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  • Trading Commodity Options.rar

    • Trading Commodity Options...with Creativity_ When, why, and how to develop strategies to improve the odds in any market environment and risk-reward profile.azw3
    • Trading Commodity Options...with Creativity_ When, why, and how to develop strategies to improve the odds in any market environment and risk-reward profile.epub
    • Trading Commodity Options...with Creativity_ When, why, and how to develop strategies to improve the odds in any market environment and risk-reward profile.pdf
  • 35.58 MB
  • 2021-9-28
  • 4. Distribution and Odds Calculation 2, Excel Training.rar

    • 4. Distribution and Odds Calculation 2, Excel Training.mp4
  • 41.34 MB
  • 2018-10-30
  • 3. Distribution and Odds Calculation 1.rar

    • 3. Distribution and Odds Calculation 1.mp4
  • 70.59 MB
  • 2018-10-30
  • mastering the market cycle - getting the odds on your side (2018).rar
       mastering the market cycle - getting the odds on your side (2018)

    • mastering the market cycle - getting the odds on your side (2018).epub
  • 3.73 MB
  • 2018-10-2
  • against all odds - leading nokia from near catastrophe to global success (2016).rar
       against all odds - leading nokia from near catastrophe to global success (2016)

    • against all odds - leading nokia from near catastrophe to global success (2016).pdf
  • 6.52 MB
  • 2018-2-13
  • 1984, Warren Buffett.zip
       The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville

    • 1984, Warren Buffett.pdf
  • 1.25 MB
  • 2017-6-9
  • Knowing the Odds An Introduction to Probability, John B. Walsh, GSM 139, 2012.rar

    • Knowing the Odds An Introduction to Probability, John B. Walsh, GSM 139, 2012.djvu
  • 4.41 MB
  • 2014-2-17
  • Knowing the odds-An introduction to probability.rar

    • Knowing the odds-An introduction to probability.djvu
  • 4.41 MB
  • 2014-2-16
  • 29 Immediate commands in Stata_ Computing odds ratios from sum.rar

    • 29 Immediate commands in Stata_ Computing odds ratios from sum.flv
  • 3.87 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 27 Odds ratios for case-control data in Stata.rar

    • 27 Odds ratios for case-control data in Stata.flv
  • 6.24 MB
  • 2013-4-22
  • 行为决策前沿.rar

    • Codingofrewardprobabilityandriskbysingleneuronsinanimals.pdf
    • Dopaminergic control of the exploration-exploitation.pdf
    • Experience-based decisions and brain activity.pdf
    • On the value of experience-based decisions.pdf
    • The nature of belief-directed exploratory choice in human.pdf
    • The Neural Correlates of Subjective Utility of Monetary.pdf
    • To take risk is to face loss a tonic pupillometry study.pdf
    • Ubiquitous log odds.pdf
    • You Can’t Gamble on Others.pdf
  • 5.97 MB
  • 2012-3-27
  • logistic regression.rar

    • (张三峰,王非)基于Logit模型的农民土地调整意愿分析——来自2006年中国综合社会调查的证据.pdf
    • 回归模型介绍.pdf
    • (Hassan Al Nageim,Ravindra Nagar)Comparison of neural network and binary logistic regression methods in conceptual design of tall steel buildings.pdf
    • (Laura Eboli,Gabriella Mazzulla)An ordinal logistic regression model for analysing airport passenger satisfaction.pdf
    • (P.J. Sloane and I. Theodossiou)The Economics of Low Pay in Britain-A Logistic Regression Approach.pdf
    • (Paul Mathews)Binary Logistic Regression.pdf
    • (Ralf Bender,Ulrich Grouven)Using Binary Logistic Regression Models for Ordinal Data with Non-proportional Odds.pdf
    • (Serkan Akinci,Erdener Kaynak)Where does the logistic.pdf
    • (刘梅,杜丽丽,张晓)基于logit模型的农户有机肥施用意愿及影响因素分析——以山东为例.pdf
    • (徐强)大学生参加居民医疗保险意愿探析.pdf
    • (姚丽亚,孙立山,关宏志)基于分层Logit模型的交通方式选择行为研究.pdf
  • 5.39 MB
  • 2011-7-23
  • medcalcsetup.rar

    • medcalc.exe
    • Meta_analysis_Continuous_data.mc1
    • Meta_analysis_Odds_ratio.mc1
    • Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
    • msvcm80.dll
    • msvcp80.dll
    • msvcr80.dll
    • Patients_sample_data.mc1
    • Serial_measurements.mc1
    • spssio32.dll
    • Survival_curves.mc1
    • xlsxlib.dll
    • Youden.mc1
    • Bland_and_Altman_plot.mc1
    • Clustered_graphs.mc1
    • Control_chart.mc1
    • Cox_regression_Gallstones.mc1
    • Data_for_ROC_curve_analysis.mc1
    • Dates.mc1
    • gdiplus.dll
    • Logistic_regression.mc1
    • mclib.dll
    • medcalc1.dll
    • MedCalc.dat
  • 1.94 MB
  • 2009-10-28
  • 331898.rar
       [下载]Binary Options Fixed Odds Financial Bets

    • Binary Options Fixed Odds Financial Bets.pdf
  • 2.2 MB
  • 2009-5-31
  • 191110.rar
       Beat the odds in the forex trading

    • Beat the odds in the forex trading.pdf
  • 6.07 MB
  • 2008-1-29
  • 53970.pdf
       [下载]Trading With The Odds: Using the Power of Statistics to Profit in the futures Market

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  • 2006-5-27