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  • Lectures.rar

    • Lecture Note on VI Perfect competition and competition policy.pdf
    • CH 01 Cooperation as the central focus of microeconomics.pdf
    • contents.pdf
    • Lecture Note on I Basic decision and preference theory.pdf
    • Lecture Note on II Household theory and theory of the firm.pdf
    • Lecture Note on III Games and industrial organization.pdf
    • Lecture Note on IV Bargaining theory and Pareto optimality.pdf
    • Lecture Note on V Bayesian games and mechanism design.pdf
    • Lecture Note on VII Contracts and principal-agent theories.pdf
  • 7.01 MB
  • 2024-4-27
  • 产业组织:当代理论与实证应用第5版:讲义+习题答案.rar

    • Lecture Note on Industrial Organization_ Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications.pdf
    • Pepall_IM_chpt_14.pdf
    • Answers to Practice Problems.pdf
    • Pepall_IM_chpt_25.pdf
    • Pepall_IM_chpt_24.pdf
    • Pepall_IM_chpt_21.pdf
    • Pepall_IM_chpt_23.pdf
    • Pepall_IM_chpt_22.pdf
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    • Pepall_IM_chpt_15.pdf
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  • 2023-12-20
  • Asker2017.pdf
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  • 产业组织理论 5E.rar
       Industrial Organization Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications Fifth Edition

    • 产业组织理论 5E.pdf
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  • 2019-6-12
  • Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies.zip

    • Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies.pdf
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  • Econometric Models for Industrial Organization.zip

    • Econometric Models for Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2017-1-22
  • 《产业经济学经典文献选读》.zip

    • Industrial Organization Past History and Future Problems.pdf
    • An Alternative Approach to The Concept of Workable Competition.pdf
    • Barriers To Entry as a Measure of a Firm’s Monopoly Power.pdf
    • Barriers to entry in the U.S. and Japanese titanium industries.pdf
    • Industrial Economics:an Overview.pdf
    • Relation of Profit Rate to Industry Concentration American Manufacturing.pdf
    • The Empirical Renaissance in Industrial Economics An Overview.pdf
    • The Profitability Concentration Relation Market Power of Efficiency.pdf
    • Toward A Concept of Workable Competition.pdf
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  • 2016-3-2
  • Introduction to Industrial Organization 高清 .rar

    • Introduction to Industrial Organization 高清 .pdf
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  • 2015-12-29
  • 产业组织理论IOTArar.rar

    • Industrial Organization Theory and Applications-Oz Shy.pdf
    • 产业组织:理论与应用.pdf
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  • 2010_[Paul_Belleflamme,_Martin_Peitz]_Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies.rar
       2010 CUP pdf|接到多人投诉,附件名不符实。楼主需要的是答案。

    • 2010_[Paul_Belleflamme,_Martin_Peitz]_Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies.pdf
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  • 2014-3-23
  • Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies.rar

    • Industrial Organization Markets and Strategies.pdf
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  • 2014-2-12
  • Industrial Organization:Theory and Applications.rar

    • Industrial Organization:Theory and Applications.pdf
  • 2.55 MB
  • 2014-2-10
  • Theory of Industrial Organization.zip

    • Theory of Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2012-9-26
  • Game theory and Industrial Organization.rar

    • Game theory and Industrial Organization.pdf
    • pdf、pdg格式文件如何打开说明.txt
    • 电子书阅读方法.htm
    • e书联盟、电子书之家.txt
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  • 2012-9-6
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization 第三卷正式版.rar

    • Handbook of Industrial Organization 第三卷正式版.pdf
  • 4.42 MB
  • 2012-8-27
  • 产业组织手册全三卷正式版.rar

    • Handbook of Industrial Organization 全三卷正式版.pdf
  • 4.42 MB
  • 2012-8-27
  • Game Theory Applied.pdf

  • 361.72 KB
  • 2012-5-5
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization (第3卷).rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization (第3卷)

    • Chapter 32 Lectures on Auction Theory an empirical perspective.pdf
    • Chapter 33 A Primer on Foreclosure.pdf
    • Chapter 34 Price Discrimination and Imperfect Competition.pdf
    • Chapter 35 Market Structure.pdf
    • Chapter 27 Recent Developments in the Theory of Regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 28 The Economic Analysis of Advertising.pdf
    • Chapter 30 A Framework for Applied Dynamic Analysis in IO.pdf
    • Chapter 31 Coordination and Lock-In Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects.pdf
  • 4.86 MB
  • 2011-12-12
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization (Vol 2).rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization(产业经济学手册)第二卷(继续上一贴)

    • Chapter 21 International differences in industrial organization.pdf
    • Chapter 22 Economic perspectives on the politics of regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 23 Optimal policies for natural monopolies.pdf
    • Chapter 24 Design of regulatory mechanisms and institutions.pdf
    • Chapter 25 The effects of economic regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 26 The economics of health, safety, and environmental regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Inter-industry studies of structure and performance.pdf
    • Chapter 17 Empirical studies of industries with market power.pdf
    • Chapter 18 Empirical studies of innovation and market structure.pdf
    • Chapter 19 An updated review of industrial organization-Applications of experimental methods.pdf
    • Chapter 20 Industrial organization and international trade.pdf
  • 31.93 MB
  • 2011-12-8
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization (Vol 1).rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization(产业经济学手册) (Vol 1), 经典第一卷!

    • Chapter 5 Noncooperative game theory for industrial organization###########Signalling.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Theories of oligopoly behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 7 Cartels, collusion, and horizontal merger.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Mobility barriers and the value of incumbency.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Predation, monopolization, and antitrust.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Price discrimination.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Vertical contractual relations.pdf
    • Chapter 12 Product differentiation.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Imperfect information in the product market.pdf
    • Chapter 14 The timing of innovation- Research, development, and diffusion.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Technological determinants of firm and industry structure.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The theory of the firm.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Vertical integration- Determinants and effects.pdf
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  • 2011-12-8
  • 13.zip

    • Industrial Organization A Strategic Approach, 1st ed. (Church & Ware).pdf
    • IGI.Global.Advances.in.Enterprise.Information.Technology.Security.May.2007.eBook-BBL.pdf
    • Implementation Strategies for SAP R3 in a Multinational Organization [Cybertech 2006].pdf
    • Innovation And The Growth Of Cities - Acs - Edward Elgar Publisher - 2002.pdf
    • Institute for International Economics,.Assessing Financial Vulnerability - An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets.[2000.ISBN0881322377].pdf
    • Institute for International Economics,.Controlling Currency Mismatches In Emerging Markets.[2004.ISBN0881323608].pdf
    • Institute for International Economics,.Does Foreign Direct Investment Promote Development-New Methods, Outcomes and Policy Approaches.[2005].pdf
    • Institute for International Economics,.Has Globalization Gone Too Far.[1997.ISBN0881322415].pdf
    • Institute for International Economics,.The Asian Financial Crisis - Causes, Cures, and Systemic Implications.[1998.ISBN088132261X].pdf
    • Intelligent-Paradigms-For-Healthcare-Enterprises-Systems-Thinking 9783540229032.27378.pdf
    • International Direct Investment Stat Yearbook 1980-2000.pdf
    • International Entrepreneurship.pdf
    • International Finance and Accounting Handbook 3rd Ed.pdf
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    • International Handbook on the Economics of Corruption.pdf
    • International Investment For Sustainable Development - Balancing Rights And Rewards 王学鸿.pdf
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  • 2011-4-26
  • economics.rar

    • Semiparametric and nonparametric estimation of tobit models.pdf
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    • Does Institution Rule Over Human Capital_Evidence from China.pdf
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    • Oil and macroeconomy in China.pdf
    • Research joint ventures of three heterogeneous firms.pdf
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  • Henderson2005 __ New Economic Geography(2).rar

    • 20__Rosenthal and Strange2003 Geography, Industrial Organization, and Agglomeration.pdf
    • 19__Henderson2003 Marshall's scale economies.pdf
    • 21__Eaton and Eckstein1997 Cities and growth Theory and evidence from France and Japan.pdf
    • 22__Black and Henderson2003 Urban evolution in the USA.pdf
    • 23__Ioannides and Overman2003 Zipf's law for cities an empirical examination.pdf
    • 13__Hanson1997 Increasing Returns, Trade and the Regional Structure of Wages.pdf
    • 14__Davis and Weinstein2003 Market access, economic geography and comparative advantage an empirical test.pdf
    • 15__Caselli and Coleman-II2001 The U.S. Structural Transformation and Regional Convergence A Reinterpretation.pdf
    • 16__Davis and Weinstein2002 Bones, Bombs, and Break Points The Geography of Economic Activity.pdf
    • 17__Jaffe et1993 Geographic Localization of Knowledge Spillovers as Evidenced by Patent Citations.pdf
    • 18__Ellison and Glaeser1997 Geographic Concentration in U.S. Manufacturing Industries A Dartboard Approach.pdf
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  • 2010-2-16
  • Jean Tirole.zip

    • MIT Press - Theory of Industrial Organization - Jean Tirole (1988).pdf
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  • 产业组织理论.rar

    • Industrial Organization.ppt
    • 产业组织理论.ppt
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  • 323538.pdf
       [下载]Theory of Industrial Organization配套课件 - TSE

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  • 305747.rar
       我的课本下载(免费)industrial organization: a strategic approach

    • textbook.pdf
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  • 279398.pdf
       Industrial Organization:Theory and Applications,1996

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  • 2008-12-23
  • 279396.pdf
       Industrial Organization:Theory and Applications,1996

  • 4.01 MB
  • 2008-12-23
  • 277747.rar

    • Handbook of Industrial Organization_VOL.3_0444824359.pdf
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  • 2008-12-17
  • 255113.rar
       Industrial Organization--Theory and Applications 英文版 产业组织-理论与应用 夏伊奥兹

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  • 2008-10-10
  • 252745.pdf
       必买经典:Industrial Organization-A Strategic Approach(2000, Church & Ware)

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  • 206902.rar
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    • game theory and industrial organization.pdf
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  • 203002.pdf
       Structural Econometric Modeling from Industrial Organization(Handbook of Econometrics, Vo

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  • 2008-4-3
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       必买经典:Industrial Organization-A Strategic Approach(2000, Church & Ware)

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       [下载]MIT2007industrial organization1资料(超值)

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       《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol03(非正式版本)

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  • 173460.pdf
       Coming Together:The Industrial Organization of Federalism

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  • 2007-11-14
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       求dixit发表在international journal of industrial organization 1983年的文章一篇

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  • 2007-11-7
  • 169116.rar
       [下载]Journal of Banking & Finance Volume 31, Issue 10, Pages 2945-3250 (October 2007)

    • 1.Editorial Board.pdf
    • 2.The industrial organization of post-trade clearing and settlement.pdf
    • 3.Interlinking securities settlement systems_ A strategic commitment.pdf
    • 4.Stock exchange business models and their operative performance.pdf
    • 5.Guess what_ It’s the settlements! Vertical integration as a barrier to efficient exchange consolidation.pdf
    • 6.Settling for efficiency – A framework for the European securities transaction industry.pdf
    • 7.Cost efficiency in the European securities settlement and depository industry.pdf
    • 8.Partial acquisitions, the acquisition probability hypothesis, and the abnormal returns to partial targets.pdf
    • 9.Consumer expectations and short-horizon return predictability.pdf
    • 10.Yield-factor volatility models.pdf
    • 11.Are current syndicated loan alliances related to past alliances.pdf
    • 12.Does sovereign debt ratings news spill over to international stock markets.pdf
    • 13.Implied volatility and future portfolio returns.pdf
    • 14.Accounting for distress in bank mergers.pdf
    • 15.Regulatory harmonization and the development of private equity markets.pdf
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       Modern Industrial Organization (3rd Edition)

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  • 149435.pdf
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  • 146330.pdf
       Industrial Organization A Strategic Approach, 1st ed. (Church & Wa

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  • 128311.rar
       论文汇集 产业组织理论与博弈论

    • Game Theory and Industrial Organization.pdf
  • 385.41 KB
  • 2007-6-21
  • 117958.pdf
       Game theory and Industrial Organization

  • 417.44 KB
  • 2007-5-18
  • 116931.pdf
       Tirole-The Theory of Industrial Organization

  • 47.41 MB
  • 2007-5-15
  • 114535.rar
       便宜——Handbook of Health Economics(2)

    • Chapter 23 Waiting lists and medical treatment-Analysis and policies.pdf
    • Chapter 24 Economics of dental services.pdf
    • Chapter 25 The pharmaceutical industry.pdf
    • Acknowledgments o MISCELLANEOUS.pdf
    • Author Index.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Economics and mental health.pdf
    • Chapter 17 Long-term care.pdf
    • Chapter 18 The economics of disability and disability policy.pdf
    • Chapter 19 Child health in developed countries.pdf
    • Chapter 20 The industrial organization of health care markets.pdf
    • Chapter 21 Not-for-profit ownership and hospital behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 22 Economics of general practice.pdf
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  • 114208.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Health Economics》,elsevier出版社电子版

    • Chapter 24 Economics of dental services.pdf
    • Chapter 18 The economics of disability and disability policy.pdf
    • Chapter 19 Child health in developed countries.pdf
    • Chapter 20 The industrial organization of health care markets.pdf
    • Chapter 21 Not-for-profit ownership and hospital behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 22 Economics of general practice.pdf
    • Chapter 23 Waiting lists and medical treatment- Analysis and policies.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
  • 114203.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 2,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Preface to the handbook.pdf
    • Chapter 22 Economic perspectives on the politics of regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 23 Optimal policies for natural monopolies.pdf
    • Chapter 24 Design of regulatory mechanisms and institutions.pdf
    • Chapter 25 The effects of economic regulation.pdf
    • Chapter 26 The economics of health, safety, and environmental regulation.pdf
    • Contents of the handbook.pdf
    • Introduction to the series.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
  • 114202.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 2,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Chapter 21 International differences in industrial organization.pdf
    • Chapter 16 Inter-industry studies of structure and performance.pdf
    • Chapter 17 Empirical studies of industries with market power.pdf
    • Chapter 18 Empirical studies of innovation and market structure.pdf
    • Chapter 19 An updated review of industrial organization- Applications of experimental methods.pdf
    • Chapter 20 Industrial organization and international trade.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
  • 114201.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 1,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Preface to the handbook.pdf
    • Chapter 11 Vertical contractual relations.pdf
    • Chapter 12 Product differentiation.pdf
    • Chapter 13 Imperfect information in the product market.pdf
    • Chapter 14 The timing of innovation- Research, development, and diffusion.pdf
    • Chapter 15 The theory and the facts of how markets clear- Is industrial organization valuable for understanding macroeconomics.pdf
    • Contents of the handbook.pdf
    • Index.pdf
    • Introduction to the series.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
  • 114200.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 1,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Chapter 10 Price discrimination.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Theories of oligopoly behavior.pdf
    • Chapter 7 Cartels, collusion, and horizontal merger.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Mobility barriers and the value of incumbency.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Predation, monopolization, and antitrust.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
  • 114199.rar
       [下载]《Handbook of Industrial Organization》vol 1,elsevier出版社电子版!

    • Chapter 5 Noncooperative game theory for industrial organization- An introduction and overview.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Technological determinants of firm and industry structure.pdf
    • Chapter 2 The theory of the firm.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Transaction cost economics.pdf
    • Chapter 4 Vertical integration- Determinants and effects.pdf
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  • 2007-5-6
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  • 2007-2-8
  • 70378.rar

    • Chapter 5 Bounded Rationality in Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2006-11-4
  • 69879.rar

    • Game Theory and Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2006-11-1
  • 50003.pdf
       tirole industrial organization

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  • 2006-4-25
  • 46418.rar

    • Strategy, Governance and Industrial Organization.pdf
    • nature_firm.pdf
    • The New Face of Global Competition Global Value Chains and Networks.pdf
    • What is Strategy-Porter.pdf
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  • 2006-3-31
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  • 2005-12-26
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    • Industrial Organization Prelim Sept 2003.pdf
    • Industrial Organization Prelim ANSWERS Sept 2003.pdf
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       Game theory and Industrial Organization

    • Game theory and Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2005-7-11
  • 10780.rar

    • Game Theory and Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2005-3-23
  • 8548.zip

    • Industrial Organization,.pdf
    • University of California io syll.pdf
    • io Paul Klemperer.pdf
    • ec427_LTRL0203 LSE.pdf
    • ec427rl_MT0203 LSE.pdf
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  • 2005-1-28
  • 2062.rar
       Handbook of Industrial Organization Volume 3

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  • 2004-10-30
  • 659.rar
       Gametheory and Industrial Organization

    • Gametheory and Industrial Organization.pdf
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  • 2004-7-4