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    • homework2 answer.pdf
    • homework2.pdf
    • homework3.pdf
    • homework3_answer.pdf
    • homework3_answer_updated.pdf
    • IO_syllabus.pdf
    • 1 IO_Introduction.pdf
    • 2a Costs.pdf
    • 2b Perfect Competition.pdf
    • 2c Monopoly.pdf
    • 3 Price Discrimination I.pdf
    • 4 Price Discrimination II.pdf
    • 5-7 Oligopoly.pdf
    • 8 Collusion and cartels.pdf
    • 8a-Phoebus.pdf
    • 8b-OPEC.pdf
    • 8c-De Beers.pdf
    • 9-10 Product differentiation.pdf
    • 11 advertising.pdf
    • 11 advertising_updated.pdf
    • 12 research_and_development.pdf
    • homework1 answer.pdf
    • homework1.pdf
  • 6.33 MB
  • 2024-9-5
  • 城市(空间)经济学经典外文文献.zip

    • Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • Cities in Bad Shape Urban Geometry in India(1).pdf
    • Cities in Bad Shape Urban Geometry in India.pdf
    • Glaeser,Edward+L+2008+Cities,agglomeration,and++spatial+equilibrum,Oxford+Univer.pdf
    • Glaeser,Edward+L+2008+Cities,agglomeration,and++spatial+equilibrum1.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • Local Public Service Provision and Spatial Inequality in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Space The Final Frontier.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Japan and china.pdf
    • The Decline of Cities and Inequality.pdf
    • The Determinants and Welfare Implications of US Workers’.pdf
    • The Productivity Advantages of Large Cities:Distinguish?.pdf
    • increasing returning and economic geography.pdf
    • nequality and City Size.pdf
    • “Sorting and Local Wage and Skill Distributions in France”.pdf
  • 14.69 MB
  • 2022-3-23
  • Entry deterrence, cost advantage and horizontal product differentiation.zip

    • Entry deterrence, cost advantage and horizontal product differentiation.pdf
  • 646.33 KB
  • 2018-5-11
  • AEA TOP20 2.rar

    • 14 Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • 20 Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends..pdf
    • 01 Production Information Costs and Economic Organization.pdf
    • 02 Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care.pdf
    • 03 A Theory of Production.pdf
    • 04 An almost Ideal demand system.pdf
    • 05 National debt in a neoclassical growth model.pdf
    • 06-1 Optimal Taxation and Public Production I Production Efficiency..PDF
    • 06-2 Optimal Taxation and Public Production II Tax Rules.PDF
    • 07 Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity.pdf
    • 08 The role of monetary policy.pdf
    • 09 On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets.pdf
    • 10 migration unemployment and development a two-sector analysis.pdf
    • 11 the use of knowledge in society.pdf
    • 12 Capital Theory and Investment Behavior.pdf
    • 13 The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • 16 Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation Tradeoffs.pdf
    • 17 The Cost Of Capital Corporation Finance And The Theory Of Investment.pdf
    • 18 A theory of optimum currency areas.pdf
    • 19 The Economic Theory of Agency The Principal_s Problem .pdf
    • 100 Years of the American Economic Review ..The Top 20 Articles.pdf
    • 《美国经济评论》创刊100年来的20篇最佳文章.pdf
  • 31.56 MB
  • 2013-1-29
  • Vol 42(6).rar

    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Firms' locations under demand heterogeneity.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Hotelling meets Weber.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Introduction to the special issue in honor of Jacques Thisse.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Market access in global and regional trade.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Measuring welfare gains from relaxation of land-use restrictions_The case of India's building-height limits.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Nesting horizontal and vertical differentiation.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Oligopoly and Luce's Choice Axiom.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Optimal intellectual property rights protection during an international health emergency.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Sorting and local wage and skill distributions in France.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-The effect of Canadian imports on prescription drug prices in the U.S..pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Thünen and the New Economic Geography.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Trade costs and international strategy of firms_The role of endogenous product differentiation.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Trade, firm selection, and industrial agglomeration.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Affinity and tension between religious denominations_Evidence from private school enrolment.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Agglomeration, trade and selection.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-Ethnic networks and employment outcomes.pdf
    • RS&UE 2012(6)-FAR regulations and unpriced transport congestion.pdf
  • 5.3 MB
  • 2012-11-26
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics P.rar

    • Pantaleoni, Maffeo (1857–1924) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • paradigms The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • paradoxes and anomalies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto distribution The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto efficiency The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto principle and competing principles The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pareto, Vilfredo (1848–1923) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • partial identification in econometrics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • partial linear model The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pascal, Blaise (1623–1662) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • patent pools The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • patent races The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • patent valuation The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • patents The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence and occupations The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • path dependence in technical standards The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Patinkin, Don (1922–1995) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Patten, Simon Nelson (1852–1922) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • payment systems The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • peasant economy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • peasants The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • pecuniary versus non-pecuniary penalties The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Pennington, James (1777–1862) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Penrose, Edith Tilton (1914–1996) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization (Vol 1).rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization(产业经济学手册) (Vol 1), 经典第一卷!

    • Chapter 5 Noncooperative game theory for industrial organization###########Signalling.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Theories of oligopoly behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 7 Cartels, collusion, and horizontal merger.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Mobility barriers and the value of incumbency.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Predation, monopolization, and antitrust.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Price discrimination.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Vertical contractual relations.pdf
    • Chapter 12 Product differentiation.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Imperfect information in the product market.pdf
    • Chapter 14 The timing of innovation- Research, development, and diffusion.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Technological determinants of firm and industry structure.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The theory of the firm.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Vertical integration- Determinants and effects.pdf
  • 46.24 MB
  • 2011-12-8
  • AER20.rar

    • 14 Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of trade 1980 70.5.950-959.pdf
    • 1 Production, Information Costs and Economic Organization 1972 62(5) 777–95.pdf
    • 2 Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care1963 53(5) 941–73.pdf
    • 3 A Theory of Production 1928 18(1) 139–65..pdf
    • 4 An Almost Ideal Demand System1980 70.3.312-326.pdf
    • 5 National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model1965 55.5.1126-1150.pdf
    • 6 Optimal Taxation and Public Production I Production Efficiency1971 61.1.8-27.pdf
    • 6 Optimal Taxation and Public Production II Production Efficiency1971 61.3.261-278.pdf
    • 7 Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity 1977 67.3.297-308.pdf
    • 8 The Role of Monetary Policy 1968 58.1.1-17.pdf
    • 9 On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets 1980 70.3.393-408.pdf
    • 10 Migration, Unemployment and Development A Two-Sector Analysis 1970 60.1.126-142.pdf
    • 11 The Use of Knowledge in Society 1945 35.4.519-530.pdf
    • 12 Capital Theory and Investment Behavior 1963 53.2.247-259.pdf
    • 13 The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society 1974 64.3.291-303.pdf
    • 15 Economic Growth and Income Inequality 195545.1.1-28.pdf
    • 16 Some International Evidence on Output-Inflation tradeoffs 1973 63.3.326-334.pdf
    • 17 The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment 1958 48.3.261-297.pdf
    • 18 A Theory of Optimum Currency Areas 1961 51.4.657-665.pdf
    • 19 The Economic Theory of Agency The Principals problem 1973 63.2.134-139.pdf
    • 20 Do Stock Prices Move Too Much to Be Justified by Subsequent Changes in Dividends 1981 71.3.421-436.pdf
    • 100 Years of the American Economic Review The Top 20 Articles.pdf
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  • 2011-2-20
  • Krugman.rar

    • Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • Leapfrogging in International Competition_A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership.pdf
    • New Theories of Trade Among Industrial CountriesNew Theories of Trade Among Industrial Countries.pdf
    • Protection and Developing Countries' Exports of Manufactures.pdf
    • Space_The Final Frontier.pdf
    • The Narrow and Broad Arguments for Free Trade.pdf
    • TheMarketEconomyandStateRegulation.pdf
    • Two Cheers for Formalism.pdf
    • A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income.pdf
    • Book review of Development, Geography, and Economic.pdf
    • Can America Stay on Top.pdf
    • Complex Landscapes in Economic Geography.pdf
    • Cycles of Conventional Wisdom on Economic Development.pdf
    • History Versus Expectations.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
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  • 2009-8-3
  • 324732.rar

    • Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade-Krugman,AER1980.pdf
    • Complex Landscapes in Economic Geography-Krugman,AER1994.pdf
    • History and Industry Location- The Case of the Manufacturing Belt-Krugman,AER1991.pdf
    • What Should Trade Negotiators Negotiate About-Krugman,JEL1997.pdf
    • A Model of Innovation, Technology Transfer, and the World Distribution of Income-Krugman,JPE1979.pdf
    • Leapfrogging in International Competition- A Theory of Cycles in National Technological Leadership-Brezis,Krugman&Tsiddon,AER1993.pdf
    • Globalization and the Inequality of Nations-Krugman&Venables,QJE1995.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography-Krugman,JPE1991.pdf
    • New Theories of Trade Among Industrial Countries-Krugman,AER1983.pdf
    • History Versus Expectations-Krugman,QJE1991.pdf
    • Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade-Krugman,JPE1981.pdf
    • The J-Curve, the Fire Sale, and the Hard Landing-Krugman,AER1989.pdf
    • Inflation, Interest Rates, and Welfare-Krugman,Persson&Svensson,QJE1985.pdf
    • The Narrow and Broad Arguments for Free Trade-Krugman,AER1993.pdf
    • Persistent Trade Effects of Large Exchange Rate Shocks-Baldwin&Krugman,QJE1989.pdf
    • What Do Undergrads Need to Know About Trade.-Krugman,AER1993.pdf
    • Target Zones and Exchange Rate Dynamics-Krugman,QJE1991.pdf
    • Can America Stay on Top.-Krugman,JEP2000.pdf
    • Is Free Trade Passe.-Krugman,JEP1987.pdf
    • Space- The Final Frontier-Krugman,JEP1998.pdf
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       [下载]Estimating Discrete-Choice Models of Product Differentiation.pdf

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  • 168094.rar
       免费下载关于Imperfect Competition and New-Trade Theory的论文

    • 017.pdf
    • 011-Krugman-scale economics product differentiation and pattern of trade.pdf
    • 012-Krugman-1981.pdf
    • 013-Krugman-Technology,trade and factor prices.pdf
    • 014-Bowen-multicountry,multifactor tests of the factor abundance theory.pdf
    • 015-Dornbush-comparative advantage,trade,and payments in Ricardian Model with a Continuum of Goods.pdf
    • 016.pdf
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  • 2007-10-27
  • 114201.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 1,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Preface to the handbook.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Vertical contractual relations.pdf
    • Chapter 12 Product differentiation.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Imperfect information in the product market.pdf
    • Chapter 14 The timing of innovation- Research, development, and diffusion.pdf
    • Chapter 15 The theory and the facts of how markets clear- Is industrial organization valuable for understanding macroeconomics.pdf
    • Contents of the handbook.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • Introduction to the series.pdf
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       [分享]Relaxing Price competition throught product differentiation

    • Relaxing Price Competition Through Product Differentiation.pdf
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    • (3)krugman:scale economies product differentiation and the pattern of trade.pdf
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       紧急求助Dixit, Avinash and Joseph Stiglitz的倆篇经典论文

    • 1980AER,Scale Economies, Product Differentiation, and the Pattern of Trade.pdf
    • 1981JPE,Intraindustry Specialization and the Gains from Trade.pdf
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  • 2004-11-10