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  • Krugman, Obstfeld and Melitz (2015) IE_10e - 复件.zip

    • Krugman, Obstfeld and Melitz (2015) IE_10e - 复件.pdf
  • 9.98 MB
  • 2019-6-11
  • 国际经济学 第11版.zip
       Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz

    • Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz-International Economics_ Theory and Policy-Pearson (2018).pdf
  • 16.12 MB
  • 2018-10-24
  • International Economics Theory & Policy - Krugman, Obstfeld, Melitz 9th.rar

    • International Economics Theory & Policy - Krugman, Obstfeld, Melitz 9th.pdf
  • 4.93 MB
  • 2015-12-21
  • melitz2013-kiel.rar
       Melit级课程Micro-Structure of Trade: Theory and Evidence讲义

  • 6.24 MB
  • 2015-5-1
  • 全部讲义2013 Marc Melitz and Pol Antràs Advanced Topics in International Trade.rar

    • WorldCongress_handout.pdf
    • AggprodGen2_handout.pdf
    • AggprodGen3_handout.pdf
    • AggprodGen_handout.pdf
    • Aggregation_CES_handout.pdf
    • Continuum_handout.pdf
    • Efficiency_GFT_handout.pdf
    • EK_Ricardian_handout.pdf
    • EmpiricalEvidence.pdf
    • Gravity_Heterogeneity_handout.pdf
    • Introduction and Broad Facts 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_Contracts_part1 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_Contracts_part2 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_CreditConstraints_Empirics 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_CreditConstraints_Theory 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_HorizFDI_part1 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_HorizFDI_part2 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_MNEBoundaries_part1 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_MNEBoundaries_part2 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_Multi_Country 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_VerticalFDI_part1 2013.pdf
    • Lecture_VerticalFDI_part2 2013.pdf
    • Multiproduct_handout.pdf
    • Pareto_Dist_handout.pdf
    • Syllabus2535_2013 filtered.pdf
  • 10.36 MB
  • 2014-9-9
  • 论文.rar

    • Capital Mobility and Stabilization Policy under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates.pdf
    • Exchange_Rate_Dynamics_Redux(Obstfeld_Rogoff_1995).pdf
    • Export_Versus_FDI_with_Heterogenous_Firms(helpman&melitz&yeaple,2004,AER).pdf
    • Integration versus outsourcing in industry equilibrium.pdf
    • Market Potential, Increasing Returns, and Geographic Concentration.pdf
    • Simple General Equilibrium Models.pdf
    • The Current Account in the Macroeconomic Adjustment Process.pdf
    • The new open economy macroeconomics A survey.pdf
  • 3.95 MB
  • 2012-11-10
  • Melitz.pdf
       the impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity

  • 3.08 MB
  • 2010-9-30
  • 贸易论文讲义2.rar

    • MelitzPresentation.pdf
    • MelitzOttaviano(Laura).pdf
    • EngelRogersPresentation.pdf
    • DFSPresentation.pdf
    • HOPresentation.pdf
    • EatonKortumPresentation.pdf
    • UnevenPresentation.pdf
    • EmpiricalHOPresentation.pdf
    • HOTaskTrade.pdf
    • MonopolisticCompetition.pdf
    • DPI.pdf
    • DPII.pdf
    • AtkesonBurstein.pdf
    • GeneticDiversity.pdf
    • Behrens(Maria).pdf
    • GravityEquation.pdf
    • EvenettKellerPresentation.pdf
    • HMRPresentation.pdf
    • AndersonVanWincoopPresentation.pdf
  • 4.41 MB
  • 2010-2-6
  • international trade Jonathan Eaton.rar

    • MelitzEM03.pdf
    • Alv_Lucas_JME2007.pdf
    • Anderson_vanWin_AER2003.pdf
    • Chaney_AER08.pdf
    • Chipman1.pdf
    • DFSAER1977.pdf
    • FeenstraAER94.pdf
    • FlamHelpmanAER87.pdf
    • FribergGanslandtJIE06.pdf
    • Chipman3.pdf
    • HummelsKlenow.pdf
    • HummelsKlenowAER05.pdf
    • Chipman2.pdf
    • HummelsSkibaJPE.pdf
    • KrugmanJPE79.pdf
    • SilvaTenREStat06.pdf
    • TreflerJPE93.pdf
  • 30.97 MB
  • 2009-9-2
  • 305717.pdf
       MELITZ 模型手写推导

  • 287.14 KB
  • 2009-3-19
  • 268878.pdf

  • 144.09 KB
  • 2008-11-21