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  • 【5634页2023大学教学课件】 苏黎世联邦理工学院:数字设计和计算机体系结构(下).zip

    • Lecture 19:SIMD Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 16b:Branch Prediction.pdf
    • Lecture 17:Advanced Branch Prediction.pdf
    • Lecture 18a:VLIW Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 18b:Systolic Array Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 18c:Decoupled Access-Execute.pdf
    • Lecture 20:GPU Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 21:Memory Overview,Organization & Technology.pdf
    • Lecture 22:Memory Hierarchy and Caches.pdf
    • Lecture 23:Cache Design and Management.pdf
    • Lecture 24a:Advanced Caching.pdf
    • Lecture 24b:Prefetching.pdf
    • Lecture 25a:Advanced Prefetching.pdf
    • Lecture 25b:Virtual Memory.pdf
    • Lecture 26a:Virtual Memory II.pdf
    • Lecture 26b:Epilogue & Future Computing Architectures.pdf
    • Lecture 26c:Virtual Memory:Issues and Examples.pdf
    • Lecture 27:Problem Solving I.pdf
    • Lecture 28:Problem Solving II.pdf
    • Lecture 29:Problem Solving III.pdf
    • Lecture 30:Problem Solving IV.pdf
    • Lecture 31:Problem Solving V.pdf
    • Lecture 32:Preparing for the Final Exam.pdf
  • 83.84 MB
  • 2024-3-10