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  • Service workers’ chain reactions to daily customer mistreatment_ Behavioral lin.rar

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    • [PAPER] The Falsification of Four Popular Hypotheses about International Financial Behavior during the Asian Crisis.pdf
    • [PAPER] The Many Faces of Risk in Banking.pdf
    • [PAPER] Unanticipated shocks and Systemic Influences The Impact of Contagion in Global Equity Markets in 1998.pdf
    • [PAPER] Worsening of the Asian Financial CrisisWho is to Blame.pdf
    • [PPT] Bank Liquidity Risk Management Practice.pdf
    • [PPT] Evnironment Chanllengees in Managing Liquidity in Islamic Banking.pdf
    • [PPT] Initiatives in the field of.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Concepts and Risks.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk & Liquidity Management.ppt
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk and FIs’ Management.ppt
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk Management and Sress Testing in the Banking Industry.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity risk managementReview of French banks’ practices.pdf
    • [PPT] Liquidity Risk What is it How to Measure it.pdf
    • [PPT] Managing Liquidity Risks.pdf
    • [PPT] Measuring and Modeling Liquidity RiskNew Ideas and Metrics.pdf
    • [PPT] Some Thoughts on Liquidity Scenarios.pdf
    • [PPT] the Lender of Last Resort and Liquidity Provision_How Much of a Departure is the Subprime Crisis.ppt
    • [REPORT] Addressing Large Exposure concerns.pdf
    • [REPORT] Bank LiquidityRunning On Empty.pdf
    • [REPORT] Classify Liquidity Risk.doc
    • [REPORT] Discussion Report about Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [REPORT] Eastern Europe Liquidity Risk Have Risen.PDF
    • [REPORT] Flying Blind Risk Management.docx
    • [REPORT] Inherent Liquidity Risk (BUSINESS MODELS).pdf
    • [REPORT] Lecture Notes on Bank Risk.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Management – Road Works Ahead!.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Analysis Canadian.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Management Demystified.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Management_3.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity Risk Monitoring the Flows.pdf
    • [REPORT] Liquidity-Risk Management in the Business of Banking.pdf
    • [REPORT] Policy for Management of Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • [REPORT] Price Discovery in a Market Under Stress the U.S. Treasury Market in Fall 1998.pdf
    • [REPORT] Q&A Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [REPORT] Questionnaire on Banks' Experience in Liquidity Risk Management.pdf
    • [REPORT] The Bank of Japan's Approach to Liquidity Risk Management in Financial Institutions.pdf
    • [REPORT] Thought Yield Liquidity Risk.pdf
    • INDEX.txt
  • 17.32 MB
  • 2009-7-30
  • 305843.rar
       Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development

    • 00 In Brief.pdf
    • 01 Introduction and Overview.pdf
    • 02 The Impact of Inward FDI on Host Countries-Why Such Different Answers.pdf
    • 03 Disentangling FDI Spillover Effects-What Do Firm Perceptions Tell Us.pdf
    • 04 Foreign Direct Investment and Externalities- The Case for Public Intervention.pdf
    • 05 R&D Activities of Foreign and National Establishments in Turkish Manufacturing.pdf
    • 06 Foreign Direct Investment and Local Economic Development- Beyond Productivity Spillovers.pdf
    • 07 Mulinational Firms and Backward Linkages- A Critical Survey and a Simple Model.pdf
    • 08 Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth.pdf
    • 09 Inappropriate Pooling of Wealthy and Poor Countries in Empirical FDI Studies.pdf
    • 10 Comment.pdf
    • 10 Intrafirm Trade of US MNCs- Findings and Implications for Models and Policies Toward Trade and Investment.pdf
    • 11 How Does FDI Affect Host Country Development-Using Industry Case Studies to Make Reliable Generalizations.pdf
    • 12 China's Policies on FDI- Review and Evaluation.pdf
    • 13 Comment.pdf
    • 13 Is Africa's Skepticism of Foreign Capital Justified- Evidence from East African Firm Survey Data.pdf
    • 14 Conclusions and Implications for FDI Policy in Developing Countries, New Methods of Research, and a Future Research Agenda.pdf
  • 1.73 MB
  • 2009-3-19
  • 270413.pdf
       Impacts of Trade and Macroeconomic Linkages on Canadian Agriculture

  • 1.37 MB
  • 2008-11-26
  • 234383.rar
       [下载]International linkages of the Chinese stock exchanges

    • ARCH & chinese stock.pdf
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  • 2008-8-6
  • 209552.rar

    • The Demonstration Research on Comparison of FDI Location Choice in Mainland China between South Korea and Taiwan Area.doc
    • how population affect income inequation in dual society.pdf
    • Income Redistribution in Urban China by Social Security System.doc
    • Income, Health and Happiness—Evidence on Chinese Elders.pdf
    • Innovation, Licensing, and Price vs. Quantity Competition.pdf
    • Innovative Inputs, Patent and Production Outputs in China.doc
    • Integrating the Global with the Local:Performance Measurement in Multinational Corporations.doc
    • Internationalization and Technology Strategies of Chinese Firms.doc
    • Labor Market Imperfect Information, On-the-job Training and the Employer Size-Wage Effect.pdf
    • Labour Market Impacts of Rural Migrants on Urban Residents in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Local Economic Development, Local Public Goods Crowding Effect, and Labor Mobility.pdf
    • Migration, Self-selection and Earnings Evidence from Rural China.pdf
    • New Evidence on the Volatility Spillover between Chinese and Major International Stock Markets.doc
    • Non-agricultural Employment Determinants and Income Inequality Decomposition.doc
    • openness and economic growth:theory and evidence from China.pdf
    • Optimal Industrial Policy with Vertical and Horizontal Market Linkages.doc
    • Outsourcing, Tariff Agreement, and Trade Liberalization.pdf
    • Ownership, Performance and Executive Turnover in China.pdf
    • Pick up the Lost?.pdf
    • Privatization of State-owned Enterprises.doc
    • Race To The Top And Race To The Bottom Tax Competition In Rural China.pdf
    • Rapid Economic Development and Job Segregation:The Case of Taiwan.doc
    • Reducing China’s Regional Disparity:Is There a Growth Cost?.doc
    • Regional Assessment of FDI and International Trade Spillovers in China from 1979 to 2006:A Space-Time Model.doc
    • Relationship between Economic Freedom and Larger Freedoms:An analysis of BRIC Countries.doc
    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue.doc
    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue(final edition).doc
    • Return Policy, Endowment Effect, and Consumption Levels:An Experiment in China.doc
    • Returning Entrepreneurs, Knowledge Spillovers and Innovation in High-technology Firms in Emerging Markets.pdf
    • RMB Internationalization An Empirical and Policy Analysis.doc
    • Role of Urban Land Use in China’s Economic Growth.pdf
    • Share Repurchase, Information Asymmetry, and Managerial Market Timing A Cross Country Analysis.doc
    • Soft Budget Constraint and Expropriation Evidence from Family Firms in China.doc
    • State Monopoly --The Perspectives of Problems of Social Fairness in China.doc
    • Subsidizing “Brain Drain”:Is It a Good Idea.doc
    • Taxation and Welfare Provision by Firms Evidence from Chinese Firm Census.doc
    • Technical efficiency under producer’s individual technology:a Metafrontier analysis.pdf
    • Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries:Urban Diversity or Urban Size.pdf
    • The birth order on education outcome and earning in adults.doc
  • 5.62 MB
  • 2008-5-1
  • 196127.pdf
       [推荐][下载]Data Quality and Record Linkage Techniques

  • 2.12 MB
  • 2008-3-6
  • 192841.pdf
       The importance of technology-based intersectoral linkages for market share dynamics

  • 1.12 MB
  • 2008-2-15
  • 121228.pdf
       Foreign Direct Investment, Trade and Real Exchange Rate Linkages in Developing Countries

  • 1.4 MB
  • 2007-5-26
  • 93199.rar
       [分享]进化算法求解多目标Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

    • Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization and Decision-Making using Reference Direction Method.pdf
    • Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for land-use managament problem.pdf
    • Multi-Objective Test Problems, Linkages, and Evolutionary Methodologies.pdf
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  • 2007-2-26
  • 51888.pdf
       [下载] Mgarch excellent paper: Cross-market linkages between U.S. and

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  • 2006-5-9
  • 19569.rar

    • Economic Opening and Industrial Agglomeration in China.pdf
    • Effects of Industry Agglomeration dicators of Growth and Development in Maine.pdf
    • etd-0210103-133933.pdf
    • Externalities, growth, and regional stagnation.pdf
    • A measure of the geographic concentration in french.pdf
    • A spatial interpretation of the density dependence model in industrial demography. Towards a synthesis with spatial sciences..doc
    • Agglomeration and growth in the NEG,a critical assessment.pdf
    • Agglomeration and regional growth.pdf
    • Agglomeration economies and productivity in Indian industry..pdf
    • Agglomeration in a global economy A survey of the 'new economic.pdf
    • Agglomeration, Transport, and Regional Development in Indonesia.pdf
    • Approaches to Economic Growth and Development.pdf
    • Backward Linkages of Foreign Direct Investment.pdf
    • Disparities in Regional Performance Investment at the Sectoral.pdf
    • Economic Integration and Manufacturing Concentration Patterns.pdf
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  • 2005-7-15
  • 13276.zip
       来自中国1500多家企业的微观截面数据(Competitiveness, Technology and Firm Linkages in Manu

    • China_cleaned.dta
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  • 2005-4-27
  • 13275.zip
       来自中国1500多家企业的微观截面数据(Competitiveness, Technology and Firm Linkages in Manu

    • chinaMan.pdf
    • chinaAcc.pdf
    • Q&A.doc
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  • 2005-4-27