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  • s00026-020-00519-y.pdf
       A joint frailty-copula model for meta-analytic validation of failure time surrogate endpoints in cli ...

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  • 2022-5-29
  • The Differential Effects of Transformational Leadership on Multiple Identificati.rar

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  • 2016-4-15
  • Rewards and creative performance a meta-analytic test of theoretically derived h.rar

    • Rewards and creative performance a meta-analytic test of theoretically derived hypotheses.pdf
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  • 2015-12-5
  • Excellence in Innovation Management.rar

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  • 2015-2-13
  • trust and decision making.rar
       Trust, trustworthiness, and trust propensity: A meta-analytic test of their unique relationships wit ...

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  • Bad Apples, Bad Cases, and Bad Barrels_ Meta-Analytic Evidence About Sources of .rar

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  • 2013-6-10
  • A meta-analytic review of work-family conflict and.rar

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  • 2013-5-22
  • Inter- and Intra-Organizational Knowledge Transfer A Meta-Analytic Review and As.zip

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  • 2012-11-26
  • Meta Ex.rar

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    • Ex:2006, JOM,A Meta-Analytic Review of Relationships Between Team Design Features and Team Performance.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Gender Differences in Mentoring.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, Divestiture and Firm Performance:A Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, The Relationship of Personality to Entrepreneurial Intentions and Performance:A Meta-Analytic Review.pdf
    • Ex:2010, JOM, Transfer of Training A Meta-Analytic Review.pdf
    • Ex:2011, JOM, A Multilevel Examination of the Drivers of Firm Multinationality:A Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • Ex:2011, JOM, Mixing Business With Politics A Meta-Analysis of the Antecedents and Outcomes of Corporate Political Activity.pdf
    • Ex:1999, AMJ, Number of Directors and Financial Performance:A Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • Ex:2000, JOM,How Much Does Performance Matter?A Meta-Analysis of CEO Pay Studies.pdf
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  • 2011-2-16
  • 2008, Organizational Research Methods 2008 Meta-Analysis Special Issue(8篇).rar

    • 2008, ORM, 35-53, An Illustration of the Consequences of Meta-Analysis Model Choice.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 54-78, Bayesian Variance Estimation for Meta-Analysis Quantifying Our Uncertainty.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 79-95, Methodology for Dealing With Duplicate Study Effects in a Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 96-113, Meta-Analysis A Constantly Evolving Research Integration Tool.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 114-126, Psychometric Accuracy and (the Continuing Need for) Quality Thinking in Meta-Analysis.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 127-147, Meta-Analyses Some Very Good Steps Toward a Bit Longer Journey.pdf
    • 2008, ORM, 148-159, The Value of Common Perspectives in Self-Reported Appraisals You Get What You Ask For.pdf
    • 2008, Organizational Research Methods 2008 Meta-Analysis 特刊.mht
    • 2008, ORM, 9-34, Comparison of Three Meta-Analytic Procedures for Estimating Moderating Effects of Categorical Variables.pdf
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  • 2011-2-16
  • metaanalysis2.rar

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