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    • chap02-POISSON PROCESSES.pdf
    • chap04-RENEWAL PROCESSES.pdf
    • Preface-discrete stochastic process.pdf
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  • Dynkin_1963.zip
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  • Stochastic Analysis 2.zip

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    • Diffusions,Markov Processes and Martingales Volume 2.pdf
    • Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus Karatzas and Shreve.pdf
    • Brownian Motion, Martingales, and Stochastic Calculus.pdf
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    • 223 Vretblad. Fourier Analysis and Its Applications..pdf
    • 224.Metric.Structures.in.Differential.Geometry,.Walschap,.G.,.(2004,.ISBN.978-0-387-20430-7).pdf
    • 225 Bump. Lie Groups..djvu
    • 226 Zhu. Spaces of Holomorphic Functions in the Unit Ball.[单位球内的全纯函数空间].pdf
    • 227 Miller,Sturmfels. Combinatorial Commutative Algebra..pdf
    • 228 Diamond,Shurman. A First Course in Modular Forms.[模形式初级教程].pdf
    • 229 Eisenbud. The Geometry of Syzygies.[合冲几何].pdf
    • 231 Bjorner,Brenti. Combinatories of Coxeter Groups.[Coxeter群的组合学].pdf
    • 232 Everest,Ward. An Introduction to Number Theory..pdf
    • 233 Albiac,Kalton. Topics in Banach Space Theory.[Banach空间理论选题].pdf
    • 234 Jorgenson. Analysis and Probability:Wavelets, Signals, Fractals..djvu
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    • 235 Sepanski. Compact Lie Groups.[紧致李群].pdf
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    • 4.Estimating Functions for Discretely Sampled Diffusion-Type Models.pdf
    • 5.Exotic Options and Levy Processes.pdf
    • 6.Heterogeneity and Portfolio Choice Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • 7.Inference for Stochastic Processes.pdf
    • 8.MCMC Methods for Continuous-Time Financial Econometrics.pdf
    • 9.Measuring and Modeling Variation in the Risk-Return Tradeoff.pdf
    • 10.Nonstationary Continuous-Time Processes.pdf
    • 12.Option Pricing Bounds and Statistical Uncertainty.pdf
    • 13.Parametric and Nonparametric Volatility Measurement.pdf
    • 14.Portfolio Choice Problems.pdf
    • 15.Simulated Score Methods and Indirect Inference for Continuous-time Models.pdf
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    • 17.The Analysis of the Cross Section of Security Returns.pdf
    • 18.The Econometrics of Option Pricing.pdf
    • 19.Value at Risk.pdf
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    • Differential Equations.pdf
    • Dorfman 1969 - an economic understanding of optimal control .pdf
    • DP Acceleration methods .pdf
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    • introduction.pdf
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    • Operator Methods for Continuous-Time Markov Processes.pdf
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    • Measuring and Modeling Variation in the Risk-Return Tradeoff.pdf
    • Nonstationary Continuous-Time Processes .pdf
    • Option Pricing Bounds and Statistical Uncertainty.pdf
    • Parametric and Nonparametric Volatility Measurement.pdf
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    • Simulated Score Methods and Indirect Inference for Continuous-time Models.pdf
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