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  • 2015-12-12
  • The Quarterly Journal of Economics-2015-Gabaix-1369-420.rar

    • The Quarterly Journal of Economics-2015-Gabaix-1369-420.pdf
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  • 2015-8-23
  • 复件 The Quarterly Journal of Economics-2010-Chen-1145-94.rar

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  • 2015-5-11
  • The Quarterly Journal of Economics-2010-Chen-1145-94.rar

    • The Quarterly Journal of Economics-2010-Chen-1145-94.pdf
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  • 2015-5-11
  • 引用率最高的20篇经济学季刊(quarterly journal of economics)的经典论文.zip

    • A Contribution to the Empirics of Economic Growth.pdf
    • A Contribution to the Theory of Economic Growth.pdf
    • A Simple Model of Herd Behavior.pdf
    • A Theory of Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence.pdf
    • A Theory of Fairness, Competition, and Cooperation.pdf
    • Africa's Growth Tragedy_ Policies and Ethnic Divisions.pdf
    • Corruption and Growth.pdf
    • Corruption.pdf
    • Does Social Capital Have an Economic Payoff_ A Cross-Country Investigation.pdf
    • Economic Growth in a Cross Section of Countries.pdf
    • Finance and Growth_ Schumpeter Might be Right.pdf
    • International Investment and International Trade in the Product Cycle.pdf
    • Job Market Signaling.pdf
    • Loss Aversion in Riskless Choice_ A Reference-Dependent Model.pdf
    • Reversal of Fortune_ Geography and Institutions in the Making of the Modern World Income Distribution.pdf
    • Self-Confidence and Personal Motivation.pdf
    • The Market for lemons: Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.pdf
    • Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output Per Worker Than Others_.pdf
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  • 2014-8-20
  • 计量课经典文献.rar
       三篇经典计量经济学论文,fama 等计量大牛的成名作

    • Why Are CEOs Rarely Fired Evidence from Structural Estimation(JOURNAL OF FINANCE).pdf
    • Economic Growth and the Environment(Quarterly Journal of Economics).pdf
    • Luck versus Skill in the Cross-Section of Mutual Fund Returns.pdf
  • 2.33 MB
  • 2012-1-18
  • 300469.rar
       国外著名经济学期刊:The RAND Journal of Economics 2009-1

    • Costly participation and heterogeneous.pdf
    • Price discrimination in input markets.pdf
    • An empirical investigation of the welfare.pdf
    • Managerial hedging, equity ownership,.pdf
    • Efficient tournaments within teams.pdf
    • Market participation in delegated.pdf
    • Vertical restraints and horizontal control.pdf
    • Corporate fraud and investment distor.pdf
    • Coordination and delay in hierarchies.pdf
    • 目录.txt
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  • 2009-3-5
  • 299844.rar
       国外著名经济学期刊:The RAND Journal of Economics 2009-1

    • Costly participation and heterogeneous.pdf
    • Price discrimination in input markets.pdf
    • An empirical investigation of the welfare.pdf
    • Managerial hedging, equity ownership,.pdf
    • Efficient tournaments within teams.pdf
    • Market participation in delegated.pdf
    • Vertical restraints and horizontal control.pdf
    • Corporate fraud and investment distor.pdf
    • Coordination and delay in hierarchies.pdf
    • 目录.txt
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  • 2009-3-3
  • 245771.pdf
       求Quarterly Journal of Economics上的一篇文章

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  • 2008-9-10
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  • 2008-7-22
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       [求助]求Journal of Economics and Finance 文献1篇

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  • 2008-5-26
  • 161619.pdf
       Oliver Hart and John Moore 的新作(即将在2008年Quarterly Journal of Economics 发表)

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  • 2007-10-6
  • 122288.rar
       在Journal of economics上下载的几篇最近的论文和大家分享

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  • 2007-5-31
  • 116718.rar
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  • 2007-5-14
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  • 2007-5-14
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  • 2007-5-14
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  • 2007-5-14
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  • 2007-5-12
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  • 2007-5-10
  • 51623.rar

    • Development Economics from a Chicago Perspective. By Strassmann, W. Paul. Journal of Economic Issues, Mar76, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p63, 18p.pdf
    • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN MEXICO AND THAILAND AN INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS. By Cornehls, James V.; Van Roy, Edward. Journal of Economic Issues, Sep69, Vol. 3 Issue 3, p16, 17p.pdf
    • Economic Structure and Economic Development. By Belotti, Lorenzo Mario. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Oct60, Vol. 20 Issue 1, p73-80, 8p.pdf
    • Economics in action Ideas, institutions, policies. By Shultz, George P.. American Economic Review, May95, Vol. 85 Issue 2, p1, 8p.pdf
    • Financial liberalisation, stockmarkets and economic development. By Singh, Ajit. Economic Journal, May97, Vol. 107 Issue 442, p771-782, 12p.pdf
    • Institutionalism, Structuralism, and Dependency in Latin America. By Street, James H.; James, Dilmus D.. Journal of Economic Issues, Sep82, Vol. 16 Issue 3, p673, 17p.pdf
    • INSTITUTIONS AND POLITICS IN A LEWIS-TYPE GROWTH MODEL. By Mosley, Paul. Manchester School (1998), Dec2004, Vol. 72 Issue 6, p751-773, 23p.pdf
    • Institutions, Social Norms, and Economic Development (Book). By Nugent, Jeffrey B.. Journal of Economic Literature, Dec2001, Vol. 39 Issue 4, p1273, 3p.pdf
    • Land Rent Flows in Economic, Political and Environmental Transitions---An Inquiry Into Ownership Rights In Land Rent.By Smiley, David H.. American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Jan1997, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p103-114, 12p.pdf
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  • 2006-5-7
  • 51171.rar
       想买书都没钱啊,共享8篇文献(Quarterly Journal of Economics)

    • neighborhood effects on crime for female and male youth evidence from a randomized housing voucher experiment.pdf
    • baby booms and drug busts trends in youth drug use in the uS, 1975-2000.pdf
    • contractibility and asset ownership, on board computers and governance in US trucking.pdf
    • Does legal enforcement affect financial transactions the contractual channel in private equity.pdf
    • fiscal shenanigans,targeted federal gealth care funds and patient mortality.pdf
    • love and money a theoretical and empirical analysis of household sortin and inequality.pdf
    • monetary discretion pricing complementarity and dynamic multiple equitlibria.pdf
    • mothers and sons, preference formation and female labor force dynamics.pdf
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  • 2006-5-4