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    • My Garden Acquaintance.txt
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    • Nana(娜娜).txt
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  • 19.9 MB
  • 2012-4-20
  • 诺贝尔得主演讲.rar

    • 萨缪尔森(Paul A.Samuelson).doc
    • 阿罗.doc
    • 布坎南.doc
    • 弗里德曼(Milton Friedman).doc
    • 科斯.doc
    • 克莱因.doc
    • 刘易斯.doc
    • 莫迪利亚尼.doc
    • 诺思.doc
    • 施蒂格勒.doc
    • 索洛.doc
    • 托宾.doc
    • 夏普.doc
  • 250.79 KB
  • 2009-9-22
  • 234789.pdf
       Paul and Dominicss Guide to Getting a Quant Job

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  • 2008-8-7
  • 218353.pdf
       [求助] 经典文献Samuelson, Paul A., and Robert M. Solow. Analytical Aspects of Anti-Infla

  • 2.23 MB
  • 2008-6-10
  • 173868.rar
       《公共部门经济学》C.V. Brown, P.M. Jackson中的经典文献

    • Paul A. Samuelson_The pure theory of public expenditure_Review Econ & Stat_1954(36).pdf
    • Albert Breton, Ronald Wintrobe_The equilibrium size of a budget-maximizing bureau_a note on Niskanen's theory of bureaucracy_JPE_1975(83).pdf
    • Dunkan Black_The rational of group decision-making_JPE_1948(56).pdf
    • Howard R Bowen_The interpretation of voting in the allocation of resources_QJE_1943(58).pdf
    • Wallace E. Oates_The effects of property taxes and local public spending on property values_a reply and yet further results_JPE_1973(81).pdf
  • 2.57 MB
  • 2007-11-15
  • 121726.pdf
       Paul and Dominics Guide to Gettign A Quant Job

  • 355.31 KB
  • 2007-5-28
  • 51634.rar

    • economic theory and mathmatics---an appraisal(Samuelson, Paul A.. American Economic Review, May52, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p56, 18p).pdf
    • a historian's perspective on modern economic theory(Rostow, W. W.. American Economic Review, May52, Vol. 42 Issue 2, p16, 18p).pdf
    • a model of labor migration and urban unemployment in less development countries(Todaro, Michael P.. American Economic Review, Mar69, Vol. 59 Issue 1, p138, 11p).pdf
    • a reassessment of development economics---a reassessment of goals---irma adelman(may 1975 vol 65 p.302).pdf
    • agriculture and structural transformation in development countries---a survey of research(Johnston, Bruce F.. Journal of Economic Literature, Jun70, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p369, 36p).pdf
    • comparative advantage and development ppolicy(Chenery, Hollis B.. American Economic Review, Mar61, Vol. 51 Issue 1, p18, 34p).pdf
    • economic development in history perspective(Fei, John C. H.; Ranis, Gustav. American Economic Review, May69, Vol. 59 Issue 2, p386, 15p, 4 diagrams).pdf
    • economic development---advanced technology for poor countries transport technology for developing countries ( Meyer, John R.. American Economic Review, May66, Vol. 56 Issue 2, p83, 8p).pdf
    • economic of development and the development of economics(Bardhan, Pranab. Journal of Economic Perspectives, Spring93, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p129, 14p).pdf
  • 10.53 MB
  • 2006-5-7
  • 24560.rar
       Paul A. Samuelson,The Backward Art of Investing Money

    • JPM%2030%2004%20Samuelson.pdf
  • 42.22 KB
  • 2005-8-30
  • 5860.rar
       经典上传:大师 Paul A Samuelson的访问

    • an interview with Paul A Samuelson.pdf
  • 4.39 MB
  • 2004-12-21