大小 上传时间
  • Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® 2016, 8E.zip
       Financial Analysis with Microsoft Excel 2016, 8E student data files

    • Alphabet Financials.xlsx
    • Amazon Revenue.xlsx
    • Chapter 2 Problem 3.xlsx
    • Chapter 5 Problem 3.xlsx
    • cov-matrix-mac.xlam
    • cov-matrix.xlam
    • ETF Data.xlsx
    • Ethan Allen Financials.xlsx
    • ExcelSim 2017 Documentation.pdf
    • ExcelSim.xlam
    • ExcelSim2017_Examples.xlsm
    • ExcelSim_Mac.xlam
    • FAME 8e Guide for Mac Users.pdf
    • FameFncs.xlam
    • Five ETFs Monthly Returns.xlsx
    • Microsoft Historical Financials.xlsx
    • P&G.xlsx
    • Readme_Student.txt
    • Revenues.xlsx
    • S&P 500 1950 to 2015 Daily.xlsx
    • S&P 500 Company Data.xlsx
    • Target Quarterly Sales.xlsx
  • 2.55 MB
  • 2024-7-31
  • 0357038312_639854.zip

    • Interactive Ch 01 Ten Principles of Economics 9eV2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 02 Thinking Like an Economist 9ev3.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 03 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 04 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 9eV2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 05 Elasticity and Its Application 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 06 Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 07 Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 08 Application The Costs of Taxation 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 09 Application International Trade 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 10 Externalities 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 11 Public Goods and Common Resources 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 12 The Design of the tax system 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 13 The Costs of Production 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 14 Firms in Competitive Markets 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 15 Monopoly 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 16 Monopolistic Competition 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 17 Oligopoly 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 18 The Markets for the Factors of Production 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 19 Earnings and Discrimination 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 20 Income Inequality and Poverty 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 21 The Theory of Consumer Choice 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 22 Frontiers of Microeconomics 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 23 Measuring a Nation's Income 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 24 Measuring the Cost of Living 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 25 Production and Growth 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 26 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 27 The Basic Tools of Finance 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 28 Unemployment 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 29 The Monetary System 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 30 Money Growth and Inflation 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 31 Open-Economy Macroeconomics Basic Concepts 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 32 A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 33 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 34 The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 35 The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 36 Six Debates over Macroeconomic Policy 9e.pptx
  • 20.97 MB
  • 2021-2-11
  • EndNote20forMac.dmg.zip
       EndNote 20 for Mac版

    • EndNote20forMacInstaller.dmg
  • 88.02 MB
  • 2021-1-22
  • Akerlof on macro.pdf
       What They Were Thinking Then: The Consequences for Macroeconomics during the Past 60 Years

  • 663.55 KB
  • 2019-11-8
  • 论文.rar

    • CAST Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator.pdf
    • CAST- Using neural networks to improve trading systems based on technical analysis by means of the RSI financial indicator.docx
    • Combining multiple feature selection methods for stock prediction_ Union, intersection, and multi-intersection approaches.pdf
    • Correlating Financial Time Series with Micro-Blogging Activity.pdf
    • Deep learning for event-driven stock prediction..pdf
    • Deep Learning for Event-Driven Stock Prediction.docx
    • Deep Learning Networks for Stock Market Analysis and Prediction_ Methodology, Data Representations, and Case Studies.pdf
    • Design and Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting the Values of Indexes on the Bulgarian Stock Market.pdf
    • Do Funds Make More When They Trade More.pdf
    • Financial Time Series Segmentation Based On Turning Points.pdf
    • High Frequency Trading and Extreme Price Movements_.pdf
    • High-frequency trading strategies.pdf
    • how to design targetdate funds.pdf
    • Improving Financial Time Series Prediction Using Exogenous Series and Neural Networks Committees.pdf
    • Measuring Skill in the Mutual Fund Industry.pdf
    • Risk and Return in High-Frequency Trading .pdf
    • A Bayesian regularized artificial neural network for stock market forcasting.pdf
    • A fuzzy rule based expert system for stock evaluation and portfolio construction_ An application to Istanbul Stock Exchange .pdf
    • A method for automatic stock trading combining technical analysis and nearest neighbor classification.pdf
    • A novel text mining approach to financial time series forecasting.pdf
    • A prediction scheme using perceptually important points and dynamic time warping.pdf
    • An Autonomous Trader Agent for the Stock Market Based on Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine Ensemble.docx
    • An autonomous trader agent for the stock market based on online sequential extreme learning machine ensemble.pdf
    • An empirical methodology for developing stockmarket trading systems using arti cial neural networks.pdf
    • An intraday market risk management approach based on textual analysis.pdf
    • Application of support vector machines in financial time 1899 series forcasting.pdf
    • Automatic High-Frequency Trading_ An Application to Emerging Chilean Stock Market.pdf
    • Automatic method for stock trading combining technical analysis and the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm.pdf
    • Automatie Method for Stoek Trading Combining Teehnieal Analysis and the Artifieial Bee Colony Algorithm.docx
  • 17.22 MB
  • 2019-1-26
  • Spss 23 for mac.zip

    • Spss 23 for mac.docx
  • 9.29 KB
  • 2018-11-21
  • My Office 2016 for Mac.rar

    • My Office 2016 for Mac.azw3
  • 30.96 MB
  • 2018-11-21
  • krusell.pdf
       Lecture notes for Macroeconomics I, 2004

  • 1.09 MB
  • 2018-9-20
  • chap4_svm.ppt
       Classification: Basic Concepts and Techniques - Support Vector Machine

  • 713 KB
  • 2018-4-3
  • MATLAB for Machine Learning.rar

    • MATLAB for Machine Learning.azw3
  • 10.19 MB
  • 2017-9-21
  • 支持向量机.rar

    • 支持向量机导论(中文).pdf
    • 39.An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-Based Learning Methods.pdf
    • An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-Based Learning Methods .chm
  • 12.2 MB
  • 2017-9-20
  • hft_paper.rar

    • Randi Naes; Johannes A. Skjeltorp -- Order book characteristics and the volume–volatility relation- Empirical evi.pdf
    • Modelling high-frequency limit order book dynamics with support vector machines.pdf
    • Modelling the buy and sell intensity in a limit order book market.pdf
    • Muni Toke, I. -- The order book as a queueing system- average depth and influence of the size of limit orders.pdf
    • Muni Toke, Ioane; Yoshida, Nakahiro -- Modelling intensities of order flows in a limit order book.pdf
    • Paddrik, Mark; Hayes, Roy; Scherer, William; Beling, Peter -- Effects of limit order book informati.pdf
    • Palguna, Deepan; Pollak, Ilya -- Mid-Price Prediction in a Limit Order Book.pdf
  • 4.48 MB
  • 2017-8-27
  • Vol15.Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization for Machine Learning and Patt.rar

    • Vol15.Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition.pdf
  • 14.9 MB
  • 2017-7-16
  • Office 2016 for Mac Cracker.dmg.zip

    • Office 2016 for Mac Cracker.dmg
  • 8.62 MB
  • 2017-1-12
  • Maple 2015.1 for Mac .rar

    • 破解请读readme,或者看本文件.txt
    • maplesoft maple 2015.1.torrent
  • 68.7 KB
  • 2016-9-13
  • Handbook of Macroeconomics Volume 2.rar
       Handbook of Macroeconomics, Vol.2 (working paper version)

    • Ch17 __ Wholesale Banking and Bank Runs in Macroeconomic Modelling of Financial Crises.pdf
    • Ch19 __ Macro, Money and Finance A Continuous-Time Approach.pdf
    • Ch20 __ Housing and Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch21 __ Term Structure of Uncertainty in the Macroeconomy.pdf
    • Ch22 __ Quantitative Models of Sovereign Debt Crises.pdf
    • Ch23 __ Families in Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch24 __ Environmental Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch25 __ The Staying Power of Staggered Wage and Price Setting Models in Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch26 __ Neoclassical Models in Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch27 __ Macroeconomics of Persistent Slumps.pdf
    • Ch29 __ Challenges for Macro Models Used at Central Banks.pdf
    • Ch30 __ Liquidity requirements, liquidity choice and financial stability.pdf
    • Ch31 __ Understanding Inflation as a Joint Monetary-Fiscal Phenomenon.pdf
    • Ch32 __ Fiscal Multipliers Liquidity Traps and Currency Unions.pdf
    • Ch33 __ What is a Sustainable Public Debt.pdf
    • Ch34 __ The Political Economy of Government Debt.pdf
    • Ch01 __ RBC Methodology and the Development of Aggregate Economic Theory.pdf
    • Ch02 __ The Facts of Economic Growth.pdf
    • Ch03 __ Macroeconomic Shocks and Their Propagation.pdf
    • Ch04 __ Macroeconomic Regimes and Regime Shifts.pdf
    • Ch05 __ The Macroeconomics of Time Allocation.pdf
    • Ch06 __ Who Bears the Cost of Recessions The Role of House Prices and Household Debt.pdf
    • Ch07 __ Allocative and Remitted Wages New Facts and Challenges for Keynesian Models.pdf
    • Ch08 __ Bordo __ Financial and Fiscal Crises.pdf
    • Ch09 __ Stock and Watson __ Factor Models and Structural Vector Autoregressions in Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch10 __ Solution and Estimation Methods for DSGE Models.pdf
    • Ch11 __ Recursive Contracts and Endogenously Incomplete Markets.pdf
    • Ch12 __ Macroeconomics and Household Heterogeneity.pdf
    • Ch13 __ Natural Experiments in Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Ch14 __ Accounting for Business Cycles.pdf
    • Ch15 __ Incomplete Information in Macroeconomics Accommodating Frictions in Coordination.pdf
    • Ch16 __ New Methods for Macro-Financial Model Comparison and Policy Analysis.pdf
  • 32.19 MB
  • 2016-8-28
  • C4.5 Programs for Machine Learning.rar

    • C4.5 Programs for Machine Learning.pdf
  • 7.82 MB
  • 2016-2-2
  • An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel.rar

    • An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel.chm
  • 3.72 MB
  • 2015-10-20
  • SPSSv23MacOSX.zip
       SPSS 23.0 FOR MacOSX

    • readme.txt
    • lservrc
  • 696 Bytes
  • 2015-5-26
  • R Machine Learning Essentials - Michele Usuelli.rar

    • R Machine Learning Essentials - Michele Usuelli.azw3
    • R Machine Learning Essentials - Michele Usuelli.epub
    • R Machine Learning Essentials - Michele Usuelli.mobi
    • R Machine Learning Essentials - Michele Usuelli.pdf
  • 5.15 MB
  • 2015-4-22
  • Stata.zip
       stata for mac 稳定版

  • 55.72 MB
  • 2015-3-12
  • lecture9App.pdf
       The IS-LM/AD-AS Model: A General Framework for Macroeconomic Analysis

  • 74.4 KB
  • 2014-11-17
  • lecture9a.pdf
       The IS-LM/AD-AS Model: A General Framework for Macroeconomic Analysis

  • 1.91 MB
  • 2014-11-17
  • CRC.Support Vector Machines.rar

    • CRC.Support Vector Machines.Optimization Based Theory.Algorithms and Extensions.2013.pdf
  • 3.62 MB
  • 2014-7-26
  • swaption_pricer macro.rar
       swapption pricer

    • swaption_pricer macro.xls
  • 29.81 KB
  • 2012-12-25
  • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance.rar

    • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance.pdf
  • 673.08 KB
  • 2011-10-8
  • 动态面板.rar

    • Dynamic_Panel.pdf
    • An Introduction to Differenc and System GMM in Stata.pdf
    • Econometric analysis of dynamic panel-data models.pdf
    • Using Arellano – Bond Dynamic Panel GMM Estimators in Stata.pdf
    • Bond(2007 Lecture)Dynamic PD first difference GMM.pdf
    • Bond(2007 Lecture)Dynamic PD further extention GMM.pdf
    • GMM in stata.pdf
    • A Practical Guide for Macroeconomists.pdf
  • 2.41 MB
  • 2011-5-12
  • workingpaper07-2[1].pdf
       Support vector machines for credit scoring and discovery of significant features

  • 117.12 KB
  • 2011-1-19
  • Principles of Macroeconomics - Mankiw.rar

    • 22 - Five Debates Over Macroeconomic Policy.pdf
    • Glossary.pdf
    • 1 - Ten Principles of Economics.pdf
    • 2 - Thinking Like an Economist.pdf
    • 3 - Interdependence and the Gains from Trade.pdf
    • 4 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand.pdf
    • 5 - Elasticity and Its Application.pdf
    • 6 - Supply, Demand, and Government Policies.pdf
    • 7 - Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets.pdf
    • 8 - Application The Costs of Taxation.pdf
    • 9 - Application International Trade.pdf
    • 10 - Measuring a Nation's Income.pdf
    • 11 - Measuring the Cost of Living.pdf
    • 12 - Production and Growth.pdf
    • 13 - Saving, Investment, and the Financial System.pdf
    • 14 - Unemployment and Its Natural Rate.pdf
    • 15 - The Monetary System.pdf
    • 16 - Money Growth and Inflation.pdf
    • 17 - Open-Economy Macroeconomics Basic Concepts.pdf
    • 18 - A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy.pdf
    • 19 - Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply.pdf
    • 20 - The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand.pdf
    • 21 - The Short-Run Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment.pdf
  • 7.09 MB
  • 2010-9-27
  • An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods.rar

    • An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods.chm
  • 3.72 MB
  • 2010-1-14
  • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏).rar
       Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏).rar

    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)01-All About Recording Macros(所有关于录制宏)recordmacros.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)08-Force Users to Enable Macros(强制用户启用宏)forcemacros.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)02-Cleaning up your Macro generated VBA(清理你生成的VBA宏)cleaningmacrocode.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)03-Using Spreadsheet Form Controls(使用电子表格窗体控件)spreadsheetcontrols.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)04-Using Macros to create a user interface(使用宏来创建用户界面)exceluserform1.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)05-Send Emails with SENDEMAIL method(发送电子邮件SENDEMAIL方法)excelsendemail.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)06-Create your First User Form (Create a Splash Screen)(创建您的第一个用户表(创建一个启动屏幕))tieamacrostogether.swf
    • Using Excel Macros(使用Excel宏)07-Calling up Excel Dialog Boxes(Excel中的呼唤对话框)exceldialogboxes.swf
  • 18.58 MB
  • 2009-12-11
  • 326209.rar
       [下载]STATA10 SE for Mac OS X (以激活,下载前请自习阅读说明)

  • 4.09 MB
  • 2009-5-16
  • 318280.pdf
       an introduction to markov chain monte carlo for machine learning

  • 479.77 KB
  • 2009-4-23
  • 317531.pdf
       time series for macroeconomics and finance

  • 580.79 KB
  • 2009-4-21
  • 308997.pdf
       [下载] Study notes for Macroeconomics by Paul Wachtel

  • 1.45 MB
  • 2009-3-28
  • 303065.zip
       [下载]STATA10 SE for Mac OS X (以激活,下载前请自习阅读说明)

  • 20.36 MB
  • 2009-3-12
  • 291211.pdf
       [下载]Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2009-2-6
  • 263115.pdf
       [下载]Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance~John H. Cochrane

  • 726.3 KB
  • 2008-11-3
  • 230541.rar

    • Price Diffusion and Dynamics in Regional Housing Markets The Case of Five Southern California Counties.pdf
    • Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later Alternative Mortgage Products and Housing Consumption.pdf
    • Outsourcing, Inequality, and Cities.pdf
    • On The Resolution of Currency Crises Does Regulation of Financial Markets and Good Governance Matter.pdf
    • Office Construction in Singapore and Hong Kong.pdf
    • Monday Return Behaviors of REITs.pdf
    • Measure and Estimation of Bubble in Shanghai Housing.pdf
    • Mass Customisation in Housing An International Comparison.pdf
    • Long Run Performance of Real Estate Investment Trusts the.pdf
    • Liquidity and Trading Activity of REITs in Hong Kong a Market-.pdf
    • Land Price Formation under Auction Mechanisms Evidence from Beijing.pdf
    • IPO and Real Estate Evidence from an Active Market1.pdf
    • Investor Sentiment and REIT Returns.pdf
    • Investment Strategy for Redevelopment Projects.pdf
    • International Real Estate Mutual Fund Performance.pdf
    • Informed Speculation about Trading Flows - The.pdf
    • Information Asymmetry, Intermediation and Financial Innovation.pdf
    • Indicators of a Real Estate Cycle--inplementation of India.pdf
    • Illiquidity, Transaction Cost, and Optimal Holding Period for Real Estate.pdf
    • How Do Institutional Factors Affect International Real Estate Returns.pdf
    • Housing Over the Life Cycle A Structural Estimation.pdf
    • Housing for Ageing Hong Kong the Dilemma of the.pdf
    • House Price-Volume Dynamics Does The Index Matter Evidence From 12 Cities in NewZealand.pdf
    • House Price Trigger and Infusion Trap.pdf
    • Home Price Appreciation and a Term Structure Model.pdf
    • Group Property valuation.pdf
    • Fixed Term Contracts versus Open-ended Contracts in the.pdf
    • Expected Living Arrangements of Elderly People in Taiwan.pdf
    • Entry and Ineffciency in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry.pdf
    • Enhancement of the Predictive Power in Credit Risk Models.pdf
    • Economic transition and commercial property markets.pdf
    • Economic Impacts of Compensation Policies for Agricultural Land Acquisition in China A Property Rights Approach.pdf
    • Economic Competitiveness of Korean MSAs.pdf
    • Does High-Speed Rail Accessibility Influence Residential Property Prices.pdf
    • Do Changes in Illiquidity Affect Investors’ Expectations An.pdf
    • Development of a property-related evaluative.pdf
    • Defining Housing Submarket in Beijing.pdf
    • Corporate real estate holdings, debt level and stock performance of.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and Performance in the Market for.pdf
    • Comparative Study on the Appraisal of Non-Residential Property.pdf
    • Collateral Risk in Residential Mortgages.pdf
    • What Will Privatization Bring The Nontradable Share Issue Reform in China.pdf
    • Volatility Spillover in Australian Commercial Property.pdf
    • Urban planning practices and scenarios for Macao development.pdf
    • Urban Housing Prices under Globalization:A Primary Observation of Big Cities in China.pdf
    • Understand How Owners Make Their Purchase.pdf
    • The Wall Street concerns might be right.pdf
    • The Varying Seasonality of House Prices.pdf
    • The Value of Access to Jobs and Amenities Evidence for New.pdf
    • Pricing Illiquid Real Estate Assets When Returns Are Not I.I.D..pdf
    • Price Run-up in Housing Markets, Access to Bank Lending and House Prices in Korea.pdf
  • 13.56 MB
  • 2008-7-25
  • 217743.pdf
       Lecture notes for Macroeconomics-Krusell

  • 1.2 MB
  • 2008-6-7
  • 216467.pdf
       [原创]Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance(2005)

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2008-6-1
  • 206883.pdf
       Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance -- by Cochrane

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2008-4-19
  • 191415.pdf
       Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning

  • 2.68 MB
  • 2008-1-30
  • 191235.pdf
       Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance. John.Cochrane(2005)

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2008-1-29
  • 189944.rar
       Bayesian Support Vector Machine的四篇精读文章

  • 2.44 MB
  • 2008-1-22
  • 188412.pdf
       [Share] Time series for macro and finance

  • 580.79 KB
  • 2008-1-15
  • 148910.rar
       SAS ADV for Macro

  • 464.44 KB
  • 2007-8-27
  • 129861.pdf
       Time Series For Macroeconomics And Finance-PDF-John H. Cochrane-英文版

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2007-6-26
  • 81418.pdf
       Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance--John H. Cochrane--University of Chicago

  • 761.37 KB
  • 2006-12-31
  • 75919.pdf
       高盛:GS China Views stronger for longer Macro outlook for 2007-2008

  • 52.32 KB
  • 2006-12-4
  • 68819.pdf
       [下载]Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2006-10-25
  • 58458.pdf
       Time series for macroeconomics and finance

  • 580.79 KB
  • 2006-7-20
  • 56204.rar
       Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance(2005)

    • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance(2005).pdf
  • 673.04 KB
  • 2006-6-23
  • 43318.pdf
       [下载] Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

  • 580.79 KB
  • 2006-3-13
  • 43145.zip

    • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance,John H. Cochrane [En].pdf
  • 516.98 KB
  • 2006-3-12
  • 42454.pdf
       Time series for macroeconomics and finance

  • 580.79 KB
  • 2006-3-9
  • 40558.pdf
       [原创]Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2006-2-23
  • 39220.pdf
       [原创]splus专区---好书Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

  • 754.37 KB
  • 2006-2-10
  • 37261.zip
       [下载] CFA-Level 1--1081 Q&As for Macroeconomics

    • CFA-Macroecon-L1.pdf
  • 523.66 KB
  • 2006-1-11
  • 30898.rar
       Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance(University of Chicago; John H. Cochrane)

    • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance(University of Chicago; John H. Cochrane).pdf
  • 515.6 KB
  • 2005-10-14
  • 30183.rar
       [下载]Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance[英文版]

    • 宏观经济与金融的时间系列.pdf
  • 515.52 KB
  • 2005-10-9
  • 19291.rar
       芝加哥大学John H. Cochrane《Time series for macroeconomics and Finance》下载

    • time_series_book.pdf
  • 673 KB
  • 2005-7-12
  • 16115.rar

    • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance(2005).pdf
  • 673.04 KB
  • 2005-6-3
  • 15226.rar

    • 08-11Supply and Demand of Textiles (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-12Production and Sales Value of Construction Materials (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-13Supply and Demand of Tobacco (1985--2001).xls
    • 08-14Product of Food and Allied Products (1980--2001).xls
    • 18-09日本技术贸易.xls
    • 18-10foreign exchange.xls
    • 18-11gold and foreign exchange.xls
    • 19-07labor force.xls
    • 19-08employees by industry.xls
    • 19-11 index 3.xls
    • 19-12weekly hours.xls
    • 19-42 regular emplyess index2.xls
    • 19-44regular employee index.xls
    • 19-45wage index.xls
    • 19-46wage index 2.xls
    • 德国.xls
    • 台湾.xls
    • 04-05-bfunds and flow.xls
    • 06-16Business Activities of Mining, Manufacturing, Wholesale and Retail Trade (F.Y.1991--2001).xls
    • 06-18Actual Conditions of Overseas Activities Conducted by Japanese Firms (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 06-19Actual Conditions of Overseas Activities Conducted by Japanese Firms by Region (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 06-20Actual Conditions of Foreign Affiliates (Distribution) (F.Y.1996--2001).xls
    • 08-07manufacture 1.xls
    • 08-08-aProduction and Inventory - Production of Iron and Steel Products (1948--2002).xls
    • 08-08-bProduction and Inventory - Production of Non-Ferrous Metal Products (1948--2002).xls
    • 08-08-c.xls
    • 08-08-dProduction and Inventory - Production, Consumption, Shipments and Inventory of Coke (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-eProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of General Industry Machinery (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-fProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Electrical Machinery and Equipment (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-gProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Transport Machinery (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-hProduction and Inventory - Production and Inventory of Precision Apparatus, Ordnance, Forging and Cast Iron (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-icement and cerimic.xls
    • 08-08-jProduction and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Chemical Products (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-kProduction and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Rubber Products, Plastic Products and Leather Products (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-l Production and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Pulp and Paper (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-08-m Production and Inventory - Production and Sales Value of Textile Products (1985--2003).xls
    • 08-08-nProduction and Inventory - Production of Daily Necessaries (1985--2002).xls
    • 08-09Orders Received for Machinery (1985--2003).xls
    • 08-10Production of Drugs and Medicines (1985--2002).xls
  • 560.26 KB
  • 2005-5-20
  • 12437.rar
       Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance

    • Time Series for Macroeconomics and Finance.pdf
  • 515.5 KB
  • 2005-4-17
  • 8642.rar
       time series for macroeconomics and finance

    • time series for macroeconomics and finance.pdf
  • 515.5 KB
  • 2005-2-1