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  • 基于Jos W. R. Twisk应用纵向数据分析:香港中文大学教学讲义.rar
       基于Jos W. R. Twisk应用纵向数据分析:香港中文大学教学讲义

    • Lecture 9 Analysis of experimental studies.pdf
    • Lecture 10 Missing data in longitudinal studies.pdf
    • Lecture 11 Sample size calculations.pdf
    • Lecture 12 Software for longitudinal data analysis.pdf
    • Lecture 1 Intruction.pdf
    • Lecture 2 Study design.pdf
    • Lecture 3 Continuous outcome variables.pdf
    • Lecture 4 Continuous outcome variables-relationships with other variables.pdf
    • Lecture 5 The modeling of time.pdf
    • Lecture 6 Other possibilities for modeling longitudinal data.pdf
    • Lecture 7 Dichotomous outcome variables.pdf
    • Lecture 8 Categorical and “count” outcome variables.pdf
  • 1.93 MB
  • 2022-12-21
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis-斯坦福.rar
       斯坦福大学卫生统计课程资料(课件、数据、SAS程序)—Longitudinal Data Analysis

    • lab2_EG.doc
    • lab3.doc
    • lab3_EG.doc
    • lab4.doc
    • lab4_EG.doc
    • lab5.doc
    • lab5_EG.doc
    • lab6.doc
    • lab6_EG.doc
    • lab7.doc
    • lab7_data.doc
    • lab7_EG.doc
    • lab8.doc
    • lab8_data.doc
    • lab8_EG.doc
    • laba.doc
    • lecture1.ppt
    • lecture2.ppt
    • lecture3.ppt
    • lecture4.ppt
    • lecture5.ppt
    • lecture6.ppt
    • lecture7.ppt
    • lecture8.ppt
    • lecture9.ppt
    • lecture10.ppt
    • Midterm%20Example%202.pdf
    • Midterm%20Example1.pdf
    • peerreview.doc
    • pretest.doc
    • project2.xls
    • project3.xls
    • runners.sas7bdat
    • syllabus_2012.doc
    • uis.sas7bdat
    • Code%20to%20test%20linearity%20assumption%20in%20Cox%20regression.sas
    • ex1.pdf
    • ex2.pdf
    • fex1.pdf
    • fex2.pdf
    • fexample1.pdf
    • fexample2.pdf
    • fexample3.pdf
    • fexample4.pdf
    • fig1.sas7bdat
    • fig3.sas7bdat
    • fig4.sas7bdat
    • hmohiv.sas7bdat
    • hmohiv.xls
    • Intro_SASEG.doc
    • lab%208_data.doc
    • lab1.doc
    • lab1_EG.doc
    • lab2.doc
  • 17.11 MB
  • 2019-7-15
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 211-217(缺少215).rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 217) Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimensions-Springer International Publishing (20.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 211) ISS-2012 Proceedings Volume On Longitudinal Data Analysis Subject to Measurement Errors, Missing Values,.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 212) Design of Experiments in Nonlinear Models_ Asymptotic Normality, Optimality Criteria and Small-Sample Properties-Springer-Verlag N.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 213) Copulae in Mathematical and Quantitative Finance_ Proceedings of.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 214) Marat Ibragimov, Rustam Ibragimov, Johan Walden-Heavy-Tailed Distributions and Robustness in Economics and Finance-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 216) Inference on the Hurst Parameter and the Variance of Diffusions Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion-Springer Inter.pdf
  • 19.57 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • front matter.pdf
       Longitudinal data analysis using structural equation models 目录

  • 113.14 KB
  • 2015-2-27
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis.zip
       longitudinal data analysis

    • 082 Longitudinal Data Analysis.pdf
  • 15.83 MB
  • 2014-1-23
  • 信度论文 part1.rar

    • A longitudinal data analysis interpretation of credibility models.pdf
    • An Introduction to Copulas.pdf
    • case studies using panel data models.pdf
    • Claim dependence with common effects in credibility models.pdf
    • Continuous Multivariate Distributions (Second Edition).pdf
    • Continuous.Multivariate.Distributions.pdf
    • Copula Credibility for Aggregate Loss PPT.pdf
    • Copula Credibility for aggregate loss models.pdf
    • credibility for regression models with applications to trend.pdf
    • Credibility in the regression case revisited.pdf
    • Credibility using copulas.pdf
    • Credibility-Ratemaking-Using-Collateral-PA04-01-05.pdf
    • Empirical-Bayes-Credibility.pdf
    • experience rating and credibility.pdf
    • Generalized Linear Models and Actuarial Science.pdf
    • GLLAMM Manual.pdf
  • 39.22 MB
  • 2013-3-31
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics L.rar

    • Lyapunov functions The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • laboratory financial markets The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour discipline The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour economics The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour economics (new perspectives) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour market institutions The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour market search The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour supply The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour surplus economies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour theory of value The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour-managed firms The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • labour's share of income The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Laffer curve The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1947–2004) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lagrange multipliers The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • laissez-faire, economists and The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lancaster, Kelvin John (1924–1999) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • land markets The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • land tax The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Landry, Adolphe (1874–1956) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lange, Oskar Ryszard (1904–1965) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lardner, Dionysius (1793–1859) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • large economies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • large games (structural robustness) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Laspeyres, Ernst Louis Etienne (1834–1913) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lassalle, Ferdinand (1825–1864) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lauderdale, Eighth Earl of [James Maitland] (1759–1839) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Laughlin, James Laurence (1850–1933) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Launhardt, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (1832–1918) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • law of demand The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • law of indifference The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • law(s) of large numbers The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • law, economic analysis of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • long run and short run The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Longfield, Mountifort (1802–1884) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • longitudinal data analysis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lorenz curve The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Losch, August (1906–1945) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lowe, Adolph (1893–1995) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • low-income housing policy The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Lucas critique The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Lundberg, Erik Filip (1907–1987) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 7.03 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis .rar

    • Longitudinal Data Analysis.pdf
  • 15.49 MB
  • 2011-4-14
  • Applied.rar

    • Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis Modeling Change and Event Occurrencenew.pdf
  • 13.13 MB
  • 2010-11-6
  • Longitudinal Data Analysis.rar

    • 1584886587.pdf
  • 6.27 MB
  • 2010-9-29
  • Applied Longitudinal data analysis.rar
       Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis

    • Applied Longitudinal data analysis.djvu
  • 3.62 MB
  • 2010-8-10
  • 320499.rar
       [分享]Longitudinal Data Analysis crc

    • Longitudinal Data Analysis.pdf
  • 6.27 MB
  • 2009-4-30
  • 316586.pdf
       [下载]Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis:Lecture Notes

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  • 2009-4-18
  • 302748.pdf
       [推荐]2009-longitudinal data analysis

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  • 2009-3-12
  • 152770.rar
       Longitudinal Data Analysis

    • Optimal_State_Estimation__Solution_Manual_-_Dan_Simon.pdf
  • 5.89 MB
  • 2007-9-10
  • 146436.pdf
       Longitudinal Data Analysis (Donald Hedeker, Robert D.Gibbons)

  • 10.01 MB
  • 2007-8-15
  • 146435.pdf
       Longitudinal Data Analysis (Donald Hedeker, Robert D.Gibbons)

  • 7.92 MB
  • 2007-8-15
  • 106929.pdf
       Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis

  • 3.59 MB
  • 2007-4-10
  • 106928.pdf
       Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis

  • 3.59 MB
  • 2007-4-10
  • 51140.pdf
       [推荐]Lecture Notes: Paul Rathouz: Longitudinal Data Analysis

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  • 2006-5-3