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  • 2010,Design of observational studies.rar

    • Design of observational studies(1ed).pdf
  • 2.12 MB
  • 2023-9-22
  • Springer Series in Statistics(2009-2011).rar

    • 2011.Targeted Learning_ Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data(2011).pdf
    • 2009.Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation(2010).pdf
    • 2009.Maximum Penalized Likelihood Estimation_ Volume II_ Regression(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Monte carlo and quasi-monte carlo sampling(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Principles and Theory for Data Mining and Machine Learning(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Semiparametric and Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Statistical Analysis of Network Data_ Methods and Models(2009).pdf
    • 2009.Statistical Analysis of Network Data_ Methods and Models-Springer (2009).djvu
    • 2009.The Elements of Statistical Learning_ Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction, Second Ed.pdf
    • 2010.A Comparison of the Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches to Estimation(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Comparing Distributions(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Design of observational studies(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Recursive Partitioning and Applications(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Spatial statistics and modeling(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices.pdf
    • 2011.Dynamic Mixed Models for Familial Longitudinal Data, Springer, 2011.pdf
    • 2011.Inequalities_ Theory of majorization and its applications(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Statistics for High-Dimensional Data_ Methods, Theory and Applications(2011).pdf
  • 83.7 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Springer Series in Statistics(2001C-2002P).rar

    • 2002.Observational Studies 2ed.pdf
    • 2001.Chaos A Statistical Perspective(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Combinatorial Methods in Density Estimation.pdf
    • 2001.Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Permutation Methods_ A Distance Function Approach(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Regression Modeling Strategies_ With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic Regression, and Survival Analysis(2001).pdf
    • 2001.Scan Statistics(2001).pdf
    • 2001.The Elements of Statistical Learning-Springer (2001).djvu
    • 2002.A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression (Springer Series in Statistics)-Springer (2002).pdf
    • 2002.Applied Functional Data Analysis(2002).pdf
    • 2002.Growth Curve Models and Statistical Diagnostics (2002).pdf
    • 2002.Principal Component Analysis 2nd Ed.pdf
  • 95.03 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • Springer Series in Statistics(1994-1995O).rar

    • 1995.Observational Studies(1995).pdf
    • 1994.Multivariate Statistical Modelling Based on Generalized Linear Models(1994).djvu
    • 1994.Permutation Tests_ A Practical Guide to Resampling Methods for Testing Hypotheses(1994).pdf
    • 1994.Robust Asymptotic Statistics(1994).pdf
    • 1994.The Collected Works of Wassily Hoeffding(1994).pdf
    • 1995.Exact Statistical Methods for Data Analysis(1995).pdf
    • 1995.Linear Models_ Least Squares and Alternatives-Springer New York (1995).pdf
    • 1995.Models for Uncertainty in Educational Testing-Springer-Verlag New York (1995).pdf
  • 90.99 MB
  • 2017-9-15
  • 【stata 】Propensity scores for the estimation of average treatment effects in o.zip

    • 【stata 】Propensity scores for the estimation of average treatment effects in observational studies.pdf
  • 471.54 KB
  • 2016-4-17
  • 倾向评分匹配3篇论文.rar

    • Entropy Balancing for Causal Effects A MultivariateReweighting Method to Produce Balanced Samples in Observational Studies.pdf
    • Using Propensity Scores to Help Design Observational Studies Application to the Tobacco Litigation.pdf
    • The Consequences of Child Soldiering.pdf
  • 1.33 MB
  • 2014-10-10