大小 上传时间
  • 上市公司最新股票概念关系表2024.zip

    • IRR_StockPlateInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_StockPlateInfo.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
  • 1.74 MB
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  • 上市公司智能研报信息表2022-20407.zip

    • IRR_BaseInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_BaseInfo1.xlsx
    • IRR_BaseInfo.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
  • 53.52 MB
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    • IRR_ListedInfo[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_ListedInfo.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • IRR_StockPlateChange[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_StockPlateChange1.xlsx
    • IRR_StockPlateChange.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • IRR_SmartRiskTips[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_SmartRiskTips.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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  • 上市公司内部控制风险表2022-2024.zip

    • IRR_InternalControlRisk[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_InternalControlRisk.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • IRR_BusinessRisk[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_BusinessRisk1.xlsx
    • IRR_BusinessRisk.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
  • 27.21 MB
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    • IRR_FinancialRiskRating[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_FinancialRiskRating.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • IRR_IndustryValAnalysis[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_IndustryValAnalysis.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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    • IRR_FinancialScoreRltv[DES][xlsx].txt
    • IRR_FinancialScoreRltv1.xlsx
    • IRR_FinancialScoreRltv.xlsx
    • 鐗堟潈澹版槑.pdf
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  • 商品房销售情况年度文件1986-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy10[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy10.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 232.77 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 商品房销售额文件1991-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_Resm12[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resm12.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 194.99 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国主要城市地价监测报告2009-202109.zip

    • CIRRE_LANDPRICE[DES][xlsx].txt
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国国房景气指数2000-202403.zip

    • CIRRE_BOOMINDEX[DES][xlsx].txt
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  • 全国各地区房屋销售情况表1991-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_SALE[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_SALE.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国各地区房地产开发经营情况年度文件1987-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy14[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy14.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国分地区房地产开发投资情况表1991-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_INVEST[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_INVEST.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国房地开发投资资金来源文件1998-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_Resm05[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resm05.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国房地产上市公司经营数据(半年)2001-202306.zip

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  • 全国房地产开发土地开发面积文件1998-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resm09[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resm09.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发投资总额文件1991-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_Resm01[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resm01.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 202.57 KB
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  • 全国房地产开发企业(单位)资产负债年度文件1997-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy13[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy13.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 234.06 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发企业(单位)主要指标年度文件1986-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy01[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy01.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 194.96 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发企业(单位)个数年度文件1995-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy02[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy02.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 225 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发企业(单位)的资金来源年度文件1997-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy07[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy07.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 230.42 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发企业(单位)从业人数年度文件1995-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy03[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy03.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发建设投资总规模及完成投资年度文件1995-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy05[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy05.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 215.47 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发建设房屋建筑面积和造价年度文件1994-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy08[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy08.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国房地产开发各项应付款文件1998-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_Resm07[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resm07.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国按用途分商品房屋实平均销售价格年度文件1997-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy12[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy12.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
  • 225.25 KB
  • 2024-5-19
  • 全国按用途分商品房屋实际销售面积年度文件1986-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy11[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy11.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国按工程用途分的房地产投资完成额文件1991-202402.zip

    • CIRRE_Resm03[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resm03.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格指数2008-202403.zip

    • CIRRE_QPINDEX5[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_QPINDEX5.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • 全国35个大中城市房地产主要指标完成情况年度文件2002-2022.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy17[DES][xlsx].txt
    • CIRRE_Resy17.xlsx
    • Copyright notice.pdf
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  • Niven - Irrational Numbers (MAA, 1956).zip
       Irrational Numbers (Carus Mathematical Monographs)

    • Niven - Irrational Numbers (MAA, 1956).djvu
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    • et-irri-5min.asc
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  • j.cad.2006.02.005.pdf
       Interpolating G1 Bézier surfaces over irregular curve networks for ship hull design

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  • 2020-7-9
       natural capital

    • 0.1 Foreword.pdf
    • 0.2 How to read this book.pdf
    • Chapter 1. Mainstreaming_natural_capital_into_decisions.pdf
    • Chapter 10. Crop_pollination_services.pdf
    • Chapter 11. Naturebased_tourism_and_recreation.pdf
    • Chapter 12. Cultural_services_and_nonuse_values.pdf
    • Chapter 13. Terrestrial_biodiversity.pdf
    • Chapter 14. Putting_ecosystem_service_models_to_work_conservation_management_and_tradeoffs.pdf
    • Chapter 15. How_much_information_do_managers_need_The_sensitivity_of_ecosystem_service_decisions_to_model_complexity.pdf
    • Chapter 16. Poverty_and_the_distribution_of_ecosystem_services.pdf
    • Chapter 17. Ecosystem_service_assessments_for_marine_conservation.pdf
    • Chapter 18. Modeling_the_impacts_of_climate_change_on_ecosystem_services.pdf
    • Chapter 19. Incorporating_ecosystem_services_in_decisions.pdf
    • Chapter 2. Interpreting_and_estimating_the_value_of_ecosystem_services.pdf
    • Chapter 3. Assessing_multiple_ecosystem_services_an_integrated_tool_for_the_real_world.pdf
    • Chapter 4. Water_supply_as_an_ecosystem_service_for_hydropower_and_irrigation.pdf
    • Chapter 5. Valuing_land_cover_impact_on_storm_peak_mitigation.pdf
    • Chapter 6. Retention_of_nutrients_and_sediment_by_vegetation.pdf
    • Chapter 7. Terrestrial_carbon_sequestration_and_storage.pdf
    • Chapter 8. The_provisioning_value_of_timber_and_nontimber_forest_products.pdf
    • Chapter 9. Provisioning_and_regulatory_ecosystem_service_values_in_agriculture.pdf
    • INDEX.pdf
    • Plates.pdf
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  • irresistible - the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us h.rar
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    • irresistible - the rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked (2017).azw3
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  • The Business Model - How to Develop New Products, Create Market Value and Make t.rar

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  • (2004)Irrational Exuberance Reconsidered_The Cross Section of Stock Returns_Dr. .rar

    • (2004)Irrational Exuberance Reconsidered_The Cross Section of Stock Returns_Dr. Mathias Külpmann CFA.pdf
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  • 金融市场.zip

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    • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.epub
    • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.mobi
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    • 耶鲁大学金融市场视频演讲内容文本_word.rar
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  • 2018-7-9
  • CFA I_V1_Based on 2016.rar
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    • L1_V1_R6_1_NPV VS IRR_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard I (D)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard II (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard II (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (D)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard III (E)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard IV (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard V (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VI (C)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VII (A)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_Standard VII (B)_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R2_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R3_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_0_Introduction and Provisions.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_1_Samples_删除optional.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_4_Verfication_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_5_Glossary_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_课后题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R4_课后题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_1_利率的成分_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_2_EAR_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_3_养老金&房贷_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R5_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_2_Money Weighted and Time Weighted_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_3_Money Market Yields_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R6_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_1_统计数据类型_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_2_Frequency_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_3_平均数中位数众数_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_4_Quartiles_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_5_Sample Variance&Mean Absolute Deviation_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_6_Semivariance_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_7_Chebyshev’s Inequality_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_8_Coefficient of Variation_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_8_Example 14.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R7_9_Sharpe Ratio_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R7_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_1_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_2_Portfolio Expected Return and Variance of Return_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_3_贝叶斯公式_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R8_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_1_Discrete Random Variables_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_2_Continuous Random Variables_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_3_MC模拟_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R9_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_1_Example 2.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R10_1_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_2_Distribution of the Sample Mean_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_3_Point and Interval Estimates of the Population Mean_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_4_Bias_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R10_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_1_Hypothesis Testing_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_2_样本间是否同均数_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_3_样本间是否同方差_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_4_Nonparametric Inference_Full_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_Appendix_已完成.xlsx
    • L1_V1_R11_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R11_课后习题_已纠偏_Exp.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_1_技术分析的基本逻辑_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_2_线图类型及基本指标_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_3_Chart Patterns_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_4_技术信号_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_5_周期理论_已纠偏.docx
    • L1_V1_R12_课后习题_已纠偏.docx
  • 7.8 MB
  • 2018-4-8
  • 70个大中城市房屋销售价格指数212837888.zip

    • CIRRE_Qpindex5.xlsx
    • CIRRE_Qpindex5[DES][xlsx].txt
    • 版权声明.pdf
  • 372.37 KB
  • 2018-2-5
  • Private Equity.zip

    • Private-equity-demystified-an-explanatory-guide-thought-leadership-icaew.pdf
    • The debate over Romney at Bain is wholly irrelevant.pdf
    • Memo on Final Paper - Fall 2013.pdf
    • LBO Template.xlsx
    • An introduction to CLO_Columbia.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus-1.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus-2.pdf
    • Spring 2014 Syllabus-3.pdf
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    • The Curious Case of Dell A_140310A_3-6-14_SAMPLE.PDF
    • The Curious Case of Dell B_140310B_3-7-14_SAMPLE.pdf
    • Private Equity Final Exam 2014.pdf
    • An Unfair Advantage- Combining Banking With PE.pdf
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  • 2018-1-22
  • Lecture Notes in Statistics 21-30.rar

    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 30) Jan Grandell (auth.)-Stochastic Models of Air Pollutant Concentration-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 21) Howell Tong (auth.)-Threshold Models in Non-linear Time Series Analysis-Springer-Verlag New York (1983).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 22) S?ren Johansen (auth.)-Functional Relations, Random Coefficients, and Nonlinear Regression with Application to Kinetic Data-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 23) Diane Griffin Saphire (auth.)-Estimation of Victimization Prevalence Using Data from the National Crime Survey-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 24) Dr. T. Subba Rao, Dr. M. M. Gabr (auth.)-An Introduction to Bispectral Analysis and Bilinear Time Series Models-Springer-Verlag New York (1984).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 25) Emanuel Parzen (auth.), Emanuel Parzen (eds.)-Time Series Analysis of Irregularly Observed Data_ Proceedings of a Symposium held at Texas A & M University, College Sta.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 26) Hirotugu Akaike (auth.), Jürgen Franke, Wolfgang Hardle, Douglas Martin (eds.)-Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis_ Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the So.pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 27) Arnold Janssen, Hartmut Milbrodt, Helmut Strasser (auth.)-Infinitely Divisible Statistical Experiments-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 28) Shun-ichi Amari (auth.)-Differential-Geometrical Methods in Statistics-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
    • (Lecture Notes in Statistics 29) Philip M. North, Byron J. T. Morgan (auth.), Byron J. T. Morgan, Philip M. North (eds.)-Statistics in Ornithology-Springer-Verlag New York (1985).pdf
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  • 2017-9-9
  • IRRBB-CP.pdf

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  • 2017-8-31
  • Household Service Robotics .zip

    • Chapter-1-1-Introduction_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-1-The-State-of-the-Art-in-Service-Robotic-System-Design_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-2-Surveillance-Robot-Utilizing-Video-and-Audio-Information1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-3-Robot-Assisted-Wayfinding-for-the-Visually-Impaired-in-Structured-Indoor-Environments1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-4-Design-and-Implementation-of-a-Service-Robot-for-Elders_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-2-5-A-Household-Service-Robot-with-a-Cellphone-Interface1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-3-1-The-State-of-the-Art-in-Mapping-and-Navigation-for-Household-Service_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-3-2-An-Error-Aware-Incremental-Planar-Motion-Estimation-Method-Using-Paired-Vertical-Lines-for-Small-Robots-in-Urban-Areas1_2015_Household-Ser.htm
    • Chapter-3-3-Planning-and-Obstacle-Avoidance-in-Mobile-Robotics1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-3-4-Monocular-SLAM-with-Undelayed-Initialization-for-an-Indoor-Robot1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-3-5-Human-Centered-Robot-Navigation-Towards-a-Harmoniously-Human-Robot-Coexisting-Environment1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-4-1-The-State-of-the-Art-in-Object-Recognition-for-Household-Services_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-4-2-A-Side-of-Data-with-My-Robot1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-4-3-Robust-Recognition-of-Planar-Mirrored-Walls_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-4-4-Evaluation-of-Three-Vision-Based-Object-Perception-Methods-for-a-Mobile-Robot1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-5-1-The-State-of-the-Art-in-Grasping-and-Manipulation-for-Household-Service_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-5-2-A-Geometric-Approach-to-Robotic-Laundry-Folding1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-5-3-Robust-Visual-Servoing1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-5-4-Implementation-of-Cognitive-Controls-for-Robots_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-6-1-The-State-of-the-Art-in-Human-Robot-Interaction-for-Household-Services_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-6-2-Evaluating-the-Robot-Personality-and-Verbal-Behavior-of-Domestic-Robots-Using-Video-Based-Studies1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-6-3-Using-Socially-Assistive-Human-Robot-Interaction-to-Motivate-Physical-Exercise-for-Older-Adults1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Chapter-6-4-Toward-a-Human-Robot-Symbiotic-System1_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Index_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.htm
    • Preface_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
    • Copyright_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
    • Front-Matter_2015_Household-Service-Robotics.pdf
  • 317.7 KB
  • 2017-7-1
  • 《中级财务会计》-旧作业及例题.rar

    • IRR的计算.xls
    • 流动负债.doc
    • 流动资产.doc
    • 论文:可供出售金融资产例解.doc
    • 权益法.ppt
    • 权益法简例.doc
    • 商业汇票贴现举例.doc
    • 收入.doc
    • 收入.ppt
    • 所得税.doc
    • 所有者权益.doc
    • 无形资产.doc
    • 现金流量表工作底稿法的运用.xls
    • 应付债券.doc
    • 应付债券的核算.ppt
    • 应收账款减值准备举例.doc
    • 预付账款举例.doc
    • 债券投资一次付息例题.ppt
    • 长期股权投资核算方法的转换.doc
    • 长期股权投资举例.doc
    • 长期股权投资例解(标准).doc
    • 投资作业.doc
    • 财务报表.doc
    • 财务报表列报格式.doc
    • 财务报表列报举例.doc
    • 持有至到期投资.doc
    • 持有至到期投资举例.doc
    • 分次付息债券例题.ppt
    • 固定资产简例.doc
    • 交易性金融资产.doc
    • 交易性金融资产举例.doc
    • 可供出售金融资产-股票简例.doc
    • 可供出售金融资产举例.doc
    • 可供出售金融资产-债券简例.doc
    • 利润.doc
  • 282.96 KB
  • 2017-3-3
  • 《中级财务会计》-旧课件-4.rar

    • IRR的计算.xls
    • 投资性房地产.ppt
    • chapter14.ppt
    • chapter15.ppt
    • 财务报表.doc
    • 财务报表列报格式.doc
    • 所得税.ppt
  • 841.48 KB
  • 2017-3-3
  • RIS (pdf).zip

    • Regularity and Irregularity of Superprocesses with (1 + β)-stable Branching Mechanism.pdf
  • 863.46 KB
  • 2017-1-5
  • RIS (epub).zip

    • Regularity and Irregularity of Superprocesses with (1 + β)-stable Branching Mechanism.epub
  • 1.35 MB
  • 2017-1-5
  • RIS (pdf epub).zip

    • Regularity and Irregularity of Superprocesses with (1 + β)-stable Branching Mechanism.pdf
    • Regularity and Irregularity of Superprocesses with (1 + β)-stable Branching Mechanism.epub
  • 2.19 MB
  • 2017-1-5
  • IA (mobi).zip

    • Irregular Army_How the US Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror.mobi
  • 2.64 MB
  • 2016-12-27
  • IA (epub mobi).zip

    • Irregular Army_How the US Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror.mobi
    • Irregular Army_How the US Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror.epub
  • 5.27 MB
  • 2016-12-27
  • IA (epub).zip

    • Irregular Army_How the US Military Recruited Neo-Nazis, Gang Members, and Criminals to Fight the War on Terror.epub
  • 2.63 MB
  • 2016-12-27
  • Hiding in the Mirror_The Quest for Alternate Realities, from Plato to String Theory.zip

    • Hiding in the Mirror_The Quest for Alternate Realities, from Plato to String Theory.mobi
    • Hiding in the Mirror_The Quest for Alternate Realities, from Plato to String Theory.epub
  • 1 MB
  • 2016-12-18
  • 31-3.zip

    • Inclusion-exclusion-and-control-The-case-of-the-Kenyan-accounting-professionalisation-project_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Accounting-network-complementarities-and-the-development-of-inter-organisational-relations_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • In-the-mirror-of-the-market-The-disciplinary-effects-of-company-fund-manager-meetings_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • On-the-constitution-of-audit-committee-effectiveness_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
    • Editorial-Board_2006_Accounting-Organizations-and-Society.pdf
  • 1.09 MB
  • 2016-2-21
  • [怪诞行为学].Predictably.Irrational.2008.Scan-HARRISON.rar

    • [怪诞行为学].Predictably.Irrational.2008.Scan-HARRISON.pdf
  • 42.26 MB
  • 2016-2-19
  • 《怪诞行为学(Predictably.Irrational)》-艾瑞理.rar

    • 《怪诞行为学(Predictably.Irrational)》-艾瑞理.pdf
  • 13.46 MB
  • 2016-2-13
  • The Challenge of Collective Action for Irrigation Management in India.rar

    • The Challenge of Collective Action for Irrigation Management in India.pdf
  • 128.23 KB
  • 2016-1-6
  • 橡树资本memo-2006-2010.rar

    • 2006_7_12 You Can't Eat IRR 07_12_06.pdf
    • 2010_12_17 All That Glitters 12_17_10.pdf
    • 2006_1_19 Risk 01_19_06.pdf
    • 2006_3_27 It Is What It Is 03_27_06.pdf
    • 2006_6_13 Returns, Absolute Returns and Risk 06_13_06.pdf
    • 2006_9_7 Dare _to_Be_Great.pdf
    • 2006_10_19 The New Paradigm 10_19_06 REVISED.pdf
    • 2006_12_7 Pigweed 12_07_06.pdf
    • 2007_2_14 The Race to the Bottom 02_14_07 A Revised 08_07.pdf
    • 2007_4_26 Everyone Knows 04_26_07.pdf
    • 2007_7_6 It's All Good 07_16_07.pdf
    • 2007_7_30 It's All Good...Really_7-30-07.pdf
    • 2007_12_17 No Different This Time - The Lessons of '07 (12_17_07).pdf
    • 2008_1_10 Now What 01_10_08.pdf
    • 2008_2_20 Whodunit 022008.pdf
    • 2008_3_18 The Tide Goes Out 03_18_08.pdf
    • 2008_5_16 The Aviary 05_16_08.pdf
    • 2008_7_31 Doesn't Make Sense - 073108.pdf
    • 2008_8_28 What Worries Me 082808.pdf
    • 2008_9_19 Nobody Knows 091908 .pdf
    • 2008_9_24 Plan B 09_24_08.pdf
    • 2008_10_15 The Limits to Negativism 10_15_08.pdf
    • 2008_12_17 VolatilityLeverageDynamite_121708.pdf
    • 2009_01_09_The Long View.pdf
    • 2009_3_5 Will It Work 03_05_09.pdf
    • 2009_7_8 SoMuchThatsFalseNutty_07_08_09.pdf
    • 2009_10_07Now It's All Bad 091007.pdf
    • 2009_11_10 Touchstones 111009.pdf
    • 2010_1_22 Tell_Me_Im_Wrong_01_22_10.pdf
    • 2010_3_17 Id Rather Be Wrong - 031710.pdf
    • 2010_5_12 Warning Flags 05_12_10_Disclosures.pdf
    • 2010_7_19 Its Greek to Me.pdf
    • 2010_9_10 Hemlines 09_10_10.pdf
    • 2010_12_1 Open and Shut 12_01_10.pdf
  • 4.07 MB
  • 2015-12-30
  • 橡树资本memo-1990-2000.rar

    • 2000_12_31 Not in 1999 Anymore.pdf
    • 1990_10_12_The Route to Performance.pdf
    • 1991_4_11_First Quarter Client Performance.pdf
    • 1992_10_08 Microeconomics.pdf
    • 1993_2_15_The Value of Predictions, or Where'd All This Rain Come From.pdf
    • 1994_1_24_Random Thoughts on the Identification of Inv. Opportunities.pdf
    • 1994_2_17_Risk in Today's Markets.pdf
    • 1994_4_11_Risk in Today's Markets Revisted.pdf
    • 1994_7_15_How Does an Inefficient Market Get That Way.pdf
    • 1995_5_26_How the Game Should Be Played.pdf
    • 1996_7_22_The Value of Predictions II (or Give That Man a Cigar).pdf
    • 1996_11_25_Will It Be Different This Time.pdf
    • 1998_01_08 Who Knew.pdf
    • 1998_10_09 Genius.pdf
    • 1999_04_15 How's the Market.pdf
    • 2000_01_02 bubble.pdf
    • 2000_05_01 Irrational Exuberance.pdf
    • 2000_11_16 Investment Miscellany.pdf
  • 735.6 KB
  • 2015-12-30
  • 王斌会.rar

    • auto.csv
    • auto.dta
    • auto.xls
    • EmRa.R
    • EmRa.txt
    • EmRa.xls
    • EmRa_SI.csv
    • EmRa_Tax.csv
    • kftst.sas7bdat
    • ME1978-2013.xls
    • MEdata.csv
    • MEdata.txt
    • MEdata.xls
    • MEdata.xlsx
    • mirror.bjtu.edu.cn_cran_web_packages_available_packages.pdf
    • R中读入各种数据.R
    • 第1课 R软件入门基础.docx
    • 第2课 R软件中读入数据的方法.docx
  • 2.73 MB
  • 2015-11-19
  • American economic review (september 2015).rar

    • Has Consumption Inequality Mirrored Income Inequality.pdf
    • The Value of Relationships Evidence from a Supply Shock to Kenyan Rose Exports.pdf
    • The Welfare Economics of Default Options in 401(k) Plans.pdf
    • Cooperation, but No Reciprocity Individual Strategies in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma.pdf
    • Credit Constraints and Growth in a Global Economy.pdf
    • Education, HIV, and Early Fertility Experimental Evidence from Kenya.pdf
  • 3.73 MB
  • 2015-9-15
  • The Second Intelligent Species_ How Humans Will Become as Irrelevant as Cockroac.rar

    • The Second Intelligent Species_ How Humans Will Become as Irrelevant as Cockroaches 2015.epub
  • 292.42 KB
  • 2015-5-22
  • bubble.rar

    • 1998 Initial cash asset ratio and asset prices an experimental study.pdf
    • 1995 Futures contracting and dividend uncertainty in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 1991 Private information acquisition in experimental markets prone to bubble and crash.pdf
    • 1990 Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation.pdf
    • 1988 Bubbles, Crashes, and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2015 Thar SHE Blows_Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 To see is to believe Common expectations in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 The impact of different incentive schemes on asset prices.pdf
    • 2014 The Impact of Asset Repurchases and Issues in an Experimental Market.pdf
    • 2014 Relative Performance Incentives and Price Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2014 Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles.pdf
    • 2014 How do experienced traders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders_An experimental analysis.pdf
    • 2014 Experimental evidence on varying uncertainty and skewness in laboratory double-auction markets.pdf
    • 2014 Double Bubbles in Assets Markets With Multiple Generations.pdf
    • 2014 Do option-like incentives induce overvaluation_Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Bubbling with Excitement An Experiment.pdf
    • 2014 Asset-holdings caps and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2014 Asset price bubbles a survey.pdf
    • 2014 Interest on Cash, Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation on Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2013 The impact of monetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior Evidence from the lab.pdf
    • 2013 The Bubble Game An Experimental Study of Speculation.pdf
    • 2013 Super-exponential bubbles in lab experiments Evidence for anchoring over-optimistic expectations on price.pdf
    • 2013 Stulz, R. M., Harris, M., & Constantinides, G. M. (2013). Handbook of the Economics of Finance SET. Amsterdam North Holland..pdf
    • 2013 Reaction to Public Information in Markets How much does Ambiguity Matter.pdf
    • 2013 In the Mind of the Market Theory of Mind Biases Value Computation during Financial Bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Fight or freeze Individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2013 Differentiated assets An experimental study on bubbles.pdf
    • 2013 Before and after The impact of a real bubble crash on investors' trading behavior in the lab.pdf
    • 2013 A Review of bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Two heads are less bubbly than one team decision-making in an experimental asset market.pdf
    • 2012 Tournament incentives and asset price bubbles Evidence from a field experiment.pdf
    • 2012 The impact of instructions and procedure on reducing confusion and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2012 Thar she bursts_reducing confusion reduces bubbles.pdf
    • 2012 Relative performance information in asset markets An experimental approach.pdf
    • 2012 Excitement and irrationality in a financial market.pdf
    • 2012 Bubbles and Information An Experiment.pdf
    • 2012 Asset Characteristics and Boom and Bust Periods An Experimental Study.pdf
    • 2011 Overconfidence and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2011 On the ingredients for bubble formation Informed traders and communication.pdf
    • 2011 Experience and Confidence in an Internet-Based Asset Market Experiment.pdf
    • 2011 An Experimental Study of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tatonnement Trading Institution.pdf
    • 2010 The effect of reliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset trading behavior.pdf
    • 2010 Digital options and efficiency in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2010 Bubble measures in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2009 An experimental test of the impact of overconfidence and gender.pdf
    • 2008 Thar She Blows Can Bubbles Be Rekindled with Experienced Subjects.pdf
    • 2008 Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments.pdf
    • 2007 Traders’ expectations in asset markets_experimental evidence.pdf
    • 2007 Risk attitude and market behavior Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 The effect of short selling on bubbles and crashes in experimental spot asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Margin, short selling, and lotteries in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2006 Futures markets and bubble formation in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2005 bubbles and experience An experiment.pdf
    • 2003 Boundaries of the tournament pricing effect in asset markets Evidence from experimental markets.pdf
    • 2002 Simultaneous over- and underconfidence Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2002 Do Speculative Stocks Lower Prices and Increase Volatility of Value Stocks.pdf
    • 2001 The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
    • 2001 Price bubbles in laboratory asset markets with constant fundamental values.pdf
    • 2001 Financial Bubbles_Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information.pdf
    • 2000 Momentum and overreaction in experimental asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Dividend timing and behavior in laboratory asset markets.pdf
    • 2000 Asset markets How they are affected by tournament incentives for individuals.pdf
  • 67.2 MB
  • 2015-5-4
  • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.rar

    • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.epub
    • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.mobi
    • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.pdf
    • Irrational Exuberance 3rd edition by Robert J. Shiller.azw3
  • 9.73 MB
  • 2015-3-25
  • rt2.pdf
       Valuation of Permanent, Transitory, and Price-Irrelevant Components of Reported Earnings

  • 2.31 MB
  • 2014-10-5
  • Irrational Exuberance - Shiller, Robert J_.rar

    • Irrational Exuberance - Shiller, Robert J_.mobi
  • 864.19 KB
  • 2014-9-21
  • Elinor Ostrom.zip

    • A Century of Institutions and Ecology in East Africa Rangelands Linking Institutional Robustness with the Ecological Resilience of Kenya’s Maasailand.pdf
    • An agenda for the study of institutions.pdf
    • Analyzing decentralized resource regimes from a polycentric perspective.pdf
    • Analyzing the dynamic complexity of development interventions lessons from an irrigation experiment in Nepal.pdf
    • Building Trust to Solve Commons Dilemmas Taking Small Steps to Test an Evolving Theory of Collective Action.pdf
    • Cooperation in PD Games Fear, Greed, and History of Play.pdf
    • Deliberation, learning, and institutional change the evolution of institutions in judicial settings.pdf
    • Doing Institutional Analysis Digging Deeper than Markets and Hierarchies.pdf
    • Heterogeneous Preferences and Collective Action.pdf
    • Institutional Dynamics, Spatial Organization, and Landscape Change.pdf
    • Multi-Level Governance and Resilience of Social-Ecological Systems.pdf
    • Rules and games.pdf
    • Some postulated effects of learning on constitutional behavior.pdf
    • The Struggle to Govern the Commons.pdf
    • Will Lessons from Small-Scale Social Dilemmas Scale Up.pdf
  • 6.38 MB
  • 2014-9-4
  • Impact of climate change on regional irrigation water demand in Baojixia irrigat.zip

    • Impact of climate change on regional irrigation water demand in Baojixia irrigation district of China.pdf
  • 925.93 KB
  • 2014-8-27
  • 利率市场化文献1.rar

    • 利率市场化与信贷配给_一个基于IRR的实物期权模型.caj
    • 中国农村金融市场中非价格信贷配给的理论和实证分析.pdf
    • 利率市场化条件下的差异化定价机制.pdf
    • 利率市场化条件下农村金融的风险管理.pdf
    • 利率市场化条件下农村信用社贷款定价设计.pdf
    • 利率市场化条件下中国农村金融改革问题研究.pdf
    • 利率市场化微观基础研究_地方法人金融机构定价能力角度.pdf
    • 利率市场化问题研究.pdf
    • 利率市场化下_三方机制_探析_基于商业银行_农信社_民间金融三元结构.caj
    • 利率市场化下银行家与商业银行核心竞争力的关联研究.caj
    • 利率市场化选择的理论逻辑与中国的实证.pdf
    • 利率市场化研究综述.caj
    • 利率市场化研究综述.pdf
    • 利率市场化影响农业信贷配置效率研究_基于信贷配给视角.caj
    • 利率市场化与银行同业定价协调机制.pdf
    • 利率市场化与银行危机的防范_经验_教训及对中国的启示.pdf
    • 利率自由化的约束及其实践.pdf
    • 连平利率市场化不切实际.caj
    • 美国储贷协会危机对我国利率市场化的政策启示.pdf
    • 美国的利率市场化改革对我国利率改革的启示.pdf
    • 美国利率市场化对银行业的影响.pdf
    • 美国利率市场化改革对银行业的影响.pdf
    • 农村利率市场化改革可行性个案研究_兼对HMS模型的实证检验.caj
    • 农村信用社应对利率市场化问题的思考.pdf
    • 农合机构利率市场化微观机制之构建_以安徽省阜阳市农村合作金融为例.pdf
    • 农信社利率市场化改革浅议_以互助县为例.pdf
    • 欠发达地区利率市场化现状及路径选择_以贵州省为例.caj
    • 日本利率市场化的背景_方式及特点.pdf
    • 日本利率市场化的经验及对中国的启示.pdf
    • 商业银行贷款定价现状_问题及对策.pdf
    • 商业银行价格竞争与风险行为关系_基于贷款利率市场化的经验研究.pdf
    • 商业银行净利差决定因素研究的进展与评述.pdf
    • 实施资本管理新规对农村中小金融机构的挑战和机遇_基于经济下行和利率市场化的视角.pdf
    • 市场分割与信贷配给_利率市场化的体制及经济效应.caj
    • 市场结构和价格管制_对中国利率市场化的评析.caj
    • 我国地方法人金融机构利率风险管理研究_基于陕西省农村合作金融机构样本.pdf
    • 我国利率市场化的历史_现状与政策思考.pdf
    • 我国利率市场化改革的方向.pdf
    • 我国利率市场化改革难以有效推进的根本原因分析.pdf
    • 县域存贷款利率市场化趋向探讨.pdf
    • 香港利率市场化的特点_影响及对内地的借鉴 (1).pdf
    • 香港利率市场化的特点_影响及对内地的借鉴.pdf
    • 香港利率市场化风暴的现实背景与演变轨迹.pdf
    • 亚洲国家和地区利率市场化的范例及其启示.pdf
    • 央行副行长胡晓炼_最担心县域经济利率市场化风险.pdf
    • 一个利率市场化的理论模型.pdf
    • 以转型发展破农信社_短板_危机_浅谈农村信用社如何应对利率市场化改革.pdf
    • 印度利率市场化的影响与启示 (1).caj
    • 印度利率市场化的影响与启示.caj
    • 印度利率市场化对我国银行业的启示.pdf
    • 印度利率市场化改革及启示.pdf
    • 印度央行关于储蓄存款利率市场化的讨论.pdf
    • 制度质量与利率市场化_来自跨国数据的实证研究.pdf
    • 中国的货币需求与资产替代_1994_2008.pdf
    • 中国的利率市场化_比较与借鉴.caj
    • 中国改革开放三十年的利率市场化进程.pdf
    • 中国利率市场化的效果研究_基于我国农村经济数据的实证分析.pdf
    • 中国利率市场化主导下稳健货币政策规则的构建及应用.caj
  • 33.09 MB
  • 2014-2-27
  • 【背诵首选】生而为赢-新东方英语背诵美文30篇(Born-to-Win).rar

    • 01-Youth.mp3
    • 02-Three Days to See.mp3
    • 03-Companionship of Books.mp3
    • 04-If I Rest,I Rust.mp3
    • 05-Ambition.mp3
    • 06-What I have Lived for.mp3
    • 07-When Love Beckons You.mp3
    • 08-The Road to Success.mp3
    • 09-On Meeting the Celebrated.mp3
    • 10-The 50-Percent Theory of Life.mp3
    • 11-What Is Your Recovery Rate.mp3
    • 12-Clear Your Mental Space.mp3
    • 13-Be Happy.mp3
    • 14-The Goodness of Life.mp3
    • 15-Facing the Enemies Within.mp3
    • 16-Abundance Is a Life Style.mp3
    • 17-Human Life a Poem.mp3
    • 18-Solitude.mp3
    • 19-Giving Life Meaning.mp3
    • 20-Relish the Moment.mp3
    • 21-The Love of Beauty.mp3
    • 22-The Happy Door.mp3
    • 23-Born to Win.mp3
    • 24-Work and Pleasure.mp3
    • 25-Mirror, Mirror — What do I See.mp3
    • 26-On Motes and Beams.mp3
    • 27-An October Sunrise.mp3
    • 28-To Be or Not to Be.mp3
    • 29-Gettysburg address.mp3
    • 30-First Inaugural Address .mp3
    • 生而为赢_文本.doc
  • 41.49 MB
  • 2013-12-1
  • irr.txt

  • 6.24 KB
  • 2013-10-25
  • 罗伯特·希勒-Irrational Exuberance.rar

    • 罗伯特·希勒-Irrational Exuberance.pdf
  • 6.34 MB
  • 2013-10-14
  • 生而为赢录音.ZIP

    • 01-Youth.mp3
    • 02-Three Days to See.mp3
    • 03-Companionship of Books.mp3
    • 04-If I Rest,I Rust.mp3
    • 05-Ambition.mp3
    • 06-What I Have Lived For.mp3
    • 07-When Love Beckons You.mp3
    • 08-The Road to Success.mp3
    • 09-On Meeting the Celebrated.mp3
    • 10-The 50-Percent Theory of Life.mp3
    • 11-What Is Your Recovery Rate.mp3
    • 12-Clear Your Mental Space.mp3
    • 13-Be Happy.mp3
    • 14-The Goodness of Life.mp3
    • 15-Facing the Enemies Within.mp3
    • 16-Abundance Is a Life Style.mp3
    • 17-Human Life a Poem.mp3
    • 18-Solitude.mp3
    • 19-Giving Life Meaning.mp3
    • 20-Relish the Moment.mp3
    • 21-The Love of Beauty.mp3
    • 22-The Happy Door.mp3
    • 23-Born to Win.mp3
    • 24-Work and Pleasure.mp3
    • 25-Mirror,Mirror-What Do I See.mp3
    • 26-On Motes and Beams.mp3
    • 27-An October Sunrise.mp3
    • 28-To Be or Not to Be.mp3
    • 29-Gettysburg Address.mp3
    • 30-First Inaugural Address.mp3
  • 41.55 MB
  • 2013-8-6
  • Irrational.Exuberance.rar

    • Irrational.Exuberance.djvu
    • WinDjView-0.4.1-SC.dll
    • windjview-0.4.1.exe
  • 3.04 MB
  • 2013-5-26
  • B005CQAJ80_EBOK_Irrational_Exuberance__(Second_Edition)_nodrm.rar

    • B005CQAJ80_EBOK_Irrational_Exuberance__(Second_Edition)_nodrm.mobi
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  • [Dan_Ariely]_The_Upside_of_Irrationality_The_Unex(BookFi.org).rar

    • [Dan_Ariely]_The_Upside_of_Irrationality_The_Unex(BookFi.org).epub
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  • Nummelin E. General irreducible Markov chains and non-negative operators (CUP, 1.zip
       General irreducible Markov chains and non-negative operators

    • Nummelin E. General irreducible Markov chains and non-negative operators (CUP, 1984)(ISBN 0521250056)(T)(600dpi)(168p).djvu
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  • on the relevance or irrelevance of public financial policy.rar

    • on the relevance or irrelevance of public financial policy.pdf
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  • on the irrelevance of corporate financial policy.rar

    • on the irrelevance of corporate financial policy.pdf
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  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1999-2002.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1999-2002.xls
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  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1996-1998.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 1996-1998.xls
  • 2.29 MB
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  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2003-2006.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2003-2006.xls
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  • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2007-2010.rar

    • IRRC DIRECTOR DATABASE 2007-2010.xls
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  • 2012-5-17
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    • Monsieur Beaucaire.txt
    • Moral Emblems.txt
    • More Bab Ballads.txt
    • More Letters of Charles Darwin Volume I.txt
    • Mother.txt
    • Mr. Crewe's Career.txt
    • Mrs. Korner Sins Her Mercies.txt
    • My Aunt Margaret's Mirror.txt
    • My Discovery of England.txt
    • My Garden Acquaintance.txt
    • My Lady Ludlow.txt
    • MY LADY'S MONEY.txt
    • My Memories of Eighty Years.txt
    • My Ten Years' Imprisonment.txt
    • Myths and Myth-Makers.txt
    • Nada the Lily(百合娜达).txt
    • Nana(娜娜).txt
    • Native Life in South Africa.txt
    • Never Again.txt
    • New Arabian Nights(新天方夜潭).txt
    • New Arabian Nights.txt
    • New Collected Rhymes.txt
    • New Grub Street.txt
    • New Poems.txt
    • New Thought Pastels.txt
    • New York.txt
    • North America-1.txt
    • North America-2.txt
    • Notes.txt
    • Novel Notes.txt
    • ODE.TXT
    • Oedipus the King.txt
    • Of Interest.txt
    • Of Money.txt
    • Of Refinement in the Arts.txt
    • Of Taxes.txt
    • Of the Balance of Trade.txt
    • Of the Jealousy of Trade.txt
    • Of The Nature of Things.txt
    • Off on a Comet.txt
    • Okewood of the Secret Service.txt
    • Old Christmas.txt
    • Old Friends.txt
    • Old Indian Legends.txt
    • Oldport Days.txt
    • OLIVER TWIST(雾都孤儿).txt
    • On Books and the Housing of Them.txt
    • On Horsemanship.txt
    • On Our Selection.txt
    • On Public Credit.txt
    • On Revenues.txt
    • On The Firing Line.txt
    • On the Ruin of Britain.txt
    • On the Track(在路上).txt
    • One of Ours.txt
    • Options.txt
    • Orations.txt
    • ORESTES.txt
    • Orpheus in Mayfair and Other.txt
    • Oscar Wilde Miscellaneous.txt
    • Other People's Money.txt
    • Other Things Being Equal.txt
    • OTHO.txt
    • Our American Cousin.txt
    • Our Nig.txt
    • Our Village.txt
    • Oxford.txt
    • Pagan and Christian Creeds.txt
    • Pageant of Summer.txt
    • Paradiso.txt
    • Passages from an Old Volume of Life.txt
    • Pathology of Lying.txt
    • Paul and Virginia.txt
    • pc1.txt
    • pc2.txt
    • Peace.txt
    • PELOPIDAS.txt
    • Penguin Island.txt
    • People Out of Time.txt
    • Personal Memoirs-1.txt
    • Personal Memoirs-2.txt
    • Peter Pan.txt
    • Phaedra.txt
    • Phantasmagoria and Other Poems.txt
    • Pharsalia.txt
    • Philosophy of History.txt
    • Philosophy of Nature.txt
  • 19.9 MB
  • 2012-4-20
  • 农业经济主文献1.rar

    • 4.Amartya Sen. 1981.Ingredients of Famine Analysis Availability and Entitlements.pdf
    • 5.Amartya Sen. 1977. Social Choice Theory-A ReExamination.pdf
    • 6.Anselin L. 2002. Under the hood - Issues in the specification and interpretation of spatial regression models.pdf
    • 7.Bardhan P. 2000. Irrigation and cooperation- An empirical analysis of 48 irrigation communities in South India.pdf
    • 10.Benjamin D, Brandt L, Giles J. 2005. The evolution of income inequality in rural China.pdf
    • 11.Bernstein TP, Lu XB. 2000. Taxation without representation- Peasants, the central and the local states in reform China.pdf
    • 12.Brauw de A, Huang JK, Rozelle S, et al. 2002.The evolution of China's rural labor markets during the reforms.pdf
    • 13.Burton M, Rigby D, Young T, et al. 2001. Consumer attitudes to genetically modified organisms in food in the UK.pdf
    • 14.Coase, Ronald. 1937. The Nature of the Firm.pdf
    • 15.Coase, Ronald. 1960.The Problem of Social Cost.pdf
    • 16.Cummings Ronald G.; Laura O. Taylor. 1999. Unbiased Value Estimates for Environmental Goods.pdf
    • 17.Deaton; Angus John Muellbauer. 1980. An Almost Ideal Demand System.pdf
    • 18.Fan Shenggen. 1991. Effects of Technological Change and Institutional Reform on Production Growth in Chinese Agriculture.pdf
    • 19.Fan Shenggen, Eric J. Wailes; Gail L. Cramer. 1995. Household Demand in Rural China, A Two-Stage LES-AIDS Model.pdf
    • 20.Fan Shenggen; Linxiu Zhang; Xiaobo Zhang. 2004. Reforms, Investment,and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
    • 1. Agrawal A, Gibson CC. 1999. Enchantment and disenchantment-The role of community in natural resource conservation.doc
    • 1. Agrawal A, Gibson CC. 1999. Enchantment and disenchantment-The role of community in natural resource conservation.pdf
    • 2. Agrawal A. 2001. Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources.doc
    • 2. Agrawal A. 2001. Common property institutions and sustainable governance of resources.pdf
    • 3.Akerlof George. 1970. The Market for Lemons Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism.pdf
  • 15.91 MB
  • 2012-4-8
  • 120211.zip
       Matlab Codes

    • setup.m
    • README.txt
    • cap.m
    • LICENSE.txt
    • gpl.txt
    • FactorGraph.m
    • checkFactorGraph.m
    • absorb.m
    • absorption.m
    • absorptionID.m
    • ancestors.m
    • ancestralorder.m
    • ancestralsample.m
    • assign.m
    • bar3zcolor.m
    • bucketelim.m
    • condindep.m
    • condpot.m
    • dag.m
    • deltapot.m
    • descendents.m
    • disptable.m
    • divpots.m
    • edges.m
    • elimtri.m
    • evalpot.m
    • eyepot.m
    • ind2subv.m
    • istree.m
    • jtassignpot.m
    • jtree.m
    • jtreeID.m
    • lengthcell.m
    • markov.m
    • maxpot.m
    • maxprodFG.m
    • maxsumpot.m
    • mostprobablepath.m
    • multpots.m
    • numstates.m
    • orderpotfields.m
    • orderpot.m
    • potscontainingonly.m
    • potvariables.m
    • randgen.m
    • replace.m
    • setdiff_unsorted.m
    • setevpot.m
    • setpot.m
    • spantree.m
    • subv2ind.m
    • triangulateComponent.m
    • sumpot.m
    • sumpots.m
    • sumprodFG.m
    • triangulate.m
    • triangulatePorder.m
    • uniquepots.m
    • validgridposition.m
    • whichpot.m
    • maxarray.m
    • connectedComponents.m
    • changevar.m
    • FactorConnectingVariable.m
    • VariableConnectingFactor.m
    • drawFG.m
    • maxNarray.m
    • maxNpot.m
    • maxNprodFG.m
    • mvrandn.m
    • dirrnd.m
    • mygamrnd.m
    • blanknames.m
    • blankstates.m
    • MesstoFact.m
    • squeezepots.m
    • MDPsolve.m
    • table.m
    • normp.m
    • argmax.m
    • potsample.m
    • logpot.m
    • condindepEmp.m
    • condMI.m
    • count.m
    • chi2test.m
    • neigh.m
    • field2cell.m
    • mynchoosek.m
    • mynanmean.m
    • MDPemDeterministicPolicy.m
    • EMqTranMarginal.m
    • EMqUtilMarginal.m
    • EMminimizeKL.m
    • EMvalueTable.m
    • EMTotalBetaMessage.m
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    • IDvars.m
    • noselfpath.m
    • parents.m
    • children.m
    • drawJTree.m
    • drawNet.m
    • drawID.m
    • exppot.m
    • LoopyBP.m
    • MaxFlow.m
    • myones.m
    • setstate.m
    • condindepPot.m
    • myzeros.m
    • myrand.m
    • mostprobablepathmult.m
    • mynansum.m
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    • potistyped.m
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    • setfields.m
    • PCskeletonOracle.m
    • PCorient.m
    • PCskeletonData.m
    • BDscore.m
    • learnBayesNet.m
    • normpot.m
    • KLdiv.m
    • condMIemp.m
    • MIemp.m
    • squeezestates.m
    • JTsample.m
    • singleparenttree.m
    • neighboursize.m
    • argmin.m
    • IPF.m
    • nonzerovalue.m
    • empdist.m
    • learnMarkovDecomp.m
    • EntropyEmp.m
    • GibbsSample.m
    • mylogsig.m
    • grouppot.m
    • ungrouppot.m
    • groupstate.m
    • makeThinJT.m
    • gatherstrings.m
    • getdimind.m
    • EMbeliefnet.m
    • majority.m
    • nearNeigh.m
    • svdm.m
    • BayesLogRegressionRVM.m
    • CanonVar.m
    • GPreg.m
    • LogReg.m
    • avsigmaGauss.m
    • covfnGE.m
    • logdet.m
    • plsa.m
    • plsaCond.m
    • sigmoid.m
    • sigma.m
    • softloss.m
    • rbf.m
    • kernel.m
    • sqdist.m
    • BayesLinReg.m
    • HMMem.m
    • condp.m
    • condexp.m
    • HMMviterbi.m
    • HMMsmooth.m
    • HMMforward.m
    • HMMbackward.m
    • logsumexp.m
    • HMMgamma.m
    • mixMarkov.m
    • pointsCov.m
    • GMMem.m
    • Kmeans.m
    • MIXprodBern.m
    • LDSsmooth.m
    • LDSsubspace.m
    • LDSforwardUpdate.m
    • LDSbackwardUpdate.m
    • LDSforward.m
    • LDSbackward.m
    • SLDSforward.m
    • SLDSbackward.m
    • logeps.m
    • mix2mix.m
    • placeobject.m
    • sumlog.m
    • metropolis.m
    • logp.m
    • compat.m
    • betaXbiggerY.m
    • HebbML.m
    • NaiveBayesTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesTest.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTrain.m
    • NaiveBayesDirichletTest.m
    • logZdirichlet.m
    • SARlearn.m
    • ARtrain.m
    • HMMforwardSAR.m
    • HMMbackwardSAR.m
    • HMMsmoothSAR.m
    • ARlds.m
    • pca.m
    • hinton.m
    • FA.m
    • plotCov.m
    • GaussCond.m
    • SVMtrain.m
    • cca.m
    • SLDSmargGauss.m
    • binaryMRFmap.m
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    • cliquedecomp.m
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    • conjgrad.m
    • Contents.m
  • 4.63 MB
  • 2012-3-20
  • inghts.rar

    • James Montier - Behavioural Finance. Insights into Irrational Minds and Markets.djvu
  • 2.86 MB
  • 2012-3-11
  • CCME_MW_020311.rar

    • CCME_MW_020311.pdf
    • CCME_IrrefutableEvidence_030211.pdf
  • 4.52 MB
  • 2012-3-5
  • The Upside of Irrationality The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and.rar
       The Upside of Irrationality-epub

    • The Upside of Irrationality The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and at Home.epub
  • 1.06 MB
  • 2012-1-7
  • 2006 A M Positioning and Moving Sprinkler Systems for Irrigation.rar

    • 2006 A M Positioning and Moving Sprinkler Systems for Irrigation.pdf
    • 2006 A M Positioning and Moving Sprinkler Systems for Irrigation CODE1.gz
  • 7.47 MB
  • 2011-9-20
  • 金融市场两本经典书籍.rar

    • [耶鲁大学开放课程:金融市场].Irrational.Exuberance.by.Robert.J.Shille.pdf
    • [耶鲁大学开放课程:金融市场].Stocks.for.the.long.run.by.Jeremy.J.Siegel.pdf
  • 11.67 MB
  • 2011-9-17
  • 环境经济学.rar

    • environmental preservation,uncertainty and irrever.pdf
    • 环境友好型社会中的环境纠纷解决机制论纲.pdf
    • 来自热力学的财富增量公式及中国经济反思.pdf
  • 823.48 KB
  • 2011-5-3
  • Acemoglu 1.rar

    • Dynamic Mirrlees Taxation.pdf
    • Dynamics and Stability of Constitutions, Coalitions Acemoglu 11.pdf
    • Dynamics of Information Exchange acemoglu 2.pdf
    • A Note on Diversity and Technological Progress Acemoglu 16.pdf
    • A Political Theory of Populism acemoglu 3.pdf
    • A Political Theory of Populism Acemoglu 4.pdf
    • A Political Theory of Populism Acemoglu 5.pdf
    • A Response to Albouy’s “A Reexamination Based on Improved Acemoglu 21.pdf
    • A Simple Model of Inefficient Institutions.pdf
    • A Theory of Military Dictatorships.pdf
    • acemoglu 1.pdf
    • Aggregate Comparative Statics acemoglu 13.pdf
    • Bayesian Learning in Social Network Acemoglu 10.pdf
    • Capital Deepening and Nonbalanced Economic growth structural change.pdf
    • Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of Growth.pdf
    • Cascades in Networks and Aggregate Volatility Acemoglu 6.pdf
    • Coalition Formation in non-democracies.pdf
    • Competing Engines of Growth competition and standardization Acemoglu 28.pdf
    • Competition and Efficiency in Congested Markets.pdf
    • Competition in Parallel-Serial Networks.pdf
    • Competition in Parallel-Serial Networks 2.pdf
    • Contracts and Technology Adoption.pdf
    • Determinants of Vertical Integration Financial development and contracting costs.pdf
    • Directed Technical Change.pdf
    • Disease and Development A Reply to Bloom Acemoglu 15.pdf
    • Disease and Development The Effect of Life.pdf
    • Do Juntas Lead to Personal Rule.pdf
  • 13.33 MB
  • 2011-1-1
  • 金融工程papers.rar

    • Rational Capital Budgeting in an Irrational World.pdf
    • hkh1.pdf
    • liquidity and credit risk.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Investment with Transaction Costs and Multiple Risky Assets.pdf
    • Estimation and Test of a Simple Model of Intertemporal Capital Asset Pricing.pdf
    • discount with varying expected returns.pdf
    • The Effects of Changes in Risk and Risk Taking A survey.pdf
    • SCC Method a new approach dealing with high-dimension Garch model.pdf
  • 2.68 MB
  • 2010-11-17
  • 08年春季刘怡财政学扩展阅读材料.rar

    • JAMES MIRRLEES关于所得税率的最新观点.pdf
    • 国税发〔2008〕28号解释 总分机构汇总纳税.doc
    • 国税发〔2008〕28号跨地区经营汇总纳税企业所得税.doc
    • 影响农村合作医疗制度可持续性发展相关问题研究(5000字).doc
    • 中华人民共和国企业所得税法.pdf
    • 中华人民共和国企业所得税法实施条例.pdf
    • Lecture7-对所得的课税(阅读).pdf
    • Lecture8-对财产的课税(阅读).pdf
    • Lecture9-公共债务(阅读).pdf
    • Lecture10-公共产品(阅读).pdf
    • 财预[2008]10号《跨省市总分机构企业所得税分配及预算管理暂行办法》.doc
    • 财预[2008]10号附件.doc
  • 1.41 MB
  • 2010-11-6
  • Yale Open Course spring-2008 Financial-Markets.rar

    • Irrational.Exuberance.by.Robert.J.Shille.pdf
    • sessions.html
    • Stocks.for.the.long.run.by.Jeremy.J.Siegel.pdf
    • syllabus.html
    • terms-of-use.html
  • 18.98 MB
  • 2010-10-31
  • 入选者文章(5).rar

    • 伍戈-对中国通货膨胀的实证研究从一般到特殊的建模方法.doc
    • 严成樑、龚六堂-严成樑政府公共支出理论框架评述.doc
    • 杨德明、冯晓-银行贷款、债务期限与上市公司内部控制.doc
    • 杨万平-能源消费与污染排放双重约束下的中国绿色经济增长.doc
    • 杨晓兰、洪涛-证券市场平准基金有效吗?.doc
    • 杨晓维、蒋家亮、黄新春-异质禀赋、惠农政策和劳动工资.doc
    • 杨友才-产权制度溢出性与经济增长.doc
    • 姚星垣-宏观调控下区域性经济领先指标体系构建——以浙江省为例.doc
    • 叶林祥、李实、罗楚亮-效率工资租金共享与企业工资收入差距.doc
    • 袁义才-一个制度分析框架下的公共产品理论研究.doc
    • 张浩然-产业结构调整的就业效应.doc
    • 张慧芳、郭静旭-物质资本、人力资本与收入差距的扭曲效应.doc
    • 张克中、冯俊诚、郝睿-地方官员与财政支出结构——来自省委书记和省长变动的证据.pdf
    • 张蕾-金融风险防范过程中的政府行为分析.doc
    • 张良悦、刘伟、刘东-土地资本化与中国经济粗放增长.doc
    • 张舒玮-我国中部地区工业循环经济发展评价.doc
    • 张跃华、刘纯之、利菊秀-数不清的风险与信息不对称程度度量研究20100625.pdf
    • 赵山、潘孝挺-银行业结构和企业创新活动.doc
    • 赵卫斌、陈志斌-政府终极控制与企业现金持有价值.doc
    • 赵晓军-静态与动态Mirrlees模型下的最优税收理论.pdf
    • 赵子乐-独占交易与行业的山寨化.doc
    • 郑志刚、许荣、徐向江、赵锡军-公司章程、法律对投资者权力保护和公司治理(20100816).pdf
    • 周燕、佟家栋-FDI企业具有技术效率优势吗.doc
    • 朱德进-中小企业融资难的内因分析.doc
    • 朱建芳、杨晓兰-中国收入再分配偏好的实证研究——基于公众需求角度.doc
    • 庄子罐-预期与经济波动.pdf
    • 庄子银-知识产权保护对发展中国家自主创新的激励效应分析.doc
    • 王文甫-政府支出对消费效应之谜.doc
    • 吴红军-环境披露、企业环保与信号传递.doc
  • 4.7 MB
  • 2010-10-3
  • 35个大中城市房地产主要指标完成情况年度文件.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy17.xls
    • CIRRE_Resy17_fldinfo.txt
  • 27.63 KB
  • 2010-8-4
  • 1986-2008年全国房地业主要指标数据.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy01.xls
    • CIRRE_Resy01_fldinfo.txt
  • 6.8 KB
  • 2010-7-27
  • 35个大中城市房地产主要指标完成情况年度文件.zip

    • CIRRE_Resy17.xls
    • CIRRE_Resy17_fldinfo.txt
  • 27.63 KB
  • 2010-7-27
  • AMJ best paper 1986-2007.rar

    • best 2003 Assessing Creativity in Hollywood Pitch Meetings+ Evidence for a Dual-Process Model of Creativity Judgments.pdf
    • best 2002 Institutional Change in Large Law Firms+ A Resource Dependency and Institutional Perspective.pdf
    • best 2001 A Social Capital Theory of Career Success.pdf
    • best 2000 International Expansion by New Venture Firms+ International Diversity, Mode of Market Entry, Technological Learning, and Performance.pdf
    • best 1999 The Role of Competitive Action in Market Share Erosion and Industry Dethronement.pdf
    • best 1998 International Expansion through Start up or Acquisition+ A Learning Perspective.pdf
    • best 1997 Alternative Approaches to the Employee-Organization Relationship+ Does Investment in Employees Pay off.pdf
    • best 1996 The Resource-Based View Of The Firm In Two Environments.pdf
    • best 1995 The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance.pdf
    • best 1994 Concealment of Negative Organizational Outcomes+ An Agency Theory Perspective.pdf
    • best 1993 Fit, Equifinality, and Organizational Effectiveness+ A Test of Two Configurational Theories.pdf
    • best 1992 Determinants of Faculty Pay+ An Agency Theory Perspective.pdf
    • best 1991 Keeping an Eye on the Mirror+ Image and Identity in Organizational Adaptation.pdf
    • best 1990 Evolving Interpretations as a Change Unfolds+ How Managers Construe Key Organizational Events.pdf
    • best 1989 Marking Time+ Predictable Transitions in Task Groups.pdf
    • best 1988 Untangling the Relationship between Displayed Emotions and Organizational Sales+ The Case of Convenience Stores.pdf
    • best 1987 Organization-Client Transactions and Organizational Governance Structures.pdf
    • best 1986 Outcomes of Autonomous Workgroups+ A Long-Term Field Experiment.pdf
    • best 2007 radical change accidentally+ THE EMERGENCE AND AMPLIFICATION OF SMALL CHANGE.pdf
  • 16.05 MB
  • 2010-3-18
  • 20071152393493421.rar

    • 12Engle and Sheppard-2001-theoretical and empirical properties of dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH.pdf
    • 10 Engle and Rosenberg-1998-Testing the volatility term structure using option hedging criteria.pdf
    • 11 Engle and Russell-1998-Autoregressive conditional duration A new model for irregularly spaced transaction data.pdf
  • 2 MB
  • 2010-3-15
  • 美文30篇音频.rar

    • 01-Youth.mp3
    • 02-Three Days to See.mp3
    • 03-Companionship of Books.mp3
    • 04-If I Rest,I Rust.mp3
    • 05-Ambition.mp3
    • 06-What I have Lived for.mp3
    • 07-When Love Beckons You.mp3
    • 08-The Road to Success.mp3
    • 09-On Meeting the Celebrated.mp3
    • 10-The 50-Percent Theory of Life.mp3
    • 11-What is Your Recovery Rate.mp3
    • 12-Clear Your Mental Space.mp3
    • 13-Be Happy.mp3
    • 14-The Goodness of Life.mp3
    • 15-Facing the Enemies Within.mp3
    • 16-Abundance is a Life Style.mp3
    • 17-Human Life a Poem.mp3
    • 18-Solitude.mp3
    • 20-Relish the Moment.mp3
    • 21-The Love of Beauty.mp3
    • 22-The Happy Door.mp3
    • 23-Born to Win.mp3
    • 24-Work and Pleasure.mp3
    • 25-Mirror,Mirror-What do I See.mp3
    • 26-On Motes and Beams.mp3
    • 27-An October Sunrise.mp3
    • 28-To be or not to be.mp3
    • 29-Gettysburg address.mp3
    • 30-First Inaugural Address .mp3
    • 美文30篇.doc
    • 19-Giving Life Meaning.mp3
  • 41.49 MB
  • 2010-3-12
  • 3.pdf
       Management of modern irrigation systems in Oman: allocative vs. irrigation efficienc

  • 92.12 KB
  • 2010-1-31
  • 1.pdf
       Measuring Irrigation Water Efficiency with a Stochastic Production Frontier

  • 114.42 KB
  • 2010-1-31
  • 201-221.rar

    • Returns to Scope Smallholders commercialization through multipurpose cooperatives in Ethiopia.pdf
    • Spatial Networks, Labor Supply and Income Dynamics Evidence from Indonesian Villages.pdf
    • The decision to invest and the investment level:An application to Dutch glasshouse horticulture firms.pdf
    • The Long-Run Impact of Energy Prices on World Agricultural Markets:The Role of Macro-Economic Linkages.pdf
    • The potential contribution of forage shrubs to economic returns and environmental management in Australian dryland agricultural systems.pdf
    • The Role of Bounded Rationality in Farm Financing Decisions– First Empirical Evidence –.pdf
    • The U.S. Value of Agricultural Production:A Measuring Framework with Implications for WTO Monitoring and Disciplines.pdf
    • Can German Wine Cooperatives Compete on Quality?.pdf
    • Capital Budgeting Analysis of Organic Coffee Production in Gulmi District of Nepal.pdf
    • China's growing food imports from the EU.pdf
    • Collective Activities for the Management of Rural Common-Pool Resources A Case Study of Irrigation System from Niigata Prefecture,Japan.pdf
    • Cost of GMO-related co-existence and traceability systems in food production in Germany.pdf
    • Fat Chance:Modelling the Socio-Economic Determinants of Dietary Fat Intake in China.pdf
    • Household Income Dynamics in Rural China.pdf
    • Insights from the Guatemalan food system an application of exploratory spatial data analysis techniques for food security analysis.pdf
    • Maping the competitive food chain for fresh produce retailers in Tshwane,South Africa.pdf
    • Reshaping agricultural peatland use climate friendly in selected German regions.pdf
    • Resource scarcity gradients in the post-Green Revolution Indo-Gangetic Plains:Implications for agricultural technology use and supply.pdf
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  • 2010-1-26
  • Irrational Exuberance-Shiller.rar

    • Irrational Exuberance-Shiller.djvu
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  • Mrs. Lirriper’s Legacy(利里普夫人的遗产).rar

    • Mrs. Lirriper’s Legacy(利里普夫人的遗产).pdf
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  • 2009-10-27
  • The Optimal Structure of Incentives and Authority within an Organization .rar
       by Mirrlees(1976 Bell JE)

    • The Optimal Structure of Incentives and Authority within an Organization by Mirrlees(1976 Bell JE).pdf
  • 2.11 MB
  • 2009-9-6
  • 1-21.rar

    • An Analysis of Demand Elasticities for Fluid Milk Products in the U.S..pdf
    • An analysis of the challenges of the maize seed industry in eastern and southern Africa.pdf
    • Assessing Water Policies and Farmers’ Vulnerability in Groundwater Irrigation Systems.pdf
    • Does election lead to populism or to elite capture in rural China? IAAE conferene.pdf
    • Does Increase in Women’s Income Relative to Men’s Income Increase Food Calorie Intake in Poor Households? Evidence from Nigeria.pdf
    • Educational Function of Agriculture and Farm Diversification:Evidence from Dairy Farming Experience Services in Japan.pdf
    • Effect of decoupling and agri environmental policy on biodiversity in the uplands in UK.pdf
    • Effects of Inclusive Village Level Public Agricultural Extension Service Policy Reform Experiment in Western China.pdf
    • Evaluating the 1996 EU food aid reform:Did it really lead to better targeting?.pdf
    • Farm Payments in the EU–their Distribution and Justification.pdf
    • Government support,transfer efficiency,and moral hazard within heterogeneous regions in Canadian Agriculture.pdf
    • Impact of China’s Agriculture Policies on Domestic and World Commodity Markets.pdf
    • Improving Market Access:The Role of Auctions in Converting Tariff-Rate Quotas into Single Tariffs.pdf
    • Issues in examining the impact of WTO reform on the Beef and Dairy Sectors in the European Union.pdf
    • Measure the measure:the impact of differences in pesticide MRLs on Chilean fruit exports to the EU.pdf
    • Modeling Biofuels Expansion in a Changing Global Environment.pdf
    • Modelling the value of a multifunctional landscape—A discrete choice experiment.pdf
    • Scope Economies of Lending and Collecting Deposits in Microfinance.pdf
    • Technical efficiency of organic milk-farms in Germany-the role of subsidies and of regional factors.pdf
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    • Foundations of analysis. The arithmetic of whole, rational, irrational and complex numbers (3ed., Chelsea 1966) - E.Landau.djvu
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    • Armstrong(1999) - Price Discrimination by a Many-Product Firm.pdf
    • Attanasio, Bolton & Shin(1999) - Introduction.pdf
    • Dewatripont, Jewitt & Tirole(1999) - The Economics of Career Concerns, Part I - Comparing Information Structures.pdf
    • Dewatripont, Jewitt & Tirole(1999) - The Economics of Career Concerns, Part II - Application to Missions and Accountability of Government Agencies.pdf
    • Hart & Moore(1999) - Foundations of Incomplete Contracts.pdf
    • Holmstrom(1999) - Managerial Incentive Problems - A Dynamic Perspective.pdf
    • Maskin & Moore(1999) - Implementation and Renegotiation.pdf
    • Maskin & Tirole(1999) - Two Remarks on the Property-Rights Literature.pdf
    • Maskin & Tirole(1999) - Unforeseen Contingencies and Incomplete Contracts.pdf
    • Maskin(1999) - Nash Equilibrium and Welfare Optimality.pdf
    • Mirrlees(1999) - The Theory of Moral Hazard and Unobservable Behaviour - Part I.pdf
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    • MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL; CULTURE’S consequences in a value test of its own design.pdf
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    • vicarious learning and inferential acuracy in adoption process.pdf
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    • CIRRE_Resy20_fldinfo.txt
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    • CIRRE_Resy01.xls
    • CIRRE_Resy01_fldinfo.txt
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    • CIRRE_Resy20_fldinfo.txt
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    • manova.txt
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    • map.places.txt
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    • monocultures.txt
    • multivariate.txt
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    • naydf.txt
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    • Ovary.txt
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    • panels.txt
    • Parasite.txt
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    • pgfull.txt
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    • pgstability.txt
    • pgvar.txt
    • phosphorus.txt
    • photoperiod.txt
    • pieces.txt
    • piedata.csv
    • piedata.txt
    • pig.txt
    • plotdata.txt
    • plotfit.txt
    • plots.txt
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    • power.x.txt
    • power.y.txt
    • Practice.txt
    • productivity.txt
    • rabbitfences.txt
    • ragwort.txt
    • ragwortmap2006.txt
    • rats.txt
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    • refuge.txt
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    • roaches.txt
    • robreg.txt
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    • rt.txt
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    • sapdecay.txt
    • sasilwood.txt
    • scatter1.txt
    • scatter2.txt
    • seedlings.txt
    • seedoutput.txt
    • seeds.txt
    • seedwts.txt
    • sexratio2.txt
    • sexratio.txt
    • silwoodrank.txt
    • silwoodspecies.txt
    • SilwoodWeather.txt
    • sizes.txt
    • skeletons.txt
    • skewdata.txt
    • sleep.txt
    • slugsurvey.txt
    • smoothing.txt
    • soaysheep.txt
    • soaytest.txt
    • soil.txt
    • sortdata.txt
    • sp1.txt
    • sp2.txt
    • spatialdata.txt
    • species.txt
    • Speciesarea.txt
    • spending.txt
    • splitcounts.txt
    • splitplot.txt
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    • Consumer's Surplus in Commodity Space .pdf
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    • Market Power and Transferable .pdf
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    • securedownload2.pdf
    • The Economics Profession and the.pdf
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    • Willingness to Pay and Willingness to AcceptHow Much Can They Differ Comment.pdf
    • Willingness to Pay and Willingness to AcceptHow Much Can They Differ Reply.pdf
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    • consumer's surplus without apology.pdf
    • consumer's surplus without apologycomment.pdf
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    • http___www.jstor.org_cgi-bin_jstor_printpage_00028282_di950044_95p0745b_0.pdf_backcontext=page&dowhat=Acrobat&config=jstor&userID=d21a3c8c@lzu.edu.cn_01c054500c15dc5115c0fb44b0&0.pdf
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    • intergenerational equity and exhaustible resources.pdf
    • Intergenerational Equity and the Investing of Rents from Exhaustible Resources .pdf
    • Solow.pdf
    • substitution among exhaustible resources and intergenerational equity.pdf
    • the economics of exhaustible resources.pdf
    • The Economics of Resources or the Resources of Economics .pdf
    • the optimal depletion of exhaustible resources.pdf
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  • 162058.rar

    • The Mirrlees approach to mechanism design with renogotiation (with applications to hold-up and risk sharing).pdf
    • The natural monopoly test reconsidered: an engineering process-based approach to empirical analysis in telecommunications.pdf
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       重磅出击--Roberet F. Engle 和 Tim Bollerslev 计量经济学文献合集(共32篇)

    • 12Engle and Sheppard-2001-theoretical and empirical properties of dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH.pdf
    • 10 Engle and Rosenberg-1998-Testing the volatility term structure using option hedging criteria.pdf
    • 11 Engle and Russell-1998-Autoregressive conditional duration A new model for irregularly spaced transaction data.pdf
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    • Hsee, C. K. (1995). Elastic justification How tempting but task-irrelevant factors influence decisions. Organizational Behavioral and Human Decision Process, 62, 330-337..pdf
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  • 2007-1-15
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    • Rational Capital Budgeting in an Irrational World.pdf
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  • 2007-1-11
  • 76052.rar

    • Malcomson_The Multiperiod Principal-Agent Problem.pdf
    • Matthews_a technical primer on auction theory.pdf
    • moral hazard and verifiablity hermalin katz.pdf
    • Pratt_Risk Aversion in the Small and in the Large.pdf
    • Raiffa_Risk, Ambiguity, and the Savage Axioms Comment.pdf
    • Rogerson1985_repeated moral hazard.pdf
    • Rogerson The First-Order Approach to Principal-Agent Problems.pdf
    • Rothschild stiglitz_Increasing risik.pdf
    • Rothschild_stiglitz Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets An Essay on the Economics of Imperfect Information.pdf
    • salop_ Evaluating Uncertain Evidence With Sir Thomas Bayes A Note for Teachers.pdf
    • sandmo Asymmetric Information and Public Economics The Mirrlees-Vickrey Nobel Prize.pdf
    • Spence_jobmarketsignaling.pdf
    • Stochastisch Dominanz.pdf
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    • 久期与凸性.ppt
    • 金融工程-1.ppt
    • 金融工程-2.ppt
    • 期权与权证).ppt
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  • 48152.rar

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    • 久期与凸性.ppt
    • 金融工程-1.ppt
    • 金融工程-2.ppt
    • 期权与权证).ppt
    • 中航油事件.ppt
    • FRA、多期期权与互换交易.ppt
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  • 2006-4-12
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    • 10_Determinants of Corporate Borrowing_Myers_1977.pdf
    • 1_The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment_Modigliani&Miller_1958.pdf
    • 2_Corporate Income Taxes and the Cost of Capital A Correction_Modigliani and Miller_1963.pdf
    • 3_On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy_Stiglitz_1974.pdf
    • 4_A Theory of Optimal Capital Structure_Scott_1976.pdf
    • 5_Debt and Taxes_Miller_1977.pdf
    • 6_Optimal Capital Structure under Corporate and Personal Taxation_Deangelo and Masulis_1980.pdf
    • 7_The Effect of Taxes and Depreciation on Corporate Investment and Financial Leverage_Dammon and Senbet_1988.pdf
    • 8_The Determination of Financial Structure_The Incentive-Signalling Approach_Ross_1977.pdf
    • 9_Theory of the Firm_Managerial Behavior, Agency Costs and Ownership Structure_Jensen and Meckling_1976.pdf
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       最新The Journal of Finance (February 2006 - Vol. 61 Issue 1 Page i-492)

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    • 11-Unspanned Stochastic Volatility-- Evidence from Hedging Interest Rate Derivatives.pdf
    • 12-Wealth and Executive Compensation.pdf
    • 13-Initial Public Offerings-- An Analysis of Theory and Practice.pdf
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    • 15-Investor Tax Heterogeneity and Ex-Dividend Day Trading Volume.pdf
    • 16-MISCELLANEA.pdf
    • 1-What Works in Securities Laws.pdf
    • 2-Investment and Financing Constraints-- Evidence from the Funding of Corporate Pension Plans.pdf
    • 3-Favoritism in Mutual Fund Families- Evidence on Strategic Cross-Fund Subsidization.pdf
    • 4-Information Uncertainty and Stock Returns.pdf
    • 5-Asset Pricing Implications of Nonconvex Adjustment Costs and Irreversibility of Investment.pdf
    • 7-The Price Impact and Survival of Irrational Traders.pdf
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       [下载]风险分析工具Crystal Ball5.2.2示例

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       求文章、书籍及其他资料请跟贴 (学习西经版的做法)

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       求文章、书籍及其他资料请跟贴 (学习西经版的做法)

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       求文章、书籍及其他资料请跟贴 (学习西经版的做法)

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       [下载]C++金融程序 -- 金融交易员和计量学者的高级工具

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    • bermudan_call_option.cc
    • bermudan_put_option.cc
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    • bin_am_put.cc
    • bin_am_put_payout.cc
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    • bin_eur_call_ud.cc
    • bin_eur_call_ud_one.cc
    • bin_eur_put.cc
    • binomial_tree_ud.cc
    • black_scholes_call.cc
    • black_scholes_call_div.cc
    • black_scholes_delta_call.cc
    • black_scholes_delta_put.cc
    • black_scholes_imp_vol_bisect.cc
    • black_scholes_imp_vol_newt.cc
    • black_scholes_partials_call.cc
    • black_scholes_partials_put.cc
    • black_scholes_price_payout_call.cc
    • black_scholes_price_payout_put.cc
    • black_scholes_put.cc
    • black_scholes_put_div.cc
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    • bondopt_call_rend_bart.cc
    • bondopt_call_vasicek.cc
    • bondopt_put_binom_am.cc
    • bondopt_put_bs.cc
    • bondopt_put_coupon_bs.cc
    • bondopt_put_vasicek.cc
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    • bonds_duration_macaulay.cc
    • bonds_duration_modified.cc
    • bonds_duration_modified_termstru.cc
    • bonds_duration_termstru.cc
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    • bonds_price.cc
    • bonds_price_discrete.cc
    • bonds_price_termstru.cc
    • bonds_yield.cc
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    • cflow_irr_test_unique.cc
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    • cflow_pv_discrete.cc
    • cum_normal_bivariate.cc
    • cum_normal.cc
    • currency_opt_bin_call.cc
    • currency_opt_bin_put.cc
    • currency_opt_euro_call.cc
    • currency_opt_euro_put.cc
    • exotics_asian_price_call.cc
    • exotics_lookback_call.cc
    • exotics_lookback_put.cc
    • findiff_exp_am_call.cc
    • findiff_exp_am_put.cc
    • findiff_exp_eur_call.cc
    • findiff_exp_eur_put.cc
    • findiff_imp_am_call.cc
    • findiff_imp_am_put.cc
    • findiff_imp_eur_call.cc
    • findiff_imp_eur_put.cc
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    • mv_calc_port_unconstrained.cc
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    • normdist.cc
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    • option_price_american_perpetual_put.cc
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    • payoff_lookback.cc
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    • random_uniform.cc
    • rendleman_bartter_build_interest_rate_tree.cc
    • run_simulation_bs_case_using_generic_routine.cc
    • run_simulation_bs_case_using_generic_routine_improving_efficiency.cc
    • simulated_call_euro.cc
    • simulated_delta_call.cc
    • simulated_delta_put.cc
    • simulated_put_euro.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_antithetic_variate.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_control_variate.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_price_sequence.cc
    • simulate_european_options_generic_routine_price_sequence_control_variate.cc
    • simulate_lognormally_distributed_sequence.cc
    • simulate_lognormal_variable.cc
    • term_structure_class.cc
    • term_structure_class_cir.cc
    • term_structure_class_cubic_spline.cc
    • term_structure_class_flat.cc
    • term_structure_class_interpolated.cc
    • term_structure_class_nelson_siegel.cc
    • term_structure_class_vasicek.cc
    • termstru_discfact_cir.cc
    • termstru_discfact_cubic_spline.cc
    • termstru_discfact_vasicek.cc
    • termstru_transforms.cc
    • termstru_yield_interpolated.cc
    • termstru_yield_nels_sie.cc
    • tst_binomial_term_structure_models.cc
    • tst_bond_options.cc
    • tst_normal.cc
    • tst_power.cc
    • tst_present_value.cc
    • tst_simulate_european_options.cc
    • tst_term_structure.cc
    • warrant_price_black_scholes.cc
    • warrant_price_black_scholes_dividends.cc
    • date.h
    • fin_recipes.h
    • normdist.h
    • term_structure_class_cir.h
    • term_structure_class_cubic_spline.h
    • term_structure_class_flat.h
    • term_structure_class.h
    • term_structure_class_interpolated.h
    • term_structure_class_nelson_siegel.h
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