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  • MIT Sloan Management Review 2018~2019.zip

    • 2018 Fall What's Your Block Chain Strategy_.pdf
    • 2019 Winter Innovation for Sales Growth.pdf
    • 2019 Summer Making Good on The Promise of AI.pdf
    • 2019 Spring Creation Without Disruption An Alternative Path to Growth.pdf
    • 2019 Fall Collaborating With Impact.pdf
    • 2018 Winter Redesignning Work.pdf
    • 2018 Summer China’s New Innovation Threat.pdf
    • 2018 Spring In Search of Strategic Agility.pdf
  • 63.87 MB
  • 2019-11-3
  • sterman BUSINESS_DYNAMICS.pdf
       MIT Sloan School Professor John Sterman's book Business Dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for ...

  • 53.76 MB
  • 2016-11-1
  • 228905.pdf
       行为金融学论文(MIT Sloan School of Management)

  • 296.09 KB
  • 2008-7-20
  • 210650.pdf
       MIT sloan商学院清洁能源投资分析

  • 651.36 KB
  • 2008-5-5
  • 37416.rar
       统计学讲义 MIT sloan

    • 统计学讲义 MIT sloan.pdf
  • 283.7 KB
  • 2006-1-13