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  • 4 papers on corporate governance .rar

    • SHLEIFER&VISHNY-JF-surveycorpgov.pdf
    • Corporate governance in China A modern perspective.pdf
    • corporate governance in china a survey.pdf
    • Fama E.F., Jensen M.C.(1983)Separation of Ownership and Control.pdf
  • 8.9 MB
  • 2023-1-20
  • Nicola Gennaioli_ Andrei Shleifer - A Crisis of Beliefs_ Investor Psychology and.zip

    • Nicola Gennaioli_ Andrei Shleifer - A Crisis of Beliefs_ Investor Psychology and Financial Fragility (2018, Princeton University Press).pdf
  • 2.04 MB
  • 2019-7-17
  • Tango With Django-A beginner's Guide to Web Development With Python.rar
       Tango With Django: A beginner's Guide to Web Development With Python / Django 1.9

    • Tango With Django - Leif Azzopardi.epub
    • Tango With Django - Leif Azzopardi.mobi
    • Tango With Django - Leif Azzopardi.pdf
  • 10.92 MB
  • 2017-7-27
  • vishny and shleifer.zip

    • Corporate Ownership around the World.pdf
    • Investor Protection and Corporate Governance.pdf
    • The Limits of Arbitrage.pdf
    • a survey of corporate governance.pdf
    • a theory of privatization.pdf
    • agency problems and dividend policies around the world.pdf
    • investor protection and equity market.pdf
    • politicians and firms.pdf
    • the pervasive shortage under socialism.pdf
    • the quality of government.pdf
    • the unofficial economy in transition (2).pdf
    • tunneling.pdf
  • 20.76 MB
  • 2014-9-8
  • vishny and shleifer.zip

    • Alternative Mechanisms for Corporate Control.pdf
    • Corporate Ownership around the World.pdf
    • Federalism with and without political centralization_ China versus Russia.pdf
    • Income Distribution, Market Size, and Industrialization.pdf
    • Investor Protection Origins.pdf
    • Investor Protection and Corporate Governance.pdf
    • Investor Protection and Corporate Valuation.pdf
    • Legal determinants of external finance.pdf
    • Pervasive shortages under socialism.pdf
    • The Invisible Hand and the Grabbing Hand.pdf
    • The Limits of Arbitrage.pdf
    • The proper scope of government_ theory and an application to prisons.pdf
    • Why is rent-seeking so costly to growth_.pdf
    • a survey of corporate governance.pdf
    • a theory of privatization.pdf
    • agency problems and dividend policies around the world.pdf
    • coase vs coasian.pdf
    • do institutions cause growth.pdf
    • family firms.pdf
    • industrialization and the big push.pdf
    • investor protection and equity market.pdf
    • large shareholders and corporate control.pdf
    • legal origins.pdf
    • management entrenchment the case of manager specific investment.pdf
    • management ownership and market valuation.pdf
    • politicians and firms.pdf
    • state vs private ownership.pdf
    • the market for news.pdf
    • the pervasive shortage under socialism.pdf
    • the quality of government.pdf
    • the unofficial economy in transition (2).pdf
    • trust in large organisations.pdf
    • tunneling.pdf
    • value maximization and acquisition process.pdf
  • 36.34 MB
  • 2014-8-14
  • 价格理论相关文献.rar

    • 弗里德曼-价格理论pricetheory.pdf
    • 弗里德曼-价格理论中文.pdf
    • [价格理论及应用](Price.Theory.and.Applications).赫舒拉发(Hirshleifer).扫描版.pdf
  • 12.98 MB
  • 2013-6-21
  • Boycko M., Shleifer A., Vishny R. Privatizing Russia (MIT, 1995)(ISBN 026202389X)_GI_.zip
       Privatizing Russia

    • Boycko M., Shleifer A., Vishny R. Privatizing Russia (MIT, 1995)(ISBN 026202389X)_GI_.chm
  • 156.14 KB
  • 2012-11-15
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics J.rar

    • Johansen, Leif (1930–1982) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jaszi, George (1915–1992) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • J-curve The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming (1833–1885) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jevons, William Stanley (1835–1882) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jewkes, John (1902–1988) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jim Crow South The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Johnson, Alvin Saunders (1874–1971) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Johnson, D_ Gale (1917–2003) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Johnson, Harry Gordon (1923–1977) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Johnson, William Ernest (1858–1931) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jones, Richard (1790–1855) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Joplin, Thomas (C_ 1790–1847) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Juglar, Clément (1819–1905) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • just price The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • just price The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics_old.mht
    • Justi, Johannn Heinrich Gottlob Von (1720–1771) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • justice The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • justice (new perspectives) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Jaffé, William (1898–1980) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Japan, economics in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics H.rar

    • hunting and gathering economies The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Huskisson, William (1770–1830) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hutcheson, Francis (1694–1746) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hutchison, Terence Wilmot (1912–2007) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • hyperinflation The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Haavelmo, Trygve (1911–1999) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Habakkuk, John Hrothgar (1915–2002) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Haberler, Gottfried (1900–1995) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • habit persistence The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hadley, Arthur Twining (1856–1930) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hagen, Everett Einar (1906–1993) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hamilton, Alexander (1755–1804) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hamiltonians The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hannan, Edward J_ (1921–1994) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hansen, Alvin (1887–1975) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • happiness, economics of The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Harris, Seymour Edwin (1897–1975) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Harris–Todaro hypothesis The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Harrod, Roy Forbes (1900–1978) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Harsanyi, John C_ (1920–2000) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hart, Albert Gailord (1909–1997) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • heavy-tailed densities The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
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    • hunters, gatherers, cities and evolution The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 5.3 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • 下载链接.docx
       andrei shleifer所有paper下载链接(免费)

  • 28.33 KB
  • 2011-10-9
  • Price Theory and Applications 7e by Jack Hirshleifer.rar

    • Price Theory and Applications Decisions, Markets, and Information 7e, Jack Hirshleifer 2005.pdf
  • 6.04 MB
  • 2011-9-3
  • chapt20-all-Science.rar

    • Thompson_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Thakor_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Cherian_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Eckbo_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Franklin_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Senbet_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • [first_author]_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science_2.pdf
    • Maksimovic_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Allen_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Pyle_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Ibbotson_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Daniel_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • [first_author]_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science_1.pdf
    • Grinblatt_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Hirschleifer_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • [first_author]_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Swoboda_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
    • Sick_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
  • 32.35 MB
  • 2010-4-3
  • 行为金融学.rar

    • Lecture 2.ppt
    • Lecture 3.ppt
    • LeeShleiferThaler1991.pdf
    • Lecture 4.ppt
    • ShleiferVishny1997.pdf
    • Lecture 5 bb.ppt
    • Lecture 6.ppt
    • Lecture 7.ppt
    • Lecture 8.pptx
    • dssw90.pdf
    • Lecture 1.ppt
    • BSV JFE98.pdf
  • 4.61 MB
  • 2010-3-17
  • 2.rar

    • JungKimStulzJFE96.pdf
    • MalmendierTateJF05.pdf
    • ShleiferVishnyJPE86.pdf
    • AgrawalJaffeJFQA03.pdf
    • AgrawalWalkingJF94.pdf
    • ChenHarfordLiJFE07.pdf
    • HarfordJFE05.pdf
    • LeviLiZhang08.pdf
    • MaksimovicPhillipsJF02.pdf
    • Rhodes-KropfetalJFE05.pdf
    • HarfordLiJF07.pdf
    • ChenJF04.pdf
    • Gao08.pdf
    • GarveyMilbournJFE06.pdf
    • aboody(2000).pdf
    • 2008-K Kim behavori Finance.pdf
    • ChineseTango.pdf
    • MalmendierTateJFE08.pdf
    • MalmendierTateYan07.pdf
    • HarfordLiZhaoIJCG08.pdf
  • 9.28 MB
  • 2010-3-8
  • 1.rar

    • shleifer(1986).pdf
    • aggarwal(2003).pdf
    • lang(1994).pdf
    • Leuz(2003).pdf
    • laporta(1998).pdf
    • laporta(2002).pdf
    • mm(1958).pdf
    • rajan(1995).pdf
    • deangelo(1980).pdf
    • Miller(1977).pdf
    • graham(2000).pdf
    • graham(2006)jfe.pdf
    • SurveyPaper.pdf
    • Leland(1977).pdf
    • Myers(1984).pdf
    • Opler(1999).pdf
    • Jensen(1976).pdf
    • Myers(1977).pdf
    • Lee(1996).pdf
    • Baker(2002).pdf
    • Fama 1973.pdf
    • Fischer(1989).pdf
    • harvey(2004).pdf
    • leary(2005).pdf
    • beatty(1986).pdf
    • loughran(1995).pdf
    • rock(1986).pdf
    • eckbo(2000).pdf
    • Brau(2006).pdf
    • dittmar(2007).pdf
    • bhattacharya(1979).pdf
    • Miller(1985).pdf
    • Nissim(2001).pdf
    • vermaelen(1981).pdf
    • baker(2004)jof.pdf
    • fama(2001).pdf
    • Fazzari(1988).pdf
    • Lamont(1997).pdf
    • stein(1996).pdf
  • 41.12 MB
  • 2010-3-8
  • 293519.pdf
       Andrei Shleifer的两篇法与经济学的文章

  • 492.72 KB
  • 2009-2-14
  • 293518.pdf
       Andrei Shleifer的两篇法与经济学的文章

  • 191.94 KB
  • 2009-2-14
  • 246223.rar
       Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance by Andrei Shleifer

    • Inefficient Markets - An Introduction to Behavioral Finance.pdf
  • 13.91 MB
  • 2008-9-12
  • 210892.rar
       [下载]Andrew Shleiffer“无效市场”相关文章

    • Are Markets Efficient_No. Arbitrage is Inherently Risky_Shleiffer.doc
    • Andrew Shleiffer's inefficient markets_A review by Falkerstein.doc
    • Are Markets Efficient - Yes Even if They Make Errors.pdf
  • 47.76 KB
  • 2008-5-6
  • 196902.pdf

  • 505.42 KB
  • 2008-3-10
  • 188447.pdf
       shleifer07新作Why Does Democracy Need Education

  • 586.48 KB
  • 2008-1-15
  • 100355.pdf
       Family Firms ANDREI SHLEIFERn

  • 370.11 KB
  • 2007-3-19
  • 73490.rar

    • 行为资产定价理论综述.doc
    • A Model of Overconfidence February 2005 Bruce A. Weinberg ....pdf
    • Frank行为金融评价.pdf
    • Hirshleif投资心理和资产定价2.pdf
    • Self-Monitoring and attitude accessibilit.pdf
    • 并购心理学.pdf
    • the limitation of arbitrage.pdf
    • 投资者错误估价导致并购.pdf
    • 希勒人类行为和金融系统的效率.pdf
    • 行为金融理论综述(二).pdf
    • 行为金融理论综述(一).pdf
    • 行为金融综述1.pdf
    • 行为金融综述.pdf
  • 4.87 MB
  • 2006-11-21
  • 61474.pdf
       Essentials Of Financial Analysis - George T. Friedlob, Lydia L. F. Schleifer, L.F. Schlei

  • 1.83 MB
  • 2006-8-20
  • 56682.rar
       Andrei Shleifer 文献21篇(收藏品隆重推出)

  • 11.7 MB
  • 2006-6-29
  • 51798.rar

    • A comparative analysis of current credit risk.pdf
    • exam.pdf
    • fdi and real options.pdf
    • how accurate are VAR models at commercial banks.pdf
    • Ingersoll1977.pdf
    • Merton1974.pdf
    • The Cost of Business Cycles and the Benefits of Stabilization.pdf
    • Worse Fluctuation method for fast Var Estimates.pdf
    • ycd part3.pdf
    • 1987shleifer-the economic consequences of noise trader.pdf
  • 8.81 MB
  • 2006-5-8
  • 44485.pdf
       FamilyFirms----Andrei Shleifer

  • 320.84 KB
  • 2006-3-19
  • 36367.rar
       Hirshleifer! 不确定性与信息分析

  • 8.21 MB
  • 2006-1-1
  • 35686.rar

    • LakonishokShleifer.pdf
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2005-12-26
  • 33586.rar
       [Youngs 研讨班]政治家与企业

    • Shleifer_Politicians and Firms.pdf
  • 2.43 MB
  • 2005-11-28
  • 25174.rar

    • LakonishokShleifer.pdf
  • 1.15 MB
  • 2005-9-4
  • 16530.rar

    • hirshleifer(qje)investment decision under uncertainty-applications of the state-preference approach.pdf
    • hirshleifer(qje)investment decision under uncertainty-choice-theoretic approaches.pdf
    • howrey(ier)a spectrum analysis of the long-swing hypothesis.pdf
    • jovanovic(jpe)job matching and the theory of turnover.pdf
    • modiglianli&miller(aer)the cost of capital corporation finace and the theory of investment.pdf
    • rosen(jel)implicit contracts-a survey.pdf
    • sims(aer)money income and causality.pdf
    • stiglitz(aer)a re-examination of the Modigliani-Miller theorem.pdf
    • whiteman(aer)lucas on the quantity theory hypothesis testing without theory.pdf
  • 10.37 MB
  • 2005-6-7
  • 15912.zip

    • Andrei Shleifer, Implementation Cycles, Journal of Political Economy, 1986..pdf
  • 958.59 KB
  • 2005-6-1
  • 14762.rar

    • Family Firms.pdf
  • 288.94 KB
  • 2005-5-14
  • 6376.rar

    • Hirshleifer-dark side of force.pdf
  • 642.8 KB
  • 2004-12-29
  • 4804.rar
       Inefficient markets: an intro to behavioral finance

    • Shleifer简历.pdf
  • 100.61 KB
  • 2004-12-4
  • 961.rar
       the survival of noise trader in financial market

    • 1987shleifer-the economic consequences of noise trader.pdf
  • 2.05 MB
  • 2004-7-30
  • 949.rar
       the survival of noise trader in financial market

    • DeLong,Shleifer,Summers,Waldmann_JPE98_Noise Trader Risk in Financial Markets.pdf
  • 138.96 KB
  • 2004-7-29
  • 899.rar
       the survival of noise trader in financial market

    • 1988shleifer-the survival of noise trader in financial market.pdf
  • 933.76 KB
  • 2004-7-21
  • 478.rar

    • Hirshleif投资心理和资产定价2.pdf
  • 423.67 KB
  • 2004-6-23
  • 246.rar

    • Shleifer_state vs private ownership.pdf
  • 51.45 KB
  • 2004-6-12