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    • M. Loeve-Probability theory I-Springer (1977).djvu
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    • (Wiley finance series) Gunter Loeffler, Peter N. Posch-Credit Risk Modeling using Excel and VBA-Wiley (2007).pdf
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    • Lecture on This Time is Different.pdf
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    • notes_international_macro.pdf
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    • topic_3_global_imbalances_extra.pdf
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    • gpl.txt
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  • 2010-11-16
  • UCLA(加州大学)SAS课件.rar

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    • bt3010.pdf
    • st9002.pdf
    • bt115.pdf
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    • exactlogistic.pdf
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    • mixedglm.pdf
    • ods.pdf
    • Atkins - JFP Multilevel REPRINT.pdf
    • quantreg.pdf
    • Modeling Infrequent Counts JFP2007 - WEB.pdf
    • Research related resources for UCLA graduate students.pdf
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  • 2010-5-11
  • Numerical Solution of SDE Through Computer Experiments_.rar (3.rar

    • Kloeden P.E., Platen E., Schurz H. Numerical Solution of Stochastic DE Through Computer Experiments (Springer, 2003)(ISBN 3540570748)(600dpi)(T)(309s)_MNd_.djvu
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  • Numerical_SDE.rar (5.56 MB) .rar

    • Kloeden P.E., Platen E. Numerical solution of stochastic differential equations (Springer, 1992)(ISBN 3540540628)(KA)(600dpi)(T)(668s)_MVspa_.djvu
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    • Thaler 2000 JEP From Homo Economicus to Homo Sapiens.pdf
    • 2001 evolutionary psychology ---toward a unifying theory and a hybrid science.pdf
    • Akerlof and Kranton 2000-Aug QJE economics and identity.pdf
    • Gilboa and Schmeidler 2001 A cognitive model of individual well-being.pdf
    • Loewenstein AER 2000 Emotions in Economic Theory and Economic Behavior.pdf
    • Sally 2001 on sympathy and games.pdf
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  • 2006-10-25
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    • maxlik.lcg
    • count.lcg
    • gauss.lcg
    • maxlik.lcg.BAK
    • pgraph.lcg
    • user.lcg
    • fastpflcl.src
    • fastbayes.src
    • fastboot.src
    • fastmax.src
    • maxlik.dec
    • fastprof.src
    • fastutil.src
    • maxbayes.src
    • maxblim.src
    • maxboot.src
    • maxdens.src
    • maxhist.src
    • maxlik.src
    • maxpflcl.src
    • maxprof.src
    • maxutil.src
    • mlcheck.src
    • mlgradre.src
    • base10.src
    • cdfchii.src
    • cdfnonc.src
    • cmtools.src
    • coord.src
    • corr.src
    • count.dec
    • count.ext
    • count.src
    • countwts.src
    • crossprd.src
    • cumprodc.src
    • cumsumc.src
    • datalist.src
    • datatran.src
    • dataxchn.dec
    • dataxchn.ext
    • dataxchn.src
    • dens.g
    • design.src
    • dfft.src
    • dffti.src
    • diag.src
    • dos.src
    • ds.sdf
    • ds.src
    • dstat.src
    • eig.dec
    • eig.ext
    • eigcg.src
    • eigch.src
    • eigrg.src
    • eigrs.src
    • eqsolve.dec
    • eqsolve.ext
    • eqsolve.src
    • exctsmpl.src
    • expgam.src
    • expon.src
    • fcompare.dec
    • fcompare.ext
    • fcompare.src
    • fftm.src
    • finprocs.dec
    • finprocs.ext
    • finprocs.src
    • finutils.src
    • flibuff.dec
    • flibuff.ext
    • gauss.dec
    • gauss.ext
    • gauss.src
    • getpath.src
    • gradmt.src
    • gradp.src
    • hessmt.src
    • hessp.src
    • holidays.asc
    • hurdlep.src
    • indexcat.src
    • indices.src
    • indices2.src
    • indsav.src
    • integral.dec
    • integral.ext
    • integral.src
    • intgrat.src
    • intrsect.src
    • intsimp.src
    • keys.h
    • lag.src
    • lapeig.src
    • lapschur.src
    • lapsvd.src
    • lncdfn.dec
    • lncdfn.ext
    • lncdfn.src
    • lnfact.src
    • lnpdfn.src
    • loess.dec
    • loess.ext
    • loess.src
    • machconst.src
    • maxlik.ext
    • median.src
    • medit.src
    • momentd.src
    • nametype.src
    • negbin.src
    • null.src
    • ols.dec
    • ols.ext
    • ols.src
    • olsqr.src
    • optim.sdf
    • optim.src
    • pareto.src
    • parse.dec
    • parse.ext
    • parse.src
    • pause.src
    • paxnum.src
    • pbar.src
    • pbox.src
    • pcart.src
    • pcart3d.src
    • pcontour.src
    • pdraw.src
    • peps.dec
    • peps.ext
    • peps.src
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    • pgraph.ext
    • pgraph.src
    • phist.src
    • play.src
    • ploglog.src
    • plogx.src
    • plogy.src
    • poisson.src
    • polar.src
    • poly.dec
    • poly.ext
    • poly.src
    • polyint.src
    • polymat.src
    • ppc.src
    • pscale.src
    • psurface.src
    • putf.src
    • pv.sdf
    • pv.src
    • pwindow.src
    • pxy.src
    • pxyz.src
    • qnewton.dec
    • qnewton.ext
    • qnewton.src
    • qprog.dec
    • qprog.ext
    • qprog.src
    • qqr.src
    • qr.dec
    • qr.ext
    • qr.src
    • qrsol.src
    • qtyr.src
    • quantile.src
    • qyr.src
    • randkm.src
    • randlc.src
    • random.src
    • rangechk.src
    • recserrc.src
    • ribesl.src
    • rnde.g
    • rref.src
    • saveload.src
    • schtoc.src
    • seqai.g
    • seqas.g
    • setdif.src
    • showpath.src
    • sortd.src
    • sortmc.src
    • sparse.dec
    • sparse.ext
    • sparse.src
    • spline.src
    • sqpsolve.dec
    • sqpsolve.ext
    • sqpsolve.src
    • sqpsolvemt.sdf
    • sqpsolvemt.src
    • strput.src
    • subdat.g
    • subdatd.g
    • subdatv.g
    • subscat.src
    • supreme.src
    • supreme2.src
    • svd.dec
    • svd.ext
    • svd.src
    • system.dec
    • system.ext
    • system.src
    • time.src
    • toeplitz.src
    • token.src
    • trig.src
    • tsutil.src
    • varmaml.src
    • vars.src
    • vartype.src
    • vpack.src
    • wait.src
    • waitc.src
    • xls.src
    • x_indcv.src
  • 454.35 KB
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  • 5942.rar
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