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  • 3.Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Example 2.rar

    • 3.Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Example 2.mp4
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  • 2020-6-30
  • 2.Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Example 1.rar

    • 2.Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Example 1.mp4
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  • 2020-6-30
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice.zip
       非常经典的Markov Chain Monte Carlo外文书籍

    • Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice.djvu
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  • 2015-9-4
  • Gilks W. R., Richardson S., Spiegelhalter D. J.-Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice.zip

    • Gilks W. R., Richardson S., Spiegelhalter D. J.-Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice .djvu
  • 4.4 MB
  • 2014-11-27
  • (Chapman & Hall_CRC handbooks of modern statistical methods) Brooks S., et al.zip

    • (Chapman & Hall_CRC handbooks of modern statistical methods) Brooks S., et al. (eds.) -Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo-Taylor & Francis (2011).djvu
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  • 2014-11-27
  • MCMC&R.zip

    • Lec8(MCMC1)张伟平中国科大.pdf
    • Lec9(MCMC2)张伟平中国科大.pdf
    • MCMC及R实现.doc
    • 2011-MCMCpack Markov Chain Monte Carlo in R.pdf
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  • Finance Option Pricing and Price Processes Simulation.rar

    • 2 Efficient Monte Carlo Pricing of Basket Options.pdf
    • 3 Monte Carlo Pricing.pdf
    • 4 Testing the Models of Stock Price Processes Using Monte Carlo Markov Chain Method.pdf
    • 5 Path Generation for Quasi-Monte Carlo Simulation of Mortgage Backed Securities.pdf
    • 6 Applications of Monte CarloQuasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Finance Option Pricing.pdf
    • 7 Variance Reduction of Monte Carlo and Randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo Estimators for Stochastic Volatility Models in Finance.pdf
    • 8 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Calibration of Stochastic Volatility Models.pdf
    • 1 Quasi-Monte Carlo Approaches to Option Pricing.pdf
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  • 2014-9-8
  • Bayesian_material.rar

    • Gelman&Rubin_1992_Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences.pdf
    • The Metropolitan-Hastings Algorithm and Extensions.pdf
    • Sinharay_2003_Assessing convergence of the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms- A review.pdf
    • Wishart_distribution and Inverse-Wishart Sampling.pdf
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    • Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit-DIC.pdf
    • Bayesian Semi-parametric and Non-parametric Methods for Marketing and Micro-econometrics.pdf
    • Casella&George_1992_Explaining the Gibbs Sampler.pdf
    • Chib&Greenberg_1995_Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.pdf
    • Metropolis Sampling for a 2-Valued Random Variable.pdf
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  • 2014-3-17
  • Bayesian_material.rar

    • Gelman&Rubin_1992_Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences.pdf
    • The Metropolitan-Hastings Algorithm and Extensions.pdf
    • Sinharay_2003_Assessing convergence of the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms- A review.pdf
    • Wishart_distribution and Inverse-Wishart Sampling.pdf
    • Bayesian Data Analysis 2nd edition.pdf
    • Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit-DIC.pdf
    • Bayesian Semi-parametric and Non-parametric Methods for Marketing and Micro-econometrics.pdf
    • Casella&George_1992_Explaining the Gibbs Sampler.pdf
    • Chib&Greenberg_1995_Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm.pdf
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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics M.rar

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  • 2012-5-13
  • Bayesian analysis and MCMC 4.zip

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    • Markov Chains for Exploring Posterior Distributions Luke Tierney.pdf
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  • 2010-9-5
  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice - Gilks W. R. 1995.rar
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  • 2010-9-1
  • Bayesianische Statistik und Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methoden .rar

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  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo application.rar

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  • Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice.rar

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    • 6. Cluster sampling with SW-cut.pdf
    • 5. Trans-dimensional MCMC.pdf
    • 7. Data-driven MCMC Integrating MCMC Search with Discriminative Computing.pdf
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    • 2. MCMC Basics--Metropolis, Metropolis-Hastings, and Gibbs Sampling.pdf
    • 3. A variety of tricks for MCMC design.pdf
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    • Preface to the handbook.pdf
    • Chapter 56 Computationally intensive methods for integration in econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter 57 Markov chain Monte Carlo methods- computation and inference.pdf
    • Chapter 58 Calibration.pdf
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    • Contents of volume 5.pdf
    • Index.pdf
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