整理.pdf
  • 90.68 MB
  • 2017-11-25
  • GWR4.rar

    • GWR4_setup.msi
    • GWR4-Manual-软件GWR4操作指南.pdf
    • setup.exe
  • 3.64 MB
  • 2017-11-20
  • Packt.Go.Design.Patterns.for.Real-World.Projects.B072R4FJ45.rar

    • Packt.Go.Design.Patterns.for.Real-World.Projects.B072R4FJ45.azw3
  • 4.6 MB
  • 2017-6-22
  • Data Sets-Stata_chapter4.zip

    • wine.dta
    • 401K.DTA
    • 401ksubs.dta
    • affairs.dta
    • airfare.dta
    • alcohol.dta
    • attend.dta
    • beauty.dta
    • benefits.dta
    • beveridge.dta
    • big9salary.dta
    • bwght2.dta
    • campus.dta
    • CARD.DTA
    • cement.dta
    • charity.dta
    • consump.dta
    • CORN.DTA
    • CPS78_85.DTA
    • cps91.dta
    • CRIME1.DTA
    • CRIME2.DTA
    • CRIME3.DTA
    • CRIME4.DTA
    • discrim.dta
    • driving.dta
    • elem94_95.dta
    • engin.dta
    • expendshares.dta
    • ezunem.dta
    • FAIR.DTA
    • FISH.DTA
    • GPA1.DTA
    • gpa2.dta
    • GPA3.DTA
    • happiness.dta
    • hprice1.dta
    • HTV.DTA
    • infmrt.dta
    • intdef.dta
    • jtrain3.dta
    • LAWSCH85.DTA
    • loanapp.dta
    • mathpnl.dta
    • meap00_01.dta
    • meap01.dta
    • MEAP93.DTA
    • minwage.dta
    • MLB1.DTA
    • MROZ.DTA
    • nbasal.dta
    • NYSE.DTA
    • okun.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • rdtelec.dta
    • recid.dta
    • SLEEP75.DTA
    • SLP75_81.DTA
    • twoyear.dta
    • VOTE1.DTA
    • VOTE2.DTA
    • voucher.dta
    • WAGE1.DTA
    • WAGE2.DTA
    • wagepan.dta
  • 2.84 MB
  • 2017-3-16
  • Data Sets-Excel_chapter4.zip

    • Archive created by free jZip.url
  • 9.61 MB
  • 2017-3-16
  • alr4th.rar

    • alr4th.pdf
  • 7.09 MB
  • 2017-2-12
  • Supplementary Materials.zip

    • AppendixA.zip
    • AppendixB.zip
    • Chapter10.zip
    • Chapter11.zip
    • Chapter12.zip
    • Chapter13.zip
    • Chapter14.zip
    • Chapter15.zip
    • Chapter16.zip
    • Chapter17.zip
    • Chapter18.zip
    • Chapter2.zip
    • Chapter3.zip
    • Chapter4.zip
    • Chapter5.zip
    • Chapter6.zip
    • Chapter7.zip
    • Chapter8.zip
    • Data.zip
  • 2.21 MB
  • 2016-12-24
  • Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research.zip

    • Chapter 1.pdf
    • Chapter 10.pdf
    • Chapter 11.pdf
    • Chapter 12.pdf
    • Chapter 13.pdf
    • Chapter 2.pdf
    • Chapter 3.pdf
    • Chapter 4.pdf
    • Chapter 5.pdf
    • Chapter 6.pdf
    • Chapter 7.pdf
    • Chapter 8.pdf
    • Chapter 9.pdf
    • Conclusion.pdf
    • Foreword.pdf
    • cover1.pdf
    • cover2.pdf
    • cover3.pdf
    • cover4.pdf
    • cover5.pdf
    • cover6.pdf
  • 4.11 MB
  • 2016-12-12
  • khbtcrhr.zip

    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director1.xls
    • CG_Director1[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director2.xls
    • CG_Director2[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director3.xls
    • CG_Director3[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director4.xls
    • CG_Director4[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 23.38 MB
  • 2016-11-23
  • Principles of Econometrics 4ed ZIP File.zip
       [EViews workfiles] Using eviews for principles of econometrics 4ed

    • andy.wf1
    • bangla.wf1
    • beer.wf1
    • bond.wf1
    • br.wf1
    • br2.wf1
    • brumm.wf1
    • byd.wf1
    • canada.wf1
    • cars.wf1
    • cattle.wf1
    • ces.wf1
    • cespro.wf1
    • ch10.wf1
    • ch4sim1.wf1
    • ch4sim2.wf1
    • chard.wf1
    • cloth.wf1
    • cobb.wf1
    • cocaine.wf1
    • coke.wf1
    • coke_grouped.wf1
    • cola.wf1
    • cola2.wf1
    • commute.wf1
    • consumptn.wf1
    • cps.wf1
    • cps2.wf1
    • cps4.wf1
    • cps4c_small.wf1
    • cps4_small.wf1
    • cps5.wf1
    • cps_small.wf1
    • crime.wf1
    • csi.wf1
    • demand.wf1
    • edu_inc.wf1
    • equity.wf1
    • euro.wf1
    • ex9_13.wf1
    • ex9_2.wf1
    • exrate.wf1
    • fair4.wf1
    • food.wf1
    • fred.wf1
    • fred.~f1
    • fullmoon.wf1
    • fultonfish.wf1
    • gascar.wf1
    • gasga.wf1
    • gdp.wf1
    • gfc.wf1
    • gold.wf1
    • golf.wf1
    • growth47.wf1
    • grunfeld11.wf1
    • grunfeld2.wf1
    • hip.wf1
    • homes.wf1
    • hwage.wf1
    • infln_wage.wf1
    • insur.wf1
    • inter2.wf1
    • ivreg1.wf1
    • ivreg2.wf1
    • kernel.wf1
    • lasvegas.wf1
    • liquor.wf1
    • lon1.wf1
    • lon2.wf1
    • london.wf1
    • lond_small.wf1
    • manuf.wf1
    • mc1.wf1
    • mc2.wf1
    • means.wf1
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    • nls.wf1
    • nls_panel.wf1
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    • nls_panel_devn.wf1
    • oil.wf1
    • okun.wf1
    • olympics.wf1
    • oz.wf1
    • phillips.wf1
    • phillips_aus.wf1
    • pizza4.wf1
    • pubexp.wf1
    • qtm.wf1
    • returns.wf1
    • returns.~f1
    • rice.wf1
    • savings.wf1
    • share.wf1
    • sirmans.wf1
    • sirmans.~f1
    • sp.wf1
    • spurious.wf1
    • star.wf1
    • sterling.wf1
    • stockton.wf1
    • stockton2.wf1
    • stockton3.wf1
    • stockton4.wf1
    • stockton96.wf1
    • table2_2.wf1
    • table_c3.wf1
    • table_c4.wf1
    • term.wf1
    • texas.wf1
    • tobit.wf1
    • tobitmc.wf1
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    • transport.wf1
    • truffles.wf1
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    • uniform1.wf1
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    • utown.wf1
    • vacation.wf1
    • var.wf1
    • vec.wf1
    • warner.wf1
    • wa_wheat.wf1
    • capm4.wf1
  • 1.85 MB
  • 2016-11-17
  • e-Handbook of Statistical Methods.zip

    • apr121.r
    • apr161.r
    • apr162.r
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    • eda4292_a.r
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    • mpc231d.r
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    • pri5323.r
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    • pri611.r
    • pri621.r
  • 163.02 KB
  • 2016-11-12
  • 数据挖掘与R语言随书源代码.rar

    • Chapter5.R
    • Chapter1.R
    • Chapter2.R
    • Chapter3.R
    • Chapter4.R
  • 17.06 KB
  • 2016-10-19
  • Chapter4tg.rar

    • Chapter4tg.wmv
  • 29.15 MB
  • 2016-10-8
  • 投资项目可行性研究.zip

    • Chaper3.ppt
    • chapter 16.ppt
    • Chapter 17.ppt
    • Chapter 6.ppt
    • Chapter 7-8-9.ppt
    • chapter-14.ppt
    • chapter1.ppt
    • chapter10-12.ppt
    • chapter13.ppt
    • Chapter2-2.ppt
    • chapter2.ppt
    • Chapter4.ppt
    • Chapter5.ppt
    • Introduction.ppt
    • mid-term exam.ppt
    • mid-term examination.doc
  • 10.74 MB
  • 2016-9-1
  • Solutions to end of chapter questions.zip

    • Chapter10_solutions.doc
    • Chapter11_solutions.doc
    • Chapter12_solutions.doc
    • Chapter13_solutions.doc
    • Chapter1_solutions.doc
    • Chapter2_solutions.doc
    • Chapter3_solutions.doc
    • Chapter4_solutions.doc
    • Chapter5_solutions.doc
    • Chapter6_solutions.doc
    • Chapter7_solutions.doc
    • Chapter8_solutions.doc
    • Chapter9_solutions.doc
  • 3.29 MB
  • 2016-4-10
  • Frontier41操作视频.zip

    • Frontier41操作视频.wmv
  • 15 MB
  • 2016-4-2
  • 多元统计分析——原理与基于SPSS的应用数据.zip

    • chapter10.sav
    • chapter11.sav
    • chapter12.sav
    • chapter1_2.sav
    • chapter3.sav
    • chapter4_5_8.sav
    • chapter6.sav
    • chapter7.sav
    • chapter9.sav
  • 439.48 KB
  • 2016-3-31
  • var4_10_n.zip

    • var4_10_n.sas7bdat
  • 1.16 KB
  • 2016-2-27
  • R4. Running a regression (Econometrics in R).rar

    • R4. Running a regression (Econometrics in R).mp4
  • 19.47 MB
  • 2016-2-7
  • GWR4manual.pdf

  • 1.33 MB
  • 2016-1-26
  • GWR4manual.pdf

  • 1.42 MB
  • 2015-12-18
  • 宝鸡市水旱灾害史料 公元前780年-1985年6月.zip

    • SSR415F_bk(20150617).exe
  • 15.42 MB
  • 2015-11-8
  • 四川水旱灾害.zip

    • SSR415F_bk(20150617).exe
  • 27.9 MB
  • 2015-11-8
  • 中国西部农业气象灾害 1961-2000.zip

    • SSR415F_bk(20150617).exe
  • 36.83 MB
  • 2015-11-8
  • 经济政策:原理与设计 丁伯根(英文版).rar

    • SummariesCh1-8.pdf
    • Appendices.pdf
  • 31.68 MB
  • 2015-11-6
  • GWR408_setup_win64.zip

    • GWR408_setup_win64.exe
  • 2.5 MB
  • 2015-11-2
  • BUS7070.rar
       《国际管理》International Management 8th edition课件及练习题

    • Deresky_chapter11.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter1.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter2.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter3.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter4.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter5.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter6.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter7.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter8.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter9.pdf
    • Deresky_chapter10.pdf
  • 37.31 MB
  • 2015-10-31
  • styles.zip
       6750个ENDNOTE style

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    • Evolution Devel.ens
    • Euro J Sport Science.ens
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    • Experi Applied Acarology.ens
    • Intl J Greenhouse Gas Control.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Neuroscience Biobehavioral Revs.ens
    • Res Social Administrative Pharmacy.ens
    • Research J Environ Toxicol.ens
    • J Travel Medicine.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Amer J Drug Disc Devel.ens
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer.ens
    • J Wildlife Management.ens
    • Hormones Behavior.ens
    • NDT and E Intl.ens
    • Physiol Mol Plant Pathol.ens
    • Intl Business Review.ens
    • J Applied Remote Sensing.ens
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    • Acta Agriculturae Scand.ens
    • Free Radical Res.ens
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    • Chapter3_Regression Analysis.pdfx.pdf
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  • 微观经济学课件集.zip

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  • 9月.rar

    • EUR47bn Net Addition– ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
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    • European Credit Strategy: IG Non-Fin Fundamentals Update: Slow and Steady.pdf
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    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Retaining Our Bearish Bias.pdf
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    • Agency MBS Brief: Refi Index Largely Flat Despite Lower Rates.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: Carry On, For Now.pdf
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    • Agriculture Comment:Anticipating a Quiet Farewell to 13-14.pdf
    • Amgen Inc.: Pipeline Drives PT to $151.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.: Event Confirms This Cycle is Different.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.:iPhone Gross Margins Biased to the Upside.pdf
    • ASEAN Economics Chartbook: Where are we in the cycle?.pdf
    • ASEAN In a Minute: Entering a Rising Rate Environment.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: What’s Going on in Asian Credit.pdf
    • Asia FX & Rates Strategy: India Rates:Improving Fiscal Outlook.pdf
    • Asian Banks: (g)Rate Expectations?.pdf
    • Asian Banks:Valuation Chartbook:Where Are Valuations Compared with history?.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview : Inflation and Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview: Anticipating a Rebound in Exports.pdf
    • ASML Holding NV: SPIE comments positive for EUV.pdf
    • Astra International:IIMS 2014 – On the Ground Feedback.pdf
    • AT&T, Inc.: Internet of Things Leadership, Early in the Race.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: Investment Property Loans.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week:Major Banks' Return on Equity.pdf
    • Australia Insurance & Wealth: Risky Business:Can QBE afford to sell its Lenders Mortgage business?.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Assessing state of economy after startling jobs figures.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Global Earners Gathering Momentum.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Playing the Long Cycle.pdf
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    • Autos & Auto-Related: Cutting US Autos to Cautious, Downgrading Ford to UW.pdf
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    • China Coal: 1H14 results wrap:Suppliers' reaction to weak demand.pdf
    • China Healthcare:MS Monthly Hospital Rx Report.pdf
    • China Industrials: Heavy Truck: Steady Volume Growth and Notable ASP Hike Ahead.pdf
    • China Insurance: Asia Insight: Significant Cash Flow Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • China Lodging Group, Limited: Trip Takeaways:Bright Outlook for Franchise Business.pdf
    • China Oil & Gas: China Gas & Chemical Trips' Takeaways.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp:New Restructuring Has Limited Impact on Sinopec; Yizheng A-Shares Placed at Premium to H-shares.pdf
    • China petroleum chemical Crop.pdf
    • China Resources Gas: Better-than-expected cost pass-through in Tianjin; Buying opportunity.pdf
    • China September 2014 “Revisions for Decisions” Revisited.pdf
    • China Shipping: Positioning for 4Q14: B Before C.pdf
    • China Telecoms Monthly KPIs: Aug-14: CM Expanded Outperformance vs. CU.pdf
    • CIO Survey:Steady As She Grows.pdf
    • CMBS Market Insights: The State of the CRE Credit Cycle.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power: Cross-Industry Implications of Marcellus-Utica Gas Basis; Bearish Natgas Outlook.pdf
    • Com Hem Holding AB: Buy on Recent Weakness.pdf
    • Commodities Fall Symposium: Oil & Gas Market Discussion.pdf
    • Consumer Digest #4:Key Takeaways from A-Share Corporate Days.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(1).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(2).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • Credit Companion:CDX IG23 and CDX HY23 Roll.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Supplementary Supply.pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms(1).pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms.pdf
    • Cross Industry Analysis: Impact of Apple Pay on Payments Value Chain:Biggest Beneficiaries Likely AAPL, NXP.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - October 2014.pdf
    • Crude Oil:What Are OSPs Telling Us?.pdf
    • Daimler: Checkpoint China: Progress Made & Future Steps to Take.pdf
    • Danone: Topline and margin trend to improve from 2H14 - OW.pdf
    • Daum Kakao:Asia Insight: Enters Mobile Payment.pdf
    • Delhaize: Solid US momentum provides further comfort on sustainability of FCF.pdf
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    • Eaton Corp PLC:Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
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    • EM Macro Strategy -Brazil: What’s Your Take? Survey Results.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel:No buying opportunity as profitability peaks.pdf
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    • ENN Energy Holdings Limited: Investment in Sinopec Marketing: Positive to ENN.pdf
    • EUR6bn Net Reduction – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • European Banks: S&P Downgrades: Dropouts.pdf
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  • 2014-10-7
  • management information system test bank.rar

    • Chapter 02.pdf
    • Chapter 03.pdf
    • Laudon_Chapter 7.pdf
    • Laudon_Chapter4.pdf
    • Laudon_Chapter5.pdf
    • Laudon_Chapter10.pdf
    • Chapter 01.pdf
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  • 2014-10-4
  • A Beginer's Guide to r.zip
       A Beginer's Guide to r 本人学习资料,主要是相关函数的使用,从一无所知开始学的,蹩脚, 汗。。。。

    • 153.R
    • Cleveland dotplots.R
    • Loops and Fuctions.R
    • NAs and Zeros.R
    • R beginner.R
    • R beginner2.R
    • R beginner3.R
    • R beginner4.R
    • R beginner5.R
    • boxplot.R
    • coplot.R
    • if.R
    • lattice.R
    • linear model.R
    • pairs.R
    • plot.R
    • plotting.R
    • problems.R
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  • r4.pdf

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  • yychptr4.ppt

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  • 2014-8-28
  • applied psychometrics.zip

    • Chapter1.pdf
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    • chapter5.pdf
    • Chapter6.pdf
    • Chapter7.pdf
    • Chapter8.pdf
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  • 2014-8-28
  • 汇总版(以上算法打包).zip

    • chapter10基于粒子群算法的多目标搜索算法.zip
    • chapter11基于多层编码遗传算法的车间调度算法.zip
    • chapter12免疫优化算法在物流配送中心选址中的应用.zip
    • chapter13粒子群优化算法的寻优算法.zip
    • chapter14基于粒子群算法的PID控制器优化设计.zip
    • chapter15基于混合粒子群算法的TSP搜索算法.zip
    • chapter16 基于动态粒子群算法的动态环境寻优算法.zip
    • chapter17基于PSO工具箱的函数优化算法.zip
    • chapter18鱼群算法函数寻优.zip
    • chapter19基于模拟退火算法的TSP算法.zip
    • chapter1遗传算法工具箱.zip
    • chapter20基于遗传模拟退火算法的聚类算法.zip
    • chapter21模拟退火算法工具箱及应用.zip
    • chapter22蚁群算法的优化计算——旅行商问题(TSP)优化.zip
    • chapter23基于蚁群算法的二维路径规划算法.zip
    • chapter24 基于蚁群算法的三维路径规划算法.zip
    • chapter25有导师学习神经网络的回归拟合——基于近红外光谱的汽油辛烷值预测.zip
    • chapter26.zip
    • chapter27无导师学习神经网络的分类——矿井突水水源判别.zip
    • chapter28支持向量机的分类——基于乳腺组织电阻抗特性的乳腺癌诊断.zip
    • chapter29支持向量机的回归拟合——混凝土抗压强度预测.zip
    • chapter2基于遗传算法和非线性规划的函数寻优算法.zip
    • chapter30极限学习机的回归拟合及分类.zip
    • chapter3基于遗传算法的BP神经网络优化算法.zip
    • chapter4sa_tsp.zip
    • chapter5基于遗传算法的LQR控制器优化设计.zip
    • chapter6遗传算法工具箱详解及应用.zip
    • chapter7多种群遗传算法的函数优化算法.zip
    • chapter8基于量子遗传算法的函数寻优算法.zip
    • chapter9基于遗传算法的多目标优化算法.zip
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  • 2014-8-22
  • data.zip

    • andy.sas7bdat
    • bangla.sas7bdat
    • beer.sas7bdat
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    • pizza4.sas7bdat
    • pubexp.sas7bdat
    • qtm.sas7bdat
    • returns.sas7bdat
    • rice.sas7bdat
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    • share.sas7bdat
    • sirmans.sas7bdat
    • sp.sas7bdat
    • spurious.sas7bdat
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    • stockton96.sas7bdat
    • table2_2.sas7bdat
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    • term.sas7bdat
    • texas.sas7bdat
    • tobit.sas7bdat
    • tobitmc.sas7bdat
    • toodyay.sas7bdat
    • transport.sas7bdat
    • truffles.sas7bdat
    • tuna.sas7bdat
    • tunafish.sas7bdat
    • tunafish_small.sas7bdat
    • uk.sas7bdat
    • ukpi.sas7bdat
    • uniform1.sas7bdat
    • uniform2.sas7bdat
    • uniform3.sas7bdat
    • unit.sas7bdat
    • usa.sas7bdat
    • utown.sas7bdat
    • vacation.sas7bdat
    • var.sas7bdat
    • vec.sas7bdat
    • warner.sas7bdat
    • wa_wheat.sas7bdat
    • capm4.sas7bdat
  • 2.23 MB
  • 2014-8-17
  • LSB_Examples.zip

    • LSB5_Chapter6Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter7Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter8Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter9Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter10Examples.sas
    • LSB5_AppendixExamples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter2Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter3Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter4Examples.sas
    • LSB5_Chapter5Examples.sas
  • 21.18 KB
  • 2014-7-29
  • 建筑业.zip

    • CME_Constr1.xls
    • CME_Constr1[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Constr2.xls
    • CME_Constr2[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Constr3.xls
    • CME_Constr3[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Constr4.xls
    • CME_Constr4[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Constr5.xls
    • CME_Constr5[DES][xls].txt
    • CME_Qconstr1.xls
    • CME_Qconstr1[DES][xls].txt
  • 79.72 KB
  • 2014-7-24
  • CompStatR.zip

    • Chapter10.R
    • Chapter11.R
    • Chapter12.R
    • Chapter2.R
    • Chapter3.R
    • Chapter4.R
    • Chapter5.R
    • Chapter6.R
    • Chapter7.R
    • Chapter8.R
    • Chapter9.R
    • CompStatR.pdf
    • _README.txt
  • 54.43 KB
  • 2014-5-14
  • s4poe4_definitions.zip

    • andy.def
    • bangla.def
    • beer.def
    • bond.def
    • br.def
    • br2.def
    • brumm.def
    • byd.def
    • canada.def
    • cars.def
    • cattle.def
    • ces.def
    • cespro.def
    • ch10.def
    • ch4sim1.def
    • ch4sim2.def
    • chard.def
    • cloth.def
    • cobb.def
    • cocaine.def
    • coke.def
    • coke_grouped.def
    • cola.def
    • cola2.def
    • commute.def
    • consumptn.def
    • cps.def
    • cps2.def
    • cps4.def
    • cps4c_small.def
    • cps4_small.def
    • cps5.def
    • cps_small.def
    • crime.def
    • csi.def
    • demand.def
    • edu_inc.def
    • equity.def
    • euro.def
    • ex9_13.def
    • ex9_2.def
    • exrate.def
    • fair4.def
    • food.def
    • fred.def
    • fullmoon.def
    • fultonfish.def
    • gascar.def
    • gasga.def
    • gdp.def
    • gfc.def
    • gold.def
    • golf.def
    • growth47.def
    • grunfeld11.def
    • grunfeld2.def
    • hip.def
    • homes.def
    • hwage.def
    • infln_wage.def
    • insur.def
    • inter2.def
    • ivreg1.def
    • ivreg2.def
    • kernel.def
    • lasvegas.def
    • liquor.def
    • lon1.def
    • lon2.def
    • london.def
    • lond_small.def
    • manuf.def
    • mc1.def
    • mc2.def
    • means.def
    • metrics.def
    • mexican.def
    • mexico.def
    • motel.def
    • mroz.def
    • nels.def
    • nels_small.def
    • newbroiler.def
    • njmin3.def
    • nls.def
    • nls_panel.def
    • nls_panel10.def
    • nls_panel2.def
    • nls_panel_devn.def
    • oil.def
    • okun.def
    • olympics.def
    • oz.def
    • phillips.def
    • phillips_aus.def
    • pizza4.def
    • pubexp.def
    • qtm.def
    • returns.def
    • rice.def
    • savings.def
    • share.def
    • sirmans.def
    • sp.def
    • spurious.def
    • star.def
    • sterling.def
    • stockton.def
    • stockton2.def
    • stockton3.def
    • stockton4.def
    • stockton96.def
    • table2_2.def
    • table_c3.def
    • table_c4.def
    • term.def
    • texas.def
    • tobit.def
    • tobitmc.def
    • toodyay.def
    • transport.def
    • truffles.def
    • tuna.def
    • tunafish.def
    • tunafish_small.def
    • uk.def
    • ukpi.def
    • uniform1.def
    • uniform2.def
    • uniform3.def
    • unit.def
    • usa.def
    • utown.def
    • vacation.def
    • var.def
    • vec.def
    • warner.def
    • wa_wheat.def
    • capm4.def
  • 80.78 KB
  • 2014-4-5
  • Frontier 4.1软件及操作说明.rar

    • 教学视频.exe
    • frontier操作演示.pdf
    • Front41.pdf
  • 24.62 MB
  • 2014-3-22
  • c97.0701.zip

    • c97pe.0701.xpt
    • c97emw1.0701.xpt
    • c97emw2.0701.xpt
    • c97en.0701.xpt
    • c97hh4.0701.xpt
    • c97hh5.0701.xpt
    • c97hh6.0701.xpt
    • c97hh7.0701.xpt
    • c97hh8a.0701.xpt
    • c97hh8b.0701.xpt
    • c97hh9a.0701.xpt
    • c97hh9b.0701.xpt
    • c97hh10.0701.xpt
    • c97hh11a.0701.xpt
    • c97hh11b.0701.xpt
    • c97hh12.0701.xpt
    • c97hh14a.0701.xpt
    • c97hh14b.0701.xpt
    • c97hh16.0701.xpt
    • c97hh17.0701.xpt
    • c97hh18.0701.xpt
    • c97hh19.0701.xpt
    • c97hh20a.0701.xpt
    • c97hh20b.0701.xpt
    • c97hh20c.0701.xpt
    • c97hh20d.0701.xpt
    • c97hh20e.0701.xpt
    • c97hh20f.0701.xpt
    • c97hh.0701.xpt
    • c97hhnew.0701.xpt
    • c97hhold.0701.xpt
    • c97nutr1.0701.xpt
    • c97nutr2.0701.xpt
    • c97nutr3.0701.xpt
    • c97nutr4.0701.xpt
  • 6.94 MB
  • 2014-3-16
  • Frontier41操作视频.rar

    • Frontier41操作视频.wmv
  • 9.4 MB
  • 2014-2-24
  • stochastic process.zip

    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
    • chapters7n8.pdf
    • Chapters1to3.pdf
  • 906.66 KB
  • 2014-1-20
  • fron.zip

  • 514.12 KB
  • 2013-12-27
  • frontier4.1.zip

  • 512.76 KB
  • 2013-11-10
  • 超星阅览器.zip

    • SSR412F(20130227).exe
  • 9.86 MB
  • 2013-10-22
  • 2005年俄罗斯投资年鉴.ZIP

    • OBL05.DOC
    • SOD.DOC
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2013-10-1
  • 2007年俄罗斯投资年鉴.ZIP

    • R4.DOC
    • ???????08.doc
    • R1.DOC
    • R2.DOC
    • R3.DOC
    • R5.DOC
    • R6new.DOC
    • R7.DOC
    • R8-1-8.DOC
    • R8-31-33.doc
    • R8-34-35.DOC
    • R8-9-30.DOC
    • R9.DOC
    • Rekl.DOC
    • SOD.DOC
    • OBL07.DOC
  • 1.44 MB
  • 2013-10-1
  • International Financial Management-3e-Geert Bekaert.rar
       International Financial Management-3e-Geert Bekaert

    • Part1Chapter2.pdf
    • Part2Chapter5.pdf
    • Part2Chapter6.pdf
    • Part3Chapter8.pdf
    • Part3Chapter9.pdf
    • Part4Chapter11.pdf
    • Part4Chapter13.pdf
    • Part4Chapter15.pdf
    • Part5Chapter4.pdf
    • Part5Chapter16.pdf
    • International Financial Management-3e-Geert Bekaert.pdf
    • Part1Chapter1.pdf
  • 7.6 MB
  • 2013-8-15
  • Design and Analysis of Experiments-R.rar

    • Chapter6_notes.pdf
    • Chapter1_notes.pdf
    • Chapter2_notes.pdf
    • Chapter3_notes.pdf
    • Chapter4_notes.pdf
    • Chapter5_notes.pdf
  • 2.22 MB
  • 2013-8-2
  • R4. Running a regression (Econometrics in R) - YouTube.rar

    • R4. Running a regression (Econometrics in R) - YouTube.flv
  • 15.62 MB
  • 2013-7-20
  • MQR4th.pdf
       scanned version 4th sample

  • 2.55 MB
  • 2013-7-17
  • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4.rar

    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 10.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 1.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 2.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 3.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 4.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 5.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 6.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 7.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 8.pdf
    • 2011 Becker CPA PassMaster R4 9.pdf
  • 41.58 MB
  • 2013-6-9
  • Desktop.rar

    • gdp4795.prn
    • mle_ar4modify
  • 1.77 KB
  • 2013-6-4
  • DEA FRONTIER 4.1软件以及操作指南.zip

    • Eg1tl-i.txt
    • Eg1tl-o.txt
    • F77L3.EER
    • front41.exe
    • Front41.pdf
    • FRONT41.FOR
    • FRONT41.000
    • README.txt
    • Eg1.xls
    • EG1-dta.txt
    • Eg1-ins.txt
    • Eg1-out.txt
    • Eg1tl-d.txt
    • frontier4.1软件操作.ppt
  • 519.04 KB
  • 2013-5-31
  • GRE阅读36套解析打包下载(Beta版全).zip

    • 36套remark.txt
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer1.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer10.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer11.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer12.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer13.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer14.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer15.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer16.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer17.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer18.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer19.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer2.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer20.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer21.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer22.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer23.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer24.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer25.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer26.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer27.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer28.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer29.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer3.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer30.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer31.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer32.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer33.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer34.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer35.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer36.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer4.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer5.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer6.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer7.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer8.pdf
    • 【尚友制造】36套阅读解析exer9.pdf
  • 15.69 MB
  • 2013-5-28
  • WBR2030.rar

    • wbr3.pdf
    • wbr2.pdf
    • wbr1.pdf
    • wbr4.pdf
    • wbr5.pdf
    • wbr6.pdf
    • wbr7.pdf
    • wbr8.pdf
  • 41.26 MB
  • 2013-5-20
  • 公司治理高管动态1.zip

    • CG_Director.xls
    • CG_Director1.xls
    • CG_Director1[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director2.xls
    • CG_Director2[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director3.xls
    • CG_Director3[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director4.xls
    • CG_Director4[DES][xls].txt
    • CG_Director[DES][xls].txt
  • 21.44 MB
  • 2013-5-3
  • 4.pdf

  • 10.79 MB
  • 2013-4-30
  • R43. R Programming- Variables - YouTube.rar

    • R43. R Programming- Variables - YouTube.flv
  • 12.92 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • R42. R Programming- Data Frames - YouTube.rar

    • R42. R Programming- Data Frames - YouTube.flv
  • 32.94 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • R41. Reasons to learn the R Programming Language - YouTube.rar

    • R41. Reasons to learn the R Programming Language - YouTube.flv
  • 18.26 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • R40. R Programming- Arithmetic Operations - YouTube.rar

    • R40. R Programming- Arithmetic Operations - YouTube.flv
  • 10.32 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • R44. R Programming- Vectors - YouTube.rar

    • R44. R Programming- Vectors - YouTube.flv
  • 10.26 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • R4. Running a regression (Econometrics in R).rar

    • R4. Running a regression (Econometrics in R).flv
  • 18.38 MB
  • 2013-4-23
  • 现代财务管理.rar

    • 11Topic10(Chapter8)授课用.ppt
    • 11Topic12(Chapter10).ppt
    • 11Topic1(Chapter1)授课用.ppt
    • 11Topic2(Chapter1).ppt
    • 11Topic2(Chapter1)financial statement analysis.PPT
    • 11Topic3(Chapter1).ppt
    • 11Topic4(Chapter2).ppt
    • 11Topic5(Chapter3)授课用.ppt
    • 11Topic6(Chapter4)授课用.ppt
    • 11Topic7(Chapter5)part1授课用.ppt
    • 11Topic7(Chapter5)part2.ppt
    • 11Topic9(Chapter7)授课用.ppt
  • 660.2 KB
  • 2013-1-30
  • III..zip

    • III. CR4.docx
    • III. MR4.docx
    • III. CR1.docx
    • III. CR2.docx
    • III. CR3.docx
    • III. CR5.docx
    • III. CR6.docx
    • III. MR1.docx
    • III. MR2.docx
    • III. MR3.docx
    • III. MR5.docx
    • III. MR6.docx
    • III. OR1.docx
    • III. OR2.docx
    • III. OR3.docx
    • III. OR6.docx
  • 10.26 MB
  • 2013-1-25
  • 投资学原理(复旦金融)ppt精美集合.zip
       从投资流程到资产配置,经典投资学原理及行为金融理论,各分割市场投资策略,基金运作及绩效考核方法,应有 ...

    • Chapter10.ppt
    • Chapter7.ppt
    • Chapter8.ppt
    • Chapter9.ppt
    • chapter1-2.ppt
    • chapter3.ppt
    • chapter4.ppt
    • chapter5.ppt
    • chapter6.ppt
  • 13.74 MB
  • 2013-1-20
  • Introductory Econometrics - A modern approach IM2.zip

    • preface_im.doc
    • appendixb_im.doc
    • appendixc_im.doc
    • appendixd_im.doc
    • appendixe_im.doc
    • chapter1_im.doc
    • chapter2_im.doc
    • chapter3_im.doc
    • chapter4_im.doc
    • chapter5_im.doc
    • chapter6_im.doc
    • chapter7_im.doc
    • chapter8_im.doc
    • chapter9_im.doc
    • chapter10_im.doc
    • chapter11_im.doc
    • chapter12_im.doc
    • chapter13_im.doc
    • chapter14_im.doc
    • chapter15_im.doc
    • chapter16_im.doc
    • chapter17_im.doc
    • chapter18_im.doc
    • chapter19_im.doc
  • 1.45 MB
  • 2013-1-6
  • eCommerce Textbook.rar

    • 01_eC_Intro.pdf
    • 02_eC_Chapter1.pdf
    • 03_eC_Chapter2.pdf
    • 04_eC_Chapter3.pdf
    • 05_eC_Chapter4.pdf
    • 06_eC_Chapter5.pdf
    • 07_eC_Chapter6.pdf
    • 08_eC_Chapter7.pdf
    • 09_eC_Chapter8.pdf
    • 10_eC_Chapter9.pdf
    • 11_eC_Chapter10.pdf
    • 12_eC_Chapter11.pdf
    • 13_eC_Chapter12.pdf
    • 14_eC_Glossary.pdf
    • 15_eC_Index.pdf
  • 22.53 MB
  • 2012-12-28
  • 决策树模型.rar

    • decision tree.pdf
    • SAS_Enterprise_Miner4_数据挖掘实例.pdf
    • 数据挖掘导论pdf.pdf
    • 数据挖掘的概念与常用统计分析技术——胡良平.pdf
    • 数学模型——决策树.pdf
    • Decision Tree Modeling.pdf
  • 7.52 MB
  • 2012-11-28
  • excel.zip

    • andy.xlsx
    • bangla.xlsx
    • beer.xlsx
    • bond.xlsx
    • br.xlsx
    • br2.xlsx
    • brumm.xlsx
    • byd.xlsx
    • canada.xlsx
    • capm4.xlsx
    • cars.xlsx
    • cattle.xlsx
    • ces.xlsx
    • cespro.xlsx
    • ch10.xlsx
    • ch4sim1.xlsx
    • ch4sim2.xlsx
    • chard.xlsx
    • cloth.xlsx
    • cobb.xlsx
    • cocaine.xlsx
    • coke.xlsx
    • coke_grouped.xlsx
    • cola.xlsx
    • cola2.xlsx
    • commute.xlsx
    • consumptn.xlsx
    • cps.xlsx
    • cps2.xlsx
    • cps4.xlsx
    • cps4c_small.xlsx
    • cps4_small.xlsx
    • cps5.xlsx
    • cps_small.xlsx
    • crime.xlsx
    • csi.xlsx
    • demand.xlsx
    • edu_inc.xlsx
    • equity.xlsx
    • euro.xlsx
    • ex9_13.xlsx
    • ex9_2.xlsx
    • exrate.xlsx
    • fair4.xlsx
    • food.xlsx
    • fred.xlsx
    • fullmoon.xlsx
    • fultonfish.xlsx
    • gascar.xlsx
    • gasga.xlsx
    • gdp.xlsx
    • gfc.xlsx
    • gold.xlsx
    • golf.xlsx
    • growth47.xlsx
    • grunfeld11.xlsx
    • grunfeld2.xlsx
    • hip.xlsx
    • homes.xlsx
    • hwage.xlsx
    • infln_wage.xlsx
    • insur.xlsx
    • inter2.xlsx
    • ivreg1.xlsx
    • ivreg2.xlsx
    • kernel.xlsx
    • lasvegas.xlsx
    • liquor.xlsx
    • lon1.xlsx
    • lon2.xlsx
    • london.xlsx
    • lond_small.xlsx
    • manuf.xlsx
    • mc1.xlsx
    • mc2.xlsx
    • means.xlsx
    • metrics.xlsx
    • mexican.xlsx
    • mexico.xlsx
    • motel.xlsx
    • mroz.xlsx
    • nels.xlsx
    • nels_small.xlsx
    • newbroiler.xlsx
    • njmin3.xlsx
    • nls.xlsx
    • nls_panel.xlsx
    • nls_panel10.xlsx
    • nls_panel2.xlsx
    • nls_panel_devn.xlsx
    • oil.xlsx
    • okun.xlsx
    • olympics.xlsx
    • oz.xlsx
    • phillips.xlsx
    • phillips_aus.xlsx
    • pizza4.xlsx
    • pubexp.xlsx
    • qtm.xlsx
    • returns.xlsx
    • rice.xlsx
    • savings.xlsx
    • share.xlsx
    • sirmans.xlsx
    • sp.xlsx
    • spurious.xlsx
    • star.xlsx
    • sterling.xlsx
    • stockton.xlsx
    • stockton2.xlsx
    • stockton3.xlsx
    • stockton4.xlsx
    • stockton96.xlsx
    • table2_2.xlsx
    • table_c3.xlsx
    • table_c4.xlsx
    • term.xlsx
    • texas.xlsx
    • tobit.xlsx
    • tobitmc.xlsx
    • toodyay.xlsx
    • transport.xlsx
    • truffles.xlsx
    • tuna.xlsx
    • tunafish.xlsx
    • tunafish_small.xlsx
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  • 2012-11-7
  • CFA Level 1 (一).rar

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  • 2012-11-5
  • paper4.zip

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  • 2012-11-5
  • 国际贸易学.zip

    • 第七章贸易政策的政治经济学.ppt
    • 第四章2 国际贸易新理论.ppt
    • 第五章贸易政策工具1.ppt
    • chapter1 introduction.ppt
    • chapter2 traditional trade theories.ppt
    • chapter3 Economic Growth and Trade.ppt
    • chapter4 规模经济and Trade.ppt
    • 第九章 世界贸易组织.ppt
    • 第六章贸易政策工具2.ppt
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  • 2012-10-31
  • Modeling with Stochastic Programming.rar

    • back-matter.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
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    • chapter3.pdf
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    • front-matter.pdf
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  • 2012-10-13
  • GWR4.zip

    • GWR4.exe
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  • 2012-10-11
  • 转发:第二讲-数据操作.zip

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    • veneer.txt
    • height and weight.txt
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  • Missing Data.rar

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  • 2012-9-29
  • Missing Data.rar

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  • 2012-9-29
  • six sigma with R .rar

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  • 2012-9-24
  • SSR401_bk(20100925)CD.rar

    • SSR401_bk(20100925)CD.exe
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  • 2012-9-22
  • 高级计量经济学案例库.rar

    • AER4.pdf
    • AER1.pdf
    • AER2.pdf
    • AER3.pdf
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  • 2012-9-19
  • 南京大学企业管理1999-2008考研真题.zip

    • original_R4Aa_584d0000088e125d.jpg
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  • 2012-9-15
  • 0324323484_120131.zip
       伍德里奇 计量经济学导论 第四版 答案

    • appendixa.doc
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    • chapter18.doc
    • chapter19.doc
    • preface.doc
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  • 2012-8-29
  • 成本会计.rar

    • 成本会计-chapter6.ppt
    • 成本会计-chapter1.ppt
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    • 成本会计-chapter4.ppt
    • 成本会计-chapter5.ppt
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2012-8-22
  • 2012_1_16Essential_Microeconomics_Cambridge_Univer.rar
       essential microeconomics

    • chapter10 games with asymmetric information.pdf
    • chapter11 incentive compatibility and mechanism design.pdf
    • chapter12 auctions and public goods 1 January 2012.pdf
    • Getting started.doc
    • AppendixA mathematical foundations.pdf
    • AppendixB mappings of vectors.pdf
    • AppendixC optimization.pdf
    • chapter1 prices and optimization.pdf
    • chapter2 consumers.pdf
    • chapter3 equilibrium and efficiency in an exchange economy.pdf
    • chapter4 firms.pdf
    • chapter5 general equilibrium.pdf
    • chapter6 dynamic optimization.pdf
    • chapter7 uncertainty.pdf
    • chapter8 equilbrium in financial markets.pdf
    • chapter9 games where preferences and history are common knowledge.pdf
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  • 2012-8-10
  • hhcfar4a.zip

    • FR_T4.xls
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  • 2012-7-22
  • lirhpsno.zip

    • DPR_Adalyr.xls
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    • DPR_Adalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • DPR_Adalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2012-6-27
  • hyd4_4m.zip

    • River4_polyline.shx
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  • 2012-6-19
  • StatPro.zip
       EXCEL StatPro插件

    • XBR4.gif
    • AutocorrHelp.htm
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    • ChiNorm1.gif
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    • Dummy1.gif
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    • Interact10.gif
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    • Interact9.gif
    • Lag1.gif
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    • Autocorr.xla
    • Box.xla
    • ChiSq.xla
    • CorrCovar.xla
    • Diff.xla
    • Dummy.xla
    • Forecast.xla
    • HistNorm.xla
    • Interact.xla
    • Lag.xla
    • Lill.xla
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    • PairSamp.xla
    • QQPlot.xla
    • RandFns.xla
    • RandSamp.xla
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    • Runs.xla
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    • 1Samp1.gif
    • BoxplotHelp.htm
    • ChiNormHelp.htm
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    • CorrCovarHelp.htm
    • DiffHelp.htm
    • DummyHelp.htm
    • ForecastHelp.htm
    • HistHelp.htm
    • InteractHelp.htm
    • LagHelp.htm
    • LillHelp.htm
    • OneSampHelp.htm
    • OneWayHelp.htm
    • PairSampHelp.htm
    • QQPlotHelp.htm
    • RandSampHelp.htm
    • RegrHelp.htm
    • RunsHelp.htm
    • SampSizeHelp.htm
    • ScatHelp.htm
    • SPCHelp.htm
    • StackHelp.htm
    • StatProHelp.htm
    • SummStatsHelp.htm
    • TransformHelp.htm
    • TSPlotHelp.htm
    • TwoSampHelp.htm
    • TwoWayHelp.htm
    • UnstackHelp.htm
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  • 2012-5-13
  • 课件.rar
       上财 金融 课件

    • Chapter9.ppt
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    • Chapter22.ppt
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    • Chapter20.ppt
    • Chapter2.ppt
    • Chapter19.ppt
    • Chapter18.ppt
    • Chapter17.ppt
    • Chapter16.ppt
    • Chapter15.ppt
    • Chapter14.ppt
    • Chapter13.ppt
    • Chapter12.ppt
    • Chapter11.ppt
    • Chapter10.ppt
    • Chapter1.ppt
  • 13.16 MB
  • 2012-5-1
  • 货币银行学 上海财经 戴国强.rar
       上财 货币银行学

    • Chapter1.ppt
    • Chapter2.ppt
    • Chapter3.ppt
    • Chapter4.ppt
    • Chapter5.ppt
    • Chapter6.ppt
    • Chapter7.ppt
    • Chapter8.ppt
    • Chapter9.ppt
    • Chapter10.ppt
    • Chapter11.ppt
    • Chapter12.ppt
    • Chapter13.ppt
    • Chapter14.ppt
    • Chapter15.ppt
    • Chapter16.ppt
    • Chapter17.ppt
    • Chapter18.ppt
    • Chapter19.ppt
    • Chapter20.ppt
    • Chapter21.ppt
    • Chapter22.ppt
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  • 2012-4-27
  • fwd0304.zip

    • chapter3.ppt
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  • 2012-3-22
  • FAR&REG.rar

    • R4.pdf
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    • F9.pdf
    • F-Intro.pdf
    • R1.pdf
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    • R3.pdf
    • R5.pdf
    • R6.pdf
    • R7.pdf
    • F1.pdf
    • F2.pdf
    • F3.pdf
    • F4.pdf
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  • 2012-2-19
  • Intermediate Accounting 6th Ed Ch1-Ch7.rar

    • Binder7.pdf
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    • Binder5.pdf
    • Binder6.pdf
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  • 2012-1-30
  • Investments solution.rar

    • Chapter1.pdf
    • Chapter2.pdf
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    • Chapter9.pdf
    • Chapter10.pdf
    • Chapter11.pdf
    • Chapter13.pdf
    • Chapter14.pdf
    • Chapter15.pdf
    • Chapter16.pdf
    • Chapter21.pdf
    • Chapter22.pdf
    • Chapter24.pdf
    • Chapter25.pdf
    • Chapter26.pdf
    • Chapter27.pdf
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  • 超星图书阅览器.rar

    • SSR401_bk(20100925)CD.exe
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  • 2012-1-12
  • 超星阅读器4.0.rar

    • SSR401_bk(20100925)CD.exe
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  • 2012-1-8
  • shu.zip

    • Monte Carlo Simulation for Capital Stress Testing - Different Buckets_VER4.xlsm
  • 2.44 MB
  • 2012-1-5
  • 上财版会计学PPT.rar

    • chapter3.ppt
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  • 2011-12-19
  • Principles of accounting.rar

    • Chapter 15.pdf
    • Chapter 16.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
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    • chapter4.pdf
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    • chapter7.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
    • Chapter 10.pdf
    • Chapter 11.pdf
    • Chapter 12.pdf
    • Chapter 13.pdf
    • Chapter 14.pdf
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  • 2011-12-8
  • ppt.rar
       课程所有ppt 共上千张 slides

    • chapter5.ppt
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    • chapter3.ppt
    • chapter4.ppt
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  • 2011-11-30
  • System Understanding Aid Reference Book.rar

    • SNA_Ref_Chapter1.pdf
    • SNA_Ref_Chapter2&3.pdf
    • SNA_Ref_Chapter4&5.pdf
    • SNA_Ref_Chapter6&7.pdf
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  • 2011-11-22
  • 2011.rar

    • R4.pdf
    • R5.pdf
    • R6.pdf
    • R7.pdf
    • R1.pdf
    • R2.pdf
    • R3.pdf
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  • 2011-11-15
  • ysudq3oe004.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-15
  • zsogqkhr003.zip

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  • 2011-10-14
  • jkqehjyg002.zip

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  • 2011-10-13
  • 5is5l3cv001.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • rtnlq13t.zip

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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • r4olnqms.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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  • 2011-10-13
  • pwphtz0x.zip

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    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • pfjxkrb5.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
  • 28.23 MB
  • 2011-10-13
  • lhhf4tqe.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
    • TRD_Dalyr1.xls
    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
  • 28.48 MB
  • 2011-10-13
  • gvwodvmf.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
    • TRD_Dalyr1.xls
    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • eqbp50aa.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • bq01wddl.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • bpgfmqcc.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • 4teo2gb1(1).zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
    • TRD_Dalyr1.xls
    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
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  • 2011-10-13
  • 0eyyyzyj.zip

    • TRD_Dalyr.xls
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    • TRD_Dalyr1[DES][xls].txt
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    • TRD_Dalyr4[DES][xls].txt
    • TRD_Dalyr[DES][xls].txt
  • 28.99 MB
  • 2011-10-13
  • 武汉大学周茂荣世界经济专题课件.rar

    • 世界经济概论试卷及答案.doc
    • chapter1.ppt
    • chapter2.ppt
    • chapter3.ppt
    • chapter4.ppt
    • chapter5.ppt
    • chapter6.ppt
    • chapter7.ppt
    • chapter8.ppt
    • chapter9.ppt
    • chapter10.ppt
    • chapter11.ppt
    • chapter12.ppt
    • chapter13.ppt
  • 14.12 MB
  • 2011-10-5
  • 第1-4章书上的例题程序.zip

    • chapter1.sas
    • chapter2.sas
    • chapter3.sas
    • chapter4.sas
  • 11.73 KB
  • 2011-8-14
  • Chapter files3.rar

    • fm3_chapter_41_var_covar.xls
    • fm3_chapter28.xls
    • fm3_chapter29.xls
    • fm3_chapter30.xls
    • fm3_chapter31.xls
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    • fm3_chapter40.xls
    • fm3_chapter40_client.xls
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    • fm3_chapter40_vba_client.xls
    • fm3_chapter40_vba_server.xls
    • fm3_chapter41.xls
    • fm3_chapter41_djiparam.iqy.xls
    • fm3_chapter41_FTSE100.iqy.xls
    • fm3_chapter41_gm.iqy.xls
  • 757.99 KB
  • 2011-6-25
  • Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics, Fourth Edition data.zip

    • andy.dta
    • bangla.dta
    • beer.dta
    • bond.dta
    • br.dta
    • br2.dta
    • brumm.dta
    • byd.dta
    • canada.dta
    • cars.dta
    • cattle.dta
    • ces.dta
    • cespro.dta
    • ch10.dta
    • ch4sim1.dta
    • ch4sim2.dta
    • chard.dta
    • cloth.dta
    • cobb.dta
    • cocaine.dta
    • coke.dta
    • coke_grouped.dta
    • cola.dta
    • cola2.dta
    • commute.dta
    • consumptn.dta
    • cps.dta
    • cps2.dta
    • cps4.dta
    • cps4c_small.dta
    • cps4_small.dta
    • cps5.dta
    • cps_small.dta
    • crime.dta
    • csi.dta
    • demand.dta
    • edu_inc.dta
    • equity.dta
    • euro.dta
    • ex9_13.dta
    • ex9_2.dta
    • exrate.dta
    • fair4.dta
    • food.dta
    • fred.dta
    • fullmoon.dta
    • fultonfish.dta
    • gascar.dta
    • gasga.dta
    • gdp.dta
    • gfc.dta
    • gold.dta
    • golf.dta
    • growth47.dta
    • grunfeld11.dta
    • grunfeld2.dta
    • hip.dta
    • histeviews.eps
    • homes.dta
    • hwage.dta
    • infln_wage.dta
    • insur.dta
    • inter2.dta
    • ivreg1.dta
    • ivreg2.dta
    • kernel.dta
    • lasvegas.dta
    • liquor.dta
    • lon1.dta
    • lon2.dta
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    • lond_small.dta
    • manuf.dta
    • mc1.dta
    • mc2.dta
    • means.dta
    • metrics.dta
    • mexican.dta
    • mexico.dta
    • motel.dta
    • mroz.dta
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    • nels_small.dta
    • newbroiler.dta
    • njmin3.dta
    • nls.dta
    • nls_panel.dta
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    • oil.dta
    • okun.dta
    • olympics.dta
    • oz.dta
    • phillips.dta
    • phillips_aus.dta
    • pizza4.dta
    • pubexp.dta
    • qtm.dta
    • returns.dta
    • rice.dta
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    • share.dta
    • sirmans.dta
    • sp.dta
    • spurious.dta
    • star.dta
    • sterling.dta
    • stockton.dta
    • stockton2.dta
    • stockton3.dta
    • stockton4.dta
    • stockton96.dta
    • table2_2.dta
    • table_c3.dta
    • table_c4.dta
    • term.dta
    • texas.dta
    • tobit.dta
    • tobitmc.dta
    • toodyay.dta
    • transport.dta
    • truffles.dta
    • tuna.dta
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    • tunafish_small.dta
    • uk.dta
    • ukpi.dta
    • uniform1.dta
    • uniform2.dta
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    • unit.dta
    • usa.dta
    • utown.dta
    • vacation.dta
    • var.dta
    • vec.dta
    • warner.dta
    • wa_wheat.dta
    • capm4.dta
  • 1.77 MB
  • 2011-6-10
  • 供应链管理ppt课件.rar

    • chapter8.ppt
    • chapter7.ppt
    • chapter6.ppt
    • chapter5.ppt
    • chapter4.ppt
    • chapter3.ppt
    • chapter2.ppt
    • chapter1.ppt
    • chapter9.ppt
  • 329.72 KB
  • 2011-5-31
  • 财务会计课件.rar

    • 12-2.doc
    • D财务会计翻译财务会计第11章 运用收益表和股东权益表.doc
    • D财务会计翻译财务会计复件 第13章 财务报表分析.doc
    • 财务会计--第二章.doc
    • 财务会计--第七章.doc
    • 财务会计--第一章.doc
    • 第10章 长期投资和国际化经营.doc
    • 第12章 现金流量表.doc
    • 第3章.doc
    • 第5章(孙铨).doc
    • 第八章.负债.doc
    • 第九章(二).doc
    • 第六章-OK.doc
    • 第四章--chapter4.doc
    • 目录--财务会计学1.doc
    • 查看更多课件、资料、答案.url
  • 971.51 KB
  • 2011-5-23
  • KWChapter4_ StudentSlides.zip

    • KWChapter4_ StudentSlides.ppt
  • 15.73 MB
  • 2011-4-13
  • KWChapter4_ StudentSlides_compressed.zip

    • KWChapter4_ StudentSlides_compressed.ppt
  • 4.28 MB
  • 2011-4-13
  • 投资学.rar

    • Chapter7 Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory.ppt
    • Chapter8 Efficient Markets and the Behavioral Critique.ppt
    • Chapter9 Bonds Prices and Yields.ppt
    • Chapter10 Managing Bond Portfolio.ppt
    • Chapter11 Macroeconomic and industry analysis.ppt
    • Chapter12 Equity Valuation.ppt
    • Chapter13 Financial Statement Analysis.ppt
    • Chapter14 Options Markets.ppt
    • Chapter15 Option Valuation.ppt
    • Chapter16 Futures Markets.ppt
    • Chapter17 Performance Evaluation and Active Portfolio Management.ppt
    • Chapter19 Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis.ppt
    • Chapter21 Investors and the Investment Process.ppt
    • Chapter 1.doc
    • Chapter 1 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 2.doc
    • Chapter 2 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 3 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 4.doc
    • Chapter 4 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 5 solution manual.ppt
    • Chapter 6 solution manual.ppt
    • Chapter 7 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter 8 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter 9 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter 10 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter1 Investments Background and Issues.ppt
    • Chapter2 Financial Securities.ppt
    • Chapter3 Security Markets.ppt
    • Chapter4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies.ppt
    • Chapter5 Risk and Return Past and Prologue.ppt
    • Chapter6 Efficient Diverdification.ppt
  • 17.45 MB
  • 2011-4-6
  • 利息理论.rar

    • ex3.PDF
    • ex4.PDF
    • ex5.PDF
    • ex6.PDF
    • ex7.PDF
    • ppt1.PDF
    • ppt2.PDF
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    • ppt7.PDF
    • answer1.PDF
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    • answer7.PDF
    • chapter1.PDF
    • chapter3.PDF
    • chapter4.PDF
    • chapter5.PDF
    • chapter6.PDF
    • chapter7.PDF
    • ex1.PDF
    • ex2.PDF
  • 3.18 MB
  • 2011-3-27
  • 4th Symposium of CJAR 论文.rar

    • paper8 再融资只是圈钱吗?.pdf
    • paper1 The Quality of Financial Reporting in China.pdf
    • paper2 Political Connection, Transparency and Auditor Choice:Evidence from Family-owned Firms in China.pdf
    • paper3 Fraudulent Financial Reporting in China: Consideration of Timing Traits and Corporate Governance Mechanisms.pdf
    • paper4 Do institutions have superior stock selection ability in China.pdf
    • paper5 投资-现金流量相关性代表了融资约束么?.pdf
    • paper6 幸福感能够降低代理成本吗?.pdf
    • paper7 产业政策与公司融资——来自中国的经验证据.pdf
  • 3.85 MB
  • 2010-12-8
  • P1R4.ppt
       P1 REVISION

  • 548 KB
  • 2010-11-26
  • 1_22164854.rar

    • Chapter 1.doc
    • Chapter 2.doc
    • Chapter 3.doc
    • Chapter 5.doc
    • Chapter 6.doc
    • Chapter4.doc
  • 2.87 MB
  • 2010-11-23
  • 案例 1-4.rar

    • Chapter3-1(riskofchoice).pdf
    • Chapter4-1(producer&learningeffect).pdf
    • Chapter4-1(producer&sunkcost).pdf
    • Chapter4-3(producer&marginalreturn).pdf
    • Chapter1-1(Demand&Supply).pdf
    • Chapter1-2(Demand&Supply).pdf
    • Chapter2-1(Consumertheory).pdf
    • Chapter2-2(Consumertheory).pdf
  • 1.2 MB
  • 2010-11-11
  • 整数规划.rar

    • chapter16.pdf
    • chapter17.pdf
    • chapter18.pdf
    • chapter19.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
    • front-matter1.pdf
    • front-matter-partII.pdf
    • front-matter-partIII.pdf
    • back-matter.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
    • chapter2.pdf
    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter7.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
    • chapter10.pdf
    • chapter11.pdf
    • chapter12.pdf
    • chapter13.pdf
    • chapter14.pdf
    • chapter15.pdf
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  • 2010-11-11
  • macro-email课件.zip

    • chapter1_macro1_2010.pdf
    • chapter2_macro1_2010PASTEN.pdf
    • chapter3_macro1_20101.pdf
    • chapter4_macro1_2010.pdf
    • chapter5_macro1_2010.pdf
    • chapter6_macro1_2010.pdf
    • chapter7_macro1_2010.pdf
  • 811.83 KB
  • 2010-10-30
  • Level II Volume 5 (R47 - R56).zip

    • Level II Volume 5 (R47 - R56).pdf
  • 33.14 MB
  • 2011-3-22
  • Level II Volume 4 (R43 - R46).zip

    • Level II Volume 4 (R43 - R46).pdf
  • 27.46 MB
  • 2010-10-22
  • Level II Volume 4 (R34 - R42).zip

    • Level II Volume 4 (R34 - R42).pdf
  • 25.35 MB
  • 2010-10-22
  • endogenous.zip

    • BIGH1F.MAT
    • BIGH1S.MAT
    • BIGH2F.MAT
    • BIGH2S.MAT
    • checkf.m
    • checks.m
    • cimpr.dat
    • data.wk4
    • dcor4.m
    • estf.m
    • ests.m
    • estsef.m
    • estses.m
    • impf.m
    • imps.m
    • llfnf.m
    • llfns.m
    • llfnsef.m
    • llfnses.m
    • notes.pdf
    • solvf.m
    • solvs.m
    • stabf.m
    • stabs.m
    • vardecf.m
    • vardecs.m
    • vcorf.m
    • vcors.m
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  • 2010-10-16
  • hamilton ar4.rar

    • gdp4795.prn
    • hmt4_kim.opt
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  • 2010-10-4
  • SSR401_bk(20100402)CD.rar

    • SSR401_bk(20100402)CD.exe
  • 8.56 MB
  • 2010-9-27
  • 四川大学博弈论课件.rar

    • chapter1.pdf
    • chapter2.pdf
    • chapter3_1.pdf
    • chapter3_2.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5_1.pdf
    • chapter5_2.pdf
  • 13.39 MB
  • 2010-9-17
  • 博弈论进展(英).zip

    • index.pdf
    • answer12.pdf
    • answer13.pdf
    • answer14.pdf
    • answer15.pdf
    • answer16.pdf
    • answer2.pdf
    • answer3.pdf
    • answer4.pdf
    • answer5.pdf
    • answer6.pdf
    • answer7.pdf
    • answer9.pdf
    • chapte10.pdf
    • chapte11.pdf
    • chapte12.pdf
    • chapte13.pdf
    • chapte14.pdf
    • chapte15.pdf
    • chapte16.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
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    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter7.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
    • contents.pdf
    • acknowle.pdf
    • preface.pdf
    • referenc.pdf
  • 8.83 MB
  • 2010-9-7
  • 博弈论讲义3.zip

    • answer12.pdf
    • answer13.pdf
    • answer14.pdf
    • answer15.pdf
    • answer16.pdf
    • answer2.pdf
    • answer3.pdf
    • answer4.pdf
    • answer5.pdf
    • answer6.pdf
    • answer7.pdf
    • answer9.pdf
  • 3.11 MB
  • 2010-9-7
  • ABCs_of_RBCs_programs.zip

    • chapter4p1.m
    • chapter5main.m
    • chapter691main.m
    • chapter7main.m
    • chapter8basicmodel.m
    • chapter8impulseresponse.m
    • chapter8main.m
    • hbarfind.m
    • kbarfind.m
    • modelschur.m
    • valfun.m
    • valfunsto.m
    • varratio.m
  • 6.25 KB
  • 2010-9-7
  • solution.rar

    • chapter19.doc
    • appendixa.doc
    • appendixb.doc
    • appendixc.doc
    • appendixd.doc
    • appendixe.doc
    • chapter1.doc
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    • chapter11.doc
    • chapter12.doc
    • chapter13.doc
    • chapter14.doc
    • chapter15.doc
    • chapter16.doc
    • chapter17.doc
    • chapter18.doc
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  • 2010-9-6
  • frontier4.1.zip

    • EG1.DAT
    • EG1.DTA
    • EG1.INS
    • EG1.OUT
    • EG1.SHA
    • F77L3.EER
    • FRONT41.000
    • FRONT41.DOC
    • front41.exe
    • FRONT41.FOR
    • READ41.ME
  • 289.64 KB
  • 2010-8-27
  • analysis2.zip

    • ana.sas
    • content.sas7bdat
    • cust_temp01.sas7bdat
    • cust_temp02.sas7bdat
    • temp01.sas7bdat
    • var1.sas7bdat
    • var2.sas7bdat
    • var3.sas7bdat
    • var4.sas7bdat
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  • 2010-8-25
  • 中文版.rar

    • spsswsas.dll
    • spsswsea.dll
    • spsswsfi.dll
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    • spsswspc.dll
    • spsswspr.dll
    • spsswsur.dll
    • spsswtbu.dll
    • spsswtsl.dll
    • spsswtsp.dll
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    • spsswtsu.dll
    • spsswtte.dll
    • spsswuav.dll
    • spsswuse.dll
    • spsswvar.dll
    • spsswwls.dll
    • spsswx11.dll
    • spsydac.dll
    • spsydacc.dll
    • spsymsg.dll
    • srvevent.dll
    • stadev32.dll
    • statrn32.dll
    • styles.dll
    • svrdmgr.dll
    • svrerrs.dll
    • sxmlexp.dll
    • sysio32.dll
    • tempdir.dll
    • testlog.dll
    • textfilereader.dll
    • textfilereaderres.dll
    • thematics.dll
    • thematicsres.dll
    • thr4d.dll
    • tls704d.dll
    • tokens.dll
    • tools.dll
    • txtwdac.dll
    • txtwdacc.dll
    • txtwdmsg.dll
    • uninst.dll
    • utilclnt.dll
    • utility.dll
    • utilityres.dll
    • utilmsg.dll
    • vserial.dll
    • vutility.dll
    • xlsdac.dll
    • xlsdacc.dll
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    • xmlexp.dll
    • xmlxpmsg.dll
    • mapx.abb
    • mapx40.ocx
    • spssgctl.ocx
    • spsspvt.ocx
    • spsstb16.bmp
    • spsstb32.bmp
    • textur0.bmp
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    • textur15.bmp
    • spssadv.cbf
    • spssbase.cbf
    • spsscat.cbf
    • spssconj.cbf
    • spssdlg.cbf
    • spssimap.cbf
    • spssmva.cbf
    • spsspro.cbf
    • spsstbcb.cbf
    • spsstrnd.cbf
    • imaptut.cnt
    • spssnewg.cnt
    • spssole.cnt
    • spssremo.cnt
    • spsstut.cnt
    • spsswin.cnt
    • igparse.dfa
    • spss-ml.dtd
    • datasrc.err
    • odbcdac.err
    • spss.err
    • txtwdac.err
    • xlsdac.err
    • ebbmp2.flt
    • ebjpg2.flt
    • ebpng2.flt
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    • empct2.flt
    • emps_2.flt
    • emwmf2.flt
    • ibbmp2.flt
    • imwmf2.flt
    • mapinfow.fnt
    • spssbase.pdf
    • spsscat.pdf
    • spssconj.pdf
    • spssmaps.pdf
    • spssmva.pdf
    • spsstbcb.pdf
    • spsstrnd.pdf
    • msw.hdi
    • DeIsL1.isu
    • mapx40.lic
    • igparse.llr
    • batfiles.doc
    • faq.doc
    • readme.doc
    • delbars.bat
    • dumb-off.bat
    • dumb-on.bat
    • expoff.bat
    • generic.bat
    • launchon.bat
    • newuser.bat
    • objs-off.bat
    • objs-on.bat
    • pmalert.bat
    • prtfast.bat
    • prtnorm.bat
    • prtslow.bat
    • reghoops.bat
    • regpurge.bat
    • rereg61.bat
    • rereg70.bat
    • rereg.bat
    • wmf-off.bat
    • wmf-on.bat
    • ebbmp2.nii
    • ebjpg2.nii
    • ebpng2.nii
    • ebtif2.nii
    • emcgm2.nii
    • empct2.nii
    • emps_2.nii
    • emwmf2.nii
    • imwmf2.nii
    • isgdi32.nii
    • mapx.pen
    • mapinfow.prj
    • spsswaim.sbb
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    • spsswrts.sbb
    • spsswtsc.sbb
    • spsswv2c.sbb
    • spsswwbc.sbb
    • Descriptive statistics.spp
    • 1991 U.S. General Social Survey.sav
    • AML survival.sav
    • anorectic.sav
    • Anxiety 2.sav
    • Anxiety.sav
    • Breast cancer survival.sav
    • carpet.sav
    • Cars.sav
    • coffee.sav
    • Coronary artery data.sav
    • Employee data.sav
    • Fat surfactant.sav
    • flying.sav
    • Glass strain.sav
    • Growth study.sav
    • GSS93 subset.sav
    • GSS 93 for Missing Values.sav
    • guttman.sav
    • Home sales [by neighborhood].sav
    • Inventor.sav
    • judges.sav
    • kinship_dat.sav
    • kinship_ini.sav
    • kinship_var.sav
    • Love.sav
    • Mall rentals.sav
    • map_data.sav
    • Mouse survival.sav
    • New drug.sav
    • Oven tests.sav
    • ozone.sav
    • Plastic.sav
    • Road construction bids.sav
    • sales.sav
    • screws.sav
    • smoking.sav
    • Tomato.sav
    • Trends chapter 4.sav
    • Trends chapter 5.sav
    • Trends chapter 6.sav
    • Trends chapter 7.sav
    • Trends chapter 8.sav
    • Trends chapter 9.sav
    • Trends chapter 10.sav
    • Trends chapter 11.sav
    • Trends chapter 12.sav
    • Trends chapter 13.sav
    • Trends chapter 14.sav
    • Turnip leaves.sav
    • tv-survey.sav
    • University of Florida graduate salaries.sav
    • verd1985.sav
    • voter.sav
    • World95.sav
    • World 95 for Missing Values.sav
    • Canonical correlation.sps
    • Descriptive statistics.sps
    • Ridge regression.sps
    • SPSS PC+ syntax convertor.sps
    • mdatasetint.tlb
    • spssgctl.tlb
    • spsspvt.tlb
    • spssrtf.tlb
    • spsswin.tlb
    • spss.tpl
    • dba01.inf
    • dba02.inf
    • dba03.inf
    • spssprod.inf
    • distut.hlp
    • exceldac.hlp
    • imaptut.hlp
    • mapole.hlp
    • odbcwzrd.hlp
    • spssadv.hlp
    • spsscat.hlp
    • spssconj.hlp
    • spssdbca.hlp
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    • spssprod.hlp
    • spsspub.hlp
    • spssremo.hlp
    • spsstbcb.hlp
    • spsstrnd.hlp
    • spsstut.hlp
    • spsswin.hlp
    • textwzrd.hlp
    • 61.dat
    • 70.dat
    • dregedit.dat
    • nlsy-emp.dat
    • tc-msft.dat
    • tpf.ico
    • htmlfram.txt
    • milascii.txt
    • nutrdata.txt
    • registry.txt
    • defaultLayers
    • nadcon
    • advisor.chm
    • defrag.exe
    • dregedit.exe
    • fileinfo.exe
    • geodictionarymanager40.exe
    • geosetmanager40.exe
    • licrenew.exe
    • openspss.exe
    • regdump.exe
    • regsvr32.exe
    • runsyntx.exe
    • spssdbca.exe
    • spsslave.exe
    • spssprod.exe
    • spssrtf.exe
    • spsssrvr.exe
    • spsswin.exe
    • testload.exe
    • wregedit.exe
    • alltype.dll
    • alltyperes.dll
    • bla2012d.dll
    • clntutil.dll
    • collookupsystem.dll
    • commandprocessor.dll
    • commandprocessorres.dll
    • compiler.dll
    • coordsys.dll
    • coordsysres.dll
    • csgds.dll
    • csgdsclt.dll
    • csserver.dll
    • customproperties.dll
    • cxmlexp.dll
    • dacmgr.dll
    • dacmgrpk.dll
    • dacmmsgs.dll
    • daengine.dll
    • daengineres.dll
    • datasrc.dll
    • dataxchg.dll
    • dbinfo.dll
    • dbinfores.dll
    • dblayer.dll
    • dblayerres.dll
    • dedstore.dll
    • dlgsmsg.dll
    • dlgspkg.dll
    • exprpacket.dll
    • exprpacketcreator.dll
    • exprpacketcreatorres.dll
    • exprpacketres.dll
    • fcninfoserver.dll
    • fcninfoserverres.dll
    • find.dll
    • findres.dll
    • fmsgs.dll
    • fopen.dll
    • fopenmsg.dll
    • fopenpkg.dll
    • gdsmsgs.dll
    • geo.dll
    • geodictionarymanagerintl40.dll
    • geoobject.dll
    • geoobjectres.dll
    • geores.dll
    • geoset.dll
    • geosetmanagerintl40.dll
    • geosetres.dll
    • hoops32.dll
    • isgdi32.dll
    • laf2012d.dll
    • legend.dll
    • legendres.dll
    • lexer.dll
    • lexerres.dll
    • loclsrvr.dll
    • lpk2012d.dll
    • mapbasicinternalfcn.dll
    • mapbasicinternalfcnres.dll
    • mapper.dll
    • mapperres.dll
    • metadata.dll
    • midlg40.dll
    • midlin40.dll
    • migeoreg.dll
    • mimfal32.dll
    • mirdb.dll
    • mirdbres.dll
    • mirdbspatial.dll
    • mirdbspatialres.dll
    • mires412.dll
    • mitmin40.dll
    • mk4nvmxd.dll
    • MMapXColumnInfo.dll
    • MSafeArrayDataset.dll
    • mth6112d.dll
    • mtl70mt.dll
    • mxintl40.dll
    • net4d.dll
    • ngdsclnt.dll
    • oc30.dll
    • odbcdac.dll
    • odbcdacc.dll
    • odbcdmsg.dll
    • og61as.dll
    • program.dll
    • programres.dll
    • raster.dll
    • rasterres.dll
    • riched32.dll
    • savfdac.dll
    • savfdacc.dll
    • slaveadv.dll
    • sock11.dll
    • sock20.dll
    • spawn.dll
    • spscache.dll
    • spssaddc.dll
    • spssadv.dll
    • spssbmed.dll
    • spsscapp.dll
    • spsscat.dll
    • spsscgds.dll
    • spssclnt.dll
    • spsscls.dll
    • spsscmn.dll
    • spsscntr.dll
    • spsscoll.dll
    • spssconj.dll
    • spssctrl.dll
    • spssdde.dll
    • spssdeds.dll
    • spssdemg.dll
    • spssdevw.dll
    • spssdmgr.dll
    • spssgagv.dll
    • spssgds.dll
    • spssgraf.dll
    • spssgrph.dll
    • spssgrui.dll
    • spssgspc.dll
    • spssimap.dll
    • spssiocv.dll
    • spssmsgs.dll
    • spssmva.dll
    • spssodbc.dll
    • spsspref.dll
    • spssprnt.dll
    • spssprnv.dll
    • spsstabl.dll
    • spsstbar.dll
    • spsstrnb.dll
    • spsstrnd.dll
    • spsstrnp.dll
    • spsstxwz.dll
    • spssui.dll
    • spssutil.dll
    • spsswacf.dll
    • spsswagg.dll
    • spsswals.dll
    • spsswano.dll
    • spsswarc.dll
    • spsswari.dll
    • spsswbrk.dll
    • spsswcde.dll
    • spsswclu.dll
    • spsswcom.dll
    • spsswcox.dll
    • spsswcrs.dll
    • spsswctl.dll
    • spsswdat.dll
    • spsswdsc.dll
    • spssweda.dll
    • spsswexs.dll
    • spsswext.dll
    • spsswfac.dll
    • spsswfil.dll
    • spsswfit.dll
    • spsswfli.dll
    • spsswfre.dll
    • spsswfxl.dll
    • spsswgct.dll
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    • spsswglm.dll
    • spsswgra.dll
    • spsswhil.dll
    • spsswigp.dll
    • spsswkm.dll
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    • spsswlog.dll
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    • spsswmtc.dll
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    • spsswpar.dll
    • spsswpea.dll
    • spsswpkg.dll
    • spsswplo.dll
    • spsswpro.dll
    • spsswprx.dll
    • spsswpum.dll
    • spsswpxs.dll
    • spsswreg.dll
    • spsswrel.dll
    • spsswrep.dll
    • spsswrnk.dll
    • spsswroc.dll
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  • 2010-8-18
  • 天财财务管理 课件.rar

    • chapter17.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
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    • chapter5.pdf
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    • chapter11.pdf
    • chapter12.pdf
    • chapter13.pdf
    • chapter14.pdf
    • chapter15.pdf
    • chapter16.pdf
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  • 2010-8-17
  • ANS of Introductory Econometrics A Modern Approach-Woolridge 4E.rar

    • chapter19.doc
    • appendixa.doc
    • appendixb.doc
    • appendixc.doc
    • appendixd.doc
    • appendixe.doc
    • chapter1.doc
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    • chapter4.doc
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    • chapter16.doc
    • chapter17.doc
    • chapter18.doc
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  • 2010-8-4
  • econometrics2.zip

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    • chapter11.pdf
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    • chapter12.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter2.pdf
    • chapter14.pdf
    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter13.pdf
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  • 2010-7-25
  • gametheory3.zip

    • answer12.pdf
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    • answer16.pdf
    • answer2.pdf
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    • answer6.pdf
    • answer7.pdf
    • answer9.pdf
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  • 2010-7-25
  • 计量经济1-8章.rar

    • chapter1.pdf
    • chapter2.pdf
    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter4(2).pdf
    • chapter4(3).pdf
    • Appendix.pdf
    • 双变量线性回归模型的延伸.pdf
  • 11.29 MB
  • 2010-7-22
  • 印度年鉴2007,2008(免费).zip

    • chapter10.pdf
    • chapter1.pdf
    • chapter2.pdf
    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter7.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
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  • 2010-7-17
  • economicsuvey20072008chapter.zip

    • chapter10.pdf
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    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter7.pdf
    • chapter8.pdf
    • chapter9.pdf
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  • 2010-7-14
  • frontier4[1].1軟體操作.rar

    • frontier4.1軟體操作.ppt
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  • 2010-7-7
  • 国经.rar

    • Chapter5.ppt
    • Chapter 1.ppt
    • Chapter 2.ppt
    • Chapter 3.ppt
    • Chapter4.ppt
  • 2.21 MB
  • 2010-7-1
  • 爱上统计学数据文件.rar

    • Chapter10DataSet2.sav
    • Chapter10DataSet2.xls
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    • Chapter10DataSet3.xls
    • Chapter11DataSet1.sav
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    • Chapter10DataSet1.sav
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  • 2010-7-1
  • 爱上统计学数据文件.rar

    • Chapter10DataSet2.sav
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    • Chapter11DataSet1.sav
    • Chapter11DataSet1.xls
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    • Chapter14DataSet1.sav
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    • Chapter10DataSet1.sav
    • Chapter10DataSet1.xls
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  • 2010-7-1
  • 原版.rar

    • BAUF outline.doc
    • Boston Chicken, Con..ppt
    • Chapter1.ppt
    • chapter2-1.ppt
    • chapter3-receivable.ppt
    • chapter4-long lived assets.ppt
    • chapter5-liability and equity analyis.ppt
    • chapter7 revenue and expense.ppt
    • chapter9-cash flow analysis.ppt
    • chapter 2-2.ppt
    • chapter 3-inventory.ppt
    • chapter 6 lease.ppt
    • Chapter 8- Financial analysis.ppt
    • Microsoft.ppt
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  • 2010-5-23
  • Identification.rar

    • chesher1-080416.pdf
    • chesher2-080416.pdf
    • chesher3-080416.pdf
    • chesher4-080416.pdf
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  • 2010-5-23
  • 中级微观经济学案例(刘文忻教授)1.rar

    • Chapter7-2(differentiation).pdf
    • Chapter8-1(OPEC).pdf
    • Chapter8-2(Price&GameInTVsets).pdf
    • Chapter1-1(Demand&Supply).pdf
    • Chapter1-2(Demand&Supply).pdf
    • Chapter2-1(Consumertheory).pdf
    • Chapter2-2(Consumertheory).pdf
    • Chapter3-1(riskofchoice).pdf
    • Chapter4-1(producer&learningeffect).pdf
    • Chapter4-1(producer&sunkcost).pdf
    • Chapter4-3(producer&marginalreturn).pdf
    • Chapter5-1(agriculture&WTO).pdf
    • Chapter5-2(finance&market).pdf
    • Chapter6-1(microsoft&antitrust).pdf
    • Chapter6-2(price&discrimination).pdf
    • Chapter7-1(advertising).pdf
  • 2.46 MB
  • 2010-5-20
  • 连续时间金融--全套教师讲义和课后答案.rar

    • ex2001.pdf
    • exer1.pdf
    • exer2.pdf
    • exer3.pdf
    • exer4.pdf
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  • 2010-4-29
  • SSR40T20070511.zip

    • SSR40T20070511.exe
    • 说明_Readme.html
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  • 2010-4-27
  • 2.rar

    • chapter4.doc
    • chapter3.doc
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  • 2010-3-22
  • 1.rar

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  • 2010-3-22
  • L2-S11-R40.rar

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  • 2010-3-19
  • linear model.rar

    • Chapter7.pdf
    • Chapter2.pdf
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    • Chapter4.pdf
    • Chapter5.pdf
    • Chapter6.pdf
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  • 2010-3-17
  • 厦大版税收筹划课件.rar

    • chapter7.ppt
    • anli1.doc
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  • 2010-3-14
  • 保险学原理Principles of Insurance.rar

    • chapter8.pdf
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    • chapter3.pdf
    • chapter4.pdf
    • chapter5.pdf
    • chapter6.pdf
    • chapter7.pdf
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  • 2010-3-13
  • c93.1098.zip

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  • r4_improve_v2008a.rar

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    • 好好学习 天天向上.url
    • Readme.htm
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  • 伍德里奇.rar

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  • Financial Markets.rar

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  • 清华_金融工程.rar

    • Arbitrage_in_the_Government_Bond_Market?.pdf
    • Arundel_Partners_The_Sequel_Project.pdf
    • Banc_One_Corporation_Asset_and_Liability_Management.pdf
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    • Leland_O'Brien_Rubinstein_Associates,_Inc._SuperTrust.pdf
    • LOR_SuperTrust.ppt
    • Privatization_of_Rhone.pdf
    • Rhone-Poulenc私有化.ppt
    • Shearson_Lehman_Hutton_Entry_into_the_Covered_Warrant_business.pdf
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    • chapter 1.ppt
    • Chapter 7 LC Practice.ppt
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    • Chapter Six LETTER OF CREDIT.ppt
    • International_Settlements.ppt
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  • 2010-1-12
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  • 2010-1-11
  • enders.zip

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    • Trfuser.Src
    • Transform_user.Src
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    • Transform.Src
    • MoneyDem.xls
    • Money_dem.xls
    • RATS_Programming_Manual_W_Enders.pdf
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  • 2010-1-6