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  • (2010)Large Sample Techniques for Statistics.rar

    • (2010)Large Sample Techniques for Statistics.pdf
  • 3.3 MB
  • 2018-11-4
  • Large Sample Theory.zip

    • Large Sample Techniques for Statistics.pdf
    • A Course in Large Sample Theory Ferguson.pdf
    • Asymptotic Atatistics A.W. VAN DER VAART.pdf
    • Elements of Large-Sample Theory.pdf
  • 49.8 MB
  • 2018-5-31
  • Springer Texts in Statistics(2010-2013).rar

    • 2010.Large Sample Techniques for Statistics(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Applied Probability, 2nd Edition (Kenneth Lange,2010).pdf
    • 2010.Fundamentals_of_Probability_A First Course(2010).pdf
    • 2010.Theoretical Statistics-Topics for a Core Course(2010).pdf
    • 2011.Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Plane Answers to Complex Questions(4th Edition).pdf
    • 2011.Probability for Statistics and Machine Learning(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering(2011).pdf
    • 2011.Statistics for Bioengineering Sciences,Brani Vidakovic,2011.pdf
    • 2011.Time Series Analysis and Its Applications With R Examples(3rd Edition 2011).pdf
    • 2012.Essentials of Stochastic Processes(2012).pdf
    • 2012.Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications(2012).pdf
    • 2013.An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Applied Bayesian Statistics-With R and OpenBUGS Examples.pdf
    • 2013.Essential Statistical Inference.pdf
    • 2013.Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using R(2013).pdf
    • 2013.Optimization, Kenneth Lange, 2ed, Springer, 2013.pdf
    • 2013.Probability A Graduate Course[2013].pdf
  • 87.65 MB
  • 2017-9-13