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  • 金融、财管资料.rar

    • Chapter 9 Investment Companies.ppt
    • K线图分析法.ppt
    • FM&APT.ppt
    • securities market.ppt
    • Investments chapter 1~5.ppt
    • Topics of M&A.ppt
    • Chapter 6 Common Stocks.ppt
    • Chapter 8 Earnings.ppt
    • chapter 10 modern investment theory.ppt
    • modern portfio theory 02.ppt
    • the efficent markets.ppt
    • CAPM.ppt
    • Financial Statement Analysis.ppt
    • Macroeconomic and industry analusis.ppt
    • Finance 3.ppt
    • Finance 4.ppt
    • Table 15.doc
    • finance 5.ppt
  • 1.26 MB
  • 2011-4-27
  • 投资学.rar

    • Chapter4 Mutual Funds and Other Investment Companies.ppt
    • Chapter7 Capital Asset Pricing and Arbitrage Pricing Theory.ppt
    • Chapter8 Efficient Markets and the Behavioral Critique.ppt
    • Chapter9 Bonds Prices and Yields.ppt
    • Chapter10 Managing Bond Portfolio.ppt
    • Chapter11 Macroeconomic and industry analysis.ppt
    • Chapter12 Equity Valuation.ppt
    • Chapter13 Financial Statement Analysis.ppt
    • Chapter14 Options Markets.ppt
    • Chapter15 Option Valuation.ppt
    • Chapter16 Futures Markets.ppt
    • Chapter17 Performance Evaluation and Active Portfolio Management.ppt
    • Chapter19 Behavioral Finance and Technical Analysis.ppt
    • Chapter21 Investors and the Investment Process.ppt
    • Chapter 1.doc
    • Chapter 1 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 2.doc
    • Chapter 2 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 3 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 4.doc
    • Chapter 4 Answers.doc
    • Chapter 5 solution manual.ppt
    • Chapter 6 solution manual.ppt
    • Chapter 7 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter 8 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter 9 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter 10 solution mamual.ppt
    • Chapter1 Investments Background and Issues.ppt
    • Chapter2 Financial Securities.ppt
    • Chapter3 Security Markets.ppt
    • Chapter5 Risk and Return Past and Prologue.ppt
    • Chapter6 Efficient Diverdification.ppt
  • 17.45 MB
  • 2011-4-6
  • 美国证券市场.rar

    • Trends in Proxy Voting by Registered Investment Companies, 2007–2009.pdf
    • Foreign Investment in U.S. Securities.pdf
    • ICI_2010 annual report to members.pdf
    • 美国基金的机构投资者与个人投资者.txt
  • 1.29 MB
  • 2010-12-27