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  • 参考文献.rar

    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Interaction Modelling.pdf
    • The spatial autocorrelation problem in spatial interaction modelling-a comparison of two common solutions.pdf
    • Donald J. Lacombe.pdf
    • Identifying local spatial association in flow data.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
  • 9.82 MB
  • 2020-1-20
  • Spatial Data Analysis.zip

    • Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R.pdf
    • Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data.pdf
    • Model-based Geostatistics.pdf
    • Spatial Econometrics Methods and Models.pdf
    • Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis.pdf
    • Statistics for Spatio-Temporal Data.pdf
  • 79.61 MB
  • 2018-5-31
  • 2《Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data》 by Sudipto Banerjee.rar

    • 2《Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data》 by Sudipto Banerjee.pdf
  • 6.34 MB
  • 2018-2-2
  • Statistics for Spatial Data,revised edition.rar

    • Statistics for Spatial Data,revised edition.azw3
  • 11.74 MB
  • 2018-1-14
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 131-140.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 140) Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics Volume IV.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 131) Joel L. Horowitz (auth.)-Semiparametric Methods in Econometrics-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 132) Lawrence H. Cox, Douglas Nychka (auth.), Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch, Lawrence H. Cox (eds.)-Case Studies in Environmental Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 133) Michael D. Escobar, Mike West (auth.), Dipak Dey, Peter Müller, Debajyoti Sinha (eds.)-Practical Nonparametric and Semiparametric Bayesian Statistics-Springer-Verlag .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 134) Yu. A. Kutoyants (auth.)-Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 135) Christian P. Robert, Sylvia Richardson (auth.), Christian P. Robert (eds.)-Discretization and MCMC Convergence Assessment-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 136) Gregory C. Reinsel, Raja P. Velu (auth.)-Multivariate Reduced-Rank Regression_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 137) V. Seshadri (auth.)-The Inverse Gaussian Distribution_ Statistical Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 138) József Beck (auth.), Peter Hellekalek, Gerhard Larcher (eds.)-Random and Quasi-Random Point Sets-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 139) Roger B. Nelsen (auth.)-An Introduction to Copulas-Springer New York (1999).pdf
  • 83.75 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Auto.zip

    • Asymptotic Distributions of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimators for Spatial Autoregressive Models.pdf
  • 228.57 KB
  • 2016-9-7
  • ??(Palgrave Texts in Econometrics) Giuseppe Arbia (auth.)-A Primer for Spatial.rar

    • ??(Palgrave Texts in Econometrics) Giuseppe Arbia (auth.)-A Primer for Spatial Econometrics_ With Applications in R-Palgrave Macmillan UK (2014).pdf
  • 1.9 MB
  • 2016-4-27
  • A suggested method of estimation for spatial interdependent models with autocorr.rar

    • A suggested method of estimation for spatial interdependent models with autocorrelated errors, and an application to a county expenditure model.pdf
  • 751.8 KB
  • 2015-6-29
  • 空间计量stata操作.rar

    • de13_mortari XSMLE - A Command to Estimate Spatial Panel Models in Stata.pdf
    • desug12_pisati Exploratory spatial data analysis using Stata.pdf
    • drukker_spatial Analyzing spatial autoregressive models using Stata.pdf
    • it12_pisati Spatial Data Analysis in Stata.pdf
    • WP_spivreg_2011 spatial-autoregressive disturbances and.pdf
    • 空间计量与stata命令.ppt
    • Bavaud Models for spatial weights_ a systematic look.pdf
  • 13.96 MB
  • 2014-3-6
  • TR-94-13.pdf
       Efficient and Effective Clustering Methods for Spatial Data Mining

  • 340.62 KB
  • 2012-5-30
  • Vol 42(1-2).rar

    • Drive 'Til You Qualify-Credit quality and household location.pdf
    • Dwindling U.S. internal migration-Evidence of spatial equilibrium or structural shifts in local labor markets.pdf
    • Empirical estimation of the option premium for residential redevelopment.pdf
    • Fertility decisions and endogenous residential sorting.pdf
    • Geography, choice and participation in higher education in England.pdf
    • Give or take-Rewards versus charges for a congested bottleneck.pdf
    • In the neighborhood-The trade effects of the Euro in a spatial framework.pdf
    • Industrial agglomeration and firm size-Evidence from China.pdf
    • Industrial relocation policy, productivity and heterogeneous plants-Evidence from Japan.pdf
    • Intergenerational linkages in consumption patterns and the geographical distribution of surnames.pdf
    • Keeping up with the Joneses-Neighborhood effects in housing renovation.pdf
    • Making space for crime-A spatial analysis of criminal competition.pdf
    • Measurement errors in a spatial context.pdf
    • On model specification and parameter space definitions in higher order spatial econometric models.pdf
    • Parking management, financial subsidies to alternatives to drive alone and commute mode choices in Seattle.pdf
    • Policies for local development-An evaluation of Italy's “Patti Territoriali”.pdf
    • Policies on illegal immigration in a federation.pdf
    • Regional analysis of property taxation, education finance reform, and property value growth.pdf
    • Regional industrial structure and agglomeration economies-An analysis of productivity in three manufacturing industries.pdf
    • Spatial competition and merging incentives when firms produce complements.pdf
    • Spatial dependencies in German matching functions.pdf
    • The distributional effects of NAFTA in Mexico-Evidence from a panel of municipalities.pdf
    • The impact of social capital on crime-Evidence from the Netherlands.pdf
    • The welfare effects of discriminating between in-state and out-of-state students.pdf
    • Urbanization and or rural industrialization in China.pdf
    • Which communities should be afraid of mobility-The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of employment location to local taxes.pdf
    • A household-level decomposition of the white–black homeownership gap.pdf
    • Are homes hot or cold potatoes-The distribution of marketing time in the housing market.pdf
    • Are poor neighborhoods “retail deserts”.pdf
    • Crime and property values-Evidence from the 1990s crime drop.pdf
    • Crime, police, and truth-in-sentencing-The impact of state sentencing policy on local communities.pdf
  • 14.12 MB
  • 2011-12-27
  • 1.zip

    • A Fuzzy k-Means Classification and a Bayesian Approach for Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
    • GeoDa_ An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis.pdf
    • Geostatistical Software .pdf
    • GeoSurveillance_ GIS-based Exploratory Spatial Analysis Tools for Monitoring .pdf
    • Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis.pdf
    • Introduction .pdf
    • Space-Time Intelligence System Software for the Analysis of Complex .pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Functions in R.pdf
    • Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS.pdf
    • Spatial Statistics in SAS.pdf
    • STARS_ Space-Time Analysis of Regional Systems .pdf
    • Web-based Analytical Tools for the Exploration of Spatial Data .pdf
  • 17.6 MB
  • 2010-11-18
  • 280825.rar
       [下载]Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data

    • Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data.pdf
  • 6.31 MB
  • 2008-12-27
  • 134176.zip
       Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis

  • 9.19 MB
  • 2007-7-7
  • 123385.rar
       Papers of spatial econometrics

    • Brulhart_kelly 1999.pdf
    • 20050427.pdf
    • lecture1_slide.pdf
    • estimation of simultaneous systems of spatially interrelated cross sectional equations.pdf
    • models for spatially dependent Missing data.pdf
    • a note on the computation of the tobit estimator.pdf
    • panel data models with spatially correlated error components.pdf
    • FDI in space spatial autoregressive relationshis in FDI.pdf
    • estimation of seemingly unrelated tobit regressions via the em algorithm.pdf
    • WP_Prucha_3_2006_spatial.pdf
    • hidden negative spatial autocorrelation.pdf
    • probit with spatial autocorrelation.pdf
    • spatial.ppt
    • spatial econometrics.pdf
    • manual of spatial tools for matlab.pdf
    • anselin_spareg[1].pdf
    • moran I.pdf
  • 8.48 MB
  • 2007-6-5
  • 116387.pdf
       Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data

  • 10.19 MB
  • 2007-5-13