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  • 高难习题集——Problems in Mathematical Analysis, Piotr Biler, Alfred Witkowski, Dekker.zip
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    • 高难习题集——Problems in Mathematical Analysis, Piotr Biler, Alfred Witkowski, Dekker.djvu
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  • 02国际投行报告.zip

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    • 摩根士丹利-全球宏观策略:掉期利差建模-2021.4.20-53页.pdf
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    • 瑞信-中国保险行业:2020年总结与2021年Q1展望-2021.4.12-25页.pdf
    • 瑞信-中国投资策略之中国市场策略:依靠国内复苏和弹性出口-2021.4.12-27页.pdf
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  • 2021-4-30
  • 【书名】_基础会计(英文版)(第二版) 【作者】_郭桂杭 主编.rar
       【书名】_基础会计(英文版)(第二版) 【作者】_郭桂杭 主编

    • Supplement3 Applications of Present Value.ppt
    • Chapter01 The Accounting Equation and Double-entry Bookkeeping.ppt
    • Chapter02 Accounting Cycle (I) Journalizing, Posting and Preparing Trial Balance.ppt
    • Chapter03 Accounting Cycle (II) Adjustments, Work Sheet and Financial Statements.ppt
    • Chapter04 Accounting Cycle (III) Closing Entries and Post-closing Trial Balance.ppt
    • Chapter05 Sales and Sales Journal.ppt
    • Chapter06 Purchases and Purchases Journal.ppt
    • Chapter07 Cash Receipts Joournal and Cash Payments Journal.ppt
    • Chapter08 Adjusting Entries and Work Sheet for a Merchandising Sole Proprirtorship.ppt
    • Chapter09 Financial Statements and Closing Entries for a Merchandising Sole Proprietorship.ppt
    • Chapter10 Accounts for Partnership and Distribution of Net Income.ppt
    • Chapter11 Changes and Liquidation of a Partnership.ppt
    • Chapter12 Corporation Organization and Stockholders'Equity.ppt
    • Chapter13 Corporation Earnings per Share and Dividends.ppt
    • Chapter 14.ppt
    • Chapter 15.ppt
    • Chapter 16.ppt
    • Chapter 17.ppt
    • Introduction.ppt
    • Supplement1 Fixed Assets and Depreciation Methods.ppt
    • Supplement2 Bank Accounts and Cash Funds.ppt
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  • SUMS35 Measure, Integral and Probability, 2nd Edition, Marek Capiński, Peter Ek.zip

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  • (2005)Mathematics of Financial Markets_Robert J. Elliott, P. Ekkehard Kopp.rar

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  • 2018-11-1
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 61-70(缺少65).rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 70) Kōji Iida (auth.)-Studies on the Optimal Search Plan-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 61) Jens Breckling (auth.), Jens Breckling (eds.)-The Analysis of Directional Time Series_ Applications to Wind Speed and Direction-Springer-Verlag New York (1989).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 62) Johan C. Akkerboom (auth.)-Testing Problems with Linear or Angular Inequality Constraints-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 63) Johann Pfanzagl (auth.)-Estimation in Semiparametric Models_ Some Recent Developments-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 64) Siegfried Gabler (auth.)-Minimax Solutions in Sampling from Finite Populations-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 66) Tommy Wright (auth.)-Exact Confidence Bounds when Sampling from Small Finite Universes_ An Easy Reference Based on the Hypergeometric Distribution-Springer-Verlag New .pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 67) Martin A. Tanner (auth.)-Tools for Statistical Inference_ Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods-Springer-Verlag New York (1991).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 68) Masanobu Taniguchi (auth.)-Higher Order Asymptotic Theory for Time Series Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (1991).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 69) Nico J. D. Nagelkerke (auth.)-Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Functional Relationships-Springer-Verlag New York (1992).pdf
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  • M(101-163).rar

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  • snde1694_supplementary_6.zip

    • NIKKEI_2009.csv
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    • Ergebnis_v2_Hes_ 1 1 NIKKEI225 .txt
    • Ergebnis_v2_LL_ 1 1 NIKKEI225 .txt
    • Ergebnis_v2_details_ 1 1 NIKKEI225 .txt
    • R01_MomentInterpreter.R
    • R01_information_utils.R
    • R01_GarchModels.R
    • R01_descrstats.R
    • LS_data.R
    • GLw500.csv
    • GLw100.csv
    • FTSE_2009.csv
    • DJIA_2009.csv
    • DGT.R
    • S&P_2009.csv
    • R01_tascomparison.R
    • R01_sgarch.R
    • R01_Reader1.R
    • AS_MaxEntUtils.R
    • readme.txt
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  • Peter P. Wakker Prospect Theory For Risk and Ambiguity.rar

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  • Bakker-2015-Strategic_Management_Journal.zip

    • Bakker-2015-Strategic_Management_Journal.pdf
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  • 1-2.zip
        New 1-2.introduction and balance sheet.zip

    • 2 - 6 - Video 1.3.2_ Debit and Credit Bookkeeping II (16_18).mp4
    • 2 - 7 - Video 1.4.1_ Relic Spotter Case, Part 1 (20_03).mp4
    • 2 - 8 - Video 1.4.2_ Relic Spotter Case, Part 2 (15_43).mp4
    • 2 - 9 - Video 1.5_ 3M Company_ Tour of an Annual Report (10_04).mp4
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  • 2015-5-23
  • 1-1.introduction and balance sheet.zip
       1.1 introduction and B/S

    • 2 - 2 - Video 1.1.2- Financial Reporting Example (12-18).mp4
    • 2 - 3 - Video 1.2.1- Balance Sheet Equation (12-42).mp4
    • 2 - 4 - Video 1.2.2- Assets, Liabilities, and Stockholders-' Equity (18-34).mp4
    • 2 - 5 - Video 1.3.1- Debit and Credit Bookkeeping I (13-50).mp4
    • 2 - 1 - Video 1.1.1- Financial Reporting Overview (11-17).mp4
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  • Problems in Mathematical Analysis, Piotr Biler(波兰的数学分析习题集), Alfred Wit.rar

    • Problems in Mathematical Analysis, Piotr Biler(波兰的数学分析习题集), Alfred Witkowski, Dekker, 1990.djvu
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  • Bookkeeping ACCY 001 3rd Edition,manual solution.zip

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  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics D.rar

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    • de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985) de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985)The New Palgrave Dictionary of EconomicsThe New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online.mht
    • de Finetti, Bruno (1906–1985) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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  • 2012-5-13
  • Bookkeeping and accounting.rar

    • Schaum - Bookkeeping and accounting - a crash course.PDF
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  • 2011-6-5
  • The_Fokker_Planck_Equation__Methods_of_Solution_and_Applications__Second_Edition.zip

    • The_Fokker_Planck_Equation__Methods_of_Solution_and_Applications__Second_Edition.djvu
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  • JMR.rar

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    • The Importance of a General Measure of Brand Engagement on Market Behavior- Development and Validation of a Scale.pdf
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    • the reciprocal effects of brand equity and trivial attributes.pdf
    • National Brands, Local Branding- Conclusions and Future Research Opportunities.pdf
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    • Cultural Orientation and Brand Dilution-Impact of Motivation Level and Extension Typicality.pdf
    • “Speed of Replacement”- Modeling Brand Loyalty Using Last-Move Data.pdf
    • How Far Can a Brand Stretch- Understanding the Role of Self-Construal.pdf
    • Perception Spillovers Across Competing Brands-A Disaggregate Model of How and When.pdf
    • Consumer Packaged Goods in France- National Brands, Regional Chains, and Local Branding.pdf
  • 18.08 MB
  • 2010-6-2
  • Eubank R. Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing (Dekker%2C 1999)(T)(356s).rar

    • Eubank R. Nonparametric Regression and Spline Smoothing (Dekker%2C 1999)(T)(356s).djvu
  • 2.63 MB
  • 2010-1-18
  • 309392.rar
       [下载]中山大学 管理学院会计学讲义.rar

    • 12.8 time value.doc
    • 13.1 Leases.ppt
    • 13.3 Exercise of Lease Q.doc
    • 14.1 Stockholders’ Equity.ppt
    • 15.1 Investments and Acquisitions.ppt
    • 16 名词翻译.doc
    • 0.1 Overview Fall 2004 FMA Syllabus.doc
    • 0.2 2004 Fall FMA Syllabus.doc
    • 1.1 Accounting Introduction.ppt
    • 1.2 Concepts and Methods.ppt
    • 2.1 Mechanics.ppt
    • 2.3 Exercises of Mechanics Q.doc
    • 2.4 Basic Bookkeeping.doc
    • 3.1 Financial Statements.ppt
    • 3.2 Financial Data Definitions.doc
    • 4.1 S Accrual Accounting.ppt
    • 5.1 S Revenue Recognition.ppt
    • 5.2 Exercise of ADA Q.doc
    • 6.1 S Inventory.ppt
    • 7.1 Investment in Equity Securities.ppt
    • 8.1 S Long-lived assets.ppt
    • 8.2 Example of Long-lived Assets.doc
    • 9.1 Statement of Cash Flows.ppt
    • 9.2 example of SCF.doc
    • 9.3 XYZ Company.doc
    • 9.4 Exercise of SCF Q.doc
    • 10.1 Income Taxes.ppt
    • 10.2 WalMart Tax Accounts.doc
    • 10.4 Exercise of Taxes Q.doc
    • 11.1 Current Liabilities, and Contingencies.ppt
    • 12.1 S Long-term Liabilities.ppt
    • 12.2 Example of Bond.doc
    • 12.4 Exercise of Bond Q.doc
    • Final Review.ppt
    • 5.3 Exercise of ADA.doc
    • 6.1 Inventory.ppt
    • Ch3 存货.doc
  • 2.03 MB
  • 2009-3-29
  • 289380.rar

    • Bookkeeping and Accounting.pdf
  • 1.44 MB
  • 2009-1-30
  • 251359.pdf
       Bookkeeping and Accounting

  • 5.08 MB
  • 2008-9-28
  • 191700.pdf
       Mathematics of Financial Markets-Robert James Elliott, P. Ekkehard Kopp

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  • 2008-2-1
  • 185967.rar
       [下载]Houthakker 《金融市场经济学》(The Economics of Financial Markets)

    • The Economics of Financial Markets (Houthakker).pdf
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  • 2008-1-2
  • 179394.zip

    • The Economics of Financial Markets (Houthakker).pdf
    • ebookz.ir.url
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  • 2007-12-5
  • 141428.pdf
       [下载]Marcel Dekker,.Handbook of Applied Economic Statistics, Vol 155.[1998.ISBN082470129

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  • 2007-7-26
  • 84733.rar
       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 21 Bollerslev-1986-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Herteroskedasticity.pdf
    • 19 Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold and Ebens-2001-The distribution of realized stock return volatility.pdf
    • 20 Baillie, Bollerslev and Mikkelsen-1996-Fractionally integrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity.pdf
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  • 2007-1-15
  • 55979.rar
       [下载]英文原版Measure, Integral and Probability,Marek Capinski and Ekkehard Kopp,Sprin

  • 1.14 MB
  • 2006-6-19