大小 上传时间
  • GTM 68 Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (Joach.zip
       GTM 068 Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces

    • GTM 68 Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (Joachim Weidmann, Joseph Szucs) 0387904271.djvu
  • 3.21 MB
  • 2024-7-4
  • GTM 019-Springer - A Hilbert Space Problem Book (P. Halmos-2Ed-1982).zip
       A Hilbert Space Problem Book

    • GTM 019-Springer - A Hilbert Space Problem Book (P. Halmos-2Ed-1982).djvu
  • 7.11 MB
  • 2024-6-3
  • Geometry and the ImaginationHilbert, David Cohn-Vossen, S.zip
       Geometry and the Imagination

    • Geometry and the ImaginationHilbert, David Cohn-Vossen, S..djvu
  • 4.16 MB
  • 2024-1-10
  • Deift Orthogonal Polynomials And Random Matrices A Riemann-Hilbert Approach (Nyu.zip
       Orthogonal Polynomials and Random Matrices

    • Deift Orthogonal Polynomials And Random Matrices A Riemann-Hilbert Approach (Nyu Lectures, Ams, 2000, 269S).djvu
  • 1.55 MB
  • 2024-1-9
  • Hilbert D. Theory of algebraic invariants (CUP, 1993)(K)(T)(ISBN 0521444578)(203s).zip
       Theory of Algebraic Invariants

    • Hilbert D. Theory of algebraic invariants (CUP, 1993)(K)(T)(ISBN 0521444578)(203s).djvu
  • 1.1 MB
  • 2023-5-20
  • Advanced Mathematical Analysis.rar
       Advanced Mathematical Analysis

    • Chapter 4 Hilbert Spaces and Fourier Series.pdf
    • Chapter 6 Complex Analysis.pdf
    • Chapter 7 The Laplace Transform.pdf
    • Chapter 1 Basic Concepts.pdf
    • Chapter 2 Continuous Functions.pdf
    • Chapter 3 Periodic Functions and Periodic Distributions.pdf
    • Chapter 5 Applications of Fourier Series.pdf
  • 2.46 MB
  • 2023-3-21
  • The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields-Hilbert.zip
       The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields-David Hilber

    • The Theory of Algebraic Number Fields-Hilbert..pdf
  • 11.43 MB
  • 2023-1-13
  • 量化策略资源.rar

    • Hilbert.zip
    • ATR指标.zip
    • BiasAverage.zip
    • BIAS原始.zip
    • Bolldisplace.zip
    • BollTrade.zip
    • BollTrading2.zip
    • BOLL择时.zip
    • Calendar Strategy .zip
    • Calendar Strategy Plus.zip
    • CCI择时.zip
    • Cups & Caps Overnight .zip
    • Cups & Caps Overnight Plus.zip
    • Cyber Cycle.zip
    • Donchian.zip
    • DUAL TRUST 非日内.txt
    • DUAL TRUST+资金管理.zip
    • DualThrust.zip
    • EMDT.zip
    • EMV择时.zip
    • Escalator Trading.zip
    • Fisherman .zip
    • Fisherman Plus.zip
    • FiveLine.zip
    • FourLine.zip
    • HansStrategy.zip
    • HHLL.zip
    • HPStrategy.zip
    • KDJ择时.zip
    • LLT.zip
    • MATrading.zip
    • MTM择时.zip
    • NEWS+SAR_原始.zip
    • PivotPoint.zip
    • Probabilistic Momentum +Fisherman Plus.zip
    • Probabilistic Momentum +Fisherman.zip
    • Probabilistic Momentum Plus.zip
    • Probabilistic Momentum.zip
    • Range Ratio Plus Trading.zip
    • Range Ratio Trading.zip
    • RangeBreak(加止损).txt
    • RangeBreak.zip
    • Rbreak.zip
    • RSI.zip
    • RSI择时.zip
    • SAR策略.zip
    • SixLine.zip
    • SMA-ADX系统(simple).zip
    • volbreak.zip
    • WMS择时.zip
    • WorldQuant 101 alpha_12.zip
    • wyxr.zip
    • 奔跑的小牛.txt
    • 波动率放大+均线突破+日历过滤.zip
    • 波动率放大+均线突破+日历过滤+滚动止损止盈.zip
    • 波动突破_原始.zip
    • 波动突破策略加止损.txt
    • 布林带突破+头寸管理.zip
    • 布林带突破策略.txt
    • 布林带突破策略2.zip
    • 布林通道+高低点.txt
    • 茶杯策略.zip
    • 超常交易机会.zip
    • 出现大阳线+均线突破+日历过滤.zip
    • 大阳线+日历过滤+滚动止盈止损.zip
    • 等分网格股票交易.zip
    • 等分网格股票交易2.zip
    • 底部钓鱼交易系统.zip
    • 底部放量择时策略.zip
    • 多均线+等权重的资金分配.zip
    • 多均线系统.txt
    • 多空博弈.zip
    • 多空博弈+滚动止盈止损.zip
    • 多空博弈增强版.txt
    • 多空博弈增强版+滚动止盈止损.zip
    • 鳄鱼交易法则.zip
    • 分市场状态的布林通道系统.zip
    • 高阶矩 布林带 止损.zip
    • 高抛低吸.zip
    • 股指期货即日交易模型(DTM).txt
    • 股指期货跨品种套利.txt
    • 海龟变形1.zip
    • 海龟策略.zip
    • 海龟改进2.zip
    • 海龟原型.zip
    • 横盘突破策略.zip
    • 机器学习系列之二.zip
    • 机器学习系列之三.zip
    • 机器学习系列之四.zip
    • 机器学习系列之一.zip
    • 基于均线和形态高低点.zip
    • 基于凯纳特通道的交易系统.txt
    • 极值点拐点策略.zip
    • 极值点拐点策略增强版.txt
    • 简单形态与技术指标.txt
    • 均价黄线.zip
    • 均线打分.zip
    • 均线拐头配合出场.zip
    • 均线通道+突破+加仓.zip
    • 均线突破策略.zip
    • 均线系统.zip
    • 均线选股策略.zip
    • 开盘价收盘价相对关系.txt
    • 开盘突破+加仓.zip
    • 克罗均线.zip
    • 量化交易38个经典文档.zip
    • 另类均线出场.zip
    • 情绪化指数交易.txt
    • 趋势修正预测资金流量+支持向量机.txt
    • 双均线SAR组合策略+止损.zip
    • 顺势加仓策略.zip
    • 顺势逆势交易系统.zip
    • 唐奇安通道与新资金配比.zip
    • 唐奇安通道与资金配比.txt
    • 突破系统.zip
    • 网格加仓法则.zip
    • 相对底部买入.zip
    • 小猫钓鱼.zip
    • 形态+技术指标+滚动式出场.txt
    • 一剑封喉.txt
    • 一剑封喉增强版.zip
    • 一目均线.txt
    • 以小博大_原始.zip
    • 以小博大策略(加止损).txt
    • 智能量化.zip
    • 资金流向.zip
    • 15分钟K线组合.txt
    • 75%规则套利.zip
    • Aberration.zip
    • AD+MA+止损.zip
    • Adapt Escalator trading.zip
    • Adaptive Probabilistic Momentum .zip
    • Adaptive Probabilistic Momentum Plus.zip
    • ADX爆发系统.zip
    • AMA.zip
    • ARBR择时.zip
    • Aroon2股票隔夜.zip
    • Aroon股票隔夜.zip
  • 30.62 MB
  • 2017-6-6
  • GTM-20.zip

    • 265 Schmudgen. Unbounded Self-adjoint Operators on Hilbert Space..pdf
    • 256 Kemper. A Course in Commutative Algebra..pdf
    • 257 Hartshorne. Deformation Theory..pdf
    • 258 Guler. Foundation of Optimization..pdf
    • 259 Einsiedler,Ward. Ergodic Theory:with a view towards Number Theory..pdf
    • 260 Herzog,Hibi. Monomial Ideals..pdf
    • 261 C?nlar. Probability and Stochastics..pdf
    • 262 Stroock. Essentials of Integration Theory for Analysis..pdf
    • 263 Zhu. Analysis on Fock Spaces..pdf
    • 264 Clarke. Functional Analysis, Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control..pdf
    • 266 Penot. Calculus Without Derivatives..pdf
    • 267 Hall. Quantum Theory for Mathematians. (1).pdf
    • 267 Hall. Quantum Theory for Mathematians..pdf
    • 268 Krantz. Geometric Analysis of the Bergman Kernel and Metric..pdf
    • 269 Osborne. Locally Convex Spaces..pdf
    • 269 Osborne. Locally Convex Spaces._已恢复.pdf
  • 49.29 MB
  • 2017-1-31
  • GTM-2.zip

    • 19 Halmos. A Hilbert Space Problem Book. 2nd ed.[希尔伯特问题集]∨.djvu
    • 14 Golubitsky,Guillemin. Stable Mappings and Their Singularities.[稳定映射及其奇点].djvu
    • 15 Berberian. Lectures in Functional Analysis and Operator Theory.[泛函和算子论讲义].djvu
    • 16 Winter. The Structure of Fields..djvu
    • 17 Rosenblatt. Random Processes. 2nd ed.[随机过程].djvu
    • 18 Halmos. Measure Theory..djvu
    • 18 测度论.pdf
    • 20 Husemoller. Fibre Bundles. 3rd ed..djvu
    • 21 Humphreys. Linear Algebraic Groups.[线性代数群].djvu
    • 22 Barnes,Mack. An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic.[数理逻辑代数导论].djvu
    • 23 Greub. Linear Algebra. 3rd ed.(4th ed.∨).djvu
    • 24 Holmes. Geometric Functional Analysis and Its Applications..djvu
    • 25 Hewitt,Stromberg. Real and Abstract Analysis..djvu
    • 26 Manes. Algebraic Theories..pdf
  • 58.76 MB
  • 2017-1-31
  • Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Probability and Statistics.zip

    • Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Probability and Statistics.pdf
  • 24.37 MB
  • 2016-8-5
  • 2004 Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Probability and Statistics.rar

    • 2004 Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Probability and Statistics.pdf
  • 24.3 MB
  • 2014-11-2
  • Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications.rar

    • Introduction to Hilbert Spaces with Applications.pdf
  • 30.22 MB
  • 2013-10-31
  • gtm237 Operators on the Hardy-Hilbert Space.rar

    • gtm237 Operators on the Hardy-Hilbert Space.djvu
  • 1.9 MB
  • 2010-7-17
  • gtm068 Linear operators in Hilbert spaces - Weidmann J..rar

    • gtm068 Linear operators in Hilbert spaces - Weidmann J. (Springer 1980)(ISBN 0387904271)(K)(T)(O)(600dpi)(415s)_MCf_.djvu
  • 3.23 MB
  • 2010-7-17
  • gtm019 A Hilbert Space Problem Book.rar

    • gtm019 A Hilbert Space Problem Book.djvu
  • 7.19 MB
  • 2010-7-17
  • 295925.pdf
       [下载]实分析经典Real Analysis: Measure Theory, Integration, and Hilbert Spaces

  • 2.86 MB
  • 2009-2-22
  • 294650.pdf
       [下载]Real Analysis: Measure Theory, Integration, and Hilbert Spaces

  • 2.27 MB
  • 2009-2-18
  • 192764.rar
       [下载]随机偏微分方程A Concise Course on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

    • Stochastic Integral in Hilbert Spaces.pdf
    • Stochastic Differential Equations in Finite Dimensions.pdf
    • Motivation, Aims and Examples.pdf
    • Front Matter.pdf
    • Back Matter.pdf
    • A Class of Stochastic Differential Equations.pdf
  • 2.21 MB
  • 2008-2-14
  • 44562.rar

    • hilbert几何基础.pdf
    • euclid几何原本.pdf
  • 18.17 MB
  • 2006-3-20
  • 28566.rar
       [下载]学好金融需要学好数学:hilbert space和点集拓扑讲义

    • 点集拓扑讲义.pdf
  • 3.89 MB
  • 2005-9-27
  • 28565.rar
       [下载]学好金融需要学好数学:hilbert space和点集拓扑讲义

    • Hilbert Spaces.pdf
  • 563.92 KB
  • 2005-9-27