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  • JFE-2016-05-06-07.zip

    • JFE-2016-05-Adverse selection, slow-moving capital, and misallocation .pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Asset allocation and monetary policy_ Evidence from the eurozone.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Bankruptcy law and bank financing.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Discerning information from trade data.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Does the geographic expansion of banks reduce risk_.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Local financial capacity and asset values_ Evidence from bank failures.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Rethinking reversals.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Revolving doors on Wall Street.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Sentiments, financial markets, and macroeconomic fluctuations.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Shareholder nonparticipation in valuable rights offerings_ New findings for an old puzzle.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Time-to-produce, inventory, and asset prices.pdf
    • JFE-2016-05-Underwriter deal pipeline and the pricing of IPOs.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Does rating analyst subjectivity affect corporate debt pricing_.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Indexing and active fund management_ International evidence.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Roughing up beta_ Continuous versus discontinuous betas and the cross section of expected stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Taxes and bank capital structure.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The causal effect of option pay on corporate risk management.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The commitment problem of secured lending.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The leverage externalities of credit default swaps.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-The value of a good credit reputation_ Evidence from credit card renegotiations.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Why do firms use high discount rates.pdf
    • JFE-2016-06-Why does the option to stock volume ratio predict stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Accruals, cash flows, and operating profitability in the cross.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Borrower protection and the supply of credit_ Evidence from foreclosure laws.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Does variance risk have two prices_ Evidence from the equity and option markets.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Have we solved the idiosyncratic volatility puzzle.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-How costly is corporate bankruptcy for the CEO.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Liquidity, resiliency and market quality around predictable trades_ Theory and evidencE.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Passive investors, not passive owners.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Performance measurement with selectivity, market and volatility timing.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Short interest and aggregate stock returns.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-The value of creditor control in corporate bonds.pdf
    • JFE-2016-07-Under new management_ Equity issues and the attribution of PAST RETURN.pdf
  • 30.4 MB
  • 2016-6-5
  • Performance measurement and design in supply chains.rar

    • Performance measurement and design in supply chains.pdf
  • 1.93 MB
  • 2015-1-3
  • journal of finance AUGUST 2014.rar

    • Alpha and Performance Measurement The Effects of Investor Disagreement and Heterogeneity (pages 1565–1596).pdf
    • Liquidity Measurement Problems in Fast, Competitive Markets Expensive and Cheap Solutions (pages 1747–1785).pdf
    • Measuring Readability in Financial Disclosures (pages 1643–1671).pdf
    • Merger Negotiations with Stock Market Feedback (pages 1705–1745).pdf
    • Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentive to Generate Alpha (pages 1673–1704).pdf
    • Presidential Address Investment Noise and Trends (pages 1415–1453).pdf
    • Securitization and Capital Structure in Nonfinancial Firms An Empirical Investigation (pages 1787–1825).pdf
    • Skin in the Game and Moral Hazard (pages 1597–1641).pdf
    • Stock Options as Lotteries (pages 1485–1527).pdf
    • The Executive Turnover Risk Premium (pages 1529–1563).pdf
    • Time-Varying Fund Manager Skill (pages 1455–1484).pdf
  • 3.78 MB
  • 2014-10-23
  • JF-2014-4.rar

    • 5. Alpha and Performance Measurement.pdf
    • 1. Presidential Address.pdf
    • 2. Time-Varying Fund Manager Skill.pdf
    • 3. Stock Options as Lotteries.pdf
    • 4. The Executive Turnover Risk Premium.pdf
    • 6. Skin in the Game and Moral Hazard.pdf
    • 7.Measuring Readability in Financial Disclosures.pdf
    • 8. Mutual Fund Performance and the Incentiven to Generate Alpha.pdf
    • 9. Merger Negotiations with Stock Market Feedback.pdf
    • 10. Liquidity Measurement Problems in Fast, Competitive Markets.pdf
    • 11. Securitization and Capital Structure in Nonfinancial Firms.pdf
    • jofi12175.pdf
    • jofi12176.pdf
    • jofi12178.pdf
    • jofi12190.pdf
    • jofi12191.pdf
    • jofi12192.pdf
    • jofi12193.pdf
  • 4.61 MB
  • 2014-9-11
  • Pricing Risk and Performance Measurement in Practice.rar

    • Pricing Risk and Performance Measurement in Practice.pdf
  • 3.6 MB
  • 2010-2-21
  • 桌面.rar

    • Divisional Performance Measurement.pdf
    • Coordination, Control, and the Management of Organizations_ Course Notes (2nd of 4 CCMO documents.pdf
    • Theory of the Firm_ Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure.pdf
    • Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
    • The Nature of Man.pdf
    • Agency Cost Of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers.pdf
    • Self Interest, Altruism, Incentives, and Agency Theory.pdf
    • Agency Problems and Residual Claims.pdf
    • Stockholder, Manager, and Creditor Interests_ Applications of Agency Theory.pdf
    • The Adjustment of Stock Prices to New Information.pdf
    • CEO Incentives_It's Not How Much You Pay, But How.pdf
    • The Capital Asset Pricing Model_ Some Empirical Tests.pdf
    • Discussion of Corporate Financial Reporting_ A Methodological Review of Empirical Research_ Comment.pdf
    • Risk and the Discount Rate for Public Investment.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and 'Economic Democracy_ An Attack on Freedom.pdf
  • 9.28 MB
  • 2009-10-2
  • abbr_3347248165e0296041c62efe1d418f7e.rar

    • Internal Credit Risk Models Capital Allocation and Performance Measurement - Michael Ong.chm
  • 2.15 MB
  • 2009-9-8
  • abbr_3347248165e0296041c62efe1d418f7e.rar

    • Internal Credit Risk Models Capital Allocation and Performance Measurement - Michael Ong.chm
  • 2.15 MB
  • 2009-8-12
  • 2009FRM资料Readings for Risk Management and Investment Management.rar

    • 62.Chapter17 Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement.pdf
    • 57.Chapter14 Portfolio Construction.pdf
  • 3.41 MB
  • 2009-7-19
  • 322140.pdf
       [原创]Investment Performance measurement-Bruce J. Feibel,Wiley2003

  • 6.22 MB
  • 2009-5-6
  • 318515.pdf
       Investment Performance Measurement

  • 6.59 MB
  • 2009-4-24
  • 316803.rar
       [下载]Hedge Funds : Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio All

  • 1.15 MB
  • 2009-4-19
  • 316802.rar
       [下载]Hedge Funds : Insights in Performance Measurement, Risk Analysis, and Portfolio All

  • 4 MB
  • 2009-4-19
  • 316685.pdf
       [下载]Practical Porfolio Performance Measurement

  • 3.02 MB
  • 2009-4-18
  • 313199.pdf
       [下载]亚马逊4星《Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution》2008版

  • 3.02 MB
  • 2009-4-9
  • 288427.rar
       [下载]一本很新的效率测量的书(DEA)Modeling Performance Measurement

    • Modeling Performance Measurement.pdf
    • Taiwan2007.ppt
  • 12.35 MB
  • 2009-1-23
  • 277414.rar

    • Performance Measurement in Tax Administrations.pdf
    • 寻求服务与征管的均衡.pdf
    • 以信任换信任.pdf
    • 用新技术为纳税人提供服务.pdf
    • 遵从风险管理.pdf
    • Compliance Measurement – Practice Note.pdf
    • IRS战略计划.pdf
    • OECD税务管理:国际比较.pdf
    • Risk Management – Practice Note.pdf
    • 电子商务税务管理.pdf
    • 风险管理:背景.pdf
    • 风险管理:互联网搜索工具在税务管理中的运用.pdf
    • 风险管理与税收制度完整性.pdf
    • 富人的税收遵从.pdf
    • 纳税人的权利与义务.pdf
    • 纳税人对税务机关的反应.pdf
    • 税收道德:亚洲国家.pdf
    • 税收道德与有条件的合作.pdf
    • 税收文化对税收遵从的影响.pdf
    • 税收遵从道德规范分析.pdf
    • 税收遵从和税收研究的后现代方法.pdf
    • 税务管理改革战略设计.pdf
    • 税务机关与纳税人的相互影响.pdf
    • 态度、激励与税收遵从.pdf
    • 信任在税收遵从中的作用.pdf
  • 8.46 MB
  • 2008-12-16
  • 267392.pdf
       [原创] Practical Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution

  • 3.02 MB
  • 2008-11-17
  • 235091.pdf
       [求助] 英文文献 Lean and performance measurement

  • 87.54 KB
  • 2008-8-8
  • 226098.pdf
       [下载] Using Downside Risk to Improve Performance Measurement

  • 264.31 KB
  • 2008-7-10
  • 222135.pdf
       [求助]Performance measurement system design: A literature review and research agenda

  • 311.97 KB
  • 2008-6-24
  • 215053.rar
       Investment Performance Measurement

    • Investment Performance Measurement.pdf
  • 5.02 MB
  • 2008-5-26
  • 209552.rar

    • Integrating the Global with the Local:Performance Measurement in Multinational Corporations.doc
    • The Demonstration Research on Comparison of FDI Location Choice in Mainland China between South Korea and Taiwan Area.doc
    • how population affect income inequation in dual society.pdf
    • Income Redistribution in Urban China by Social Security System.doc
    • Income, Health and Happiness—Evidence on Chinese Elders.pdf
    • Innovation, Licensing, and Price vs. Quantity Competition.pdf
    • Innovative Inputs, Patent and Production Outputs in China.doc
    • Internationalization and Technology Strategies of Chinese Firms.doc
    • Labor Market Imperfect Information, On-the-job Training and the Employer Size-Wage Effect.pdf
    • Labour Market Impacts of Rural Migrants on Urban Residents in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Local Economic Development, Local Public Goods Crowding Effect, and Labor Mobility.pdf
    • Migration, Self-selection and Earnings Evidence from Rural China.pdf
    • New Evidence on the Volatility Spillover between Chinese and Major International Stock Markets.doc
    • Non-agricultural Employment Determinants and Income Inequality Decomposition.doc
    • openness and economic growth:theory and evidence from China.pdf
    • Optimal Industrial Policy with Vertical and Horizontal Market Linkages.doc
    • Outsourcing, Tariff Agreement, and Trade Liberalization.pdf
    • Ownership, Performance and Executive Turnover in China.pdf
    • Pick up the Lost?.pdf
    • Privatization of State-owned Enterprises.doc
    • Race To The Top And Race To The Bottom Tax Competition In Rural China.pdf
    • Rapid Economic Development and Job Segregation:The Case of Taiwan.doc
    • Reducing China’s Regional Disparity:Is There a Growth Cost?.doc
    • Regional Assessment of FDI and International Trade Spillovers in China from 1979 to 2006:A Space-Time Model.doc
    • Relationship between Economic Freedom and Larger Freedoms:An analysis of BRIC Countries.doc
    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue.doc
    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue(final edition).doc
    • Return Policy, Endowment Effect, and Consumption Levels:An Experiment in China.doc
    • Returning Entrepreneurs, Knowledge Spillovers and Innovation in High-technology Firms in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • RMB Internationalization An Empirical and Policy Analysis.doc
    • Role of Urban Land Use in China’s Economic Growth.pdf
    • Share Repurchase, Information Asymmetry, and Managerial Market Timing A Cross Country Analysis.doc
    • Soft Budget Constraint and Expropriation Evidence from Family Firms in China.doc
    • State Monopoly --The Perspectives of Problems of Social Fairness in China.doc
    • Subsidizing “Brain Drain”:Is It a Good Idea.doc
    • Taxation and Welfare Provision by Firms Evidence from Chinese Firm Census.doc
    • Technical efficiency under producer’s individual technology:a Metafrontier analysis.pdf
    • Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries:Urban Diversity or Urban Size.pdf
    • The birth order on education outcome and earning in adults.doc
  • 5.62 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 193032.rar
       [原创]2008年即将发表的风险管理(Risk Management)英文原版文献(首期25篇,有人响应再后续150篇

    • A dynamic stochastic programming model for international portfolio management.pdf
    • Small transaction cost asymptotics and dynamic hedging.pdf
    • Feature Cluster Operational Research for Risk Management.pdf
    • An inverse problem of determining the implied volatility in option pricing.pdf
    • Asset and liability modelling for participating policies with guarantees.pdf
    • Informing risk-mitigation priorities using uncertainty measures derived from heterogeneous expert panels A demonstration using foodborne pathogens.pdf
    • The risk of second-tier supplier failures in serial supply chains Implications for order policies and distributor autonomy.pdf
    • How should the cost of joint risk capital be allocated for performance measurement.pdf
    • A minimal repair replacement model with two types of failure and a safety constraint.pdf
    • Corporate international diversification and the cost of equity European evidence.pdf
    • Project risk management practice The case of a South African utility company.pdf
    • Risk perception and Bayesian analysis of international construction contract risks The case of payment delays in a developing economy.pdf
    • Evaluation of insurance products with guarantee in incomplete markets.pdf
    • On the distribution tail of an integrated risk model A numerical approach.pdf
    • The quality of food risk management in Europe Perspectives and priorities.pdf
    • Dynamics of supply chain networks with corporate social responsibility through integrated environmental decision-making.pdf
    • Endocrine disrupting pesticides Implications for risk assessment.pdf
    • Day-ahead price forecasting in restructured power systems using artificial neural networks.pdf
    • An intelligent data collection tool for chemical safety risk assessment.pdf
    • Application of the Beck model to stock markets Value-at-Risk and portfolio risk assessment.pdf
    • A statistical study on temporary work and occupational accidents Specific risk factors and risk management strategies.pdf
    • A reliability model for assessing the risk of termite attack on housing in Australia.pdf
    • Active portfolio management with benchmarking Adding a value-at-risk constraint.pdf
    • A web-based integrated system for international project risk management.pdf
  • 10.26 MB
  • 2008-2-17
  • 71923.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 251.57 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71922.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71921.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71920.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71919.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71918.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71917.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71916.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71915.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 71914.rar
       [下载]Bruce J. Feibel-Investment Performance Measurement

  • 488.28 KB
  • 2006-11-12
  • 65882.pdf
       Accounting based divisional performance measurement incentives for profit maximization

  • 952.46 KB
  • 2006-10-1
  • 65742.pdf
       Capital Allocation and Risk Performance Measurement in a Financial Institution

  • 183.05 KB
  • 2006-9-30
  • 54766.pdf
       Risk Management:Controls and Performance Measurement

  • 537.74 KB
  • 2006-6-5
  • 35332.rar
       ESSENTIALS of Corporate Performance Measurement

    • EssentialsOfCorporatePerformanceMeasurement .pdf
  • 521.56 KB
  • 2005-12-22
  • 18116.rar
       [原创][John Wiley & Sons, Fabozzi] Investment Performance Measurement

    • [John Wiley & Sons, Fabozzi] Investment Performance Measurement.pdf
  • 4.89 MB
  • 2005-6-30
  • 5990.rar
       Fabozzi Investment Performance Measurement

    • [John Wiley & Sons, Fabozzi] Investment Performance Measurement.pdf
  • 4.89 MB
  • 2004-12-23