大小 上传时间
  • 企业工作方法01.zip

    • 结构化思维与表达(51P PPT).pptx
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    • 《高效能人士的7个习惯》(21P).pptx
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    • OKR绩效考核方案(33P PPT).pptx
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    • (Graduate Studies in Mathematics,043) N. V. Krylov - Introduction to the theory of random processes-Amer Mathematical Society (2002).djvu
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    • Goldman R , Krasauskas R (Eds), Topics In Algebraic Geometry And Geometric Modeling (Ams, 2002).djvu
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    • 定岗定编表.xls
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    • 【实例】Google公司OKR原版资料.pdf
    • 【实例】Google的OKR管理术如何落地.pptx
    • 【实例】OKR目标与关键成果法导入方案.doc
    • 【实例】OKR落地最佳实践研究.pdf
    • 【实例】互联网+时代的OKR考核落地.pdf.pdf
    • 【实例】谷歌公司绩效管理案例分析.pptx
    • 【实例】谷歌绩效考核方式OKR.docx
    • 【技巧】如何玩转OKR.docx
    • 【技巧】如何设定绩效考核指标.pdf
    • 【技巧】目标与关键成果法(OKR)材料.docx
    • 【技巧】目标与关键成果法OKR入门课程.pdf
    • 【技巧】绩效管理OKR在企业中的具体实践及注意事项.pptx
    • 【技巧】绩效管理之OKR.docx
    • 【模板工具】OKR操作流程大纲.doc
    • 【模板工具】OKR操作流程大纲.pdf
    • 【模板工具】OKR绩效考核表.xlsx
    • 【模板工具】OKR计划与考评表.xls
    • 【模板工具】员工OKR考核表.xls
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  • Complex Analysis The Geometric Viewpoint - Steven G. Krantz.zip
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    • Complex Analysis The Geometric Viewpoint - Steven G. Krantz.djvu
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    • A Handbook of Real Variables _With Applications to Differential Equations and Fourier Analysis - Steven G. Krantz (Birkhauser).djvu
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  • data.rar

    • NFLQ1 - NFLQ1.csv
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    • NLSY97_gender_book - NLSY97_gender_book.csv
    • NLSY97_min - NLSY97_min.csv
    • hmda_aer - Data.csv
    • card.csv
    • minimum wage.csv
    • bat_ave - bat_ave.csv
    • NLSY97Panel_names.csv
    • NLSY97Panel.csv
    • cardkrueger.csv
    • auctions - auctions.csv
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    • CSAM 033-Lectures on Arakelov Geometry (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics)-C. SoulA(C) D. Abramovich J. F. Burnol J. K. Kramer.djvu
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    • (Studies in Computational Intelligence 583) Van-Nam Huynh, Vladik Kreinovich, Songsak Sriboonchitta, Komsan Suriya (eds.) - Econometrics of Risk-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf
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    • David M. Kreps - Microeconomics for managers (2019) .pdf
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    • Character theory of finite groups -Huppert (kredt).djvu
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    • 00_Zoznam tabuliek.ods
    • 00_Zoznam tabuliek.xlsx
    • 02 OBYVATE昐TVO.ods
    • 02 OBYVATE昐TVO.xlsx
    • 03 TRH PRACE.ods
    • 03 TRH PRACE.xlsx
    • 04 PR?JMY A V?DAVKY DOM?CNOST?.ods
    • 04 PR?JMY A V?DAVKY DOM?CNOST?.xlsx
    • 05 VZDEL礦ANIE.ods
    • 05 VZDEL礦ANIE.xlsx
    • 06 ZDRAVIE.ods
    • 06 ZDRAVIE.xlsx
    • 07 SOCI礚NA OCHRANA.ods
    • 07 SOCI礚NA OCHRANA.xlsx
    • 08 KULT镽A.ods
    • 08 KULT镽A.xlsx
    • 09 REGION礚NE 楝TY.ods
    • 09 REGION礚NE 楝TY.xlsx
    • 10 ORGANIZA?N? ?TATISTIKA.xlsx
    • 11 PO昇OHOSPOD礡STVO.ods
    • 11 PO昇OHOSPOD礡STVO.xlsx
    • 12 PRIEMYSEL .ods
    • 12 PRIEMYSEL .xlsx
    • 13 ENERGETIKA.ods
    • 13 ENERGETIKA.xlsx
    • 14 STAVEBN諧TO.ods
    • 14 STAVEBN諧TO.xlsx
    • 15 VN?TORN? OBCHOD.ods
    • 15 VN?TORN? OBCHOD.xlsx
    • 16 DOPRAVA A PO?TOV? SLU?BY.ods
    • 16 DOPRAVA A PO?TOV? SLU?BY.xlsx
    • 18 CESTOVN? RUCH.ods
    • 18 CESTOVN? RUCH.xlsx
    • 19 ?IVOTN? PROSTREDIE.ods
    • 19 ?IVOTN? PROSTREDIE.xlsx
    • 20 VEDA A TECHNIKA.ods
    • 20 VEDA A TECHNIKA.xlsx
    • 21 KRIMINALITA.ods
    • 21 KRIMINALITA.xlsx
    • 22 NEHODY A PO?IARE.ods
    • 22 NEHODY A PO?IARE.xlsx
    • 23 VYBRAN? ?DAJE O MEST?CH SR.ods
    • 23 VYBRAN? ?DAJE O MEST?CH SR.xlsx
    • 24 POROVNANIE KRAJ?N E?.ods
    • 24 POROVNANIE KRAJ?N E?.xlsx
    • Metodick? vysvetlivky - Methodological notes.docx
    • Statisticka rocenka regionov Slovenska 2021.pdf
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    • GAD-PER.xls
    • GAD-PHL.xls
    • GAD-PRY.xls
    • GAD-RUS.xls
    • GAD-THA.xls
    • GAD-TTO.xls
    • GAD-TUR.xls
    • GAD-TWN.xls
    • GAD-UKR.xls
    • GAD-URY.xls
    • GAD-USA.xlsx
    • GAD-VEN.xls
    • GAD-ZAF.xls
    • GAD-ARG.xls
    • GAD-AUS.xls
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    • GAD-CAN.xls
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    • GAD-IDN.xls
    • GAD-IND.xls
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    • GAD-MEX.xls
    • GAD-MYS.xls
    • GAD-NZL.xls
    • CVD (2020).zip
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    • GAD-PAK.xls
    • GAD-PER.xls
    • GAD-PHL.xls
    • GAD-PRY.xls
    • GAD-RUS.xls
    • GAD-THA.xls
    • GAD-TTO.xls
    • GAD-TUR.xls
    • GAD-TWN.xls
    • GAD-UKR.xls
    • GAD-URY.xls
    • GAD-USA.xlsx
    • GAD-VEN.xls
    • GAD-ZAF.xls
    • GAD-ARG.xls
    • GAD-AUS.xls
    • GAD-BRA.xls
    • GAD-CAN.xls
    • GAD-CHL.xls
    • GAD-CHN.xls
    • GAD-COL.xls
    • GAD-CRI.xls
    • GAD-ECU.xls
    • GAD-EUN.xls
    • GAD-IDN.xls
    • GAD-IND.xls
    • GAD-ISR.xls
    • GAD-JAM.xls
    • GAD-JPN.xls
    • GAD-KOR.xls
    • GAD-MEX.xls
    • GAD-MYS.xls
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    • CVD (2020).zip
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    • 摩根士丹利-新兴市场投资策略-全球新兴市场策略师:被拉回原位-2022.6.13-54页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-全球投资策略-全球宏观策略师:对通胀感到厌倦-2022.6.10-86页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-全球投资策略-全球供应链调查:公司最高管理层的想法-2022.6.9-37页.pdf
    • 摩根士丹利-全球科技行业-地平线上的风暴乌云-2022.6.13-30页.pdf
    • 德银-全球投资策略-德银全球消费者大会-2022.6.14-324页.pdf
    • 德银-全球投资策略-德银QIS研究:全球因子监测-2022.6-76页.pdf
    • 德银-全球化工行业-全球材料大会:主要收获-2022.6.10-21页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股投资策略-美国中小盘股策略:小盘股的估值陷阱-2022.6.14-27页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股软件行业-夏季巴士之旅的收获-2022.6.14-34页.pdf
    • 巴克莱-美股大盘银行业-压力测试预览:所有银行都应闪付并增加股息,股票回购在短期内退潮-2022.6.16-23页.pdf
    • Zhongsheng Group (0881.HK)_ Impacts of Shenzhen's recent Omicron resurgence; Buy (on CL)(1).pdf
    • Yum China Holdings (YUMC)_ First Take_ 2Q22 NI strong beat on opex control; expansion guidance_shareholder returns intact; Buy(1).pdf
    • Yidu Tech Inc. (2158.HK)_ First take on setup of YD Capital(1).pdf
    • WuXi AppTec Co. (2359.HK)_ 2Q22 beat driven by COVID-19 project delivery; continued effort to build capacity and capability f...(1).pdf
    • Whirlpool Corp. (WHR)_ 2Q22 First Take(1).pdf
    • What's Top of Mind in Macro Research_ Euro area recession, FOMC preview, markets brief relief(1).pdf
    • Walmart Inc. (WMT)_ Lowered FY22 guidance on margin pressure(1).pdf
    • Volkswagen (VOWG_p.DE)_ 2Q22 first take (1).pdf
    • Visa Inc. (V)_ Key Takeaways from F3Q22 EPS_ Cross border recovery offsets FX headwinds to drive 3Q beat(1).pdf
    • USA_ Raising Q2 GDP to +1.0% on Better-than-Expected June Trade Balance and Inventories(1).pdf
    • USA_ Q2 GDP Declines 0.9% on Inventories and Structures Investment; Initial Claims Remain Elevated(1).pdf
    • USA_ Home Price Growth Decelerates in May but Remains Elevated(1).pdf
    • USA_ GS Economic Indicators Update(1).pdf
    • USA_ FOMC Hikes 75bp; Makes Minimal Changes to the Post-Meeting Statement(1).pdf
    • USA_ Consumer Confidence Decreases; Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index Improves; New Home Sales Fall; Lowering GDP Tracking(1).pdf
    • US Thematic Views_ Challenges remain for unprofitable growth stocks despite valuation reset(1).pdf
    • United Microelectronics Corp. (2303.TW)_ Earnings review_ Improving earnings structure to better weather volatility; reiterat...(1).pdf
    • UBS-Supply constraints likely to.pdf
    • UBS-Supply constraints likely to prompt further commodity price gains.pdf
    • UBS-Prepare for volatility ahead.pdf
    • UBS-Picking up the pieces in crypto.pdf
    • UBS-Morning comment _ Slowing is sensible.pdf
    • UBS-Markets rally as Fed refrains from hawkish surprise.pdf
    • UBS-Growth stocks likely to struggle despite tech earnings resilience.pdf
    • UBS-Global Rates Strategy _Global Index Projections.pdf
    • UBS-Fed meeting preview Top questions answered.pdf
    • Twitter Inc. (TWTR)_ Q2 2022 Earnings Review(1).pdf
    • The 720_ Reliance Industries, Global Markets, Taiwan Automation, ICICI Bank, FOMC, China HY Property(1).pdf
    • The 720_ LG Chem_LG ES, China Tourism Group, SK Hynix, UMC, Shin-Etsu, Fanuc, BBRI & BBCA(1).pdf
    • The 720_ China Financials - Real Estate Fund, Kotak, Shanghai M&G, Infosys, US Unprofitable Growth Stocks, Iron Ore(1).pdf
    • The 720_ Asia Strategy, China Consumer, Samsung Electronics, Keyence, Mandiri, Naver, China - Politburo Meeting(1).pdf
    • The 720_ Alibaba, HKEx, China PM Sector, Sea Ltd, Energy Storage, JP Strategy, Unimicron(1).pdf
    • Teva Pharmaceuticals (TEVA)_ First Take_ Opioid settlement agreement consistent with our expected range, new LT targets to come(1).pdf
    • Squarespace Inc. (SQSP)_ Pricing and bundling key to balancing 2H macro (1).pdf
    • Spotify Technology S.A. (SPOT)_ Q2'22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
  • 92.3 MB
  • 2022-8-8
  • 国际投行研究分析资料2022-01.zip

    • Kraft Heinz Co. (KHC)_ Further relative under-performance seems unlikely from here; Up to Neutral(1).pdf
    • CS-Visa Inc..pdf
    • Sichuan Teway Food Group (603317.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ Cautious Outlook Into 2H22; Maintain Neutral(1).pdf
    • Sichuan Swellfun Co. (600779.SS)_ 2Q22 Miss on Covid Disruption to Consumption Scenarios, with Channel Inventory Management i....pdf
    • Shopify Inc. (SHOP)_ Growth, margins likely approaching a trough(1).pdf
    • Shell Plc (SHEL.AS)_ Strong set of 2Q results and cash flow generation support increased share buybacks; Buy (1).pdf
    • Shanghai Putailai New Energy (603659.SS)_ 1H22 inline; Strong anode and separator shipment driven by EV growth; Stay Neutral(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Expect solid quarter with embedded conservatism_ 2Q22 Preview(1).pdf
    • ServiceNow Inc. (NOW)_ Estimates largely derisked as waning macro backdrop incorporated in guide - 2Q22 Results(1).pdf
    • Sangfor (300454.SZ)_ HCI v6.8.0 launched; financial _ steel clients on cloudization, HCI, cybersecurity; Buy(1).pdf
    • Samsung Electronics (005930.KS)_ Earnings Review_ 2Q22 inline with expectations_ A more disciplined memory investment the com...(1).pdf
    • Retail_ Specialty Hardlines_ Sporting goods digital trends; Update on promotional activity(1).pdf
    • Qualcomm Inc. (QCOM)_ FQ3'22 Wrap_ QTR beat but FQ4 guidance miss; High-end demand resilient even as handset market expectati...(1).pdf
    • Puma (PUMG.DE)_ 2Q22E EBIT beat driven by strong sales momentum, albeit uncertain consumer demand leaves FY22E EBIT unchanged...(1).pdf
    • Prosus_Naspers_ Release 4th update on buyback programme execution(1).pdf
    • Pentair Plc (PNR)_ Execution on price-cost encouraging as volume slowdown comes into focus; remain Buy on favorable risk-reward(1).pdf
    • Paccar Inc. (PCAR)_ Structural Parts margin improvement balanced by challenging cyclical outlook(1).pdf
    • One 97 Communications (PAYT.BO)_ 1QFY23 preview_ Another quarter of elevated growth and improving margins; Buy(1).pdf
    • NXP Semiconductors NV (NXPI)_ Solid results_guide, but we continue to await normalization in shipments; 2Q22 EPS recap(1).pdf
    • NetEase Inc. (NTES)_ Thoughts on Diablo Immortal releases in China on 25 July; Buy(1).pdf
    • Natural Gas_ Potential NS1 drop brings upside risk to our TTF forecast(1).pdf
    • MS-The Thin Red Line.pdf
    • MS-Sunday Start - 60-40 Isn’t Dead, Just Resting.pdf
    • MS-Sound Bites 芯片之争 – 投资者反馈.pdf
    • MS_McDonald'sCorporation _ NorthAmerica 2Q22_ Defensive Characteristics Show Up Around the World Amidst Growing Uncertainty_20220726.pdf
    • MS_Internet _ NorthAmerica Where Are We Trading Now...Let Mega Cap EPS Begin_20220726.pdf
    • MS -China Equity Strategy Focus List Changes.pdf
    • Moody's Corp. (MCO)_ Ratings revenue soft in 2Q, with estimates largely de-risked and attention turning to recovery in 2023(1).pdf
    • Miniso (MNSO)_ Addressing recent investor queries; Buy(1).pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ First Take_ 2Q22 a clean beat; Buy.pdf
    • Milkyway (603713.SS)_ Earnings Review_ Raising estimates post strong 2Q22; maintain Buy(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ PC and FX headwinds are more than offset by $100bn Cloud Revenue runrate, growing at 33% CC – F4Q22 R...(1).pdf
    • Microsoft Corp. (MSFT)_ Expecting strong underlying trends amid FX volatility – F4Q22 preview (1).pdf
    • Metals & Mining_ Models and single-name views as 2Q earnings accelerate(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2'22 Review_ Macro Headwinds Replace Privacy Headwinds; Shift to Long Term Platform Transition ...(1).pdf
    • Meta Platforms, Inc. (META)_ Q2 '22 Earnings First Take(1).pdf
    • Merck & Co. (MRK)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Revenue_EPS Beat and topline Guidance Raise(1).pdf
    • MediaTek (2454.TW)_ Our thoughts on the new strategic partnership with Intel (1).pdf
    • McDonald's Corp. (MCD)_ 2Q22 Review_ Sales Momentum Continues Across Geographies, Company Well-Positioned to Manage Cost Pres...(1).pdf
    • MasterCard Inc. (MA)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Macro at a Glance_ Latest views and forecasts(1).pdf
    • LVMH Moet-Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH.PA)_ 1H22_ Sales +19% cFX with +6% EBIT beat; reiterate Buy, PT to EUR730 (was EUR700)(1).pdf
    • Liberty Energy Inc. (LBRT)_ 2Q22 First Take_ Significant EBITDA Beat on Net Pricing, Activating Additional Fleets For 2022(1).pdf
    • Kweichow Moutai (600519.SS)_ Data update_ Adjusting FY22E quarterly estimates(1).pdf
    • Keyence (6861.T)_ Earnings Review_ 1Q in line in adjusted terms, taking China lockdowns into account; business structure rema...(1).pdf
    • Kaiser Aluminum Corp. (KALU)_ First Take_ 2Q EPS and EBITDA miss on higher costs and Warrick supply chain challenges; Sell(1).pdf
    • JPM-Global Data Watch Skating on thin ice during.pdf
    • JPM-Global Commodities.pdf
    • JPM-first to market.pdf
    • JPM-Cross Asset Volatility Machine Learning Trading .pdf
    • JPM-Commodities Oil Drilling Report Total US oil.pdf
    • JPM-China’s housing market alarm bell rings again -2022-07-21.pdf
    • Japan SaaS_ KPI summary_ Fundamentals largely unchanged, but valuations remain low(1).pdf
    • Japan Machinery_ Automation_ June robot_robodrill volume inferred from customs data_ China upturn, robot shipments remain high(1).pdf
    • Japan Chemicals_ June MOF data_ Silicon wafer shipment volume down -7% yoy on China impact, overall ASP up high +43% yoy(1).pdf
    • J.P.摩根-亚太地区投资策略-新兴市场亚洲本地市场2022年年中展望:从急性到慢性-保持UW利率和外汇-2022.6.14-40页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-新兴市场投资策略-新兴市场边缘数据观察:有风险的副作用的强效药-2022.6.17-29页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球自动化行业-JPM&CSIA系统集成商调查:需求在高位达到顶峰-2022.6.17-58页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-外汇年中展望:下半年货币需要了解的十件事-2022.6.17-51页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-全球数据观察:当我向他们复仇时,他们会知道我是主-2022.6.17-89页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-全球投资策略-J.P.摩根视角:告别负收益率-2022.6.15-92页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股银行业-美国中小盘银行赚钱策略更新:卓越的客户体验和强劲的增长历来能带来可观的表现-2022.6.15-44页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股医疗保健行业-可操作的见解:生育101-市场背景是BFP-2022.6.16-28页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股投资策略-2022年年中展望:更大的宽幅和更大的紧缩迫使更广泛的预测—移动到175个基点-2022.6.17-22页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股汽车行业-数字化二手和特许经营汽车经销商:行业思考与手册-2022.6.14-202页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股能源行业-J.P.摩根能源问题库:勘探和开采、综合石油和炼油、中游、油田服务和设备、公用事业和替代能源-2022.6.14-243页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股零售业-行业&公司深度研究(HAS, MAT, FNKO)-2022.6.16-66页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股保险行业-变额年金市场趋势:疲软的市场将损害近期的业绩;尾部风险是长期的担忧-2022.6.17-32页.pdf
    • J.P.摩根-美股半导体行业-J.P.摩根半导体和半导体资本设备公司-2022.6-40页.pdf
    • Iron Ore - From scarcity to glut(1).pdf
    • India Telecom_ Spectrum auction_ Bids 60% higher vs GSe at US$19 bn, likely led by Jio(1).pdf
    • HSBC-中国运输与物流行业-上海运输与物流8月可全面恢复-2022.6.16-24页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国投资策略-中国股票策略:从亚洲供应链的转变中寻找赢家-2022.6.13-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国能源行业-中国太阳能设备:太阳能电池市场可能出现范式转变-2022.6.14-26页.pdf
    • HSBC-中国PCB行业-触底反弹;关注苹果相关FPC-2022.6.15-21页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-亚太地区利率:加速加息-2022.6.16-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区投资策略-看点:亚洲债券市场-2022.6-167页.pdf
    • HSBC-亚太地区电子设备和仪器行业-亚洲科技:启动ABF基板领域-2022.6.15-29页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-体育用品回顾:迎接新一轮的复杂性-2022.6.14-32页.pdf
    • HSBC-全球投资策略-HSBC第16届运输与物流大会:同样的风暴,不同的船-2022.6.15-33页.pdf
    • HSBC-The Major bond letter.PDF
    • HSBC-Covered Bond Insight Strong year-to-date issuance in USD and GBP.pdf
    • HSBC-China’s property stumble Why it’s different from the subprime mortgage crisis.pdf
    • Hong Kong Exchanges (0388.HK)_ BABA announces HK primary listing plans; Buy(1).pdf
    • Healthcare Pulse_ Unsettled ... Investor sentiment; market color; sector themes; charts to watch(1).pdf
    • GS MINING_ Amplats __ Iron ore __ SIG __ China steel production __ Las Bambas __ Natural Gas NS1(1).pdf
    • GS EUROPEAN EXPRESS_ European Views _ Encore_ Buy LVMH, Volvo, NHY _ US Consumer _ China Musings(1).pdf
    • Greater China Telecom Equipment_ June_ 5G BTS +154k units to 1,854k; 5G subscribers +28mn(1).pdf
    • Global Rates Trader_ A Europe-driven yield downdraft(1).pdf
    • Global PMI Monitor_ DM Composite PMI Falls Below 50 in July; Further Easing in Inflation Components (Zhestkova)(1).pdf
    • Global Market Views_ Relief, but no green light (Trivedi_Wilson)(1).pdf
    • Global Economics Comment_ June Trimmed Core Inflation_ US Reacceleration (Bhushan)(1).pdf
    • General Electric Co. (GE)_ Strong 2Q, low bar to clear in 3Q, valuation attractive(1).pdf
    • FOMC Roundtable July 26-27 [presentation](1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ Key Takeaways from 2Q22 EPS(1).pdf
    • Fiserv Inc. (FISV)_ First Take_ Top-line beat with particular strength in Merchant Acceptance(1).pdf
    • Europe Beverages_ Trends in US Off-Trade Beer market remain fairly consistent in July(1).pdf
    • Equinix Inc. (EQIX)_ 2Q22 Review_ Solid results and increased core 2022 guidance; maintain Buy and $765 PT(1).pdf
    • Energy_ Drillers_ See upside potential into 2Q earnings; continue to prefer NBR over RIG longer-term(1).pdf
    • Energy, Utilities & Mining Pulse_ Investors Asking_ What Surprised During Earnings and the Growing Importance of EPS Execution(1).pdf
    • EM in Focus_ Drilling into EM Debt Dynamics(1).pdf
    • DB-US Strategy Update Refunding preview Maintaining.pdf
    • DB-Asia Thematic Analysis Asias energy security.pdf
    • CS-Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Co., Ltd (3898.HK).pdf
    • CS-Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd (600521.SS).pdf
    • CS-Yangtze Optical (601869.SS).pdf
    • CS-Weibo Corporation (WB.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 22.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan Display Sector -220725.pdf
    • CS-Summary Europe.pdf
    • CS-Steel Import Monitor.pdf
    • CS-Squarespace, Inc.pdf
    • CS-Shopify Inc..pdf
    • CS-Shenzhen Salubris Pharmaceuticals Co Ltd (002294.SZ).pdf
    • CS-Shell_Carbon Neutral LNG Opportunity.pdf
    • CS-Shanghai Putailai New Energy Technology (603659.SS).pdf
    • CS-Sea Limited (SE.N).pdf
    • CS-Ping An Healthcare and Technology (1833.HK).pdf
    • CSPC Pharma (1093.HK)_ Second ex-China license-out of CLDN18.2 assets; 1-2 more BD deals expected before YE22(1).pdf
    • CS-Payments, Processors and FinTech Expert Insights.pdf
    • CS-Oatly Group AB.pdf
    • CS-MINISO Group (MNSO.N).pdf
    • CS-Meta Platforms, Inc..pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector-Implications for Japanese machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-Machinery sector.pdf
    • CS-LONGi Green Energy Technology (601012.SS).pdf
    • CS-Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. (2314.HK).pdf
    • CS-Last Edition.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US.pdf
    • CS-Last Edition - US -220721.pdf
    • CS-Kuaishou Tech (1024.HK).pdf
    • CS-Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. (600276.SS).pdf
    • CS-Jiangling Motors Corp., Ltd. (000550.SZ).pdf
    • CS-iQIYI Inc. (IQ.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Inovance Technology (300124.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HUTCHMED (China) Limited (HCM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Huaneng Power International Inc (0902.HK).pdf
    • CS-Hualan Biological Engineering Inc. (002007.SZ).pdf
    • CS-HKEx (0388.HK).pdf
    • CS-Globe Life.pdf
    • CS-UK Banks read across notes.pdf
    • CS-Tsingtao Brewery (600600.SS).pdf
    • CS-Trip.com Group (TCOM.OQ).pdf
    • CS-Tongcheng Travel (0780.HK).pdf
    • CS-The Container Conundrum – U.S. Shipping Port Dynamics Update.pdf
    • CS-Technology sector.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news.pdf
    • CS-Taiwan View on the news - July 25.pdf
  • 97.71 MB
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    • 1985 Scenarios Uncharted Waters Ahead.pdf
    • 1992 Adolph Coors in the Brewing Industry.pdf
    • 1994 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc..pdf
    • 1995 Eastman Kodak Company Funtime Film.pdf
    • 1995 Power Play (A) Nintendo in 8-bit Video Games.pdf
    • 1995 The Body Shop International.pdf
    • 1997 Corporate New Ventures at Procter & Gamble.pdf
    • 1998 New United Motors Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI).pdf
    • 1998 Samsung China The Introduction of Color TV.pdf
    • 2000 A Hunderd-Year War Coke vs. Pepsi, 1890s-1990s.pdf
    • 2000 Loblaw Companies Limited Preparing for Wal-Mart Supercenters.pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft, 2000.pdf
    • 2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated.pdf
    • 2001 Hewlett-Packard Co. DeskJet Printer Supply Chain (A).pdf
    • 2001 The Pharmaceutical Industry and the AIDS Crisis in Developing Countries.pdf
    • 2002 Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A).pdf
    • 2002 Sunk Costs The Plan to Dump the Brent Spar (A).pdf
    • 2002 WalMart Stores, Inc..pdf
    • 2003 Blueprint for Ford's Future From Personal Automobiles to Mobility.pdf
    • 2003 Costco Wholesale Corp. Financial Statement Analysis (A).pdf
    • 2003 General Motors OnStar.pdf
    • 2003 Hero Honda (India) Ltd. Is it 'Honda' that Makes It a 'Hero'.pdf
    • 2004 Hewlett-Packard–Compaq The Merger Decision.pdf
    • 2004 HP and Compaq Combined In Search of Scale and Scope.pdf
    • 2004 Kodak (A).pdf
    • 2004 Matrix Semiconductor Inc. (A) Tackling Challenges of Strategic Dimensions.pdf
    • 2004 The Globalization of CEMEX.pdf
    • 2004 The Merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq (A) Strategy and Valuation.pdf
    • 2005 Apple Computer 2002.pdf
    • 2005 Executive Compensation at General Electric (A).pdf
    • 2005 Kodak and the Digital Revolution (A).pdf
    • 2005 Matrix Semiconductor Inc. (B) Transitioning from Innovation to Execution.pdf
    • 2005 Sony AIBO The World's First Entertainment Robot.pdf
    • 2005 Wal-Mart, 2005.pdf
    • 2006 Executive Decision Making at General Motors.pdf
    • 2006 GE’s Growth Strategy The Immelt Initiative.pdf
    • 2006 Procter & Gamble Organization 2005 (B).pdf
    • 2006 Project Evaluation in Emerging Markets Exxon Mobil, Oil, and Argentina.pdf
    • 2006 Wal-Mart Stores Everyday Low Prices in China.pdf
    • 2007 Apple Computer, 2006.pdf
    • 2007 Development of a Multinational Personnel Selection System.pdf
    • 2007 eBay's Strategy in China Alliance or Acquisition.pdf
    • 2007 Keller Williams Realty (A).pdf
    • 2007 Mountain Man Brewing Company Bringing the Brand to Light.pdf
    • 2007 Strategic Outsourcing at Bharti Airtel Limited.pdf
    • 2007 The Walt Disnet Company Investor Communications Strategy.pdf
    • 2007 TiVo 2007 DVRs and Beyond.pdf
    • 2007 Volkswagen of America Managing IT Priorities.pdf
    • 2008 Design Strategy at Samsung Electronics Becoming a Top-Tier Company.pdf
    • 2008 Mattel and the Toy Recalls (A).pdf
    • 2009 Nestlé in 2008.pdf
    • 2009 Nintendo's Disruptive Strategy Implications for the Video Game Industry.pdf
    • 2009 Porsche, Volkswagen, and CSX Cars, Trains, and Derivatives.pdf
    • 2010 Amazon.com The Brink of Bankruptcy.pdf
    • 2010 Mass Production and Vertical Integration at Ford in the 1920s.pdf
    • 2010 Metabical Positioning and CommunicationsStrategy for a New Weight-Loss Drug.pdf
    • 2010 Samsung’s Next Frontier.pdf
    • 2010 Volkswagen do Brasil Driving Strategy with Balanced Scorecard.pdf
    • 2011 Attune Foods Challenging the Goliaths with Authenticity.pdf
    • 2011 China or the World A Financial Reporting Strategy for Hong Kong’s Capital Markets.pdf
    • 2011 Honda (A) + (B).pdf
    • 2011 Keda's SAP Implementation.pdf
    • 2011 Pricing Games Sony PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox.pdf
    • 2011 Wal-Mart Update, 2011.docx
    • 2012 Half a Century of Supply Chain Management at Wal-Mart.pdf
    • 2012 Risk Management at Wellfleet Bank All That Glitters Is Not Gold.pdf
    • 2012 Wal-Mart in China 2012.pdf
    • 2013 Aggregate Planning at Green Mills.pdf
    • 2013 Volkswagen in India.pdf
    • 2014 Apple (in 2013) How to Sustain a Competitive Advantage.pdf
  • 92.72 MB
  • 2019-11-21
  • datasets_2e.zip

    • angrist.dta
    • auto.dta
    • brand.dta
    • cardkrueger1994.dta
    • cardkrueger1994_corrected.dta
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    • CRIME1.DTA
    • dow1.dta
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    • mus08cigar.dta
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    • Nerlove-1963-Original.pdf
    • nerlove.dta
    • nerlove.xls
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    • womenwk.dta
    • xtfrontier1.dta
  • 24.19 MB
  • 2019-11-19
  • HBS.rar

    • 1994 Philip Morris Companies and Kraft, Inc..pdf
    • 1976 Cash Flow and the Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 1979 Note on Theory of Optimal Capital Structure.pdf
    • 1981 Minolta Camera Co., Ltd..pdf
    • 1987 Learning by the Case Method.pdf
    • 1990 CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals Pharma International.pdf
    • 1992 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Limited.pdf
    • 1992 Xerox and Fuji Xerox.pdf
    • 1993 Beta Management Company.pdf
    • 1993 Depreciation at Delta and Pan Am.pdf
    • 1993 Note on Bank Loans.pdf
    • 1993 Rohm and Haas( A) New Product Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 1994 Note on Adjusted Present Value.pdf
    • 1995 Arbitrage in the Government Bond Market.pdf
    • 1995 Capital Projects as Real Options An Introduction.pdf
    • 1995 City Year National Expansion Strategy (A).pdf
    • 1995 Crédit Géneral, SA.pdf
    • 1995 State Street Boston Corporation Leading with Information Technology.pdf
    • 1995 The Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set.pdf
    • 1996 Standard Costs and Variance Analysis.pdf
    • 1997 A Bankurptcy Problem from the Talmud.pdf
    • 1997 Manzana Insurance - Fruitvale Branch (Abridged).pdf
    • 1997 The Co-operative Bank.pdf
    • 1998 First Direct (A).pdf
    • 1998 Statements of Cash Flows Tree Examples.pdf
    • 1999 An Overview of the Project Finance Market.pdf
    • 2000 Honeywell, Inc. and Integrated Risk Management.pdf
    • 2000 McKinsey & Company Managing Knowledge and Learning.pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft's Financial Reporting Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Note on Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Shock Therapy in Eastern Europe Supplement.pdf
    • 2000 The Boston Beer Company, Inc..pdf
    • 2000 The Coca-Cola Company (A).pdf
    • 2000 The U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Three Gorges Dam (A).pdf
    • 2000 Tree Values.pdf
    • 2001 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2001 Term Sheet Negotiations for Trendsetter.com, Inc..pdf
    • 2002 Acme Investment Trust.pdf
    • 2002 Akamai's Underwater Options (A).pdf
    • 2002 Dell—New Horizons.pdf
    • 2002 Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A).pdf
    • 2002 Li & Fung (A) Internet Issues.pdf
    • 2002 Robert Mondavi & The Wine Industry.pdf
    • 2002 Sara's Options.pdf
    • 2002 Strategic Captial Management, LLC(A).pdf
    • 2002 The Indian Software Industry in 2002.pdf
    • 2003 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture, 2002.pdf
    • 2003 At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (B).pdf
    • 2003 Group Process in the Challenger Launch Decision (B).pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter.pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at.pdf
    • 2003 Merck & Company Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity.pdf
    • 2004 Deferred Taxes and the Valuation Allowance at Lucent Technologies, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2004 Dividend Policy at Linear Technology.pdf
    • 2004 PetroChina.pdf
    • 2004 Strategic Inflection TiVo in 2003 (A).pdf
    • 2005 Gobi Partners October 2004.pdf
    • 2005 KAMCO and the Cross-Border Securitization of Korean Non-Performing Loans.pdf
    • 2005 Zipcar.pdf
    • 2006 Accounting for Pensions and Employee Benefits at Ford and Toyota.pdf
    • 2006 Chemalite, Inc..pdf
    • 2006 Harley-Davidson, Inc. Motorcycle Manufacturer or Financing Company.pdf
    • 2006 Investment Banking at Thomas Weisel Partners.pdf
    • 2006 Market Segmentation, Target Market Selectiorn, and Positioning.pdf
    • 2006 The Children's Investment Fund, 2005.pdf
    • 2006 Understanding Economic Value Added.pdf
    • 2007 GE’s Imagination Breakthroughs The Evo Project.pdf
    • 2007 HCL Technologies (A) (Abridged).pdf
    • 2007 McDonald’s Corporation Managing a Sustainable Supply Chain.pdf
    • 2007 PolyMedica Corporation (A).pdf
    • 2008 Banc One Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 Barilla SpA (A).pdf
    • 2008 Berkshire Partners Bidding for Carter's.pdf
    • 2008 Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A).pdf
    • 2008 Structuring Real Estate Deals An Investor’s Perspective.pdf
    • 2008 The Allstate Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 The Talbots, Inc., and Subsidiaries Accounting for Goodwill.pdf
    • 2009 Mary Kay Cosmetics Asian Market Entry (A).pdf
    • 2009 Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2009 New Century Financial Corporation.pdf
    • 2009 RFID at the Metro Group.pdf
    • 2009 Tottenham Hotspur plc.pdf
    • 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture.pdf
    • 2010 Flash Memory, Inc..pdf
    • 2010 Google in China (A).pdf
    • 2010 Jones Electrical Distribution.pdf
    • 2010 The NFL’s Digital Media Strategy.pdf
    • 2011 Accounting for the iPhone at Apple Inc..pdf
    • 2011 Big Spaceship Ready to Go Big.pdf
    • 2011 Roche’s Acquisition of Genentech.pdf
    • 2011 The Tip of the Iceberg JP Morgan Chase and Bear Stearns (A).pdf
    • 2012 Apple Inc. in 2012.pdf
    • 2012 Credit Rating Agency Reform in the US and EU.pdf
    • 2013 Diamond Foods, Inc..pdf
    • 2015 Note on the Leveraged Loan Market.pdf
    • 2016 Alibaba’s Taobao (2009).pdf
  • 90.66 MB
  • 2019-11-10
  • 中国社会统计年鉴2018(PDF)_996KR70620.rar

    • 中国社会统计年鉴2018.pdf
  • 28.63 MB
  • 2019-10-18
  • 他山之石海外精译系列4.rar

    • 第96期:市场波动的传导.pdf
    • 第97期:美国经济进入后周期.pdf
    • 第98期:中国与全球贸易.pdf
    • 第99期:中国经济周期性反弹动力依然强劲.pdf
    • 第100期:回顾美国历史上低利率环境下的加息周期.pdf
    • 第101期:黑田东彦日本央行目前不会削减货币宽松水平.pdf
    • 第102期:詹姆斯·蒙蒂尔市场价格折现了什么.pdf
    • 第103期:新自由主义的失败.pdf
    • 第104期:标普500突破2700点需要什么条件?.pdf
    • 第90期_凯雷 为什么低利率反而抑制了企业投资.pdf
    • 第91期_泽纳 再谈价值股周期.pdf
    • 第92期_KKR 新兴市场复苏是今后三至五年最重要的投资主题.pdf
    • 第93期:AMUNDI人民币贬值预期终于企稳.pdf
    • 第94期:美国长端利率已经触底,债券和股票之间的正相关将减弱.pdf
    • 第95期:如何测算标普500指数2017年的盈利和点位.pdf
  • 12.43 MB
  • 2019-8-4
  • 他山之石海外精译系列2.rar

    • 第58期_2015年独角兽之年.pdf
    • 第59期_2016年全球医疗保健行业展望.pdf
    • 第30期_Crispin Odey:全球经济正处于下行周期的第一阶段.pdf
    • 第31期_Alliance Bernstein:良性通缩与破坏性通缩.pdf
    • 第32期_KKR:中国经济增速减缓 形势向好.pdf
    • 第33期_达莫达兰:美国科技股的估值分化.pdf
    • 第34期_卡萝塔__佩蕾丝:2000年科技股泡沫面面观.pdf
    • 第35期_Blackrock:美元此轮加息周期不同以往.pdf
    • 第36期_霍华德__马克斯:如何构建回报率10%的投资策略.pdf
    • 第37期_Andreessen Horowitz:现在的美国科技股没有泡沫.pdf
    • 第38期_股灾时的交易策略:琼斯与米勒.pdf
    • 第39期_Bridgewater雷__达里奥谈中国股灾.pdf
    • 第40期_ARP 加风险去风险环境仍将持续.pdf
    • 第41期_blackrock美元加息与全球市场.pdf
    • 第42期_bridgewater股灾导致中国的风险上升.pdf
    • 第43期_GMO本__英科 持现以待市场逆转.pdf
    • 第44期_雷__达里奥 美联储应该先推行QE4,然后再大幅紧缩.pdf
    • 第45期_mohamed el-erian这是一个技术面驱动的市场.pdf
    • 第46期_new york fed 如何衡量美国国债市场的流动性.pdf
    • 第47期_道富基金 从历史视角掘金石油股.pdf
    • 第48期_atomico 10亿美元估值公司.pdf
    • 第49期_对冲基金与科技股.pdf
    • 第50期_新兴市场股市再现巨大的估值优势.pdf
    • 第51期_kkr 看好中国高附加值的服务业.pdf
    • 第52期_kkr评论安倍经济学:更利好股市而非经济.pdf
    • 第53期_巴伦2000年3月旧文:钱烧完了.pdf
    • 第54期_回顾1983年以来的六轮美元加息周期.pdf
    • 第55期_2016年投资展望系列之一 周期错步.pdf
    • 第56期_2016年投资展望系列之二 发达市场与新兴市场分化.pdf
    • 第57期_2016年投资展望系列之三 2016年发达市场或将迎来新一轮牛市.pdf
  • 26.73 MB
  • 2019-8-4
  • 他山之石海外精译系列1.rar

    • 第28期_迈克尔__佩蒂斯谈欧债危机.pdf
    • 第29期_美元观察系列一:耶伦2月底国会证词.pdf
    • 第01期_理解泡沫:GMO格兰桑的解读.pdf
    • 第02期_揭秘丹尼尔·洛布和比尔·阿克曼多空对决康宝莱的幕后故事.pdf
    • 第03期_斯蒂夫__福布斯对话克里夫__阿斯内斯谈AQR的投资哲学.pdf
    • 第04期_PIMCO保罗__麦考利:只有持久的经济繁荣才能提高劳动力的实际工资.pdf
    • 第05期_PBS采访彼得·林奇.pdf
    • 第06期_GMO格兰桑 美国GDP将踏上低增长之路.pdf
    • 第07期_《格雷厄姆和多德部落》采访霍华德__马克斯.pdf
    • 第08期_智慧树公司与聪明贝塔.pdf
    • 第09期_GMO本__英科谈分散投资.pdf
    • 第10期_Baupost塞思__卡拉曼2012年致投资者信精编.pdf
    • 第11期_为什么亚马逊一直不赚钱(也可以).pdf
    • 第12期_哈斯曼基金约翰__哈斯曼谈美联储的政策.pdf
    • 第13期_达莫达兰:GoPro的股票值多少钱.pdf
    • 第14期_GMO格兰桑:美国进入总统任期第三年.pdf
    • 第15期_图解全球500大资产管理公司过去10年的发展动态.pdf
    • 第16期_GMO英科:美股是炼狱还是地狱?.pdf
    • 第17期_PIMCO克拉里德:新中性.pdf
    • 第18期_Amundi欧元区推行大规模量化宽松势在必然.pdf
    • 第19期_橡树资本霍华德__马克斯:石油启示录.pdf
    • 第20期_PIMCO警惕油价暴跌触发系统性金融事件.pdf
    • 第21期_GMO看石油的价格变迁.pdf
    • 第22期_能源专家阿瑟·伯曼谈油价大跌的真正原因.pdf
    • 第23期_Blackrock 2015年投资展望:分化与震荡.pdf
    • 第24期_詹姆斯·格兰特对瑞郎脱钩的事前判断.pdf
    • 第25期_20世纪20、30年代的货币战争.pdf
    • 第26期_kpcb 改变未来交通的六大趋势.pdf
    • 第27期_GMO英科谈经济增长与股市表现之间的关系.pdf
  • 24.73 MB
  • 2019-8-4
  • 零售报告-国内其他公司.rar

    • 36Kr:生鲜新零售研究报告:新式零售,谁与争“鲜”.pdf
    • 36Kr:拆解前置仓.pdf
    • 360研究:2019年零售行业洞察报告.pdf
    • 超市周刊:巨头积极参与,付费会员制在步入快车道.pdf
    • 鲸准:2018中国新消费行业研究报告.pdf
  • 16.04 MB
  • 2019-8-3