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    • IFS_RgnSMEOperIndexM.xlsx
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  • Robust Information Transmission.zip

    • Robust Information Transmission.pdf
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  • 分区域小微企业运行指数表(月)2015-2022.3.zip

    • IFS_RgnSMEOperIndexM[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
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    • Global Economic Uncertainties and Exchange Rate Shocks - Transmission Channels to the South African Economy.pdf
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  • handbook of monetary economics vol.3.zip

    • Preface_2010_Handbook-of-Monetary-Economics.pdf
    • Contributors_2010_Handbook-of-Monetary-Economics.pdf
    • Chapter-9---Inflation-Persistence_2010_Handbook-of-Monetary-Economics.pdf
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    • Copyright_2010_Handbook-of-Monetary-Economics4.pdf
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  • 2018-3-14
  • Sciencedirect_articles_25Sep2017_07-07-02.395.zip

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    • Front-matter_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Copyright_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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    • Chapter-39-Cocaine-Dependence-and-Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
    • List-of-Contributors_2017_The-Neuroscience-of-Cocaine.pdf
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  • Sciencedirect_articles_13Dec2016_23-27-20.240.zip

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  • 2015-8-26
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  • 2014-11-18
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    • A _Signal-Jamming_ Theory of Predation.pdf
    • A theory of debt and equity Diversity of securities and manager shareholder congruence.pdf
    • Advocates.pdf
    • Auctioning Incentive Contracts.pdf
    • Cooperation among Competitors_ Some Economics of Payment Card Associations.pdf
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    • Hierarchies and Bureaucracies On the Role of Collusion in Organizations.pdf
    • Incentives and Prosocial Behavior.pdf
    • Incomplete contracts Where do we stand.pdf
    • Interbank Lending and Systemic Risk.pdf
    • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation.pdf
    • Market Liquidity and Performance Monitoring.pdf
    • Markov Perfect Equilibrium.pdf
    • Moral Hazard and Renegotiation in Agency Contracts.pdf
    • Network Competition_ I. Overview and Nondiscriminatory Pricing.pdf
    • On the possibility of speculation under rational expectations.pdf
    • Planning under Incomplete Information and the Ratchet Effect.pdf
    • Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets.pdf
    • Preemption and rent equalization in the adoption of new technology.pdf
    • Private and Public Supply of Liquidity.pdf
    • Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation.pdf
    • Sequential Bargaining with Incomplete Information.pdf
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    • Two-Sided Markets_ A Progress Report*.pdf
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    • Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure.pdf
    • a theory of collective reputation.pdf
    • contract renegotiations and coasian dynamics.pdf
    • the economics of career concerns.pdf
    • unforeseen contingencies and incomplete contract.pdf
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  • 2014-10-15
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  • CFA Level I Curriculum Knowledge Structure and Navigator.zip

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    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book III.tex
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    • 2012 CFA Level I Curriculum Book IV.tex
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    • electric-power-consumption-kwh_en.xls
    • electric-power-transmission-and-distribution-losses-percentage-of-output_en.xls
    • electric-power-transmission-and-distribution-losses-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-coal-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-coal-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-hydroelectric-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-hydroelectric-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-natural-gas-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-natural-gas-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-nuclear-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-nuclear-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-oil-sources-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • electricity-production-from-oil-sources-kwh_en.xls
    • energy-imports-net-percentage-of-energy-use_en.xls
    • energy-production-kt-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • energy-use-kg-of-oil-equivalent-per-capita_en.xls
    • energy-use-kg-of-oil-equivalent-per-dollars1000-gdp-constant-2005-ppp_en.xls
    • energy-use-kt-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • fossil-fuel-energy-consumption-percentage-of-total_en.xls
    • fuel-exports-percentage-of-merchandise-exports_en.xls
    • fuel-imports-percentage-of-merchandise-imports_en.xls
    • gdp-per-unit-of-energy-use-constant-2005-ppp-dollars-per-kg-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
    • gdp-per-unit-of-energy-use-ppp-dollars-per-kg-of-oil-equivalent_en.xls
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    • pump-price-for-gasoline-us-dollars-per-liter_en.xls
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  • 2011-5-11
  • 论文ji4.rar

    • 374-我国商业银行收入结构多元化对银行风险的影响.doc
    • 375-市场竞争、产权改革与商业银行贷款行为转变.doc
    • 376-市场群体的交易性条件反射及其量化方法.pdf
    • 377-信心比黄金更重要.doc
    • 378-中国股票市场上的“隔夜效应”和“午间效 应”研究.doc
    • 390-基金大比例分红之谜.docx
    • 391-异质偏好、认知偏差与资产定价.doc
    • 393-行为金融视角下的人民币汇率决定模型_理论与实证.doc
    • 397-消费攀比效用函数的资产定价研究——基于马尔科夫状态转移的禀赋过程(陈瑞).pdf
    • 398-Pricing of Cross-sectional Idiosyncratic Volatility and Liquidity Bias in Emerging Market.pdf
    • 399-Equity-link Momentum.pdf
    • 402-Stock Return Predictability of Implied Volatilities :A Study of the Industry Effect.docx
    • 403-Jump Spillover in Energy Futures Markets Implications for Portfolio Risk Diversification.pdf
    • 406-Do prices underreact to information.pdf
    • 407-Intraday Price Discovery and Volatility Transmission in Stock Index and Stock Index Futures Markets Evidence from China.pdf
    • 409-私有信息风险被市场定价了吗?.pdf
    • 411-不同类型投资者对年报信息反应.doc
    • 415-中国AH股溢价问题研究.doc
    • 419-公司规模和账面市值比与违约风险关系的横截面分析.pdf
    • 423-基于内生结构变化的中国股票收益序列的极端风险研究.doc
    • 425-Beta系数跨期时变吗?.doc
    • 427-Improved Stock Market Prediction by Comb ining SVM and EMD(金融学年会).pdf
    • 428-基于风险补偿的企业债券定价.doc
    • 429-订单配置模型.docx
    • 430-牛熊市视角下的资产配置(投稿).docx
    • 435-不对称信息下的资产链定价研究.pdf
    • 439-金融资产定价异常与资产定价模型.doc
    • 441-基于不完全信息视角的中国股市投资者认知研究.pdf
    • 445-信息市场、预期消费与股市收益变动--基于投资者信息选择行为的分析(胥爱欢).pdf
    • 448-中国股市泡沫的三区制特征和基于异质信念的解释.doc
    • 453-Index Investments and Financialization of Commodities.pdf
    • 454-我国股票市场反应不足还是反应过度?(中国金融学年会).doc
    • 459-修改稿_林建浩_中山大学_《通货膨胀与股票收益的关系研究——基于具有财务杠杆与货币效用的资产定价模型》.pdf
    • 462-Access to Equity Markets, Corporate Investments and Stock Returns International Evidence.pdf
    • 463-房地产价格波动与货币政策调控(金融学年会).doc
    • 464-次级债券的市场约束研究(高培道 张圣平).doc
    • A01_吴丽华 人民币期货与现货市场的动态关联性研究(厦门大学金融系 吴丽华 宋芙蓉.doc
    • A02_刘威_陆军 中国动态金融状况指数及其在前瞻性泰勒规则中的检验.doc
    • A03_赵向琴 信息透明度、信息风险和股价暴跌关系研究.doc
    • A04_李善民 Theory of Consumers' Attitude to Investment Revenue.doc
    • A05_张学勇 Voluntary disclosure_cost of equity.doc
    • A06_姚益龙、梁红玉 媒体监督与企业价值的关系研究.doc
  • 10.16 MB
  • 2011-5-9
  • 外文文献.rar

    • Business Cycles and Firm dynamics.pdf
    • costly capital reallocation and the effects of government spending.pdf
    • Deep Habits.pdf
    • Fiscal Policy in General Equilibrium.pdf
    • Fiscal Policy in the New Neoclassical Synthesis.pdf
    • In Search of the Transmission Mechanism of Fiscal Policy.pdf
    • Monopolistic Competition, Increasing Returns, and the Effects of Government Spending.pdf
    • New-Keynesian or RBC Transmission_ The Effects of Fiscal Shocks in labour markets.pdf
    • Non-Separable Preferences, Fiscal Policy ’Puzzles’ and Inferior.pdf
    • Oligopolistic Pricing and the Effects of Aggregate Demand on Economic Activity.pdf
    • production, growth and business cycles_1 the basic neoclassical model.pdf
    • production, growth and business cycles_2 new directions.pdf
    • The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Consumption and Employment_ Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Understanding the Effects of Government Spending on Consumption.pdf
    • 目录.txt
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  • 2011-3-31
  • wooldridge第四版数据.rar

    • StudentSolutionsManual.zip
    • statafiles.zip
    • eviewsfiles.zip
    • excelfiles.zip
    • databook1_4e.doc
    • textfiles.ZIP
  • 14.64 MB
  • 2011-1-23
  • Acemoglu 2.rar

    • Moral Hazard and E? ciency in General Equilibrium Acemoglu 9.pdf
    • Economic and Political Inequality in Development.pdf
    • Economic Backwardness in Political Perspective.pdf
    • Efficiency and Braess’ Paradox under Pricing in general networks.pdf
    • Emergence and Persistence of Ine? cient States Acemoglu 35.pdf
    • Equilibrium Re?nement in Dynamic Voting Games Acemoglu 14.pdf
    • Evolution of Perceptions and Play Acemoglu 23.pdf
    • Experimentation, Patents, and Innovation Acemoglu 32.pdf
    • Flow Control, Routing, and Performance Acemoglu 22.pdf
    • Fragility of Asymptotic Agreement under Bayesian Learning Acemoglu 18.pdf
    • Generalized Poincaré-Hopf Theorem for Compact Nonsmooth Regions.pdf
    • How Large Are Human-Capital Externalities Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Laws.pdf
    • Incentives in Markets, Firms, and Governments.pdf
    • Income and Democracy.pdf
    • Income and Health Spending Evidence from Oil Price Shocks Acemoglu 17.pdf
    • Input and Technology Choices in Regulated industries.pdf
    • Institutions, Factor Prices, and Taxation.pdf
    • Labor- and Capital-Augmenting Technical Change.pdf
    • Learning and Disagreement in an Uncertain World Acemoglu 19.pdf
    • Local Indices for Degenerate Variational Inequalities.pdf
    • Markets versus governments.pdf
    • Modeling Inefficient Institutions.pdf
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  • 2011-1-1
  • 2.rar

    • 104-全球金融一体化与中国对外资产结构异象.pdf
    • 126-人民币汇率预期特征研究——基于金融机构调查数据的实证分析(李晓峰).pdf
    • 159-基于生产函数法的季度潜在产出估计.pdf
    • 168-我国货币政策工具最优选择的考 察-基于普勒规则的扩展.pdf
    • 182-最优财政和货币政策及其福利效应分析.pdf
    • 190-经济二元、结构效应与转轨时期的货币长期非中性.pdf
    • 2-It Pays to Follow the Leader- Acquiring Targets Picked by Private Equity.pdf
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    • 234-投资者情绪对证券价格波动的影响的理论分析、建模与模拟-会议投稿.pdf
    • 245-带两因素随机波动的衍生证券最优投资策略.pdf
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    • 284-是谁加剧了知情交易.pdf
    • 285-我国外汇市场压力研究--基于马尔可夫区制转换方法(定稿陈娟).pdf
    • 296-基于动态随机一般均衡模型的房地产市场结构与宏观经济波动研究(中国金融学年会).pdf
    • 301-基于二手市场与理性预期的房地产市场机制研究.pdf
    • 305-中国宏观经济时序的平稳性再考察.pdf
    • 315-民间金融与农户借贷选择.pdf
    • 318-我国房市泡沫的决定性因素分析:理论与实证.pdf
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    • 373-银行所有类型与上市公司流动性.pdf
    • 376-市场群体的交易性条件反射及其量化方法.pdf
    • 397-消费攀比效用函数的资产定价研究——基于马尔科夫状态转移的禀赋过程(陈瑞).pdf
    • 398-Pricing of Cross-sectional Idiosyncratic Volatility and Liquidity Bias in Emerging Market.pdf
    • 399-Equity-link Momentum.pdf
    • 40-寻租还是政府压力:基金代表了谁的利益(江萍).pdf
    • 403-Jump Spillover in Energy Futures Markets Implications for Portfolio Risk Diversification.pdf
    • 406-Do prices underreact to information.pdf
    • 407-Intraday Price Discovery and Volatility Transmission in Stock Index and Stock Index Futures Markets Evidence from China.pdf
    • 409-私有信息风险被市场定价了吗?.pdf
    • 419-公司规模和账面市值比与违约风险关系的横截面分析.pdf
    • 427-Improved Stock Market Prediction by Comb ining SVM and EMD(金融学年会).pdf
    • 435-不对称信息下的资产链定价研究.pdf
    • 441-基于不完全信息视角的中国股市投资者认知研究.pdf
    • 445-信息市场、预期消费与股市收益变动--基于投资者信息选择行为的分析(胥爱欢).pdf
    • 453-Index Investments and Financialization of Commodities.pdf
    • 459-修改稿_林建浩_中山大学_《通货膨胀与股票收益的关系研究——基于具有财务杠杆与货币效用的资产定价模型》.pdf
    • 46-股权分置改革与上市公司业绩薪酬实证研究.pdf
    • 462-Access to Equity Markets, Corporate Investments and Stock Returns International Evidence.pdf
    • 54-终极控制权法制环境与上市公司现金持有.pdf
    • 57-现金、股利与独立董事有效性.pdf
    • 58-企业生命周期视角下董事会治理结构演变及影响因素.pdf
    • 59-社会目标、雇员规模与民营化定价.pdf
    • 68-经理人变更具有治理效应吗.pdf
    • 69-中国上市公司代理成本的估算.pdf
    • 75-Will Currency Appreciation Crowd Out Domestic Consumption:Evi dence from China, Japan and Korea.pdf
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    • Price Asymmetry in the U.S. Pork Marketing Channel.pdf
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  • Mathematics - Neftci.rar

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    • errataFE.pdf
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  • 阅读材料.rar

    • 1._RoeInstitutionsof_CG.pdf
    • 2._HansmannAgencyProblems.pdf
    • 3._Law_of_Corporations_Chs_1_-_4.pdf
    • 4. Gilson_ControllingShareholders.pdf
    • 5. Bennedsen_Family_Behind_Family_Firm.pdf
    • 6. HOPT_board.pdf
    • 7. Macey_BoardofDirectors.pdf
    • 8. Outside Directors and Law Suits.pdf
    • 9. Law of Corporations Chs 14 - 18.pdf
    • 10. Murphy_Explaining Executive Compensation.pdf
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  • English Literature.rar

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    • dynamic equilibrium price index asset price and inflation.pdf
    • Advisors and asset prices A model of the origins of bubbles.pdf
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    • Asset Prices and the conduct of monetary policy.pdf
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  • StudentSolutionsManual.zip

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    • chapter13_s.pdf
    • chapter14_s.pdf
    • chapter15_s.pdf
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    • chapter17_s.pdf
    • chapter18_s.pdf
    • preface_s.pdf
    • appendixa_s.pdf
    • appendixb_s.pdf
    • appendixc_s.pdf
    • appendixd_s.pdf
    • appendixe_s.pdf
    • chapter1_s.pdf
    • chapter2_s.pdf
    • chapter3_s.pdf
    • chapter4_s.pdf
    • chapter5_s.pdf
    • chapter6_s.pdf
    • chapter7_s.pdf
    • chapter8_s.pdf
    • chapter9_s.pdf
    • chapter10_s.pdf
    • chapter11_s.pdf
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  • Monetary Transmission in Diverse Economies.zip

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  • DCC.rar

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    • Multi-step estimation of Multivariate GARCH models.pdf
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    • The General Equilibrium Incidence of Environmental Taxes.pdf
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    • CME_Qgdp_fldinfo.txt
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  • 222497.rar
       Martingale Methods in Financial Modelling

    • back-matter.pdf
    • front-matter.pdf
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    • 3. CAPITAL GAMES.pdf
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    • 资本流动、对外直接投资和最优税制.doc
    • The Economic Impacts of Immigration of High-skill Workers in the Context of Globalization.doc
    • The Effectiveness Study of Area-based Yield Crop Insurance Application in China.doc
    • The Effects of Housing Reform on Durables Consumption in China.doc
    • The Impact of Minimum Wages on Employment:Evidence from China.pdf
    • The Impact of Off-farm Employment on Rural Factor Market Development and Village Incomes.doc
    • The Impact of Rural Taxation Reform on Farmer’s Household Income.doc
    • The Transmission Effects of World Demographic Changes in an International Multi-Region Overlapping Generations Model.doc
    • Trade Openness, Domestic Terms of Trade, and Welfare of Agricultural Producers in China.doc
    • Transmission Mechanism of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy.doc
    • Understanding Variation in the Design of China’s New Cooperative Medical System.doc
    • Understanding Why Household Incomes Are More Unequally Distributed in China than in Russia.doc
    • Urban size, efficiency and agglomeration economies:the case of China.pdf
    • Water Shortages, Intersectoral Water Allocation and Economic Growth:The Case of China.pdf
    • Will health inequality be enlarged——the demand for preventive care.doc
    • 从经济体制改革进程看有中国特色的社会主义市场化改革─中国大陆经济崛起的内在制度环境.doc
    • 儿童学习成绩变化——对农村父母回流决策的影响.doc
    • 工业集聚与城市经济效率的因果关系和决定因素—中国城市的空间计量经济实证分析.doc
    • 绝对教育年限与相对教育位置的收入效应.doc
    • 农村道路建设对减缓贫困的影响评估.doc
    • 农村小学布局结构调整前后政府教育投入的变化研究.doc
    • 我国外资银行风险监管的研究.doc
    • 新型农村合作医疗与农村养老行为.doc
    • 学生学习成绩变化对父母回流决策的影响CES.doc
    • 中国房地产市场的制度缺陷与调控政策选择.doc
    • 中国工业民主和员工参与制度及功能:国企民企外企的比较——来自湖南的调查.doc
    • 中国工业民主和员工参与制度与功能:国企民企外企的比较——来自湖南的调查.doc
    • 中国经济增长与政府官员评价机制.doc
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  • 201635.rar

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