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  • 2020+structural+ecmtrc.rar

    • Week 13_ Dynamics and Endogeneity.pdf
    • Topics in Advanced Econometrics (ResEcon 703).pdf
    • Week 0_ Course Overview.pdf
    • Week 1_ Structural Estimation.pdf
    • Week 2_ R Tutorial.pdf
    • Week 3_ Random Utility Mode.pdf
    • Week 4_ Logit Model.pdf
    • Week 6_ Maximum Likelihood Estimation sl.pdf
    • Week 6_ Maximum Likelihood Estimation.pdf
    • Week 7_ Logit Estimation.pdf
    • Week 8_ Generalized Method of Moments.pdf
    • Week 9_ Generalized Extreme Value Models.pdf
    • Week 10_ Mixed Logit Model.pdf
    • Week 11_ Simulation-Based Estimation.pdf
    • Week 12_ Individual-Level Coefficients.pdf
  • 8.87 MB
  • 2021-3-8
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 61-70(缺少65).rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 70) Kōji Iida (auth.)-Studies on the Optimal Search Plan-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 61) Jens Breckling (auth.), Jens Breckling (eds.)-The Analysis of Directional Time Series_ Applications to Wind Speed and Direction-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 62) Johan C. Akkerboom (auth.)-Testing Problems with Linear or Angular Inequality Constraints-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 63) Johann Pfanzagl (auth.)-Estimation in Semiparametric Models_ Some Recent Developments-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 64) Siegfried Gabler (auth.)-Minimax Solutions in Sampling from Finite Populations-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 66) Tommy Wright (auth.)-Exact Confidence Bounds when Sampling from Small Finite Universes_ An Easy Reference Based on the Hypergeometric Distribution-Springer-Verlag New .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 67) Martin A. Tanner (auth.)-Tools for Statistical Inference_ Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods-Springer-Verlag New York (1991).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 68) Masanobu Taniguchi (auth.)-Higher Order Asymptotic Theory for Time Series Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (1991).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 69) Nico J. D. Nagelkerke (auth.)-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Functional Relationships-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
  • 52.44 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • AFA-2017-Part02.zip

    • AFA2017-A Clash of Cultures_ The Governance and Valuation Effects of Multiple Corporate Cultures.pdf
    • AFA2017-A First Glimpse into the Short Side of Hedge Funds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Access to Credit and Stock Market Participation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Aggregate Effects of Collateral Constraints.pdf
    • AFA2017-Analyst Coverage Network and Corporate Financial.pdf
    • AFA2017-Anchoring and Acquisitions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Anomalies and News.pdf
    • AFA2017-Are CEOs Different_ Characteristics of Top Managers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Asset Encumbrance, Bank Funding, and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • AFA2017-Asset Management Within Commercial Banking Groups_ International Evidence.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Complexity and Risk Management_ Evidence from Operational Risk Events in U.S. Bank Holding Companies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Culture.pdf
    • AFA2017-Bank Resolution and the Structure of Global Banks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Can Decentralized Markets Be More Efficient_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Can Paying Firms Quicker Affect Aggregate Employment_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Career Concerns and Strategic Effort Allocation by Analysts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Cash-flow timing vs. discount-rate timing_ A decomposition of mutual Fund.pdf
    • AFA2017-Centralized Trading, Transparency and Interest Rate Swap Market Liquidity_ Evidence from the Implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act.pdf
    • AFA2017-Compensation goals and firm performance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Competition and Innovation in the Presence of Financial Constraints.pdf
    • AFA2017-Competition, Reach for Yield, and Money Market Funds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Corporate Culture_ Evidence from the Field.pdf
    • AFA2017-Correlated High-Frequency Trading.pdf
    • AFA2017-Creditor Rights and Relationship Banking_ Evidence from a Policy Experiment.pdf
    • AFA2017-Cross-Currency Basis.pdf
    • AFA2017-Data Abundance and Asset Price Informativeness.pdf
    • AFA2017-Dividend Dynamics, Learning, and Expected Stock Index Returns.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Bank Boards Focus Adequately On Risk_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Criminal Politicians affect Firm Investment and Value_ Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity Approach.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do High Frequency Traders Need to be Regulated_ Evidence from Trading on Macroeconomic Announcements.pdf
    • AFA2017-Do Personal Ethics Influence Corporate Ethics_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Does a Larger Menu Increase Appetite_ Collateral Eligibility and Bank Risk-Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Economic Uncertainty, Aggregate Debt, and the Real Effects of Corporate Finance.pdf
    • AFA2017-Endogenous Specialization and Dealer Networks.pdf
    • AFA2017-Entangled Risks in Incomplete FX Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Estimating Information Asymmetry in Securities Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Executive Job Matching_ Estimates from a Dynamic Model.pdf
    • AFA2017-Experimenting with Entrepreneurship_ The Effect of Job-Protected Leave.pdf
    • AFA2017-Fast Traders Make a Quick Buck_ The Role of Speed in Liquidity Provision.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Conglomerate Affiliation and Hedge Funds’ Countercyclical Risk Taking.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financial Intermediation in Private Equity_ How Well do Funds of Funds Perform_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Financing Payouts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Flying Under the Radar_ The Effects of Short-Sale Disclosure Rules on Investor Behavior and Stock Prices.pdf
    • AFA2017-Generalized Recovery.pdf
    • AFA2017-Good and Bad CEOs.pdf
    • AFA2017-How should investors respond to increases in volatility_.pdf
    • AFA2017-In-Group Bias in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Informed Trading and Option Prices_ Evidence from Activist.pdf
    • AFA2017-Innovation Waves, Investor Sentiment, and Mergers.pdf
    • AFA2017-Insider Purchases after Short Interest Spikes_ a False Signaling Device_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Institutional Herding and Its Price Impact_ Evidence from the Corporate Bond Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-Integrity Culture and Analyst Forecast Quality .pdf
    • AFA2017-Interfund lending in mutual fund families_ Role of internal capital markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Intraday Trading Invariance in the E-mini S&P 500 Futures Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-It Depends on Where You Search_ A Comparison of Institutional and Retail Attention.pdf
    • AFA2017-Learning across Peer Firms and Innovation Waves.pdf
    • AFA2017-Macro Announcement Premium and Risk Preferences.pdf
    • AFA2017-Maximum likelihood estimation of the equity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Minimum Payments and Debt Paydown in Consumer Credit Cards.pdf
    • AFA2017-Multiple Equilibria in Noisy Rational Expectations Economies.pdf
    • AFA2017-Non-rating revenue and conflicts of interest.pdf
    • AFA2017-Oil Volatility RisK.pdf
    • AFA2017-One thorn of experience_ CEOs, strikes, and financial leverage.pdf
    • AFA2017-Opportunistic Proposals by Union Shareholders.pdf
    • AFA2017-Optimal Financing for R&D-intensive Firms.pdf
    • AFA2017-Parsing the Content of Bank Supervision.pdf
    • AFA2017-Patents as Substitutes for Relationships.pdf
    • AFA2017-Pay Now or Pay Later__ The Economics within the Private Equity Partnership.pdf
    • AFA2017-Pension Fund Board Composition and Investment Performance_ Evidence from Private Equity.pdf
    • AFA2017-Performance-Vesting Provisions in Executive Compensation .pdf
    • AFA2017-Private Equity’s Unintended Dark Side_ On the Economic Consequences of Excessive Delistings.pdf
    • AFA2017-Real Exchange Rates and Currency Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Relative Pay for Non-Relative Performance_ Keeping up with the Joneses with Optimal Contracts.pdf
    • AFA2017-Rethinking Performance Evaluation.pdf
    • AFA2017-Risk Management in Financial Institutions.pdf
    • AFA2017-Robust Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-Shareholder-Creditor Conflict and Payout Policy_ Evidence from Mergers between Lenders and Shareholders.pdf
    • AFA2017-Size Discovery.pdf
    • AFA2017-Skewness Consequences of Seeking Alpha.pdf
    • AFA2017-Slow Trading and Stock Return Predictability.pdf
    • AFA2017-Sovereign CDS Spreads with Credit Rating.pdf
    • AFA2017-Speed and Expertise in Stock Picking_ Older, Slower, and Wiser_ .pdf
    • AFA2017-Standing on the Shoulders of Giants_ The Effect of Passive Investors on Activism.pdf
    • AFA2017-Stock Market Coverage.pdf
    • AFA2017-Taking Orders and Taking Notes_ Dealer Information Sharing in Financial Markets.pdf
    • AFA2017-Term Structure of Interest Rates with Short-run and Long-run Risks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Causal Effect of Limits to Arbitrage on Asset Pricing Anomalies.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Cross-Section of Subjective Bond Risk Premia.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Effect of Option-based Compensation on Payout Policy_ Evidence from FAS 123R.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Equity Premium and the One Percent.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Face of Risk_ CEO Testosterone and Risk Taking Behavior.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Impact of Sovereign Shocks.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Liquid Hand-to-Mouth_ Evidence from Personal.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Misguided Beliefs of Financial Advisors.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Momentum of News .pdf
    • AFA2017-The Term Structure of Implied Volatility and Volatility Risk Premia in the FX Market.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Information for Contracting.pdf
    • AFA2017-The Value of Trading Relationships in Turbulent Times.pdf
    • AFA2017-The real effects of credit ratings_ Evidence from corporate asset sales.pdf
    • AFA2017-Time-Varying Crash Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Uncertainty, the Exchange Rate and International Capital Flows.pdf
    • AFA2017-Unemployment and Credit Risk.pdf
    • AFA2017-Variance Risk Premia on Stocks and Bonds.pdf
    • AFA2017-Weighted Least Squares Estimates of Return Predictability Regressions.pdf
    • AFA2017-What Drives Liquidity_ Identifying Shocks to Market Makers' Supply of Liquidity and Their Role in Economic Fluctuations.pdf
    • AFA2017-What's Behind the Smooth Dividends_ Evidence from Structural Estimation.pdf
    • AFA2017-When Do Laws and Institutions Affect Recovery Rates on Collateral_.pdf
    • AFA2017-Where the Heart Is_ Information Production and the Home Bias.pdf
    • AFA2017-Wholesale Funding Runs.pdf
    • AFA2017-Why does fast loan growth predict poor performance for banks_ .pdf
  • 77.41 MB
  • 2016-12-30
  • item response theory文章-附代码.zip
       tem response theory文章-附代码

    • An R Package for Latent Variable Modelingand Item Response Theory Analyses.pdf
    • Fitting Difusion Item Response Theory Models for Responses and Response Times Using the R Package difIRT.pdf
    • A SAS Macro for Marginal Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Longitudinal Polytomous Rasch Models.pdf
  • 1.7 MB
  • 2016-5-25
  • Maximum likelihood estimation of random effects models.rar

    • Maximum likelihood estimation of random effects models.pdf
  • 311.24 KB
  • 2014-10-11
  • 1975-2000年引用率最高的12篇文献(英文).zip

    • A Heteroskedasticity-Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimator and a Direct Test for Heteroskedasticity.pdf (by Halbert White).pdf
    • A Simple, Positive Semi-Definite, Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Consistent Covariance Matrix.pdf(by Whitey k .Newey;Kenneth D.West).pdf
    • Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity with Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflation.pdf (by Robert F.Engle).pdf
    • Co-Integration and Error Correction_Representation, Estimation, and Testing.pdf (by Robert F.Engle;C.W.J.Granger).pdf
    • Distribution of the Estimators for Autoregressive Time Series With a Unit Root.pdf (by Divid A. Dickey;Wayne A.Fuller).pdf
    • Large Sample Properties of Generalized Method of Moments Estimators.pdf (by Lars Peter Hansen).pdf
    • Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root.pdf (by Divid A. Dickey;Wayne A.Fuller).pdf
    • Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots.pdf (by Willism S.Cleveland).pdf
    • Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error.pdf (by James J.Heckman).pdf
    • Specification Tests in Econometrics.pdf (by J.A.Hausman).pdf
    • 目录.docx
  • 14.35 MB
  • 2014-8-17
  • LeSage空间计量经济学讲义.rar

    • lecture2.pdf
    • lecture2_slide.pdf
    • lecture3.pdf
    • lecture3_slide.pdf
    • lecture4_slide.pdf
    • lecture5.pdf
    • lecture5_slide.pdf
    • lecture6.pdf
    • lecture6_slide.pdf
    • lecture7.pdf
    • lecture7_slide.pdf
    • Maximum likelihood estimation of spatial regression models.pdf
    • outline.pdf
    • lecture1_slide.pdf
  • 5.47 MB
  • 2013-11-19
  • Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Sample Surveys.rar

    • Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Sample Surveys(2..pdf
  • 7.54 MB
  • 2013-3-12
  • 应用计量经济学.zip

    • 1. The Paradigm of Econometrics.ppt
    • 10. Prediction in the Classical Regression Model.ppt
    • 11. Asymptotic Distribution Theory.ppt
    • 12. Asymptotic Results for the Classical Regression Model.ppt
    • 13. Instrumental Variables Estimation.ppt
    • 14. The Generalized Regression Model.ppt
    • 15. Applications of Feasible GLS (Two Step) Estimation.ppt
    • 16. Some Linear Models for Panel Data.ppt
    • 17. Nonlinear Regression Models.ppt
    • 18. Maximum Likelihood Estimation.ppt
    • 19. Applications of Maximum Likelihood Estimation and a Two Step Estimator.ppt
    • 2. Conditional Means and the Linear Regression Model.ppt
    • 20. Sample Selection.ppt
    • 21. Generalized Method of Moments - GMM Estimation.ppt
    • 22. Non- and Semiparametric Approaches - Quantile Regression.ppt
    • 23. Simulation Based Estimation.ppt
    • 24. Bayesian Analysis.ppt
    • 25. Time Series Data.ppt
    • 3. Linear Least Squares.ppt
    • 4. Least Squares Algebra - Partial Regression and Partial Correlation.ppt
    • 5. Regression Algebra and a Fit Measure; Restricted Least Squares.ppt
    • 6. Finite Sample Properties of the Least Squares Estimator.ppt
    • 7. Estimating the Variance of the Least Squares Estimator.ppt
    • 8. Hypothesis Testing in the Linear Regression Model.ppt
    • 9. Hypothesis Tests_ Analytics and an Application.ppt
  • 16.37 MB
  • 2012-8-12
  • 314472.pdf
       [免费]Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Nonlinear Least Squares in Stata

  • 759.49 KB
  • 2009-4-12
  • 266632.rar
       [原创]Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation Package

    • psn.dat
    • nlls.dat
    • tobit.dat
  • 5.91 KB
  • 2008-11-13
  • 265726.rar
       [原创]Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation Package

    • CMLE.pdf
  • 712.14 KB
  • 2008-11-11
  • 181242.rar
       Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata

  • 15.27 MB
  • 2007-12-13
  • 181241.rar
       Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata

  • 18.12 MB
  • 2007-12-13
  • 181240.rar
       Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata

  • 15.18 MB
  • 2007-12-13
  • 181239.rar
       Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata

  • 18.12 MB
  • 2007-12-13
  • 72377.pdf
       [下载]Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation for GAUSS

  • 773.15 KB
  • 2006-11-15
  • 66276.rar

    • Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplots.pdf (by Willism S.Cleveland).pdf
    • Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error.pdf (by James J.Heckman) .pdf
    • Specification Tests in Econometrics.pdf (by J.A.Hausman).pdf
    • Large Sample Properties of Generalized Method of Moments Estimators.pdf (by Lars Peter Hansen) .pdf
    • Likelihood Ratio Statistics for Autoregressive Time Series with a Unit Root.pdf (by Divid A. Dickey;Wayne A.Fuller) .pdf
  • 7.99 MB
  • 2006-10-5
  • 17638.rar
       Southampton University计量经济学教材

    • Endogeneity, Instrumental Variables and GMM.pdf
    • Heteroskedasticity & Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Interpreting & Comparing Regression Models.pdf
    • Introduction to Linear Regression.pdf
    • Limited Dependent Variables Models.pdf
    • Maximum Likelihood Estimation & Specification Tests.pdf
    • Unit Root & Cointegration Analysis.pdf
    • Univariate Time Series Models.pdf
  • 1.45 MB
  • 2005-6-23
  • 1175.rar

  • 929.98 KB
  • 2004-9-4