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  • Category theory for computing science-Michael Barr, Charles Wells.zip
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  • 2024-6-23
  • Topology of Closed One-Forms (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs) Michael Farber.zip
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  • 2023-11-16
  • The Big Short (Michael Lewis) (Z-Library).zip

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  • 2023-7-12
  • CTM 124 3-Transposition Groups (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics) (Michael Aschba.zip
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  • The Essentials of Financial Modeling in Excel A Concise Guide to Concepts and Methods.rar
       True PDF EPUB

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  • 2023-2-19
  • A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol 2, 3ed (Michael Spiva.zip
       A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry vol2

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  • 2023-1-22
  • (Classics in Applied Mathematics) Michael D. Intriligator - Mathematical optimiz.rar

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  • 2022-12-9
  • M. Ramesh, Michael Howlett - Studying Public Policy_ Policy Cycles and Policy Su.zip

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    • M. Ramesh, Michael Howlett - Studying Public Policy_ Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems .pdf
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  • Examples & Explanations.rar
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    • Examples & Explanations_ Civil Procedure, Seventh Edition - Glannon, Joseph W_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Conflict of Laws, Second Edition - Hoffheimer, Michael H_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Constitutional Law, & Federalism, Sixth Edition - Christopher N. May & Allen Ides.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Constitutional Law_ Individual Rights, Sixth Edition - May, Christopher N. & Ides, Allan.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Contracts, Sixth Edition - Brian A. Blum.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Copyright, Third Edition - McJohn, Stephen M_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Corporations, Seventh Edition - Palmiter, Alam R_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Criminal Law, Sixth Edition - Singer, Richard G. & La Fond, John Q_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Criminal Procedure ll_ From Bail to Jail, Third Edition - Singer, Richard G_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Criminal Procedure_ Thd the Police, Seventh Edition - Bloom, Robert M. & Brodin, Mark S_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Dispute Resolution, Second Edition - Moffitt, Michael L. & Schneider, Andrea Kupfer.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Employment Discrimination, Second Edition - Friedman, Joel Wm_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Environmental Law, Sixth Edition - Ferrey, Steven.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Evidence, Eighth Edition - Best, Arthur.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Family Law, Fourth Edition - Oliphant, Robert E. & Ver Steegh, Nancy.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Federal Courts, Third Edition - Little, Laura E_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Intellectual Property, Fourth Edition - McJohn, Stephen M_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Payment Systems, Fifth Edition - Brook, James.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Property, Fourth Edition - Burke, Barlow & Snoe, Joseph.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Remedies, Third Edition - Hasen, Richard L_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Wills, Trusts, and Estates, Fifth Edition - Beyer, Gerry W_.azw3
    • Examples & Explanations_ Administrative Law - Funk, William F. & Seamon, Richard H_.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Antitrust - Sagers, Christopher L_.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Contracts, Sixth Edition - Brian A. Blum.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ Federal Income Tax, 6th Edition - Bankman, Joseph & Griffith, Thomas D. & Pratt, Katherine.mobi
    • Examples & Explanations_ International Law - Epps, Valerie & Graham, Lorie.mobi
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    • Examples & Explanations_ Professional Responsibility, 3rd Edition - Wendel, W. Bradley.mobi
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  • 2022-5-3
  • Solutions Manual for Introduction to Modern Economic Growth.zip

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  • Mathematical Methods for Economics by Michael Klein.rar

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  • Jason A. Colquitt_ Jeffery Lepine_ Michael Wesson - Organizational Behavior_ Imp.rar

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  • Michael Freitag, Herbert Kotzab, Jürgen Pannek eds. Dynamics in Logistics Proce.rar

    • Michael Freitag, Herbert Kotzab, Jürgen Pannek eds. Dynamics in Logistics Proceedings of the 5th International Conference LDIC, 2016 Bremen, Germany.pdf
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  • 2017-9-11
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 131-140.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 140) Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics Volume IV.pdf
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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 132) Lawrence H. Cox, Douglas Nychka (auth.), Douglas Nychka, Walter W. Piegorsch, Lawrence H. Cox (eds.)-Case Studies in Environmental Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York.pdf
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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 134) Yu. A. Kutoyants (auth.)-Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 135) Christian P. Robert, Sylvia Richardson (auth.), Christian P. Robert (eds.)-Discretization and MCMC Convergence Assessment-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 136) Gregory C. Reinsel, Raja P. Velu (auth.)-Multivariate Reduced-Rank Regression_ Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 137) V. Seshadri (auth.)-The Inverse Gaussian Distribution_ Statistical Theory and Applications-Springer-Verlag New York (1999).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 138) József Beck (auth.), Peter Hellekalek, Gerhard Larcher (eds.)-Random and Quasi-Random Point Sets-Springer-Verlag New York (1998).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 139) Roger B. Nelsen (auth.)-An Introduction to Copulas-Springer New York (1999).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 71-80.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 80) Douglas E. Critchlow, Michael A. Fligner (auth.), Michael A. Fligner, Joseph S. Verducci (eds.)-Probability Models and Statistical Analyses for Ranking Data-Springer-V.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 71) Eduardo M. R. A. Engel (auth.)-A Road to Randomness in Physical Systems-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 72) James K. Lindsey (auth.)-The Analysis of Stochastic Processes using GLIM-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 73) Barry C. Arnold, Enrique Castillo, José-Mariá Sarabia (auth.)-Conditionally Specified Distributions-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 74) Mona Abdalla, Jim Kay (auth.), Piero Barone, Arnoldo Frigessi, Mauro Piccioni (eds.)-Stochastic Models, Statistical Methods, and Algorithms in Image Analysis_ Proceedi.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 75) Joseph B. Kadane, Parthasarathy Bagchi (auth.), Prem K. Goel, N. Sreenivas Iyengar (eds.)-Bayesian Analysis in Statistics and Econometrics-Springer-Verlag New York (19.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 76) Lennart Bondesson (auth.)-Generalized Gamma Convolutions and Related Classes of Distributions and Densities-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 77) Enno Mammen (auth.)-When Does Bootstrap Work__ Asymptotic Results and Simulations-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 78) Robert Gilchrist, Clive Payne (auth.), Ludwig Fahrmeir, Brian Francis, Robert Gilchrist, Gerhard Tutz (eds.)-Advances in GLIM and Statistical Modelling_ Proceedings of.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 79) Norbert Schmitz (auth.), Norbert Schmitz (eds.)-Optimal Sequentially Planned Decision Procedures-Springer-Verlag New York (1993).pdf
  • 77.11 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 51-60.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 60) Lázió Gyorfi, Wolfgang Hardle, Pascal Sarda (auth.), Lázió Gyorfi, Wolfgang Hardle, Pascal Sarda, Philippe Vieu (eds.)-Nonparametric Curve Estimation from Time Series-.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 51) Michael Falk (auth.), Jürg Hüsler, Rolf-Dieter Reiss (eds.)-Extreme Value Theory_ Proceedings of a Conference held in Oberwolfach, Dec. 6–12, 1987-Springer-Verlag New .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 52) The Matching Methodology_ Some Statistical Properties-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 53) Barry C. Arnold, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (auth.)-Relations, Bounds and Approximations for Order Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 54) Kirti R. Shah, Bikas K. Sinha (auth.)-Theory of Optimal Designs-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 55) Bryan F. J. Manly (auth.), Lyman L. McDonald, Bryan F. J. Manly, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Jesse A. Logan (eds.)-Estimation and Analysis of Insect Populations_ Proceedings .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 56) James K. Lindsey (auth.)-The Analysis of Categorical Data Using GLIM-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 57) A V Swan (auth.), Adriano Decarli, Brian J. Francis, Robert Gilchrist, Gilg U. H. Seeber (eds.)-Statistical Modelling_ Proceedings of GLIM 89 and the 4th International.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 58) Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Preben Blaesild, Poul Svante Eriksen (auth.)-Decomposition and Invariance of Measures, and Statistical Transformation Models-Springer-Verlag N.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 59) Sudhir Gupta, Rahul Mukerjee (auth.)-A Calculus for Factorial Arrangements-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
  • 55.75 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • [Michael_Curley]_Finance_Policy_for_Renewable_Ener(b-ok.org).rar

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  • [J._Michael_Fitzpatrick,_ákos_Lédeczi]_Computer_(BookZZ.org).rar

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  • 2017-5-4
  • M(101-163).rar

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  • 2017-3-24
  • A(101-148).rar

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    • Anthony Francis.zip
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    • Ava Gray.zip
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  • 2017-3-24
  • Michael L. Halls Moore.zip
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    • Michael L. Halls Moore. book1.pdf
    • Michael L. Halls Moore. book2.pdf
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  • 2017-3-4
  • The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939_Reissued with a new preface from Michael Cox.zip

    • The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-1939_Reissued with a new preface from Michael Cox.pdf
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  • 2017-1-2
  • 魔球:数据胜过直觉.rar

    • Michael Lewis-Moneyball_ The Art of Winning an Unfair Game-W. W. Norton & Company (2004).epub
    • 2004点球成金.pdf
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  • 2016-8-24
  • 桑德尔论公正英汉对照1 1.rar

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  • Michael Porter- competitive strategy.rar
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  • 2016-6-24
  • Michael Porter - Competitive Advantage.rar
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  • 2016-6-24
  • Michael Porter - Competitive Advantage.rar

    • Michael Porter - Competitive Advantage.pdf
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  • 2016-6-24
  • Michael Porter- competitive strategy.rar

    • michael_porter_-_competitive_strategy.pdf
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  • 2016-6-24
  • Michael Porter - Competitive advantage of nations 1998.rar

    • Michael Porter - Competitive advantage of nations 1998.pdf
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  • 2016-6-23
  • Michael Parkin, Economics (11th Edition).zip

    • Michael Parkin, Economics (11th Edition).pdf
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  • 2016-6-22
  • Data Structures and Other Objects Using C 4e (Pearson, 2011) by Michael Main a.rar

    • Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ 4e (Pearson, 2011) by Michael Main and Walter Savitch.pdf
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  • 2016-5-24
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  • 2016-5-16
  • ???(The Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series) Mark Michaelis, Eric Lipp.rar

    • ???(The Addison-Wesley Microsoft Technology Series) Mark Michaelis, Eric Lippert-Essential C_ 6.0-Addison-Wesley Professional.pdf
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  • 2016-5-9
  • 完整J. Michael Steele auth. Stochastic Calculus and Financial Applications 2001.zip

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  • 2016-4-19
  • Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being by Michael R. Solomon 11th Edition T.zip
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    • chapter 4.doc
    • chapter 5.doc
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    • chapter 9.doc
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