大小 上传时间
  • (GMW 169)Rademacher H - Topics in Analytic Number Theory (0387054472)(Springer 1.zip
       (GMW 169)Rademacher H - Topics in Analytic Number Theory

    • (GMW 169)Rademacher H - Topics in Analytic Number Theory (0387054472)(Springer 1973)(K)(339s).djvu
  • 3.42 MB
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  • 国有企业监管层成员结构情况表1999-2023.zip

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  • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,007) (2nd ed) Gerald J. Janusz - Algebraic Numb.zip
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    • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,007) (2nd ed) Gerald J. Janusz - Algebraic Number Fields-American Mathematical Society (2005).djvu
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  • 人民币国际化人民币汇率指数表(周)2016-202404.zip

    • FE_RMBEXCRATE[DES][xlsx].txt
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    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 196.48 KB
  • 2024-5-25
  • Analytic Number Theory (Developments in Mathematics) (Chaohua Jia, Kohji Matsumo.zip
       Analytic Number Theory

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  • 2.48 MB
  • 2024-5-24
  • Analytic and Elementary Number Theory, A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erd.zip
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    • Analytic and Elementary Number Theory, A Tribute to Mathematical Legend Paul Erdos (Developments in Mathematics) (Krishnaswami Alladi, et al) 0792382730.djvu
  • 1.28 MB
  • 2024-5-24
  • Y.Grosswald E. Topics from the theory of numbers (2ed, Birkhauser, 1984)(150dpi).zip
       Topics from the Theory of Numbers

    • Y.Grosswald E. Topics from the theory of numbers (2ed, Birkhauser, 1984)(150dpi)(KA)(T)(349s)_MT_.djvu
  • 3.42 MB
  • 2024-5-23
  • Pohst, M.E._Computational algebraic number theory (Birkhauser, 1993)(600dpi)(T)(.zip
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    • Pohst, M.E._Computational algebraic number theory (Birkhauser, 1993)(600dpi)(T)(99s)_MTc_.djvu
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  • 2024-5-17
  • Niven - Irrational Numbers (MAA, 1956).zip
       Irrational Numbers (Carus Mathematical Monographs)

    • Niven - Irrational Numbers (MAA, 1956).djvu
  • 4.1 MB
  • 2024-5-4
  • An introduction to the theory of numbers 5ed - Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgom.zip
       An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers- Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgomery H.L.

    • An introduction to the theory of numbers 5ed - Niven I., Zuckerman H.S., Montgomery H.L..djvu
  • 3.32 MB
  • 2024-5-4
  • processv43.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • Online and On Demand PROCESS course.pdf
    • PROCESS version 4 documentation addendum.pdf
    • Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy.pdf
  • 2.72 MB
  • 2024-4-18
  • Mathematics - Invitation to Number Theory (New Mathematical Library #20) - (Oyst.zip
       Invitation to Number Theory

    • Mathematics - Invitation to Number Theory (New Mathematical Library #20) - (Oystein Ore) Random House 1967.djvu
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    • 上市公司漂棕数据2009-2022(Bloomberg、华证).xls
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    • 上市公司漂棕数据2018-2022(Bloomberg、Wind).xls
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  • The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms. The Carus Mathematical Monographs Numb.zip
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    • The Arithmetic Theory of Quadratic Forms. The Carus Mathematical Monographs Number 10- Burton W. Jones.djvu
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    • Complex multiplication of Abelian varieties and its applications to number theory, (Publications of the Mathematical Society of Japan)- Goro Shimura.djvu
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  • Berndt B.C., Gesztesy F. (eds) Continued Fractions. From Analytic Number Theory .zip
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    • Berndt B.C., Gesztesy F. (eds) Continued Fractions. From Analytic Number Theory to Constructive Approximation (AMS, 1999)(393s).djvu
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  • Embeddings and Immersions (Translations of Mathematical Monographs)Masahisa Adachi.zip
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    • Embeddings and Immersions (Translations of Mathematical Monographs)Masahisa Adachi.djvu
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  • 2023-12-17
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    • 上市公司-漂绿数据2012-2022年(Bloomberg、华证).dta
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    • 漂绿数据测算dofile(Bloomberg、华证测算).do
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  • Constructive Real Numbers and Function Spaces (Translations of Mathematical Mono.zip
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    • Constructive Real Numbers and Function Spaces (Translations of Mathematical Monographs).djvu
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  • Exploring the Number Jungle, A Journey into Diophantine Analysis (Student Mathem.zip
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  • 2.22 MB
  • 2023-12-10
  • Problems in Mathematical Analysis 1 - Real Numbers, Sequences and Series (Studen.zip
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    • Problems in Mathematical Analysis 1 - Real Numbers, Sequences and Series (Student Mathematical Library #04) - (W.J. Kaczor, M.djvu
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    • 03 -list.py
    • 04 -tuple.py
    • 数据库.py
    • merkle.jpg
    • 文本文件的读写.py
    • 01-网络请求-requests.py
    • 豆瓣读书简介.py
    • Glassdoor-cityjobs.py
    • 02 -strings.py
    • 02-遍历文档-BeautifulSoup.py
    • 新东方头像下载.py
    • 文件处理- csv.py
    • lines.txt
    • 循环语句.py
    • 06 -dictionary.py
    • 自定义函数.py
    • 01 -numbers.py
    • test-1.csv
    • test-2.csv
    • test.txt
    • 条件语句.py
  • 32.58 KB
  • 2023-11-25
  • Algebraic Theory Of Numbers Hermann Weyl - Princeton University Press - 1940.zip
       Algebraic Theory of Numbers

    • Algebraic Theory Of Numbers Hermann Weyl - Princeton University Press - 1940.djvu
  • 11.84 MB
  • 2023-11-18
  • Andreescu T. Andrica D. Zeng F. 104 Number Theory Problems (Birkhauser 2007).zip
       104 Number Theory Problems

    • Andreescu T. Andrica D. Zeng F. 104 Number Theory Problems (Birkhauser 2007).djvu
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  • 2023-11-3
  • Burris S.N. Number theoretic density and logical limit laws (AMS Surveys 86, 200.zip
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    • Burris S.N. Number theoretic density and logical limit laws (AMS Surveys 86, 2001)(T)(ISBN 0821826662)(295s).djvu
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  • s10614-020-10016-2.pdf
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  • Mathematical Gems 2 - From Elementary Combinatorics, Number Theory, And Geometry.zip
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    • Mathematical Gems 2 - From Elementary Combinatorics, Number Theory, And Geometry (Mathematical Association Of America, 1976)Honsberger,Ross.djvu
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  • 2023-10-12
  • Mathematical Gems 1 From Elementarybinatorics Number Theory And Geometry Mathema.zip
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    • Mathematical Gems 1 From Elementarybinatorics Number Theory And Geometry Mathematical Association Of America 1973-Honsberger,Ross.djvu
  • 1.5 MB
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  • elementary-methods-in-the-analytic-theory-of-a-o-v--annas-archive (1).zip
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    • elementary-methods-in-the-analytic-theory-of-a-o-v--annas-archive (1).djvu
  • 3.37 MB
  • 2023-7-7
  • CTMMP 041 - Eastermann T. - Introduction to modern prime number theory - CUP 1952.zip
       Introduction to Modern Prime Number Theory

    • CTMMP 041 - Eastermann T. - Introduction to modern prime number theory - CUP 1952.djvu
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  • CTM 076 P-adic numbers and their functions - Mahler.zip
       p-adic numbers and their functions

    • CTM 076 P-adic numbers and their functions - Mahler.djvu
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  • The Distribution of Prime Numbers (Cambridge Mathematical Library)A. E. Ingham.zip
       The Distribution of Prime Numbers

    • The Distribution of Prime Numbers (Cambridge Mathematical Library)A. E. Ingham.djvu
  • 2.22 MB
  • 2023-5-20
  • processv34.zip

    • Copyright and disclaimer read_me.txt
    • help.pdf
    • mcmed.sas
    • mcmed.sps
    • model number templates information.txt
    • PROCESS version history.pdf
    • Using SPSS A Little Syntax Guide.pdf
    • Version 3 documentation addendum.pdf
    • Workshops in 2020.pdf
  • 8.93 MB
  • 2023-5-14
  • processv43.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • PROCESS version 4 documentation addendum.pdf
    • Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy.pdf
  • 4.56 MB
  • 2023-5-4
  • CSAM 007-Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic (Cambridge Studies in Ad.zip
       Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic

    • CSAM 007-Introduction to Higher-Order Categorical Logic (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) (J. Lambek, P. J. Scott) 0521356539.djvu
  • 2.71 MB
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  • Algebraic numbers and harmonic analysis-YVES MEYER.zip
       Algebraic numbers and harmonic analysis Meurant, Gerard

    • Algebraic numbers and harmonic analysis-YVES MEYER.djvu
  • 1.96 MB
  • 2023-4-22
  • styles.zip
       Endnote output style 2023

    • 3 Biotech.ens
    • 3D Printing Additive Manufacturing.ens
    • AAA Style Guide.ens
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    • AAPS.ens
    • ABNT (Author-Date) English.ens
    • ABNT (Author-Date).ens
    • ABNT (Citation Order).ens
    • ACI Materials.ens
    • ACI Structural J.ens
    • ACI Style Guide.ens
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    • ACS Agricult Sci Tech.ens
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    • ACS Applied Materials Interfaces.ens
    • ACS Bio Med Chem Au.ens
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    • 02 total-cancer-deaths-by-type.csv
    • 03 cancer-death-rates-by-age.csv
    • 04 share-of-population-with-cancer-types .csv
    • 05 share-of-population-with-cancer.csv
    • 06 number-of-people-with-cancer-by-age.csv
    • 07 share-of-population-with-cancer-by-age.csv
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    • Narkiewicz - The Development of Prime Number Theory From Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood (SMM, Springer 2000).djvu
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  • The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields-Hilbert.zip
       The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields-David Hilber

    • The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields-Hilbert..pdf
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  • Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions (P.M. Cohn) 0412361906.zip
       Algebraic numbers and algebraic funtions P.M. Cohn

    • Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions (P.M. Cohn) 0412361906.djvu
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  • 2022-12-23
  • 基于Sifeng Liu灰色数据 分析方法、模型与应用.rar
       基于Sifeng Liu灰色数据 分析方法、模型与应用

    • Lecture 12 Introduction to Grey Systems Modeling Software.pdf
    • Lecture 1 Introduction to Grey Systems Research.pdf
    • Lecture 2 The Grey Systems Theory Framework.pdf
    • Lecture 3 Grey Numbers and Their Operations.pdf
    • Lecture 4 Sequence Operators and Grey Data Mining.pdf
    • Lecture 5 Grey Incidence Analysis Models.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Grey Clustering Evaluation Models.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Series of GM Models.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Combined Grey Models.pdf
    • Lecture 9 Techniques for Grey Systems Forecasting.pdf
    • Lecture 10 Grey Models for Decision-Making.pdf
    • Lecture 11 Grey Control Systems.pdf
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  • 2022-12-21
  • David Marshall, Wayne McManus, Daniel Viele - Accounting_ What the Numbers Mean-.zip

    • David Marshall, Wayne McManus, Daniel Viele - Accounting_ What the Numbers Mean-McGraw Hill (2022).epub
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  • 智富 Smart. December 2022.zip

    • 智富 Smart. December 2022.pdf
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  • molbev_37_4_1211_s0.zip

    • MBE.cls
    • 2020FlourisMSci-SI.pdf
    • bppMSci.bbl
    • bppMSci.bib
    • cpl-natbib.sty
    • natbib.bst
  • 1.17 MB
  • 2022-12-6
  • processv42.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • PROCESS course1 brochure.pdf
    • PROCESS course2 brochure.pdf
    • PROCESS version 4 documentation addendum.pdf
  • 4.34 MB
  • 2022-11-30
  • Bloomberg-Businessweek-14-Nov-2022.rar

    • Bloomberg-Businessweek-14-Nov-2022.pdf
  • 40.27 MB
  • 2022-11-10
  • Financial Times UK - November 10, 2022.rar

    • Financial Times UK - November 10, 2022.pdf
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  • 2022-11-10
  • Money_Magazine_-_November_2022.rar

    • Money_Magazine_-_November_2022.pdf
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  • 2022-11-1
  • 9780128197394.Exploring Monte Carlo Methods Book • Second Edition &#82.zip

    • Front-Matter_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Contents_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Appendix-A---Some-Common-Probability-Distribu_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Met.pdf
    • Index_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Copyright_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Preface-to-the-Second-Edition_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Dedication_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Chapter-3---Pseudorandom-Number-Generators_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Method.pdf
    • Chapter-8---Linear-Operator-Equations_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Chapter-1---Introduction_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Chapter-10---Monte-Carlo-Simulation-of-Neutral-Pa_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo.pdf
    • Chapter-9---The-Fundamentals-of-Neutral-Particl_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-M.pdf
    • Preface-to-the-First-Edition_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Appendix-E---Some-Popular-Monte-Carlo-Codes-for-P_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo.pdf
    • Appendix-D---Linear-Operators_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Appendix-F---Minimal-Standard-Pseudorandom-Numb_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-M.pdf
    • About-the-Authors_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Chapter-2---The-Basis-of-Monte-Carlo_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Chapter-5---Variance-Reduction-Techniques_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Chapter-4---Sampling--Scoring--and-Precisio_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Metho.pdf
    • Chapter-7---Inverse-Monte-Carlo_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Appendix-C---Central-Limit-Theorem_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
    • Appendix-B---The-Weak-and-Strong-Laws-of-Large_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Me.pdf
    • Chapter-6---Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo_2023_Exploring-Monte-Carlo-Methods.pdf
  • 6.72 MB
  • 2022-9-22
  • processv41.zip

    • Course 1 brochure.pdf
    • Course 2 brochure.pdf
    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • PROCESS version 4 documentation addendum.pdf
  • 7.34 MB
  • 2022-9-9
  • 国际投行研究分析资料2022-01.zip

    • CS-Visa Inc..pdf
    • Sichuan Teway Food Group (603317.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ Cautious Outlook Into 2H22; Maintain Neutral(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ 2Q22 Miss on Covid Disruption to Consumption Scenarios, with Channel Inventory Management i....pdf
    • Shopify Inc. (SHOP)_ Growth, margins likely approaching a trough(1).pdf
    • Shell Plc (SHEL.AS)_ Strong set of 2Q results and cash flow generation support increased share buybacks; Buy (1).pdf
    • Shanghai Putailai New Energy (603659.SS)_ 1H22 inline; Strong anode and separator shipment driven by EV growth; Stay Neutral(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Expect solid quarter with embedded conservatism_ 2Q22 Preview(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Estimates largely derisked as waning macro backdrop incorporated in guide - 2Q22 Results(1).pdf
    • Sangfor (300454.SZ)_ HCI v6.8.0 launched; financial _ steel clients on cloudization, HCI, cybersecurity; Buy(1).pdf
    • Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)_ Earnings Review_ 2Q22 inline with expectations_ A more disciplined memory investment the com...(1).pdf
    • Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ Sporting goods digital trends; Update on promotional activity(1).pdf
    • Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM)_ FQ3'22 Wrap_ QTR beat but FQ4 guidance miss; High-end demand resilient even as handset market expectati...(1).pdf
    • Puma (PUMG.DE)_ 2Q22E EBIT beat driven by strong sales momentum, albeit uncertain consumer demand leaves FY22E EBIT unchanged...(1).pdf
    • Prosus_Naspers_ Release 4th update on buyback programme execution(1).pdf
    • Pentair Plc (PNR)_ Execution on price-cost encouraging as volume slowdown comes into focus; remain Buy on favorable risk-reward(1).pdf
    • Paccar Inc. (PCAR)_ Structural Parts margin improvement balanced by challenging cyclical outlook(1).pdf
    • One 97 Communications (PAYT.BO)_ 1QFY23 preview_ Another quarter of elevated growth and improving margins; Buy(1).pdf
    • NXP Semiconductors NV (NXPI)_ Solid results_guide, but we continue to await normalization in shipments; 2Q22 EPS recap(1).pdf
    • NetEase Inc. (NTES)_ Thoughts on Diablo Immortal releases in China on 25 July; Buy(1).pdf
    • Natural Gas_ Potential NS1 drop brings upside risk to our TTF forecast(1).pdf
    • MS-The Thin Red Line.pdf
    • MS-Sunday Start - 60-40 Isn’t Dead, Just Resting.pdf
    • MS-Sound Bites 芯片之争 – 投资者反馈.pdf
    • MS_McDonald'sCorporation _ NorthAmerica 2Q22_ Defensive Characteristics Show Up Around the World Amidst Growing Uncertainty_20220726.pdf
    • MS_Internet _ NorthAmerica Where Are We Trading Now...Let Mega Cap EPS Begin_20220726.pdf
    • MS -China Equity Strategy Focus List Changes.pdf
    • Moody's Corp. (MCO)_ Ratings revenue soft in 2Q, with estimates largely de-risked and attention turning to recovery in 2023(1).pdf
    • Miniso (MNSO)_ Addressing recent investor queries; Buy(1).pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ First Take_ 2Q22 a clean beat; Buy.pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ Earnings Review_ Raising estimates post strong 2Q22; maintain Buy(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ PC and FX headwinds are more than offset by $100bn Cloud Revenue runrate, growing at 33% CC – F4Q22 R...(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ Expecting strong underlying trends amid FX volatility – F4Q22 preview (1).pdf
    • Metals & Mining_ Models and single-name views as 2Q earnings accelerate(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2'22 Review_ Macro Headwinds Replace Privacy Headwinds; Shift to Long Term Platform Transition ...(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2 '22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
    • Merck & Co. (MRK)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Revenue_EPS Beat and topline Guidance Raise(1).pdf
    • MediaTek (2454.TW)_ Our thoughts on the new strategic partnership with Intel (1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corp. (MCD)_ 2Q22 Review_ Sales Momentum Continues Across Geographies, Company Well-Positioned to Manage Cost Pres...(1).pdf
    • MasterCard Inc. (MA)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Macro at a Glance_ Latest views and forecasts(1).pdf
    • LVMH Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH.PA)_ 1H22_ Sales +19% cFX with +6% EBIT beat; reiterate Buy, PT to EUR730 (was EUR700)(1).pdf
    • Liberty Energy Inc. (LBRT)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Significant EBITDA Beat on Net Pricing, Activating Additional Fleets For 2022(1).pdf
    • Kweichow Moutai (600519.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC)_ Further relative under-performance seems unlikely from here; Up to Neutral(1).pdf
    • Keyence (6861.T)_ Earnings Review_ 1Q in line in adjusted terms, taking China lockdowns into account; business structure rema...(1).pdf
    • Kaiser Aluminum Corp. (KALU)_ First Take_ 2Q EPS and EBITDA miss on higher costs and Warrick supply chain challenges; Sell(1).pdf
    • JPM-Global Data Watch Skating on thin ice during.pdf
    • JPM-Global Commodities.pdf
    • JPM-first to market.pdf
    • JPM-Cross Asset Volatility Machine Learning Trading .pdf
    • JPM-Commodities Oil Drilling Report Total US oil.pdf
    • JPM-China’s housing market alarm bell rings again -2022-07-21.pdf
    • Japan SaaS_ KPI summary_ Fundamentals largely unchanged, but valuations remain low(1).pdf
    • Japan Machinery_ Automation_ June robot_robodrill volume inferred from customs data_ China upturn, robot shipments remain high(1).pdf
    • Japan Chemicals_ June MOF data_ Silicon wafer shipment volume down -7% yoy on China impact, overall ASP up high +43% yoy(1).pdf
    • J.P.摩根-亚太地区投资策略-新兴市场亚洲本地市场2022年年中展望:从急性到慢性-保持UW利率和外汇-2022.6.14-40页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-新兴市场投资策略-新兴市场边缘数据观察:有风险的副作用的强效药-2022.6.17-29页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球自动化行业-JPM&CSIA系统集成商调查:需求在高位达到顶峰-2022.6.17-58页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-外汇年中展望:下半年货币需要了解的十件事-2022.6.17-51页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-全球数据观察:当我向他们复仇时,他们会知道我是主-2022.6.17-89页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-J.P.摩根视角:告别负收益率-2022.6.15-92页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股银行业-美国中小盘银行赚钱策略更新:卓越的客户体验和强劲的增长历来能带来可观的表现-2022.6.15-44页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股医疗保健行业-可操作的见解:生育101-市场背景是BFP-2022.6.16-28页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股投资策略-2022年年中展望:更大的宽幅和更大的紧缩迫使更广泛的预测—移动到175个基点-2022.6.17-22页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股汽车行业-数字化二手和特许经营汽车经销商:行业思考与手册-2022.6.14-202页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股能源行业-J.P.摩根能源问题库:勘探和开采、综合石油和炼油、中游、油田服务和设备、公用事业和替代能源-2022.6.14-243页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股零售业-行业&公司深度研究(HAS, MAT, FNKO)-2022.6.16-66页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股保险行业-变额年金市场趋势:疲软的市场将损害近期的业绩;尾部风险是长期的担忧-2022.6.17-32页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股半导体行业-J.P.摩根半导体和半导体资本设备公司-2022.6-40页.pdf
    • Iron Ore - From scarcity to glut(1).pdf
    • India Telecom_ Spectrum auction_ Bids 60% higher vs GSe at US$19 bn, likely led by Jio(1).pdf
    • HSBC-中国运输与物流行业-上海运输与物流8月可全面恢复-2022.6.16-24页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国投资策略-中国股票策略:从亚洲供应链的转变中寻找赢家-2022.6.13-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国能源行业-中国太阳能设备:太阳能电池市场可能出现范式转变-2022.6.14-26页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国PCB行业-触底反弹;关注苹果相关FPC-2022.6.15-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-亚太地区利率:加速加息-2022.6.16-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-看点:亚洲债券市场-2022.6-167页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区电子设备和仪器行业-亚洲科技:启动ABF基板领域-2022.6.15-29页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-体育用品回顾:迎接新一轮的复杂性-2022.6.14-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-HSBC第16届运输与物流大会:同样的风暴,不同的船-2022.6.15-33页.pdf
    • HSBC-The Major bond letter.PDF
    • HSBC-Covered Bond Insight Strong year-to-date issuance in USD and GBP.pdf
    • HSBC-China’s property stumble Why it’s different from the subprime mortgage crisis.pdf
    • Hong Kong Exchanges (0388.HK)_ BABA announces HK primary listing plans; Buy(1).pdf
    • Healthcare Pulse_ Unsettled ... Investor sentiment; market color; sector themes; charts to watch(1).pdf
    • GS MINING_ Amplats __ Iron ore __ SIG __ China steel production __ Las Bambas __ Natural Gas NS1(1).pdf
    • GS EUROPEAN EXPRESS_ European Views _ Encore_ Buy LVMH, Volvo, NHY _ US Consumer _ China Musings(1).pdf
    • Greater China Telecom Equipment_ June_ 5G BTS +154k units to 1,854k; 5G subscribers +28mn(1).pdf
    • Global Rates Trader_ A Europe-driven yield downdraft(1).pdf
    • Global PMI Monitor_ DM Composite PMI Falls Below 50 in July; Further Easing in Inflation Components (Zhestkova)(1).pdf
    • Global Market Views_ Relief, but no green light (Trivedi_Wilson)(1).pdf
    • Global Economics Comment_ June Trimmed Core Inflation_ US Reacceleration (Bhushan)(1).pdf
    • General Electric Co. (GE)_ Strong 2Q, low bar to clear in 3Q, valuation attractive(1).pdf
    • FOMC Roundtable July 26-27 [presentation](1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ First Take_ Top-line beat with particular strength in Merchant Acceptance(1).pdf
    • Europe Beverages_ Trends in US Off-Trade Beer market remain fairly consistent in July(1).pdf
    • Equinix Inc. (EQIX)_ 2Q22 Review_ Solid results and increased core 2022 guidance; maintain Buy and $765 PT(1).pdf
    • Energy_ Drillers_ See upside potential into 2Q earnings; continue to prefer NBR over RIG longer-term(1).pdf
    • Energy, Utilities & Mining Pulse_ Investors Asking_ What Surprised During Earnings and the Growing Importance of EPS Execution(1).pdf
    • EM in Focus_ Drilling into EM Debt Dynamics(1).pdf
    • DB-US Strategy Update Refunding preview Maintaining.pdf
    • DB-Asia Thematic Analysis Asias energy security.pdf
    • CS-Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd (3898.HK).pdf
    • CS-Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (600521.SS).pdf
    • CS-Yangtze Optical (601869.SS).pdf
    • CS-Weibo Corporation (WB.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 22.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan Display Sector -220725.pdf
    • CS-Summary Europe.pdf
    • CS-Steel Import Monitor.pdf
    • CS-Squarespace, Inc.pdf
    • CS-Shopify Inc..pdf
    • CS-Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd (002294.SZ).pdf
    • CS-Shell_Carbon Neutral LNG Opportunity.pdf
    • CS-Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology (603659.SS).pdf
    • CS-Sea Limited (SE.N).pdf
    • CS-Ping An Healthcare and Technology (1833.HK).pdf
    • CSPC Pharma (1093.HK)_ Second ex-China license-out of CLDN18.2 assets; 1-2 more BD deals expected before YE22(1).pdf
    • CS-Payments, Processors and FinTech Expert Insights.pdf
    • CS-Oatly Group AB.pdf
    • CS-MINISO Group (MNSO.N).pdf
    • CS-Meta Platforms, Inc..pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector-Implications for Japanese machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-LONGi Green Energy Technology (601012.SS).pdf
    • CS-Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. (2314.HK).pdf
    • CS-Last Edition.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US -220721.pdf
    • CS-Kuaishou Tech (1024.HK).pdf
    • CS-Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (600276.SS).pdf
    • CS-Jiangling Motors Corp., Ltd. (000550.SZ).pdf
    • CS-iQIYI Inc. (IQ.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Inovance Technology (300124.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HUTCHMED (China) Limited (HCM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Huaneng Power International Inc (0902.HK).pdf
    • CS-Hualan Biological Engineering Inc. (002007.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HKEx (0388.HK).pdf
    • CS-Globe Life.pdf
    • CS-UK Banks read across notes.pdf
    • CS-Tsingtao Brewery (600600.SS).pdf
    • CS-Trip.com Group (TCOM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Tongcheng Travel (0780.HK).pdf
    • CS-The Container Conundrum – U.S. Shipping Port Dynamics Update.pdf
    • CS-Technology sector.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 25.pdf
  • 97.71 MB
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  • 国有企业监管层成员结构情况表99-21.zip

    • GA_StateOwnedCmembers[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
    • GA_StateOwnedCmembers.xlsx
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  • processv4.1(by Hayes).zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • PROCESS version 4 documentation addendum.pdf
    • Summer 2022 CCRAM Sessions flyer.pdf
    • Using SPSS A Little Syntax Guide.pdf
  • 6.77 MB
  • 2022-5-1
  • processv41.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • PROCESS version 4 documentation addendum.pdf
    • Summer 2022 CCRAM Sessions flyer.pdf
    • Using SPSS A Little Syntax Guide.pdf
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  • 2022-4-21
  • 沪深上市公司彭博ESG社会责任综合分项得分2011-2020.rar

    • 9月30日数据汇总.pdf
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  • 2021-12-17
  • 华泰全套固收资料.zip

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    • 【华泰固收】Python在固收研究中的应用(2020版).pdf
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  • 54.11 MB
  • 2021-12-10
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM202001-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No5May2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No6June2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No7July2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No8August2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No9September2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No10October2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No11November2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No12December2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No1January2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No2February2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No3March2020.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM22No4April2020.pdf
  • 10.66 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201901-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No5May2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No6June2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No7July2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No8August2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No9September2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No10October2019.pdf
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    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No12December2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No1January2019.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No2February2019.pdf
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    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM21No4April2019.pdf
  • 10.63 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201801-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No6June2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No7July2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No8August2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No9September2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No10October2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No11November2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No12December2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No1January2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No2February2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No3March2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No4April2018.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM20No5May2018.pdf
  • 11.51 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201701-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No4April2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No5May2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No6June2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No7July2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No8August2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No9September2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No10October2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No11November2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No12December2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No1January2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No2February2017.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM19No3March2017.pdf
  • 12.49 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201601-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No2February2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No3March2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No4April2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No5May2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No6June2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No7July2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No8August2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No9September2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No10October2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No11November2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No12December2016.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM18No1January2016.pdf
  • 14.2 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201501-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No3March2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No4April2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No5May2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No6June2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No7July2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No8August2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No9September2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No10October2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No11November2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No12December2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No1January2015.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM17No2February2015.pdf
  • 12.71 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201401-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No4April2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No5May2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No6June2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No7July2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No8August2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No9September2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No10October2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No11November2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No12December2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No01January2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No02February2014.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM16No03March2014.pdf
  • 14.44 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201301-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No7July2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No8August2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No09September2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No10October2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No11November2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No12December2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No1January2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No2February2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No3March2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No04April2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No5May2013.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM15No6June2013.pdf
  • 16.7 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201201-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No6June2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No07July2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No08August2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No9September2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No10October2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No11November2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No12December2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No01January2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No02February2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No03March2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No04April2012.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM14No5May2012.pdf
  • 9.64 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201101-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No05May2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No06June2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No07July2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No08August2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No09September2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No10October2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No11November2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No12December2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No01January2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No02February2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No03March2011.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM13No04April2011.pdf
  • 8.9 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM201001-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No04April2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No05May2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No06June2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No07July2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No08August2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No09September2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No10October2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No11November2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No12December2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No01January2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No02February2010.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM12No03March2010.pdf
  • 9.64 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200901-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No04April2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No05May2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No06June2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No07July2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No08August2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No09September2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No10October2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No11November2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No12December2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No01January2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No02February2009.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM11No03March2009.pdf
  • 12.01 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200801-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No05May2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No06June2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No07July2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No08August2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No09September2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No10October2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No11November2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No12December2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No01January2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No02February2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No03March2008.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM10No04April2008.pdf
  • 18.41 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200701-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No07July2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No08August2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No09September2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No10October2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No11November2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No12December2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No01January2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No02February2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No03March2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No04April2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No05May2007.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM09No06June2007.pdf
  • 12.19 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200601-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No07July2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No08August2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No09September2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No10October2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No11November2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No12December2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No01January2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No02February2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No03March2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No04April2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No05May2006.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM08No06June2006.pdf
  • 11.67 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200501-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No06June2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No07July2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No08August2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No09September2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No10October2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No11November2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No12December2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No01January2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No02February2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No03March2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No04April2005.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM07No05May2005.pdf
  • 8.94 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200401-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No06June2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No07July2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No08August2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No09September2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No10October2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No11November2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No12December2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No01January2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No02February2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No03March2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No04April2004.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM06No05May2004.pdf
  • 8.24 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200301-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No05May2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No06June2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No07July2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No08August2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No09September2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No10October2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No11November2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No12December2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No01January2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No02February2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No03March2003.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM05No04April2003.pdf
  • 10.69 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200201-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No05May2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No06June2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No07July2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No08August2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No09September2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No11November2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No12December2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No01January2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No02Feburary2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No03March2002.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM04No04April2002.pdf
  • 8 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200101-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No03March2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No04April2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No05May2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No06June2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No08August2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No09September2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No10October2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No11November2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No12December2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No01January2001.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM03No02February2001.pdf
  • 4.15 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM200001-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No04April2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No05May2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No06June2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No07July2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No08August2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No09September2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No10October2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No11November2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No12December2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No01January2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No02February2000.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM02No03March2000.pdf
  • 4.6 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM199905-12.rar

    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No06June1999.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No07July1999.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No08August1999.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No09September1999.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No11November1999.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No12December1999.pdf
    • 全球世界各国海运货物运输集装箱价格港口码头承载月度数据CIM01No05May1999.pdf
  • 2.56 MB
  • 2021-11-27
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之四.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • Towards Identifying the Challenges Associated with Emerging Large Scale Social Networks.pdf
    • Visual representation of knowledge networks- A social network analysis of hospitality research domain.pdf
    • Why people use social networking sites- An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory.pdf
    • 标签系统中基于潜在社会网络的知识传播研究_易明.pdf
    • 从知识传播的角度看问答型社交网站_知乎_.pdf
    • 基于_弱关系理论_的知识问答社区知识传播研究_以知乎网为例_宁菁菁.pdf
    • 基于Bass模型的知识扩散演化分析_罗天虎.pdf
    • 基于Tag的知识主题网络构建与Web知识推送研究_易明.pdf
    • 社会性标签系统中的信息搜寻_基于豆瓣网的实证调查.pdf
    • Power and the perception of social networks(视角特别,可参考,难模仿).pdf
    • Privacy threat model for data portability in social network applications.pdf
    • Recommendation of similar users, resources and social networks in a Social Internetworking Scenario(好文章).pdf
    • Relationship between the level of intimacy and lurking in online social network services(实证,选题和综述参考).pdf
    • Role of knowledge conversion and social networks in team performance(张大鲁可参考).pdf
    • Scholars and faculty members lived experiences in online social networks.pdf
    • Set Pair Community Mining and Situation Analysis Based on Web Social Network.pdf
    • Simulation-based workforce assignment in a multi-organizational social network for alliance-based software development(可参考).pdf
    • SNS社区中知识传播演化仿真模型:simulation based on Chinese Douban.docx
    • SNS社区中知识扩散演化仿真模型.docx
    • Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks(没看明白,可参考).pdf
    • Social integration and post-adoption usage of Social Network Sites An analysis of effects on learning performance(实证).pdf
    • Social network analysis in virtual learning community at faculty of information technologies (fit), Mostar(实证).pdf
    • Social network productivity in the use of.pdf
    • Social network, social trust and shared goals in organizational knowledge sharing(实证).pdf
    • Social networks – access all areas.pdf
    • Social structure of Facebook networks(复杂网络分析,有高度参考价值,可模仿分析其他数据).pdf
    • Structural investigation of supply networks- A social network analysis approach(社会网络跨领域应用参考).pdf
    • The contribution of social network sites to exposure to political difference.pdf
    • The dynamic competitive recommendation algorithm in social network services.pdf
    • The provision of online public goods- Examining social structure in an electronic network of practice.pdf
    • The social networks of collaborative process.pdf
    • The ties that bind- Social network principles in online communities.pdf
    • Topic oriented community detection through social objects and link analysis in social networks(社区发现方面有参考价值).pdf
  • 15.98 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之三.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析

    • Knowledge network dissemination in a family-firm sector(研究视角特别,实证研究).pdf
    • Leadership groups on Social Network Sites based on Personalized PageRank(可模仿).pdf
    • Less effortful thinking leads to more social networking- The associations between the use of social network sites and personality traits.pdf
    • Leveraging personal photos to inferring friendships in social network services(挺神奇的研究,可模仿).pdf
    • MEK- Using spatial–temporal information to improve social networks and knowledge dissemination(有参考价值).pdf
    • Moving knowledge to action through dissemination and exchange.pdf
    • New technology facilitates the study of social networks.pdf
    • Online and offline social networks- Use of social networking sites by emerging adults(跨领域,可参考).pdf
    • Online social networks—Paradise of computer viruses(病毒=知识?).pdf
    • Organising Knowledge Management and Dissemination in New Product Development- Lessons from 12 Global Corporations(早期研究).pdf
    • Evolution of trust networks in social web applications using supervised learning.pdf
    • Exploiting user interest similarity and social links for micro-blog forwarding in mobile opportunistic networks.pdf
    • Exploring computer supported collaborative coordination through social networks(很好,值得一读).pdf
    • Facing scalability- Naming faces in an online social network(有趣的研究,挺难).pdf
    • Game Analysis of Google's Information Dissemination Strategy in China:a New Perspective for Knowledge Engineering(可精度).pdf
    • How companies cultivate relationships with publics on social network sites- Evidence from China and the United States(实证).pdf
    • How to keep members using the information in a computer-supported social network(实证).pdf
    • Implications of the Internet for Knowledge Creation and Dissemination in Clusters of Hi-tech Firms(参考).pdf
    • Importance of tie strengths in the prisoner’s dilemma game on social networks(刘鲁文章,参考).pdf
    • Improving learning management through semantic web and social networks in e-learning environments(偏技术的可参考).pdf
    • Inferring preference correlations from social networks(可参考).pdf
    • Investigating an online social network using spatial interaction models(挺简单的研究).pdf
    • JCRFulL2014-sci.pdf
    • Knowledge communication and translation.pdf
    • Knowledge flows through social networks in a cluster- Comparing university and industry links.pdf
    • Knowledge management techniques- teaching and dissemination concepts.pdf
  • 15.25 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • 彭博ESG综合得分、分项得分.rar

    • 9月30日数据汇总.pdf
    • 2011-2020Bloomberg_ESG_Disclosure.xlsx
    • ESG具体指标及权重.xlsx
    • 关注公众号【马克数据网】.jpg
    • 使用说明.txt
  • 636.85 KB
  • 2021-10-26
  • processv40.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • model number templates information.txt
    • Using SPSS A Little Syntax Guide.pdf
    • Workshops in 2022.pdf
  • 6.04 MB
  • 2021-10-22
  • applied_micro_methods(2).zip

    • Econometric Methods for Program Evaluation.pdf
    • Efficient Estimation for Staggered Rollout Designs.pdf
    • Errors in the Dependent Variable of Quantile Regression Models.pdf
    • Estimating Dynamic Treatment Effects in Event Studies with Heterogeneous Treatment Effect.pdf
    • External Validity in Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2014)..pdf
    • Extremal Quantile Regressions for Selection Models and the Black-White Wage Gap(2018)..pdf
    • Factorial Designs, Model Selection,and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2012)..pdf
    • Fuzzy Differences-in-Differences(2017)..pdf
    • How Much Should We Trust Staggered DID Estimates.pdf
    • Identification and Extrapolation with IV.pdf
    • Inference in Differences-in-Differences with Few Treated Groups and Heteroskedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Instrumental Variable Analysis with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroscedasticity.pdf
    • Inference in Regression Discontinuity Designs with a Discrete Running Variable.pdf
    • Inference with Arbitrary Clustering.pdf
    • Inference with DID Revisited.pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(Paper).pdf
    • Inference with Few Heterogeneous Clusters(PPT).pdf
    • Instrument-based estimation with binarized treatments_Issues and tests for the exclusion restriction.pdf
    • Instruments with Heterogeneous Effects_Bias, Monotonicity, and Localness.pdf
    • Interpreting OLS Estimands When Treatment Effects Are Heterogeneous_Smaller Groups Get Larger Weights.pdf
    • Kleven, H. J. (2016). Bunching. Annual Review of Economics 8, 435–464..pdf
    • Matching Methods for Causal Inference with Time-Series Cross-Section Data.pdf
    • Matrix Completion Methods for Causal Panel Data Models..pdf
    • Network and Panel Quantile Effects via Distribution Regression..pdf
    • Non-random exposure to exogenous shocks-Theory and Applications.pdf
    • Nonparametric Bounds for Causal Effects in Imperfect Randomized Experiments.pdf
    • On Bunching and Identification of the Taxable Income Elasticity.pdf
    • On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression.pdf
    • On the Role of Covariates in the Synthetic Control Method.pdf
    • On_Event_Studies_and_Distributed_Lags_in_Two_Way_Fixed_Effects_Models.pdf
    • Optimal Bandwidth Choice for Robust Bias-Corrected Inference in Regression Riscontinuity Designs..pdf
    • Optimal Inference in a Class of Regression Models..pdf
    • Optimized Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • Panel Data and Experimental Design..pdf
    • Policy Evaluation with Multiple Instrumental Variables.pdf
    • Pre-event Trends in the Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Quantile Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Models under Dependence Restrictions and with Only Two Time Periods..pdf
    • Quantile treatment effects in difference in differences models with panal data.pdf
    • Quasi-Experimental Shift-Share Research Designs.pdf
    • Regression Discontinuity Designs Using Covariates..pdf
    • Revisiting Event Study Designs_Robust and Efficient Estimatation.pdf
    • Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples_Some Practical Advice.pdf
    • Sampling-Based Versus Design-Based Uncertainty in Regression Analysis..pdf
    • Shift-Share Designs_Theory and Inference..pdf
    • Simple and Honest Confidence Intervals in Non-parametric Regression..pdf
    • Simple local polynomial density estimators..pdf
    • Simultaneous Selection of Optimal Bandwidths for the Sharp Regression Discontinuity Estimator..pdf
    • Small Sample Methods for Cluster Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.pdf
    • Sufficient Statistics Revisited.pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Imperfect Pre-Treatment Fit..pdf
    • Synthetic Controls with Staggered Adoption.pdf
    • Synthetic Difference in Differences.pdf
    • Testing continuity of a density via g-order statistics in the regression discontinuity design.pdf
    • Testing Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
    • The Augmented Synthetic Control.pdf
    • The casual interpretation of two-stage least squares with multiple instrumental variables.pdf
    • The Effect of Minimum Wages on Low-Wage Jobs..pdf
    • The Generalized Oaxaca-Blinder Estimator.pdf
    • The Role of Parallel Trends in Event Study Settings_An Application to Environmental Economics.pdf
    • The Wild Bootstrap with a Small Number of Large Clusters.pdf
    • Two-Stage Differences-in-Differences.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects Estimators with Heterogeneous Treatment Effects.pdf
    • Two-Way Fixed Effects, the Two-Way Mundlak Regression, and DID Estimators.pdf
    • Unbiased Instrumental Variables Estimation under Known First-Stage Sign..pdf
    • Using instrumental variables for inference about policy relevant treatment parameters.pdf
    • Using Synthetic Controls_Feasibility, Data Requirements, and Methodological Aspects.pdf
    • Valid t-ratio Inference for IV.pdf
    • Visualization, Identification, and Estimation in the Linear Panel Event-Study Design.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in Instrumental Variables Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak Instruments in IV Regression_Theory and Practice.pdf
    • Weak-instrument robust inference for two-sample instrumentalvariables regression.pdf
    • Weak-Instrument Robust Inference for Two-Sample IV Regression.pdf
    • When Is Parallel Trends Sensitive to Functional Form.pdf
    • When Should We (Not) Interpret Linear IV Estimands as LATE.pdf
    • When Should You Adjust Standard Errors for Clustering.pdf
    • Why High Order Polynomials Should Not Be Used in Regression Discontinuity Designs.pdf
  • 81.25 MB
  • 2021-9-7
  • processv35.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • mcmed.sas
    • mcmed.sps
    • model number templates information.txt
    • Using SPSS A Little Syntax Guide.pdf
    • Version 3 documentation addendum.pdf
    • workshops in 2021.pdf
    • 下载地址.txt
  • 5.69 MB
  • 2021-7-5
  • Python 网络数据抓取代码.zip

    • 01 -numbers.py
    • 01-网络请求-requests.py
    • 02 -strings.py
    • 02-遍历文档-BeautifulSoup.py
    • 03 -list.py
    • 04 -tuple.py
    • 06 -dictionary.py
    • Glassdoor-cityjobs.py
    • lines.txt
    • merkle.jpg
    • test-1.csv
    • test-2.csv
    • test.txt
    • 循环语句.py
    • 数据库.py
    • 文件处理- csv.py
    • 文本文件的读写.py
    • 新东方头像下载.py
    • 条件语句.py
    • 自定义函数.py
    • 豆瓣读书简介.py
  • 33.82 KB
  • 2021-6-27
  • processv3.5.3.zip

    • Guilford flyer.pdf
    • mcmed.sas
    • mcmed.sps
    • model number templates information.txt
    • Using SPSS A Little Syntax Guide.pdf
    • Version 3 documentation addendum.pdf
    • workshops in 2021.pdf
  • 5.69 MB
  • 2021-6-15