大小 上传时间
  • Business integration and its impact on film industry The case of Korean film pol.rar

    • Business integration and its impact on film industry The case of Korean film policies from the 1960s until the present.pdf
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  • Brieskorn, Knorrer - Plane Algebraic Curves (Birkhauser 1986)(L)(365s).zip
       Plane Algebraic Curves

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  • WIOD2000-2014各国家.zip

    • KOR_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • AUS_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • AUT_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • BEL_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • BGR_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • BRA_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • CAN_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • CHE_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • CHN_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • CYP_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • CZE_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • DEU_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • DNK_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • ESP_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • EST_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • FIN_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • FRA_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • GBR_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • GRC_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • HRV_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
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    • NLD_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
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    • POL_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • PRT_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • ROU_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • RUS_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • SVK_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • SVN_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • SWE_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • TUR_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • TWN_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
    • USA_NIOT_nov16.xlsx
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    • A Companion to Analysis A Second First and First Second Course in Analysis (Graduate Studies in Mathematics)by T. W. Korner.djvu
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    • CTM 114 Torsors and Rational Points (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)by Alexei Skorobogatov.djvu
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  • 世界临时性贸易壁垒数据库GAD-2020.zip

    • GAD-KOR.xls
    • GAD-OTH.xls
    • GAD-PAK.xls
    • GAD-PER.xls
    • GAD-PHL.xls
    • GAD-PRY.xls
    • GAD-RUS.xls
    • GAD-THA.xls
    • GAD-TTO.xls
    • GAD-TUR.xls
    • GAD-TWN.xls
    • GAD-UKR.xls
    • GAD-URY.xls
    • GAD-USA.xlsx
    • GAD-VEN.xls
    • GAD-ZAF.xls
    • GAD-ARG.xls
    • GAD-AUS.xls
    • GAD-BRA.xls
    • GAD-CAN.xls
    • GAD-CHL.xls
    • GAD-CHN.xls
    • GAD-COL.xls
    • GAD-CRI.xls
    • GAD-ECU.xls
    • GAD-EUN.xls
    • GAD-IDN.xls
    • GAD-IND.xls
    • GAD-ISR.xls
    • GAD-JAM.xls
    • GAD-JPN.xls
    • GAD-MEX.xls
    • GAD-MYS.xls
    • GAD-NZL.xls
    • CVD (2020).zip
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  • GAD-2020.zip

    • GAD-KOR.xls
    • GAD-OTH.xls
    • GAD-PAK.xls
    • GAD-PER.xls
    • GAD-PHL.xls
    • GAD-PRY.xls
    • GAD-RUS.xls
    • GAD-THA.xls
    • GAD-TTO.xls
    • GAD-TUR.xls
    • GAD-TWN.xls
    • GAD-UKR.xls
    • GAD-URY.xls
    • GAD-USA.xlsx
    • GAD-VEN.xls
    • GAD-ZAF.xls
    • GAD-ARG.xls
    • GAD-AUS.xls
    • GAD-BRA.xls
    • GAD-CAN.xls
    • GAD-CHL.xls
    • GAD-CHN.xls
    • GAD-COL.xls
    • GAD-CRI.xls
    • GAD-ECU.xls
    • GAD-EUN.xls
    • GAD-IDN.xls
    • GAD-IND.xls
    • GAD-ISR.xls
    • GAD-JAM.xls
    • GAD-JPN.xls
    • GAD-MEX.xls
    • GAD-MYS.xls
    • GAD-NZL.xls
    • CVD (2020).zip
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  • 韩国经济统计年鉴2019Korean Economic Statistics Yearbook 2019.zip

    • 韩国经济统计年鉴2019Korean Economic Statistics Yearbook 2019.pdf
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  • II (Gikhman,1975).rar

    • I.I. Gikhman, A.V. Skorohod - The theory of stochastic processes.II (1975).pdf
  • 10.56 MB
  • 2022-3-27
  • III (Gikhman,2007).rar

    • (Classics in Mathematics) Gikhman, Skorokhod - The Theory of Stochastic Processes III(2007).pdf
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  • I (Gikhman,2004).rar

    • (Classics in Mathematics 210) The Theory of Stochastic Processes I (2004,Gikhman , Skorokhod).pdf
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  • TVP-VAR.zip

    • Koop, Korobilis - 2013 - Large time-varying parameter VARs-annotated.pdf
    • Nakajima - 2011 - Time-Varying Parameter VAR Model with Stochastic Volatility An Overview of Methodology and Empirical Applications.pdf
    • Primiceri - 2005 - Time Varying Structural Vector Autoregressions and Monetary Policy-annotated.pdf
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  • 2022-2-5
  • 全球世界各国193个国家地区双边贸易进口出口进出口额数据2000-2020年.rar

    • Australia-20年.xlsx
    • Austria-20年.xlsx
    • Belgium-20年.xlsx
    • Brazil-20年.xlsx
    • Bulgaria-19年-缺2020年.xlsx
    • Canada-China-France-Germany.xlsx
    • India-20年.xlsx
    • Indonesis-Janpan-Italy-Mexico.xlsx
    • Korea-Russian-Poland-Netherlands.xlsx
    • Spain-Sweden-Switzerland.xlsx
    • Turkey-USA-UK.xlsx
    • 1-5.xlsx
    • 6-10.xlsx
    • 11-15.xlsx
    • 16-20.xlsx
    • 21-25.xlsx
    • 26-30.xlsx
    • 31-35.xlsx
    • 36-40.xlsx
    • 41-45.xlsx
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    • 61-65.xlsx
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    • 171-175.xlsx
    • 176-180.xlsx
    • 181-185.xlsx
    • 186-190.xlsx
    • 186Zimbabwe.xlsx
    • 说明.xlsx
    • 1.txt
  • 69.39 MB
  • 2022-1-30
  • 2020.rar

    • 瑞银集团2020招聘在线笔试完整真题及答案20191010.pdf
    • 瑞银集团2020招聘在线笔试完整真题及答案20190917.pdf
    • UBS瑞银集团2020招聘kornferry在线测试数字推理真题及答案3.pdf
    • UBS瑞银集团2020招聘kornferry在线测试数字推理真题及答案2.pdf
    • UBS瑞银集团2020招聘kornferry在线测试数字推理真题及答案1.pdf
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  • 社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二.rar
       社会网络分析, 复杂网络分析:参考文献之二

    • Effects of a soft cut-off on node-degree in the Twitter social network(做算法研究可参考).pdf
    • Emergent Leadership in Virtual Collaboration Settings- A Social Network Analysis Approach(值得读).pdf
    • Empirical analysis of online socialnetworks in the age of Web 2.0(短平快期刊,复杂网络研究为主).pdf
    • Empowering teams through social network ties(实证研究).pdf
    • Evolution of a large online social network(短平快,需核实是否SCI).pdf
    • A case study of Israeli higher-education institutes sharing scholarly information with the community via social networks.pdf
    • A framework for exploring organizational structure in dynamic social network(很不错).pdf
    • A novel measure of edge centrality in social networks.pdf
    • A social influence model of consumer participation in network- and small-group-based virtual communities.pdf
    • A social network approach to resolving group-level conflict in context-aware services.pdf
    • A social network perspective of tourism research collaborations(与位置服务结合是否可有新的结果).pdf
    • A social network-based system for supporting interactive collaboration in knowledge sharing over peer-to-peer network(可参考).pdf
    • A social status perspective of network utility over electronic channels in academic communities(经典实证研究).pdf
    • A synthesis of semantic social network and attraction theory for innovating community-based e-service.pdf
    • A theoretical model of intentional social action in online social networks(数据分析类文章可参考).pdf
    • An empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use(韩国人做的实证).pdf
    • An e-patient’s End-user community (EUCY)- The value added of social network applications.pdf
    • Analysis of virtual communities supporting OSS projects using social network analysis(很好).pdf
    • Architectural platform- a social network site for architects.pdf
    • Behavior-based analysis of knowledge dissemination channels in operations management (和运作管理结合研究).pdf
    • Bridging the Gap—Data Mining and Social Network Analysis for Integrating Semantic Web and Web 2.0.pdf
    • BSN- An automatic generation algorithm of social network data(把该方法搞懂并用于研究中).pdf
    • Building a Knowledge Brokering System using social network analysis- A case study of the Korean financial industry(有模仿价值).pdf
    • Communities of Public Service Support- Citizens engage in social learning in peer-to-peer networks(比较特殊的一篇文章,可看看).pdf
    • Competitivity groups on social network sites(短小,可参考).pdf
    • Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites- A comparative study of American and Korean college students(实证).pdf
    • Discovering cohesive subgroups from social networks for targeted advertising(文献回顾可用).pdf
    • Dissemination of health information through social networks- Twitter and antibiotics(微博类研究参考).pdf
  • 15.4 MB
  • 2021-10-31
  • Studying EKK.pdf
       Eaton, Kortum and Kramarz (2011) 理论部分笔记

  • 488.58 KB
  • 2021-10-11
  • Uncomtrade-20年数据.rar

    • Australia-20年.xlsx
    • Austria-20年.xlsx
    • Belgium-20年.xlsx
    • Brazil-20年.xlsx
    • Bulgaria-19年-缺2020年.xlsx
    • Canada-China-France-Germany.xlsx
    • India-20年.xlsx
    • Indonesis-Janpan-Italy-Mexico.xlsx
    • Korea-Russian-Poland-Netherlands.xlsx
    • Spain-Sweden-Switzerland.xlsx
    • Turkey-USA-UK.xlsx
    • 1-5.xlsx
    • 6-10.xlsx
    • 11-15.xlsx
    • 16-20.xlsx
    • 21-25.xlsx
    • 26-30.xlsx
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    • 181-185.xlsx
    • 186-190.xlsx
    • 186Zimbabwe.xlsx
    • 说明.xlsx
  • 69.39 MB
  • 2021-9-8
  • 韩国统计年鉴2011Korea Statistical Yearbook(2011).zip

    • 韩国统计年鉴2011Korea Statistical Yearbook(2011).pdf
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  • 韩国统计年鉴2017Korea statistical yearbook2017.zip

    • 韩国统计年鉴2017Korea statistical yearbook2017.pdf
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  • 韩国统计年鉴2016Korea statistical yearbook2016.zip

    • 韩国统计年鉴2016Korea statistical yearbook2016.pdf
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  • 韩国统计年鉴2010Korea+Statistical+Yearbook(2010)_2.zip

    • 韩国统计年鉴2010Korea+Statistical+Yearbook(2010).zip
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  • 韩国统计年鉴2010Korea+Statistical+Yearbook(2010).zip

    • 韩国统计年鉴2010Korea+Statistical+Yearbook(2010).pdf
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  • dataverse_files (1).zip

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    • rocode1.txt
    • tables_paper.do
    • twkorea.smcl
    • twkorea.dta
  • 8.42 MB
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  • samsung rising - the inside story of the south korean giant that set out to beat.rar
       samsung rising - the inside story of the south korean giant that set out to beat apple and conquer t ...

    • samsung rising - the inside story of the south korean giant that set out to beat apple and conquer tech (2020).epub
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  • 2020-3-19
  • HBS.rar

    • 1976 Cash Flow and the Time Value of Money.pdf
    • 1979 Note on Theory of Optimal Capital Structure.pdf
    • 1981 Minolta Camera Co., Ltd..pdf
    • 1987 Learning by the Case Method.pdf
    • 1990 CIBA-GEIGY Pharmaceuticals Pharma International.pdf
    • 1992 Kentucky Fried Chicken (Japan) Limited.pdf
    • 1992 Xerox and Fuji Xerox.pdf
    • 1993 Beta Management Company.pdf
    • 1993 Depreciation at Delta and Pan Am.pdf
    • 1993 Note on Bank Loans.pdf
    • 1993 Rohm and Haas( A) New Product Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 1994 Note on Adjusted Present Value.pdf
    • 1994 Philip Morris Companies and Kraft, Inc..pdf
    • 1995 Arbitrage in the Government Bond Market.pdf
    • 1995 Capital Projects as Real Options An Introduction.pdf
    • 1995 City Year National Expansion Strategy (A).pdf
    • 1995 Crédit Géneral, SA.pdf
    • 1995 State Street Boston Corporation Leading with Information Technology.pdf
    • 1995 The Venture Capital Method - Valuation Problem Set.pdf
    • 1996 Standard Costs and Variance Analysis.pdf
    • 1997 A Bankurptcy Problem from the Talmud.pdf
    • 1997 Manzana Insurance - Fruitvale Branch (Abridged).pdf
    • 1997 The Co-operative Bank.pdf
    • 1998 First Direct (A).pdf
    • 1998 Statements of Cash Flows Tree Examples.pdf
    • 1999 An Overview of the Project Finance Market.pdf
    • 2000 Honeywell, Inc. and Integrated Risk Management.pdf
    • 2000 McKinsey & Company Managing Knowledge and Learning.pdf
    • 2000 Microsoft's Financial Reporting Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Note on Marketing Strategy.pdf
    • 2000 Shock Therapy in Eastern Europe Supplement.pdf
    • 2000 The Boston Beer Company, Inc..pdf
    • 2000 The Coca-Cola Company (A).pdf
    • 2000 The U.S. Export-Import Bank and the Three Gorges Dam (A).pdf
    • 2000 Tree Values.pdf
    • 2001 Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2001 Term Sheet Negotiations for Trendsetter.com, Inc..pdf
    • 2002 Acme Investment Trust.pdf
    • 2002 Akamai's Underwater Options (A).pdf
    • 2002 Dell—New Horizons.pdf
    • 2002 Ford Motor Company's Value Enhancement Plan (A).pdf
    • 2002 Li & Fung (A) Internet Issues.pdf
    • 2002 Robert Mondavi & The Wine Industry.pdf
    • 2002 Sara's Options.pdf
    • 2002 Strategic Captial Management, LLC(A).pdf
    • 2002 The Indian Software Industry in 2002.pdf
    • 2003 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture, 2002.pdf
    • 2003 At the T. Rowe Price Trading Desk (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A).pdf
    • 2003 Chase's Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (B).pdf
    • 2003 Group Process in the Challenger Launch Decision (B).pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at Bankinter.pdf
    • 2003 Internet Customer Acquisition Strategy at.pdf
    • 2003 Merck & Company Evaluating a Drug Licensing Opportunity.pdf
    • 2004 Deferred Taxes and the Valuation Allowance at Lucent Technologies, Inc. (A).pdf
    • 2004 Dividend Policy at Linear Technology.pdf
    • 2004 PetroChina.pdf
    • 2004 Strategic Inflection TiVo in 2003 (A).pdf
    • 2005 Gobi Partners October 2004.pdf
    • 2005 KAMCO and the Cross-Border Securitization of Korean Non-Performing Loans.pdf
    • 2005 Zipcar.pdf
    • 2006 Accounting for Pensions and Employee Benefits at Ford and Toyota.pdf
    • 2006 Chemalite, Inc..pdf
    • 2006 Harley-Davidson, Inc. Motorcycle Manufacturer or Financing Company.pdf
    • 2006 Investment Banking at Thomas Weisel Partners.pdf
    • 2006 Market Segmentation, Target Market Selectiorn, and Positioning.pdf
    • 2006 The Children's Investment Fund, 2005.pdf
    • 2006 Understanding Economic Value Added.pdf
    • 2007 GE’s Imagination Breakthroughs The Evo Project.pdf
    • 2007 HCL Technologies (A) (Abridged).pdf
    • 2007 McDonald’s Corporation Managing a Sustainable Supply Chain.pdf
    • 2007 PolyMedica Corporation (A).pdf
    • 2008 Banc One Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 Barilla SpA (A).pdf
    • 2008 Berkshire Partners Bidding for Carter's.pdf
    • 2008 Shareholder Activists at Friendly Ice Cream (A).pdf
    • 2008 Structuring Real Estate Deals An Investor’s Perspective.pdf
    • 2008 The Allstate Corporation.pdf
    • 2008 The Talbots, Inc., and Subsidiaries Accounting for Goodwill.pdf
    • 2009 Mary Kay Cosmetics Asian Market Entry (A).pdf
    • 2009 Midland Energy Resources, Inc. Cost of Capital.pdf
    • 2009 New Century Financial Corporation.pdf
    • 2009 RFID at the Metro Group.pdf
    • 2009 Tottenham Hotspur plc.pdf
    • 2009 Zappos.com 2009 Clothing Customer Service and Company Culture.pdf
    • 2010 Flash Memory, Inc..pdf
    • 2010 Google in China (A).pdf
    • 2010 Jones Electrical Distribution.pdf
    • 2010 The NFL’s Digital Media Strategy.pdf
    • 2011 Accounting for the iPhone at Apple Inc..pdf
    • 2011 Big Spaceship Ready to Go Big.pdf
    • 2011 Roche’s Acquisition of Genentech.pdf
    • 2011 The Tip of the Iceberg JP Morgan Chase and Bear Stearns (A).pdf
    • 2012 Apple Inc. in 2012.pdf
    • 2012 Credit Rating Agency Reform in the US and EU.pdf
    • 2013 Diamond Foods, Inc..pdf
    • 2015 Note on the Leveraged Loan Market.pdf
    • 2016 Alibaba’s Taobao (2009).pdf
  • 90.66 MB
  • 2019-11-10
  • Minitab 17.3.1 green.rar
       minitab 17.3.1 中英文免安装版

    • MtbAuthNKOR.dll
    • MssUpdater.ini
    • MtbRD.cmd
    • MssUpdater.exe
    • Mtb.exe
    • nlssrv32.exe
    • rmd.exe
    • DataProvider.dll
    • filechck.dll
    • filecheck.dll
    • lfbmp14nu.dll
    • LFCMP14nu.DLL
    • lffax14nu.dll
    • lfgif14nu.dll
    • LFJ2K14nu.dll
    • Lfpng14nu.dll
    • lftif14nu.dll
    • Lfwmf14nu.dll
    • libifcoremd.dll
    • libmmd.dll
    • libxml2.dll
    • LTDIS14nu.dll
    • ltfil14nu.DLL
    • ltimg14nu.dll
    • ltkrn14nu.dll
    • mfc120.dll
    • mfc120chs.dll
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    • mfc70.dll
    • mfcm120.dll
    • mfcm120u.dll
    • msvcp120.dll
    • msvcr120.dll
    • msvcr70.dll
    • MtbArchive.dll
    • MtbAuthN.dll
    • MtbAuthNCHS.dll
    • MtbAuthNDEU.dll
    • MtbAuthNESP.dll
    • MtbAuthNFRA.dll
    • MtbAuthNJPN.dll
    • MtbAuthNPTB.dll
    • MtbBCG.dll
    • MtbBook.dll
    • MtbBT.dll
    • MtbCDL.dll
    • MtbCDLParseValidation.dll
    • MtbCDLValidation.dll
    • MtbCmndFramework.dll
    • MtbDateTime.dll
    • MtbDDE.dll
    • MtbDlg.dll
    • MtbEDT.dll
    • MtbExceptions.dll
    • MtbFormat.dll
    • MtbGED.dll
    • mtbgr.dll
    • MtbGraphAttributes.dll
    • MtbGraphics.dll
    • MtbGraphicsCmnd.dll
    • MtbGraphicsFtn.dll
    • MtbGUI.dll
    • MtbHOB.dll
    • MtbHVW.dll
    • MtbIO.dll
    • MtbMath.dll
    • MtbMemory.dll
    • MtbMessaging.dll
    • MtbMsg.dll
    • MtbMVT.dll
    • MtbObjectiveGrid.dll
    • MtbObserver.dll
    • MtbOLE.dll
    • MtbOut.dll
    • MtbPrefs.dll
    • MtbRCH.dll
    • MtbSED.dll
    • MtbSortCmnd.dll
    • MtbStatUtil.dll
    • MtbStreams.dll
    • MtbStrings.dll
    • MtbTemplate.dll
    • MtbUTL.dll
    • MtbWorkVar.dll
    • r2netdll.dll
    • RWUXThemeSU.dll
    • StatLibrary.dll
    • vcamp120.dll
    • vccorlib120.dll
    • vcomp120.dll
    • Mtbff.des
    • MtbTG.des
    • MtbGraph.ico
    • MtbProj.ico
    • MtbText.ico
    • regid.1994-02.com.minitab_Minitab 17_17.3.1.0.swidtag
  • 87.13 MB
  • 2019-5-13
  • cnykrw_d.csv.zip
       1984-2019 cny renmibi to south korea won rate daily data

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  • ivey teaching notes.zip
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    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 87) Jesper M?ller (auth.)-Lectures on Random Voronoi Tessellations-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) John E. Kolassa (auth.)-Series Approximation Methods in Statistics-Springer New York (1994).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) John E. Kolassa (auth.)-Series Approximation Methods in Statistics-Springer New York (1997).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 88) Series Approximation Methods in Statistics -Springer (2006).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 89) D. J. Hand (auth.), P. Cheeseman, R. W. Oldford (eds.)-Selecting Models from Data_ Artificial Intelligence and Statistics IV-Springer-Verlag New York (1994).pdf
  • 62.08 MB
  • 2017-9-9
  • M(101-163).rar

    • Meredith Efken.zip
    • Merline Lovelace.zip
    • Merrie DeStefano.zip
    • Merry Jones.zip
    • Mia Zachary.zip
    • Michael A. Martin.zip
    • Michael Anthony.zip
    • Michael C. Thomsett.zip
    • Michael C. White.zip
    • Michael Capuzzo.zip
    • Michael Chabon.zip
    • Michael Connelly.zip
    • Michael Crichton.zip
    • Michael Cunningham.zip
    • Michael Davis.zip
    • Michael Dobbs.zip
    • Michael E. Marks.zip
    • Michael Gruber.zip
    • Michael Haag.zip
    • Michael J. Fox.zip
    • Michael Korda.zip
    • Michael Lewis.zip
    • Michael Marshall.zip
    • Michael Mewshaw.zip
    • Michael Moorcock.zip
    • Michael Ondaatje.zip
    • Michael Pollan.zip
    • Michael Rubens.zip
    • Michael Ruhlman.zip
    • Michael S. Gazzaniga.zip
    • Michael Schuster.zip
    • Michael Scott.zip
    • Michael Specter.zip
    • Michael Swanwick.zip
    • Michael Tunison.zip
    • Michael Van Rooy.zip
    • Michael Walsh.zip
    • Michael.zip
    • Michel Faber.zip
    • Michele Young-Stone.zip
    • Michelle Moran.zip
    • Mignon F. Ballard.zip
    • Miguel Syjuco.zip
    • Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.zip
    • Mike Dash.zip
    • Mike Mullane.zip
    • Mikhail Bulgakov.zip
    • Mikkel Birkegaard.zip
    • Miklos Vamos.zip
    • Mingmei Yip.zip
    • Mira Grant.zip
    • Miranda Bliss.zip
    • Miranda July.zip
    • Mohammed Hanif.zip
    • Mollie Katzen.zip
    • Molly Evans.zip
    • Morgan Matson.zip
    • Mosab Hassan Yousef.zip
    • Mulk Raj Anand.zip
    • Myers_ Cindi.zip
    • Melody Carlson.zip
    • Melody Thomas.zip
    • Mercedes Lackey.zip
  • 83.54 MB
  • 2017-3-24
  • GTM-16.zip

    • 195 Nathanson. Elementary Methods in Number Theory..pdf
    • 196 Osborne. Basic Homological Algebra..djvu
    • 197 Eisenbud,Harris. The Geometry of Schemes..pdf
    • 198 Robert. A Course in p-adic Analysis..djvu
    • 199 Hedenmalm,Korenblum,Zhu. Theory of Bergman Spaces.[Bergman空间理论].djvu
    • 200 Bao,Chern,Shen. An Introduction to Riemann–Finsler Geometry..djvu
    • 201 Hindry,Silverman. Diophantine Geometry:An Introduction..djvu
    • 202 Lee. Introduction to Topological Manifolds. 2nd ed..pdf
    • 203 Sagan. The Symmetric Group:Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions. 2nd ed.djvu
    • 204 Escofier. Galois Theory..djvu
    • 205 Felix,Halperin,Thomas. Rational Homotopy Theory..[有理同伦论].djvu
    • 206 Murty. Problems in Analytic Number Theory. Readings in Mathematics. 2nd ed.pdf
    • 207 Godsil,Royle. Algebraic Graph Theory..djvu
    • 208 Cheney. Analysis for Applied Mathematics..djvu
  • 69.64 MB
  • 2017-1-31
  • Korean War.zip

    • Korean War.pdf
  • 20.78 MB
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  • A Simple Koran_Readable and Understandable.zip

    • A Simple Koran_Readable and Understandable.pdf
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  • 2016-12-26
  • mindocs.zip

    • minexercise.doc
    • Minexercise.pdf
    • minguide.doc
    • minguide.pdf
    • minimal.doc
    • minimal.pdf
    • minimal.ppt
    • minimalppt.pdf
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    • SinoClassEx.doc
    • SinoClassEx.pdf
    • SinoCrungem.doc
    • SinoCrungem.pdf
    • SinoMinimal.doc
    • SinoMinimal.pdf
    • minimalkorean.pdf
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  • 2016-12-9
  • The Samurai Invasion of Korea 1592–98.zip

    • The Samurai Invasion of Korea 1592–98.pdf
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  • 2016-11-26
  • Royal Marine Commando 1950–82_From Korea to the Falklands.zip

    • Royal Marine Commando 1950–82_From Korea to the Falklands.pdf
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  • kordas2002.zip

    • kordas2002.pdf
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  • 2016-8-22
  • Strengthening ASEAN–Korea Co-operation in Non-Traditional Security Issues.zip

    • Strengthening ASEAN–Korea Co-operation in Non-Traditional Security Issues.pdf
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  • 2016-8-15
  • korajczyk2008.zip

    • korajczyk2008.pdf
  • 1.64 MB
  • 2016-8-11
  • filters.zip

    • GEOBASE (DL).enf
    • Amer Revolution Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • PASCAL (STN).enf
    • Alt Press Index Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Import (DIMDI).enf
    • Ei Compendex (OvidSP).enf
    • BREPOLiS.enf
    • Social Services Abs (CSA).enf
    • Centre for Reviews and Diss (NHS).enf
    • All Databases (DL).enf
    • ERIC.enf
    • Bioethics (VHL).enf
    • CiNii.enf
    • Biological Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Dissertation Abs (DL).enf
    • Library Master.enf
    • Ei Compendex (Ei).enf
    • EconLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Acad Source Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • ECCO (Gale).enf
    • AOM Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • CancerLit (EBSCO).enf
    • Aqualine (CSA).enf
    • Legal Coll (EBSCO).enf
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    • Business News (China InfoBank).enf
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    • NERAC.enf
    • GreenFILE (EBSCO).enf
    • Anthropological Index (OCLC).enf
    • Aristoteles Latinus.enf
    • Research Starters - Soc (EBSCO).enf
    • Newspaper Source (EBSCO).enf
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    • PubMed Central (NLM).enf
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    • Mon Germaniae Hist.enf
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    • Audiobook Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Newspaper Abs (DL).enf
    • Pascal BioMed (INIST).enf
    • EBM Revs-ACP (OvidSP).enf
    • Factiva (DJ).enf
    • Philosophers Index (OCLC).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (OvidSP).enf
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    • Index Chemicus (DL).enf
    • Acad Search Elite (EBSCO).enf
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    • CA Search (DL).enf
    • Sociological Abs (CSA).enf
    • Fish and Fisheries (EBSCO).enf
    • Gen Sci Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • CCRCT (Wiley).enf
    • Art Arch Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Health Source Cons Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • Chicano DB (OCLC).enf
    • Anthropology Plus (OCLC).enf
    • Wilson App Sci Tech (OvidSP).enf
    • JDreamIII.enf
    • FRANCIS (OvidSP).enf
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    • Intl Pharm Abs (STN).enf
    • CINAHL (EBSCO).enf
    • CAplus (STN).enf
    • SPIRES-HEP.enf
    • Biological Abs (OvidSP).enf
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    • MEDLINE (OvidSP).enf
    • Elsevier World Textiles (OvidSP).enf
    • WPIDS (STN).enf
    • Anthropological Lit (OCLC).enf
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    • Health Wellness (DL).enf
    • Ei Compendex (EBSCO).enf
    • Advanstar Comm (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (DL).enf
    • Periodical Abs (DL).enf
    • ADS.enf
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    • Articles Wharton Fac (EBSCO).enf
    • LegalTrac (Gale).enf
    • U Nevada-Reno.enf
    • SCISEARCH (STN).enf
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    • Dissertation Abs (CAS).enf
    • Bus Source Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Health Tech Assess (EBSCO).enf
    • Wilson Art Abs (OvidSP).enf
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    • Education Admin Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • NTIS (DL).enf
    • BusManagement (OCLC).enf
    • Ei Compendex (DS).enf
    • Nursing Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Ref Center (EBSCO).enf
    • BHI (CSA).enf
    • African Amer Arch (EBSCO).enf
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    • Anthropology Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • PEP Arch (EBSCO).enf
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    • ClinicalTrials.enf
    • Reference Update (TS).enf
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    • InfoTrac (Gale).enf
    • Proceedings (OCLC).enf
    • Social Policy and Prac (OvidSP).enf
    • Earthquake Eng Abs (CSA).enf
    • Middle Search Plus (EBSCO).enf
    • CONF (STN).enf
    • Political Sci Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • AMA Marketing Watch (EBSCO).enf
    • Gender Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Safety Sci Risk (CSA).enf
    • Scientific Amer Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Zoological Record (DL).enf
    • ARLIS.enf
    • EMBASE (OvidSP).enf
    • Amer Antiq Soc Per (EBSCO).enf
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    • Hosp Tourism Index (EBSCO).enf
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    • WHOLIS (VHL).enf
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    • Zoological Record (OvidSP).enf
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    • CINAHL Plus (EBSCO).enf
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    • Biomedical Ref Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Violence Abuse Abs (EBSCO).enf
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    • Art Abstracts (EBSCO).enf
    • SciSearch (DL).enf
    • Transplant Library (OvidSP).enf
    • PsycINFO (OvidSP).enf
    • US EPA.enf
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    • MEDLINE-In Process (OvidSP).enf
    • Womens Studies Intl (EBSCO).enf
    • RILM (CSA).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Personal Alert-long (TS).enf
    • PsycINFO (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (OvidSP).enf
    • Elsevier Geography (OvidSP).enf
    • BDENF (VHL).enf
    • CRN Proprietary (EBSCO).enf
    • Derwent Drug (OvidSP).enf
    • Mgt and Org Studies (CSA).enf
    • Wilson Soc Sci Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • UltraMED (KF).enf
    • America Hist Life (EBSCO).enf
    • Psyc Behavioral Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Faculty of 1000.enf
    • AARP Ageline (OvidSP).enf
    • Short Story Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Info Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • San Jose Mercury News (DL).enf
    • Global Health (EBSCO).enf
    • ScienceDirect.enf
    • Gale Group News (DL).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (CSA).enf
    • ASFA (CSA).enf
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    • ADOLEC (VHL).enf
    • Biography Coll Comp (EBSCO).enf
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    • MELVYL.enf
    • ENERGY (STN).enf
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    • Current Abs (EBSCO).enf
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    • WasteInfo (DL).enf
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    • Lit Resources (Gale).enf
    • FSTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (CSA).enf
    • In Principio.enf
    • Weldasearch (DL).enf
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    • RIPM (OCLC).enf
    • EIS (CSA).enf
    • Plant Science (CSA).enf
    • EconLit (PQ).enf
    • Southern Baptist Hist Lib.enf
    • CAB Abstracts (DL).enf
    • Chemical Abstracts (STN).enf
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    • RIMP (EBSCO).enf
    • Prem Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
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    • ATLAS (EBSCO).enf
    • Humanities Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • WPIX (STN).enf
    • Algology Abs (CSA).enf
    • French Bus Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Salud para Todos (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal (DL).enf
    • Left Index (EBSCO).enf
    • TOXCENTER (STN).enf
    • Natl Review Arch (EBSCO).enf
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    • AustLit.enf
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    • Accounting and Tax (DL).enf
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    • BIR Entertainment (EBSCO).enf
    • ERIC (DL).enf
    • Derwent Innovation Index.enf
    • Arts Humanities (DL).enf
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    • Race Relations Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Design ProFILES (CSA).enf
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    • Family Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
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    • PsycINFO (CSA).enf
    • NTIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Biotech Bioeng Abs (CSA).enf
    • RefMan RIS.enf
    • Book Review Index (Gale).enf
    • WilsonWeb.enf
    • Bib of Native North Amer (EBSCO).enf
    • History Ref Ctr (EBSCO).enf
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    • RILM (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (OvidSP).enf
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    • OSH (CCOHS).enf
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    • ASTA (OCLC).enf
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    • Acad Search Comp (EBSCO).enf
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    • ANTE (CSA).enf
    • FRANCIS (CSA).enf
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    • Hist Sci Tech Med (OCLC).enf
    • Consumer Health Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Bib Slavic Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • UnCover (INGENTA).enf
    • Regional Business News (EBSCO).enf
    • INSPEC Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Inv Musical Sources (EBSCO).enf
    • Pascal Scitech (INIST).enf
    • FOODLINE Science (OvidSP).enf
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    • Google Books.enf
    • e-psyche (CSA).enf
    • Environmental Sci (CSA).enf
    • Zoological Record Plus (CSA).enf
    • World Surf Coat Abs (DL).enf
    • AMED (EBSCO).enf
    • FRANCIS (OCLC).enf
    • SPORTDiscus (EBSCO).enf
    • DataTimes (OCLC).enf
    • MAS Ultra (EBSCO).enf
    • Citation.enf
    • Web of Science (TS).enf
    • Human Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • GenBank (NCBI).enf
    • ARTstor.enf
    • World Political Sci Abs (CSA).enf
    • Peace Res Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Allied and Comp Med (DL).enf
    • Index Printed Music (EBSCO).enf
    • Ei Compendex (DL).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (DS).enf
    • Heritage Printed Book (OCLC).enf
    • EMBASE (DL).enf
    • Public Admin Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Library of Congress.enf
    • CAMIO (OCLC).enf
    • Agricola (EBSCO).enf
    • Index Foreign Legal Per (OvidSP).enf
    • AGRIS (DL).enf
    • Military Govt Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • App Sci Tech Source (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (NAL).enf
    • Gen Sci Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • IPSA (OvidSP).enf
    • Electronics Abs (CSA).enf
    • MLA Directory Per (CSA).enf
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    • CAB Abstracts (EDINA).enf
    • HISA (VHL).enf
    • Corp ResourceNet (EBSCO).enf
    • U Calif-Berkeley.enf
    • Technical Reports (DTIC).enf
    • CISTI Source.enf
    • REPIDISCA (VHL).enf
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    • Biography Index Retro (EBSCO).enf
    • Mgt Contents (DL).enf
    • BBO (VHL).enf
    • Humanities Intl Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Life Sciences (STN).enf
    • Pre-CINAHL (EBSCO).enf
    • DWPI (DL).enf
    • INSPEC (INIST).enf
    • IDIS (OvidSP).enf
    • Amazon.enf
    • Catalog of US Govt Pubs (GPO).enf
    • Health Source Nurs Ed (EBSCO).enf
    • EnvironmentS (OCLC).enf
    • Intl Bib Theater Dance (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycARTICLES (OCLC).enf
    • BibTex.enf
    • African Amer Hist Ser Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (EBSCO).enf
    • Forest Science (OvidSP).enf
    • OAIster (UM).enf
    • Water Resources Abs (CSA).enf
    • Educ Res Abs (INGENTA).enf
    • Corning Museum of Glass.enf
    • CANCERLIT (DL).enf
    • SCIPIO (OCLC).enf
    • TULSA (STN).enf
    • Current Contents (OvidSP).enf
    • AP NewsMonitor Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • Zotero RIS.enf
    • Bus Source Elite (EBSCO).enf
    • Fonte Academica (EBSCO).enf
    • Book Review Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • AHFS Cons Med Info (EBSCO).enf
    • Superconductivity Papers.enf
    • NRC Research Press.enf
    • EMBASE (STN).enf
    • EMBASE.com.enf
    • IPSA (EBSCO).enf
    • Wilson Select (OCLC).enf
    • Alt Press Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Biography Index Past Pres (EBSCO).enf
    • GeoRef (CSA).enf
    • JDreamII.enf
    • New Testament Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs TULSA (EBSCO).enf
    • eBooks (EBSCO).enf
    • Eng Mats Abs (CSA).enf
    • Environment Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Natl Research Register.enf
    • PQSCITECH (STN).enf
    • Biological and Agri Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Intl Pharm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Education Res Comp (EBSCO).enf
    • Agricola (DL).enf
    • Comm Abs (CSA).enf
    • Database Abs Revs Effect (EBSCO).enf
    • Kings Fund (DS).enf
    • KoreaMed.enf
    • FS INFO (USDA).enf
    • Urban Studies Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • PsycCRITIQUES (OCLC).enf
    • ProQuest.enf
    • Comp Database (DS).enf
    • GalleryWatch CRS Reps (EBSCO).enf
    • MEDLINE (STN).enf
    • Polymer Library (EBSCO).enf
    • Petroleum Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • MLA Intl Bib (Gale).enf
    • Criminology (CSA).enf
    • Conf Papers Index (CSA).enf
    • PsycFIRST (OCLC).enf
    • Scopus Natural Sciences (CSA).enf
    • GenderWatch (OCLC).enf
    • New Republic Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Environment Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Bus Source Alumni (EBSCO).enf
    • NCJRS.enf
    • SONIC (LC).enf
    • BIOSIS Previews (DL).enf
    • Textile Tech Index (EBSCO).enf
    • UK Data Archive.enf
    • Polymer Library (CSA).enf
    • AMA Arch (EBSCO).enf
    • Food Sci Tech Abs (EBSCO).enf
    • LISA (CSA).enf
    • Web of Science Core Collection (TR).enf
    • SourceOECD.enf
    • Book Coll Non-Fic (EBSCO).enf
    • BIAB.enf
    • Rev hist ecclesiastique.enf
    • Intl Index TV Per (OvidSP).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DL).enf
    • AGRIS (OvidSP).enf
    • EBM Revs-HTA (OvidSP).enf
    • Index Legal Per Books (EBSCO).enf
    • Sociological Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • BioMed Central.enf
    • ERIC (OvidSP).enf
    • Art Arch Index (EBSCO).enf
    • RefWorks Import.enf
    • Witchita St U-SOAR.enf
    • Biological Sciences (CSA).enf
    • BiblioLine (NISC).enf
    • Shock Vibration Digest (EBSCO).enf
    • ABI-Inform (DS).enf
    • Aerospace High Tech (CSA).enf
    • Analytical Abs (DS).enf
    • Design App Arts Index (CSA).enf
    • Natl Library of Israel.enf
    • Biology Digest (CSA).enf
    • PsycTESTS (OvidSP).enf
    • Wilson Library Lit (OvidSP).enf
    • Philosophers Index (EBSCO).enf
    • Amer Humanities Index (EBSCO).enf
    • LGBT Life (EBSCO).enf
    • PASCAL (OvidSP).enf
    • OldMEDLINE (OvidSP).enf
    • ProCite RIS.enf
    • PubMed (NLM).enf
    • ToxFile (DL).enf
    • Wilson Human Abs (OvidSP).enf
    • CApreviews (STN).enf
    • Index New Zealand.enf
    • ATLA Religion (EBSCO).enf
    • Middle Eastern Studies (EBSCO).enf
    • Harvard Business Rev (DL).enf
    • EconLit (DL).enf
    • Physical Ed Index (CSA).enf
    • Clase y Periodica (OCLC).enf
    • Prof Dev Coll (EBSCO).enf
    • PapersInvited (CSA).enf
    • Mental Measurements (OvidSP).enf
    • RILM (EBSCO).enf
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    • Microsoft: Closing the Hood: How Fast Can This Car Go?.pdf
    • Mid-Cap E&P:Marcellus-Utica:Strong Headwinds.pdf
    • Mid-Cap Exploration & Production: Where's the Bottom?.pdf
    • Midstream Energy : Niobrara Pipeline Competition.pdf
    • Midstream Energy :MLP、YieldCo Structuring and Tax Trends Call Recap.pdf
    • Midstream Energy MLPs.pdf
    • Mobileye NV: Growing Confidence Results in Growing PT; Up to $65.pdf
    • MRK:Why IMPROVE-IT is likely to fail and why it matters.pdf
    • MS:China Oil & Gas:Big 3 Underperformed CNOOC A Bit Better, Yizheng Surged After Restructuring, but Why Did Small-Cap Peers Plunge?.pdf
    • MS:Hong Kong Economics:August Retail Sales – 1st Month of Positive Growth in Seven Months.pdf
    • MS_Thailand EconomicsPolicy Rate On Hold As Expected.pdf
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    • Multi-Industry:Laguna Conference Day Two Highlights.pdf
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    • Myer: 1st Take: FY14 Result – Miss & Soft Outlook.pdf
    • Myer:Correction:Profit Growth Unlikely.pdf
    • NA Metals & Mining Chartbook: We Like Aluminum; Copper、Gold Face NT Headwinds.pdf
    • National Grid plc:National Grid: Reassuring on RIIO.pdf
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    • Nike Inc.: Video & Note - Raising Price Target to $105; Nike Remains Our Top OW Idea.pdf
  • 87.8 MB
  • 2014-10-7
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    • Transforming Anthropology.ens
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  • 11.52 MB
  • 2014-9-27
  • 33-36weekly.rar

    • US Lodging: Raising 14-15 Outlook & Recapping Key 2Q Trends.pdf
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  • 27weekly.rar

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  • 各种 var 模型介绍.pdf
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    • AUS_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • AUT_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • BEL_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • BGR_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
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    • CHN_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • CYP_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
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    • ESP_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
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    • SWE_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • TUR_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • TWN_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
    • USA_NIOT_ROW_Sep12.xlsx
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  • Mathematical statistics. Asymptotic minimax theory.rar
       Mathematical statistics. Asymptotic minimax theory

    • Korostelev A.P., Korosteleva O. Mathematical statistics. Asymptotic minimax theory 2011.djvu
    • Korostelev A.P., Korosteleva O.-Mathematical statistics. Asymptotic minimax theory. Solutions manual-American Mathematical Society (2011).pdf
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  • 28.pdf
       A New View of the Korean Business Groups and Their Role in the Financial Crisis

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  • styles.zip

    • Transforming Anthropology.ens
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    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
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    • Bulletin NHM Botany.ens
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    • Knee.ens
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    • Crit Persp Accounting.ens
    • TF-E MLA (no Print).ens
    • Familial Cancer.ens
    • Applied Preventive Psych.ens
    • APPI.ens
    • Mathematics Comp Simulation.ens
    • J Environment Quality.ens
    • J Physiology.ens
    • J Pediatric Psychology.ens
    • Palliative Medicine.ens
    • Neurology.ens
    • J Comp Applied Math.ens
    • J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.ens
    • Mind.ens
    • Dairy Sci Technology.ens
    • Euro J Pain.ens
    • Science in Context.ens
    • World J Surgery.ens
    • J Intl Phonetic Assn.ens
    • Pakistan J Biol Sci.ens
    • Natures Sciences Soc.ens
    • Pesticide Biochem Physiol.ens
    • Fish Shellfish Immunol.ens
    • IEEE Comp Graph Applic.ens
    • Near Surface Geophysics.ens
    • Ancient Mesoamerica.ens
    • Euro Spine J.ens
    • Diabetes Educator.ens
    • Clin Microbiol Infection.ens
    • English Language Notes.ens
    • Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie.ens
    • Astrobiology.ens
    • Educational Measurement.ens
    • Applied Thermal Engineering.ens
    • Springer Fachzeit Medizin Psych.ens
    • J Animal Science.ens
    • Annals Rheum Diseases.ens
    • Trends Ecology Evol.ens
    • Optics Express.ens
    • Intl J Plasticity.ens
    • Mol Plant Pathol.ens
    • AINS-English_2.ens
    • Evidence-Based Spine-Care.ens
    • J Trace Elem in Exp Med.ens
    • Materials Sci Tech.ens
    • IT Professional.ens
    • Annales Nestle.ens
    • J Materials in Civil Eng.ens
    • Cereal Chemistry.ens
    • Western J Nursing Research.ens
    • Clinical Microbio Reviews_0.ens
    • Assess Eval Higher Ed.ens
    • APMIS.ens
    • Critical Care Medicine.ens
    • J Neuroscience Methods.ens
    • J Food Quality.ens
    • Forestry.ens
    • Respirology.ens
    • TF-L Chicago-UK footnotes only.ens
    • Aquatic Toxicology.ens
    • Comptes rendus Paleontol.ens
    • Theoria.ens
    • AIP Style Manual.ens
    • Contraception.ens
    • Euro Management J.ens
    • J Applied Physics.ens
    • acta_biochim_biophys_sin_1.ens
    • Medical Mycology.ens
    • Genome Research.ens
    • BBA - Mol Basis of Disease.ens
    • Eng Fracture Mechanics.ens
    • Review Financial Studies.ens
    • Conversations Religion Theology.ens
    • Information Software Tech.ens
    • Health Expectations.ens
    • J Trauma.ens
    • J Amer Soc Hort Sci.ens
    • Virology.ens
    • Intl J Occup Med Environ Health.ens
    • Intl J Production Res.ens
    • Intl Immunology.ens
    • Oncology.ens
    • Plant Physiology.ens
    • Educat Chemical Engineer.ens
    • Physics Letters B.ens
    • Sem Orthodontics.ens
    • J Nuclear Medicine.ens
    • Hippocampus.ens
    • J Biotechnology.ens
    • J Steriod Biochem.ens
    • Euro J Phycology.ens
    • Organizational Research Methods.ens
    • Sleep Medicine.ens
    • Oxford J Archaeology.ens
    • Rev Mex Ciencias Geologicas.ens
    • Euro J Anaesthesiology.ens
    • J Service Research.ens
    • Art Book.ens
    • Molecular Plant.ens
    • Emotional Behav Difficulties.ens
    • Occup Environ Med.ens
    • Psychoanalytic Quarterly.ens
    • APA 5th-Annotated.ens
    • China Quarterly.ens
    • Global Bus Org Excellence.ens
    • J Synchrotron Radiation.ens
    • J Public Policy.ens
    • Radiologie up2date.ens
    • PhytoKeys.ens
    • Organometallics.ens
    • Scripta Materialia.ens
    • Skeletal Radiology.ens
    • Curr Prot - Toxicology.ens
    • Anales de Pediatria.ens
    • Catalysts Catalysed React.ens
    • Smart Materials Structures.ens
    • Euro Polymer J.ens
    • Molecular Biology Evol.ens
    • J Socio-Economics.ens
    • Criminal Justice Review.ens
    • Struct Change Econ Dynamics.ens
    • Bridge Structures.ens
    • J Psych Mental Health Nurs.ens
    • Cellular Microbiology.ens
    • Linear Algebra and Its App.ens
    • Royal Society of Chemistry.ens
    • Harmful Algae.ens
    • J Adolescence.ens
    • Chinese Std GBT7714 (author-year).ens
    • Rice Science.ens
    • Critical Care.ens
    • Pediatric Blood Cancer.ens
    • Cambridge J Education.ens
    • Environmental Microbiology.ens
    • J Fluids Engineering.ens
    • Global Public Health.ens
    • Arthropod Struct Dev.ens
    • J Amer Ceramic Soc.ens
    • J Symbolic Computation.ens
    • J Electronic Packaging.ens
    • Surface Science.ens
    • Eating and Weight Dis.ens
    • J Ecclesiastical History.ens
    • J Process Mech Engineer.ens
    • Gyn Ob Investigation.ens
    • TumorDiagnostik Therapie.ens
    • Environ Quality Mgmt.ens
    • J Microbiology-Korea.ens
    • Oligonucleotides.ens
    • Quarterly Revs Biophysics.ens
    • J Cardiac Surgery.ens
    • J Chemical Info Modeling.ens
    • Nutrition and Metabolism.ens
    • Intl Comm Heat Mass Transfer.ens
    • Chinese J Intl Politics.ens
    • J Systematic Palaeo.ens
    • J Pharma Biomed Analysis.ens
    • HIV Medicine.ens
    • Organic Electronics.ens
    • Computational Intelligence.ens
    • Intl J Manufacturing Systems.ens
    • Human Factors Ergo Mfg.ens
    • J Alcohol Drug Education.ens
    • J Voc Ed Training.ens
    • TF-W Philosophy.ens
    • AJP Renal Physiology.ens
    • Movement Disorders.ens
    • Trends Immunology.ens
    • Entertainment Computing.ens
    • Strain.ens
    • BMC Bioinformatics.ens
    • Asian J Dermatology.ens
    • J Computer Science Tech.ens
    • Essays in Criticism.ens
    • Finance Res Letters.ens
    • Cognitive Systems Res.ens
    • Air Medical J.ens
    • AGIMO 6th.ens
    • ACM Trans Comp-Human Interact.ens
    • Teaching Teacher Educ.ens
    • Physica Medica.ens
    • Precision Engineering.ens
    • neuroreha.ens
    • J Child Adolesc Psychopharma.ens
    • Water Air Soil Poll Focus.ens
    • Euro J Cell Biology.ens
    • Brit J Social Work.ens
    • Brit J Learn Disab.ens
    • Intl J Thermal Sciences.ens
    • Manual Therapy.ens
    • AIDS.ens
    • Research in Economics.ens
    • J Geology.ens
    • Applied Ergonomics.ens
    • Applied Environ Microbio.ens
    • Scand J Psychology.ens
    • J Experimental Botany.ens
    • Cognitive Psychology.ens
    • Pharmaceutical Med.ens
    • IMA J Applied Math.ens
    • Trans Applied Perception.ens
    • J Engineering Design.ens
    • Archives Insect Bio Phys.ens
    • Diabetes Care.ens
    • J Electrochemical Society.ens
    • Prog in Crystal Growth Char.ens
    • Environment and Planning.ens
    • Waste Management.ens
    • Environmental Toxicology.ens
    • Environ Science Policy.ens
    • Molecular Simulation.ens
    • Biological Cybernetics.ens
    • Rev Income Wealth.ens
    • Research J Allergy.ens
    • Pharmacotherapy.ens
    • J Neurogastro Motil.ens
    • IET Image Processing.ens
    • J Modern History.ens
    • Atherosclerosis.ens
    • Biosci Biotechnol Biochem.ens
    • Computer Lang Sys Struct.ens
    • Research J Immunology.ens
    • Euro Surgical Research.ens
    • Annals Behavioral Med.ens
    • Digestion.ens
    • Neurosurgery.ens
    • Current Opinion Mol Ther.ens
    • J Eng Gas Turbines Power.ens
    • Adv Powder Tech.ens
    • Development and Psychopath.ens
    • Euro J Radiology.ens
    • Neurobiology of Disease.ens
    • Materials Research Bull.ens
    • Tech Pedagogy and Ed.ens
    • J Knee Surgery.ens
    • Educational Administration Q.ens
    • Intl J Press Vessels Pip.ens
    • Intl J Chemical Tech.ens
    • J Psychoeducational Assess.ens
    • J Oral Path Medicine.ens
    • Perception.ens
    • Human Resource Mgmt.ens
    • MLA (No-Caps).ens
    • Bioelectromagnetics.ens
    • Physics Teacher.ens
    • Neuroscience Res.ens
    • Chromatographia.ens
    • Highlights Chem Sci.ens
    • City and Society.ens
    • Water Air Soil Poll.ens
    • Trends Microbiology.ens
    • Educational Researcher.ens
    • Radio Science.ens
    • Lakes Reservoirs.ens
    • Experi Hematology.ens
    • Action Learning.ens
    • Sex Education.ens
    • Cornell Hotel Restaurant Admin Q.ens
    • J Applied Poultry Res.ens
    • Andrologia.ens
    • IDrugs.ens
    • Diabetic Medicine.ens
    • Zeits Phytotherapie.ens
    • Expert Rev Ophthalmol.ens
    • Asian J Biochemistry.ens
    • Haemophilia.ens
    • Amer J Nephrology.ens
    • Current Hypertension Reps.ens
    • J Fish Diseases.ens
    • Global Finance J.ens
    • Breast J.ens
    • J Antimicrobial Chemo.ens
    • IET Signal Processing.ens
    • Psychiatry Research Neuroimage.ens
    • Intl J Sustainable Energy.ens
    • Philosophy of Science.ens
    • Bioscience.ens
    • J Agron Crop Sci.ens
    • J Exp Clin Assist Reprod.ens
    • Modern Intellect History.ens
    • J Intl Management.ens
    • IET Radar Sonar Navigation.ens
    • IET Electric Power Apps.ens
    • Annals Nuclear Energy.ens
    • Anglo-Saxon England.ens
    • Rev Economic Dynamics.ens
    • Aristotelian Soc Sup Vol.ens
    • J Financial Stability.ens
    • Engineer App Artificial I
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  • 2012-12-18
  • D-Lab Development, Dialogue and Delivery.rar

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    • WHO_HSC_PVI_99.11.pdf
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  • 2012-12-4
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    • Transforming Anthropology.ens
    • Nurse Practitioner.ens
    • AAPS PharmSciTech.ens
    • Evolution Devel.ens
    • Intl J Greenhouse Gas Control.ens
    • Curr Problems Surg.ens
    • Neuroscience Biobehavioral Revs.ens
    • Research J Environ Toxicol.ens
    • J Travel Medicine.ens
    • Cytogenetic Genome Res.ens
    • Amer J Drug Disc Devel.ens
    • Endocrine-Related Cancer.ens
    • J Wildlife Management.ens
    • Hormones Behavior.ens
    • NDT and E Intl.ens
    • Physiol Mol Plant Pathol.ens
    • Intl Business Review.ens
    • J Applied Remote Sensing.ens
    • Sports Medicine.ens
    • Can Biol Ther.ens
    • Water Research.ens
    • Amer Sociological Assn.ens
    • Asian J Poultry Science.ens
    • Digestive Diseases.ens
    • Intl J Project Mgmt.ens
    • Comp Geometry.ens
    • Euro J Nuc Med Molec Imaging.ens
    • Korea Observer.ens
    • Current Opinion Drug Disc Dev.ens
    • J Rehabilitation Med.ens
    • Brit J Anaesthesia.ens
    • Macromolecular Mater Engineer.ens
    • Marine Mammal Science.ens
    • Intl J Environ Res Pub Health.ens
    • J Applied Logic.ens
    • Cancer ACS.ens
    • Fetal Diagnosis Therapy.ens
    • Prof Psych Res Practice.ens
    • LSA Bulletin.ens
    • J Youth Studies.ens
    • Res Accounting Regulation.ens
    • J Biomed Materials Res.ens
    • Brit J Educational Tech.ens
    • Brain and Development.ens
    • Educational Studies.ens
    • Microbial Biotechnology.ens
    • Geosciences J.ens
    • Food Bioproducts Process.ens
    • New Astronomy.ens
    • Trends Cognitive Sciences.ens
    • IET Computer Vision.ens
    • IEICE Trans Electronics.ens
    • BMC Immunology.ens
    • Amer J Epidemiology.ens
    • J Inst of Math of Jussieu.ens
    • J Optical Soc Amer.ens
    • Amer J Kidney Diseases.ens
    • Cranio Maxillofac Trauma Recon.ens
    • Crime and Delinquency.ens
    • Bulletin NHM Botany.ens
    • Klinische Neurophysiologie.ens
    • Amer J Health Behavior.ens
    • Immunol Cell Biol.ens
    • Biomed Signal Process Control.ens
    • Differentiation.ens
    • Ther Apher Dialysis.ens
    • Nuclear Med Bio.ens
    • Audiology and Neurotology.ens
    • Trends Parasitology.ens
    • Oxford Art Journal.ens
    • J Amer Chem Society.ens
    • Chicago 16th A.ens
    • Literature and Theology.ens
    • Prog in Polymer Science.ens
    • Trans Info Sys Security.ens
    • IEEE Software.ens
    • Clinical Nephrology.ens
    • Trans Ultra Ferroelec Freq Cont.ens
    • J Chemical Neuroanatomy.ens
    • PPmP.ens
    • Intl J Accounting Info Sys.ens
    • J Process Control.ens
    • Parasite Immunology.ens
    • Malaria J.ens
    • Biomacromolecules.ens
    • Discourse Context Media.ens
    • Plant Molecular Biology.ens
    • J Public Admin Res Theory.ens
    • English Historical Review.ens
    • Zeits Gastroenterologie-German.ens
    • Aktuelle Dermatologie.ens
    • Geographical J.ens
    • J Fluorine Chemistry.ens
    • Computer Law Security Review.ens
    • Chemistry Biology.ens
    • Archives Facial Plastic Surg.ens
    • Anthropology Humanism.ens
    • Synthetic Metals.ens
    • Epidemiol Perspect Innov.ens
    • App Math Res Express.ens
    • IEEE Trans Adv Packaging.ens
    • Intl J Medical Education.ens
    • Chemico-Biological Int.ens
    • Cell Metabolism.ens
    • Ocean Modelling.ens
    • IET Information Security.ens
    • Aerospace Sci Tech.ens
    • Can J School Psych.ens
    • J Accounting Res.ens
    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt C.ens
    • Sexologies.ens
    • IEEE Trans Info Forens Security.ens
    • IEICE Trans Fund Elect Comm Comp Sci.ens
    • Current Opinion Struct Bio.ens
    • Colloids and Surfaces A.ens
    • J Early Adolescence.ens
    • J Vet Diagnostic Invest.ens
    • J Prof Iss Eng Ed Pract.ens
    • Advances Life Course Res.ens
    • Mathematical Finance.ens
    • Clinical Radiology.ens
    • Remote Sensing of Enviro.ens
    • Intl J Geomechanics.ens
    • Microprocessors Microsys.ens
    • Intl J Antimicrob Agents.ens
    • Oncogenesis.ens
    • Electrical Eng in Japan.ens
    • Health Ed Behavior.ens
    • J Rail Rapid Transit.ens
    • Cytokine Growth Fact Rev.ens
    • Annals NY Acad Sci.ens
    • J Eval Clin Pract.ens
    • Reproductive Toxicology.ens
    • Macromolecular BioScience.ens
    • J Asia Pacific Economy.ens
    • Amer Naturalist.ens
    • Computer Science Review.ens
    • Industrial Relations J.ens
    • Bioorganic Chemistry.ens
    • Agri Ecosys Enviro.ens
    • FEMS Journals.ens
    • Intl Math Res Notices.ens
    • Trans Med Hemotherapy.ens
    • PoLAR.ens
    • Risk Manage Ins Rev.ens
    • SCIENCE CHINA Phys Mech Astron.ens
    • Language.ens
    • J Royal Stat Society-Series A.ens
    • Corrosion Engineering.ens
    • Prostate.ens
    • Urology.ens
    • Lege artis_2.ens
    • J Intl Assn Phys AIDS Care.ens
    • UWSF (Num).ens
    • J Stat Planning Inference.ens
    • Fibers and Polymers.ens
    • Curr Prot - Stem Cell Biol.ens
    • Clinical Microbio Reviews.ens
    • Trans Comp Logic.ens
    • Hepatology.ens
    • J Pharmacy Pharmacology.ens
    • Endocrine Pathology.ens
    • Molecular Sys Biology.ens
    • Asian Soc Work Pol Res.ens
    • Intl J Human Comp Studies.ens
    • Der Internist.ens
    • J Engineering Tech Mgt.ens
    • Clinical Chemistry.ens
    • BMC Public Health.ens
    • J Nuclear Materials.ens
    • Financial History Review.ens
    • Database.ens
    • Cambridge Opera Journal.ens
    • Trans Royal Hist Soc.ens
    • BMC Blood Disorders.ens
    • Chinese Birds.ens
    • J Atmospheric Ocean Tech.ens
    • J Pharmacy Practice.ens
    • Aquaculture Econ Management.ens
    • Japan Dental Science Rev.ens
    • Zoologica Scripta.ens
    • Soil Survey Horizons.ens
    • Language Sciences.ens
    • Adv in Enzyme Regulation.ens
    • ISPRS J Photogrammetry.ens
    • Adv in Librarianship.ens
    • Birth Defects Research B.ens
    • J World Aquaculture Soc.ens
    • Expert Rev Vaccines.ens
    • Comp Rev Food Sci Food Safety.ens
    • Counseling Psychologist.ens
    • Sedimentary Geology.ens
    • Oncogene.ens
    • J Animal Ecology.ens
    • Earth Sci Rev.ens
    • Sexual Health.ens
    • Ecological Engineering.ens
    • TAPPI J.ens
    • Current Neuropharmacology.ens
    • APA 6th.ens
    • Intl J Heat Fluid Flow.ens
    • BBA - General Subjects.ens
    • J Ag Economics.ens
    • Political Theory.ens
    • Frontiers Science.ens
    • Thoracic Cardiovasc Surgeon.ens
    • J Math Analysis Apps.ens
    • J Interferon Cytokine Res.ens
    • Comptes Rendus Biologies.ens
    • Aquatic Botany.ens
    • J Spec Pediatric Nursing.ens
    • Family Consumer Science Res J.ens
    • CSA News.ens
    • J Molecular Biology.ens
    • Amer J Psychiatry.ens
    • J Molecular Liquids.ens
    • Research Strategies.ens
    • Home Health Care Mgmt Pract.ens
    • Colorectal Disease.ens
    • Alt Comp Therapies.ens
    • HortTechnology.ens
    • PharmacoEconomics.ens
    • Applied Math Comp.ens
    • Child Care Health Dev.ens
    • J Forensic Science.ens
    • Academic Psychiatry.ens
    • Intl J Urol Nursing.ens
    • Livestock Science.ens
    • Epidemiology.ens
    • IET Nanobiotechnology.ens
    • Intl J Control Auto Systems.ens
    • J Quant Spectro Rad Trans.ens
    • Innovation.ens
    • BMC Psychiatry.ens
    • Curr Opinion Colloid Interface Sci.ens
    • Prog Physical Geography.ens
    • Clinical Autonomic Res.ens
    • Autonomic Neurosci.ens
    • Epidemiologic Reviews.ens
    • Obstetrics and Gynecology.ens
    • Intl J Equity in Health.ens
    • J Amer Oil Chem Soc.ens
    • J Surgical Oncology.ens
    • Aust J Chemistry.ens
    • Research J Veterinary Sci.ens
    • Knee.ens
    • J Psychoactive Drugs.ens
    • Multiple Sclerosis.ens
    • J Circadian Rhythms.ens
    • Im OP.ens
    • Prog Neuro-psychopharm Biol Psych.ens
    • Aquatic Mammals.ens
    • Echocardiography.ens
    • Micropor Mesopor Materials.ens
    • J Expos Sci Environ Epidemiol.ens
    • Sport Management Review.ens
    • Computer J.ens
    • MT Cardio.ens
    • Asian J Epidemiology.ens
    • Expert Rev Anti-infective Ther.ens
    • Environmental Ethics.ens
    • Annals Public Coop Econ.ens
    • Emerging Markets Review.ens
    • Intl J Behavioral Dev.ens
    • Ann Rev Biomed Engineering.ens
    • Aust NZ J Statistics.ens
    • Urban Water J.ens
    • Trans Model Comp Simul.ens
    • Tetrahedron.ens
    • Pharma Statistics.ens
    • Microbiology.ens
    • J Clin Rheumatology.ens
    • Intl J Coal Geology.ens
    • J Amer Dental Assoc.ens
    • Thin-Walled Structures.ens
    • Intl J Fatigue.ens
    • Intl J Disaster Risk Sci.ens
    • Skull Base.ens
    • Molecular Carcinogenesis.ens
    • J Architectural Engineering.ens
    • IEEE MultiMedia.ens
    • Ann Rev Food Sci Tech.ens
    • J Tribology.ens
    • Vector-Borne Zoonotic Dis.ens
    • Ecologia.ens
    • Speech Communication.ens
    • Intl J Research Marketing.ens
    • Research J Business Mgmt.ens
    • Biotechnology J.ens
    • J Plasma Physics (author-date).ens
    • Compensation Benefits Rev.ens
    • Immunology.ens
    • Explorations in Econ Hist.ens
    • Biotech Law Report.ens
    • Drug Resistance Updates.ens
    • J Pediatrics.ens
    • Transplant Infect Disease.ens
    • J Endourology.ens
    • Pediatric Allergy Immunol.ens
    • Curr Problems Ped Adoles Health Care.ens
    • J Cellular Biochem.ens
    • TF-O AIP.ens
    • Crit Rev Analytical Chem.ens
    • Metaphilosophy.ens
    • J Gerontology B.ens
    • Biometrika.ens
    • Amer Speech.ens
    • Amer Historical Review.ens
    • J Family Issues.ens
    • Psychiatric Services.ens
    • TF-B CSE citation-sequence.ens
    • J Contemp Religion.ens
    • Euro Biophysics J.ens
    • J Critical Care.ens
    • Amer J Evaluation.ens
    • Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.ens
    • Euro J Neurology.ens
    • Clinical Biochemistry.ens
    • East European Politics Societies.ens
    • Infec Dis Clinics North Amer.ens
    • J Corp Accounting Finance.ens
    • BMC Dermatology.ens
    • Macromolecular Rapid Comm.ens
    • Gen Anthropology Newsletter.ens
    • Eng Failure Analysis.ens
    • Energy and Fuels.ens
    • Domestic Animal Endo.ens
    • ORL.ens
    • Microbio Molec Bio Reviews.ens
    • Current Zoology.ens
    • Singapore Law Rev.ens
    • J Political Philosophy.ens
    • Biological Conservation.ens
    • J Accounting Public Policy.ens
    • IEICE Trans Info Systems.ens
    • Intl J Industrial Ergon.ens
    • J Cellular Mol Med.ens
    • Intl J Approximate Reasoning.ens
    • Planta Medica.ens
    • Psychology Sport Exercise.ens
    • Mol Genetics Metab.ens
    • Computer Physics Communications.ens
    • Photochem Photobiol.ens
    • Ann Rev Biochem.ens
    • J Public Policy Marketing.ens
    • Neuroscience Bulletin.ens
    • Trends Biotechnology.ens
    • Language Var Change.ens
    • Resources Conserv Recycling.ens
    • Digestive Diseases Science.ens
    • Behaviour.ens
    • Psychotherapy Psychosom.ens
    • Case Reports Gastroent.ens
    • Environ Mol Mutagenesis.ens
    • Population Health Metrics.ens
    • Anatom Histol Embryol.ens
    • J Dental Education.ens
    • J Shoulder Elbow Surg.ens
    • Nucleic Acids Res.ens
    • Soc Biblical Lit-notes.ens
    • Mutation Res.ens
    • Genome.ens
    • UWSF (N-Y).ens
    • World Politics.ens
    • J Strength Condition Res.ens
    • Trans Sys Man Cyber Pt A.ens
    • Biology Invas Alien Plant Can.ens
    • Life Cycle Assess (N-Y).ens
    • J Food Composition Analysis.ens
    • Res Developmental Disabilities.ens
    • J Econ Business.ens
    • Radiopraxis.ens
    • Philosophy.ens
    • Applied Linguistics.ens
    • J Experi Social Psych.ens
    • J Food Safety.ens
    • Microsurgery.ens
    • J Small Animal Practice.ens
    • J-NABS.ens
    • Current Opinion Immunology.ens
    • J Black Studies.ens
    • J Cosmetic Dermatology.ens
    • Physiological and Biochemical Zoology.ens
    • Atmosfera.ens
    • Amer J Community Psych.ens
    • Orbis Operations.ens
    • J Combinatorial Design.ens
    • Future Generation Computer Sys.ens
    • J Engineering Tribology.ens
    • Music Education Res.ens
    • Oral Surgery.ens
    • Euro Cells Materials.ens
    • Metals and Materials Intl.ens
    • J Econ Entomology.ens
    • Microelectronic Eng.ens
    • Experi Brain Res.ens
    • Archives Physical Med Rehab.ens
    • Networks.ens
    • Amer Antiquity.ens
    • Clin Exp Immunology.ens
    • Community Development J.ens
    • Chemical Communications.ens
    • Proc Combustion Institute.ens
    • Asian J Animal Sciences.ens
    • R and D Management.ens
    • J Counseling Psychology.ens
    • Mechatronics.ens
    • World Trade Review.ens
    • Inflammation Res.ens
    • GSA Bulletin.ens
    • Can J Animal Sci.ens
    • J Mex Chemical Society.ens
    • Anthropos.ens
    • Radiographics.ens
    • Allgem Viszeralchirurgie up2date.ens
    • J Biological Chem.ens
    • Telematics and Informatics.ens
    • J Southern African Studies.ens
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    • Archives Biochem Biophys.ens
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    • Learning Individual Diff.ens
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    • Geofluids.ens
    • Archives Oral Biology.ens
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    • J Analytic Atomic Spectro.ens
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    • Discourse.ens
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    • J Obstet Gynaecol Res.ens
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    • Sociological Methods and Res.ens
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    • la Medicina del Lavaro.ens
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    • Mass Spectrometry Revs.ens
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    • Can J Plant Sci.ens
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    • Amer Quarterly.ens
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    • Research J Obstet Gynecol.ens
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    • Procedia Chemistry.ens
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    • Trans Pat Anal Mach Intel.ens
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    • Arch Pharma Res.ens
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    • Ther Adv Cardiovasc Disease.ens
    • J Neurochem.ens
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    • Euro J Clin Pharmacol.ens
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    • Numbered.ens
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    • J Exp Biology.ens
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    • Res Papers in Education.ens
    • Gerontologist.ens
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    • Appl Psych Measurement.ens
    • BBA - Reviews on Cancer.ens
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    • CA Cancer J Clin.ens
    • Trends Plant Science.ens
    • ICES J Marine Sci.ens
    • J Neuroinflammation.ens
    • Diabetes Obes Metab.ens
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    • Topics Current Chem.ens
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    • Simulation Model Pract Theory.ens
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    • Rev Policy Research.ens
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    • APA 6th (sections).ens
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    • Ann Rev Phytopathology.ens
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    • Public Health Ethics.ens
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    • Clin Endocrinology.ens
    • Trans Comp Biol Bioinform.ens
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    • Sem Thromb Hemostasis.ens
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    • Acta Obstet Gyn Scan.ens
    • Amer J Political Science.ens
    • J Policy Modeling.ens
    • J Neuroimaging.ens
    • Neuropsychology.ens
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    • Plasma Sci Tech.ens
    • Dialyse Akutell.ens
    • J Cerebral Blood Flow.ens
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    • J Res in Personality.ens
    • Amer Heart J.ens
    • Trans Design Auto Elect Sys.ens
    • IEEE Ann Hist Comp.ens
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    • Trans Image Processing.ens
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    • J Materials Chemistry.ens
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    • Aust Endodontic J.ens
    • World J Orthodontics.ens
    • J Energy Eng.ens
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    • ZFA.ens
    • Ann Rev Fluid Mechanics.ens
    • Stud Hist Phil Modern Phys.ens
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    • J Zoo Syst Evol Res.ens
    • Bulletin of ASOR.ens
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    • Behavioural Processes.ens
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    • Adv Cancer Res.ens
    • Annals Amer Acad Pol Soc Sci.ens
    • Signal Processing.ens
    • DIN 1505 2 Author-Year.ens
    • Modern Philology.ens
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    • Koopmans, Tjalling Charles (1910–1985) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Kravis, Irving B_ (1916–1992) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kuznets swings The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kuznets, Simon (1901–1985) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kydland, Finn Erling (1943–) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kyrk, Hazel (1886–1957) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kahn, Richard Ferdinand (1905–1989) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kahneman, Daniel (born 1934) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kain, John Forest (1935–2003) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Kaldor, Nicholas (1908–1986) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Knapp, Georg Friedrich (1842–1926) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Elinor Wyllys-1.txt
    • Elinor Wyllys-2.txt
    • Elizabeth and her German Garden.txt
    • EMMA(爱玛).txt
    • Enemies of Books.txt
    • England's Treasure by Foreign Trade.txt
    • Eothen.txt
    • Episodes In Van Bibber's Life.txt
    • essay1.txt
    • essay2.txt
    • essay3.txt
    • Essays of Travel.txt
    • ESSAYS-1.txt
    • Eugenie Grandet(欧也妮·葛朗台).txt
    • EUMENES.txt
    • Euthydemus.txt
    • Euthyphro.txt
    • Evangeline.txt
    • Every Man in his Humour.txt
    • Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business.txt
    • Fables.txt
    • Facino Cane.txt
    • Familiar Studies of Men & Books.txt
    • Fanny and the Servant Problem.txt
    • Faraday As A Discoverer.txt
    • Father and Son.txt
    • Father Damien.txt
    • Father Goriot(高老头).txt
    • Father Sergius.txt
    • Faust(浮士德).txt
    • Female Suffrage.txt
    • First Across the Continent.txt
    • Fisherman's Luck.txt
    • Five Little Peppers And How They Grew.txt
    • Five Tales.txt
    • Five Weeks in a Balloon.txt
    • Flame and Shadow.txt
    • Flatland.txt
    • Biographical Study of A. W. Kinglake.txt
    • Bygone Beliefs.txt
    • Cabbages and Kings.txt
    • Cabin Fever.txt
    • Cambridge Pieces.txt
    • Camille.txt
    • Can Such Things Be.txt
    • Canterbury Pieces.txt
    • Captains of the Civil War.txt
    • Captivity and Restoration.txt
    • Carmen.txt
    • Cast Upon the Breakers.txt
    • Castle Rackrent.txt
    • Catriona.txt
    • Caught In The Net.txt
    • Censorship and Art.txt
    • Charmides and Other.txt
    • Chaucer.txt
    • Child Christopher.txt
    • Childhood.txt
    • Children of the Whirlwind.txt
    • Chita-A Memory of Last Island.txt
    • Chitra, a Play in One Act.txt
    • Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada.txt
    • Chronicles of the Canongate.txt
    • Clotelle.txt
    • Colonel Chabert.txt
    • Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians.txt
    • Concerning Letters.txt
    • Confessio Amantis.txt
    • confessions and enchiridion.txt
    • Confessions of an English Opium-Eater.txt
    • Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit etc.txt
    • Confidence.txt
    • Coral Reefs.txt
    • Count Bunker.txt
    • Cousin Maude.txt
    • COUSIN PHILLIS(菲利丝表妹).txt
    • Cow-Country.txt
    • Cowley's Essays.txt
    • Criminal Psychology.txt
    • Criminal Sociology.txt
    • Crotchet Castle.txt
    • Cupid's Understudy.txt
    • Cyrano de Bergerac.txt
    • Damaged Goods.txt
    • Darwin and Modern Science.txt
    • DAVID COPPERFIELD(大卫·科波菲尔).txt
    • Dead Souls(死魂灵).txt
    • Dear Enemy.txt
    • Decline of Science in England.txt
    • Defence of Usury.txt
    • Deirdre of the Sorrows.txt
    • DEMETRIUS.txt
    • Democracy An American Novel.txt
    • Democracy In America-1.txt
    • Democracy In America-2.txt
    • Derues.txt
    • Desert Gold.txt
    • Diary of a Pilgrimage.txt
    • Diary of William Bray.txt
    • Dickory Cronke.txt
    • DION.txt
    • Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry.txt
    • Dolly Dialogues.txt
    • Domesday Book and Beyond.txt
    • DON JUAN(唐·璜).txt
    • DON QUIXOTE(堂·吉珂德).txt
    • Dona Perecta.txt
    • Dora Thorne.txt
    • Down the Mother Lode.txt
    • Drake's Great Armada.txt
    • Dream Life and Real Life.txt
    • Dreams.txt
    • Driven From Home.txt
    • Droll Stories-2.txt
    • Early Australian Voyages.txt
    • Early Kings of Norway.txt
    • Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton-Part 1.txt
    • Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton-Part 2.txt
    • East Lynne.txt
    • Eben Holden.txt
    • Edison, His Life and Inventions.txt
    • Eight Cousins.txt
    • Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon.txt
    • ELECTRA.txt
  • 14.79 MB
  • 2012-4-20
  • [世界名著英文版239部.rar

    • Just David.txt
    • Justice.txt
    • Karl Ludwig Sand.txt
    • King Edward the Third.txt
    • King Solomon's Mines(所罗门王的宝藏).txt
    • La Constantin.txt
    • La Grande Breteche.txt
    • La Grenadiere.txt
    • Labour Defended against the Claims of Capital.txt
    • Laches.txt
    • Lady Baltimore.txt
    • LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER(查泰莱夫人的情人).txt
    • Lady Windermere's Fan.txt
    • LAMIA.txt
    • Latter-Day Pamphlets.txt
    • Lavender and Old Lace.txt
    • Lay Morals.txt
    • Leaves From Australian Forests.txt
    • Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England.txt
    • Legends and Lyrics-1.txt
    • Legends and Lyrics-2.txt
    • Legends of Vancouver.txt
    • Lesser Hippias.txt
    • Letters from England.txt
    • Letters From High Latitudes.txt
    • Letters from the Cape.txt
    • Letters of Cicero.txt
    • Letters on England.txt
    • Letters on Sweden, Norway, and Denmark.txt
    • Letters to Dead Authors.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1746-47.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1748.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1749.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1750.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1751.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1752.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1753-54.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1756-58.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1759-65.txt
    • Letters to His Son, 1766-71.txt
    • Letters Vol. 1.txt
    • Letters Vol. 2.txt
    • Letters Vol. 3.txt
    • Letters Vol. 4.txt
    • Letters Vol. 5.txt
    • Letters Vol. 6.txt
    • Letters.txt
    • Liber Amoris.txt
    • Liberty.txt
    • Library Work with Children.txt
    • Life and Letters of Robert Browning.txt
    • Life Is A Dream.txt
    • Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum.txt
    • Life of John Sterling.txt
    • Life of Robert Browning.txt
    • LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI(在密西西比河上).txt
    • Lincoln's Yarns and Stories.txt
    • Little Britain.txt
    • Little Rivers.txt
    • Little Travels and Roadside Sketches.txt
    • Lizzie Leigh.txt
    • Locrine - A Tragedy.txt
    • London in 1731.txt
    • London's Underworld.txt
    • Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887.txt
    • Lost Face.txt
    • Love and Freindship.txt
    • Love for Love.txt
    • Love Songs.txt
    • Love-Songs of Childhood.txt
    • Lucasta.txt
    • Lucile.txt
    • Lyrical Poems.txt
    • Lysis.txt
    • Madam How and Lady Why.txt
    • Madame Bovary(包法利夫人).txt
    • Maid Marian.txt
    • Main Street and Other Poems.txt
    • Main-Travelled Roads.txt
    • Malbone.txt
    • Man of Property.txt
    • Manon Lescaut.txt
    • Marm Lisa.txt
    • Marquise de Brinvilliers.txt
    • Marquise de Ganges.txt
    • Martin Luther's 95 Theses(马丁路德的95条论纲).txt
    • Martin Luther's 95 Theses.txt
    • Masterman Ready.txt
    • Mauprat.txt
    • Mazelli, and Other Poems.txt
    • Medea.txt
    • Medical Essays.txt
    • Meditations on First Philosophy.txt
    • Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona.txt
    • Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist.txt
    • Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions-2.txt
    • Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions-3.txt
    • Memoirs of General William T. Sherman-1.txt
    • Memoirs of General William T. Sherman-2.txt
    • Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush.txt
    • Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barry.txt
    • Men of Iron.txt
    • Men, Women and Ghosts.txt
    • Menexenus.txt
    • Meno.txt
    • Men's Wives.txt
    • Merton of the Movies.txt
    • Messer Marco Polo.txt
    • Michael, Brother of Jerry.txt
    • Michael.txt
    • Minna von Barnhelm.txt
    • Miss Billie's Decision.txt
    • Miss or Mrs.txt
    • Mohammed Ali and His House.txt
    • Money and Trade Considered.txt
    • Money Answers All Things.txt
    • Monsieur Beaucaire.txt
    • Moral Emblems.txt
    • More Bab Ballads.txt
    • More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume I.txt
    • Mother.txt
    • Mr. Crewe's Career.txt
    • Mrs. Korner Sins Her Mercies.txt
    • My Aunt Margaret's Mirror.txt
    • My Discovery of England.txt
    • My Garden Acquaintance.txt
    • My Lady Ludlow.txt
    • MY LADY'S MONEY.txt
    • My Memories of Eighty Years.txt
    • My Ten Years' Imprisonment.txt
    • Myths and Myth-Makers.txt
    • Nada the Lily(百合娜达).txt
    • Nana(娜娜).txt
    • Native Life in South Africa.txt
    • Never Again.txt
    • New Arabian Nights(新天方夜潭).txt
    • New Arabian Nights.txt
    • New Collected Rhymes.txt
    • New Grub Street.txt
    • New Poems.txt
    • New Thought Pastels.txt
    • New York.txt
    • North America-1.txt
    • North America-2.txt
    • Notes.txt
    • Novel Notes.txt
    • ODE.TXT
    • Oedipus the King.txt
    • Of Interest.txt
    • Of Money.txt
    • Of Refinement in the Arts.txt
    • Of Taxes.txt
    • Of the Balance of Trade.txt
    • Of the Jealousy of Trade.txt
    • Of The Nature of Things.txt
    • Off on a Comet.txt
    • Okewood of the Secret Service.txt
    • Old Christmas.txt
    • Old Friends.txt
    • Old Indian Legends.txt
    • Oldport Days.txt
    • OLIVER TWIST(雾都孤儿).txt
    • On Books and the Housing of Them.txt
    • On Horsemanship.txt
    • On Our Selection.txt
    • On Public Credit.txt
    • On Revenues.txt
    • On The Firing Line.txt
    • On the Ruin of Britain.txt
    • On the Track(在路上).txt
    • One of Ours.txt
    • Options.txt
    • Orations.txt
    • ORESTES.txt
    • Orpheus in Mayfair and Other.txt
    • Oscar Wilde Miscellaneous.txt
    • Other People's Money.txt
    • Other Things Being Equal.txt
    • OTHO.txt
    • Our American Cousin.txt
    • Our Nig.txt
    • Our Village.txt
    • Oxford.txt
    • Pagan and Christian Creeds.txt
    • Pageant of Summer.txt
    • Paradiso.txt
    • Passages from an Old Volume of Life.txt
    • Pathology of Lying.txt
    • Paul and Virginia.txt
    • pc1.txt
    • pc2.txt
    • Peace.txt
    • PELOPIDAS.txt
    • Penguin Island.txt
    • People Out of Time.txt
    • Personal Memoirs-1.txt
    • Personal Memoirs-2.txt
    • Peter Pan.txt
    • Phaedra.txt
    • Phantasmagoria and Other Poems.txt
    • Pharsalia.txt
    • Philosophy of History.txt
    • Philosophy of Nature.txt
  • 19.9 MB
  • 2012-4-20
  • 75-Will Currency Appreciation Crowd Out Domestic Consumption:Evi dence from Chi.rar

    • 75-Will Currency Appreciation Crowd Out Domestic Consumption:Evi dence from China, Japan and Korea.pdf
  • 333.13 KB
  • 2012-4-19
  • data from IFS.rar

    • Italy_IFS_Table_-8589128143008775272.xls
    • korea_ifs.xls
    • mexioc_ifs.xls
    • united kingdom_ifs.xls
    • China_IFS_Table_-8589128166702138606.xls
    • IFS_brazil.xls
    • IFS_canada.xls
    • IFS_france.xls
    • IFS_germany.xls
    • IFS_india.xls
    • IFS_itly.xls
    • IFS_japan.xls
    • IFS_netherlands.xls
    • IFS_Saudi Arabia.xls
    • IFS_singapore.xls
    • IFS_Table_-8589034818879673539.xls
    • IFS_united states.xls
    • brazil_IFS_Table_-8589128188743318714.xls
  • 936.28 KB
  • 2011-11-30
  • The financial crisis in Southeast Asia Measuring the size of implicit deposit in.rar

    • The financial crisis in Southeast Asia Measuring the size of implicit deposit insurance guarantees (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Thailand.pdf
  • 8.64 MB
  • 2011-8-14
  • 韩国经济数据.zip

    • KOR_Country_MetaData_zh-hans.xls
    • KOR_Country_zh-hans.xls
    • [Content_Types].xml
  • 480.52 KB
  • 2011-5-29
  • 论文集1.rar

    • 2-It Pays to Follow the Leader- Acquiring Targets Picked by Private Equity.pdf
    • 10-Growth Enterprise Board Characteristics_and_Performance.doc
    • 22-我国企业融资行为研究——基于正规金融和非正规金融的考察(宋建华,内容有改动).doc
    • 27-公司债券市场时机选择能力与决策机制.doc
    • 28-信息披露监管的有效性——基于证监会处罚外部性的证据.doc
    • 30-外资私募股权投资对行业的影响-竞争效应还是示范效应--张爽.doc
    • 37-经营者将要退休是否影响公司绩效.pdf
    • 38-大股东主导下的资产重组、上市公司效率与股东利益均衡(年会版)尹筑嘉.doc
    • 40-寻租还是政府压力:基金代表了谁的利益(江萍).pdf
    • 46-股权分置改革与上市公司业绩薪酬实证研究.pdf
    • 48-控股股东利益支持、转移与企业绩效.doc
    • 52-经理人激励、多元化决策与企业价值.doc
    • 54-终极控制权法制环境与上市公司现金持有.pdf
    • 56-市场约束、政府干预与商业银行风险承担.doc
    • 57-现金、股利与独立董事有效性.pdf
    • 58-企业生命周期视角下董事会治理结构演变及影响因素.pdf
    • 59-社会目标、雇员规模与民营化定价.pdf
    • 66-媒体治理与中小投资者保护.docx
    • 68-经理人变更具有治理效应吗.pdf
    • 69-中国上市公司代理成本的估算.pdf
    • 75-Will Currency Appreciation Crowd Out Domestic Consumption:Evi dence from China, Japan and Korea.pdf
    • 82-人民币汇率形成机制的完善及其影响的定量分析.doc
    • 86-人力资本结构演进与实际汇率运动规律.doc
    • 93-汇率弹性、外汇储备对消费和国内信贷的影响.doc
    • 99-《一个双重货币区域、国际公共货币以及超主权中央银行的理论及其应用》-学术论文(中文版)-修改后给第七届中国金融学年会1.doc
    • 104-全球金融一体化与中国对外资产结构异象.pdf
    • 122-劳动生产率结构性转变对我国贸易收支的传导效应研究.doc
  • 6.14 MB
  • 2011-5-9
  • carbon trading.rar

    • Emissions trading for international aviation—an estimation of the economic impact on selected European airlines.pdf
    • An overview of emissions trading and its prospects in Hong Kong.pdf
    • The hedge value of international emissions trading under uncertainty.pdf
    • Environmental regulations and emissions trading in China.pdf
    • 低碳经济研究现状述评.pdf
    • Potential impact of (CET) carbon emissions trading on China’s power sector A perspective from different allowance allocation options.pdf
    • Analysis of the impacts of combining carbon taxation and emission trading on different industry sectors.pdf
    • Equity and carbon emissions trading a model analysis.pdf
    • Electricity pricing under “carbon emissions trading” A dominant firm with competitive fringe model.pdf
    • Carbon trading time for industry involvement.pdf
    • Price floors for emissions trading.pdf
    • Price discovery and intermediation in linked emissions trading markets A laboratory study.pdf
    • The future of the European Emission Trading System and the Clean Development Mechanism in a post-Kyoto world.pdf
    • Emissions trading of global and local pollutants, pollution havens and free riding.pdf
    • European Emission Trading Scheme and competitiveness A cas study on the iron and steel industry.pdf
    • CO2 emissions trading planning in combined heat and power production via multi-period stochastic optimization.pdf
    • Assessment of the impact of the European CO2 emissions trading scheme on the Portuguese chemical industry.pdf
    • Emissions trading beyond Europe Linking schemes in a post Kyoto world.pdf
    • The business of carbon trading.pdf
    • Civilizing markets Carbon trading between in vitro and in vivo experiments.pdf
    • The European Emissions Trading Scheme An exploratory study of how companies learn to account for carbon.pdf
    • Allocation and banking in Korean permits trading.pdf
    • Carbon credit and emission trading Anaerobic wastewater treatment.pdf
  • 7.87 MB
  • 2011-4-24
  • 2010年上半年反倾销数据.rar

    • N202KOR.doc
    • N202IND.doc
    • N202EEC.doc
    • N202JPN.doc
    • N202MEX.doc
    • N202MYS.doc
    • N202PAK.doc
    • N202PAN.doc
    • N202PER.doc
    • N202PHL.doc
    • N202PRY.doc
    • N202THA.doc
    • N202TPKM.doc
    • N202TTO.doc
    • N202TUR.doc
    • N202UKR.doc
    • N202USA.doc
    • N202VEN.doc
    • N202ZAF.doc
    • N202ZAFR1.doc
    • 模型数据7.doc
    • N202ARG.doc
    • N202AUS.doc
    • N202BRA.doc
    • N202CAN.doc
    • N202CHL.doc
    • N202CHN.doc
    • N202COL.doc
    • N202CRI.doc
    • N202EGY.doc
  • 695.66 KB
  • 2011-4-21
  • KOREA.rar

  • 127.38 KB
  • 2011-2-15
  • A Comparative Look at Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore.rar

    • 9812832793.pdf
  • 1.84 MB
  • 2011-1-28
  • 2009年下半年各国反倾销数据.rar

    • N195KOR.doc
    • N188PAK.doc
    • N188VEN.doc
    • N195ARG.doc
    • N195AUS.doc
    • N195BRA.doc
    • N195CAN.doc
    • N195CHL.doc
    • N195CHN.doc
    • N195COL.doc
    • N195CRI.doc
    • N195EEC.doc
    • N195EGY.doc
    • N195JPN.doc
    • N195MEX.doc
    • N195MYS.doc
    • N195NZL.doc
    • N195PAK.doc
    • N195PAN.doc
    • N195PER.doc
    • N195PHL.doc
    • N195PRY.doc
    • N195THA.doc
    • N195TPKM.doc
    • N195TTO.doc
    • N195TUR.doc
    • N195UKR.doc
    • N195USA.doc
    • N195ZAF.doc
  • 680.77 KB
  • 2011-1-19
  • 2009年上半年各国反倾销数据.rar

    • N188KOR.doc
    • N145VEN.doc
    • N173PRY.doc
    • N188ARG.doc
    • N188AUS.doc
    • N188BRA.doc
    • N188CAN.doc
    • N188CHL.doc
    • N188CHN.doc
    • N188COL.doc
    • N188CRI.doc
    • N188EEC.doc
    • N188EGY.doc
    • N188IDN.doc
    • N188IND.doc
    • N188JPN.doc
    • N188MEX.doc
    • N188MYS.doc
    • N188NZL.doc
    • N188PER.doc
    • N188PHL.doc
    • N188THA.doc
    • N188TPKM.doc
    • N188TTO.doc
    • N188TUR.doc
    • N188UKR.doc
    • N188USA.doc
    • N188ZAF.doc
  • 694.91 KB
  • 2011-1-19
  • 08年下半年各国反倾销数据.rar

    • N180KOR.doc
    • N180BRA.doc
    • N180CAN.doc
    • N180CHL.doc
    • N180CHN.doc
    • N180COL.doc
    • N180EECC1.doc
    • N180EGY.doc
    • N180IDN.doc
    • N180IND.doc
    • N180ISR.doc
    • N180JPN.doc
    • N180MEX.doc
    • N180NZL.doc
    • N180PAK.doc
    • N180THA.doc
    • N180TPKM.doc
    • N180TTO.doc
    • N180TUR.doc
    • N180UKR.doc
    • N180USA.doc
    • N180ZAF.doc
    • N173MEX.doc
    • N180ARG.doc
    • N180AUS.doc
  • 510.37 KB
  • 2011-1-19
  • 2008年上半年各国反倾销数据.rar

    • N173KOR.doc
    • N173CAN.doc
    • N173CHL.doc
    • N173CHN.doc
    • N173COL.doc
    • N173CRI.doc
    • N173EEC.doc
    • N173EGY.doc
    • N173IDN.doc
    • N173IND.doc
    • N173ISR.doc
    • N173JAM.doc
    • N173JPN.doc
    • N173MYS.doc
    • N173NZL.doc
    • N173PAK.doc
    • N173PER.doc
    • N173THA.doc
    • N173TPKM.doc
    • N173TTO.doc
    • N173TUR.doc
    • N173UKR.doc
    • N173USA.doc
    • N173ZAF.doc
    • N173ARG.doc
    • N173AUS.doc
    • N173BRA.doc
  • 519.77 KB
  • 2011-1-19
  • 2.rar

    • 104-全球金融一体化与中国对外资产结构异象.pdf
    • 126-人民币汇率预期特征研究——基于金融机构调查数据的实证分析(李晓峰).pdf
    • 159-基于生产函数法的季度潜在产出估计.pdf
    • 168-我国货币政策工具最优选择的考 察-基于普勒规则的扩展.pdf
    • 182-最优财政和货币政策及其福利效应分析.pdf
    • 190-经济二元、结构效应与转轨时期的货币长期非中性.pdf
    • 2-It Pays to Follow the Leader- Acquiring Targets Picked by Private Equity.pdf
    • 226-One Factor CVA Model for CDS with Counterparty Credit Risk in the Reduced Form Framework.pdf
    • 234-投资者情绪对证券价格波动的影响的理论分析、建模与模拟-会议投稿.pdf
    • 245-带两因素随机波动的衍生证券最优投资策略.pdf
    • 252-风险中性高阶矩:特征、风险与应用.pdf
    • 259-金融资产的动态非线性相关--一个新的模型.pdf
    • 260-包含定价噪音期权价格中的风险中性密度估计.pdf
    • 284-是谁加剧了知情交易.pdf
    • 285-我国外汇市场压力研究--基于马尔可夫区制转换方法(定稿陈娟).pdf
    • 296-基于动态随机一般均衡模型的房地产市场结构与宏观经济波动研究(中国金融学年会).pdf
    • 301-基于二手市场与理性预期的房地产市场机制研究.pdf
    • 305-中国宏观经济时序的平稳性再考察.pdf
    • 315-民间金融与农户借贷选择.pdf
    • 318-我国房市泡沫的决定性因素分析:理论与实证.pdf
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    • 427-Improved Stock Market Prediction by Comb ining SVM and EMD(金融学年会).pdf
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    • 445-信息市场、预期消费与股市收益变动--基于投资者信息选择行为的分析(胥爱欢).pdf
    • 453-Index Investments and Financialization of Commodities.pdf
    • 459-修改稿_林建浩_中山大学_《通货膨胀与股票收益的关系研究——基于具有财务杠杆与货币效用的资产定价模型》.pdf
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    • 59-社会目标、雇员规模与民营化定价.pdf
    • 68-经理人变更具有治理效应吗.pdf
    • 69-中国上市公司代理成本的估算.pdf
    • 75-Will Currency Appreciation Crowd Out Domestic Consumption:Evi dence from China, Japan and Korea.pdf
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    • Thakor_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
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    • Pyle_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
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    • [first_author]_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science_1.pdf
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    • [first_author]_1995_Handbooks-in-Operations-Research-and-Management-Science.pdf
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  • 2010-12-3
  • 各国农业支持保护数据.zip

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    • TUR.xls
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    • CHE.xls
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  • 2010-2-10
  • 贸易论文讲义2.rar

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    • HOPresentation.pdf
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    • MelitzOttaviano(Laura).pdf
    • Behrens(Maria).pdf
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  • 韩国统计年鉴2009(Korea Statistical Yearbook 2009).rar

    • Korea Statistical Yearbook 2009.pdf
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  • 2010-1-15
  • 中介和调节.rar

    • 中介效应检验程序及其应用.PDF
    • Ethnicity and the theory of planned behavior in an exercise context- A mediation and moderation perspective.pdf
    • 调节效应与中介效应的比较和应用.pdf
    • Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy in the Transtheoretical Model Among Adolescent Male Smokers in Korea.pdf
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    • Psychosocial mediators of a lifestyle physical activity intervention in women.pdf
    • Self-Management Strategies Mediate Self-Efficacy and Physical.pdf
    • Psychosocial mediators of physical activity behavior among adults and children.pdf
    • Effect of Certified Personal Trainer Services on Stage of Exercise Behavior and Exercise Mediators in Female College Students.pdf
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    • 结构方程模型中调节效应的标准化估计.pdf
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  • 2009-12-29
  • PSE.zip

    • KOR.xls
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  • 2009-11-16
  • Producer and Consumer Support Estimates, OECD Database 1986-2008.zip

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  • 2009-9-16
  • 10-Sector Database 1960--2005.rar

    • 10-Sector Database Hong Kong 1974--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Spain 1970--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Brazil 1960--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Denmark 1970--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database France 1970--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Italy 1970--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Japan 1963--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Korea 1963--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Malaysia 1970--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Netherlands 1960--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Singapore 1960--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database Sweden 1970--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database United Kingdom 1948--2005.xls
    • 10-Sector Database United States 1947--2005.xls
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  • 2009-7-29
  • 世界主要国家PSE历年数据.zip

    • KOR.xls
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  • 2009-7-24
  • 330910.zip

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  • 2009-5-29
  • 312235.pdf
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    • Alvarez and Lucas Lecture Slides.pdf
    • From DFS to DW.pdf
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    • EK 2001 Lecture Notes Slides True .pdf
    • EKK Lecture Slides.pdf
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    • Damuri(Romalis_03).pdf
    • Borin(Trefler_95).pdf
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    • T2-41Thakor 1991.pdf
    • T2-42Ross 1977.pdf
    • T2-51Kale and Shahrur 2006.pdf
    • T2-6Myers and Majuluf 1984.pdf
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  • 276506.rar

    • Lectures Notes HO Dynamics.pdf
    • Eaton Kortum Lecture Notes.pdf
    • Equilibrium vs Optimum in DS.pdf
    • Alvarez and Lucas Lecture Slides.pdf
    • From DFS to DW.pdf
    • Why was Leontief Wrong.pdf
    • Protection for Sale Lecture Notes.pdf
    • GTD Lecture Notes.pdf
    • BEJK Lecture Slides.pdf
    • EK 2001 Lecture Notes Slides True .pdf
    • EKK Lecture Slides.pdf
    • Estenstad(Bowen_etal_87).pdf
    • Damuri(Romalis_03).pdf
    • Borin(Trefler_95).pdf
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  • 276499.rar

    • Lectures Notes HO Dynamics.pdf
    • Eaton Kortum Lecture Notes.pdf
    • Equilibrium vs Optimum in DS.pdf
    • Alvarez and Lucas Lecture Slides.pdf
    • From DFS to DW.pdf
    • Why was Leontief Wrong.pdf
    • Protection for Sale Lecture Notes.pdf
    • GTD Lecture Notes.pdf
    • BEJK Lecture Slides.pdf
    • EK 2001 Lecture Notes Slides True .pdf
    • EKK Lecture Slides.pdf
    • Estenstad(Bowen_etal_87).pdf
    • Damuri(Romalis_03).pdf
    • Borin(Trefler_95).pdf
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  • 2008-12-14
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    • IO_Kor_95.xls
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    • 偿付能力-偿付能力报告.ppt
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    • Solvency-Korea.doc
    • 偿付能力-HIH破产案例.ppt
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  • 2008-11-22
  • 235869.zip
       OECD 国家投入产出表 最新版本(2006)

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    • How Do Institutional Factors Affect International Real Estate Returns.pdf
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    • Expected Living Arrangements of Elderly People in Taiwan.pdf
    • Entry and Ineffciency in the Real Estate Brokerage Industry.pdf
    • Enhancement of the Predictive Power in Credit Risk Models.pdf
    • Economic transition and commercial property markets.pdf
    • Economic Impacts of Compensation Policies for Agricultural Land Acquisition in China A Property Rights Approach.pdf
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    • Does High-Speed Rail Accessibility Influence Residential Property Prices.pdf
    • Do Changes in Illiquidity Affect Investors’ Expectations An.pdf
    • Development of a property-related evaluative.pdf
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    • Corporate real estate holdings, debt level and stock performance of.pdf
    • Corporate Governance and Performance in the Market for.pdf
    • Comparative Study on the Appraisal of Non-Residential Property.pdf
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    • The Wall Street concerns might be right.pdf
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  • 216871.rar

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  • 2008-6-3
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    • The Demonstration Research on Comparison of FDI Location Choice in Mainland China between South Korea and Taiwan Area.doc
    • how population affect income inequation in dual society.pdf
    • Income Redistribution in Urban China by Social Security System.doc
    • Income, Health and Happiness—Evidence on Chinese Elders.pdf
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    • Labour Market Impacts of Rural Migrants on Urban Residents in Chinese Cities.pdf
    • Local Economic Development, Local Public Goods Crowding Effect, and Labor Mobility.pdf
    • Migration, Self-selection and Earnings Evidence from Rural China.pdf
    • New Evidence on the Volatility Spillover between Chinese and Major International Stock Markets.doc
    • Non-agricultural Employment Determinants and Income Inequality Decomposition.doc
    • openness and economic growth:theory and evidence from China.pdf
    • Optimal Industrial Policy with Vertical and Horizontal Market Linkages.doc
    • Outsourcing, Tariff Agreement, and Trade Liberalization.pdf
    • Ownership, Performance and Executive Turnover in China.pdf
    • Pick up the Lost?.pdf
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    • Race To The Top And Race To The Bottom Tax Competition In Rural China.pdf
    • Rapid Economic Development and Job Segregation:The Case of Taiwan.doc
    • Reducing China’s Regional Disparity:Is There a Growth Cost?.doc
    • Regional Assessment of FDI and International Trade Spillovers in China from 1979 to 2006:A Space-Time Model.doc
    • Relationship between Economic Freedom and Larger Freedoms:An analysis of BRIC Countries.doc
    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue.doc
    • Research on the Tobacco Industry's Contribution to the National Fiscal Revenue(final edition).doc
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    • Share Repurchase, Information Asymmetry, and Managerial Market Timing A Cross Country Analysis.doc
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    • Subsidizing “Brain Drain”:Is It a Good Idea.doc
    • Taxation and Welfare Provision by Firms Evidence from Chinese Firm Census.doc
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    • Testing Urbanization Economies in Manufacturing Industries:Urban Diversity or Urban Size.pdf
    • The birth order on education outcome and earning in adults.doc
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  • 2008-5-1
  • 209551.rar

    • Evaluating Chinese Farm Level Yield Risks and Crop Insurance with Nonparametric Methods.doc
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    • Explaining Production Inefficiency in China’s Agriculture using Data Envelope Analysis and Semi-Parametric Bootstrapping.doc
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    • Health Shocks and Children’s School Attainments in Rural China.doc
    • Housing Reforms, Incomplete Property Rights and Its Implication on Housing Pricing.doc
    • How Do Social Interactions Affect Peer Effect in Migration Decision.doc
    • How Does RMB Appreciation affect China and the World Economy.doc
    • How Much Does Social Network Contribute to Income Inequality in Rural China During Marketization.doc
    • A Strategic Ramsey Model With Huge Number Of Agents And Production Side Increasing Return To Scale.doc
    • Adolescent Obesity and Academic Achievement in Korea.doc
    • An Analysis of so-called Export-led Growth.pdf
    • An Empirical Analysis of China’s Recent Waves of Cooperative Medical Insurance.doc
    • Business and Financial Risks of Small Rural Enterprises in China.pdf
    • Can Education Expansion Improve Income Di stribution.doc
    • Can Education Expansion Improve Income Distribution.doc
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    • Does crop insurance influence agrochemical uses under current Chinese situations.doc
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    • Economic emergence of China and its potentials in Boosting Economic Growth in developing economies.doc
    • Economic Growth and Employment:What Determines Employment Elasticity.doc
    • Economists as the Institutional Entrepreneur in China’s Market Reform.doc
    • Effects of Rice Price Uncertainty on Vulnerability to Poverty in Rural Nepal.pdf
    • Equal Work Opportunity but Unequal Pay:Sexual disparities among urban poor in China.doc
    • Equipment Investment, Output and Productivity in China.doc
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    • Human Capital, Factor Productivity and China’s Regional Disparity.doc
    • Investment Efficiency and Financial Development in China.pdf
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    • Panel Analysis on the Relationship of R&D,Patent and Output.doc
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    • 财政赤字与国民储蓄——来自中国经济的经验证据(1978-2004).doc
    • 财政分权背景下的区域金融发展及其增长绩效——基于地方政府干预视角的实证研究.doc
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    • 财政支出的相互作用:空间面板数据模型分析.doc
    • 财政支出结构、相对贫困与经济增长.pdf
    • 出口贸易结构的形成机理:中国1980-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 地区间就业增长的长期与短期效应的实证分析.doc
    • 地区专业化:一个分析框架.doc
    • 地区总收入模型、城乡经济差异及其统筹发展.doc
    • 董事会治理与公司绩效:激励还是保健?.doc
    • 对外直接投资与经济增长-基于动态VAR模型的分析.doc
    • 服务业发展对中国经济增长周期的影响.doc
    • 改革以来中国的官员任期、异地交流与经济增长.doc
    • 高校毕业生就业率考核制度的经济学分析.doc
    • 公共支出与经济增长的关系:来自中国的经验证据.pdf
    • 公共资本、政府公共支出与省区经济增长收敛再检验:基于面板数据模型实证分析.doc
    • 公共资本增长效应的区域与时段差异及其决定因素分析.doc
    • 宏观经济因素与犯罪率:基于中国1978-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线:空间计量经济学方法.doc
    • 汇率制度的外生性检验-基于人民币实际有效汇率的分析.doc
    • 货币需求弹性、货币乘数决定与货币供求非均衡——解析“中国之谜”与长期流动性过剩.pdf
    • 基于DEA模型的中国税收效率分析.doc
    • 基于分位数回归的中国居民消费研究.pdf
    • 监督还是建议——董事会功能的新认识.pdf
    • 结构变化与经济增长:1978-2004,基于中国Panel-Data的实证分析.doc
    • 金融发展与经济增长关系的面板数据协整研究:亚洲的经验.doc
    • 金融宽度和金融深度的影响因素:一个跨国分析.doc
    • 晋升激励、产业同构与地方保护:一个基于政治控制权收益的解释.pdf
    • 晋升激励、宏观调控与经济周期:一个政治经济学框架.pdf
    • 经济学本科教育实践教学的价值探究与模式构建.doc
    • 开放经济中泰勒规则在我国的阀值协整检验.doc
    • 空间外部性与地区收入差异_基于动态面板数据的.doc
    • 劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长.doc
    • 论经济学的迷失与重建.doc
    • 论文化影响对外直接投资的机制.doc
    • 贸易自由化、经济增长与减轻贫困——基于中国省际数据的经验研究.doc
    • 农民参加社会养老保险的障碍与制度设计 .doc
    • 区域物流与区域经济增长——基于面板单位跟与面板协整的分析.doc
    • 全要素生产率、资本深化与经济收敛——基于中国地区经济增长差异的实证分析.pdf
    • 人民币名义汇率与利率的联动分析.doc
    • 人民币实际汇率和人口年龄结构.doc
    • 收入差距与中国转型期刑事犯罪率:1988-2004.doc
    • 台海问题的博弈分析:核威慑与有限战争.pdf
    • 通货膨胀与中国经济增长.doc
    • 外商直接投资对我国资本形成的效应与地区差异——基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板数据分析.doc
    • 外商直接投资与中国经济增长:基于Bootstrap方法的实证检验.doc
    • 文化与经济增长:一个初步框架.doc
    • 我国保险业影响因素的实证分析——基于空间面板数据模型.pdf
    • 我国财政政策收敛的空间计量经济分析.doc
    • 我国产业集聚的“马太效应”研究——基于区域差异视角的面板数据协整分析.doc
    • 我国技术进步对就业影响的实证分析.doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006(1).doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006.doc
    • 我国省际旅游外汇收入的区域经济影响分析.pdf
    • 我国政策性农业保险主导模式的选择探析.doc
    • 一个解释中国通货膨胀史的可能框架:1981-2006.doc
    • 银行结构与经济发展的因果关系.doc
    • 政府公共投资与农村经济增长——理论模型及初步实证.doc
    • 政府间转移支付:效率与均等化能否并重.doc
    • 中国地区间购买力平价研究.doc
    • 中国地区间农业全要素生产率差距趋势研究.doc
    • 中国地区周期的协同性:1952-2005.doc
    • 中国对外贸易与收入分配:基于要素禀赋的理论与实证.pdf
    • 中国房地产价格对通货膨胀与产出的影响:理论与实证研究.doc
    • 中国股市价格变动与交易量关系的实证分析—基于MCMC的DC-MSV模型.pdf
    • 中国宏观经济波动与财政货币政策选择.doc
    • 中国金融发展能够促进固定资产投资吗.doc
    • 中国就业波动和投资波动的福利效应.doc
    • 中国粮食生产区域格局的空间统计分析.doc
    • 中国贸易量增长的微观机理与经验证据.pdf
    • 中国能源效率、能源消费与经济增长关系的实证研究.doc
    • 中国农业保险发展的历史与未来:一个制度变迁视角.doc
    • 中国人口年龄结构对居民消费的影响(1989-2004)-基于动态面板GMM估计的实证分析.doc
    • 中国通胀持久性问题研究.pdf
    • 中外保险制度比较与我国保险制度创新:一个制度变迁的视角.doc
    • “工业驱动型”经济发展——基于江苏省数据的实证研究.pdf
    • 200772816644137.doc
    • Age Structure of the Workforce in Growing and Declining Industries-Evidence from Hong Kong.pdf
    • Asset price, macroeconomic variables and monetary shock.doc
    • Competition Between Differentiated Sellers-Exploding and Open Offers.pdf
    • FDI、出口商品结构调整与要素报酬差异:基于中国经济的实证分析.doc
    • FDI、贸易顺差和汇率.pdf
    • FDI对中国国内投资的挤入和挤出效应及进入壁垒的影响——基于行业面板数据的重新检验.doc
    • FDI会导致我国外汇储备增加吗.doc
  • 12.4 MB
  • 2008-3-13
  • 195929.rar

    • FDI流入的内生性出口贸易增长效应的实证研究——基于中国30个省市1990~2005年的面板数据模型检验.doc
    • FDI与我国经济增长:因果关系和传导机制.doc
    • How does the Optimal Two-Bracket Income Tax Depend on Wage Inequality.pdf
    • Human Capital, Factor Productivity and China’s Regional Disparity.doc
    • Investment Efficiency and Financial Development in China.pdf
    • Korean Culture’s Impact on Sino-Korea Trade Deficit—— An Example of Culture’s Influence on Economics.pdf
    • Panel Analysis on the Relationship of R&D,Patent and Output.doc
    • 半参数计量经济联立模型的变窗宽估计理论.pdf
    • 比较城市制度和跨期的外部性:重访科斯猜想.pdf
    • 财政赤字与国民储蓄——来自中国经济的经验证据(1978-2004).doc
    • 财政分权背景下的区域金融发展及其增长绩效——基于地方政府干预视角的实证研究.doc
    • 财政分权与区域医疗供给效率的实证研究.doc
    • 财政支出的相互作用:空间面板数据模型分析.doc
    • 财政支出结构、相对贫困与经济增长.pdf
    • 出口贸易结构的形成机理:中国1980-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 地区间就业增长的长期与短期效应的实证分析.doc
    • 地区专业化:一个分析框架.doc
    • 地区总收入模型、城乡经济差异及其统筹发展.doc
    • 董事会治理与公司绩效:激励还是保健?.doc
    • 对外直接投资与经济增长-基于动态VAR模型的分析.doc
    • 服务业发展对中国经济增长周期的影响.doc
    • 改革以来中国的官员任期、异地交流与经济增长.doc
    • 高校毕业生就业率考核制度的经济学分析.doc
    • 公共支出与经济增长的关系:来自中国的经验证据.pdf
    • 公共资本、政府公共支出与省区经济增长收敛再检验:基于面板数据模型实证分析.doc
    • 公共资本增长效应的区域与时段差异及其决定因素分析.doc
    • 宏观经济因素与犯罪率:基于中国1978-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线:空间计量经济学方法.doc
    • 汇率制度的外生性检验-基于人民币实际有效汇率的分析.doc
    • 货币需求弹性、货币乘数决定与货币供求非均衡——解析“中国之谜”与长期流动性过剩.pdf
    • 基于DEA模型的中国税收效率分析.doc
    • 基于分位数回归的中国居民消费研究.pdf
    • 监督还是建议——董事会功能的新认识.pdf
    • 结构变化与经济增长:1978-2004,基于中国Panel-Data的实证分析.doc
    • 金融发展与经济增长关系的面板数据协整研究:亚洲的经验.doc
    • 金融宽度和金融深度的影响因素:一个跨国分析.doc
    • 晋升激励、产业同构与地方保护:一个基于政治控制权收益的解释.pdf
    • 晋升激励、宏观调控与经济周期:一个政治经济学框架.pdf
    • 经济学本科教育实践教学的价值探究与模式构建.doc
    • 开放经济中泰勒规则在我国的阀值协整检验.doc
    • 空间外部性与地区收入差异_基于动态面板数据的.doc
    • 劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长.doc
    • 论经济学的迷失与重建.doc
    • 论文化影响对外直接投资的机制.doc
    • 贸易自由化、经济增长与减轻贫困——基于中国省际数据的经验研究.doc
    • 农民参加社会养老保险的障碍与制度设计 .doc
    • 区域物流与区域经济增长——基于面板单位跟与面板协整的分析.doc
    • 全要素生产率、资本深化与经济收敛——基于中国地区经济增长差异的实证分析.pdf
    • 人民币名义汇率与利率的联动分析.doc
    • 人民币实际汇率和人口年龄结构.doc
    • 收入差距与中国转型期刑事犯罪率:1988-2004.doc
    • 台海问题的博弈分析:核威慑与有限战争.pdf
    • 通货膨胀与中国经济增长.doc
    • 外商直接投资对我国资本形成的效应与地区差异——基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板数据分析.doc
    • 外商直接投资与中国经济增长:基于Bootstrap方法的实证检验.doc
    • 文化与经济增长:一个初步框架.doc
    • 我国保险业影响因素的实证分析——基于空间面板数据模型.pdf
    • 我国财政政策收敛的空间计量经济分析.doc
    • 我国产业集聚的“马太效应”研究——基于区域差异视角的面板数据协整分析.doc
    • 我国技术进步对就业影响的实证分析.doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006(1).doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006.doc
    • 我国省际旅游外汇收入的区域经济影响分析.pdf
    • 我国政策性农业保险主导模式的选择探析.doc
    • 一个解释中国通货膨胀史的可能框架:1981-2006.doc
    • 银行结构与经济发展的因果关系.doc
    • 政府公共投资与农村经济增长——理论模型及初步实证.doc
    • 政府间转移支付:效率与均等化能否并重.doc
    • 中国地区间购买力平价研究.doc
    • 中国地区间农业全要素生产率差距趋势研究.doc
    • 中国地区周期的协同性:1952-2005.doc
    • 中国对外贸易与收入分配:基于要素禀赋的理论与实证.pdf
    • 中国房地产价格对通货膨胀与产出的影响:理论与实证研究.doc
    • 中国股市价格变动与交易量关系的实证分析—基于MCMC的DC-MSV模型.pdf
    • 中国宏观经济波动与财政货币政策选择.doc
    • 中国金融发展能够促进固定资产投资吗.doc
    • 中国就业波动和投资波动的福利效应.doc
    • 中国粮食生产区域格局的空间统计分析.doc
    • 中国贸易量增长的微观机理与经验证据.pdf
    • 中国能源效率、能源消费与经济增长关系的实证研究.doc
    • 中国农业保险发展的历史与未来:一个制度变迁视角.doc
    • 中国人口年龄结构对居民消费的影响(1989-2004)-基于动态面板GMM估计的实证分析.doc
    • 中国通胀持久性问题研究.pdf
    • 中外保险制度比较与我国保险制度创新:一个制度变迁的视角.doc
    • “工业驱动型”经济发展——基于江苏省数据的实证研究.pdf
    • 200772816644137.doc
    • Age Structure of the Workforce in Growing and Declining Industries-Evidence from Hong Kong.pdf
    • Asset price, macroeconomic variables and monetary shock.doc
    • Competition Between Differentiated Sellers-Exploding and Open Offers.pdf
    • FDI、出口商品结构调整与要素报酬差异:基于中国经济的实证分析.doc
    • FDI、贸易顺差和汇率.pdf
    • FDI对中国国内投资的挤入和挤出效应及进入壁垒的影响——基于行业面板数据的重新检验.doc
    • FDI会导致我国外汇储备增加吗.doc
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  • 192463.rar
       Using Eviews for Undergraduate Econometics数据集

    • chap8-3.dat
    • Chard.dat
    • COAL.DAT
    • COBB.DAT
    • commcoll.dat
    • data_list.PDF
    • data_list.xls
    • diet.dat
    • DWPI.DAT
    • eafjap.dat
    • ex7-8.dat
    • EX8-3.DAT
    • ex8-14.dat
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    • ex17-2.dat
    • EX17-4.DAT
    • fig16-1.dat
    • fig16-2.dat
    • football.dat
    • fullmoon.dat
    • GOLF.DAT
    • heifer.dat
    • insur.dat
    • INV.DAT
    • JOBS.DAT
    • keynes.dat
    • LON1.DAT
    • LON2.DAT
    • london.dat
    • macrovar.dat
    • MEAT.DAT
    • metrics.dat
    • mining.dat
    • music.dat
    • OIL.DAT
    • POOL.DAT
    • PRO.DAT
    • profits.dat
    • PUB.DAT
    • Read_Me.txt
    • sales.DAT
    • sirmans.dat
    • stockton.dat
    • tab9-3S.dat
    • table1-1.dat
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    • table18-1.dat
    • tax.dat
    • tax1.dat
    • texas.dat
    • tuna.dat
    • vote.dat
    • WOOL.DAT
    • Xr6-7.dat
    • y1y4.dat
    • adaptive.dat
    • appli.dat
    • arsen.dat
    • BOND.DAT
    • br-1.dat
    • capm.dat
    • CARS.DAT
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       [分享]世界卫生组织会员国 生命表2000-2005

    • life_Somalia_2005.csv
    • life_Andorra_2005.csv
    • life_Australia_2005.csv
    • life_Austria_2005.csv
    • life_United_States_of_America_2005.csv
    • life_United_Kingdom_2005.csv
    • life_Ghana_2005.csv
    • life_Nigeria_2005.csv
    • life_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya_2005.csv
    • life_Argentina_2005.csv
    • life_Albania_2005.csv
    • life_France_2005.csv
    • life_Qatar_2005.csv
    • life_China_2005.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Korea_2005.csv
    • life_Mexico_2005.csv
    • life_Saudi_Arabia_2005.csv
    • life_Norway_2005.csv
    • life_Brazil_2005.csv
    • life_Pakistan_2005.csv
    • life_Croatia_2005.csv
    • life_Indonesia_2005.csv
    • life_Japan_2005.csv
    • life_Greece_2005.csv
    • life_Angola_2005.csv
    • life_Italy_2005.csv
    • life_Kenya_2005.csv
    • life_Thailand_2005.csv
    • life_Afghanistan_2005.csv
    • life_Guatemala_2005.csv
    • life_Tajikistan_2005.csv
    • life_Switzerland_2005.csv
    • life_Hungary_2005.csv
    • life_Central_African_Republic_2005.csv
    • life_Spain_2005.csv
    • life_Swaziland_2005.csv
    • life_Luxembourg_2005.csv
    • life_Russian_Federation_2005.csv
    • life_India_2005.csv
    • life_Canada_2005.csv
    • life_Solomon_Islands_2005.csv
    • life_Sri_Lanka_2005.csv
    • life_Honduras_2005.csv
    • life_Morocco_2005.csv
    • life_Algeria_2005.csv
    • life_Singapore_2005.csv
    • life_Sierra_Leone_2005.csv
    • life_Egypt_2005.csv
    • life_Ukraine_2005.csv
    • life_South_Africa_2005.csv
    • life_United_Republic_of_Tanzania_2005.csv
    • life_Venezuela_(Bolivarian_Republic_of)_2005.csv
    • life_Haiti_2005.csv
    • life_Uruguay_2005.csv
    • life_Peru_2005.csv
    • life_Paraguay_2005.csv
    • life_Panama_2005.csv
    • life_Nicaragua_2005.csv
    • life_El_Salvador_2005.csv
    • life_Ecuador_2005.csv
    • life_Dominican_Republic_2005.csv
    • life_Cuba_2005.csv
    • life_Costa_Rica_2005.csv
    • life_Colombia_2005.csv
    • life_Chile_2005.csv
    • life_Bolivia_2005.csv
    • life_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_2005.csv
    • life_Zambia_2005.csv
    • life_United_Arab_Emirates_2005.csv
    • life_Turkey_2005.csv
    • life_Belarus_2005.csv
    • life_Estonia_2005.csv
    • life_Latvia_2005.csv
    • life_Lithuania_2005.csv
    • life_Romania_2005.csv
    • life_Bulgaria_2005.csv
    • life_Poland_2005.csv
    • life_Slovakia_2005.csv
    • life_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_2005.csv
    • life_Czech_Republic_2005.csv
    • life_Slovenia_2005.csv
    • life_Portugal_2005.csv
    • life_Finland_2005.csv
    • life_Denmark_2005.csv
    • life_Germany_2005.csv
    • life_Belgium_2005.csv
    • life_Ireland_2005.csv
    • life_Netherlands_2005.csv
    • life_Sweden_2005.csv
    • life_Lebanon_2005.csv
    • life_Guyana_2005.csv
    • life_Guinea-Bissau_2005.csv
    • life_Guinea_2005.csv
    • life_Grenada_2005.csv
    • life_Georgia_2005.csv
    • life_Gambia_2005.csv
    • life_Gabon_2005.csv
    • life_Fiji_2005.csv
    • life_Ethiopia_2005.csv
    • life_Eritrea_2005.csv
    • life_Equatorial_Guinea_2005.csv
    • life_Dominica_2005.csv
    • life_Djibouti_2005.csv
    • life_Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea_2005.csv
    • life_Cyprus_2005.csv
    • life_Cook_Islands_2005.csv
    • life_Congo_2005.csv
    • life_Comoros_2005.csv
    • life_Chad_2005.csv
    • life_Cape_Verde_2005.csv
    • life_Cameroon_2005.csv
    • life_Cambodia_2005.csv
    • life_Burundi_2005.csv
    • life_Burkina_Faso_2005.csv
    • life_Brunei_Darussalam_2005.csv
    • life_Botswana_2005.csv
    • life_Bhutan_2005.csv
    • life_Benin_2005.csv
    • life_Belize_2005.csv
    • life_Barbados_2005.csv
    • life_Bangladesh_2005.csv
    • life_Bahrain_2005.csv
    • life_Bahamas_2005.csv
    • life_Azerbaijan_2005.csv
    • life_Armenia_2005.csv
    • life_Antigua_and_Barbuda_2005.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Moldova_2005.csv
    • life_Uzbekistan_2005.csv
    • life_Zimbabwe_2005.csv
    • life_Kuwait_2005.csv
    • life_Vanuatu_2005.csv
    • life_Syrian_Arab_Republic_2005.csv
    • life_Maldives_2005.csv
    • life_The_former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia_2005.csv
    • life_Uganda_2005.csv
    • life_Tunisia_2005.csv
    • life_Mauritius_2005.csv
    • life_Malta_2005.csv
    • life_Israel_2005.csv
    • life_Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of)_2005.csv
    • life_Viet_Nam_2005.csv
    • life_Malaysia_2005.csv
    • life_Oman_2005.csv
    • life_Jamaica_2005.csv
    • life_Jordan_2005.csv
    • life_Nepal_2005.csv
    • life_Papua_New_Guinea_2005.csv
    • life_Lesotho_2005.csv
    • life_New_Zealand_2005.csv
    • life_Iceland_2005.csv
    • life_Kiribati_2005.csv
    • life_Yemen_2005.csv
    • life_Kyrgyzstan_2005.csv
    • life_Philippines_2005.csv
    • life_Namibia_2005.csv
    • life_Trinidad_and_Tobago_2005.csv
    • life_Kazakhstan_2005.csv
    • life_Suriname_2005.csv
    • life_Mongolia_2005.csv
    • life_Rwanda_2005.csv
    • life_Malawi_2005.csv
    • life_Turkmenistan_2005.csv
    • life_Mauritania_2005.csv
    • life_Myanmar_2005.csv
    • life_Sao_Tome_and_Principe_2005.csv
    • life_Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic_2005.csv
    • life_Sudan_2005.csv
    • life_Togo_2005.csv
    • life_Madagascar_2005.csv
    • life_Iraq_2005.csv
    • life_Senegal_2005.csv
    • life_Niger_2005.csv
    • life_Mali_2005.csv
    • life_Mozambique_2005.csv
    • life_San_Marino_2005.csv
    • life_Monaco_2005.csv
    • life_Tuvalu_2005.csv
    • life_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines_2005.csv
    • life_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_2005.csv
    • life_Saint_Lucia_2005.csv
    • life_Timor-Leste_2005.csv
    • life_Tonga_2005.csv
    • life_Seychelles_2005.csv
    • life_Samoa_2005.csv
    • life_Palau_2005.csv
    • life_Niue_2005.csv
    • life_Nauru_2005.csv
    • life_Montenegro_2005.csv
    • life_Micronesia_(Federated_States_of)_2005.csv
    • life_Marshall_Islands_2005.csv
    • life_Liberia_2005.csv
    • life_Timor-Leste_2000.csv
    • life_Timor-Leste_2001.csv
    • WBlist.csv
    • life_Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic_2004.csv
    • life_Timor-Leste_2004.csv
    • life_Timor-Leste_2003.csv
    • life_Timor-Leste_2002.csv
    • life_Venezuela_(Bolivarian_Republic_of)_2000.csv
    • life_Venezuela_(Bolivarian_Republic_of)_2001.csv
    • life_Venezuela_(Bolivarian_Republic_of)_2002.csv
    • life_Venezuela_(Bolivarian_Republic_of)_2003.csv
    • life_Venezuela_(Bolivarian_Republic_of)_2004.csv
    • life_Micronesia_(Federated_States_of)_2003.csv
    • life_Micronesia_(Federated_States_of)_2002.csv
    • life_Micronesia_(Federated_States_of)_2001.csv
    • life_Micronesia_(Federated_States_of)_2000.csv
    • life_Micronesia_(Federated_States_of)_2004.csv
    • life_Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of)_2004.csv
    • life_Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of)_2003.csv
    • life_Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of)_2002.csv
    • life_Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of)_2001.csv
    • life_Iran_(Islamic_Republic_of)_2000.csv
    • life_Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea_2004.csv
    • life_Antigua_and_Barbuda_2004.csv
    • life_Zimbabwe_2001.csv
    • life_Zambia_2001.csv
    • life_Yemen_2001.csv
    • life_Viet_Nam_2001.csv
    • life_Vanuatu_2001.csv
    • life_Uzbekistan_2001.csv
    • life_Uruguay_2001.csv
    • life_United_States_of_America_2001.csv
    • life_United_Republic_of_Tanzania_2001.csv
    • life_United_Kingdom_2001.csv
    • life_United_Arab_Emirates_2001.csv
    • life_Ukraine_2001.csv
    • life_Uganda_2001.csv
    • life_Tuvalu_2001.csv
    • life_Turkmenistan_2001.csv
    • life_Turkey_2001.csv
    • life_Tunisia_2001.csv
    • life_Trinidad_and_Tobago_2001.csv
    • life_Tonga_2001.csv
    • life_Togo_2001.csv
    • life_The_former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia_2001.csv
    • life_Thailand_2001.csv
    • life_Tajikistan_2001.csv
    • life_Syrian_Arab_Republic_2001.csv
    • life_Switzerland_2001.csv
    • life_Sweden_2001.csv
    • life_Swaziland_2001.csv
    • life_Suriname_2001.csv
    • life_Sudan_2001.csv
    • life_Sri_Lanka_2001.csv
    • life_Spain_2001.csv
    • life_South_Africa_2001.csv
    • life_Somalia_2001.csv
    • life_Solomon_Islands_2001.csv
    • life_Slovenia_2001.csv
    • life_Slovakia_2001.csv
    • life_Singapore_2001.csv
    • life_Sierra_Leone_2001.csv
    • life_Seychelles_2001.csv
    • life_Senegal_2001.csv
    • life_Saudi_Arabia_2001.csv
    • life_Sao_Tome_and_Principe_2001.csv
    • life_San_Marino_2001.csv
    • life_Samoa_2001.csv
    • life_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines_2001.csv
    • life_Saint_Lucia_2001.csv
    • life_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_2001.csv
    • life_Rwanda_2001.csv
    • life_Russian_Federation_2001.csv
    • life_Romania_2001.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Moldova_2001.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Korea_2001.csv
    • life_Qatar_2001.csv
    • life_Portugal_2001.csv
    • life_Poland_2001.csv
    • life_Philippines_2001.csv
    • life_Peru_2001.csv
    • life_Paraguay_2001.csv
    • life_Papua_New_Guinea_2001.csv
    • life_Panama_2001.csv
    • life_Palau_2001.csv
    • life_Pakistan_2001.csv
    • life_Oman_2001.csv
    • life_Norway_2001.csv
    • life_Niue_2001.csv
    • life_Nigeria_2001.csv
    • life_Niger_2001.csv
    • life_Nicaragua_2001.csv
    • life_New_Zealand_2001.csv
    • life_Netherlands_2001.csv
    • life_Nepal_2001.csv
    • life_Nauru_2001.csv
    • life_Namibia_2001.csv
    • life_Myanmar_2001.csv
    • life_Mozambique_2001.csv
    • life_Morocco_2001.csv
    • life_Mongolia_2001.csv
    • life_Monaco_2001.csv
    • life_Mexico_2001.csv
    • life_Mauritius_2001.csv
    • life_Mauritania_2001.csv
    • life_Marshall_Islands_2001.csv
    • life_Malta_2001.csv
    • life_Mali_2001.csv
    • life_Maldives_2001.csv
    • life_Malaysia_2001.csv
    • life_Malawi_2001.csv
    • life_Madagascar_2001.csv
    • life_Luxembourg_2001.csv
    • life_Lithuania_2001.csv
    • life_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya_2001.csv
    • life_Liberia_2001.csv
    • life_Lesotho_2001.csv
    • life_Lebanon_2001.csv
    • life_Latvia_2001.csv
    • life_Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic_2001.csv
    • life_Kyrgyzstan_2001.csv
    • life_Kuwait_2001.csv
    • life_Kiribati_2001.csv
    • life_Kenya_2001.csv
    • life_Kazakhstan_2001.csv
    • life_Jordan_2001.csv
    • life_Japan_2001.csv
    • life_Jamaica_2001.csv
    • life_Italy_2001.csv
    • life_Israel_2001.csv
    • life_Ireland_2001.csv
    • life_Iraq_2001.csv
    • life_Indonesia_2001.csv
    • life_India_2001.csv
    • life_Iceland_2001.csv
    • life_Hungary_2001.csv
    • life_Honduras_2001.csv
    • life_Haiti_2001.csv
    • life_Germany_2004.csv
    • life_Guyana_2001.csv
    • life_Guinea-Bissau_2001.csv
    • life_Guinea_2001.csv
    • life_Guatemala_2001.csv
    • life_Grenada_2001.csv
    • life_Greece_2001.csv
    • life_Ghana_2001.csv
    • life_Germany_2001.csv
    • life_Georgia_2001.csv
    • life_Gambia_2001.csv
    • life_Gabon_2001.csv
    • life_France_2001.csv
    • life_Finland_2001.csv
    • life_Fiji_2001.csv
    • life_Ethiopia_2001.csv
    • life_Estonia_2001.csv
    • life_Eritrea_2001.csv
    • life_Equatorial_Guinea_2001.csv
    • life_China_2000.csv
    • life_El_Salvador_2001.csv
    • life_Egypt_2001.csv
    • life_Ecuador_2001.csv
    • life_Dominican_Republic_2001.csv
    • life_Dominica_2001.csv
    • life_Djibouti_2001.csv
    • life_Denmark_2001.csv
    • life_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_2001.csv
    • life_Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea_2001.csv
    • life_Czech_Republic_2001.csv
    • life_Cyprus_2001.csv
    • life_Cuba_2001.csv
    • life_Croatia_2001.csv
    • life_Costa_Rica_2001.csv
    • life_Cook_Islands_2001.csv
    • life_Congo_2001.csv
    • life_Comoros_2001.csv
    • life_Colombia_2001.csv
    • life_China_2001.csv
    • life_Chile_2001.csv
    • life_Chad_2001.csv
    • life_Central_African_Republic_2001.csv
    • life_Cape_Verde_2001.csv
    • life_Canada_2001.csv
    • life_Cameroon_2001.csv
    • life_Cambodia_2001.csv
    • life_Burundi_2001.csv
    • life_Burkina_Faso_2001.csv
    • life_Bulgaria_2001.csv
    • life_Brunei_Darussalam_2001.csv
    • life_Brazil_2001.csv
    • life_Botswana_2001.csv
    • life_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_2001.csv
    • life_Bolivia_2001.csv
    • life_Bhutan_2001.csv
    • life_Benin_2001.csv
    • life_Belize_2001.csv
    • life_Belgium_2001.csv
    • life_Belarus_2001.csv
    • life_Barbados_2001.csv
    • life_Bangladesh_2001.csv
    • life_Bahrain_2001.csv
    • life_Afghanistan_2004.csv
    • life_Bahamas_2001.csv
    • life_Azerbaijan_2001.csv
    • life_Austria_2001.csv
    • life_Australia_2001.csv
    • life_Armenia_2001.csv
    • life_Argentina_2001.csv
    • life_Antigua_and_Barbuda_2001.csv
    • life_Angola_2001.csv
    • life_Andorra_2001.csv
    • life_Algeria_2001.csv
    • life_Albania_2001.csv
    • life_Afghanistan_2001.csv
    • life_Zimbabwe_2002.csv
    • life_Zambia_2002.csv
    • life_Yemen_2002.csv
    • life_Viet_Nam_2002.csv
    • life_Vanuatu_2002.csv
    • life_Uzbekistan_2002.csv
    • life_Uruguay_2002.csv
    • life_United_States_of_America_2002.csv
    • life_United_Republic_of_Tanzania_2002.csv
    • life_United_Kingdom_2002.csv
    • life_United_Arab_Emirates_2002.csv
    • life_Ukraine_2002.csv
    • life_Uganda_2002.csv
    • life_Tuvalu_2002.csv
    • life_Turkmenistan_2002.csv
    • life_Turkey_2002.csv
    • life_Tunisia_2002.csv
    • life_Trinidad_and_Tobago_2002.csv
    • life_Tonga_2002.csv
    • life_Togo_2002.csv
    • life_The_former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia_2002.csv
    • life_Thailand_2002.csv
    • life_Tajikistan_2002.csv
    • life_Syrian_Arab_Republic_2002.csv
    • life_Switzerland_2002.csv
    • life_Sweden_2002.csv
    • life_Swaziland_2002.csv
    • life_Suriname_2002.csv
    • life_Sudan_2002.csv
    • life_Sri_Lanka_2002.csv
    • life_Spain_2002.csv
    • life_South_Africa_2002.csv
    • life_Somalia_2002.csv
    • life_Solomon_Islands_2002.csv
    • life_Slovenia_2002.csv
    • life_Slovakia_2002.csv
    • life_Singapore_2002.csv
    • life_Sierra_Leone_2002.csv
    • life_Seychelles_2002.csv
    • life_Senegal_2002.csv
    • life_Saudi_Arabia_2002.csv
    • life_Sao_Tome_and_Principe_2002.csv
    • life_San_Marino_2002.csv
    • life_Samoa_2002.csv
    • life_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines_2002.csv
    • life_Saint_Lucia_2002.csv
    • life_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_2002.csv
    • life_Rwanda_2002.csv
    • life_Russian_Federation_2002.csv
    • life_Romania_2002.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Moldova_2002.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Korea_2002.csv
    • life_Qatar_2002.csv
    • life_Portugal_2002.csv
    • life_Poland_2002.csv
    • life_Philippines_2002.csv
    • life_Peru_2002.csv
    • life_Paraguay_2002.csv
    • life_Papua_New_Guinea_2002.csv
    • life_Panama_2002.csv
    • life_Palau_2002.csv
    • life_Pakistan_2002.csv
    • life_Oman_2002.csv
    • life_Norway_2002.csv
    • life_Niue_2002.csv
    • life_Nigeria_2002.csv
    • life_Niger_2002.csv
    • life_Turkey_2004.csv
    • life_Nicaragua_2002.csv
    • life_New_Zealand_2002.csv
    • life_Netherlands_2002.csv
    • life_Nepal_2002.csv
    • life_Nauru_2002.csv
    • life_Namibia_2002.csv
    • life_Myanmar_2002.csv
    • life_Mozambique_2002.csv
    • life_Morocco_2002.csv
    • life_Mongolia_2002.csv
    • life_Monaco_2002.csv
    • life_Mexico_2002.csv
    • life_Mauritius_2002.csv
    • life_Mauritania_2002.csv
    • life_Marshall_Islands_2002.csv
    • life_Malta_2002.csv
    • life_Mali_2002.csv
    • life_Maldives_2002.csv
    • life_Malaysia_2002.csv
    • life_Malawi_2002.csv
    • life_Madagascar_2002.csv
    • life_Luxembourg_2002.csv
    • life_Lithuania_2002.csv
    • life_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya_2002.csv
    • life_Liberia_2002.csv
    • life_Lesotho_2002.csv
    • life_Lebanon_2002.csv
    • life_Latvia_2002.csv
    • life_Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic_2002.csv
    • life_Kyrgyzstan_2002.csv
    • life_Kuwait_2002.csv
    • life_Kiribati_2002.csv
    • life_Kenya_2002.csv
    • life_Kazakhstan_2002.csv
    • life_Jordan_2002.csv
    • life_Japan_2002.csv
    • life_Jamaica_2002.csv
    • life_Italy_2002.csv
    • life_Israel_2002.csv
    • life_Ireland_2002.csv
    • life_Iraq_2002.csv
    • life_Indonesia_2002.csv
    • life_India_2002.csv
    • life_Iceland_2002.csv
    • life_Hungary_2002.csv
    • life_Honduras_2002.csv
    • life_Haiti_2002.csv
    • life_Guyana_2002.csv
    • life_Guinea-Bissau_2002.csv
    • life_Guinea_2002.csv
    • life_Guatemala_2002.csv
    • life_Grenada_2002.csv
    • life_Greece_2002.csv
    • life_Ghana_2002.csv
    • life_Germany_2002.csv
    • life_Georgia_2002.csv
    • life_Gambia_2002.csv
    • life_Gabon_2002.csv
    • life_France_2002.csv
    • life_Finland_2002.csv
    • life_Fiji_2002.csv
    • life_Ethiopia_2002.csv
    • life_Estonia_2002.csv
    • life_Eritrea_2002.csv
    • life_Equatorial_Guinea_2002.csv
    • life_El_Salvador_2002.csv
    • life_Egypt_2002.csv
    • life_Ecuador_2002.csv
    • life_Dominican_Republic_2002.csv
    • life_Dominica_2002.csv
    • life_Djibouti_2002.csv
    • life_Denmark_2002.csv
    • life_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_2002.csv
    • life_Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea_2002.csv
    • life_Czech_Republic_2002.csv
    • life_Cyprus_2002.csv
    • life_Cuba_2002.csv
    • life_Croatia_2002.csv
    • life_Costa_Rica_2002.csv
    • life_Cook_Islands_2002.csv
    • life_Congo_2002.csv
    • life_Comoros_2002.csv
    • life_Colombia_2002.csv
    • life_China_2002.csv
    • life_Italy_2004.csv
    • life_Chile_2002.csv
    • life_Chad_2002.csv
    • life_Central_African_Republic_2002.csv
    • life_Cape_Verde_2002.csv
    • life_Canada_2002.csv
    • life_Cameroon_2002.csv
    • life_Cambodia_2002.csv
    • life_Burundi_2002.csv
    • life_Burkina_Faso_2002.csv
    • life_Bulgaria_2002.csv
    • life_Brunei_Darussalam_2002.csv
    • life_Brazil_2002.csv
    • life_Botswana_2002.csv
    • life_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_2002.csv
    • life_Bolivia_2002.csv
    • life_Bhutan_2002.csv
    • life_Benin_2002.csv
    • life_Belize_2002.csv
    • life_Belgium_2002.csv
    • life_Belarus_2002.csv
    • life_Barbados_2002.csv
    • life_Bangladesh_2002.csv
    • life_Bahrain_2002.csv
    • life_Bahamas_2002.csv
    • life_Azerbaijan_2002.csv
    • life_Austria_2002.csv
    • life_Australia_2002.csv
    • life_Armenia_2002.csv
    • life_Argentina_2002.csv
    • life_Antigua_and_Barbuda_2002.csv
    • life_Angola_2002.csv
    • life_Andorra_2002.csv
    • life_Algeria_2002.csv
    • life_Albania_2002.csv
    • life_Afghanistan_2002.csv
    • life_Zimbabwe_2003.csv
    • life_Zambia_2003.csv
    • life_Yemen_2003.csv
    • life_Viet_Nam_2003.csv
    • life_Vanuatu_2003.csv
    • life_Uzbekistan_2003.csv
    • life_Uruguay_2003.csv
    • life_United_States_of_America_2003.csv
    • life_United_Republic_of_Tanzania_2003.csv
    • life_United_Kingdom_2003.csv
    • life_United_Arab_Emirates_2003.csv
    • life_Ukraine_2003.csv
    • life_Uganda_2003.csv
    • life_Tuvalu_2003.csv
    • life_Turkmenistan_2003.csv
    • life_Turkey_2003.csv
    • life_Tunisia_2003.csv
    • life_Trinidad_and_Tobago_2003.csv
    • life_Tonga_2003.csv
    • life_Togo_2003.csv
    • life_The_former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia_2003.csv
    • life_Thailand_2003.csv
    • life_Tajikistan_2003.csv
    • life_Syrian_Arab_Republic_2003.csv
    • life_Switzerland_2003.csv
    • life_Sweden_2003.csv
    • life_Swaziland_2003.csv
    • life_Suriname_2003.csv
    • life_Sudan_2003.csv
    • life_Sri_Lanka_2003.csv
    • life_Spain_2003.csv
    • life_South_Africa_2003.csv
    • life_Somalia_2003.csv
    • life_Solomon_Islands_2003.csv
    • life_Slovenia_2003.csv
    • life_Slovakia_2003.csv
    • life_Singapore_2003.csv
    • life_Sierra_Leone_2003.csv
    • life_Seychelles_2003.csv
    • life_Senegal_2003.csv
    • life_Saudi_Arabia_2003.csv
    • life_Sao_Tome_and_Principe_2003.csv
    • life_San_Marino_2003.csv
    • life_Samoa_2003.csv
    • life_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines_2003.csv
    • life_Saint_Lucia_2003.csv
    • life_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_2003.csv
    • life_Rwanda_2003.csv
    • life_Russian_Federation_2003.csv
    • life_Romania_2003.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Moldova_2003.csv
    • life_Republic_of_Korea_2003.csv
    • life_Qatar_2003.csv
    • life_Portugal_2003.csv
    • life_Poland_2003.csv
    • life_Philippines_2003.csv
    • life_Peru_2003.csv
    • life_Paraguay_2003.csv
    • life_Papua_New_Guinea_2003.csv
    • life_Panama_2003.csv
    • life_Palau_2003.csv
    • life_Pakistan_2003.csv
    • life_Oman_2003.csv
    • life_Norway_2003.csv
    • life_Niue_2003.csv
    • life_Nigeria_2003.csv
    • life_Niger_2003.csv
    • life_Nicaragua_2003.csv
    • life_New_Zealand_2003.csv
    • life_Netherlands_2003.csv
    • life_Nepal_2003.csv
    • life_Nauru_2003.csv
    • life_Namibia_2003.csv
    • life_Myanmar_2003.csv
    • life_Mozambique_2003.csv
    • life_Morocco_2003.csv
    • life_Mongolia_2003.csv
    • life_Monaco_2003.csv
    • life_Mexico_2003.csv
    • life_Mauritius_2003.csv
    • life_Mauritania_2003.csv
    • life_Marshall_Islands_2003.csv
    • life_Malta_2003.csv
    • life_Mali_2003.csv
    • life_Maldives_2003.csv
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    • life_Madagascar_2003.csv
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    • life_Libyan_Arab_Jamahiriya_2003.csv
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    • life_Lesotho_2003.csv
    • life_Lebanon_2003.csv
    • life_Latvia_2003.csv
    • life_Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic_2003.csv
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    • life_Jordan_2003.csv
    • life_Japan_2003.csv
    • life_Jamaica_2003.csv
    • life_Italy_2003.csv
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    • life_Iceland_2003.csv
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    • life_Greece_2003.csv
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    • life_Germany_2003.csv
    • life_Georgia_2003.csv
    • life_Gambia_2003.csv
    • life_Gabon_2003.csv
    • life_France_2003.csv
    • life_Finland_2003.csv
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    • life_Equatorial_Guinea_2003.csv
    • life_El_Salvador_2003.csv
    • life_Egypt_2003.csv
    • life_Ecuador_2003.csv
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    • life_Dominica_2003.csv
    • life_Djibouti_2003.csv
    • life_Denmark_2003.csv
    • life_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_2003.csv
    • life_Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea_2003.csv
    • life_Czech_Republic_2003.csv
    • life_Cyprus_2003.csv
    • life_Cuba_2003.csv
    • life_Croatia_2003.csv
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    • life_Cook_Islands_2003.csv
    • life_Congo_2003.csv
    • life_Comoros_2003.csv
    • life_Colombia_2003.csv
    • life_China_2003.csv
    • life_Chile_2003.csv
    • life_Chad_2003.csv
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    • life_Burkina_Faso_2003.csv
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    • life_Brunei_Darussalam_2003.csv
    • life_Brazil_2003.csv
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    • life_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_2003.csv
    • life_Bolivia_2003.csv
    • life_Bhutan_2003.csv
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    • life_Azerbaijan_2003.csv
    • life_Austria_2003.csv
    • life_Australia_2003.csv
    • life_Armenia_2003.csv
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    • life_Antigua_and_Barbuda_2003.csv
    • life_Angola_2003.csv
    • life_Andorra_2003.csv
    • life_Algeria_2003.csv
    • life_Albania_2003.csv
    • life_Afghanistan_2003.csv
    • life_Zimbabwe_2004.csv
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    • life_Yemen_2004.csv
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    • life_Vanuatu_2004.csv
    • life_Uzbekistan_2004.csv
    • life_Uruguay_2004.csv
    • life_United_States_of_America_2004.csv
    • life_United_Republic_of_Tanzania_2004.csv
    • life_United_Kingdom_2004.csv
    • life_United_Arab_Emirates_2004.csv
    • life_Ukraine_2004.csv
    • life_Uganda_2004.csv
    • life_Tuvalu_2004.csv
    • life_Turkmenistan_2004.csv
    • life_Tunisia_2004.csv
    • life_Trinidad_and_Tobago_2004.csv
    • life_Tonga_2004.csv
    • life_Togo_2004.csv
    • life_The_former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia_2004.csv
    • life_Thailand_2004.csv
    • life_Tajikistan_2004.csv
    • life_Syrian_Arab_Republic_2004.csv
    • life_Switzerland_2004.csv
    • life_Sweden_2004.csv
    • life_Swaziland_2004.csv
    • life_Suriname_2004.csv
    • life_Sudan_2004.csv
    • life_Sri_Lanka_2004.csv
    • life_Spain_2004.csv
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    • life_Somalia_2004.csv
    • life_Solomon_Islands_2004.csv
    • life_Slovenia_2004.csv
    • life_Slovakia_2004.csv
    • life_Singapore_2004.csv
    • life_Sierra_Leone_2004.csv
    • life_Seychelles_2004.csv
    • life_Senegal_2004.csv
    • life_Saudi_Arabia_2004.csv
    • life_Sao_Tome_and_Principe_2004.csv
    • life_San_Marino_2004.csv
    • life_Samoa_2004.csv
    • life_Saint_Vincent_and_the_Grenadines_2004.csv
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    • life_Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis_2004.csv
    • life_Rwanda_2004.csv
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    • life_Georgia_2004.csv
    • life_Gambia_2004.csv
    • life_Gabon_2004.csv
    • life_France_2004.csv
    • life_Finland_2004.csv
    • life_Fiji_2004.csv
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    • life_Equatorial_Guinea_2004.csv
    • life_El_Salvador_2004.csv
    • life_Egypt_2004.csv
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    • life_Denmark_2004.csv
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    • life_The_former_Yugoslav_Republic_of_Macedonia_2000.csv
    • life_Thailand_2000.csv
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    • life_Latvia_2000.csv
    • life_Lao_People's_Democratic_Republic_2000.csv
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    • life_Kuwait_2000.csv
    • life_Kiribati_2000.csv
    • life_Kenya_2000.csv
    • life_Kazakhstan_2000.csv
    • life_Jordan_2000.csv
    • life_Japan_2000.csv
    • life_Jamaica_2000.csv
    • life_Italy_2000.csv
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    • life_Ireland_2000.csv
    • life_Iraq_2000.csv
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    • life_India_2000.csv
    • life_Iceland_2000.csv
    • life_Hungary_2000.csv
    • life_Honduras_2000.csv
    • life_Haiti_2000.csv
    • life_Guyana_2000.csv
    • life_Guinea-Bissau_2000.csv
    • life_Guinea_2000.csv
    • life_Guatemala_2000.csv
    • life_Grenada_2000.csv
    • life_Greece_2000.csv
    • life_Ghana_2000.csv
    • life_Germany_2000.csv
    • life_Georgia_2000.csv
    • life_Gambia_2000.csv
    • life_Gabon_2000.csv
    • life_France_2000.csv
    • life_Finland_2000.csv
    • life_Fiji_2000.csv
    • life_Ethiopia_2000.csv
    • life_Estonia_2000.csv
    • life_Eritrea_2000.csv
    • life_Equatorial_Guinea_2000.csv
    • life_El_Salvador_2000.csv
    • life_Egypt_2000.csv
    • life_Ecuador_2000.csv
    • life_Dominican_Republic_2000.csv
    • life_Dominica_2000.csv
    • life_Djibouti_2000.csv
    • life_Denmark_2000.csv
    • life_Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_2000.csv
    • life_Democratic_People's_Republic_of_Korea_2000.csv
    • life_Czech_Republic_2000.csv
    • life_Cyprus_2000.csv
    • life_Cuba_2000.csv
    • life_Croatia_2000.csv
    • life_Cook_Islands_2000.csv
    • life_Congo_2000.csv
    • life_Comoros_2000.csv
    • life_Colombia_2000.csv
    • life_Chile_2000.csv
    • life_Chad_2000.csv
    • life_Central_African_Republic_2000.csv
    • life_Cape_Verde_2000.csv
    • life_Canada_2000.csv
    • life_Cameroon_2000.csv
    • life_Cambodia_2000.csv
    • life_Burundi_2000.csv
    • life_Burkina_Faso_2000.csv
    • life_Bulgaria_2000.csv
    • life_Brunei_Darussalam_2000.csv
    • life_Brazil_2000.csv
    • life_Botswana_2000.csv
    • life_Bosnia_and_Herzegovina_2000.csv
    • life_Bolivia_2000.csv
    • life_Bhutan_2000.csv
    • life_Benin_2000.csv
    • life_Belize_2000.csv
    • life_Belgium_2000.csv
    • life_Belarus_2000.csv
    • life_Barbados_2000.csv
    • life_Bangladesh_2000.csv
    • life_Bahrain_2000.csv
    • life_Bahamas_2000.csv
    • life_Azerbaijan_2000.csv
    • life_Austria_2000.csv
    • life_Australia_2000.csv
    • life_Armenia_2000.csv
    • life_Argentina_2000.csv
    • life_Antigua_and_Barbuda_2000.csv
    • life_Angola_2000.csv
    • life_Andorra_2000.csv
    • life_Algeria_2000.csv
    • life_Albania_2000.csv
    • life_Afghanistan_2000.csv
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