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  • China Consumption 2030.pdf
       摩根士丹利:中国消费2030 Morgan Stanley: China Consumer Consumption 2030

  • 9.44 MB
  • 2021-10-30
  • 26篇投行报告.zip

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    • Morgan Stanley-Asia EM Equity Strategy Almanac: Garner Alpha Asia Pacific.pdf
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    • Morgan Stanley-GBP:Positioning,Valuation and Drivers.pdf
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  • 2018-11-4
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    • Morgan Stanley-Corporate Credit Research:Defaults Through the Cycle.pdf
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  • 2018-10-30
  • 20181023.rar

    • Morgan Stanley-Tech Hardware Pulse:What Investors Are Asking,Expectations for HPE Analyst Meeting & NTAP Insight Conference.pdf
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    • 车灯行业的竞争格局.pdf
    • 对于移动直播壁垒、估值、商业模式的深度探讨.pdf
    • 金融数据及金融政策综合分析:惜贷难解.pdf
    • 全球旅游零售业巨头Dufry的经营分析与启示.pdf
  • 9.94 MB
  • 2018-10-23
  • 汽车(乘用车、商用车、电动车、零部件、汽车服务)_3.rar

    • 安信证券-汽车及零部件-乘用车行业热点问题研究之一:大众在中国的春天能否持续?.pdf
    • 安信证券-汽车及零部件-乘用车行业热点问题研究之二:乘用车柴油化会否启航.pdf
    • 西南证券-汽车行业专题报告:低速电动车产业链 千亿市场爆发在即.pdf
    • 宏源证券-汽车行业专题报告:从美日汽车发展看中国汽车增速.pdf
    • 国金证券-乘用车行业深度研究报告:乘用车投资逻辑梳理及价格战风险再警示.pdf
    • 招商证券-汽车行业专题报告:大众汽车的未来.pdf
    • 招商证券-新能源汽车系列报告-第四卷:“智能驾驭 电动未来“第二期专题报告.pdf
    • 海通证券-汽车行业:成长空间犹在,竞争日趋激烈.pdf
    • 海通证券-汽车行业:汽车反垄断,一招定天下.pdf
    • 高华证券-中国:汽车:六大行业趋势决定长期观点:买入长城汽车H股和东风集团.pdf
    • 高盛-中国:汽车:推动增长的三大制胜策略_上调吉利汽车至强力买入、长安汽车A股_广汽集团H股至买入(摘要).pdf
    • 渤海证券-汽车涡轮增压行业:专题报告-政策倒逼,汽车涡轮增压将加速普及.pdf
    • 瑞银证券-中国汽车行业-重卡行业首次覆盖:在恐惧中寻找贪婪的理由.pdf
    • 瑞银证券-寻找中国汽车制造商的需求蓝海.pdf
    • BNP-JAPAN AUTOS:Waiting for the party to resume.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley-Global Auto Databook 201403.pdf
    • 川财证券-车联网系列报告之一:车内数据标准化推动车联网发展.pdf
    • 中金公司-主题研究:日本企业在中国:工程机械和汽车篇.pdf
    • 中金公司-汽车行业主题研究报告之一:中国汽车何去何从.pdf
    • 中金公司-汽车服务业系列报告之一:黄金产业 刚刚起步.pdf
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    • 中信证券-一张图看懂汽车系列报告.zip
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    • 中信证券-汽车行业专题报告:从能源安全看中国汽车产业驶向何方-利国利民的降油耗之路.pdf
    • 中银国际-汽车行业专题报告:机遇和挑战并存-自主品牌谁将胜出.pdf
    • 方正证券-汽车:轻量化系列报告之一-车用铝材的春天,风从北美来.pdf
    • 东方证券-汽车与零部件行业深度报告:汽车产业涉足大电商 拉开转型序幕.pdf
    • 北京高华-2013年前景:与重卡相比更看好豪华车和SUV;强力买入宝信,上调江淮汽车评级至买入.pdf
    • 申银万国-SUV行业深度报告系列之一:SUV,高增长之路仍在继续.pdf
    • 申银万国-SUV行业深度报告系列之二:消费结构逐步转型:中期看中端,长期看低端.pdf
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    • 长江证券-汽车与汽车零部件行业深度报告:掌握不均衡发展中的机遇.pdf
    • 长江证券-汽车与汽车零部件-商用清洁柴油车时代的开启!.pdf
    • 长城证券-汽车周期的节奏-汽车研究思路-公司篇.pdf
    • 长城证券-汽车研究思路-行业篇-整体放缓,结构为王.pdf
    • 光大证券-汽车行业深度报告:新时代.pdf
    • 兴业证券-创造新市场、迎接“大轿车”.pdf
    • 兴业证券-汽车产能压力评估(一):合资乘用车.pdf
    • 兴业证券-汽车后市场研究系列报告之一:沃土出芳华.pdf
    • 华创证券-汽车整车:单车收入提高下的汽车消费升级机遇.pdf
    • 华创证券-汽车整车行业:中国汽车股票投资进入重价轻量时代.pdf
    • 华泰证券-四轮时代(十三篇).zip
    • 华泰证券-自主品牌汽车专题投资策略:政策浇灌,自主之花含苞待放.pdf
    • 华泰证券-汽车电子:台风口的机遇.pdf
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  • 2018-5-5
  • 1.rar

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    • 大消费-消费洞察01期:年货消费升级,谁在崛起,-基于京东大数据推出的《2018大消费行业系列报告》.pdf
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    • 汽车与汽车零部件-(上):新四化动力十足,汽车与零部件步入良性循环.pdf
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    • 医药生物-创新药盘点系列报告(1):特立帕肽:骨质酥松药物升级在即.pdf
    • 20180314-Morgan Stanley-Wholesale Banks & Asset Managers:Winning Under Pressure.pdf
    • 维生素原料药.pdf
    • 石化-PTA:上游产能扩张、下游消费稳增,行业景气度提升.pdf
    • 生物药:全球巨头深度布局、国内投资迎时代机遇.pdf
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  • 2018-3-16
  • [Morgan Stanley] Financial Engineering Product Training.rar

    • [Morgan Stanley] Financial Engineering Product Training.pdf
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  • 2016-3-26
  • 4th Edition Morgan Stanley CMBS Primer.zip

    • 4th Edition Morgan Stanley CMBS Primer.pdf
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  • 2015-10-13
  • Morgan Stanley-China Deleveraging.rar

    • 0723-Morgan Stanley-China Deleveraging.pdf
    • 0809-Morgan Stanley-China Deleveraging.pdf
    • 0827-Morgan Stanley-China Deleveraging.pdf
    • 0903-Morgan Stanley-China Deleveraging.pdf
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  • 2015-3-12
  • 11月.rar

    • EDF:Reassuring on 2014 EPS DPS, Realistic on 2018 Objective.pdf
    • EM Credit Strategy Comment: Venezuela: Trading Oil Weakness.pdf
    • Energy transfer (ETE-P) organic platforms pick up.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Confirmation Day.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist: BTPs - Selling into Strength.pdf
    • Facebook Inc: Follow the Leader - Initiate OW.pdf
    • Fiat Chrysler:The House That Sergio Built: Initiating at OW, EUR13 Target.pdf
    • FX Morning - November 7, 2014.pdf
    • FX Pulse:2014年11月7日号.pdf
    • FX-Tract: Currency Monthly.pdf
    • Global Brands: What’s Trending This Week? The Rise of eCommerce.pdf
    • Global Brands: What’s Trending This Week? Three Global Sporting Brands Themes to Watch.pdf
    • Global CLOs: CLO Collateral Fundamentals Tracker - October 2014: Measuring A Manager’s Value(1).pdf
    • Global CLOs: CLO Collateral Fundamentals Tracker - October 2014: Measuring A Manager’s Value.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - October 31, 2014.pdf
    • Greater China Economics: Issues in Focus.pdf
    • India Economics: Inflation Outlook – More Positive Surprises in the Offing.pdf
    • Internet and Media: Bringing It All Together(1).pdf
    • Internet and Media: Bringing It All Together.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives:U.S. and the Americas, November 06, 2014.pdf
    • Key Stock Ideas into the TMT Conference.pdf
    • Large Cap Banks & US Interest Rate Strategy:Weekly Financials Call Recap: What Is Going to Drive US Rates Higher?.pdf
    • Lenovo: Mixed FY2Q Results; Reality Check Begins.pdf
    • Maritime Industries: Gas Shipping Review.pdf
    • Ping An Insurance Company: Potential H-share Private Placement.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • Rightmove Plc: Mutual Understanding.pdf
    • Royal Bank of Scotland: 3Q14: Encouraging progress on capital RCR.pdf
    • SA Property: Investing Down Under.pdf
    • Safe Bulkers: Weak Quarter Behind.pdf
    • Siemens: Lowering the Bar Again – but Power Concerns Seem Genuine.pdf
    • South African Equities: Commodity drag on the JSE.pdf
    • Starbucks Corp.:Traffic report: Slowdown, but No Jams.pdf
    • Sunday Start: What Next in the Global Economy (November 02, 2014).pdf
    • Tata Communications Ltd:Premium Data Play; Initiate at Overweight.pdf
    • The Global Macro Analyst: 主要新興国における選挙:騒ぎが収まった後―今後の見通し.pdf
    • Travelport Worldwide Limited: Emerging From Quarantine; Initiate at Overweight.pdf
    • UK Banks & Economics: FPC leverage review - less hard edged than feared; most beneficial for Barclays.pdf
    • US Economics: Fed Focus: Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro - Morgan Stanley ARIA: US Economy Speeding Up (Not Slowing Down).pdf
    • Walt Disney Co: Broadly in-line F4Q, pacings mixed.pdf
    • Weekly Credit Companion: Economy, Elections and Earnings – What’s Next?.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: No Tricks, Only Treats.pdf
    • Airline 3Q14 Review: Super-majors Still Super?.pdf
    • Alcatel-Lucent:Powering on despite US capex slowdown - stay Overweight, 35% upside to PT.pdf
    • Asia Pacific Summit 2014 Presentation: China Banks - When Giants Awake.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: The Calm Before the Yen Storm.pdf
    • AXIS Bank:Strong Earnings + Rerating = 40% Upside.pdf
    • CMBS Credit Tracker: Modification Volumes Fall To 6-year Low.pdf
    • Credit Companion:Weekly Market Thoughts and Strategy.pdf
    • Crop Tracker:Soy Complex: What Goes Up (Usually) Comes Down.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - November 2014.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy:Global In the Flow - November 2014.pdf
    • Crown Castle Corp.:3Q14 Earnings:The Dividend That You Want in Tower Land.pdf
    • Economics and Strategy Insights:USD BRL Headed to 2.80.pdf
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  • 2014-11-15
  • 10月24-30日.rar

    • Amazon.com Inc:Focus on Core eCommerce Business; Initiate at OW.pdf
    • Midstream Energy MLPs: Midstream 3Q Sentiment Survey Results.pdf
    • Internet eCommerce: Global Insight: eCommerce Still In Early Innings.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief:Conventional Drives Refi Index 7% Lower, Average Refi Loan Size Falls to $264K.pdf
    • Video:FX Strategy: EUR:Structural Decline.pdf
    • EUR23bn Net Addition – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • Utilities:UK Winter Energy Outlook; Confidence Justified?.pdf
    • Video: Economics & Strategy: Russia:Oil Risk Returns.pdf
    • Credit Rich & Cheap Watch.pdf
    • Video: Economics & Strategy Insights: Feedback Loops.pdf
    • Mexico Local Market - Rich & Cheap Watch.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package:Daily Pass-Through Report.pdf
    • US Liquid Rates Tracker.pdf
    • Core Laboratories NV: Positioned to Outperform: Upgrading to Overweight.pdf
    • Salesforce.com:Opportune Time To Buy a Long-term Winner; Added to Morgan Stanley Best Ideas List.pdf
    • Williams Access:Agreement Reached.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling and Equipment: Offshore Services & Equipment Playbook.pdf
    • German Residential : Interactive Trend Tracker highlights scope for growth, especially in Berlin.pdf
    • Sanofi SA: Q3 14 results: all the eyes on the Board and Lantus.pdf
    • BG Group: 3Q earnings in-line; Start-up date of QCLNG maintained.pdf
    • Utilities: How do relative yield attractions look today?.pdf
    • Diversified Financials: How sustainable are volatility-driven volumes?.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel: Evidence of Russian market slowdown.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - October 28, 2014.pdf
    • US Interest Rate Strategy: Daily Data Update.pdf
    • European ABS Tracker: Clean-up Calls – Fewer and Lower.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy Insights: Feedback Loops.pdf
    • European Financials: Weekly Bond Tracker.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley FX Positioning Tracker - October 27, 2014.pdf
    • Securitized Market Insights:Risk Retention Final Rules: First Impressions.pdf
    • Credit Derivatives Insights: iBoxx TRS – Liquidity Emerges.pdf
    • Midstream Energy : Some Stability and Transactions.pdf
    • Retail: Nice Inventory, but Sales Could be Naughty: Cautious on Holiday 2014.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment: Offshore Drillers Positioning; Benchmarking the Big 4.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Let’s Pause and Focus on the 10-Year View.pdf
    • European Banks Stress Tests: Cathartic first step in a longer process.pdf
    • Desjardins - LME week highlights - 141027.pdf
    • Video:The Next India: Will India Stumble Like the Rest of the ‘Reform Club’?.pdf
    • Philips: Feedback from Investor Roadshow.pdf
    • Airlines: Updating estimates and 3Q Previews.pdf
    • European Equity Strategy: Strategy Data Gallery.pdf
    • Sunday Start: What Next in the Global Economy (October 26, 2014).pdf
    • Economics and Strategy Insight: Brazil - Trading After the Elections.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy Insights:FOMC Briefing-Morgan Stanley Teal Book.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual: China Demand Improving; Cushing At A Turning Point?.pdf
    • Brands Over Retailers; Skechers Is Top Overweight, DSW Top Underweight.pdf
    • Kraft Foods Group, Inc: Cheese Squeeze: Trade-offs Keep FY Outlook Intact; OW.pdf
    • Visa Inc.: 4Q Signals Rebound in Momentum.pdf
    • Crude Oil: Gamma Effect Reaffirms Financial Origin of Weakness.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy: Greece: Where to from Here.pdf
    • Economics and Strategy: What's Next for the ECB?.pdf
    • Pharmaceuticals:Global implications of Sanofi’s profit warning.pdf
    • Fieldtrip Video:BHP Billiton: Western Australia iron ore:ambitious targets and long life assets.pdf
    • Deutsche Bank: Headwinds to improving Leverage Ratio remain intense from litigation and regulation.pdf
    • Adidas: Support for now but maintain relative UW.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - October 30, 2014.pdf
    • Video US Economics:Fed Focus: October FOMC Meeting.pdf
    • Gilead Sciences Inc.:All Eyes on Harvoni.pdf
    • eBay Inc: Spinning a Brand Investment Story; Initiate at UW.pdf
  • 74.79 MB
  • 2014-11-8
  • 9月.rar

    • European Credit Strategy: European Credit – Flows, Positioning and Redemptions.pdf
    • European Credit Strategy: IG Non-Fin Fundamentals Update: Slow and Steady.pdf
    • European Equity Strategy: Can fund performance be a contrarian indicator?.pdf
    • European Financials: Weekly Bond Tracker.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - On the Road.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Retaining Our Bearish Bias.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategist - Searching For Yield.pdf
    • 3D Systems Corp:Growth On Track to Accelerate in 2H.pdf
    • 21Vianet: Core Businesses Intact; Room for Improvement in Cash Management.pdf
    • 20140930-Morgan Stanley-China Materials:Weekly Monitor.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief.pdf
    • Agency MBS Brief: Refi Index Largely Flat Despite Lower Rates.pdf
    • Agency MBS Weekly: Carry On, For Now.pdf
    • Agile Property: Quick Comment: 1-for-5 rights issue – the expected and the unexpected.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment: FSA Data Gets More Bullish.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment:Anticipating a Quiet Farewell to 13-14.pdf
    • Amgen Inc.: Pipeline Drives PT to $151.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.: Event Confirms This Cycle is Different.pdf
    • Apple, Inc.:iPhone Gross Margins Biased to the Upside.pdf
    • ASEAN Economics Chartbook: Where are we in the cycle?.pdf
    • ASEAN In a Minute: Entering a Rising Rate Environment.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: What’s Going on in Asian Credit.pdf
    • Asia FX & Rates Strategy: India Rates:Improving Fiscal Outlook.pdf
    • Asian Banks: (g)Rate Expectations?.pdf
    • Asian Banks:Valuation Chartbook:Where Are Valuations Compared with history?.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview : Inflation and Monetary Policy.pdf
    • Asia-Pacific Weekly Preview: Anticipating a Rebound in Exports.pdf
    • ASML Holding NV: SPIE comments positive for EUV.pdf
    • Astra International:IIMS 2014 – On the Ground Feedback.pdf
    • AT&T, Inc.: Internet of Things Leadership, Early in the Race.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: Investment Property Loans.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week:Major Banks' Return on Equity.pdf
    • Australia Insurance & Wealth: Risky Business:Can QBE afford to sell its Lenders Mortgage business?.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Assessing state of economy after startling jobs figures.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Global Earners Gathering Momentum.pdf
    • Australia Macro+: Macro Matters:Playing the Long Cycle.pdf
    • Australian Energy – Drilling Down: Aussie E&P as yield plays?.pdf
    • Autos & Auto Parts:Dealer Study #5: BMW ahead of pack; DAI closes gap vs. Audi.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: Cutting US Autos to Cautious, Downgrading Ford to UW.pdf
    • Bayer AG: Confident CMD.pdf
    • China Cement:Three Cement Companies Fined for Price Monopoly; Potential Negative to Prices.pdf
    • China Coal: 1H14 results wrap:Suppliers' reaction to weak demand.pdf
    • China Healthcare:MS Monthly Hospital Rx Report.pdf
    • China Industrials: Heavy Truck: Steady Volume Growth and Notable ASP Hike Ahead.pdf
    • China Insurance: Asia Insight: Significant Cash Flow Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • China Lodging Group, Limited: Trip Takeaways:Bright Outlook for Franchise Business.pdf
    • China Oil & Gas: China Gas & Chemical Trips' Takeaways.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp:New Restructuring Has Limited Impact on Sinopec; Yizheng A-Shares Placed at Premium to H-shares.pdf
    • China petroleum chemical Crop.pdf
    • China Resources Gas: Better-than-expected cost pass-through in Tianjin; Buying opportunity.pdf
    • China September 2014 “Revisions for Decisions” Revisited.pdf
    • China Shipping: Positioning for 4Q14: B Before C.pdf
    • China Telecoms Monthly KPIs: Aug-14: CM Expanded Outperformance vs. CU.pdf
    • CIO Survey:Steady As She Grows.pdf
    • CMBS Market Insights: The State of the CRE Credit Cycle.pdf
    • Coal, Gas & Power: Cross-Industry Implications of Marcellus-Utica Gas Basis; Bearish Natgas Outlook.pdf
    • Com Hem Holding AB: Buy on Recent Weakness.pdf
    • Commodities Fall Symposium: Oil & Gas Market Discussion.pdf
    • Consumer Digest #4:Key Takeaways from A-Share Corporate Days.pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(1).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics(2).pdf
    • Credit Companion: Market Metrics.pdf
    • Credit Companion:CDX IG23 and CDX HY23 Roll.pdf
    • Credit Continuum: Supplementary Supply.pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms(1).pdf
    • Credit Investor Election Guide: Studying for Midterms.pdf
    • Cross Industry Analysis: Impact of Apple Pay on Payments Value Chain:Biggest Beneficiaries Likely AAPL, NXP.pdf
    • Cross-Asset Strategy: Global In the Flow - October 2014.pdf
    • Crude Oil:What Are OSPs Telling Us?.pdf
    • Daimler: Checkpoint China: Progress Made & Future Steps to Take.pdf
    • Danone: Topline and margin trend to improve from 2H14 - OW.pdf
    • Daum Kakao:Asia Insight: Enters Mobile Payment.pdf
    • Delhaize: Solid US momentum provides further comfort on sustainability of FCF.pdf
    • Direct Line Group Plc: Taking Profits After Strong Run:Downgrading to EW.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: US Unconventional Oil: Sliding Down the Cost Curve.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC: Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Eaton Corp PLC:Resetting FY15e Bar to $5.pdf
    • Economics & Strategy Insights.pdf
    • EM Credit Strategy: Up in Quality.pdf
    • EM Macro Strategy -Brazil: What’s Your Take? Survey Results.pdf
    • EMEA - Steel:No buying opportunity as profitability peaks.pdf
    • Energy Transfer Partners: Improving Outlook at Attractive Value; Upgrading to OW.pdf
    • ENN Energy Holdings Limited: Investment in Sinopec Marketing: Positive to ENN.pdf
    • EUR6bn Net Reduction – ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • EUR47bn Net Addition– ECB Tender Tracker.pdf
    • European Banks: S&P Downgrades: Dropouts.pdf
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  • 2014-10-7
  • 33-36weekly2.rar

    • FX Pulse weekly.pdf
    • MS FX daily trading recommendations.pdf
    • US Economics:Capex Plans Summer Retreat.pdf
    • US Economics-AlphaWise Macro: Portfolio Value of Timely Sector-Macro Signals.pdf
    • China Telecoms: FDD Trial Expanded to 40 Cities.pdf
    • CNOOC: 1H14 Earnings Upbeat, OW on 2H14 Earnings or 2015 Production Recovery.pdf
    • Woolworths:1st Take: FY14 Result.pdf
    • PetroChina:1H14 Results In Line, Lower Crude Oil Prices Cap Upside Potential; Initiate A-shares at EW.pdf
    • Pan-Asian Best Ideas and RTIs – 2Q14 Review.pdf
    • Beijing Enterprises Water Group Limited:1H14 Results In Line; Remain EW on Valuation.pdf
    • Hertz Global Holdings Inc:Reality Hertz, Cutting Target to $19.pdf
    • Williams-Sonoma Inc:Well Positioned But Downgrading to EW As Momentum Slowing.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:CAPMI Back to Expansion on Full US Recovery.pdf
    • US Consumer Staples: Company Exposure to Russia & Other Central-Eastern European Countries.pdf
    • Insurance - Life-Annuity:Are Life Stocks Indicating Complacency to Low Rates.pdf
    • Autos & Auto-Related: 72, Subprime Leasing, Oh Man....pdf
    • Clarksons FFA options report.pdf
    • Sihuan Pharmaceutical: Strong 1H14 as Expected; Fruitful 2014 Ahead.pdf
    • BBY: Earnings Turnaround Expected; Positive Top-Line Deliverance Approaching.pdf
    • Burger King Worldwide, Inc.:BKW-THI Merger: Post-Call Details.pdf
    • Nimble Storage: New Customer Growth Accelerates on New Products, Channel Investments.pdf
    • Continental Resources:Deep Dive: Growth Scenarios and Analyst Day Preview.pdf
    • Greene-Freight: Truck Stop: TLFI Update:TLFI Trends above Seasonality.pdf
    • Seadrill: 2Q14 Earnings Comment.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Entering an Era of E-commerce.pdf
    • China Oilfield Services Ltd.: 1H14 Earnings Up 39% YoY, Beating Consensus Estimates, Surging Well Service Profit a Positive Surprise, OW.pdf
    • Want Want China Holdings Ltd: A Restructuring Year.pdf
    • Jintian Pharma Group:Correction:1H14 Beat; Better Profit on High GM Products Sales.pdf
    • Asia-GEMs Strategy: Screening for Stock Opportunity in APxJ August 2014.pdf
    • Citi - China thermal coal - 140827.pdf
    • Australia Banks: Chart of the Week: WBC’s Capital Position.pdf
    • India Economics - Macro Indicators Chartbook: Policy Actions Tracker.pdf
    • China Property Tracker: ASP Pressure Remains.pdf
    • Indonesia Economics:Retail Fuel Price Hike: Five Things to Know.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 2Q14: Monetization on Track, Margins to Recover Gradually.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services:Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 2.pdf
    • Gaming & Lodging: Cutting Estimates on Macau; Remain Upbeat on Vegas.pdf
    • Retail: Video & Note- Category Sales Outlook:Discretionary Segments Lead.pdf
    • Transocean Partners Positioned to Be the Fastest Growing Maritime “MLP”.pdf
    • Food: Looking Through the Leftovers After a Difficult Q2.pdf
    • Mobileye NV Seeing Green – Initiating as Our New Top Pick.pdf
    • Crop Tracker: Yield Prospects Stay Favorable but Not Perfect.pdf
    • Greater China Technology Hardware: China – Smartphones: 1H14 Results Support Our Thesis.pdf
    • HK-China Laggards We Like.pdf
    • China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.: Raise Estimates & PT after Upbeat 1H14 Results; Initiate A-shares at OW.pdf
    • Goldwind:Big Earnings Surprise; Robust Outlook.pdf
    • Qihoo 360 Technology Co Ltd: 1st Take: 2Q14 Result.pdf
    • China Internet and Other Services: Key Takeaways from China Internet Conference - Day 1.pdf
    • MBS Analytics Package: Daily Pass-Through Report.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley FX Positioning Tracker - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • Positions and Flows Report.pdf
    • FX Week Ahead - August 25, 2014.pdf
    • MasterCard Inc: Tokenization will add new revenue streams.pdf
    • US Quant Research: Momentum: Hurry Up and Wait.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment: PBR Subsea Demand Slows, Buy Offshore (ex-Brazil) Trade + FTI.pdf
    • Video -Natural Gas: Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • US Volatility Tracker.pdf
    • UST Futures Report.pdf
    • US Economics:Business Conditions: Great Expectations.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual:More NE Gas Concerns; Copper Deficit Deepens.pdf
    • Salesforce.com: Starting to Cut Thru the Noise with a Solid Q2.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Surveying Risks to the OE Backlog.pdf
    • Monsanto Company: Whistle Stop 7 Thoughts.pdf
    • Sprint Corp: Quick Comment:Pricing Revamp Continues.pdf
    • Investment Perspectives: U.S. and the Americas, August 21, 2014.pdf
    • Financials Weekly:How Expensive (or Cheap) Are Financial Stocks Valuations on Aug 21, 2014.pdf
    • Sberbank - Commodity Monitor - 140821.pdf
    • HL - Natural Gas and Water - 140821.pdf
    • FX Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Global EM Morning - August 29, 2014.pdf
    • Cisco Systems Inc: Cisco GSX FY15 Reflections.pdf
    • Splunk Inc Key Sales Metrics Stabilize in an Impressive Q2 Print.pdf
    • Godyn-Friday FAQs: Time to Take a Look at the Aircraft Lessors.pdf
    • Tech Hardware Insights:Enterprise Server Strength Offset by Muted Cloud Demand.pdf
    • Asia Credit Strategy: Up in Quality, Not Down in Carry.pdf
    • European Interest Rate Strategy - Trades for the Longer Run.pdf
  • 86.09 MB
  • 2014-9-14
  • 33-36weekly.rar

    • US Lodging: Raising 14-15 Outlook & Recapping Key 2Q Trends.pdf
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    • PETM:Throwing PETM a Bone.pdf
    • Tsakos Energy Navigation LTD: Undervalued with an MLP Potential; Raise to OW.pdf
    • Natural Gas:Coal-to-Gas Switching to Keep Gas Range-Bound.pdf
    • Visa Inc.:Highlights From the Data Center Visit.pdf
    • E&P Weekly: The Turning Point.pdf
    • Maritime Industries: Dry Bulk Stocks Rally As The BDI Rebounds.pdf
    • Refining & Marketing:Bullish GC setup favors VLO.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual: Brent Remains Challenged; Ali Price Pressure Ahead.pdf
    • Real Estate Investment Trusts: Retail REITs: Risk-Reward Favors Quality; Upgrade TCO to OW.pdf
    • Video Friday - Union Pacific Corp.: King of the Hill.pdf
    • Financials Weekly: How Expensive (or Cheap) Are Financial Stocks-Valuations on Aug 14, 2014.pdf
    • Actavis Inc:Reiterate Overweight post meeting with mgmt..pdf
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    • Agriculture Comment:FSA Data Hints at Lower US Acreage.pdf
    • Ginko International: ”MIT” Has Become Ginko’s Catch Phrase.pdf
    • Eclat Textile: Judgment Call.pdf
    • Indonesia Economics:Policy Rate On Hold; But CAD Worsens.pdf
    • China Mobile Limited: Earlier Earnings Inflection.pdf
    • Telstra Corporation: We Benchmark TLS “Productivity” vs. Global Peers … Suggests Cost-out Is Mostly Over(1).pdf
    • CDL Hospitality Trusts:More Muted Hotel Outlook.pdf
    • Cisco Systems Inc: Enterprise Accelerating but Emerging Markets Relapse.pdf
    • Michael Kors Holdings Ltd: Building a Bridge to $7B+.pdf
    • SolarCity Corp: Promising Opportunity, but Growth Largely Priced In; Initiating at Equal-weight.pdf
    • Global Airline Compass: Stocks More Volatile Than Fundamentals.pdf
    • Video Commodities Strategy: Crop Tracker - Conditions in Place for Strong US Yields.pdf
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    • Hon Hai Precision:2Q14 Margin Beat; Favorable 2H Outlook.pdf
    • India Property:MS India REIT Conference Highlights.pdf
    • China Property:Quick Comment:July Data Disturb June’s Positive Trend.pdf
    • Tencent Holdings Ltd: 2Q14:Monetization On Track, Improved Margin Outlook.pdf
    • Lenovo:1st Take:Good F1Q15 Results but Inline.pdf
    • Abengoa Yield Plc: Attractive Risk-Reward, Upgrade to OW.pdf
    • AT&T and CenturyLink: Crossing Over – AT&T now yields more than CenturyLink.pdf
    • Oracle Corporation:Attractive Setup into the Second Half of 2014.pdf
    • Greene-Freight:Truck Stop: TLFI Starts to Stabilize.pdf
    • Regulated & Diversified Utilities-IPPs:Morgan Stanley’s MonthlyMeter Reading.pdf
    • Southern Company: Downgrade on Growth, Relative Valuation, and Nuclear Risk.pdf
    • Gas Distribution:Neutral on Tariff Hike: Buy on Potential Dip.pdf
    • China Everbright International Limited:Key Takeaway from Analyst Briefing.pdf
    • Huaneng Renewables Quick Comment Recurring earnings decline by 18%.pdf
    • PetroChina Gas Price Increase Higher Than Expected; Raise Estimates, but Maintain UW.pdf
    • China Financials: Asia Insight: Still too early for a breakout; Underweight China securities.pdf
    • Commonwealth Bk Aust:1st Take:Still The Right Mix.pdf
    • Video: China Toll Roads: Turning More Cautious Amid Imminent Headwinds.pdf
    • Greater China Technology Hardware: 2Q14 IDC:Chinese OEMs on the Rise and More Fragmented Landscape.pdf
    • Goodbaby International Holdings: From Side Lines to Center Stage; Execution is Key; Resuming Coverage at OW.pdf
    • Taiwan Strategy: Refreshing TAIEX Target; Stay Defensive.pdf
    • Greater China Economics: Issues in Focus.pdf
    • China Toll Roads: Asia Insight: Turning More Cautious Amid Imminent Headwinds.pdf
    • Semiconductors: Revisiting the cycle debate in Analog post earnings.pdf
    • Major Pharmaceuticals: Diabetes experts' insights.pdf
    • Retail - Economics:Video - Note- Retail Sales Lead Indicator: Forecasting Steady, but Unexciting 3Q Growth.pdf
    • Microsoft: Back Under the Hood: Commercial Other.pdf
    • Crop Tracker:Conditions in Place for Strong Spring Wheat Yields.pdf
    • Machinery: Monthly Data Harvest:AGpocalypse Now Assessing the DE Bear Case.pdf
    • Natixis-Germanys economy is shifting down a gear-140812.pdf
    • Multi-Industry:The Corrections.pdf
    • A&D 2Q14 Review:Opportunities in Pullbacks.pdf
    • US Equity Strategy:The Factor Reference Guide.pdf
    • Integrated Oil: Major Swap: Raising OXY to OW & Lowering CVX to EW.pdf
    • Global Oil Services, Drilling & Equipment:NAm Land: Selling the News.pdf
    • The Commodity Manual: Russian Sanctions Add to Investment Risks.pdf
    • Global oil fundamentals.pdf
    • Global CLOs:CLO Collateral Fundamentals - July 2014.pdf
    • VTB - Global Macro Watch - 140822.pdf
    • Hewlett-Packard: FCF Strength and Revenue Growth Puts HP on the Path to $40.pdf
    • Helix Energy Solutions: Endorsement for Intervention.pdf
    • Tobacco: “Engle Progeny” Update.pdf
    • China Longyuan Power Group: Key Takeaways from 1H14 Analyst Briefing.pdf
    • Youku: 2Q14: In Transition for Revenue Diversification; Downgrade to EW.pdf
    • Sinotrans Limited:Strong 1H14 Profit Prompts Further Earnings Upgrade; Raise PT to HK$6.19; Reiterate OW.pdf
    • Daphne International Holdings:Growth Recovering; Move to OW.pdf
    • Japan Strategy: 1st Take: Yen breaking out of the 7 month Range - Remain Bullish on Japan Equities.pdf
    • India Equity Strategy:MS Institutional Investor Survey: Bullish.pdf
    • Video US Economics:Fed Focus: A Few Minutes on the Minutes.pdf
    • Agriculture Comment:Crop Tour Dispatch, Pt 1.pdf
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    • Morgan Stanley - 2014 Global Strategy Outlook.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley - China Economics 2014 Outlook.pdf
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  • 2014-3-24
  • 2014年宏观策略2.zip

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    • UBS - Global Economic Outlook 2014 - 2015.pdf
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    • Merrill Lynch - GEMs 2014 Year Ahead.pdf
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  • (27 reports)Morgan Stanley Blue Paper Series.zip

    • 本文件由投资主义www.investlism.com整理.txt
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    • Credit Suisse-Asia Telecoms Sector.pdf
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    • Goldman Sachs-Asia Pacific:Financial Services:The elephant slims down and gets focused:Prefer HSBC to STAN.pdf
    • Goldman Sachs-Automobiles:OEM actions in Europe inadequate for acceptable returns,prefer global players with scale.pdf
    • HSBC-Evolution or Devolution?Whats next for European bank credit.pdf
    • HSBC-GEM Chemicals:Growth math.pdf
    • HSBC-On top of the data:Breaking lower, again.pdf
    • J.P.Morgan-Asia Pacific Transport Logistics Strategy:Focus on Asian demand.pdf
    • J.P.Morgan-HK/China Consumer:Leave macro aside and focus on bottom-up drivers.pdf
    • Morgan Stanley-Airlines:Co-Pilot: AMR M&A FAQs Part 3.pdf
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    • Morgan Stanley-The Commodity Manual:Asian Crude Demand Lackluster on Turnarounds.pdf
    • UBS-What is happening to the Chinese tourist/?.pdf
    • UBS-When will the Chinese inventory drag ease/?.pdf
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        MORGAN STANLEY 全球央行貨幣政策策略報告(9/21更新)

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  • Understanding Business Etiquette - Morgan Stanley.mp3.zip

    • Understanding Business Etiquette - Morgan Stanley.mp3
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