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  • Human Capital Depreciation and Returns to Experience.rar

    • Human Capital Depreciation and Returns to Experience.pdf
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  • 2023-5-31

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    • Government Debt, Life-Cycle Income, and Liquidity Constraints Beyond Approximate Ricardian Equivalence.pdf
    • Government Deficits and Aggregate Demand.pdf
    • Income Uncertainty and Ricardian Equivalence .pdf
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    • Michel Strawczynski .pdf
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  • 2020-5-17
  • Gary Becker.rar

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    • Gary S. Becker, Kevin M. Murphy Social Economics Market Behavior in a Social Environment .pdf
    • Gary S. Becker, Richard A. Posner Uncommon Sense Economic Insights, from Marriage to Terrorism.pdf
    • Gary Stanley Becker Essays in the economics of crime and punishment Human behavior and social institutions .pdf
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  • 2017-8-26
  • 001.pdf
       Tenure Security, Human Capital and Soil Conservation in an Overlapping Generation Rural Economy

  • 484.01 KB
  • 2017-2-27
  • Human Capital and Economic Growth.zip

    • Human Capital and Economic Growth.pdf
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  • 2017-1-20
  • Panel Data Analysis (15 articles).zip

    • A Panel Data Analysis of the Demand for Total Energy and Electricity in OECD Countries.pdf
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    • Foreign banks and credit stability in Central and Eastern Europe. A panel data analysis.pdf
    • Further evidence on finance-growth causality_A panel data analysis.pdf
    • International migration_a panel data analysis of the determinants of bilateral flows.pdf
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  • 2017-1-12
  • IHCTC (pdf).zip

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  • 2017-1-10
  • IHCTC (epub).zip

    • Innovation, Human Capital and Trade Competitiveness_How Are They Connected and Why Do They Matter.epub
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  • 2017-1-10
  • IHCTC (pdf epub).zip

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    • Innovation, Human Capital and Trade Competitiveness_How Are They Connected and Why Do They Matter.epub
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  • 2017-1-10
  • SHRM 2015-2016 Human Capital Benchmarking_6 Industries, 5 Geographic Regions, an.zip

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  • 2016-12-12
  • Human Capital and Innovation_Examining the Role of Globalization.zip

    • Human Capital and Innovation_Examining the Role of Globalization.pdf
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  • Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital (epub).zip

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  • Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital (epub pdf).zip

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    • Innovative Start-Ups and the Distribution of Human Capital_The Role of Regional Knowledge.epub
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  • 2016-11-26
  • Human capital, cluster formation, and international relocation the case of the g.rar

    • Human capital, cluster formation, and international relocation the case of the garment industry in Japan.pdf
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  • 2016-3-6
  • American Economic Review Vol105 No 11 (November 2015).rar

    • Human Capital Risk, Contract Enforcement, and the Macroeconomy.pdf
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  • 2015-9-1
  • Human Capital, Social Capital, and Social Network Analysis_ Implications for Str.rar

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  • Quiz.rar

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  • 消费外部性.rar

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  • The Effects of General and Specific Human Capital on Long-Term Growth.rar

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  • 2015-2-14
  • Human capital and objective indicators of career success.rar

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  • Dispersion of Human Capital and Economic Growth.rar

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  • 美国经济评论11月份论文集(working paper).zip

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  • human capital externalities in cities.zip

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  • journal of financeFEBRUARY 2013.rar

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  • 2014-9-13
  • 美国经济评论2014年第五期会议论文(上).zip

    • Health, Human Capital, and Life Cycle Labor Supply.pdf
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    • Aging in Europe_ Reforms, International Diversification, and Behavioral Reactions .pdf
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    • Mandated Risk Retention in Mortgage Securitization_ An Economist's View.pdf
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    • The Aggregate Impact of Household Saving and Borrowing Constraints Designing a Field Experiment in Uganda.pdf
    • The Distribution of Wealth and the MPC_ Implications of New European Data.pdf
    • The Mortgage Mess, the Press, and the Politics of Inattention.pdf
    • The Natural Rate of Interest and its Usefulness for Monetary Policy.pdf
    • The Role of Policy in the Great Recession and the Weak Recovery.pdf
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  • AER2014年第六期.zip

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  • Handbook of the Economics of Education, Volume 4.rar

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  • Growth, distance to frontier and composition of human capital.rar

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  • The role of human capital in economic development evidence from aggregate cross-.rar

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  • Vol 42(5).rar

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    • RS&UE 2012(5)-Education and migration choices in hierarchical societies_The case of Matam, Senegal.pdf
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  • 2012-11-24
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  • 2012-10-28
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  • 2012-8-7
  • 经济学.zip
       经济学 必读 经典 论文合集

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    • Crown, corporation and church the role of institutions in the stability of pioneer settlements in the Canadian West, 1870–1914 .pdf
    • Emergence of urban poverty and inequality in China evidence from household survey.pdf
    • Fairness as a source of hysteresis in empolyment and relative wages .pdf
    • Growth and regional inequality in China during the reform era .pdf
    • Have the Chinese provinces become integrated under reform.pdf
    • High benefits and low wages Employees as monitor of managerment in soes.pdf
    • Interregional protection Implications of fiscal decentralization and trade liberalization .pdf
    • Is Chinese provincial real GDP per capita nonstationary Evidence from multiple trend break unit root tests.pdf
    • Making sense of institutions as a factor shaping economic performance.pdf
    • On the pareto-optimality of futures contracts over Islamic forward contracts implications for the emerging muslim ecomomics.pdf
    • Privatization and efficiency differentiating ownership effects from political orgnizatinal and dynamic effects.pdf
    • Rural–urban income disparity impact of growth, allocative efficiency, and local growth welfare .pdf
    • Rural–urban migration and urbanization in China Evidence from time-series and cross-section analyses .pdf
    • Segmentation and discrimination in China’s emerging industrial labor market .pdf
    • Sources of China’s economic growth 1952–1999 incorporating human capital accumulation .pdf
    • The effort effects of prizes in the second half in second half of tournaments.pdf
    • The nature of multinational firm boundaries Transaction costs, firm capabilities and foreign maket entry model.pdf
    • The open constitution and its enemies competition rent seeking and the rise of moder state.pdf
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    • a general equilibrium of modern crime and punishment.pdf
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    • regional diparity and economic develop in china .pdf
    • team selection with asymmetric agents.pdf
    • the impacts of income gap decision in china.pdf
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  • 2012-7-21
  • The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics H.rar

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    • Hadley, Arthur Twining (1856–1930) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • historical demography The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
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    • Historical School, German The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • history of economic thought The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • history of forward contracts (historical evidence for forward contracts) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hobson, John Atkinson (1858–1940) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • hold-up problem The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • home production The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • homogeneous and homothetic functions The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • horizontal and vertical equity The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hotelling, Harold (1895–1973) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • hours worked (long-run trends) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • household portfolios The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • household production and public goods The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • household surveys The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • housing policy in the United States The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • housing supply The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • human capital The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • human capital, fertility and growth The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • Hume, David (1711–1776) The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
    • hunters, gatherers, cities and evolution The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics.mht
  • 5.3 MB
  • 2012-5-13
  • 农业经济主文献3.rar

    • 58.Schultz. Theodore W. 1961. Investment in Human Capital.pdf
    • 55.Rozelle S, Park A, Huang JK, et al. 2000. Bureaucrat to Entrepreneur The Changing Role of the State in China's Grain Economy.pdf
    • 54.Rozelle S, Swinnen JFM. 2004. Success and failure of reform-Insights from the transition of agriculture.pdf
    • 44.Park A, Jin HH, Rozelle S, et al 2002. Market emergence.pdf
    • 45.China's Poverty Statistics.pdf
    • 46.Regional Poverty Targeting in China.pdf
    • 47.Peng YS. 2004. Kinship networks and entrepreneurs in China's transitional economy.pdf
    • 48.Peng YS. 2001. Chinese villages and townships as industrial corporations- Ownership, governance, and market discipline.pdf
    • 49.Plantinga Andrew J.; Thomas Mauldin; Douglas J. Miller. 1999.An econometric analysis of the costs of sequestering carbon in forests.pdf
    • 50.Pretty J, Ward H. 2001. Social capital and the environment.pdf
    • 51.Ravallion M. 2001. Growth, inequality and poverty- Looking beyond averages.pdf
    • 52.REARDON, T C. PETER TIMMERThe rise of supermarkets in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.pdf
    • 53.Richard Green; Julian M. Alston. 1990. Elasticities in AIDS Models.pdf
    • 农业经济管理 专业主文献目录.doc
    • 68.Zhao YH. 1999. Labor migration and earnings differences- The case of rural China.pdf
    • 67.Yao, Y. 2000. The Development of the Land Lease Market in Rural China.pdf
    • 66.Yao SJ. 2000. Economic development and poverty reduction in China over 20 years of reforms.pdf
    • 64.Walder Andrew G.,1995. Local Governments as Industrial Firms- An Organizational Analysis of China's Transitional Economy.pdf
    • 63.Uchida E, Xu JT, Rozelle S. 2005. Grain for green- Cost-effectiveness and sustainability of China's conservation set-aside program.pdf
    • 62.Tiebout Charles M. 1956.A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures.pdf
    • 60.Stiglitz, J. E. and A. Weiss. 1981. Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information.pdf
    • 59.Steven Buccola; Yoko Iizuka. 1997. Hedonic Cost Models and the Pricing of Milk Components.pdf
    • 57.Schultz. Theodore W. 1965. Investing in Poor People An Economist's View.pdf
    • 56.Sachs JD, Warner AM. 1999. The big push, natural resource booms and growth.pdf
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  • 2012-4-8
  • PSFT_HCM_910_BPM.pdf
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  • 2011-8-3
  • Human capital, economic growth, and regional inequality in China .zip

    • Human capital, economic growth, and regional inequality in China .pdf
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  • 2011-6-17
  • entrepreneurship review articles.rar

    • The Past and the Future of International Entrepreneurship A Review and Suggestions for Developing the Field.pdf
    • A1-Shane(AMR, 2000).pdf
    • A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration of Entrepreneurship Research.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship A Field of Dreams.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies Where Are We Today and Where Should the Research Go in the Future.pdf
    • Introduction to the focused issue on entrepreneurship.pdf
    • opportunity costs and entrepreneurial activity.pdf
    • How social and human capital influence opportunity recognition and resource mobilization in India's handloom industry.pdf
    • The Theory of Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship.pdf
    • Are opportunities recognized or constructed An information perspective on entrepreneurial opportunity identification.pdf
    • Opportunities and entrepreneurship.pdf
    • Cognitive Processes of Opportunity Recognition The Role of Structural Alignment.pdf
    • Opportunity recognition as the detection of meaningful patterns Evidence from comparisons of novice and experienced entrepreneurs.pdf
    • Entrepreneurial Opportunity.txt
    • The Concept of Opportunity in Entrepreneurship Research Past Accomplishments and Future Challenges.pdf
    • A2-Shane(Org Sci, 2000).pdf
    • How governments matter to new industry creation.pdf
    • The role of affect in the entrepreneurial process.pdf
    • An Opportunity for Me The Role of Resources in Opportunity Evaluation Decisions.pdf
    • Tang, et.al - Exploring an inverted U-shape relationship between EO and performance in Chinee Ventures.pdf
    • The impact of network capabilities and entrepreneurial orientation on university spin-off performance.pdf
    • Entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance A configurational approach.pdf
    • Internal capabilities, external networks, and performance A study on technology-based ventures.pdf
    • Knowledge-based resources, entrepreneurial orientation, and the performance of small and medium-sized businesses.pdf
    • Lumpkin & Dess,1996 - Clarifying the entrepreneurial orientation construct and linking it to performance.pdf
    • Miller 1981-The correlates of entrepreneurship in three types of firms.pdf
    • Strategic process effects on the entrepreneurial orientation- sales.pdf
    • Young and No Money Never Mind The Material Impact of Social Resources on New Venture Growth.pdf
    • Creating something from nothing Resource construction through entrepreneurial bricolage.pdf
    • Entrepreneurial Resource Acquisition through Indirect Ties Compensatory Effects of Prior Knowledge.pdf
    • Entrepreneurs' decisions to exploit opportunities.pdf
    • Entrepreneurs' Social Skills and New Venture Performance Mediating Mechanisms and Cultural Generality.pdf
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  • 2011-5-20
  • 3.zip

    • The Impact of Human Capital on Regional Labor Productivity in Europe.pdf
    • back-matter.pdf
    • PySAL_ A Python Library of Spatial Analytical Methods.pdf
    • Space-Time Visualization and Analysis in the Cancer Atlas Viewer.pdf
    • Spatial Autocorrelation.pdf
    • Spatial Clustering.pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Methods for Modeling Origin-Destination Flows.pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Model Averaging.pdf
    • Spatial Econometric Models.pdf
    • Spatial Filtering.pdf
    • Spatial Panel Data Models.pdf
    • Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Viral Meningitis in Michigan, 1993 - 2001.pdf
    • The Nature of Georeferenced Data.pdf
    • The Variogram and Kriging.pdf
  • 9.81 MB
  • 2010-11-18
  • 诺贝尔得主的几篇论文.rar

    • Learning by Trading and the Returns to Human Capital in Developing Countries.pdf
    • An Equilibrium Analysis of Search and Breach of Contract, I Steady States.pdf
    • AssociationSavings and Portfolio Choice in a Two-Period Two-Asset Mode.pdf
    • Competitive Pricing and Efficiency in Search Equilibrium.pdf
    • Disembodied Technical Change in a Two-Sector Model.pdf
    • Dynamics of Unemployment, Vacancies and Real Wages with Trade Unions.pdf
    • Efficiency Aspects of the Financing of Unemployment Insurance and Other Government.pdf
    • Equilibrium Unemployment Dynamics.pdf
    • Job Creation and Job Destruction in the Theory of Unemployment.pdf
    • Job Search, the Duration of Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve.pdf
    • Job Search, the Duration of Unemployment, and the Phillips Curve Reply.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Adjustment and Poverty in Selected Industrial Countries.pdf
    • Macroeconomic Aspects of Social Security Reform.pdf
    • Mobility Costs, Frictional Unemployment, and Efficiency.pdf
    • Monopsony and the Lifetime Relation between Wages and Productivity.pdf
    • Optimal Income Taxation An Example with a U-Shaped Pattern of Optimal Marginal Tax Rates.pdf
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  • 2010-11-14
  • 知识管理与核心竞争力.rar

    • Knowledge source and small business competitiveness.pdf
    • How does knowledge management influence innovation and competitiveness.pdf
    • Knowledge management and organizational competitiveness-a framework for human capital analysis.pdf
    • Knowledge management and the competitive strategy of the firm.pdf
    • Knowledge management for sustainable competitiveness in small and medium surveying practices.pdf
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  • 2010-11-5
  • finance and growth.rar

    • Human Capital Risk and Economic Growth.pdf
    • The Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution and the Interest Rate with Credit Rationing.pdf
    • The Effect of Financial Development on Convergence.pdf
    • Asymmetric Information and Loan Contracts in a Neoclassical Growth Model.pdf
    • Bank-based versus market-based financial systems A growth-theoretic analysis.pdf
    • Banks, financial markets and growth.pdf
    • Credit Markets with Differences in Abilities Education, Distribution, and Growth.pdf
    • Dual Financial Systems and Inequalities in Economic Development.pdf
    • Enterprise, Inequality and Economic Development.pdf
    • Entrepreneurship, Frictions, and Wealth.pdf
    • Equilibrium loan contracts and endogenous growth in the presence of asymmetric information.pdf
    • Finance and Development A Tale of Two Sectors.pdf
    • Financial Deepening, Inequality, and Growth.pdf
    • Financial Development, Financing Choice and Economic Growth.pdf
    • Financial markets, specialization, and learning by doing.pdf
    • Financial development and economic growth.pdf
    • Idiosyncratic production risk, growth and the business cycle.pdf
    • Income distribution and macroeconomics the persistence of inequality in a convex technology framework.pdf
    • Incomplete markets, labor supply and capital accumulation.pdf
    • Intergenerational mobility and the process of developmen.pdf
    • On Finance as a Theory of TFP.pdf
    • On the dynamics of inequality.pdf
    • Persistent Inequality.pdf
    • Sources of TFP growth occupational choice and financial deepening.pdf
    • The development and structure of financial systems.pdf
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  • 2010-8-19
  • economics.rar

    • Does Institution Rule Over Human Capital_Evidence from China.pdf
    • Semiparametric and nonparametric estimation of tobit models.pdf
    • The hierarchy of public governance_resource allocation vs bureaucratic inefficiency.pdf
    • Three essays on technology industries and companies.pdf
    • A cross-country empirical study on electricity demand.pdf
    • A Structural Forecasting Model for the Chinese Macroeconomy.pdf
    • A survey on franchising and an application of incomplete contract.pdf
    • An early warning system for currency crises.pdf
    • Choice of foreign market entry mode_role of quality difference.pdf
    • Essays on global outsourcing and innovation.pdf
    • Estimation of transformation models, generalized bivariate probit models, and box-cox partially linear models_three essays in microeconomics.pdf
    • Four essays in contracts and industrial organizations.pdf
    • Four essays on venture capital.pdf
    • Incomplete contracts and corporate governance_theory and evidence_case studies on Chinese banking and US franchising.pdf
    • Oil and macroeconomy in China.pdf
    • Research joint ventures of three heterogeneous firms.pdf
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  • 2010-7-17
  • Romer.rar

  • 279.14 KB
  • 2010-5-25
  • continuous-time financial.rar

    • 1.Life time portfolio selection under uncertainty the continuous time case.pdf
    • A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice.pdf
    • Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumptionportfolio problem.pdf
    • Existence of optimal consumption and portfolio rules with portfolio constraints and stochastic income, durability and habit formation.pdf
    • Lifetime consumption-portfolio choice under trading constraints, recursive preferences, and nontradeable income.pdf
    • Lifetime Portfolio Selection By Dynamic Stochastic Programming.pdf
    • Multi-asset investment-consumption model with transaction costs.pdf
    • On the fluctuations in consumption and market returns in the presence of labor and human capital.pdf
    • Optimal consumption choices for a ‘large’ investor.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice for pooled annuity funds.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity and anticipation.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio in a jump diffusion market with proportional transaction costs.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habi.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durabilityLocal Substitution.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with downside consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Differential Utility.pdf
    • Optimal consumption investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraint.pdf
    • Optimal consumption–portfolio choices and retirement planning.pdf
    • Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain.pdf
    • Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio strategies under trading constraints and generalized recursive preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption choice with stochasticinvestment opportunities and habit formation in preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption decisions with the consumption habit constraints.pdf
    • Utility maximization with partial information.pdf
    • 5.Martingales and stochastic integrals in the theory of continuous trading.txt
    • 6.Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a.txt
    • 13.Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case本文档 (2).txt
    • Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case.txt
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.txt
    • 新建 文本文档.txt
  • 12.04 MB
  • 2010-4-29
  • continuous-time financial.rar

    • 1.Life time portfolio selection under uncertainty the continuous time case.pdf
    • A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice.pdf
    • Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumptionportfolio problem.pdf
    • Existence of optimal consumption and portfolio rules with portfolio constraints and stochastic income, durability and habit formation.pdf
    • Lifetime consumption-portfolio choice under trading constraints, recursive preferences, and nontradeable income.pdf
    • Lifetime Portfolio Selection By Dynamic Stochastic Programming.pdf
    • Multi-asset investment-consumption model with transaction costs.pdf
    • On the fluctuations in consumption and market returns in the presence of labor and human capital.pdf
    • Optimal consumption choices for a ‘large’ investor.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice for pooled annuity funds.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity and anticipation.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio in a jump diffusion market with proportional transaction costs.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habi.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durabilityLocal Substitution.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with downside consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Differential Utility.pdf
    • Optimal consumption investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraint.pdf
    • Optimal consumption–portfolio choices and retirement planning.pdf
    • Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain.pdf
    • Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio strategies under trading constraints and generalized recursive preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption choice with stochasticinvestment opportunities and habit formation in preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption decisions with the consumption habit constraints.pdf
    • Utility maximization with partial information.pdf
    • 5.Martingales and stochastic integrals in the theory of continuous trading.txt
    • 6.Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a.txt
    • 13.Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case本文档 (2).txt
    • Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case.txt
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.txt
    • 新建 文本文档.txt
  • 12.04 MB
  • 2010-4-29
  • 区域空间英文文献.rar

    • Agglomeration and economic geography.pdf
    • Agglomeration and Regional growth.pdf
    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
    • Factor mobility and redistribution a survey.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization.pdf
    • Historical Perspectives on U.S. Economic Geography.pdf
    • human capital externalities in cities.pdf
    • Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation.pdf
    • Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies.pdf
    • Neighborhood Effects.pdf
  • 3.01 MB
  • 2010-3-18
  • NBER-China Economic Group working paper 2009.zip

    • 【NBER-CE2009】【NBER】Human Capital In China.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Exporters and Importers -- Firms, Products and Trade Partners.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】China's Land Market Auctions -- Evidence of Corruption.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Creative Accounting or Creative Destruction - Firm-level Productivity Growth in Chinese Manufacturing.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Credit Booms Gone Bust -- Monetary Policy, Leverage Cycles and Financial Crises, 1870–2008.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Dynamic Debt Runs.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Export Prices and Heterogeneous Firm Models.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Global Imbalances and Financial Fragility.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Innovation and Institutional Ownership.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Introduction to “China's Growing Role in World Trade”.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Microinsurance, Trust and Economic Development -- Evidence from a Randomized Natural Field Experiment.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Model Structure and the Combined Welfare and Trade Effects of China's Trade Related Policies.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Persuasion-- Empirical Evidence.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】Systemic Risk and the Refinancing Ratchet Effect.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The Chinese Warrants Bubble.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The Competitive Saving Motive -- Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings Rates in China.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】The organization of firms across countries.pdf
    • 【NBER-CE2009】When Safe Proved Risky -- Commercial Paper During the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009.pdf
  • 6.98 MB
  • 2009-11-30
  • 317014.rar
       [下载]Human Capital : How what you know shapes your life

  • 2.53 MB
  • 2009-4-19
  • 317013.rar
       [下载]Human Capital : How what you know shapes your life

  • 4 MB
  • 2009-4-19
  • 316812.doc
       [分享]Human capital and economic growth in Asia 1890–2000

  • 543.5 KB
  • 2009-4-19
  • 316032.pdf

  • 274.63 KB
  • 2009-4-16
  • 311441.rar

    • The Transmission of Women's Fertility, Human Capital and Work Orientation Across Immigrant Generations.pdf
    • Trade Growth, Production Fragmentation, and China's Environment.pdf
    • Uncertainty In Environmental Economics.pdf
    • Uncertainty, Climate Change and the Global Economy.pdf
    • Voluntary Provision of Public Goods for Bads_ A Theory of Environmental Offsets.pdf
    • The General Equilibrium Incidence of Environmental Taxes.pdf
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  • 2009-4-4
  • 278832.rar

    • On Dogmatism in Human Capital Theory.pdf
    • On The Methodology of Positive Economics Comment.pdf
    • Positive Economics.pdf
    • Is There a Consensus Among Economists in the 1990's.pdf
    • Keynesian Economics The Search for First Principles.pdf
    • Macro-Economic Forecasting and Modelling.pdf
    • Macroeconomics and a Bit More Reality.pdf
    • Macroeconomics and Methodology.pdf
    • On Knowing One's Place The Role of Formalism in Economics.pdf
    • On The Methodology of Positive Economics.pdf
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  • 2008-12-21
  • 257134.rar
       [下载]经济增长手册 第1a卷 Handbook of Economic Growth Vol1a

    • CH13.Human Capital and Technology Diffusion.pdf
    • CH6.Institutions as the Fundamental Cause of Long-Run Growth.pdf
    • CH7.Growth Theory Through the Lens of Development Economics.pdf
    • CH8.Growth Econometrics.pdf
    • CH9.The Missing Input Accounting for Cross-Country Income Differences.pdf
    • CH11.Externalities and Growth.pdf
    • Ch12.Finance and Growth Theory and Evidence.pdf
    • CH1 The Neoclassical Growth Model.pdf
    • CH2 Growth with Quality-Improving Innovations.pdf
    • CH4 From Stagnation to Growth.pdf
    • CH5 Poverty traps.pdf
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  • 256515.pdf
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  • 2008-8-30
  • 223247.rar

    • 1.Life time portfolio selection under uncertainty the continuous time case.pdf
    • A note on robustness in Merton's model of intertemporal consumption and portfolio choice.pdf
    • Distribution of bankruptcy time in a consumptionportfolio problem.pdf
    • Existence of optimal consumption and portfolio rules with portfolio constraints and stochastic income, durability and habit formation.pdf
    • Lifetime consumption-portfolio choice under trading constraints, recursive preferences, and nontradeable income.pdf
    • Lifetime Portfolio Selection By Dynamic Stochastic Programming.pdf
    • Multi-asset investment-consumption model with transaction costs.pdf
    • On the fluctuations in consumption and market returns in the presence of labor and human capital.pdf
    • Optimal consumption choices for a ‘large’ investor.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice for pooled annuity funds.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio choice with ambiguity and anticipation.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio in a jump diffusion market with proportional transaction costs.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durability and habi.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio rules with durabilityLocal Substitution.pdf
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio selection problem with downside consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Differential Utility.pdf
    • Optimal consumption investment policies with undiversifiable income risk and liquidity constraint.pdf
    • Optimal consumption–portfolio choices and retirement planning.pdf
    • Optimal investment decisions when time-horizon is uncertain.pdf
    • Optimal investment, consumption and retirement choice problem with disutility and subsistence consumption constraints.pdf
    • Optimal lifetime consumption-portfolio strategies under trading constraints and generalized recursive preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption choice with stochasticinvestment opportunities and habit formation in preferences.pdf
    • Portfolio and consumption decisions with the consumption habit constraints.pdf
    • Utility maximization with partial information.pdf
    • 5.Martingales and stochastic integrals in the theory of continuous trading.txt
    • 6.Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a.txt
    • 13.Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case本文档 (2).txt
    • Consumption and portfolio policies with incomplete markets and short-sale constraints The infinite dimensional case.txt
    • Optimal consumption and portfolio policies when asset prices follow a diffusion process.txt
    • 新建 文本文档.txt
  • 12.04 MB
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  • 197862.rar

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    • 基于分位数回归的中国居民消费研究.pdf
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    • 结构变化与经济增长:1978-2004,基于中国Panel-Data的实证分析.doc
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    • 开放经济中泰勒规则在我国的阀值协整检验.doc
    • 空间外部性与地区收入差异_基于动态面板数据的.doc
    • 劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长.doc
    • 论经济学的迷失与重建.doc
    • 论文化影响对外直接投资的机制.doc
    • 贸易自由化、经济增长与减轻贫困——基于中国省际数据的经验研究.doc
    • 农民参加社会养老保险的障碍与制度设计 .doc
    • 区域物流与区域经济增长——基于面板单位跟与面板协整的分析.doc
    • 全要素生产率、资本深化与经济收敛——基于中国地区经济增长差异的实证分析.pdf
    • 人民币名义汇率与利率的联动分析.doc
    • 人民币实际汇率和人口年龄结构.doc
    • 收入差距与中国转型期刑事犯罪率:1988-2004.doc
    • 台海问题的博弈分析:核威慑与有限战争.pdf
    • 通货膨胀与中国经济增长.doc
    • 外商直接投资对我国资本形成的效应与地区差异——基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板数据分析.doc
    • 外商直接投资与中国经济增长:基于Bootstrap方法的实证检验.doc
    • 文化与经济增长:一个初步框架.doc
    • 我国保险业影响因素的实证分析——基于空间面板数据模型.pdf
    • 我国财政政策收敛的空间计量经济分析.doc
    • 我国产业集聚的“马太效应”研究——基于区域差异视角的面板数据协整分析.doc
    • 我国技术进步对就业影响的实证分析.doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006(1).doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006.doc
    • 我国省际旅游外汇收入的区域经济影响分析.pdf
    • 我国政策性农业保险主导模式的选择探析.doc
    • 一个解释中国通货膨胀史的可能框架:1981-2006.doc
    • 银行结构与经济发展的因果关系.doc
    • 政府公共投资与农村经济增长——理论模型及初步实证.doc
    • 政府间转移支付:效率与均等化能否并重.doc
    • 中国地区间购买力平价研究.doc
    • 中国地区间农业全要素生产率差距趋势研究.doc
    • 中国地区周期的协同性:1952-2005.doc
    • 中国对外贸易与收入分配:基于要素禀赋的理论与实证.pdf
    • 中国房地产价格对通货膨胀与产出的影响:理论与实证研究.doc
    • 中国股市价格变动与交易量关系的实证分析—基于MCMC的DC-MSV模型.pdf
    • 中国宏观经济波动与财政货币政策选择.doc
    • 中国金融发展能够促进固定资产投资吗.doc
    • 中国就业波动和投资波动的福利效应.doc
    • 中国粮食生产区域格局的空间统计分析.doc
    • 中国贸易量增长的微观机理与经验证据.pdf
    • 中国能源效率、能源消费与经济增长关系的实证研究.doc
    • 中国农业保险发展的历史与未来:一个制度变迁视角.doc
    • 中国人口年龄结构对居民消费的影响(1989-2004)-基于动态面板GMM估计的实证分析.doc
    • 中国通胀持久性问题研究.pdf
    • 中外保险制度比较与我国保险制度创新:一个制度变迁的视角.doc
    • “工业驱动型”经济发展——基于江苏省数据的实证研究.pdf
    • 200772816644137.doc
    • Age Structure of the Workforce in Growing and Declining Industries-Evidence from Hong Kong.pdf
    • Asset price, macroeconomic variables and monetary shock.doc
    • Competition Between Differentiated Sellers-Exploding and Open Offers.pdf
    • FDI、出口商品结构调整与要素报酬差异:基于中国经济的实证分析.doc
    • FDI、贸易顺差和汇率.pdf
    • FDI对中国国内投资的挤入和挤出效应及进入壁垒的影响——基于行业面板数据的重新检验.doc
    • FDI会导致我国外汇储备增加吗.doc
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    • Human Capital, Factor Productivity and China’s Regional Disparity.doc
    • FDI流入的内生性出口贸易增长效应的实证研究——基于中国30个省市1990~2005年的面板数据模型检验.doc
    • FDI与我国经济增长:因果关系和传导机制.doc
    • How does the Optimal Two-Bracket Income Tax Depend on Wage Inequality.pdf
    • Investment Efficiency and Financial Development in China.pdf
    • Korean Culture’s Impact on Sino-Korea Trade Deficit—— An Example of Culture’s Influence on Economics.pdf
    • Panel Analysis on the Relationship of R&D,Patent and Output.doc
    • 半参数计量经济联立模型的变窗宽估计理论.pdf
    • 比较城市制度和跨期的外部性:重访科斯猜想.pdf
    • 财政赤字与国民储蓄——来自中国经济的经验证据(1978-2004).doc
    • 财政分权背景下的区域金融发展及其增长绩效——基于地方政府干预视角的实证研究.doc
    • 财政分权与区域医疗供给效率的实证研究.doc
    • 财政支出的相互作用:空间面板数据模型分析.doc
    • 财政支出结构、相对贫困与经济增长.pdf
    • 出口贸易结构的形成机理:中国1980-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 地区间就业增长的长期与短期效应的实证分析.doc
    • 地区专业化:一个分析框架.doc
    • 地区总收入模型、城乡经济差异及其统筹发展.doc
    • 董事会治理与公司绩效:激励还是保健?.doc
    • 对外直接投资与经济增长-基于动态VAR模型的分析.doc
    • 服务业发展对中国经济增长周期的影响.doc
    • 改革以来中国的官员任期、异地交流与经济增长.doc
    • 高校毕业生就业率考核制度的经济学分析.doc
    • 公共支出与经济增长的关系:来自中国的经验证据.pdf
    • 公共资本、政府公共支出与省区经济增长收敛再检验:基于面板数据模型实证分析.doc
    • 公共资本增长效应的区域与时段差异及其决定因素分析.doc
    • 宏观经济因素与犯罪率:基于中国1978-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线:空间计量经济学方法.doc
    • 汇率制度的外生性检验-基于人民币实际有效汇率的分析.doc
    • 货币需求弹性、货币乘数决定与货币供求非均衡——解析“中国之谜”与长期流动性过剩.pdf
    • 基于DEA模型的中国税收效率分析.doc
    • 基于分位数回归的中国居民消费研究.pdf
    • 监督还是建议——董事会功能的新认识.pdf
    • 结构变化与经济增长:1978-2004,基于中国Panel-Data的实证分析.doc
    • 金融发展与经济增长关系的面板数据协整研究:亚洲的经验.doc
    • 金融宽度和金融深度的影响因素:一个跨国分析.doc
    • 晋升激励、产业同构与地方保护:一个基于政治控制权收益的解释.pdf
    • 晋升激励、宏观调控与经济周期:一个政治经济学框架.pdf
    • 经济学本科教育实践教学的价值探究与模式构建.doc
    • 开放经济中泰勒规则在我国的阀值协整检验.doc
    • 空间外部性与地区收入差异_基于动态面板数据的.doc
    • 劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长.doc
    • 论经济学的迷失与重建.doc
    • 论文化影响对外直接投资的机制.doc
    • 贸易自由化、经济增长与减轻贫困——基于中国省际数据的经验研究.doc
    • 农民参加社会养老保险的障碍与制度设计 .doc
    • 区域物流与区域经济增长——基于面板单位跟与面板协整的分析.doc
    • 全要素生产率、资本深化与经济收敛——基于中国地区经济增长差异的实证分析.pdf
    • 人民币名义汇率与利率的联动分析.doc
    • 人民币实际汇率和人口年龄结构.doc
    • 收入差距与中国转型期刑事犯罪率:1988-2004.doc
    • 台海问题的博弈分析:核威慑与有限战争.pdf
    • 通货膨胀与中国经济增长.doc
    • 外商直接投资对我国资本形成的效应与地区差异——基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板数据分析.doc
    • 外商直接投资与中国经济增长:基于Bootstrap方法的实证检验.doc
    • 文化与经济增长:一个初步框架.doc
    • 我国保险业影响因素的实证分析——基于空间面板数据模型.pdf
    • 我国财政政策收敛的空间计量经济分析.doc
    • 我国产业集聚的“马太效应”研究——基于区域差异视角的面板数据协整分析.doc
    • 我国技术进步对就业影响的实证分析.doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006(1).doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006.doc
    • 我国省际旅游外汇收入的区域经济影响分析.pdf
    • 我国政策性农业保险主导模式的选择探析.doc
    • 一个解释中国通货膨胀史的可能框架:1981-2006.doc
    • 银行结构与经济发展的因果关系.doc
    • 政府公共投资与农村经济增长——理论模型及初步实证.doc
    • 政府间转移支付:效率与均等化能否并重.doc
    • 中国地区间购买力平价研究.doc
    • 中国地区间农业全要素生产率差距趋势研究.doc
    • 中国地区周期的协同性:1952-2005.doc
    • 中国对外贸易与收入分配:基于要素禀赋的理论与实证.pdf
    • 中国房地产价格对通货膨胀与产出的影响:理论与实证研究.doc
    • 中国股市价格变动与交易量关系的实证分析—基于MCMC的DC-MSV模型.pdf
    • 中国宏观经济波动与财政货币政策选择.doc
    • 中国金融发展能够促进固定资产投资吗.doc
    • 中国就业波动和投资波动的福利效应.doc
    • 中国粮食生产区域格局的空间统计分析.doc
    • 中国贸易量增长的微观机理与经验证据.pdf
    • 中国能源效率、能源消费与经济增长关系的实证研究.doc
    • 中国农业保险发展的历史与未来:一个制度变迁视角.doc
    • 中国人口年龄结构对居民消费的影响(1989-2004)-基于动态面板GMM估计的实证分析.doc
    • 中国通胀持久性问题研究.pdf
    • 中外保险制度比较与我国保险制度创新:一个制度变迁的视角.doc
    • “工业驱动型”经济发展——基于江苏省数据的实证研究.pdf
    • 200772816644137.doc
    • Age Structure of the Workforce in Growing and Declining Industries-Evidence from Hong Kong.pdf
    • Asset price, macroeconomic variables and monetary shock.doc
    • Competition Between Differentiated Sellers-Exploding and Open Offers.pdf
    • FDI、出口商品结构调整与要素报酬差异:基于中国经济的实证分析.doc
    • FDI、贸易顺差和汇率.pdf
    • FDI对中国国内投资的挤入和挤出效应及进入壁垒的影响——基于行业面板数据的重新检验.doc
    • FDI会导致我国外汇储备增加吗.doc
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  • 185637.rar

    • Human Capital, Factor Productivity and China’s Regional Disparity.doc
    • FDI流入的内生性出口贸易增长效应的实证研究——基于中国30个省市1990~2005年的面板数据模型检验.doc
    • FDI与我国经济增长:因果关系和传导机制.doc
    • How does the Optimal Two-Bracket Income Tax Depend on Wage Inequality.pdf
    • Investment Efficiency and Financial Development in China.pdf
    • Korean Culture’s Impact on Sino-Korea Trade Deficit—— An Example of Culture’s Influence on Economics.pdf
    • Panel Analysis on the Relationship of R&D,Patent and Output.doc
    • 半参数计量经济联立模型的变窗宽估计理论.pdf
    • 比较城市制度和跨期的外部性:重访科斯猜想.pdf
    • 财政赤字与国民储蓄——来自中国经济的经验证据(1978-2004).doc
    • 财政分权背景下的区域金融发展及其增长绩效——基于地方政府干预视角的实证研究.doc
    • 财政分权与区域医疗供给效率的实证研究.doc
    • 财政支出的相互作用:空间面板数据模型分析.doc
    • 财政支出结构、相对贫困与经济增长.pdf
    • 出口贸易结构的形成机理:中国1980-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 地区间就业增长的长期与短期效应的实证分析.doc
    • 地区专业化:一个分析框架.doc
    • 地区总收入模型、城乡经济差异及其统筹发展.doc
    • 董事会治理与公司绩效:激励还是保健?.doc
    • 对外直接投资与经济增长-基于动态VAR模型的分析.doc
    • 服务业发展对中国经济增长周期的影响.doc
    • 改革以来中国的官员任期、异地交流与经济增长.doc
    • 高校毕业生就业率考核制度的经济学分析.doc
    • 公共支出与经济增长的关系:来自中国的经验证据.pdf
    • 公共资本、政府公共支出与省区经济增长收敛再检验:基于面板数据模型实证分析.doc
    • 公共资本增长效应的区域与时段差异及其决定因素分析.doc
    • 宏观经济因素与犯罪率:基于中国1978-2005的实证研究.doc
    • 环境库兹涅茨曲线:空间计量经济学方法.doc
    • 汇率制度的外生性检验-基于人民币实际有效汇率的分析.doc
    • 货币需求弹性、货币乘数决定与货币供求非均衡——解析“中国之谜”与长期流动性过剩.pdf
    • 基于DEA模型的中国税收效率分析.doc
    • 基于分位数回归的中国居民消费研究.pdf
    • 监督还是建议——董事会功能的新认识.pdf
    • 结构变化与经济增长:1978-2004,基于中国Panel-Data的实证分析.doc
    • 金融发展与经济增长关系的面板数据协整研究:亚洲的经验.doc
    • 金融宽度和金融深度的影响因素:一个跨国分析.doc
    • 晋升激励、产业同构与地方保护:一个基于政治控制权收益的解释.pdf
    • 晋升激励、宏观调控与经济周期:一个政治经济学框架.pdf
    • 经济学本科教育实践教学的价值探究与模式构建.doc
    • 开放经济中泰勒规则在我国的阀值协整检验.doc
    • 空间外部性与地区收入差异_基于动态面板数据的.doc
    • 劳动力流动、资本转移和生产率增长.doc
    • 论经济学的迷失与重建.doc
    • 论文化影响对外直接投资的机制.doc
    • 贸易自由化、经济增长与减轻贫困——基于中国省际数据的经验研究.doc
    • 农民参加社会养老保险的障碍与制度设计 .doc
    • 区域物流与区域经济增长——基于面板单位跟与面板协整的分析.doc
    • 全要素生产率、资本深化与经济收敛——基于中国地区经济增长差异的实证分析.pdf
    • 人民币名义汇率与利率的联动分析.doc
    • 人民币实际汇率和人口年龄结构.doc
    • 收入差距与中国转型期刑事犯罪率:1988-2004.doc
    • 台海问题的博弈分析:核威慑与有限战争.pdf
    • 通货膨胀与中国经济增长.doc
    • 外商直接投资对我国资本形成的效应与地区差异——基于系统广义矩估计的动态面板数据分析.doc
    • 外商直接投资与中国经济增长:基于Bootstrap方法的实证检验.doc
    • 文化与经济增长:一个初步框架.doc
    • 我国保险业影响因素的实证分析——基于空间面板数据模型.pdf
    • 我国财政政策收敛的空间计量经济分析.doc
    • 我国产业集聚的“马太效应”研究——基于区域差异视角的面板数据协整分析.doc
    • 我国技术进步对就业影响的实证分析.doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006(1).doc
    • 我国金融资产价格与通货膨胀的关联性检验_1997-2006.doc
    • 我国省际旅游外汇收入的区域经济影响分析.pdf
    • 我国政策性农业保险主导模式的选择探析.doc
    • 一个解释中国通货膨胀史的可能框架:1981-2006.doc
    • 银行结构与经济发展的因果关系.doc
    • 政府公共投资与农村经济增长——理论模型及初步实证.doc
    • 政府间转移支付:效率与均等化能否并重.doc
    • 中国地区间购买力平价研究.doc
    • 中国地区间农业全要素生产率差距趋势研究.doc
    • 中国地区周期的协同性:1952-2005.doc
    • 中国对外贸易与收入分配:基于要素禀赋的理论与实证.pdf
    • 中国房地产价格对通货膨胀与产出的影响:理论与实证研究.doc
    • 中国股市价格变动与交易量关系的实证分析—基于MCMC的DC-MSV模型.pdf
    • 中国宏观经济波动与财政货币政策选择.doc
    • 中国金融发展能够促进固定资产投资吗.doc
    • 中国就业波动和投资波动的福利效应.doc
    • 中国粮食生产区域格局的空间统计分析.doc
    • 中国贸易量增长的微观机理与经验证据.pdf
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    • 中国农业保险发展的历史与未来:一个制度变迁视角.doc
    • 中国人口年龄结构对居民消费的影响(1989-2004)-基于动态面板GMM估计的实证分析.doc
    • 中国通胀持久性问题研究.pdf
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    • Enhancing Human Capital.pdf
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    • human capital analysis.pdf
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    • Should the Kuznets Effect be Relied on to Induce Equalizing Growth Evidence from Post- 1950 Development.pdf
    • The Cause and Cure of China’s Widening Income Disparity.pdf
    • The Kuznets hypothesis An indirect test.pdf
    • The links between poitical democracy and income inequality.pdf
    • Urban income inequality in china revisited.pdf
    • Why is income inequality so low in China compared to other.pdf
    • 111income inequaility and development.pdf
    • 111Income inequality and growth—does the relationship vary with.pdf
    • 111Income Inequality and the Informal Economy.pdf
    • A flexible nonlinear inference to the Kuznets hypothesis.pdf
    • A Reassessment of the Relationship Between inequality and growth.pdf
    • A review of decomposition of income inequality.pdf
    • Accounting for income inequality in rural Chinaa regression-based approach.pdf
    • China’s Income Distribution over TimeReasons for Rising Inequality.pdf
    • China’s pattern of growthmoving to sustainability and reducing inequality.pdf
    • Competitive pressures on China.pdf
    • Decomposing changes in income inequality into vertical and horizontal redistribution and reranking,with applications to china and Vietnam.pdf
    • Democracy and income inequalityan empirical analysis.pdf
    • Does corruption affect income inequality and poverty.pdf
    • Economic Growth and Income InequalityReexamining the Links.pdf
    • Education vouchers,growth and income inequality.pdf
    • Education,growth and income inequality.pdf
    • Educational opportunity and income inequality.pdf
    • Effects of Government Policies on Income distribution and welfare.pdf
    • Empirical evidence on income inequality in industrialized countries.pdf
    • Explaining the changes of income distribution in China.pdf
    • Exploring the Carbon Kuznets Hypothesis.pdf
    • Factor Decomposition of Chinese Rural Income Inequality.pdf
    • Factors influencing income inequality in transition economies.pdf
    • Factors of income inequality and their influence mechanisms.doc
    • Factors of income inequality and their influence mechanisms3-46.pdf
    • Fast Development with a Stable Income Distribution Taiwan, 1979-1994.pdf
    • Growth, Inequality and Poverty Looking Beyond Averages.pdf
    • Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Rural China.pdf
    • Human capital formation,income inequality and growth.pdf
    • Improving estimates of inequality and poverty from urban china’s household income and expenditure survey.pdf
    • income inequality and development.pdf
    • Income inequality and efficiency A decomposition approach and.pdf
    • Increasing returns, human capital, and the Kuznets curve.pdf
    • Inequality and Economic Growth Data Comparisons and Econometric Tests.pdf
    • inequality and economic growth the perspective of the new growth theory.pdf
    • Inequality and Growth in a Panel of Countries.pdf
    • inequality and growth what can the data say.pdf
    • inequality,poverty and development.pdf
    • Inverted U-shaped fertility dynamics, the poverty trap and growth.pdf
    • Inverted U-shaped fertility dynamics, the poverty trap and long-term growth.pdf
    • kuznets curve a reassessment.pdf
    • Kuznets Curveball.pdf
    • New Ways of Looking at Old Issues Inequality and Growth.pdf
    • One or many kuznets curvesshort and long run effects of the impact of skill-biased technological change on income inequality.pdf
    • Opportunity egalitarianism and income inequality.pdf
    • Productivity growth, increasing income inequality.pdf
    • Productivity growth, increasing income inequality and social insurancethe case of china.pdf
    • Rapid income growth adversely affects diet quality in China—.pdf
    • Semiparametric Bayesian inference of the Kuznets hypothesis.pdf
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    • Human Capital Planning & The Role of the HR Professional.ppt
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       How to Enhance ROI of Human Capital Through Traini

    • 如何通过培训提升人力资源的投入产出比(ROI).pdf
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       经济增长模型原文之human capital模型

    • humancapital模型原文.pdf
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       [下载]《Handbook of Health Economics》,elsevier出版社电子版

    • Chapter 11 The anatomy of health insurance.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Health econometrics.pdf
    • Chapter 7 The human capital model.pdf
    • Chapter 8 Moral hazard and consumer incentives in health care.pdf
    • Chapter 9 Physician agency.pdf
    • Chapter 10 Insurance reimbursement.pdf
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  • 112368.pdf
       Human Capital and Growth

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       heckman中国的人力资本投资 CHINA’S INVESTMENT IN HUMAN CAPITAL,pdf格式

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  • 2007-2-9
  • 78837.rar

    • Human capital and growth- Theory and evidence - A comment.pdf
    • Interest-rate targeting.pdf
    • International comparisons of educational attainment.pdf
    • Alternative monetary standards - Introduction.pdf
    • Bank deregulation, accounting systems of exchange, and the unit of account.pdf
    • Measuring the Fed's revenue from money creation.pdf
    • Comment from an unreconstructed Ricardian.pdf
    • Government spending, interest rates, prices, and budget deficits in the United Kingdom, 1701–1918.pdf
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       一组区域、城市经济学论文:NBER working paper(18篇,pdf)

    • The Divergence of Human Capital Levels Across Cities.pdf
    • Urban Structure and Growth.pdf
    • Why Have Housing Prices Gone Up.pdf
    • Urban Growth and Housing Supply.pdf
    • Urban Colossus:Why is New York America's Largest City.pdf
    • Portfolio Diversification and City Agglomeration.pdf
    • Private Investment and Government Protection.pdf
    • Increasing Returns and Economic Geography.pdf
    • U.S. urban decline and growth, 1950 to 2000.pdf
    • Growth in Cities.pdf
    • Cities, Regions and the Decline of Transport Costs.pdf
    • The Causes and Consequences of Land Use Regulation: Evidence from Greater Boston.pdf
    • Why Has House Price Dispersion Gone Up.pdf
    • Schooling Externalities, Technology and Productivity:Theory and Evidence from U.S. States.pdf
    • Superstar Cities.pdf
    • Division of Labor and the Rise of Cities:Evidence from U.S. Industrialization, 1850-1880.pdf
    • Firm Fragmentation and Urban Patterns.pdf
    • Cities and Countries.pdf
  • 10.44 MB
  • 2006-12-15
  • 74446.rar

    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in North America.pdf
    • sprawl and urban growth.pdf
    • The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade.pdf
    • The Evolution of City Size distributions.pdf
    • The historical geography of european cities an interpretive essay.pdf
    • The spatial distribution of economic activities in the european union.pdf
    • Theories of Systems of Cities.pdf
    • Urban and growth henderson.pdf
    • Urban Political Economics.pdf
    • Agglomeration and economic geography.pdf
    • Agglomeration and Regional growth.pdf
    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
    • Factor mobility and redistribution a survey.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization.pdf
    • Historical Perspectives on U.S. Economic Geography.pdf
    • human capital externalities in cities.pdf
    • Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation.pdf
    • Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies.pdf
    • Neighborhood Effects.pdf
    • regional diconvergence2.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Japan and china.pdf
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  • 2006-11-27
  • 70006.rar

    • R&D, Human Capital and International Technology Spillovers.pdf
    • Panel Evidence with the Null of Stationary Real Exchange Rates.pdf
    • Pooling in Dynamic Panel-Data Models An Application to Forecasting GDP Growth Rates.pdf
    • The Time Series and Cross-Section Asymptotics of Dynamic Panel Data Estimators.pdf
    • Transactions Costs and Nonlinear Adjustment in Real Exchange Rates.pdf
    • Unit Roots in the Presence of Abrupt Governmental Interventions with an Application to Brazilian Data.pdf
    • Unit-Root Tests and Asymmetric Adjustment with an Example Using the Term Structure of Interest Rates.pdf
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    • Sources of China's economic growth 1952–1999_incorporating human capital accumulation.pdf
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  • 2006-7-6
  • 44489.rar

    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in North America.pdf
    • sprawl and urban growth.pdf
    • The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade.pdf
    • The Evolution of City Size distributions.pdf
    • The historical geography of european cities an interpretive essay.pdf
    • The spatial distribution of economic activities in the european union.pdf
    • Theories of Systems of Cities.pdf
    • Urban and growth henderson.pdf
    • Urban Political Economics.pdf
    • Agglomeration and economic geography.pdf
    • Agglomeration and Regional growth.pdf
    • Evidence on the nature and sources of agglomeration economics.pdf
    • Factor mobility and redistribution a survey.pdf
    • Fiscal Decentralization.pdf
    • Historical Perspectives on U.S. Economic Geography.pdf
    • human capital externalities in cities.pdf
    • Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation.pdf
    • Micro-foundations of urban agglomeration economies.pdf
    • Neighborhood Effects.pdf
    • regional diconvergence2.pdf
    • Spatial Distribution of Economic Activities in Japan and china.pdf
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  • 2006-3-19
  • 22999.rar

    • Investment in Human Capital.pdf
    • A Theory of Marriage Part I.pdf
    • A Theory of Marriage Part II.pdf
    • Public Regulation of the Securities Markets by stigler.pdf
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       【资料共享】规制理论论文 1

    • @@@@@@Human Capital and Risk Management- A Proposal for a New Insurance Product.pdf
    • @@Consumer Protection Regulation in Ethical Drugs .pdf
    • @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Optimal Incentive Schemes when Only the Agents Best Output Matters to the Principal.pdf
    • @@@@@@@@@@@Regulation and the Choice of Prescription Drugs.pdf
    • @@@@@@@@@Incomplete contracting and price regulation.pdf
    • @@@@@@@@Incentives in Principal-Agent Relationships.pdf
    • @@@@@@@Regulation, moral hazard and insurance of environmental risks .pdf
    • @@@@@@Bargaining versus Price Competition in Markets with Quality Uncertainty .pdf
    • @@@@@@Implicit Contracts and Fixed Price Equilibria.pdf
    • @@@@@@The Economics of Incentive-Based Health Care Plans .pdf
    • @@@@@@The Health Effects of Mandatory Prescriptions.pdf
    • @@@@@@Trade and Insurance With Imperfectly Observed Outcomes.pdf
    • @@@@@Noisy Observation in Adverse Selection Models.pdf
    • @@@@@Price regulation in the pharmaceutical industry.pdf
    • @@@Economic Effects of Regulation and Price Fixing in the Milk Industry .pdf
    • @@@Regulation, Market Structure, and Hospital Costs .pdf
    • @@@Welfare Economics and the Theory of Regulation.pdf
    • @@Competition, Regulation, and Efficiency in Service Industries.pdf
  • 26.37 MB
  • 2005-7-20
  • 13930.rar

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  • 2005-5-5
  • 13929.rar

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  • 2005-5-5
  • 11850.rar
       chinas investment in human capital

    • china's investment in human capital.pdf
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