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  • 0357038312_639854.zip

    • Interactive Ch 01 Ten Principles of Economics 9eV2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 02 Thinking Like an Economist 9ev3.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 03 Interdependence and the Gains from Trade 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 04 The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 9eV2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 05 Elasticity and Its Application 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 06 Supply, Demand, and Government Policies 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 07 Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 08 Application The Costs of Taxation 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 09 Application International Trade 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 10 Externalities 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 11 Public Goods and Common Resources 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 12 The Design of the tax system 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 13 The Costs of Production 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 14 Firms in Competitive Markets 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 15 Monopoly 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 16 Monopolistic Competition 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 17 Oligopoly 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 18 The Markets for the Factors of Production 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 19 Earnings and Discrimination 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 20 Income Inequality and Poverty 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 21 The Theory of Consumer Choice 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 22 Frontiers of Microeconomics 9ev2.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 23 Measuring a Nation's Income 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 24 Measuring the Cost of Living 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 25 Production and Growth 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 26 Saving, Investment, and the Financial System 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 27 The Basic Tools of Finance 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 28 Unemployment 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 29 The Monetary System 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 30 Money Growth and Inflation 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 31 Open-Economy Macroeconomics Basic Concepts 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 32 A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 33 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 34 The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 35 The Short-Run Trade-off between Inflation and Unemployment 9e.pptx
    • Interactive Ch 36 Six Debates over Macroeconomic Policy 9e.pptx
  • 20.97 MB
  • 2021-2-11
  • weitzman1965-1999(75篇).rar

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    • Weitzman-1981-Funding Criteria for Research, Development, and Exploration Projects.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1982-Asymmetries in Price and Quantity Adjustments by the Competitive Industry.pdf
    • Weitzman-1982-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-Contestable Markets An Uprising in the Theory of Industry Structure Comment.pdf
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    • Weitzman-1983-On the Meaning of Comparative Factor Productivity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1983-Some Macroeconomic Implications of Alternative Compensation Systems.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory An Explanation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-Profit Sharing as Macroeconomic Policy.pdf
    • Weitzman-1985-The Simple Macroeconomics of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1986-Macroeconomic Implications of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1986-The Share Economy Symposium A Reply.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Bonuses and Employment in Japan.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Employment and Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Macroeconomic Aspects of Profit Sharing..pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Share Arrangements and Macroeconomics.pdf
    • Weitzman-1987-Steady State Unemployment Under Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Comments on Can the Share Economy Conquer Stagflation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Consumer's Surplus as an Exact Approximation When Prices are Appropriately Deflated.pdf
    • Weitzman-1988-Increasing Returns and the Foundations of Unemployment Theory Rejoinder.pdf
    • Weitzman-1989-A Theory of Wage Dispersion and Job Market Segmentation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1989-The Promise of Profit Sharing.pdf
    • Weitzman-1990-Profit Sharing and Productivity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1990-Reflections on Macroeconomics and Share Systems.pdf
    • Weitzman-1991-A Proposal for Using Incentive Pre-Commitments in Public Enterprise Funding.pdf
    • Weitzman-1991-Price Distortion and Shortage Deformation or What Happened to the Soap.pdf
    • Weitzman-1992-On Diversity.pdf
    • Weitzman-1993-Economic Transition Can Theory Help.pdf
    • Weitzman-1993-What to Preserve An Application of Diversity Theory to Crane Conservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-Chinese Township-Village Enterprises as Vaguely Defined Cooperatives.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-Monopolistic Competition with Endogenous Specialization.pdf
    • Weitzman-1994-On the 'Environmental' Discount Rate.pdf
    • Weitzman-1995-Diversity Functions.pdf
    • Weitzman-1995-Incentive Effects of Profit Sharing and Employee Share Ownership Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Competition and the Evolution of Efficiency.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Hybridizing Growth Theory.pdf
    • Weitzman-1996-Patterns of Behavior in Endangered Species Preservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1997- On the Welfare Significance of Green Accounting as Taught by Parable.pdf
    • Weitzman-1997-Sustainability and Technical Progress.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Conflicts and Choices in Biodiversity Preservation.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-On the Welfare Significance of National Product under Interest-Rate Uncertainty.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Recombinant Growth.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-The Noah's Ark Problem.pdf
    • Weitzman-1998-Why the Far-Distant Future Should be Discounted at its Lowest Possible Rate.pdf
    • Weitzman-1999-Just Keep Discounting, But.pdf
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  • 2020-8-17
  • macroeconomic policy - demystifying monetary and fiscal policy (3ed 2016) .rar
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    • macroeconomic policy - demystifying monetary and fiscal policy (3ed 2016) .pdf
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  • 2016-11-22
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  • 2016-11-22
  • e A. Akerlof, Olivier J. Blanchard, David Romer, Joseph E. Stiglitz-What Have We.zip
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  • 2015-2-10
  • 国际金融.rar

    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 5-Balance of Payment-part2-student.ppt
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    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 9-International Monetary System-part2-student.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 10-Theory of Exchange Rate Determination-pa.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 1-Foreign Exchange Market Overview and Exch.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 11-Theory of Exchange Rate Determination-pa.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 12-Theory of BoP Adjustment-part1-student.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 16-International Banking-student.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 17-Macroeconomic Policy-student.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 13-Theory of BoP Adjustment-part2-student.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 14-International Investment and Capital Flo.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 2-Types of Foreign Exchange Trading and Tra.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 3-Types of Foreign Exchange Trading and Tra.ppt
    • International Finance-2011summer-Lec 4-Balance of Payments-part1-student.ppt
  • 6.73 MB
  • 2012-1-10
  • Principles of Macroeconomics - Mankiw.rar

    • 22 - Five Debates Over Macroeconomic Policy.pdf
    • Glossary.pdf
    • 1 - Ten Principles of Economics.pdf
    • 2 - Thinking Like an Economist.pdf
    • 3 - Interdependence and the Gains from Trade.pdf
    • 4 - The Market Forces of Supply and Demand.pdf
    • 5 - Elasticity and Its Application.pdf
    • 6 - Supply, Demand, and Government Policies.pdf
    • 7 - Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets.pdf
    • 8 - Application The Costs of Taxation.pdf
    • 9 - Application International Trade.pdf
    • 10 - Measuring a Nation's Income.pdf
    • 11 - Measuring the Cost of Living.pdf
    • 12 - Production and Growth.pdf
    • 13 - Saving, Investment, and the Financial System.pdf
    • 14 - Unemployment and Its Natural Rate.pdf
    • 15 - The Monetary System.pdf
    • 16 - Money Growth and Inflation.pdf
    • 17 - Open-Economy Macroeconomics Basic Concepts.pdf
    • 18 - A Macroeconomic Theory of the Open Economy.pdf
    • 19 - Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply.pdf
    • 20 - The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand.pdf
    • 21 - The Short-Run Tradeoff Between Inflation and Unemployment.pdf
  • 7.09 MB
  • 2010-9-27
  • 香港大学.rar

    • An Introduction to Exchange Rate Determination and arbitrage.ppt
    • bop.ppt
    • class1.ppt
    • Exchange rate regimes.ppt
    • Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention.ppt
    • frcst1.ppt
    • fxmarket.ppt
    • gcapital.ppt
    • gintro.ppt
    • hkdealer.ppt
    • iparity.ppt
    • Leading indicators of currency crises.ppt
    • Macroeconomic Policy and Coordination Under Floating Exchange Rates.ppt
    • moneye.ppt
    • optca.ppt
    • outpute.ppt
    • pricee.ppt
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  • 2010-8-9
  • 多恩布什.rar

    • Exchange Rates and Prices.pdf
    • Exchange Rates and the Current Account.pdf
    • Expectations and Exchange Rate Dynamics.pdf
    • Flexible Exchange Rates.pdf
    • Flexible Exchange Rates in the Short Run.pdf
    • Floating Exchange Rates-Experience and Prospects.pdf
    • Inflation, Interest Rates, and Welfare.pdf
    • Noise Trading and Exchange Rate Regimes.pdf
    • PPP Exchange-Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stability.pdf
    • Target Zones and Exchange Rate Dynamics.pdf
    • the collapse of exchange rate pegs.pdf
    • The Purchasing-Power Parity Doctrine(A Reappraisal).pdf
    • The Theory of Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Policy.pdf
    • Vehicle Currencies and the Structure of International Exchange.pdf
    • Exchange Rate Behaviour:Are Fundamentals Important.pdf
    • Exchange Rate Economics.pdf
    • Exchange Rate Economics:1986.pdf
    • Exchange Rates and Fiscal Policy in a Popular Model of International Trade.pdf
  • 27.11 MB
  • 2009-8-22
  • 多恩布什-1.rar

    • Nontraded Goods and Macroeconomic Policy Under a Fixed Exchange Rate.pdf
    • Notes on Growth and the Balance of Payments Notes on Growth and the Balance of Payments.pdf
    • Optimal Commodity and Trade Taxes Optimal Commodity and Trade Taxes.pdf
    • Policy and Performance Links between LDC Debtors and Industrial Nations Policy and Performance Links between LDC Debtors and Industrial Nations.pdf
    • PPP Exchange-Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stability PPP Exchange-Rate Rules and Macroeconomic Stability.pdf
    • Real Interest Rates, Home Goods, and Optimal External Borrowing Real Interest Rates, Home Goods, and Optimal External Borrowing.pdf
    • Review -1.pdf
    • Review -- Debt and Adjustment.pdf
    • Some Aspects of the 1982-83 Brazilian Payments Crisis Some Aspects of the 1982-83 Brazilian Payments Crisis.pdf
    • Stabilization with Exchange Rate Management Stabilization with Exchange Rate Management.pdf
    • The Bid-Ask Spread in the Black Market for Dollars in Brazil -- Note.pdf
    • The Buyback Boondoggle.pdf
    • The Case for Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries The Case for Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries.pdf
    • The End of the German Miracle The End of the German Miracle.pdf
    • The Gold Standard -- Historical Facts and Future Prospects.pdf
    • The New Classical Macroeconomics and Stabilization Policy The New Classical Macroeconomics and Stabilization Policy.pdf
    • The Unstable EMS.pdf
    • Third World Debt.pdf
    • Three Discussion Papers from the Symposium on Exchange Rates Three Discussion Papers from the Symposium on Exchange Rates.pdf
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  • 2009-8-5
  • 256740.rar
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    • 20. Human Behavior and the Efficiency of the Financial System - Robert J. Shiller.pdf
    • 21. The Financial Accelerator in a Quantitative Business Cycle Framework - Ben S. Bernanke, Mark Gertler and Simon Gilchrist.pdf
    • 22. Political Economics and Macroeconomic Policy - Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini.pdf
    • 19. Asset Prices, Consumption, and the Business Cycle - John Y. Campbell.pdf
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    • class1.ppt
    • Exchange rate regimes.ppt
    • Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign Exchange Intervention.ppt
    • frcst1.ppt
    • fxmarket.ppt
    • gcapital.ppt
    • gintro.ppt
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    • iparity.ppt
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