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  • 基于Jos W. R. Twisk应用纵向数据分析:香港中文大学教学讲义.rar
       基于Jos W. R. Twisk应用纵向数据分析:香港中文大学教学讲义

    • Lecture 9 Analysis of experimental studies.pdf
    • Lecture 10 Missing data in longitudinal studies.pdf
    • Lecture 11 Sample size calculations.pdf
    • Lecture 12 Software for longitudinal data analysis.pdf
    • Lecture 1 Intruction.pdf
    • Lecture 2 Study design.pdf
    • Lecture 3 Continuous outcome variables.pdf
    • Lecture 4 Continuous outcome variables-relationships with other variables.pdf
    • Lecture 5 The modeling of time.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Other possibilities for modeling longitudinal data.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Dichotomous outcome variables.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Categorical and “count” outcome variables.pdf
  • 1.93 MB
  • 2022-12-21
  • TVP-VAR.zip

    • Koop, Korobilis - 2013 - Large time-varying parameter VARs-annotated.pdf
    • Nakajima - 2011 - Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Methodology and Empirical Applications.pdf
    • Primiceri - 2005 - Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy-annotated.pdf
  • 1.87 MB
  • 2022-2-5
  • Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Metho.zip

    • Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Methodology and Empirical Applications.pdf
  • 452.02 KB
  • 2019-11-11
  • TheModerator-MediatorVariableDistinctioninSocialPsychologicalResearch.rar

    • the moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic,and statistical considerations.pdf
    • 1986_JPSP_The_Moderator_Mediator_Variable_Distinction_in_Social_Psychological.pptx
  • 2.75 MB
  • 2019-4-12
       Korobilis (2013) "Data-based priors for VARs with drifting coefficients

  • 132.88 KB
  • 2019-1-5
  • SpringerBriefs in Statistics.rar

    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) An Introduction to Bartlett Correction and Bias Reduction-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Applied Matrix and Tensor Variate Data Analysis-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) Applied multidimensional scaling-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Bayesians Versus Frequentists_ A Philosophical Debate on Statistical Reasoning-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Brief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical Research-Springer Singapore (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Convolution Copula Econometrics-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Formulas Useful for Linear Regression Analysis and Related Matrix Theory_ It's Only Formulas But We Like Them-S.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions_ With Applications to Finance-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Weibull Distributions-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Group-Sequential Clinical Trials with Multiple Co-Objectives-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Handling Missing Data in Ranked Set Sampling(2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Interactive LISREL in Practice_ Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphical Presentation in Biostatistics with R_ Statistics in the Large-Springer International Publishing.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) L1-norm and L[infinity symbol]-norm estimation _ an introduction to the least absolute residuals, the minimax absolute residual and related fitting pro.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Lévy Processes and Their Applications in Reliability and Storage-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Long-Range Dependence and Sea Level Forecasting-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Model Choice in Nonnested Families(2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Modern Methodology and Applications in Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Multivariate Statistical Quality Control Using R-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Experimental Design for Non-Linear Models_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Stochastic Control Schemes within a Structural Reliability Framework-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Penalty, Shrinkage and Pretest Strategies_ Variable Selection and Estimation(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics -Springer-Verlag Berlin.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Tests in Shape Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Person-Centered Methods_ Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and Other Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables-Springer International Publis.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Renewal Processes-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Restricted Kalman Filtering_ Theory, Methods, and Application(2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints-Springer International.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sampling Designs Dependent on Sample Parameters of Auxiliary Variables-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Software Reliability Modeling_ Fundamentals and Applications(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) SPSS for Starters, Part 2-Springer Netherlands (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Analysis of Clinical Data on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2_ Statistics on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2-Springer Ne.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Approaches to Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorder.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Decision Theory-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes-Springer India (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Financial Engineering-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Models for Proportions and Probabilities-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Signal Processing_ Frequency Estimation-Springer India (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Strategic Economic Decision-Making_ Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Solve Complex Problems-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Student’s t-Distribution and Related Stochastic Processes-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Telegraph Processes and Option Pricing-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) The Naive Bayes Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation_ Aspects Concerning Feature Selection-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) The Significance Test Controversy Revisited_ The Fiducial Bayesian Alternative-Springer (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Theoretical Aspects of Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer Japan (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Time Series Modeling for Analysis and Control_ Advanced Autopilot and Monitoring Systems-Springer Tokyo (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Two-Way Analysis of Variance_ Statistical Tests and Graphics Using R -Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Unobserved Variables_ Models and Misunderstandings-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Concise Guide to Statistics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Multiple-Testing Approach to the Multivariate Behrens-Fisher Problem_ with Simulations and Examples in SAS(R)-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Tiny Handbook of R-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Adaptive Sampling Designs_ Inference for Sparse and Clustered Populations-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Algebraic and Computational Aspects of Real Tensor Ranks-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Indexation and Causation of Financial Markets Nonstationary time series analysis method-Springer (2016).pdf
  • 85.77 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • 1987.Extreme Values, Regular Variation and Point Processes.rar

    • 1987.Extreme Values, Regular Variation and Point Processes.djvu
  • 5.03 MB
  • 2017-7-1
  • Time-Varing Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility.rar

    • Time-Varing Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility.pdf
  • 798.84 KB
  • 2017-2-19
  • 31 Logistic regression part 3 Factor variables.mp4.zip

    • 31 Logistic regression part 3 Factor variables.mp4
  • 36.24 MB
  • 2016-7-15
  • Developing a Trading Bot using Java - Shekhar Varshney.rar

    • Developing a Trading Bot using Java - Shekhar Varshney www.avxhome.xyz.mobi
    • Developing a Trading Bot using Java - Shekhar Varshney www.avxhome.xyz.pdf
    • Developing a Trading Bot using Java - Shekhar Varshney www.avxhome.xyz.azw3
    • Developing a Trading Bot using Java - Shekhar Varshney www.avxhome.xyz.epub
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  • 2016-4-24
  • (Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications 27) N. H. Bingham, Dr C. M. Go.rar

    • (Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications 27) N. H. Bingham, Dr C. M. Goldie, J. L. Teugels-Regular variation-Cambridge University Press (1987).djvu
  • 4.38 MB
  • 2015-12-22
  • Notes 9th edition.rar

    • 3. Warrant Valuation When Value of Equity plus Warrants Is Lognormal.pdf
    • 4. Exact Procedure for Valuing American Calls on Stocks Paying a Single Dividend.pdf
    • 5. Differential Equation for Price of a Derivative on a Stock Paying a Known Dividend Yield.pdf
    • 6. Calculation of the Cumulative Probability in a Bivariate Normal Distribution.pdf
    • 7. Differential Equation for Price of a Derivative on a Futures Price.pdf
    • 8. Analytic Approximation for Valuing American Options.pdf
    • 9. Generalized Tree Building Procedure.pdf
    • 10. The Cornish-Fisher Expansion to Estimate VaR.pdf
    • 11. Manipulation of Credit Transition Matrices.pdf
    • 12. Calculation of Cumulative Non-Central Chi Square Distribution.pdf
    • 13. Efficient Procedure for Valuing American-Style Lookback Options.pdf
    • 14. The Hull-White Two-Factor Model.pdf
    • 15. Valuing Options on Coupon-Bearing Bonds in a One-Factor Interest Rate Model.pdf
    • 16. Construction of an Interest Rate Tree with Nonconstant Time Steps and Nonconstant Parameters.pdf
    • 17. The Process for the Short Rate in an HJM Term Structure Model.pdf
    • 18. Valuation of a Compounding Swap.pdf
    • 19. Valuation of an Equity Swap.pdf
    • 20. Changing the Market Price of Risk for Variables That Are Not the Prices of Traded Securities.pdf
    • 21. Hermite Polynomials and Their Use for Integration.pdf
    • 22. Valuation of a Variance Swap.pdf
    • 23. The Black, Derman , Toy Model.pdf
    • 24. Proof that Forward and Futures Prices Are Equal When Interest Rates Are Constant.pdf
    • 25. A Cash Flow Mapping Procedure.pdf
    • 26. A Binomial Measure of Credit Correlation.pdf
    • 27. Calculation of Moments for Valuing Asian Options.pdf
    • 28. Calculation of Moments for Valuing Basket Options.pdf
    • 29. Proof of Extensions to Ito's Lemma.pdf
    • 30. The Return for a Security Dependent on Multiple Sources of Uncertainty.pdf
    • 31. Properties of Ho-Lee and Hull-White Interest Rate Models.pdf
    • 1. Convexity Adjustments to Eurodollar Futures.pdf
    • 2. Properties of the Lognormal Distribution.pdf
  • 1.37 MB
  • 2015-1-30
  • Latent Variable Modeling Using R A Step-by-Step Guide.rar

    • Chapter 7 Models with Missing Data_eatingattitudes.dat
    • Latent Variable Modeling Using R_ A Step-by-Step Guide (2014)_A. Alexander Beaujean.pdf
    • Chapter 2 Path Models and Analysis_MathHmwk.txt
    • Chapter 5 Models with Multiple Time Periods_voelke.dat
    • Chapter 6 Models with Dichotomous Indicator Variables_gss2000.dat
  • 2.9 MB
  • 2014-5-26
  • 20 Logistic regression in Stata, part 3_ Factor variables.rar

    • 20 Logistic regression in Stata, part 3_ Factor variables.flv
  • 8.29 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 9 Introduction to factor variables in Stata, part 3_ More int.rar

    • 9 Introduction to factor variables in Stata, part 3_ More int.flv
  • 6.9 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 8 Introduction to factor variables in Stata, part 2_ Interact.rar

    • 8 Introduction to factor variables in Stata, part 2_ Interact.flv
  • 15.4 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 7 Introduction to factor variables in Stata, part 1_ The basi.rar

    • 7 Introduction to factor variables in Stata, part 1_ The basi.flv
  • 17.74 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • data.zip

    • cngdpy.dta
    • consume.dta
    • depr.dta
    • deprstr.dta
    • destring1.dta
    • destring2.dta
    • dfex.dta
    • fincons.dta
    • germany.dat
    • hansen971.dta
    • hansen972.dta
    • hansen1999.dta
    • local linear trend model.do
    • mdy.dta
    • mroz.dta
    • multicol.dta
    • ordwarm.dta
    • performance.dta
    • production.dta
    • productivity.dta
    • rate-1.dta
    • restricted VAR.do
    • seasonal.do
    • sp500w.dta
    • stockwatson.dta
    • stu.xls
    • sw93.dta
    • test significance of factor variable.do
    • tjpbc.txt
    • tsset1.dta
    • wage1.dta
    • wage2.dta
    • WAGES.xls
    • wclub.dta
    • arima.do
    • arimasel.do
    • clust1.dta
    • clust2.dta
    • cngdpq.dta
    • imp-1.txt
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    • imp-3.txt
    • imp-4.txt
    • cncpim.csv
    • depr.csv
    • inward.csv
    • imp-5.raw
    • imp-6.raw
    • dwb.xls
    • binary.do
    • lutkepohl2.dta
    • reshape.dta
    • reshape1.dta
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    • reshapeM.dta
    • reshapexp1.dta
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    • ncgi.xls
    • infp.dta
    • merge2.dta
    • merge1.dta
    • s4.dta
    • s3.dta
  • 1.76 MB
  • 2011-8-25
  • John Hull.rar

    • 5 !!!TheValuationofCorrelationDependentCreditDerivative.pdf
    • 6 j_hull The Valuation of Correlation-Dependent Credit Derivatives Using a Structural Model.pdf
    • 7 new approach Valuing Credit Derivatives Using an Implied Copula Approach.pdf
    • 8 Dynamic_Model.pdf
    • 9 PPT dynamic model.pdf
    • 10 CDOOptions.pdf
    • 11 CreditCrunch.pdf
    • 0 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CDS Spreads and other Variables.pdf
    • 1 Valuing CDS 1 no counterparty default risk.pdf
    • 2 Valuing CDS 2 modeling default correlation.pdf
    • 3 Hull White CDS options paper.pdf
    • 4 Valuation of CDO CDS without MC simulation.pdf
  • 2.17 MB
  • 2009-11-11
  • 297100.pdf
       The Influence of Purchase Quantity and Display Format on Consumer Preference for Variety_

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  • 2009-2-25
  • 282206.rar

    • 84-Mediators, Moderators, and Tests for Mediation.pdf
    • 86-The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological research Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations.pdf
    • 03-Problems with detecting moderators in leadership research using moderated multiple regression.pdf
    • 05-When Moderation Is Mediated and Mediation Is Moderated.pdf
  • 2.69 MB
  • 2009-1-1
  • 249121.rar
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