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       附件为劝说集的英文版。豆瓣介绍:本书收录的各篇文章都发表于1931年10月之前,即英国脱离金本位之前。这些 ...

  • 955.52 KB
  • 2020-11-4
  • JMP DMBA Datasets.zip

    • VoterPersuasion.jmp
    • Utilities.jmp
    • LaptopSales.jmp
    • Audits2.jmp
    • BathSoap.xls
    • Accidents.jmp
    • TaykoAllData.jmp
    • eBayAuctions.jmp
    • Flight Delays NB Train.jmp
    • Financial Reporting 10 Companies.jmp
    • Financial Reporting Raw.jmp
    • UniversalBankCT.jmp
    • Cereals.jmp
    • Taxi-cancellation-case.xlsx
    • BathSoap.jmp
    • Coursetopics.jmp
    • Baregg Daily.jmp
    • CanadianWorkHours.jmp
    • West Roxbury Housing.jmp
    • Wine.jmp
    • Boston Housing.jmp
    • TaykoPurchasersOnly.jmp
    • CharlesBookClub.jmp
    • SystemAdministrators.jmp
    • ApplianceShipments.jmp
    • Banks.jmp
    • AustralianWines.jmp
    • EastWestAirlinesNN.jmp
    • FlightDelays.jmp
    • AmtrakTS.jmp
    • RidingMowerskNN.jmp
    • ToyotaCorolla.jmp
    • WalMartStock.jmp
    • DepartmentStoreSales.jmp
    • SP500.jmp
    • RidingMowers.jmp
    • LaptopSales.txt
    • ShampooSales.jmp
    • EastWestAirlinesCluster.jmp
    • GermanCredit.jmp
    • FutureFundraising.jmp
    • Fundraising.jmp
    • Textiles.jmp
    • Cosmetics.jmp
    • Flight Delays LR.jmp
    • Banks-adj.jmp
    • Amtrak.jmp
    • Pharmaceuticals.jmp
    • SpamBase.jmp
    • LaptopSalesJanuary2008.jmp
    • Airfares.jmp
    • bicup2006.xls
    • Sept11Travel.jmp
    • Accidents NN.jmp
    • Cosmetics-small.jmp
    • Tiny Dataset.jmp
    • Natural Gas Sales.jmp
    • bicup2006.jmp
    • Colleges.jmp
    • UniversalBank.jmp
    • Bankruptcy.jmp
    • Audits.jmp
    • EuropeanJobs.jmp
    • Accidents Extra.jmp
    • eBayNetwork.jmp
    • CatalogCrossSell.jmp
    • Accidents1000 DA.jmp
    • ToysRUsRevenues.jmp
    • SouvenirSales.jmp
    • ToyotaCorolla1000.jmp
  • 22.05 MB
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  • 001.pdf
       social judgment theory persuasion:theory and research

  • 947.99 KB
  • 2017-2-27
  • The Dynamics of Persuasion_Communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Centu.zip

    • The Dynamics of Persuasion_Communication and Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century (6th Edition).pdf
  • 5.35 MB
  • 2017-1-18
  • 36-8.zip

    • Call-for-Paper_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-board-and-publication-information_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • -When-you-make-manager-we-put-a-big-mountain-in-front-of-you-An-ethnography-of-managers-in-a-Big-4-Accounting-Firm_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-S.pdf
    • Introductory-Editorial_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • 25-Years-of-Giddens-in-accounting-research-Achievements-limitations-and-the-future_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-as-learnt-social-practice-The-case-of-the-empresas-recuperadas-in-Argentina_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • The-relative-effectiveness-of-persuasion-tactics-in-auditor-client-negotiations_2011_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
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  • 2016-2-21
  • 下载地址.txt
       The Economics of John Kenneth Galbraith: Introduction, Persuasion, and Rehabilitation by: Stephen ...

  • 143 Bytes
  • 2011-11-3
  • 哈佛商业评论历年经典文章合集-60篇.rar

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion-Robert Cialdini.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Robert Cialdini - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1994 11 Nov-Dec Pp 141-50 Managing In The Marketspace(1).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1995 03 Mar-Apr Do you want to keep yous customers forever.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1996 07 Jul-Aug Strategy as Revolution.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 2003 12 Dec - The number one you need to grow.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - 1990 05 May-Jun Commercializing Technology - What the Best Do.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Are Ready For A Blackout.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Article - Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Barriers. &. Gateways To Communication.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Effective_executive.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Guide to Stress Management.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How The Right Measures Help Teams Excel.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How To Acquire Customers On The Web.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to pitch a brilliant idea.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to Write a Great Business Plan.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Letter to CEOs.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Managing In The Marketspace.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Market Research.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Optimal Marketing.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Preventing the Premature Death of Relationship Marketing.pdf
    • Harvard business Review - Primal Leadership - The hidden driver of great performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Serving The World'S Poor, Profitability.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Simple Truths about Innovations.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Speed Kills.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategic Sourcing.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategy and the internet - Michael Porter.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Swarm Intelligence.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The 5 Stages of Small Business Growth.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The Hidden Driver Of Great Performance 2001.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - the world bank's innovation market(1).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The World Bank's Innovation Market.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Understanding What Customers Value.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Versioning - The Smart Way to Sell Information.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is The Right Supply Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Makes a Leader.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review (Article) - Social Cost of Fraud and.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Primal Leadership The Hidden Driver Of Great Performance 2001.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Turn Your Industrial Distributors into Partners.pdf
    • Harvard Business School Press Managing Change and Transition.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review-1995 07 Using Game Theory To Shape Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review.-.Mass.Customization.pdf
    • The Real New Economy.txt
    • 哈佛商业评论历年经典文章合集-60篇.txt
    • [Harvard Business Review - January-February 1992] - Kaplan & Norton - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - June 2003] - Does IT Matter - An HBR Debate.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - September 2003] - What's your project real price tag.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review] Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review] your next it strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-2002 04 Can Modern Military Strategy Lead you to Victory.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-2003 10-The Real New Economy.rtf
  • 44.58 MB
  • 2010-4-9
  • NBER-China Economic Group working paper 2009.zip

    • 【NBER-CE2009】Persuasion-- Empirical Evidence.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Exporters and Importers -- Firms, Products and Trade Partners.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Land Market Auctions -- Evidence of Corruption.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Creative Accounting or Creative Destruction - Firm-level Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Credit Booms Gone Bust -- Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870–2008.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Dynamic Debt Runs.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Export Prices and Heterogeneous Firm Models.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Innovation and Institutional Ownership.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Introduction to “China's Growing Role in World Trade”.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development -- Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Model Structure and the Combined Welfare and Trade Effects of China's Trade Related Policies.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Systemic Risk and the Refinancing Ratchet Effect.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The Chinese Warrants Bubble.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The Competitive Saving Motive -- Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The organization of firms across countries.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】When Safe Proved Risky -- Commercial Paper During the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】【NBER】Human Capital In China.pdf
  • 6.98 MB
  • 2009-11-30
  • 历年经典文章.rar

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion-Robert Cialdini.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Robert Cialdini - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-2002 04 Can Modern Military Strategy Lead you to Victory.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-2003 10-The Real New Economy.rtf
    • Harvard Business Review 1994 11 Nov-Dec Pp 141-50 Managing In The Marketspace(1).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1995 03 Mar-Apr Do you want to keep yous customers forever.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1996 07 Jul-Aug Strategy as Revolution.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 2003 12 Dec - The number one you need to grow.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - 1990 05 May-Jun Commercializing Technology - What the Best Do.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Are Ready For A Blackout.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Article - Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Barriers. &. Gateways To Communication.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Effective_executive.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Guide to Stress Management.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How The Right Measures Help Teams Excel.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How To Acquire Customers On The Web.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to pitch a brilliant idea.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to Write a Great Business Plan.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Letter to CEOs.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Managing In The Marketspace.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Market Research.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Optimal Marketing.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Preventing the Premature Death of Relationship Marketing.pdf
    • Harvard business Review - Primal Leadership - The hidden driver of great performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Serving The World'S Poor, Profitability.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Simple Truths about Innovations.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Speed Kills.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategic Sourcing.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategy and the internet - Michael Porter.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Swarm Intelligence.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The 5 Stages of Small Business Growth.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The Hidden Driver Of Great Performance 2001.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The World Bank's Innovation Market.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - the world bank's innovation market(1).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Understanding What Customers Value.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Versioning - The Smart Way to Sell Information.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is The Right Supply Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Makes a Leader.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review (Article) - Social Cost of Fraud and.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Primal Leadership The Hidden Driver Of Great Performance 2001.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Turn Your Industrial Distributors into Partners.pdf
    • Harvard Business School Press Managing Change and Transition.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - January-February 1992] - Kaplan & Norton - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - June 2003] - Does IT Matter - An HBR Debate.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - September 2003] - What's your project real price tag.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review] Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review] your next it strategy.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review.-.Mass.Customization.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review-1995 07 Using Game Theory To Shape Strategy.pdf
  • 44.57 MB
  • 2009-10-12
  • Harvard_Business_Review_ebook.rar

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Simple Truths About Innovations.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Social Cost of Fraud and Bankruptcy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategy and the internet.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Swarm Intelligence.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The number one you need to grow.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The world bank's innovation market.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Turn Your Industrial Distributors into Partners.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Understanding What Customers Value.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Versioning - The Smart Way to Sell Information.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What is the Right Supply Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Makes a Leader.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What's your project real price tag.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Your Next IT Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Aligning Projects with Objectives in Unpredictable Times.chm
    • Harvard Business School - Beyond The Core - Expand your Market without Abandoning your Roots.chm
    • Harvard Business School - Geeks & Geezers How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Hiring and Keeping the Best.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Leading Quietly.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Managing Change and Transition.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Marketing Essentials.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Project Management Manual.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - The First 90 Days Critical Success.Strategies for New Leaders at All Le.chm
    • Harvard Business School - The Innovators' Solution - Creating and Sustaining Successful Growth.chm
    • Harvard Business School - Value Sweep.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Why Business models matter.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Working Identity - Unconventional Strategies for Reinventing Your Caree.pdf
    • Harvard Business School - Working Identity Unconventional Strategies For Reinventing Your Career.chm
    • Harvard Business Review - August 2003 (Complete Issue).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Barriers and Gateways To Communication.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Commercializing Technology - What the Best Do.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Does IT Matter - An HBR Debate.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Exploiting The Virtual Value Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - February 2004 (Complete Issue).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Game Theory - Using Game Theory to Shape Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How To Acquire Customers On The Web.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to pitch a brilliant idea.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to Write a Great Business Plan.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - January 2004 (Complete Issue).chm
    • Harvard Business Review - January 2004 (Complete Issue).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - July 2003 (Complete Issue).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Knowing A Winning Business Idea When You See One.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Letter to CEOs.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Managing In The Marketspace.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Optimal Marketing.pdf
    • Harvard business Review - Primal Leadership - The hidden driver of great performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Serving The World's Poor, Profitability.pdf
  • 41.12 MB
  • 2009-9-10
  • Resistance and Persuasion.rar

    • Resistance and Persuasion.pdf
  • 1.41 MB
  • 2009-9-6
  • 政治联系.rar

    • Persuasion in Politics.pdf
    • The Political Business Cycle after 25 Years.PDF
    • The Political Business Cycle An Empirical Test.PDF
    • The Political Economy of Corporate Governance..pdf
    • The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role.pdf
    • Does Political Connectedness Affect Firm Value.PDF
    • Incumbents and protectionism The political economy of foreign entry liberalization.PDF
    • Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts.pdf
    • Political connections and preferential access to finance The role of campaign contributions.pdf
    • Political connections and the process of going public Evidence from China.PDF
    • Political Connections in a Market Economy.PDF
    • Political connections, financing and firm performance Evidence from Chinese private firms.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance Political Context, Corporate Impact.pdf
    • Political Preconditions to Separating Ownership from Corporate Control.pdf
    • Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Political Trust in Rural China.PDF
    • Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.PDF
    • Politically Connected Firms.pdf
    • Politically-Connected Firms Can They Squeeze the State.pdf
    • Politicians and banks.PDF
    • Politics and Finance.pdf
  • 11.03 MB
  • 2009-6-15
  • 政治联系.rar

    • Persuasion in Politics.pdf
    • The Political Business Cycle after 25 Years.PDF
    • The Political Business Cycle An Empirical Test.PDF
    • The Political Economy of Corporate Governance..pdf
    • The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role.pdf
    • Does Political Connectedness Affect Firm Value.PDF
    • Incumbents and protectionism The political economy of foreign entry liberalization.PDF
    • Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts.pdf
    • Political connections and preferential access to finance The role of campaign contributions.pdf
    • Political connections and the process of going public Evidence from China.PDF
    • Political Connections in a Market Economy.PDF
    • Political connections, financing and firm performance Evidence from Chinese private firms.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance Political Context, Corporate Impact.pdf
    • Political Preconditions to Separating Ownership from Corporate Control.pdf
    • Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Political Trust in Rural China.PDF
    • Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.PDF
    • Politically Connected Firms.pdf
    • Politically-Connected Firms Can They Squeeze the State.pdf
    • Politicians and banks.PDF
    • Politics and Finance.pdf
  • 11.03 MB
  • 2009-6-15
  • 政治联系.rar

    • Persuasion in Politics.pdf
    • The Political Business Cycle after 25 Years.PDF
    • The Political Business Cycle An Empirical Test.PDF
    • The Political Economy of Corporate Governance..pdf
    • The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society.pdf
    • Do Some Outside Directors Play a Political Role.pdf
    • Does Political Connectedness Affect Firm Value.PDF
    • Incumbents and protectionism The political economy of foreign entry liberalization.PDF
    • Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts.pdf
    • Political connections and preferential access to finance The role of campaign contributions.pdf
    • Political connections and the process of going public Evidence from China.PDF
    • Political Connections in a Market Economy.PDF
    • Political connections, financing and firm performance Evidence from Chinese private firms.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Political Determinants of Corporate Governance Political Context, Corporate Impact.pdf
    • Political Preconditions to Separating Ownership from Corporate Control.pdf
    • Political relationships, global financing, and corporate transparency Evidence from Indonesia.pdf
    • Political Trust in Rural China.PDF
    • Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes.pdf
    • Politically connected CEOs, corporate governance, and Post-IPO performance of China's newly partially privatized firms.PDF
    • Politically Connected Firms.pdf
    • Politically-Connected Firms Can They Squeeze the State.pdf
    • Politicians and banks.PDF
    • Politics and Finance.pdf
  • 11.03 MB
  • 2009-6-15
  • 296993.pdf
       JCR1994_The Persuasion Knowledge Model How People Cope with Persuasion

  • 3.37 MB
  • 2009-2-25
  • 295832.pdf
       影响力Influence The Psychology of Persuasion

  • 22.6 MB
  • 2009-2-21
  • 284872.rar
       [下载]Kevin Hogan-Covert Persuasion

    • Kevin Hogan-Covert Persuasion.pdf
  • 661.08 KB
  • 2009-1-10
  • 257969.rar

  • 507.36 KB
  • 2008-10-20
  • 255579.rar

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion-Robert Cialdini.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Robert Cialdini - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - January-February 1992] - Kaplan & Norton - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - June 2003] - Does IT Matter - An HBR Debate.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review - September 2003] - What's your project real price tag.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review] Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • [Harvard Business Review] your next it strategy.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review.-.Mass.Customization.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review-1995 07 Using Game Theory To Shape Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-2002 04 Can Modern Military Strategy Lead you to Victory.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-2003 10-The Real New Economy.rtf
    • Harvard Business Review 1994 11 Nov-Dec Pp 141-50 Managing In The Marketspace(1).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1995 03 Mar-Apr Do you want to keep yous customers forever.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 1996 07 Jul-Aug Strategy as Revolution.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review 2003 12 Dec - The number one you need to grow.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Are Ready For A Blackout.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Barriers. &. Gateways To Communication.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Effective_executive.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How To Acquire Customers On The Web.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to pitch a brilliant idea.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How to Write a Great Business Plan.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Letter to CEOs.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Managing In The Marketspace.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Market Research.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Preventing the Premature Death of Relationship Marketing.pdf
    • Harvard business Review - Primal Leadership - The hidden driver of great performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Serving The World'S Poor, Profitability.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Simple Truths about Innovations.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Speed Kills.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategic Sourcing.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Strategy and the internet - Michael Porter.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Swarm Intelligence.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The 5 Stages of Small Business Growth.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The Balanced Scorecard - Measures That Drive Performance.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - The World Bank's Innovation Market.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - the world bank's innovation market(1).pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Understanding What Customers Value.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Versioning - The Smart Way to Sell Information.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is The Right Supply Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Makes a Leader.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review (Article) - Social Cost of Fraud and.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Primal Leadership The Hidden Driver Of Great Performance 2001.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Turn Your Industrial Distributors into Partners.pdf
    • Harvard Business School Press Managing Change and Transition.pdf
  • 37.77 MB
  • 2008-10-12
  • 220025.rar

    • Harvard Business Review-Robert Cialdini - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Mckinsey Awards For Best Hbr Articles.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Primal Leadership The Hidden Driver Of Great Performance 2001.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review-Turn Your Industrial Distributors into Partners.pdf
    • Harvard Business School Press Managing Change and Transition.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review-1995 07 Using Game Theory To Shape Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard.Business.Review.-.Mass.Customization.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Versioning - The Smart Way to Sell Information.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is Strategy.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Is The Right Supply Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - What Makes a Leader.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review (Article) - Social Cost of Fraud and Bankrupt.pdf
  • 8.93 MB
  • 2008-6-15
  • 220022.rar

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion-Robert Cialdini.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Effective_executive.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Guide to Stress Management.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How Information Gives You Competitve Advantage.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How The Right Measures Help Teams Excel.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - How To Acquire Customers On The Web.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - 1990 05 May-Jun Commercializing Technology - What the Best Do.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Are Ready For A Blackout.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Article - Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Barriers. &. Gateways To Communication.pdf
  • 9.55 MB
  • 2008-6-15
  • 216061.rar

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion-Robert Cialdini.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Are Ready For A Blackout.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Article - Why Good Companies Go Bad.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Barriers. &. Gateways To Communication.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Corporate Strategy - A Manager's Guide.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Effective_executive.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Exploiting the Virtual Value Chain.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - Guide to Stress Management.pdf
    • Harvard Business Review - 1990 05 May-Jun Commercializing Technology - What the Best Do.pdf
  • 9.23 MB
  • 2008-5-30
  • 188658.pdf
       HBR原版经典_The Necessary Art of Persuasion(说服的技巧)

  • 942.9 KB
  • 2008-1-16
  • 165671.rar
       principles persuasion

    • principlespersuasion_ebook.pdf
  • 629.05 KB
  • 2007-10-19
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    • The necessary art of persuasionConger%20-%20Persuasion[1].ppt
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  • 2006-11-26
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       Harvard Business Review专栏---经常更新

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion-Robert Cialdini.pdf
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  • 2005-9-22
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       Harvard Business Review专栏---经常更新

    • Harvard Business Review - Harnessing the Science of Persuasion.pdf
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  • 2005-9-22