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  • Notes 9th edition.rar

    • 24. Proof that Forward and Futures Prices Are Equal When Interest Rates Are Constant.pdf
    • 29. Proof of Extensions to Ito's Lemma.pdf
    • 3. Warrant Valuation When Value of Equity plus Warrants Is Lognormal.pdf
    • 4. Exact Procedure for Valuing American Calls on Stocks Paying a Single Dividend.pdf
    • 5. Differential Equation for Price of a Derivative on a Stock Paying a Known Dividend Yield.pdf
    • 6. Calculation of the Cumulative Probability in a Bivariate Normal Distribution.pdf
    • 7. Differential Equation for Price of a Derivative on a Futures Price.pdf
    • 8. Analytic Approximation for Valuing American Options.pdf
    • 9. Generalized Tree Building Procedure.pdf
    • 10. The Cornish-Fisher Expansion to Estimate VaR.pdf
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    • 16. Construction of an Interest Rate Tree with Nonconstant Time Steps and Nonconstant Parameters.pdf
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    • 10. Basic Topology of Rl.pdf
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    • 12. Comparative Statics of Optimal Solutions.pdf
    • 13.Basic Dynamic Programming.pdf
    • 14. Fixed Point Theorem.pdf
    • 15.The Existence of Nash Equilibrium.pdf
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    • 7.More General Convex Optimization Problems.pdf
    • 8. Infinite Horizon Convex Optimization Problem and the Transversality Condition.pdf
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    • TechnicalNote25.pdf
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    • TechnicalNote30.The Return for a Security Dependent on Multiple sources of Uncertainty.pdf
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    • 1966 Forecasts Of Future Prices, Unbiased Markets, And Martingale Models.pdf
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    • 1969 The Adjustment Of Stock Prices To New Information.pdf
    • 1952 Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • 1953 The Analysis Of Economic Time-Series-Part I-Prices.pdf
    • 1954 Existence Of An Equilibrium For A Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 1958 Liquidity Preference As Behavior Toward Risk.pdf
    • 1958 The Cost Of Capital, Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
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    • 1965 Random Walks In Stock Market Price.pdf
    • 1965 Security Prices, Risk, And Maximal Gains From Diversification.pdf
    • 1965 The Behavior Of Stock Market Prices.pdf
    • 1966 Equilibrium In A Capital Asset Market.pdf
    • 1966 Forecasts Of Future Prices, Unbiased Markets, And Martingale Models.pdf
    • 1969 Lifetime Portfolio Selection Under Uncertainty-The Continuous-Time Case.pdf
    • 1969 The Adjustment Of Stock Prices To New Information.pdf
    • 1952 Portfolio Selection.pdf
    • 1953 The Analysis Of Economic Time-Series-Part I-Prices.pdf
    • 1954 Existence Of An Equilibrium For A Competitive Economy.pdf
    • 1958 Liquidity Preference As Behavior Toward Risk.pdf
    • 1958 The Cost Of Capital, Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 1959 Portfolio Selection-Efficient Diversification Of Investments.pdf
    • 1959 Stock-Market Patterns And Financial Analysis-Methodological Suggestions.pdf
    • 1963 Corporate Income Taxes And The Cost Of Capital-A Correction.pdf
    • 1964 Capital Asset Prices-A Theory Of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions Of Risk.pdf
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    • Comment on Klenow-Rodriguez, [The Neoclassical Growth Revival--Has it Gone too Far].pdf
    • Comment on Rodriguez-Rodrik, [Trade Policy and Economic Growth- A Skeptic's Guide to the Cross-National Evidence].pdf
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    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Reply.pdf
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  • 2006-12-25
  • 80173.rar
       Charles I. Jones的经济增长论文(经典)

    • A New Proof of Uzawa's Steady-State Growth Theorem.pdf
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    • A Note on the Closed-Form Solution of the Solow Model.pdf
    • Comment on Klenow-Rodriguez, [The Neoclassical Growth Revival--Has it Gone too Far].pdf
    • Comment on Rodriguez-Rodrik, [Trade Policy and Economic Growth- A Skeptic's Guide to the Cross-National Evidence].pdf
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    • Comparing Apples to Oranges---Reply.pdf
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    • Growth and Ideas.pdf
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