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  • applied_micro_methods(1).zip

    • A Permutation Test for the Regression Kink Design.pdf
    • Approximate Permutation Tests and Induced Order Statistics.pdf
    • A Closed-Form Estimator for Quantile Treatment Effects with Endogeneity.pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2014).pdf
    • A General Double Robustness Result for Estimating Average Treatment Effects(2016).pdf
    • A model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications(supplementary materials).pdf
    • A Model averaging approach for the ordered Probit and Nested Logit Models with Applications.pdf
    • A regression discontinuity evaluation of the policy effects of environmental regulations.pdf
    • A Simple Way to Assess Inference Methods..pdf
    • A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic Housing Price Functions and their Quantiles.pdf
    • An Automatic Finite_Sample Robustness Metric_Can Dropping a Little Data Change Conclusions.pdf
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    • Apollo.pdf
    • applied micro-methods.pdf
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    • Bartik Instruments_What, When, and How.pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference for Propensity Score Matching..pdf
    • Bootstrap Inference of Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects.pdf
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    • Calonico, S., M. D. Cattaneo, and M. H. Farrell (2020). rdrobust.pdf
    • Causal Inference _The Mixtape.pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2016).pdf
    • Channeling Fisher_Randomization Tests and the Statistical In significance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results (2019).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2020).pdf
    • Cherry Picking with Synthetic Controls(2017).pdf
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    • Conditional Quantile Estimators_A Small Sample Theory.pdf
    • Consistency Without Inference_Instrumental Variables in Practical Application.pdf
    • Correcting for Endogeneity in Models with Bunching.pdf
    • Counterfactual Treatment Effects Estimation and Inference.pdf
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    • Design-Based Analysis in Difference-In-Differences Settings with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences Estimation with Spatial Spillovers..pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time Periods.pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2018 working paper).pdf
    • Difference-in-Differences with Variation in Treatment Timing(2021).pdf
    • Distributional Tests for Regression Discontinuity_Theory and Empirical Examples.pdf
    • Do Fiscal Rules Matter_AER(2016).pdf
    • Double Robustness in Estimation of Casual Treatment Effects(PPT).pdf
    • Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Doubly Robust Difference-in-Differences Estimators.pdf
    • Dynamic Bunching Estimation with Panel Data.pdf
  • 76.2 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • Springer Series in Statistics(2000-2001B).rar

    • 2000.Permutation Tests_ A Practical Guide to Resampling Methods for Testing Hypotheses(2000).pdf
    • 2000.Asymptotic Theory of Statistical Inference for Time Series(2000).djvu
    • 2000.Asymptotics in Statistics_ Some Basic Concepts(2000).pdf
    • 2000.Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Linear Time Series and Random Fields(2000).pdf
    • 2000.Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data -Springer (2000).pdf
    • 2000.Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation-Springer-Verlag New York (2000).pdf
    • 2000.Robust Diagnostic Regression Analysis(2000).pdf
    • 2000.Statistical Inference in Science(2000).pdf
    • 2001.An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Annotated Readings in the History of Statistics(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Bayesian Survival Analysis(2001).djvu
  • 86.6 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Springer Series in Statistics(1994-1995O).rar

    • 1994.Permutation Tests_ A Practical Guide to Resampling Methods for Testing Hypotheses(1994).pdf
    • 1995.Observational Studies(1995).pdf
    • 1994.Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models(1994).djvu
    • 1994.Robust Asymptotic Statistics(1994).pdf
    • 1994.The Collected Works of Wassily Hoeffding(1994).pdf
    • 1995.Exact Statistical Methods for Data Analysis(1995).pdf
    • 1995.Linear Models_ Least Squares and Alternatives-Springer New York (1995).pdf
    • 1995.Models for Uncertainty in Educational Testing-Springer-Verlag New York (1995).pdf
  • 90.99 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • SpringerBriefs in Statistics.rar

    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Testing for Isotonic Inference on Association Studies in Genetics -Springer-Verlag Berlin.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Permutation Tests in Shape Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) An Introduction to Bartlett Correction and Bias Reduction-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Applied Matrix and Tensor Variate Data Analysis-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) Applied multidimensional scaling-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Bayesians Versus Frequentists_ A Philosophical Debate on Statistical Reasoning-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Brief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical Research-Springer Singapore (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Convolution Copula Econometrics-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Formulas Useful for Linear Regression Analysis and Related Matrix Theory_ It's Only Formulas But We Like Them-S.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distributions_ With Applications to Finance-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Generalized Weibull Distributions-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Group-Sequential Clinical Trials with Multiple Co-Objectives-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Handling Missing Data in Ranked Set Sampling(2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Interactive LISREL in Practice_ Getting Started with a SIMPLIS Approach-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Introduction to Data Analysis and Graphical Presentation in Biostatistics with R_ Statistics in the Large-Springer International Publishing.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in statistics) L1-norm and L[infinity symbol]-norm estimation _ an introduction to the least absolute residuals, the minimax absolute residual and related fitting pro.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Lévy Processes and Their Applications in Reliability and Storage-Springer (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Long-Range Dependence and Sea Level Forecasting-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Model Choice in Nonnested Families(2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Modern Methodology and Applications in Spatial-Temporal Modeling-Springer (2016).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Multivariate Statistical Quality Control Using R-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Experimental Design for Non-Linear Models_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Optimal Stochastic Control Schemes within a Structural Reliability Framework-Springer International Publishing (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Penalty, Shrinkage and Pretest Strategies_ Variable Selection and Estimation(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Person-Centered Methods_ Configural Frequency Analysis (CFA) and Other Methods for the Analysis of Contingency Tables-Springer International Publis.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Renewal Processes-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Restricted Kalman Filtering_ Theory, Methods, and Application(2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints-Springer International.pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Sampling Designs Dependent on Sample Parameters of Auxiliary Variables-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2015).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Software Reliability Modeling_ Fundamentals and Applications(2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) SPSS for Starters, Part 2-Springer Netherlands (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Analysis of Clinical Data on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2_ Statistics on a Pocket Calculator, Part 2-Springer Ne.pdf
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    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Decision Theory-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes-Springer India (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Inference for Financial Engineering-Springer International Publishing (2014).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Models for Proportions and Probabilities-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Statistical Signal Processing_ Frequency Estimation-Springer India (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Strategic Economic Decision-Making_ Using Bayesian Belief Networks to Solve Complex Problems-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
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    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Two-Way Analysis of Variance_ Statistical Tests and Graphics Using R -Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Unobserved Variables_ Models and Misunderstandings-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Concise Guide to Statistics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Multiple-Testing Approach to the Multivariate Behrens-Fisher Problem_ with Simulations and Examples in SAS(R)-Springer-Verlag New York (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) A Tiny Handbook of R-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2011).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Adaptive Sampling Designs_ Inference for Sparse and Clustered Populations-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2013).pdf
    • (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) Algebraic and Computational Aspects of Real Tensor Ranks-Springer Japan (2016).pdf
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  • 85.77 MB
  • 2017-9-13
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 191-200.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 194) Permutation Tests for Stochastic Ordering and ANOVA_ Theory and Applications with R-Springer-Verlag.pdf
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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 198) Copula Theory and Its Applications_ Proceedings o.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 199) Multivariate Nonparametric Methods with R_ An approach based on spatial signs and ranks-Springer-Verlag New York (2010).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • 319180.pdf
       [分享] Permutation Tests for Stochastic Ordering and ANOVA: Theory and Applications with R

  • 6.63 MB
  • 2009-4-26