大小 上传时间
  • (Gmw 148) - Chandrasekharan K - Introduction To Analytic Number Theory - Springer 1968.zip
       (Gmw 148) - Chandrasekharan K - Introduction To Analytic Number Theory

    • (Gmw 148) - Chandrasekharan K - Introduction To Analytic Number Theory - Springer 1968.djvu
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2024-9-16
  • Several Complex Variables 1 - Introduction to Complex Analysis - (A G Vitushkin).zip
       Several Complex Variables1

    • Several Complex Variables 1 - Introduction to Complex Analysis - (A G Vitushkin) Springer.djvu
  • 3.11 MB
  • 2024-9-10
  • 风险管理.zip

    • Introduction to CreditMetrics.pdf
    • risk management and financial institutions 3rd edition by john hull.pdf
    • RiskMetricsTM—Technical Documen Part4.pdf
    • riskmetricTD.pdf
    • 风险管理与金融机构第三版部分作业题答案.pdf
    • 《风险管理与金融机构》中文翻译错误.docx
    • CreditMetrics Technical Document.pdf
    • FRM 2014-03.pdf
    • FRM_2015_00.pdf
    • FRM_2015_01.pdf
    • FRM_2015_02.pdf
    • FRM_2015_04.pptx
    • FRM_2015_05.pdf
    • FRM_2015_06.pdf
    • FRM_2015_06.pptx
    • FRM_2015_07.pdf
    • FRM_2015_08.pdf
    • FRM_2015_09.pptx
    • FRM_2015_10.pdf
    • FRM_2015_10.pptx
    • FRM_2015_11.pdf
    • FRM_2015_12.pdf
    • FRM_2015_13.pdf
    • FRM_2015_14.pdf
    • FRM_2015_15.pptx
    • FRM_2015_16.pdf
    • FRM_2015_17.pdf
    • FRM_2015_18.pdf
  • 86.39 MB
  • 2024-9-8
  • S4 弘毅高级微观二 - 课程资料.zip

    • homework2 answer.pdf
    • homework2.pdf
    • homework3.pdf
    • homework3_answer.pdf
    • homework3_answer_updated.pdf
    • IO_syllabus.pdf
    • 1 IO_Introduction.pdf
    • 2a Costs.pdf
    • 2b Perfect Competition.pdf
    • 2c Monopoly.pdf
    • 3 Price Discrimination I.pdf
    • 4 Price Discrimination II.pdf
    • 5-7 Oligopoly.pdf
    • 8 Collusion and cartels.pdf
    • 8a-Phoebus.pdf
    • 8b-OPEC.pdf
    • 8c-De Beers.pdf
    • 9-10 Product differentiation.pdf
    • 11 advertising.pdf
    • 11 advertising_updated.pdf
    • 12 research_and_development.pdf
    • homework1 answer.pdf
    • homework1.pdf
  • 6.33 MB
  • 2024-9-5
  • (GMW 217)Stenstrm B. Ring of quotients.. an introduction to methods of ring theory .zip
       (GMW 217)Stenstrm B. Ring of quotients.. an introduction to methods of ring theory

    • (GMW 217)Stenstrm B. Ring of quotients.. an introduction to methods of ring theory .djvu
  • 2.96 MB
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  • 中央机关审计信息表2008-2020.zip

    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • GA_CentralInstAuditInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • GA_CentralInstAuditInfo.xlsx
  • 372.79 KB
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • GA_CentralEntBasicInfo.xlsx
  • 1.07 MB
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • CNT_ForeignTrade.xlsx
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • EIC_CentralCityPassenger.xlsx
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • IRR_InternalControlRisk.xlsx
  • 8.11 MB
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  • 世界各国经济政策不确定性指数(1985-2024.6).zip

    • All_Country_Data.xlsx
    • Global_Policy_Uncertainty_Data.xlsx
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  • Wynn-M-44378-AAM.pdf
       Social Security Outside the Realm of the Employment Contract

  • 463.12 KB
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • SMRVR_Intrst.xlsx
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • SQS_ConcentrationIndex.xlsx
  • 4.96 MB
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • MC_ActualControllerNetwork.xlsx
  • 10.03 MB
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • BR_RstrctrngCntrbtrs[DES][xlsx].txt
    • BR_RstrctrngCntrbtrs.xlsx
  • 268.57 KB
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • STK_HK_NoPaymentRights.xlsx
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    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • SC_ConcentrationIndex.xlsx
  • 6.38 MB
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    • FAMFIRM_CONTRSHR[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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  • GTM188.Lectures on the Hyperreals..An Introduction to Nonstandard Analysis,.Goldblatt.zip
       GTM188.Lectures on the Hyperreals

    • GTM188.Lectures on the Hyperreals..An Introduction to Nonstandard Analysis,.Goldblatt.djvu
  • 1.84 MB
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  • GTM 056-Algebraic Topology An Introduction - William S. Massey.zip
       GTM 056-Algebraic Topology An Introduction - William S. Massey

    • GTM 056-Algebraic Topology An Introduction - William S. Massey.djvu
  • 4.38 MB
  • 2024-6-27
  • GTM 055-Introduction to Operator Theory I,.Brown.Pearcy.9783540902577.zip
       GTM 055-Introduction to Operator Theory I,.Brown.Pearcy

    • GTM 055-Introduction to Operator Theory I,.Brown.Pearcy.9783540902577.djvu
  • 4.12 MB
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    • CPE_TaxContribution[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
    • CPE_TaxContribution.xlsx
  • 4.09 MB
  • 2024-6-25
  • TKT.rar

    • 第五讲 Presentation techniques & introductory activities.pdf
    • 第一讲 Describing language.pdf
    • tkt-glossary.pdf
    • 第二讲 Describing language & language skills.pdf
    • 第九讲 Syllabus design.pdf
    • 第九讲讲义-2.pdf
    • 第六讲 Practice activities and tasks for language and skills development.pdf
    • 第七讲 Test & Aim.pdf
    • 第三讲 Background to language learning.pdf
    • 第十讲 Reference resources.pdf
    • 第十九讲讲义 Grouping the learners.pdf
    • 第十六讲 Categorizing learners' mistakes.pdf
    • 第十三讲 Review of Module 1 & 2.pdf
    • 第十五讲 Teachers' & learners' language.pdf
    • 第十一讲 Use of coursebook material & teaching aids.pdf
    • 第四讲 The role of error.pdf
  • 3.07 MB
  • 2024-6-9
  • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,043) N. V. Krylov - Introduction to the theory .zip
       Introduction to Quantum Groups and Crystal Bases

    • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,043) N. V. Krylov - Introduction to the theory of random processes-Amer Mathematical Society (2002).djvu
  • 1.55 MB
  • 2024-6-4
  • GTM 009 - Humphreys J. Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory.zip
       GTM 009 -Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory

    • GTM 009 - Humphreys J. Introduction to Lie algebras and representation theory.djvu
  • 1.98 MB
  • 2024-5-30
  • GTM 001 Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (Ga.zip
       Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory

    • GTM 001 Introduction to Axiomatic Set Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (Gaisi Takeuti, Wilson M. Zaring) 0387900241.djvu
  • 1.86 MB
  • 2024-5-28
  • GTM 056-Algebraic Topology An Introduction - William S. Massey.zip
       Algebraic Topology

    • GTM 056-Algebraic Topology An Introduction - William S. Massey.djvu
  • 4.38 MB
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  • 企业创新能力按行业分RD人员全时当量1995-2022.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 204.58 KB
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  • 企业创新能力按行业分RD经费1995-2022.zip

    • INN_ININDENTRDEXP[DES][xlsx].txt
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 208.91 KB
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  • 企业创新能力按登记注册类型分RD人员全时当量1995-2022.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 195.78 KB
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  • 企业创新能力按登记注册类型分RD经费1995-2022.zip

    • INN_ENINDENTRDEXP[DES][xlsx].txt
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 196.34 KB
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  • 企业创新能力按登记注册类型分RD经费1995-2022.zip

    • INN_ENINDENTRDEXP[DES][xlsx].txt
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 企业创新能力按地区规模分RD人员全时当量2004-2022.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 198.54 KB
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  • Meester R. - A natural introduction to probability theory - Birkhauser 2008 2ed.zip
       A Natural Introduction to Probability Theory

    • Meester R. - A natural introduction to probability theory - Birkhauser 2008 2ed.djvu
  • 1.24 MB
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  • 资本定价模型中国全国银行存款利率文件1990-20403.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • CAPMR_Intrst[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CAPMR_Intrst.xlsx
  • 188.63 KB
  • 2024-5-14
  • Kunz E. - Intro to plane algebraic curves - Birkhauser 2005 - ISBN 0817643818 (293s).zip
       Introduction to Plane Algebraic Curves

    • Kunz E. - Intro to plane algebraic curves - Birkhauser 2005 - ISBN 0817643818 (293s).djvu
  • 1.94 MB
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  • Elementary Statistics, 13th Edition.zip
       2017 | ISBN: 0134462459 | English | 792 pages | PDF | 112 MB For courses in Introductory Statistics ...

    • Elementary Statistics, 13th Edition_部分1.xdf
    • Elementary Statistics, 13th Edition_部分2.xdf
    • Elementary Statistics, 13th Edition_部分3.xdf
    • Elementary Statistics, 13th Edition_部分4.xdf
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  • 企业债公司债非金融企业债务融资工具定价估值2010-20240417.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • BND_NAFMIIPriCntrlCrv[DES][xlsx].txt
    • BND_NAFMIIPriCntrlCrv.xlsx
  • 795.19 KB
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  • 中国全国银行月度存款利率变动文件1990-202403.zip

    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • SRFR_Intrst[DES][xlsx].txt
    • SRFR_Intrst.xlsx
  • 188.65 KB
  • 2024-5-12
  • Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Leh.zip
       Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic

    • Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic (Birkhauser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher) M. Holz, K. Steffens, E. Weitz.djvu
  • 3.37 MB
  • 2024-5-12
  • Infinite dimensional Lie algebras an introduction (Birkhauser, 1983).zip
       Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras

    • Infinite dimensional Lie algebras an introduction (Birkhauser, 1983).djvu
  • 3.88 MB
  • 2024-5-12
  • An introduction to the theory of numbers 5ed - Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgom.zip
       An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers- Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgomery H.L.

    • An introduction to the theory of numbers 5ed - Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgomery H.L..djvu
  • 3.32 MB
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  • Intro to ABC-SMC.pdf
       an overview of Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) and its advancements via Sequential Monte Carl ...

  • 568.39 KB
  • 2024-4-30
  • Lectures.rar

    • Lecture Note on VI Perfect competition and competition policy.pdf
    • CH 01 Cooperation as the central focus of microeconomics.pdf
    • contents.pdf
    • Lecture Note on I Basic decision and preference theory.pdf
    • Lecture Note on II Household theory and theory of the firm.pdf
    • Lecture Note on III Games and industrial organization.pdf
    • Lecture Note on IV Bargaining theory and Pareto optimality.pdf
    • Lecture Note on V Bayesian games and mechanism design.pdf
    • Lecture Note on VII Contracts and principal-agent theories.pdf
  • 7.01 MB
  • 2024-4-27
  • Introduction to the theory of computation. Instructor's manual_ solutions to 1ed..zip

    • Introduction to the theory of computation. Instructor's manual_ solutions to 1ed..djvu
  • 883.29 KB
  • 2024-4-24
  • Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis -George F. Simmons.zip
       Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis

    • Introduction to Topology and Modern Analysis -George F. Simmons.djvu
  • 9.07 MB
  • 2024-4-21
  • Bellman Introduction To Matrix Analysis, 2Nd (Classics In Applied Mathematics).zip
       Introduction to Matrix Analysis (Classics in Applied Mathematics)

    • Bellman Introduction To Matrix Analysis, 2Nd (Classics In Applied Mathematics).djvu
  • 2.43 MB
  • 2024-4-4
  • F.海牙斯.pdf
       Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis

  • 10.87 MB
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  • John Mullins - The New Business Road Test_ What entrepreneurs and investors shou.rar

    • John Mullins - The New Business Road Test_ What entrepreneurs and investors should do before launching a lean start-up-FT Press (2018).pdf
  • 4.15 MB
  • 2024-3-16
  • LMSST 057 Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis.zip
       Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis

    • LMSST 057 Introduction to Banach Algebras, Operators, and Harmonic Analysis.djvu
  • 1.95 MB
  • 2024-3-14
  • A Visual Introduction to Differential Forms and Calculus on Manifolds-Jon Pierre.zip
       A Visual Introduction to Differential Forms and Calculus on Manifolds

    • A Visual Introduction to Differential Forms and Calculus on Manifolds-Jon Pierre Fortney.pdf
  • 10.03 MB
  • 2024-3-13
  • LMSST 049 An Introduction to K-Theory for C-Algebras [2000] (Rordam Larsen Laustsen).zip
       An Introduction to K-Theory for C*-Algebras

    • LMSST 049 An Introduction to K-Theory for C-Algebras [2000] (Rordam Larsen Laustsen).djvu
  • 2.09 MB
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  • 【5634页2023大学教学课件】 苏黎世联邦理工学院:数字设计和计算机体系结构(上).zip

    • Lecture 10:Microarchitecture Fundamentals & Design.pdf
    • Lecture 11:Multi-Cycle Microarchitecture Design.pdf
    • Lecture 12:Pipelining.pdf
    • Lecture 13:Pipelined Processor Design.pdf
    • Lecture 14:Precise Exceptions.pdf
    • Lecture 15a:Out-of-Order Execution.pdf
    • Lecture 15b:Handling Out-of-Order Execution of Loads and Stores.pdf
    • Lecture 16a:Dataflow & Superscalar Execution.pdf
    • Lecture 1:Introduction and Basics.pdf
    • Lecture 2a:Tradeoffs, Metrics, Mindset.pdf
    • Lecture 2b:Combinational Logic I.pdf
    • Lecture 3:Combinational Logic II.pdf
    • Lecture 4:Sequential Logic Design I.pdf
    • Lecture 5a:Sequential Logic Design II Finite State Machines.pdf
    • Lecture 5b:Hardware Description Languages and Verilog.pdf
    • Lecture 6a:Hardware Description Languages and Verilog II.pdf
    • Lecture 6b:Timing and Verification.pdf
    • Lecture 6c:Verification & Testing.pdf
    • Lecture 7:Von Neumann Model & Instruction Set Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 8:Instruction Set Architectures II.pdf
    • Lecture 9a:ISA & Microarchitecture.pdf
    • Lecture 9b:Assembly Programming.pdf
  • 84.67 MB
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  • LMSST 037 a mathematical introduction to wavelets 1997.zip
       A Mathematical Introduction to Wavelets

    • LMSST 037 a mathematical introduction to wavelets 1997.djvu
  • 2.21 MB
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  • wikipedia-iso-country-codes.zip

    • wikipedia-iso-country-codes.csv
  • 4.14 KB
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  • yd.zip

    • Country Quater Wise Visitors.csv
    • Country Wise Age Group.csv
    • Country Wise Airport.csv
    • Country Wise Gender.csv
    • Country Wise Visitors Ways.csv
    • Country Wise Yearly VIsitors.csv
    • General Data 2014-2020.csv
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    • Month Wise FFE Dollar.csv
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    • Top10 State FFA Visit.csv
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    • Copyright notice.pdf
    • HLD_Contrshr[DES][xlsx].txt
    • HLD_Contrshr.xlsx
  • 14.79 MB
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  • LMSST 011 Spacetime and Singularities An Introduction (London Mathematical Socie.zip
        Spacetime and Singularities An Introduction

    • LMSST 011 Spacetime and Singularities An Introduction (London Mathematical Society Student Texts)by Gregory L. Naber.djvu
  • 1.14 MB
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  • API_EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4556186.zip

    • Metadata_Indicator_API_EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4556186.csv
    • API_EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4556186.csv
    • Metadata_Country_API_EN.ATM.NOXE.AG.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4556186.csv
  • 23.69 KB
  • 2024-3-2
  • API_EN.ATM.NOXE.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4534418.zip

    • Metadata_Indicator_API_EN.ATM.NOXE.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4534418.csv
    • API_EN.ATM.NOXE.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4534418.csv
    • Metadata_Country_API_EN.ATM.NOXE.KT.CE_DS2_zh_csv_v2_4534418.csv
  • 24.1 KB
  • 2024-3-2
  • LMSST 005 Hughston L.P., Tod K.P. Introduction to general relativity (ISBN 05213.zip
       An Introduction to General Relativity

    • LMSST 005 Hughston L.P., Tod K.P. Introduction to general relativity (ISBN 052133943X)(600dpi)(T)(189s)_PGr_.djvu
  • 2.23 MB
  • 2024-3-2
  • LMSST 004 An introduction to twistor theory (CUP 1985) Huggett.zip
       An Introduction to Twistor Theory

    • LMSST 004 An introduction to twistor theory (CUP 1985) Huggett.djvu
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2024-3-2
  • International Statistics Yearbook 2023.zip

    • Part I_World. Regions of the world. Groups of the countries.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 1_Population.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 10_Industry.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 11_Foreign trade.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 12_National accounts.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 2_Environmental protection.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 3_Labour market.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 4_Wages and salaries. Living conditions.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 5_Education.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 6_Population health condition.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 7_Retail sales. Prices.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 8_Science. Information society. Telecommunications.xlsx
    • Part II_chapter 9_Agriculture, forestry, fishing.xlsx
  • 1013.11 KB
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  • Lecture.pdf
       Introduction to Central Banking

  • 1.41 MB
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  • lecture.pdf
       Stochastic Finance: An Introduction in Discrete Time

  • 35.68 MB
  • 2024-2-20
  • Bump D Et Al , An Introduction To The Langlands Program (Birkhauser, 2004).zip
       An Introduction to the Langlands Program

    • Bump D Et Al , An Introduction To The Langlands Program (Birkhauser, 2004).djvu
  • 4.36 MB
  • 2024-2-6
  • Beckenbach, Bellman, An Introduction To Inequalities (New Mathematical Library).zip
       Introduction to Inequalities

    • Beckenbach, Bellman, An Introduction To Inequalities (New Mathematical Library).djvu
  • 949.12 KB
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  • 上市公司供应链效率2000-2022库存周转率行业名称供应链柔性响应速度.zip

    • Does Ineffective Internal Control over Financial Reporting Affect a Firm’s Operations Evidence from Firms’ Inventory Management.pdf
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    • 企业数字化转型与供应链效率_张树山.pdf
    • 数字赋能、产业链整合与全要素生产率_张倩肖.pdf
  • 7.71 MB
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  • solutions.pdf
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  • 1.4 MB
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  • Taylor_&_Francis_Articles(11Jan2024).zip

    • 00-Justice and community citizenship behavior for the environment_ small tourism business entrepr.pdf
  • 723.08 KB
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  • Matrix Groups, An Introduction to Lie Group Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathe.zip
       Matrix Groups

    • Matrix Groups, An Introduction to Lie Group Theory (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) (Andrew Baker) 1852334703.djvu
  • 2.19 MB
  • 2023-12-31
  • Topology of Foliations An Introduction (Translations of Mathematical Monographs).zip
       Topology of Foliations An Introduction

    • Topology of Foliations An Introduction (Translations of Mathematical Monographs) Itiro Tamura.djvu
  • 5 MB
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    • 管理科学_运筹学 最易学软件 WINQSB.rar
    • introduction.ppt
    • overview of modeling approach.ppt
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       Introduction to Complex Analysis Functions of Several Variables Part II

    • Introduction to Complex Analysis Functions of Several Variables Part II (Translations of Mathematical Monographs) (Pt. 2)by B. V. Shabat.djvu
  • 2.07 MB
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  • Griffiths P Introduction To Algebraic Curves (Tmm 76, Ams, 1989)(Isbn 0821845306.zip
       Introduction to Algebraic Curves

    • Griffiths P Introduction To Algebraic Curves (Tmm 76, Ams, 1989)(Isbn 0821845306)(229S).djvu
  • 1.72 MB
  • 2023-12-20
  • An Introduction to Morse Theory (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 2.zip
       An Introduction to Morse Theory

    • An Introduction to Morse Theory (Translations of Mathematical Monographs, Vol. 208)Yukio Matsumoto.pdf
  • 9.22 MB
  • 2023-12-20
  • Introduction to Modern Economic Growth by Daron Acemoglu.rar
       现代经济增长导论-达龙·阿西莫格鲁(Daron Acemoglu)

    • Introduction to Modern Economic Growth by Daron Acemoglu.pdf
  • 4.94 MB
  • 2023-12-16
  • 2-9-2 全国32个省份分省县城集中供热(2006-2022).zip

    • 2-9-2 分省县城集中供热(2019).xls
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2008).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2018年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热County Seat Centralized Heating(2006).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热County Seat Centralized Heating(2007).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2009年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2010年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2011年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2012年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2013年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2014年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2015年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2016年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 县城集中供热(2017年).xlsx
    • 2-9-2 分省县城集中供热(2020).xls
    • 2-9-2 分省县城集中供热(2021).xls
    • 2-9-2 分省县城集中供热(2022).xls
  • 184.47 KB
  • 2023-12-15
  • 1-9-2 全国32个省份分省城市集中供热(2006-2022).zip

    • 1-9-2 分省城市集中供热(2019).xls
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热 Urban Central Heating(2006).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热 Urban Centralized Heating(2007).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2008).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2018年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2009年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2010年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2011年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2012年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2013年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2014年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2015年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2016年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 城市集中供热(2017年).xlsx
    • 1-9-2 分省城市集中供热(2020).xls
    • 1-9-2 分省城市集中供热(2021).xls
    • 1-9-2 分省城市集中供热(2022).xls
  • 191.87 KB
  • 2023-12-14
  • 8-2 2002-2022年全国700多个地级市县级市按城市分列的城市集中供热.zip

    • 8-2 2002年按城市分列的城市集中供热10-12 2002 Urban Central Heating By City.xlsx
    • 8-2 2002年按城市分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-22 2002 Urban Central Heating By City (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-2 2003年按城市分列的城市集中供热10-3 2003 Urban Central Heating By City.xlsx
    • 8-2 2003年按城市分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-4 2003 Urban Central Heating By City (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-2 2004年按城市分列的城市集中供热10-4 2004 Urban Central Heating By City.xlsx
    • 8-2 2004年按城市分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-5 2004 Urban Central Heating By City (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-2 2005年按城市分列的城市集中供热10-4 2005 Urban Central Heating by City.xlsx
    • 8-2 2005年按城市分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-5 2005 Urban Central Heating by City (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-2 2006年按城市分列的城市集中供热8-2 2006 Urban Central Heating by City.xlsx
    • 8-2 2007年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2008年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2009年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2010年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2011年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2012年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2013年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2014年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2015年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2016年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2017年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2018年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2019年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2020年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2021年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-2 2022年按城市分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
  • 1.24 MB
  • 2023-12-14
  • 8-1 2002-2022年全国32个省份按省分列的城市集中供热.zip

    • 8-1 2002年按省分列的城市集中供热10-11 2002 Urban Central Heating By Province.xlsx
    • 8-1 2002年按省分列的城市集中供热(其他社会供热单位)10-31 2002 Urban Central Heating By Province (Other Social Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2002年按省分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-21 2002 Urban Central Heating By Province (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2003年按省分列的城市集中供热10-0 2003 Urban Central Heating By Province.xlsx
    • 8-1 2004年按省分列的城市集中供热 10-1 2004 Urban Central Heating By Province.xlsx
    • 8-1 2005年按省分列的城市集中供热 10-1 2005 Urban Central Heating by Province.xlsx
    • 8-1 2006年按省分列的城市集中供热 8-1 2006 Urban Central Heating by Province.xlsx
    • 8-1 2007年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2008年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2009年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2010年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2011年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2012年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2003年按省分列的城市集中供热(其他社会供热单位)10-2 2003 Urban Central Heating By Province (Other Social Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2003年按省分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-1 2003 Urban Central Heating By Province (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2004年按省分列的城市集中供热(其他社会供热单位)10-3 2004 Urban Central Heating By Province (Other Social Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2004年按省分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-2 2004 Urban Central Heating By Province (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2005年按省分列的城市集中供热(其他社会供热单位)10-3 2005 Urban Central Heating by Province (Other Social Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2005年按省分列的城市集中供热(热力企业)10-2 2005 Urban Central Heating by Province (Heat Suppliers).xlsx
    • 8-1 2013年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2014年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2015年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2016年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2017年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2018年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2019年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2020年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2021年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
    • 8-1 2022年按省分列的城市集中供热.xlsx
  • 386.95 KB
  • 2023-12-13
  • 矩阵分析讲义吳培元.zip
       台湾国立交通大学 吴培元: 矩阵分析(附讲义)

    • 第01週 General introduction of the course.pdf
    • 第02週 Basic operations on 2-by-2 matrices.pdf
    • 第03週 Row-equivalence, column-equivalence and unitary equivalence of matrices.pdf
    • 第04週 Similarity of matrices.pdf
    • 第05週 Similarity of matrices.pdf
    • 第06週 Jordan canonical form and spectral properties of matrices.pdf
    • 第07週 Rational form and nonderogatory matrices.pdf
    • 第08週 QR decomposition and singular value decomposition of matrices.pdf
    • 第09週 Perron-Frobenius theory of nonnegative matrices.pdf
    • 第10週 Perron-Frobenius theory of nonnegative matrices.pdf
    • 第11週 Discussions on mid-term homework problems.pdf
    • 第12週 Matrix inequalities.pdf
    • 第13週 Numerical ranges of matrices.pdf
    • 第14週 Numerical ranges of matrices.pdf
    • 第15週 Matrix dilations.pdf
  • 2.18 MB
  • 2023-12-8
  • Eisenhart- An Introduction To Differential Geometry With Use Of Tensor Calculus .zip
       An Introduction to Differential Geometry

    • Eisenhart- An Introduction To Differential Geometry With Use Of Tensor Calculus (Princeton, 1940)(K)(T)(309S).djvu
  • 3.43 MB
  • 2023-11-25
  • An Introduction to G-Functions (Annals of Mathematics Studies)-Bernard M. Dwork .zip
       An Introduction to G-functions

    • An Introduction to G-Functions (Annals of Mathematics Studies)-Bernard M. Dwork Giovanni Gerotto Francis J. Sullivan.djvu
  • 3.98 MB
  • 2023-11-18
  • (PSPM061) T. N. Bailey, Anthony W. Knapp-Representation Theory and Automorphic F.zip
       Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms

    • (PSPM061) T. N. Bailey, Anthony W. Knapp-Representation Theory and Automorphic Forms_ Instructional Conference, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, March 1996, Edinburgh, Scotland-Amer Mat.djvu
  • 3.94 MB
  • 2023-11-16
  • Eviews-ALL.zip
       Jeffrey Wooldridge Introductory Econometrics 伍德里奇计量经济学全部数据 in Eviews

  • 3.11 MB
  • 2023-11-10
  • inquisit6wintrial.zip

    • 上海卡贝信息技术有限公司.url
    • 在售软件列表.pdf
    • 读我.txt
    • Inquisit_60.exe
  • 36.29 MB
  • 2023-11-5
  • Representation Theory of Finite Groups Algebra and Arithmetic (Graduate Studies .zip
       Representation Theory of Finite Groups

    • Representation Theory of Finite Groups Algebra and Arithmetic (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)-Steven H. Weintraub.djvu
  • 1.22 MB
  • 2023-10-23