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  • 林怡 知识管理.rar

    • 英文文献文摘卡.docx
    • Toward_a_Knowledge-Based_Theory_of_the_Firm1.pdf
    • 跨国公司演进的知识观1.pdf
    • 跨国公司演进的知识观文摘卡.docx
    • 企业的知识观翻译.docx
    • 文献对比.docx
  • 1.52 MB
  • 2013-12-31
  • handbook of strategic management.rar

    • Business History and Strategy.pdf
    • Conclusion - Doing More in Strategy Research.pdf
    • Constructing Competitive Advantage.pdf
    • Corporate Strategy - Managing Scope and Strategy Content.pdf
    • Corporate Strategy - The Role of the Centre.pdf
    • Corporate Structure - From Policy to Practice.pdf
    • cover and content.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship, Small Firms and Wealth Creation - A Framework Using Real Options Reasoning.pdf
    • Handbook of Strategy and Management _ SAGE Knowledge.pdf
    • International Management and Strategy.pdf
    • Knowledge-Based View - A New Theory of Strategy-.pdf
    • Managing Cognition and Strategy - Issues, Trends and Future Directions.pdf
    • Quasi Strategy - Strategic Management in the Contemporary Public Sector.pdf
    • Strategic Change Processes.pdf
    • Strategic Management - The Strengths and Limitations of a Field.pdf
    • Strategy Process - Forming, Implementing and Changing Strategies.pdf
    • Technology in Corporate Strategy - Change, Continuity and the Information Revolution.pdf
    • The Conduct of Strategy Research.pdf
    • The Domain of Strategic Management - History and Evolution.pdf
    • The Strategy and Management of International Institutions.pdf
    • Theorizing the Future of Strategy - Questions for Shaping Strategy Research in the Knowledge Economy.pdf
    • Top Management, Company Directors and Corporate Control.pdf
    • What are the Responsibilities of Business to Society-.pdf
    • 9935_006399Chap1.pdf
  • 2.65 MB
  • 2013-4-21
  • entrepreneurship review articles.rar

    • Knowledge-based resources, entrepreneurial orientation, and the performance of small and medium-sized businesses.pdf
    • The Past and the Future of International Entrepreneurship A Review and Suggestions for Developing the Field.pdf
    • A1-Shane(AMR, 2000).pdf
    • A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration of Entrepreneurship Research.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship A Field of Dreams.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Where Are We Today and Where Should the Research Go in the Future.pdf
    • Introduction to the focused issue on entrepreneurship.pdf
    • opportunity costs and entrepreneurial activity.pdf
    • How social and human capital influence opportunity recognition and resource mobilization in India's handloom industry.pdf
    • The Theory of Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship.pdf
    • Are opportunities recognized or constructed An information perspective on entrepreneurial opportunity identification.pdf
    • Opportunities and entrepreneurship.pdf
    • Cognitive Processes of Opportunity Recognition The Role of Structural Alignment.pdf
    • Opportunity recognition as the detection of meaningful patterns Evidence from comparisons of novice and experienced entrepreneurs.pdf
    • Entrepreneurial Opportunity.txt
    • The Concept of Opportunity in Entrepreneurship Research Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges.pdf
    • A2-Shane(Org Sci, 2000).pdf
    • How governments matter to new industry creation.pdf
    • The role of affect in the entrepreneurial process.pdf
    • An Opportunity for Me The Role of Resources in Opportunity Evaluation Decisions.pdf
    • Tang, et.al - Exploring an inverted U-shape relationship between EO and performance in Chinee Ventures.pdf
    • The impact of network capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation on university spin-off performance.pdf
    • Entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance A configurational approach.pdf
    • Internal capabilities, external networks, and performance A study on technology-based ventures.pdf
    • Lumpkin & Dess,1996 - Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance.pdf
    • Miller 1981-The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms.pdf
    • Strategic process effects on the entrepreneurial orientation- sales.pdf
    • Young and No Money Never Mind The Material Impact of Social Resources on New Venture Growth.pdf
    • Creating something from nothing Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage.pdf
    • Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition through Indirect Ties Compensatory Effects of Prior Knowledge.pdf
    • Entrepreneurs' decisions to exploit opportunities.pdf
    • Entrepreneurs' Social Skills and New Venture Performance Mediating Mechanisms and Cultural Generality.pdf
  • 13.61 MB
  • 2011-5-20
  • 316339.rar
       [下载]重传:Knowledge-Based Enterprise:Theories and Fundamentals

  • 431.8 KB
  • 2009-4-17
  • 316338.rar
       [下载]重传:Knowledge-Based Enterprise:Theories and Fundamentals

  • 4 MB
  • 2009-4-17
  • 253592.rar

    • Economics of the Firm.pdf
    • The Nature of the Firm (1937)——COASE.pdf
    • Behavioral Theory of the Firm.pdf
    • Developing a Knowledge-Based Theory of the Firm.pdf
  • 7.45 MB
  • 2008-10-7